PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1952 SOVIET LITERATURE: Red Writers Still Searching For Ideal Corn (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third in a series of interpretive articles dealing with So- viet culture and extent of state control over the endeavors of Soviet artists, writers, musi- cians, scientists and educators. Today: Soviet literature.) By PIERRE SPENCER SINCE THE break with the Allies in 1946, Russian literature has expanded one theme and reversed another; first, Russian nationalism has been developed to the ex- treme, and second, what is non-Soviet has been blackened. Soviet literature has in the first case tried to portray "typical" So- viet life and work, and this includes the life and work in the outlying parts of Rus- sia which gives sort of an "e pluribus unum" ring to the idea. The second trend is a loathing beyond all common sense of west- ern "bourgeois art" which is incorporated into any "'good" book along with the first thesis. Ever since the 1840's Russian literature has tried to produce a "positive hero - someone who would act instead of just talking about it, but Turgenev, Dostoievsky and even Leo Tolstoy failed to write this gharacter. And before the revolution he didn't exist. Now what of Soviet literature? It weather- ed a siege of confusion until 1932, then set- tied into a period of comparative stability until World War II when like all litera- tures it waved the banner of patriotism. After the war and its stimulus, the Soviets renewed their demand for a positive hero, and where is he? Andrei Zhdanov, govern- ment watchdog of literature, outlined him briefly in 1934: "In our country the main heroes of works of literature are builders of a new life-working men and women, col- lective farmers, Communist party members, business managers, engineers, managers of the Young Communist League, pioneers." This was in 1934, and ever since then there has been a snobbish pride that the heroes of literature were "toilers" almost entirely. Since the war there is a positive hero in almost every acceptable Russian book. He is usually strong, forty-ish, and a Co- munist party member. If he has any faults or doubts, they are personal and trivial things. His judgement is perfect, and he inspires men to work by his own super-human energy. He is a serious Dick Tracy, Brick Bradford and Joe Palooka rolled into one, and as the Russian scho- lar Ernest Simmons wrote in The Nation: "Today the positive hero of fiction is near- ly always a Communist, cast in the father- image of Stalin." This last is almost too much to believe, but of the few Soviet books and stories that I have read I find it largely true. But there are exceptions; it can probably be said that the best work of the Soviet nov- elists is Sholokov's "The Silent Don." It is a full book with exciting, real characters and a wonderful, sometimes wistful picture of Cossack life and times around the civil war, but at the end the hero more or less me- chanically changes from the Whites to the Reds and seems to accept the Communist order. So even Sholokov, who has been hail- ed as a latter day Tolstoy, has buckled o1 the party shoes. THERE ARE other cases where Soviet au- thors get away unwittingly from black and white characterization. Vera Dunham, a professor at Wayne University, said in ef- fect in an article, "The Villain in Soviet Literature" that the "official" villain should serve to point the phrase "Next to a good example a bad example is the best thing." "However, she points out that the vil- lain is often treated at a distance by the author, and yet in spite of the author's Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writer only. This must be noted in all reprints. NIGHT EDITOR: DIANE DECKER munist 'Hero' attempts to be very disinterested in him, the villain pops out with phrases that are all too human-usually in disgust at an overdose of ideology or self-righteousness on the part of the hero who is trying to reform him in wooden, memorized phrases which would produce disgust in anyone with some feeling. The villain, says Pro- fessor Dunham, "stems from Soviet re- ality, which is very complex, whereas the positive hero is to a large extent a sim- plified educational project." The good people are portrayed as self- less, generous, terribly hard-working people. That is fair enough, but in return for this selflessness, etcetera, the most common, sel- fish, creature comforts are their re- ward. This, new and ever-increasing em- phasis on materialism seems a paradox in contrast to the ideal of selflessness. There is little study of the inner com- plexities, regrets, and frustrations of the individual. Sentiment and weakness have no place; everything is in "steely eyes and strong backs" as Gleb Struve said in his history of Soviet literature. To live a per- sonal life without prime consideration for the people is as much an absurdity in a Russian hero as in Hopalong Cassidy. Here I am equating Hoppy or Joe Pa- looka to Russian literature, but it is with a definite purpose in mind. In the United States book sales are often very low un- less you happen to be a Mickey Spillane. or the author of a Naked and the Dead where success depends on sensationalism or smut. The sale of periodicals like Mc- Call's, Woman's Home Companion, and the ever-present Reader's Digest are ris- ing every year. The reason is pretty ob- vious: where a book by William Faulkner or a short story by Eudora Welty requires a little thought, a story in The Saturday Evening Post or in Collier's asks only an exclamation of "Gee, that's right" or "Oh boy, I wisht I had adventures like that." In the Soviet Union, the "Gee, that's right" school is over-shadowed by the "Oh boy, I wisht I had adventures like that" school, but with a difference. The stories of the latter school are about factory and col- lective workers. Their "adventures" are a narrative of their work, made exciting by the gay, fantastically healthy and energetic way in which they attack it. ** * RUSSIAN LITERARY periodicals are al- ways sellouts, and they often carry novels, later published as books which are also sellouts, often to the tune of a million copies. The Russians have a product and they know how to sell it. Don't make the people think about the product; make them feel that it's theirs for the taking. The "ad- ventures" in a novel are not distant, im- possible things to dream about. They seem to be within the grasp of the worker, who will bend just a little more effort on his work, who will transfer the "adventure" on the written page to his everyday life. There are exceptions like the two Stalin Prize winning novels of Vera Panova which are not virulently connected with ideology or a complete whitewash of the "good" characters. Both are concerned with peo- ple as people, not as happy machines. But their frequency is demonstrated by one Soviet critic who said in confusion "One cannot tell which character is positive and which is negative . . . . I find it in- teresting to meet such imperfect people who change and towards whom my atti- tude changes." Stalin said when he was addressing the newly formed Writers Union, "Writers are engineers of the soul," and that is indeed what Soviet writers try to be on the whole. In the future they may become mere pro- pagandists, but that is unlikely because there is constant agitation for greater lit- erature. They may become great artists, but that is unlikely because of the con- stant restriction. They will probably remain in a constant state of flux, changing often, but remaining faithful to Stalin's definition. Pointed Pen By HARLAND BRITZ Daily Associate Editor A TRIP TO Northwestern last weekend was like a Russian trip beyond the iron cur- tain-at least as far as flash card sections are concerned. Open-mouthed Michiganders gazed with awe as a neatly drilled group of Northwestern students depicted everything from "Hello Mich" to a moving rocking chair, and all in several colors. The contrast between our own flash card section and the Evanston variety was sharp, and too many thought, provoking. Those thousands of University seniors who saw the choicest seats in the stadium gob- bled up for the Block 'M' section by as- sorted underclassmen must have done some thinking when they saw or heard about the NU spectacle. When the flash card idea was sprung on the campus, there were those who grumbled, but most of us felt that the sacrifice was worth while, so long as Michigan could keep pace with other top-grade schools that have successfully put on this type of entertain- ment. But the disillusionment came fast. First; we learned that there were to be no prac- tice sessions. Then we learned that the shows would only be put on at three games, not six. Then came the show at the Michi- gan State game. A shaky block M was about all the section could muster, and this with a maximum of fuss and a minimum of beauty. Now that we've seen how it's done in the Big Leagues, we ought to demand more from our own crew. We'll be looking for results at tomorrow's game, while nearly one hundred thousand fans crowd into the stadium. Northwestern showed us that it can be done, even if their flash card section gets 20 yard line seats. Those seniors who don't have as good seats as they would like will be watching. And we all will be thinking of next fall. DREW PEARSON: Washington Merry-Go-Round WASHINGTON-It is an axiom of mili- tary strategy that the best defense is to attack. But in political strategy it looks as if the best defense against income tax in- vestigation is to charge that the Govern- ment is full of Communists. If you repeat that charge often enough and shout it loud enough, you can get away with all sorts of things as far as your personal taxes are concerned-or at least that seems to be the experience of Wisconsin's Senator Joe McCarthy. This may be because Government offi- cials know that they raise the cry of "mar- tyr" and "revenge" if they prosecute a cri- tic who has attacked them. It is a safe statement that the average newspaperman who kept financial records the way McCarthy does, and juggled his fi- nances the way he does, would have landed in the jug some time ago. However, it is a known though never officially admitted fact that Senators and members of the House of Representatives never have their tax re- turns too carefully scrutinized. This is the unwritten rule of the Bureau of Internal Revenue. The fact that McCarthy merits investi- gation and scrutiny, however, is indicated by the amazing fact that during the past six and a half years the Senator from Wis- consin deposited $24,185.44 to his bank ac- counts. McCARTHY'S CASH THE AVERAGE citizen does not deal in y large amounts of cash. Cash is the me- dium of the underworld, where pay-offs and, protection money must be concealed. How- ever, here is the record of the cash deposited by a member of the distinguished United States Senate. the most important delibera- tive body in the world: . "e. - - . enr to the Cdor W ho's a Captive? . . . To the Editor: TUESDAY'S editorial page pro- vided an interesting contrast in political opinion. Mr. Alan Luckoff wrote an article calculated to show that Ike will "not stand up for his principles when practical politics is in question," while Mssrs. Joseph and Stewart Alsop proceeded to point out in a syndicated, national piece just below this that both Ike and Adlai have compromised. Now I have more faith in the Alsop brothers and their record than I have in Mr. Luckoff but let's pro- ceed to examine the charges con- tained in the first column. Gov. Stevenson didbnot knuckle under to Southerners by soft-soap- ing the civil rights issue. I may point out that his position was hardly a calculated risk at this stage of the game. The state offi- cials down South have largely de- serted him already and the Con- gressmen will never desert him be- cause of the power they have held and will hold in a Democrat con- gress. Let him howl to high heaven, for the benefit of Northern Ne- groes, "liberals," etc., about civil rights. These Southern gentlemen will still be the chairmen of the Congressional committees if Adlai wins, and as Woodrow Wilson re- marked, "this nation is run by the chairmen of Congressional com- mittees." I may point out that Ike reiterated his determination to work for the equality of all people on his southern tour-it was one of his less enthusiastically received statements. But what did the Gov- ernor say about tidelands in Texas? Very little. This time the theme was the old bogey of de- pression, in spite of Adlai's earlier intentions. Gov. Stevenson's abandonment of a high level campaign to join President Truman in the lower re- gions definitely indicates affinity, if not captivity, of the candidate. But of course, I forget, they are only pouring it on. And as with the ditty, "don't let them take it away, "what, Sir Soothsayer, is IT? -Patrick McCormick The 'Other Party' .. . To the Editor: JUST WHAT is the appeal that the "Other Party" seems to have for poor, disillusioned Democrats in this election year? On this campus, Bernie Back- haut, formerly an ardent worker for the Young Democrats, seems to have slipped over into the fold of the Republicans. Reason-the fail- ure of the Young Democrats to ratify the party program as ex- pressed at the convention, and as modified by the State's Rights line of the South, and the subsequent adoption of the party program as interpreted by the presidential candidate, Adlal Stevenson. On the national level, witness the endorsement of the Republican candidate by Governors Shivers of Texas, and Byrnes of South Caro- lina. These are the same men who: 1) Claim that the Tidelands oil- lands belong to the states in the face of a Supreme Court decision to the contrary, and 2) States that he (Byrnes) is so adamant as re- gards State's Rights that he is willing to close the public schools system of his state if it is deter- mined by the Supreme Court that the state has not the right to seg- regate white and negro students within that school system. A reading of our National Con- stitution discloses the following information: 1) That the Federal Government derived its powers from the people, and not from the states (as was specifically set out in the Articles of Confederacy), 2) The Judicial power of the Unit- ed States is vested in the Supreme Court, and not in the respective governors of the states. In my opinion, the Constitution which has lasted us for almost two hundred years is pretty fair. I feel, therefore, that if the Republicans, in their 1952 platform, are advo- cating a mass overhaul of this doc- ument, and consequently in our form of government, they are merely supplying free advertising for the Democratic Party. -Hubert J. Brandt, '53L SQ Cookies... To the Editor: A RATHER odd thing happened Sunday nignt in the South Quad dining halls-it seems as though the dietitians took the li- berty of throwing away about a barrel of perfectly good cookies. Persons going through the cafe- teria line were forbidden to take more than two of these same cookies. Seems silly, some may say, to grieve the loss of a few cookies, but it also seems silly not to have placed them on the coun- ter with a sign-"Take all you want." Didn't dorm rates go up this year? -Neil Letts * * * "Who Cares About Oil?" .r ' '.... , } ' t. , - , -.. z f . MO AD ~ 3 _ , -. - ,. Y . . _ . a , ,.:. . _- : , ' t . i 1 i ;. . " .' > .y' , ,: .._ . '. ® 9.f s T'NE v~htNlraiteN Pb'i't''U' Rush Holt, McCarthy, Revercomb, Jenner, Malone, Etc. Eisenhower's enthusiasm in clasping to his bo- som this sordid crew has even con- vinced the Dixiecrats that his feel- ings are quite safe, and he has the dubious distinction of winning the support of Byrnes, Shivers, Ken- non, and their ilk. And Col. Mc- Cormick, Gen. MacArthur, and Gerald L. K. Smith are reportedly rapidly developing an appreciation of what the General really stands for. Mr. Lunn's false accusation is a move his head from the ground and read it. On FEPC: As a member of the Senate Labor Committee in 1952 he and Taft filed a minority re- port which opposed the establish- ment of a Fair Employment Prac- tices Commission. Nixon voted for the McCarran Act, voted against amendments to it, and helped override the Presi- dential veto. This law has been described by Senator Lehman as "a bill specifically designed to cre- ate a second class group of citi- I Dance will measure up successful- ly to those of past years. Its suc- cess, however, is solely dependent on the support of the student body. For this support I can only ask. Hope to see you November 1 at Autumn Nocturne. -Bob Steinberg Chairman, SL Annual Fall Dance Adai 'ii Karl Club*... To the Editor: [ AGREE with Mr. Sterling Sa- der's views expressed in his let- ter to the Daily ofnOctober 19, but I am afraid I can only agree with the last sentence. Adam Smith was a pioneer in the devel- opment of economic science and I have every admiration for him. To understand the present economical and political problems of the world we have to study it from a histori- cal basis (how the economic and political doctrines developed and some of the important landmarks and great thinkers.) In the latter category we cannot ignore Adam Smith or Karl Marx, though we may not agree with any of their ideas. We students must try to know their views but form our own judgments. The former is no less important than the latter for the solution of our present day problems. To form individual judg- ments after full knowledge and in- dependent thinking is to my mind the essence of Democracy. Mr. Sader has overemphasized the financial aspect of an educa- tional institution and their associ- ations. We students should be more concerned with the best possible educational facilities. Their fi- nance is mainly the concern of educational authorities. The Karl Marx Society accord- ing to its constitution is a study group and a non-political organ- ization. Persons like Mr. Sader are welcome in the Society meeting to express their views in an academic manner and without any political bias. I hope after one visit Mr. Sader will recover from his shock. -Tom J. Boden * * ** New Zealand .. . To the Editor: FEW WILL quarrel with L. V. Naidoo's opinions on Malan and fascism in South Africa. But when he speaks-quite irrele- vantly-of discrimination in New Zealand he is witness to his own abysmal ignorance. As a New Zea- lander, I would challenge L. V. Naidoo to give me any example of discriminatory policy practised to- day against the Maoris. I venture to suggest he could not. New Zealand has been a modest pioneer in many fields, one of them racial relationships-and not all the emotive nonsense penned by L. V. Naidoo can alter the fact. (New Zealanders, incidentally, are bitterly opposed to South Africa's policies of intolerance.) As for Australia, I cannot speak with anything like L. V. Naidoo's au- thority, as he apparently has much closer experience of Australia than I have; but as far as I know, the Australian aborigine has proved so little amenable to civilizing in- fluences and efforts that he has been allowed to remain in his na- tive areas. Perhaps if L. V. Naidoo were to get in touch with me and have a talk about this question (or even read some impartial text- books for a change), he would more nearly approach the truth about racial relationships in New Zealand. -Gordon Gapper, Grad. .I I I good example of the old trick of zens by holding the fear of de- accusing your opponent of one's naturalization over the heads of own principle defects of character. hundreds of thousands of natur- This is one of the varieties of the alized citizens." "big lie" technique. For certainly Public Housing: In 1952 Con- the techniques of false accusation gress agreed to have 50,000 public and calculated smear have of late housing units built in 1952, out of been developed to a new perfection a total of 135,000 to be built even- by the party of Nixon, McCarthy, tually. Nixon was one of those in Jenner, Mundt, et al. the senate fight to have the num- However, as the campaign pro- ber decreased from 50,000 to 5,000. gresses, there appears to be little Public Health: Nixon voted else the Republicans can do. For against the 5-year emergency pro- they started out with a candidate gram of assistance to medical, who was never falsely accused of dental and nursing schools and being profound, who himself ad- against federal health insurance. mitted his abysmal ignorance on Cost of Living: Nixon voted basic issues, but who it was said against meat controls and other had integrity, leadership, and legislation designed to prevent ex- would lead us on a great "cru- cessive rises in the cost of living. sade." Yet two weeks before the Tax Program: Besides fighting election we find him led like a lit- against price controls, Nixon led tle boy by Taft; the integrity myth the fight against plugging up tax has been dissipated as he has sac- loopholes. rificed all principles for political Korea: Nixon helped gum up expediency as he talks out of a two opportunities to end the Kor- different corner of his many-sided can War. First when the UN troops mouth in every state; and the crossed the 38th parallel for the morality of his "crusade" has been first time, and second, when India demonstrated by his endorsement won acceptance by the Chinese of of the Millionaires-Keep-Nixon- a resolution passed by the UN Fund. which would have established a -Neil J. Weller cease-fire with subsequent negoti- ation of all problems. Nixon and Lecture Committee other members of the China Lob- by wanted no action which would To the Editor: have given recognition to the Chi- iN SPEAKING at housing groups nese Reds. Along with Taft, Mc- on campus, to explain to the Carthy, Knowland, and MacAr- students the functions and activi- thur, Nixon supports the corrupt ties of their legislature, I have met government of Chiang Kai-shek with much criticism of SL for their with the idea in mind of using his recent delay of action on the Lec- forces to fight Red China. ture Committee speakers' ban. So we see that Poor Richard Shoulders were shrugged and apa- goes down the line on all the re- thy was registered that SL was actionary policies of the GOP Old mererly talking, and had little in- Guard. tention of acting. -Shirley Danielson, '54 At last Wednesday's meeting I voted to delay the submission of a brief to the Regents for one month, SL Dance . . . and to estabish a committee to re- 4 1 C URRENT__moVIES__ 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1 WO ......... ....... . . s......e. ... .... es . e...... .. .....a.... . $2,640 $2,778 81,778 $5.346 94 068. $1,709 $6,185 amount examine our, case. Let me explain To the Eaitor: my reasons to those who disagree. IN A RECENT iss' Student Legislature received a se- there was anf ue of the Daily explanation of Architecture Auditorium SPECTER OF THE ROSE, with Judith An- derson. THIS PICTURE is an excellent example of of what American film-makers can do with a fantasy if they don't ,try to make it lavish. For "Specter of the Rose" is a fan- tasy, and can only be appreciated at that level. The characters are not real people, nor were they intended to be; they are exaggerations, almost caricatures, of human traits and behavior. Since they are artists, they attempt to emphasize characteristical- ly artistic mannerisms. Judith Anderson, portraying a once-great ballerina sunken into the glories of her past, stands out for her almost surrealistic per- formance. She is regal, fluttery, and more than a little neurotic, and yet seems to move in a sphere somewhere above the action. Her final lines-the last of the picture- form the central theme of the story: an artist must remain at his best at all times; for the performers, art and life are insep- -a r l Michael Chekhov, a slightly crooked and procrastinating ballet impresario, is the most extreme character. He is surely a carica- ture, and appearing as he does among more nebulous personalities he seems at times to be a misfit. Ivan Kirov and Viola Essen, the principle dancers of the "Specter of the Rose" ballet, are childlike and simple, and do not attempt anything beyond their acting abilities. They both speak haltingly and rather unsurely, but are justified in the adolescent, unsteady roles they enact. With a ballet picture the natural ques- tion would be: how does it compare with "The Red Shoes"? Since it is more fan- tastic and does not try to capture the eality which the British picture attempts, "Specter of the Rose" is more genuine and and uncompromising. And since it is in black-and-white, it escapes the obligation of technicolor movies to be as spectacular as possible. It seems to achieve a higher ar- tistic level, if only for these two points, IV I .. ... . .. .. . .. . .. .. 1952 up until June 30 ... 6ven more amazing is the of money received by the Senator from Wis- consin from unidentified sources. Deposits turned up in the Senator's accounts with no record by the bank or brokerage firm as to where they came from. For this and other reasons, McCarthy was able to parlay $70,490 of income during elev- en years (1935 through 1945) up to stocks that cost him $180,000. McCarthy did this long before he began his Communist campaign. But since he took up the Communist issue he has continued to gamble on the stock and commodity mar- ket. And though the public generally has the impression of a man dedicated to the cause of ridding the world of Communism, the Senator's bank accounts indicate that he is chiefly out to make something for Mc- Carthy. Public office seems to agree with Mc- Carthy financially. For after he got into public office he really began to make money. In 1935 he earned only $777.81. vere slap when its Bias Clause Bill was vetoed. The Lecture Commit- tee Bill, similar to the Bias stand, is a significant issue of policy. Rather than receive a second "no," because we were not as fully pre- pared as possible, I believed we should pause for a moment and check ourselves. In action of such consequence, chances must not be taken. I did not, in pausing, de- clare myself opposed to the Spring student-opinion-poll that voted 2 to 1 against the speakers' ban. On the contrary, I hoped to better in- sure the carrying-out of that ex- pressed opinion, by thinking before rushing headlong into action. I be- lieve I may here take the liberty of speaking for the other legis- lators who so voted. The Student Legislators are try- ing to carry out their responsibili- ties to the expressed will of the students. -Steve Jelin, SL 'Nix on Nixon' . . the change in date of this year's Homecoming Dance from October 25 to Novemeber 1. I should like to explain further the reason for this change. It was an attempt on the part of the Student Legislature to present the students with the cali- ber of entertainment to which they are accustomed. It was not a step toward the abolishment of tradition as has been quoted of many students, but instead it was designed to offer an enjoyable evening of dancing entertainment with the best orchestra available at this time. The Student Legislature was faced with two alternatives con- cerning this dance. That of hir- ing a local band from Detroit and using a "name" vocalist with them or that of postponing the dance one week in order to secure one of the top bands in the country, namely Tommy Dorsey. They chose the second alternative with the hope that the students would realize and understand their po- sition. Sixty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Crawford Young... ..Managing Editor Cal Samra..........Editorial Director Zander Hollander...Feature Editor Sid Klaus.......Associate City Editor Harland Britz.......Associate Editor Donna Hendleman ....Associate Editor Ed Whipple.....,......Sports Editor John Jenks.....Associate Sports Editor Dick Sewel.... Associate Sports Editor Lorraine Butler........ Women's Editor Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. women's Editor Business Staff Al Green...........Business Manager Milt Goetz.......Advertising Manager Diane Johnston ..Assoc. Business Mgr. Judy Loehnberg..... Finance Manager Tom Treeger.......Circulation Manager