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September 17, 1952 - Image 29

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Michigan Daily, 1952-09-17

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SEPTEMBER 17, 1952



___ urn

*udents Aid
i Counseling
t Dorms

Advising,, Listening
Experts Available
Throughout Year
When each freshman first comes
mnto her dormitory she will meet
a graduate student whose particu-
lar interest is in helping her to
adjust to the many aspects of col-
lege life which are new to her.
* * *
THIS STUDENT is a resident
counselor, and she will be avail-
able throughout the year when
advice and help or just a friendly
listener is needed. Counselors are
members of the personnel staff of
the residence halls.
Counselors do not attempt to
solve all problems brought to
them, but they do know where
to refer students for advice they
are unable to give.
These sources of reference in-
l!ude academic counselors and the
eIalth Service, as well as voca-
tionxl counselors.
der tie supervision of the resident
director of her dormitory as an
assistont to the house director.
Their duties vary comewhat
in -each house, although their
main job is to help students
with personal problems, both so
cial and academic.
Counselors provide a personal
link for the student with the fac-
ulty, the dormitory staff and the
administration. Since they are all
recent college graduates they are
better able to understand coed
ONE COUNSELOR said she be-
leived that factual questions about
the campus such' as. "How do I
find the gymnasium?" are the
M most numerous kind of problems
during the first part of the year.
As the students become ac-
quainted with the campus, ques-
tions about scholastic problems
take over as the leading cate-
Chosen on the basis of their
academic standing and interest in
and understanding of women's life
on campus, many counselors plan
to go into personnel work-. They
gain valuable experience in their
counseling jobs.
The Dean of Women's Office se-
lects counselors from a wide vari-
ety of academic fields.
An in-service training program
which the Dean of Women's Office
conducts for all women's residence
staff members is also offered to
the counselors.
Stadium Wear
The Saturday afternoon football
games will begin the social calen-
dar of the year, and proper sta-
dium apparel will be the first ma-
jor fashion concern of the enter-
ing coed.
Cottons, shirts and blouses are
good for the first few games but
as cold weather approaches, heavy
woolens, stadium boots, warm ski
togs and colorful blankets become
Sport Wear
Blue jeans have proved to be es-
sential for the many picnics which
take place in the fall and spring.
Other sports wear is needed too.
Skiing, tennis and golf are impor-
tant outdoor events and the IM
Building provides y e a r round
swimming and indoor sports.
Shorts and tee shirts or jeans are
appropriate for these events.

Posts Gained
By Petitioning
Committees Choose
New Office Holders
A question that nany future
coeds of the University often ask
about is just how they can find
their way into some of the many
actwvities on campus.
Most of the major women' ;posi-
tions such as chairmen of dances,
League, WAA, Panhellenic and As-
semtly posts are filled by a system
known as interviewing and nomi-
like to apply for a job in a campus
act vity, she first fills out a peti-
She then is interviewed by a
panel of coeds who give her an op-
portunity to elaborate on her ideas
in greater detail. The interview-
ing committee then evaluates the
girl on the basis of her ideas and
past record.
* * *
of each coed's activities during her
stay at the University. These re-
cords are used as references by
employers and honor societies.
It is the duty of the activities
chairman in the dormitories to
keep the coeds in her house in-
formed as to when petitions are
due at the League.
All the positions for the coming
year are announced at Installation
Night. At this time coeds gather
together in Hill Auditoriumn to
hear the announcements and to
congratulate their friends.

EXAMINATIONS will play an
important part in college life and
the coed should remember that
feverish cramming just before an
exam cannot replace consistent
work during the semester.
It is a good idea to begin re-
view a week or two ahead of the
exam and go over each part
thoroughly. In that way there
will have nothing to fear when
the exam comes.
Since studying is the prime ac-
tivity of most of the students, the
University has many facilities for
Most of the houses provide study
rooms where the coeds can study
quietly without distraction.
For those students who prefer
to study at the library, there are
several reading rooms and a study
hall in the General Library, and
a study hall in Angell Hall.
Students may also make use, of
the modern Business Administra-
tion Library and the League Li-

(Continued from Page 6)

.., .

HATCHER TEAS-President and Mrs. Harlan 11. hatcher greet students at one of the many teas
ar. Hostesses conduct students around the newly which they hold for students throughout the ye
redecorated house and make introductions. Special campus groups such as the dormitories, fra-
ternities and sororities are honored at each tea. The hostesses work under the guidance of the
League Social Committee which sponsors the teas.


SOPH CAB-Scenes like the above are familiar when classes get
together for their annual rodtetions. The above is a scene from
Soph Cab, the sophomore show featuring a carnival atmosphere
and a complete show that the sophomores work. long and hard

Eighteen University Sororities
Inaugurate New Rushing Plan

S, _.

Among the many questions
freshmen women usually ask are
a large number concerning sorori-
ties on the University campus.
The common queries range from
"What do sororities do?" to "How
do I go about joining one?"
The eighteen sorority houses on
campus are restricted to 60 mem-
bers each and each year approxi-
mately 300 women are pledged.
There is no limitation as to the
class that a woman must be in
to rush; many rush when they are
freshmen while others wait until
they are in a later class.
In the past sorority women con-
tinued living in their dormitories
or other residences while they
were pledges. The following se-
mester they moved into their re-
spective houses located in vari-
ous sections of Ann Arbor near
the campus.
This year, however, a new rush-
ing system will be in practice'
whereby sororities will rush wo-
men the first wgeek of school.
Therefore, pledges will become ac-
tive members at the beginning of
the second semester but will still
live in their dorms until the end
of the school year.
Sororities on the Michigan cam-
pus are Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha
Delta Pi, Alpha Epsilon Phi, Alpha
Gamma Delta, Alpha Omicron Pi,
Alpha Phi andnAlphaXi Delta.
The list continues with Chi
Omega, Collegiate Sorosis, Delta
Delta Delta, Delta Gamma, Delta
Zeta, Gamma Phi Beta, Kappa
Alpha Theta, Kappa Delta, Kappa
Kappa Gamma, Pi Beta Phi, and
Sigma Delta Tau.
* * *
For many freshmen and upper-
class women, the rush period,
sponsored by Panhellenic and all

sororities on campus is one of the
outstanding events of the school
This year presents a complete
change in Michigan's rushing sys-
* * *
FORMERLY the University used
a deferred system of rushing
whereby the rush period was held
at the beginning of the second
This year, however, the only
sprority rushing period will
start on September 20 and last
approximately two weeks.
The first few days of rushing is
filled with informal mixers dur-
ing Which rushees will visit each
The mass meeting for pros-
pective freshman rushees will
be held from 1:30 to 3 p.m.
Thursday, September 19 in Lyd-
la Mendellssohn Theater.
Upperelass women expecting
to rush will meet from 7 to 9
p.m. Thursday, September 19 in
the League Ballroom.
house on campus. Groups of rush-
ees will attend the various houses
with asigned rushing counselors.
AFTER THIS first round of
parties the rushee will be on her
own to attend all sorts of gay
parties at the sorority houses in
which she is most interested.
This year, informality will be
the keynote of the various rush-
ing parties. Informal dress will
grace all sorts of parties in-
cluding several box lunch get-
One of the outstanding features
of the rush period on the Michi-
gan campus is the counselor sys-
tem. This year there will be 18
counselors chosen from the vari-
ous houses to aid in any way pos-
sible those who are rushing. They
are impartial counselors who have

been disaffiliated from their sor-
orities throughout the rush per-
iod, and are in no way included in
the activities of their respective
* * *
THESE counselors are carefully
trained to answer questions con-
cerning rush procedure and are
eager to help those who have any
problems about the various sorori-
ties or rushing in general.
A three-point honor system is
enforced during the rush period
and is very important in mak-
ing the rush period one of fair-
These rules and the entire pro-
cedure and schedule for the rush-
ing period for the coming year will
be announced at a mass meeting
of prospective rushees during Ori-
entation Week. A rushing infor-
mation booth will be set up also
during Orientation Week.
The Panhellenic Board wishes
to stress to incoming freshmen
that the rushing period is an ex-
cellent time to meet new friends
and see the sorority houses on
Rain Wear
Since Ann Arbor has the repu-
tation of having an exceeding
amount of precipitation, coeds will
find that one of the most import-
ant items in her warbrode will be
her raincoat.
Red and yellow heavy plastic
coats with caps have been chosen
by women for the past two years.
Gabardine coats in solid colors
and plaids are the choice of the
practical coed for rain or shine.
The transparent plastic rain-
coats which can be folded and car-
ied with one's books are also worn.

Women Need
In Wardrobe
Just as one's college life is di-
vided between the intellectual and
social aspects, wardrobes must be
planned to conform to this dual
Informal~ but neat attire is
stressed in classroom wear. A few
cottons are worn while the weath-
er remains warm in the fall. Light
weight skirts, blouses and dresses
appear in the spring also.
* * *
THE IMPORTANT fact to con-
sider in purchasing college wear
is to choose styles and materials
which are easily laundered.
Cashmeres, nylon and wool
sweaters with bright skirts are
winter faorites. Turtle neck
styles, long and short sleeve
cardigans and pullovers are all
Multi-colored blouses are worn.
The long sleeved white blouse
worn with a jerkin or a neck scarf,
has appeared the last few years.
Jumpers and wool dresses are also
Most of the dances on campus
call for informal but "dressy"
dresses. Satin, silk, velvet, taffeta
and woolare all popular. Heels are
usually worn, but low heels and
ballerinas are also seen.
* *
STRAPLESS full length and
ballerina styles are most popular.
for formal wear. Designs vary
from full bouffant styles with
bustles to princess lined dresses.
Formal materials range f r o m
heavy brocades to light net and
For movie dates and campus
events such as concerts and
plays, suits are the most desir-
able. Tailored dresses and either
high or low heeled dress shoes
are appropriate.
Hats are worn only on very for-
mal occasions and to church.
The coed with lots of long and
dangling jewelry will be one of
the most popular in her dorm.
Costume parties are often featur-
ed throughout the year and gaudy
jewelry aften proves useful in as-
sembling an appropriate costume.
Read and Use
Daily Classifieds

Yes, the BUSINESS STAFF of The Michiigan Daily is hunting for ambitious
students who are interested in practical experience in Accounting, Adver.
tising, Psychology, Promotional Work (circulation, advertising, etc.) News.
paper Layout, and just plain general know-how about the most stimulating
student-activity on camnpus. The varied Departments within the Staff offer
a wide field of possibilities for any and all students, freshmen through seniors.
No previous experience is necessary.
Advancement to paid positions is proportional to the energy expended
and the interest shown. Thus the two-fold advantage 6f prestige acquisition
and monetary renumeration are offered simultaneously to ALL \who apply!
Be sure to
jjust after semester begins)

. ; .,






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