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Ci r
Latest Deadline in the State
:43 a t i4p
VOL. LXI, No. 28
Pride Cited
As Great Sin
EDITOR'S NOTE: In conjunction with the University's lecture series,
"This I Believe," The Daily will present statements of belief by well-known
campus personalities.
The series is designed to view today's crucial issues with men and wom-
en whose activity in facing them is a challenge to thought and action.)
Dean of Women
I believe the Greeks were right in saying the unpardonable sin
is "hybris"-man's excessive pride in his abilities and strength.
I believe this century is prone to that sin. The expansion of
scientific knowledge and the enormous power resulting from its appli-
cation make us drunk with imminent self-deification.
I believe college students are particularly vulnerable to the
half-truth-"knowledge is power." Many are so consumed by
the urge to acquire power through knowledge that they omit the
corollary questions, "Knowledge of what?," "Power to do what
for what goals?"
I believe the axioms "God is love" and "the soul of man is im-
mortal" are of crucial importance to everyone. The first affirms that
there is an ultimate whence and whither and that this source and
goal is not only spiritual, but benevolent. The second includes each
individual actively within that spiritual totality. It affirms there are
things other and greater than being alive. "What would I give my
life for?" Is there any thing or concept more valuable for oneself
or for others than living and keeping busy? If not, the process of
being alive has become the greatest value. Belief in the immortality
of the soul completely changes one's "frame of reference" for values.
I believe that western democracy is the still clumsily evolving
attempt to translate these axioms (and the Christian religion built
upon them) into political and, today, into economic terms.
I believe that scientific methodology is invalid as basic proof
of the existence or values of art, human emotions, or religion.
The human systems of numerical measurement and of logic can-
not assume final authority in such areas. If totality is love, it
includes the human power of reason; there is no basis for -think-
ing that such a totality should be bounded by human reason.
I believe in the inescapable responsibility of the individual con-
tinually to exercise free moral choice. I have little sympathy for
those who complain they lack 100% freedom of will or choice. I know
I am often afraid, or unwilling, or too lazy to exercise that percentage
of moral choice I do control.
I believe that sin is the choice, by any person, of what he
knows to be the lesser good.
I have worked for twenty-five years in hospitals, ghettoes, prisons,
insane asylums, tent-hospitals during World War II across France
and Germany; among Alaskan Indians, Kentucky mountaineers, the
Bowery, and the wreckage in Germ-= prison-camps; I have studied
in several universities both here and abroad. Mostly alone but at
one time with guidance, I have travelled rather widely within myself.
I am familiar with death, with the medical application of science,
with many forms of social welfare. And I have seen and done and
read nothing in science or the humanities leading me to expect that
man can lift himself up by the bootstraps of his intellect and of his
will-power, alone. Everything that I have done, seen and learned
strengthens my now earnest belief that God is love and that the
soul is immortal.
Three more houses were add-
ed to the list of groups which
will have displays entered in
the Homecoming contest to-
Delta Delta Delta and Mar-
tha Cook will be the last two
houses judged in the woman's
division and Phi Sigma Kappa
will be reviewed by the judges
after Delta Sigma Phi in the
men's division.
The entries raise the number
of woman groups vying for the
trophy to 30 and the men's
list to 60.
Coal Owners
Deny Lewis
Wrage Boost
WASHINGTON-()-Hard coal
mine owners balked yesterday at
giving John L. Lewis the same $1.90
daily wage boost which the gov-
ernment already has partly shaved
down in the soft coal industry.
Lewis was reportedly trying to
get the anthracite or hard coal in-
dustry to grant the same wage
raise in order to test the govern-
ment's Wage Stabilization Board
* * *
THE WSB has ruled that 40
cents of the $1.90 soft coal raise
would be inflationary and cannot
be paid. This has led to a nation-
wide walkout of the 350,000 soft
coal miners.
Neither Lewis nor the anthra-
cite industry negotiators would
discuss what happened in their
bargaining sessions.
However, it was reliably reported
the industry men had refused a
demand from United Mine Work-
ers Union president Lewis to match
the $1.90 soft coal raise.
Hard coal operators contended
to Lewis that they probably would
face a strike of the 65,000 Pennsyl-
vania anthracite diggers no mat-
ter what happened. Refusing Lewis
the $1.90 would probably mean a
strike. Granting the demand prob-
ably would lead to another partial
veto from the WSB, and thus a
walkout too.
The prospect was that the soft
coal strike would continue for
some time, perhaps until after the
Nov. 4 national elections, and per-
haps with the hard coal miners
joining the walkout before very
SL Applications
Due Tomorrow
With the deadline for Student
Legislature petitions set at noon
tomorrow, 40 people have taken
out applications thus far for the
23 posts at stake in the Nov. 18
and 19 all-campus election.
Only ten of these petitions have
been turned in.
Students interested in making
the race may still pick up appli-
cations from 3 to 6 p.m. today and
until deadline time tomorrow at
the SL Bldg., 512 S. State. If peti-
tions are taken out today, they
probably can be filled before dead-
line time.
Twenty of the seats will be
for a full one year term, while
the other three positions are for
a half-year.
Last fall 45 candidates scramb-
led for 25 open seats.
Vie In Talks
On Campaign
Ike Will Speak
In Detroit Today
By The Associated Press
Both major party presidential
candidates lashed out against the
tactics of their opponents in
speeches made yesterday.
Gov. Adlai E. Stevenson ac-
cused Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower
of conducting a campaign "which
accepts calumny and the big
doubt as its instruments."
Meanwhile Gen. Eisenhower,
who will speak in Detroit today,
accused the Truman administra-
tion of injecting bigotry and class
hatred into the presidential cam-
paign, and said his political op-
ponents speak with "the power
mad voices of the rabble rousers."
* *. *
STEVENSON, the Democratic
presidential nominee, loosed a
scathing attack on Eisenhower, his
Gov. Adlai E. Stevenson will
speak over the Mutual Network
and Columbia Broadcasting Sys-
tem from Cleveland at 9 p.m. to-
day. President Truman will be
heard at 8:30 p.m. over WWJ.
General Dwight D. Eisenhower
will give an address over WJR
at 9 p.m. from the Masonic
Temple in Detroit.
State senatorial candidate on
the GOP ticket, Rep. Charles E.
Potter, will speak over WWJ at
7:15 p.m. and over CKLW at
11:30 p.m.
GOP opponent, and the general's
vice presidential running-mate,
Sen. Richard M. Nixon of Cali-
* * *
IN AN ADDRESS prepared for
delivery at the Cleveland Arena,
the Illinois governor said Eisen-
hower must accept full responsi-
bility for the kind of campaign
being waged in his behalf.
"I resent-and I resent bit-
terly-the sly insinuations and
the inuendoes of the campaign
that is being waged in behalf of
the general," Stevenson declar-
ed, "and I am deeply shocked
that the general would lead a
so-called 'crusade' which accepts
calumny and the big doubt as
its instruments."
The governor rapped vigorously
at Nixon for his attacks on Stev-
enson in connection with the case
of Alger Hiss, former State De-
partment official convicted of hav-
ing lied when he denied ever hav-
ing passed government documents
to a courier for Russia. Nixon and
McCarthy have sharply criticized
Stevenson for giving a deposi-
tion at the first Hiss trial, which
said that so far as Stevenson knew,
Hiss's reputation was good.
MEANWHILE Gen. Eisenhower
said that the Democrats will do
anything to win the election
Nov. 4-
"Every boss of the administra-
tion party will go all out and down
the line to deliver. They will de-
liver by fair means and foul," the
general told his audience in a
speech prepared for delivery at
the Buffalo Memorial Auditorium.
In the day's last speech, Eisen-
hower used the strongest language
he has ever employed to make his
charge that the Democrats have
deliberately brought about dis-
unity in the United States and'
sapped the sources of the na-
tion's strength.
'This unity is being undermined
by our national administration,"
he said. "It is being weakened by
men who are more concerned with
getting power than for our na-
tion's strength.
"Year after year they have
sought to make political profit by
setting group against group, spe-
cial interest against special inter-
est, section against section.
"We hear shrill voices today
creating distrust, disunity, and
bigotry by falsely accusing others
-including myself-of these evilI
In this, Eisenhower apparently,
was referring to President Tru-
man's letter to the Jewish Wel-
fare Board last
Student Injured
In Gun-, Accidenit
Varsity Night Star
Edison Company
Workers Strike
Unexpected Walkout Makes 4,000
Idle; Service Still To Be Maintained
DETROIT (AP)-Four thousand employes walked out at Detroit
Edison Co. installations in southeastern Michigan yesterday in an
unexpected strike against the big electric utility.
The company said, however, that uninterrupted service can, be
maintained to its 3,500,000 customers by using supervisory help.
Edison serves a 7,600-square mile territory extending from the
tip of Michigan's thumb as far south as Monroe and as far west as
Ann Arbor.)
About 8,000 non-union employes remained at their posts.
THE CIO UTILITY Workers Union accused the company of fail-
* M
Varsity Night To Star
Students, Professionals
B Landslide
Dawson Says
Prof. John P. Dawson of the
Law School last night told an open
meeting of the Young Democrats
he believes the Democratic Party
"will win the coming presidential
election by a margin greater than
President Truman's victory in
Speaking informally to a small
group of YD's in the League, Prof.
Dawson, now running for Congress
on the Democratic ticket, antici-
pated that the main issues which
will count with voters on November
4 will be "tax and price squeezes
and Korea."
PROF. DAWSON stated the
Democratic position is that of a
"party of- responsibility. Criticism
of it reflects contradictions and ir-
responsibility in the Republican
He added that the Democrats
"have struggled for a pay-as-
we-go policy on the national
budget and that the Democratic
record in spite of some mistakes
is on the whole one of which to
Commenting on Stevenson's
present popularity, Dawson said
it was very encouraging that our
people are becoming increasingly
appreciative of the "talk sense"
and "intelligent attitude of the
7 Democratic candidate.
"The political scene has changed
immensely since the nominations
of the two candidates," Dawson
pointed out, "people formerly set
in their own minds are now un-
sure and shaken in their con-
fidence in Ike."
'U' Seal on Diag
To Be Replaced
The Senior Board decided unan-
imously at their meeting last night
World News
By The Associated Press
STOCKHOLM, Sweden - Dr.'
Selman A. Waksman, a Russian-
born American scientist, was
awarded the 1952 Nobel Prize in
medicine last night for unlocking
from earth mold the wonder drug
streptomycin, the first effective
antibiotic against tuberculosis.
* * *
CADILLAC-Sen. Homer Fergu-
son, (R-Mich.), who collapsed at
a Republican meeting Wednesday
night, appeared last night "to be
getting the flu," his physician re-
* * *
SEOUL-South Korean troops
today heavily assaulted the last
Chinese Red hold on Sniper Ridge
after Allied planes blasted the
Reds' maize of tunnels and bunk-
ers with 40 armor-piercing 1,000-
pound bombs.
Professional and student actors
will start the ball rolling in the
annual Varsity Night talent show
at 8:15 p.m. today in Hill Audi-
Under the sponsorship of the
three University bands, "Little"
Jack Little, popular bandleader of
the 30's andabanjo artist Eddie
Collins will take over the guest
spot on the show.
"LITTLE, billed as "radio's
cheerful little earful," is well
known in American song circles.
Hit tunes such as "Jealous,"
"Shanty in Old Shanty Town"
and "Hold Me" written in the
early '20's under Little's pen are
still popular today. His intimate
style of blues crooning made
him nationally popular as the
"whispering" crooner.
From 1934 to 1940 Little and his
musicians were headlined in many
theatres and hotels from coast to
coast. The Senior Ball in -1935
SPA Hears
Peace Beliefs
R. Frederick Christman, State
Chairman of the Fellowship
of Reconciliation, outlined the
group's beliefs at a meeting of the
Society for Peaceful Alternatives
last night at the League.
Christman stated that the es-
sential purpose of the Fellowship
is to bring about peace by refusing
to participate in war or military
preparations, and bringing about
a social and economic order with-
out exploitation.
He said that it was unfortunate
the American people were not giv-
en a "peace" candidate in the
present presidential race by either
the Democrats, Republicans or
The Society for Peaceful Alter-
natives elected officers for the se-
mester preceding the address.
They are: Paul Dormont, '55,
Chairman; Sidney Weiner, '54,
Treasurer; Art Rose, Secretary;
and Shelley Estrin, '55, Member-
and his banjo will be featured as
the other half of the act. Collins
has become a popular club and ho-
tel entertainer, working mostly in
the Detroit and Chicago areas. For
several seasons he played his banjo
with Art Mooney's orchestra.
The banjo style of Collins,
according to many music crit-
ics rivals that of the famous
"Banjo King," Eddy Peabody.
Eight student acts will take the
limelight this year.
Starting the student portion of
the show will be Dick Mottern's
Ann Arbor Alley Cats, playing now
at the Union's "Little Club." Jazz
versions of current popular fa-
vorites will be served up by the
Alley Cats while the Jay Mills-
Berni Kahn comedy duo will at-
tempt to bat a thousand on the
laugh meter with their college an-
McCormick will offer contrasting
vocal solos. Stella is to sing such
semi-classical selections as "Love
Is Where You Find It" and Nan-
cy will change the mood with.her
novelty version of "Smoke, Smoke,
Smoke That Cigarette."
The energetic dance group go-
ing the Charleston will consist
of Joan Hegener, Jan Gast, Jean
Parker, Bob Cutting, Art Rooks
and Berl Lesperance.
Featured in a variety act is a
trombone quintet, Golden Bones,
which includes Jerry Bilik, Don
Browne, Joe Moore, Dave Green
and Les Kolbe. They will be ac-
companied by Bob Barnett and his
bongo drums and Ben Patterson
on bass. Bob is also planning to
work in a dance routine.
Joining voices again, the Nov-
elaires, last year's regrouped Gul-
antics winners, will sing with the
string bass accompaniment of Au-
brey Tobin. This group called
themselves the Eveningaires at
the time of their winning last
Popular pieces from Janet Dix-
ner's accordian will concIude the
program. "Malaguena" and "Czar-
das" are to be her contributions.
brought Little's bana from
Palmer House in Chicago.
*$ *
ing to meet the wage recommen-
dations of a fact-finding panel
named Aug. 31 by Gov. G. Mennen
Williams under State law govern-
ing utility disputes.
Edison officials charged that
the union was violating state
law by refusing to undergo a
strike vote provided under the
Bonine-Tripp Act.
The dispute has been simmering
for four months but the sudden-
ness with which the strike was
carried out caught the company
and state and federal mediators
by surprise.
* * *
company and union officials sep-
arately yesterday morning. The
sessions broke up at 12:30 p.m.
with both sides agreeing to remain
on call at the request of the me-
An hour later the walkout
hit, principally at power stations
at Marysville, Trenton and near-
by Conners Creek and Delray.
The Governor's panel issued its
report exactly 10 days ago. A 10-
day period of mediation is pro-
vided under the law after such re-
ports are issued.
A 10-cent boost was recommend-
ed by the three-man panel and the
union insisted that the company
meet this figure. Edison contend-
ed that a six-cent boost, which
would have been provided by ex-
tension of the old contract, along
with fringe benefits it offered
would constitute a 10-cent "pack-
age." The union disagreed with
When a strike threat loomed
over this dispute, the mediators
tried to persuade the union to
agree to a strike vote. But the
union refused, arguing that such
a vote requirement had been held
unconstitutional after a Chrysler
strike several years ago.
U.S. Asks UN
Truce Stand
The U. S. asked the UN Assem-
bly yesterday to endorse the prin-
ciples for peace in Korea as laid
down by the Allied command at
It also urged the Communists
to accept an armistice on these
The U. S. resolution was circu-
lated as the 60-nation Political
Committee batted down an angry
request by Soviet Foreign Minis-
ter Andrei Y. Vishinsky to invite
the Red North Koreans here for
the Korean debates. The vote
was 38 to 11 against the Russian
Those voting to invite the Reds
were the Soviet bloc plus Pakistan,
India, Indonesia, Burma, Iran and
Yemen. Eight countries abstain-
ed: Chile, Bolivia, Argentina, Sy-
ria, Israel, Mexico, Egypt and
Saudi Arabia.
The committee voted 54 to 5 to
invite to the table the delegation
of the UN-sponsored Republic of
Korea. Yugoslavia also abstained
on this vote.
Typhoon Hits
By the Associated Press
The Red Cross reported early to-
day from Manila that at least 443
persons were killed in Wednesday's
violent typhoon and 209 more were
listed as missing.
The toll was expected to go high-
er when communications are re-
stored with the heavily-battered
Central Philippines.
The great storm-whose winds
of unknown velocity whipped tree
trunks through the air like matchr-
sticks-destroyed at least two cities
with a combined population of
more than 113,000 onpSoutheast
* * *
THE STORM yesterday was
bearing down on the eastern
shores of Indochina, which still
had not recovered from a typhoon
and tidal wave that killed hund-,.
reds earlierthis week.
Government agencies and the
Philippine Red Cross sped re-
lief to the stricken area of splin-
tered homes and buildings, flat-
terned crops and flooded towns
and villages.
The Red Cross made the prelim-
inary tabulation of 370 killed,
2,000 missing, and hundreds in-
HARDEST HIT were the once
thrivinguport ofLegespi, a city of
86,000 population 210 miles south-
east of Manila, and Tabaco, a cen-
ter of 33,000 population 20 miles
north of Legaspi.
AP Correspondent Henry Hart-
zenbusch, on the first plane to
reach Legaspi, reported he flew
over miles of utter devastation.
MEANWHILE a hurricane in
the Caribbean developed terrific
125 mile per hour winds yesterday
as it swirled toward Cuba, the
Florida Straits and the Western
The Miami Weather Bureau, in
its 4 p.m. (CST) advisory, said
this sixth tropical storm of the
season should reach Cuba south-
east of Havana late last night.
The advisory warned that winds
might become dangerous in the
Florida Straits and over the West-
ern Bahamas today. Small craft
were advised to remain in port
from Miami southward.
SL Throws
Open House
Students, faculty members and
administration officials all took
part in the Student Legislature
housewarming yesterday.
The Legislature threw wide the
portals of its new home on State
St. and the response was termed
a general success by legislators.
President Harlan H. Hatcher
headed the list of distinguished
guests, taking part in 'the pro-
gram. Other officials included
University vice-presidents Wilbur
K. Pierpont and Marvin L. Nie-
huss; Dean of Students Erich A.
Walter; Dean of Women Deborah
Bacon and Associate Dean of Wo-
men, Sarah L. Healy.
Representing the faculty were:
Assistant Dean of the literary col-
lege James H. Robertson; Prof.
John W. Reed, of the Law School;
dinistration Foreign
Policy Hotly Discussed
Truman administration foreign
policy was bitterly attacked and
staunchly defended last night in a
pre-election campus debate on the
significant campaign issue.
Echoing the national Eisenhow-
er-Stevenson clash over foreign
policy, a Young Republicans and
an International Relations Club
representative debated the ques-
tion "Resolved: that the foreign
policy of the Democratic admin-
istration has been inadequate."
SPEAKING FOR the affirma-
tive side, YR president Ned Sim-
tion carried out its policy in the
best way available.
velt-Truman-Acheson foreign pol-
icy of naivete in its handling over
of Berlin and the East.
In a hurried attempt to refute
each point made by the affirma-
tive speaker, Gladstone said that
these territories were not given to
the Communists. "Provisions werej
made to try to prevent them from
taking over the countries com-
pletely, such as an attempt to pro-'
vide for free elections in Poland,"
he said.
--h--1 0-7f
SL Treasurer Reports finance Loss
The Student Legislature went
into the red by $439.85 during the
last 14 months' operations, SL
treasurer Bob Neary, '53, reported.
However, the adverse news did
not come as any great shock to
legislators since the original bud-
get for the period of July 1, 1951
to this Aug. 31 had anticipated a
It is expected that the new fis-
cal arrangement will enable SL to
budget their year's needs more
*k * *
NEARY'S REPORT spotlighted
the crucial financial problem
which is a constant plague to SL.
With verv indefinite income
and is expected to make a profit
of $1,750 this year. Should this
figure turn out to be too optimistic,
SL must either cut out necessary
expenses or run into another defi-
cit this year.
** *
LAST SPRING the finance com-
mittee tried to resolve the deficit