WVAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1952 _______________________________ I ____________________________________ S ..-M. NICKELS FOR NIXON: Students Respond to Appeal University students do have kind hearts.1 This fact was recently revealed by the response which greeted a letter of appeal in The Daily. Shortly after GOP vice-presiden- tial candidate Richard Nixon spoke here, an epistle was printed among setters to the Editor, asking for contributions for the California Senator. * * * FOLLOWING Sen. Nixon's local comment, "Pat and I are only able to attend the Rose Bowl game when we can scrape up the four or five dollars to buy a ticket," three students (presumably Demo- crats) wrote as follows: "We believe that to deprive any American of his natural right to partake in the great American tradition of football is indeed a grave injustice. In or- der that we may right this wrong, we urge you to contribute to a fund which will insure a carefree New Year's day at Pas- U F1 W ild's Tweed takes the read in F 0M, Fall '52 Topper styling and you'll marvel at the colorful, wonderful Hunting Ridge and import tweeds we're showing I big favor, Big Sweep Raglan Toppers. ,. KNOX HAT $10.00 Imported Harris Tweed- TOPCOAT $60.00 adena for the senator and his wife." Five letters, each containing the requested "Nickel for Nixon," have been received to date. Although three of these were filled with bona fide contributions, the intentions of the other donors appear ques- tionable. ONE KINDHEARTED soul sug- gested that money collected over and above the necessary $10 for tickets be sent to the Democratic campaign fund. Still another per- son, with the best interests of his candidate at heart, suggested that: "Although Gov. Stevenson is not planning on going to the Rose Bowl game this year, he would like to eat. So if you would be so kind, would you please fill out the enclosed and send it to "Shillings for Stevenson." "The enclosed" was a plea from the Washtenaw Committee for Stevenson for a five dollar cam- paign donation. A couple of the Nixon contribu- tors requested that their nickel be used to help finance a collar for the candidate's famed puppy dog, Checkers. Sponsors of both "Nickels for Nixon" and "Shillings for Steven- son" have requested that other prospective donors hurry to get their contributions mailed before the Nov. 4 deadline. Women Told UN Problems Government official Marie C. Berger told the League of Women Voters yesterday that "items which 20 years ago were considered as nations' rights are now of inter- national concern." Speaking at the United Nations luncheon at the Union, Miss Ber- ger listed problems in the working of the present United Nations agenda and possible solutions of them. The originally scheduled speak- er was Harding F. Bancroft, who had to cancel his appearance be- cause of a conflict. Miss Berger is a former senior attorney for the Office of Price Administra- tion and is now legal counsel for the government's Point Four Pro- gram. Unitarian Pastor To Lecture Today Rev. Kenneth Patton, pastor of the Unitarian Church of Boston, will speak to the Unitarian Stu- dent Group at 4:15 p.m. today in Architecture Auditorium. Topic for the lecture is "Appli- cation of the Arts to Worship Services." Practicing what he preaches, Rev. Patton has experi- mented for many years with the use of painting, music and other forms of art in conducting reli- gious services in his Boston church. Editor Cites Newspaper 'Objectivity' The reporting being done in the present campaign is the best in history, Basil Walters, executive editor of the Knight newspapers, declared yesterday in a journalism lecture. He stressed during the talk that newspapers should make more im- provements, and that objectivity should be the goal sought by all in political reporting. USING several incidents from the national political conventions in Chicago, Walters explained how what he called "research report- ing" was used on the Chicago Daily News to tell the full story of the conventions. There is a 'ery thin line be- tween objective and slanted news, he asserted, but he point- ed out that it is now quite dan- gerous to publish certain types of news without essential back. ground information. Besides stressing the need for the most objective type of report- ing, Walters listed several words which he said were being used to paralyze our thinking. He described his definition of "liberal" as meaning one op- posed to big government but contended that no one thinks of that meaning in the way the word is used today. Waiters also cited "Teapot Dome" as the Democratic answer to Republican charges of corrup- tion in Washington, but he point- ed out that quick action was taken back in the 1920's to clean up the scandal even though it involved members of the cabinet. "Old Guard" and "slave labor" were other words which he de- clared are used to confuse issues and connote meanings that do not exist. Isotopes Show Bone Growth Results of studies using isotopes as tracers in the growth of bones were presented by Cyril L. Comar in a lecture yesterday before a meeting of the University division of the American Chemical Society. Comar, presentlyassociated with the Oak Ridge Institute in Ten- nessee, said that isotopes can be used for tracing anything from the habits of a mosquito to the blood cells of an elephant. In the bone growth study, activity in a thin section of treated bone was record- ed on film. A series of films taken over a period of several months gave an indication of the rate and amount of growth. One thing proved through the study was the slowing of growth with a decrease of calorie intake. However, Comar stated that he ex- pects to see little, if any, use of these results in therapeutic prac- tice. Comar will continue his tour of midwestern colleges with a talk today at Michigan State College. SL * * Establishes Headquarters. In Old Journalism Building Four weeks of hard work will show its results as Student Legis- lature officially introduces its new quarters to students from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. today at a giant housewarming. Since their move this September from South Forest to the present location in the old Journalism Bldg., members of SL and the admin- istrative wing have been busy putting the finishing touches on their headquarters so as to make it more adaptable for the various committee meetings, cabinet sessions and interviews which take place there. ALTHOUGH this is a new home for the legislature, the building has a long history. It was originally built in 1898 for the Zeta Psi Open House * * * NEW HOME VEEP RELAXES oda MEET YOUR LEGISLATURE: ' 'Fraternity, and at that time was considered to be one of the most lavish fraternity houses- in the United States. The room in which the SL cabinet now meets was originally constructed as the fra- ternity dining hall. Zeta Psi occupied the house until 1942 when it sold It to the University. During the war it was used to house a segment of ROTC. After the Haven Hall fire in 1950, the Bureau of Govern- mentsLibraries used the build bulduig as a headquarters to sort the hundreds of manuscripts which had been partially des- troyed by the fire. For the last few years It has been occupied by the Departments of journalism and psychology. When the journalism department received extensive space in the new Angell Hall structure,.it be- came possible for the legislature to take over part of the old build- ing. * * * FROM ITS beginning in 1946, SL has had a variety of offices. Originally their headquarters was a closet in the Union where they kept the sole piece of office equip- ment-a filing cabinet. Meetings were arranged in member's homes or at the Union and League. In 1949, the legislature was given a room near the Office of Student Affairs in the Admin- istration Bldg., but most .com- mittee meetings had to be held elsewhere. FNom August 1950 to the end of last semester the legislature had its offices on S. Forest. Over the years SL has gradually acquired office equipment and today has five typewriters, a ditto machine, several filing cabinets and mis- cellaneous material. SL shares its present quarters with the Bureau of Psychological Services, having been alloted eight rooms on the first floor and two on the second. Although this is less space than the old headquarters, it has the advantage of bringing the SL offices closer to campus. I I DAILY PICTURE FEATURE Story by Teri Youngman Pictures by Malcolm Shatz and Alan Reid- StWILDSs S'State Street on the Campus AS THE PRESIDENT PLANS0. . wood 4 RABI DEAU-HARR IS ?. . Ia: ... .. ... .."S 4~ : .r:..: r=: CLEAN UP CONTINUES FROM TOP.. . .. TO BOTTOM FALL TOPCOATS Here are featherweight performers that pack a heavyweight punch! By that we mean these coats are light and bulk-free, yet offer a full measure of warm protection. How? Thanks to superbly loomed fabrics and carefully balanced tailoring. Single and double breasted models in all the fabrics and colors of your choice. All sizes. BE WARM for the Minnesota game in more ways than one. E! I N - ::; , - Y . . . . . .. ' .. ......' .