PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1952 I U I REPORT FROM NEW YORK: The Lack of Foreign Experts By ZANDER HOLLANDER Daily Feature Editor UNITED NATIONS, N.Y.-A gleaning of revelations and queries from Sunday night's session of the New York Herald Tri- bune Forum raises some serious problems. The chief instigator of dubious thoughts was Gilbert White, Haverford College's disarm- ingly youthful and earnest president. Participating in a panel on "World Eco- nomic Development," White explored the problem of "America's Dual Responsibil- ity" in contributing to that development. DORIS FLEESON: Women Love' Both Candidates WASHINGTONWomen politicians, in- cluding Mrs. India Edwards, believe that "the women's vote" is a cliche. They say that by and large women vote as men do and for roughly the same reasons. Nevertheless, how women intend to vote November 4 is an important question be- cause they are showing an unusually keen interest in the election. The record regis- tration all over the country is attributed to women. Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower's crowds contain an unusually high per- centage of them, well distributed accord- ing to class and age. Gov. Adlai Steven- son attracts a generous share of women to his speaking and his heavy mail is almost equally divided between men and women. Republicans were confident from the start that the General would be an appealing candidate to the distaff side. That confi- dence continues and appears to be genuine, being bolstered, of course, by the General's crowds. Their arguments run as follows: Women are attracted to a hero, especially one with the General's warm personality and simplicity. The legend that he is attractive to women helps him. Women see In Eisenhower, the victor of Europe, a leader for peace, the issue that concerns them most of all. Democrats began the Stevenson cam- paign with no such initial confidence about their candidate's stature with the woman voter. They could not be sure which way the Stevenson divorce would cut; they now report that the Governor gets the sympathy with many women charging that his wife was Jealous of him, "a poor sport." (Copyright, 1952, by the Bell Syndicate) Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writer only. This must be noted In all reprints. NIGHT EDITOR: ERIC VETTER In a discussion which frequently wallowed in hackneyed phrases and verbiose tech- nicalities, his was a questioning, but calm, voice. Briefly White's case was this: changes in- troduced into an under-developed country through technical and financial assistance programs must emphasize small-scale opera- tions on the village level; to do this will re- quire a vast army of dedicated Americans, an army of "young people recruited and trained for the task of building healthy and Drosuerous communities." Not wishing to inject an acrimonious note into the general harmony of the session, White revealed only by implication that our government is not taking steps to imple- ment this need. Nevertheless, the accusation stands and even Stanley Andrews, State De- partment Technical Cooperation Adminis- trator, did not deny it. For as Andrews admitted apologetically later in the program, the United States has no program of training in this vital field. Till now we have relied on the stopgap of choosing our technical emis- saries first, then jamming them through two weeks at the Foreign Service Institute prior to their overseas assignment. An- drews acknowledged the inadequacy of this expedient. As far as could be learned, the United States plans no expansion or improvement of its system for training and recruiting technical experts. Graduates of Haverford's special curriculum, devoted to training col- lege students for precisely this calling, find few opportunities in our Point Four program, according to White, though this situation is improving somewhat. The Technical Co- operation Administration prefers to send "established experts" on overseas missions, Andrews said-though there are not nearly enough of these and this device throttles the development of new experts as well as dis- couraging the expansion of training pro- grams like Haverford's. This lack of new experts-as charged by White and admitted by Andrews-is one of the big bottlenecks of our own and the other major powers' assistance programs. To rid ourselves of it requires effective government initiative-to match the pri- vate initiative of outfits like the Ford Foundation-to promote college and uni- versity programs which will train the vi- tally needed young people. We cannot delay in this task. Poverty any- where is a grave danger to prosperity every- where. Our own prosperity will be short- lived unless we set about relieving the grind- ing poverty which besets over half the globe we live on. " WILL BE as harsh as truth,. and as un- compromising as justice. On this subject I do not wish to think, or speak, or write, with moderation. I am in earnest-I will not equivocate-I will not excuse-I will not retract a single inch-and I will be heard. -William Lloyd Garrison BEHIND THE LINES 0Pearson; Daily Critics By CAL SAMRA Daily Editorial Director WHILE THE DAILY always welcomes cri- ticism, nothing is so peevishly amusing as the frothing pack of wolves who are for- ever leaping into the senior editorial office with their bills of complaint. Latest gnash- ing of teeth has been directed toward col- umnist Drew Pearson and The Daily's much- abused critics. There have been a number of com- plaints registered to the effect that Pear- son has been unfair in his treatment of Senator Richard Nixon. Apparently some feel that the energetic columnist has harped too much on the Senator's record. In respect to this objection, it should be pointed out that the criterion for bury- ing a story is not embarrassment, though many journalists would have us believe so. In the past two years, Pearson, it should be remembered, has provided Republicans with more political ammunition than their strategists have been able to think up in 20 years. He uncovered a score of scandals in the Agricultural Dept., the Justice Dept., the Internal Revenue Bureau, the OPS, and the RFC. THE DAILY'S CRITICS GENERALLY SPEAKING, there is only one thing on campus which is more un- popular than a Daily critic, and that is a Quad meal. Resentment against these ir- reconcilable creatures almost reached a breaking point two ears ago when one mu- sic critic panned violinist Jascha Heifetz. Since then, a rather unwelcome tradi- tion has been established-the editorial director is expected each year to come to the defense of the critics who bless this page with their sometimes benign, some- times cantankerous moods. Having my- self just recently recovered from Tom Arp's unsparing attack on "Paloma," which I took to be a reasonably impressive picture, I find it somewhat difficult. In brief, the Daily's critics are not selected indiscriminately. They are chosen on the basis of study and experience in their res- pective fields. As such, their tastes are deli- cate, their eyes and ears sensitive to faults. As one might expect, they write as they please-which largely accounts for advertis- ing manager Milt Goetz' persistent discom- fort. In the main, it seems that these review- ers have done a remarkable job of esthetic, or otherwise, analysis. If their perceptions do not always meet with popular approval, this alone does not justify censoring them, dropping them, or, least of all, slitting their throats. Perhaps it is too much to ask the stu- dent body to tolerate occasional intolerance "Feel Anything Yet?" PH~0 .. -./ - -a, > I~j21 d7 U-w n. Xette/4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. ON THE WAS IIINGTON ME RRY-GO-ROUND WITH DREW PEARSON 'POLITICAL TOUR': Soviet Music Must Exalt Communism WASHINGTON-Republican leaders put all sorts of pressure on GOP Senator Wayne Morse of Oregon to keep him from bolting- to Stevenson. Shortly before Morse issued his statement deserting the Republican ticket, Senator Fred Seaton of Nebraska, who has been close to Morse in the Senate, telephoned him from New York, inviting him to travel on the Eisenhower train. Morse declined. For more than a month prior to this, however, a succession of Republican leaders, including ex-Governor Stassen of Minnesota, had come to see the Senator from Oregon. One of them dropped in on Morse just after Eisenhower had endorsed Senator Jenner in Indiana. "The General didn't want to make that endorsement," he ex- plained. "After he saw Jenner he came back to his hotel and said,' 'that-, I'd much rather have punched him in the nose'. This made Morse even less enthusiastic. "That shows him up more than ever as a hypocrite," he ex- ploded. "At the same time he said that, he also stood up and told the American people to vote for Jenner. "He did the same thing at the surrender of Morningside Heights to Senator Taft." "That was no surrender," replied the Eisenhower emissary. "That was arranged to save Taft's face." "What!" exclaimed the Senator from Oregon. "Why Eisenehower wasn't even given the courtesy of being at the press conference where Taft announced the terms of the surrender." UNITED GOP FRONT THE EMISSARY argued that the General was merely trying to bring unity in the party. He said he had to appease some of the Old Guard and bring about a united front. "But," he continued, "you will be the man he'll call to the White House for consultation after he's elected." "On the contrary," replied Morse, "if you read that Taft statement issued after the 'surrender,' you'll see that Eisenhower agreed not to discriminate against Taft people, and you know what that means. That means the Taft people will be running the party. "I happen to have been the first Republican to come out for Eisenhower," Morse continued. "But this is not the Eisenhower I know. I can't be for this Eisenhower. -Reach over and punch the cash register: 'no sale'." First efforts to keep Senator Morse in line occurred prior to Labor Day, when Eisenhower leaders wanted the Oregonian's help to swing the American Federation of Labor over to Eisenhower, or at least keep them from endorsing Stevenson. To this end, Governor Stassen, who wrote the General's speech delivered at the AF of L convention, came down to Washington and spent 2% hours with Morse. However, he made no headway. "This man compromises with his principles," argued the Senator. "He has deserted the liberal wing of the Republican Party in order to get elected. And that's what you did too, Harold." Stassen passed over this reference to the fact that he was once leader of GOP liberals. He urged that Morse come to New York amnd sit on the platform with Eisenhower when he addressed the AFL. But Morse said no. "That would just show that I was giving my blessing to some- thing I didn't agree with, he replied. "It's too late for me to advise you on the General's speech anyway. I've just been invited by Bill Green to answer it." MORSE AND LABOR AT THIS, Stassen nearly jumped out of his chair. After he returned to New York, however, another Eisenhower emissary came to Washington to urge Morse not to differ with Eisenhower in the AFL speech he was to make the following day. "This is the hardest job I ever had to do," said the emissary. "I'll make it easy for you," replied Morse. "Go back and tell headquarters that I've agreed not to change a single line of my speech. I had planned to rewrite it and make it ten times tougher, but in view of your visit I won't change it." The speech as written and later delivered, of course, was much tougher than Eisenhower leaders wanted. Senator Morse's final decision to bolt the Republican Party vas made after Eisenhower toured New Jersey. "When I read those speeches in New Jersey," Morse explained to friends, "and saw the General's claim that he hadn't deserted his principles, I couldn't stand it any longer. I told my wife I was going to sleep on it, then get up next morning and take my- self completely out of the political picture. Next morning I felt the way I did the night before. "It's political suicide, I know," concluded Morse, "But I've got to live with myself no matter who's elected." (Copyright, 1952, by the Bell Syndicate) SPA Meeting... To the Editor:s THE SUBJECT which is mostl predominant in the minds of! students today with regard to thes world situation is peace. With the knowledge that peace can becomet and is becoming a reality the stu- dent can pursue his studies and look toward the future with less fear of sudden and inevitable in- terruption because of war. With the aim of trying to make peace a reality the Society for1 Peaceful Alternatives was organ- ized. It is our prime objective to invite and interest students into< projecting and voicing their views1 on peaceful alternatives. In order that this program be successfullyi carried out it is essential that our1 platform be non-partisan and, therefore, that our membership be heterogeneous in its political views.c Of course, the binding and driving force of the S.P.A. always remains alternatives for peace.1 This Thursday, October 23, ati 7:30 p.m. in the League, the S.P.A. will have as its first speaker, R.i Frederick Christman, State Chair-1 man of the Fellowship of Recon- ciliation. Mr. Christman will speak on "A Program for Peace." Pre-1 ceding the talk will be a discus- sion of the future plans of the or- ganization and election of officers. Suggested plans include an all- campus peace conference, moviesf and speakers representing nation- al peace movements. We encourage all students who are interested in our program to come to the Thursday meeting.7 -Paul Dormont, Art Rose, H. Wolfe Life Goes to .. . To the Editor: IT MIGHT be of interest to Dailys readers to know what Al Blum- rosen, an ex-Daily editor and new- ly-apointed (he failed to get elect- ed) member of the Board in Con- trol of Student Publications, is do- ing now. I attended the outdoor Robeson- Hallinan rally Saturday sitting at the edge of the crowd. A couple of men, one with a large camera, and, group of ten year old boys were edging towards us. One of the men had just consulted the kids and the kids were lining up to kick aJ football toward the audience. Ii stepped over in front of the foot- ball and told the kids they couldn't play here because a political ral-; ly was being held. One of them told me to see the young man about itc -all they knew was that they werec going to get their pictures in Life Magazine by taking their game to- ward the crowd. I looked at ther man whom they indicated. He was1 none other than Al Blumrosen. 1 It seemed as if he were disap- pointed in finding no disturbance at the rally and was determined to create one. After all, a peaceful Progressive Party rally does not make such a good news story for Life. Anyway, several of us discour- aged Mr. Blumrosen from carry- ing out his plans and he dismissed the boys. -Steve Smale Paloma ... To the Editor: AFTER having seen the Mexican picture, "Paloma" and com- pared it t$o Tom Arp's preview, I must say that I am deeply dis- appointed in his abilities as a crit- ic. It seems to me that Mr. Arp, in his over-eagerness to criticize this tensely dramatic picture of Mexican life, has not taken the trouble to even try to understand it. How could he have, when he makes such statements as, "the minuteness with which the cam- eras record the most dramatically insignificant actions make the film appear to be extremely slow mov- ing and much longer than the two hours it takes." Mr. Arp seems to have missed the point here, for it is this very emphasis on facial ex- pressions and minute details which enhance the very intense emotions of the persons involved. As for the picture being slow mov- ing, this is not so, for every mo- ment of it embodied a tense strug- gle for existence. While it is true that the camera may have focused a bit too long on a slowly moving figure, this was done solely to high- light the deliberate calculations of the actor's thoughts or actions. Tom seems to have missed the point completely when he states that "there is too much emphasis on stark facial expression." I pre- sume, that he here refers to the heroine, Paloma. And I would like to know what better method there is for showing the complete resig- nation and bitterness of this reti- cent and timid woman? I think this film is to be highly recommended for its very real- istic presentation of Mexican vil- lage life. including the nictur- to stand firm against a wave of public opinion instead of being swept along with it. And these qualities are precisely what was lacking to all those who stayed away after reading Mr. Arp's un- sympathetic and immature crit- ique. Next time they would do bet- ter to form their own opinions! -Lillian Bickert *" * * Jascha Panned .. . To the Editor: Re. "Cross Purpose" Review: I WISH to thank Mr. Jascha Kes- sler for his brilliantly juvenile criticism of the Arts Theatre first production. He exhibits not only the stagger- ing shallowness of the usual col- lege criticisms but also a wonder- ful abundance of their normal, majestic contempt for creative en- deavor. We absolutely cannot pardon the Art's Theatre group for their "hol- low production," or their "flaws of technique." We must at all times demand perfection from any orig- inal dramatic presentation, regard- less of their youthful experimental nature, *r their sincerity in at- tempting to present a fresh ap- proach. May I suggest that we burn the theatre and shoot the "incompe- tent" actors and staff. I hope this suggestion will appease the hon- est wrath of Mr. Jascha Kessler. -Tom Linton Demonstratum *. To the Editor: DICK NIXON antagonized mi- nority groups; Dick Nixon appealed to the mid- dle class; Dick Nixon weeped in public; Dick Nixon gained the favor of some of his countrymen; Dick Nixon has been illogical; Dick Nixon has cracked corny jokes; Therefore, Dick Nixon is a new Adolph Hitler and/or Huey Long. Quod Eret Demonstratum, Bill Wiegand. --Walter Weiner, '53L YR & YD Debts .. . To the Editor: A CAMPUSnewspaper is expect- ed to present its news coverage impartially, but the Daily has not done so in the debts accrued to the Taft and Young Democratic clubs. Admittedly the Taft Club has a debt. The Daily splashed the story over page one in three columns. The next day the Daily editors were told that the Young Demo- crats had a debt of $23. when Rackham Hall was rented for Mike Monroney's talk. Nothing has been written regarding this debt. Though the Young Democratic leadership paid this debt Thurs- day, they were not authorized to do so by the membership of the club. Two things should be done im- mediately: 1) The Daily should have the same coverage it gave to the Taft Club debt accorded to the Young Democratic debt. 2) The Young Democratic mem- bership should be asked by vote whether they wanted to pay, from their own pockets, for the Young Democratic mistakes made in the past. -Bernie Backhaut on behalf of the Young Republicans 0 f (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second in a series of Interpretive articlesdealing with Soviet culture and the extent of state control over the endeavors of Soviet artists, writers, musicians, scientists, and educators. Today: Soviet music.) By DONALD HARRIS "MUSIC MUST present the consumate formulation of the psychological tri- bulations of mankind, it should accumulate man's energy. Here we have the "Symphony of Socialism. It begins with the Largo of the masses working underground, an accel- erando corresponds to the subway system; the Allegro in its turns symbolizes gigantic factor machinery and its victory over nature. The Adagio represents the synthesis of So- viet culture, science, and art. The Scherzo reflects the athletic life of the happy inhabi- tants of the Union. As for the Finale, it is the image of gratitude and the enthusiasm of the masses." Such writes the critic, Alexis Tolstoy, who in this typical program note has demonstrated the outlook on music pre- valent in the Soviet Union today. And from this passage we can easily infer how the Soviets have capitalized on one of Russia's most cherished and popular heri- tages, her musical gift, in order to make the necessary but distasteful job of pro- pagandizing more palatable. This is exactly the main duty that music must perform in Soviet society. Ever since the revolution the Soviet has had to keep on convincing the populace of the merits of communism. A standard of living which for the majority of people is not really any better than pre-revolutionary conditions, extra-long and tedious working days to build up Russia's industrial potential and keep pace with the Western World, a constant state of anxiety caused equally by the terror of the police state within the country and the fear of a dialectical war with other countries, all this is certainly not a pleasant diet to the Soviet citizen. Yet defeatism and insurrection is the last thing the Stalin government could allow if they are to be true to the dialectic. So pro- na.anra must nrsist. The glories of the torting the meaning of an art form, a national heritage, so that political doc- trines, before difficult to accept, now be- come more acceptable. And not only music written since the Revolution is made to serve this purpose, but equally music from by-gone eras has been thus reinterpreted. It seems strange to us but the melancholy in Tschaikovsky's music is now to repre- sent "the last dying gasp of capitalism." Now the fact that music must serve a practical utility, and that composers must recognize this fact (the recent purges and resultant dictates, and the fact that com- posers must not write music more advanced than the average musical insight, are a re- sult of this changed musical function) is obviously damaging to art. And the pro- vocative question of whether or not compos- ers can write expressive music under the yoke of non-musical dictates, though a ser- ious question, is one in which only the fu- ture can positively answer. But what is most abhorrent and most artistically damaging about the Soviet view of music is its effect on the listener, the most important part of the composer-performer-listener triumvir- ate that goes to create the musical experi- ence. LOOKING AGAIN at the passage which began this article, we easily see that the values it expresses are extra-musical; they are political ideas which have been super- imposed on an artistic creation. What hap- pens is that the Soviet listener is asked not to listen to music in itself, but rather with a preconceived idea that is foreign to the very essence of the art. Of course there has been program music in the past, and I suppose that there shall continue to be. Many things which we perceive around us are in a sense musical, such as the song of a bird or the rhythm of a machine. But certainly it is impos- sible for music to portray so abstract an idea as "the synthesis of Soviet culture, science, and art." And even if music were to be always 'imitating those things in nature which are musical, which could be ia-M the ran ..wnnmmnot . sh o min....- ly on a story which is supposed to accom- pany the music. On the other hand there have been in- stances such as Beethoven's Pastoral sym- phony where the program is of real impor- tance to the music. What is represented in this symphony are such things as a babbling brook or a thunderstorm, but again the en- joyment of this work is definitely not based predominantly or even only on the fact that Beethoven has successfully captured the rise and fall of a thunderstorm. * * * CLEARLY THERE are other, more vital is- sues in a \work of art. What these values are is not the concern of this article, rather the harm that their ignorance will cause. In the case where the program is added without the composer's knowledge, where its intent is obviously non-musical but utilitar- ian, where its meaning destroys the mean- ing inherent in the work of art, in these cases the harm is grossly magnified. And this is the case in Soviet Russia where the non-musical values are pro- mulgated, the musical, artistic ones are negligible. The listener must make his feelings correspond to ideas dictated from outside the work. If he objects, he is told he is wrong, and probably accused of be- ing a traitor, as composers have been call- ed when purged for similar reasons. The average concert-goer in Russia loses any insight he might receive into the true nature of music, by being constantly made to seek out and supply non-musical mean- ings. Though music can in some fashion be divertissement, it more often is his pep- talk. The business of applying non-musical connotations to music, of denying the identity of an art form by making it sub- servient to a political, practical purpose can do naught else but conceal the mean- ing of art. And not only is the meaning lost, but also man's only means of his creative expression is hidden under a cloak of propagandizing. The listener loses one of the most vital aspects of the human exnerien ee p 'I t C i ttt Mt I Sixty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staf Crawford Young... ..Managing Editor Cal Samra............Editorial Director Zander Hollander.......Feature Editor Sid Klaus ......... Associate City Editor Harland Britz.......Associate Editor Donna Hendleman.....Associate Editor Ed Whipple..... ......Sports Editor John Jenks .....Associate Sports Editor Dick Sewell ..... Associate Sports Editor Lorraine Butler.......Women's Editor Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor Business Staff Al Green...........Business Manager Milt Goetz........Advertising Manager Diane Johnston...Assoc. Business Mgr. Judy Loehnberg..... Finance Manager Tom Treeger.......Circulation Manager a I ' rra ,r