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October 21, 1952 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1952-10-21

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The 'Integrity'
Of Ike & A dla
HE PHRASE "he has the courage of his
convictions"carries with it a deep sig-
nificance. If a man has the fortitude to
stand by something or someone he believes
in, despite the consequences, he has dis-
played an inner strength that only truly
great men possess.
We have in the current political cam-
paign, instances of both presidential can-
didates faced with the opportunity to
stand up for what they believe is right.
' Governor Stevenson is a strong champion
of civil rights. He believes in the FPC and
anti-lynch laws. He believes in equality for
all and the abolition of the filibuster, so
supplementary civil rights laws may be
The Governor knew that these views were
generally unpopular in the South. Yet,
when he toured Dixie he did not give lip
service to reactionary confederate leaders
by soft-soaping the civil rights issue. He told
them in blunt language that he was for
what they were against, and if he were
elected he would fight for these principles.
When Stevenson visited Detroit, he
_ warned the labor unions that, though he
was sympathetic to their cause, he would
not be their prisoner. This is not what
labor expected to hear from the man they
will support. But Adlai stuck to his guns.
And, in addressing the powerful and in-
fluential American Legion, the Governor de-
clared that she would not wilt before any
pressure group, including the American Le-
gion, if such action went against the pub-
lic's welfare.
On the other side of the fence, General
Eisenhower is known to have the utmost
respect and admiration for his ever-com-
petent war-time chief, Gen. George C.
Marshall. Likewise, he admittedly views
with disgust the unscrupulous tactics of
Senator Joe McCarthy.
Unlike his opponent, however, Ike will
hot stand up for his principles when prac-
tical politics is in question. He has openly
endorsed and condoned McCarthy and Sen-
ator Jenner of Indiana, the man who called
Marshall a traitor.
Moreover, the issuance of the "joint" Eis-
enhower-Taft policy statement, written by
Senator.Taft, indicates that the General has
already surrendered to the Ohio senator's
way of thinking for "strategic political.
This reaction to the problems of campaign
politics clearly anticipates what could be
expected of Ike in the White House.
x° No matter what Eisenhower believed,
political expediency would dictate that he
follow th Taft-McCarthy wing of the
Republican party which would control a
GOP Congress. That means a vote for
the GOP would mean a vote for the- con-
servative forces that were supposedly
soundly defeated In the Republican con-
vention last July.
To be sure, the contrast of these two can-
didates in their display of their intellectual
integrity is sufficiently striking to be a vital
factor in choosing a president.
-Alan Luckoff-

Truman's 'Disgusting Remarks'
PROBABLY THE most disgusting aspect propaganda circulated in the New Hamp-
of the campaign to date is the dema- shire election which called Ike a tool of
gogic activity of President Truman. Touring the "international Jews."
the country on behalf *of Adlai E. Steven- Though aimed at different audiences, both
son, the President is engaging in a type of the Truman statement and the New Hamp-
political slander which confirms the opin- shire propaganda leave a singularly un-
ion that he is basically an irresponsible, pleasant impression.
juvenile person. The night before the Persident's ill-con-
The most revolting evidence of Truman's ceived speech was read, Gen. Eisenhower had
Tdvetrevnbadltastie ashisTrulents quite clearly stated his position on immigra-
adventures in bad taste was his virlulent tion laws in a speech which was a refutation
attack on Dwight Eisenhower over the of the Truman statement. These were his
immigration issue. Citing the evidence words:
that a number of GOP congressmen had "We must strike from our statute books
voted for the "Nazi-like" McCarran-Wal- any legislation concerning immigration
ters Act, the President turned this fact that implies the blasphemy against the
into a bitter, unfair attack on the Gen- democracy that only certain groups of
eral and the Republican Party. Europeans are welcome on American
Significantly, his remarks, which were shores."
presented to the Jewish Welfare Board's It seems very naive of the President to
National Leadership Mobilization for GI assume that Eisenhower could harbor any
and Community Services, drew. immediate anti-semitism when the General was in-
rebuttal from prominent Rabbi Abba Silver strumental in wiping out Nazism and rac-
of Cleveland who denounced the President ism during the last war. However, the Pre-
and defended Eisenhower. sident's logic has never been too consistent,
Identifying the General with anti- especially when an opportunity to present
Semitism is as much an insult to the a calculated smear is offered.
Jewish people as was the anti-Eisenhower -Harry Lunn

In the Distance, a Train Whistle

. . Everyone's


'Wild' about Harry
"Those Darn Train w istles Again!"
- I.a i"


'Galloping Reactionaries'

THE OTHER DAY Col. "Birdie" McCor-
mick, of "Chicago Tribune" fame an-
nounced that he would soon make known
to an expectant t and gasping public his
choice for President in the November elec-
McCormick, owner of the self-styled
"World's Greatest Newspaper," comment-
ed most favorably on the way that "Ike"
Eisenhower has been handling his cam-
It is not too hazardous to predict that
"Ike" will soon become the Trib's man of'
the hour.
The addition of the colonel to the gen-
eral's roster of vehement supporters will be
a boon to the American voter.
Those who have been doubtful up to
now about the general becoming a captive
of the "Old Guard" may begin to see that
there is more than a grain of truth in
these accusations.

It has also been rumored that the man
who finally "faded away" to the relief of
many, may also be imposed upon to actively
support Eisenhower. The reason for this is
due to the fact that Gen. MacArthur, the
gentleman in question, will take away im-
portant votes from Ike, since in many states
MacArthur's , name has been entered as
candidate for president on the Christia
Nationalist ticket.
With MacArthur and Christian Nation-
alist Gerald L. K. Smith in the fold, Eis-
enhower can then proceed to run the
"high level" campaign that some of his
more radical managers are now urging.
Add to this Senators Taft, McCarthy, Jen-
ner, and all the rest of the galloping GOP
reactionaries, and there will no longer be any
doubt that the genereal is completely unfit
to lead any sort of "crusade."
-Mark Reader

'Melodramatic Progressives'

PROBABLY THE only thing worth men-
tioning about Saturday's, musical Pro-
gressive Party rally was the bad taste it
must have left in many 'mouths. Somehow
it was difficult, as usual, to find any trace
of sincerity in the vociferous demands for
peace and civil rights that stuck so closely
to the familiar Moscow party line.
Progressive presidential candidate Vin-
cent Hallinan and party co-chairman
Paul Robeson advanced the usual absurd
heroics that ranged from cracks about
"greedy and bloody American imperial-
ism" (an old left-wing favorite) to sug-
gestions that American troops might soon
be sent to South Africa because of Ana-
conda copper interests there.

There were also the usual distortions
about the status of the American Negro
which, as in past pink propaganda, seemed
aimed more at stirring up trouble than in
resolving tensions.
A final touch to an afternoon that would
have been completely revolting if it had
not been for Robeson's singing should also
be mentioned. The chilled and rather un-
enthusiastic spectators were consistently
under the watchful eyes of local party sym-
pathizers who marked time at strategic
points on the surrounding slopes for some
sort of melodrama that never came off.
Perhaps the crowd was too small.
-Mike Wolff

Courtesy GOP National Committee
WASHINGTON-A meeting of Midwest Ford automobile dealers wasA
held in Omaha on October 10, at which they were told that
a political emergency faced the nation and that each dealer would be
expected to contribute to the Republican National Committee for use
in the current political campaigh-.
The Omaha meeting was attended by Ford dealers from Neb-
raska and Iowa only. Earlier, a meeting was held at Colorado
Springs at which Allen Merrill, personal assistant to Henrye
Ford II, and Walker Williams came from Detroit to tell Ford
dealers that the future of Ford depended on a change of ad-f
ministrations in Washington.
Unless there was a change of administrations, Ford dealers were1
told, big business in the United States, including the Ford Motor
Company, was doomed.t
Word of the Colorado meeting was brought to some of thef
Nebraska and Iowa dealers by Ed O'Shea of Lincoln.
The lowest assessment of any Ford dealer in the Omaha area was1
placed at $100, while one dealer, Walter Mahoney at Sioux City, was1
expected to pay $1,000. Dynamic Don Gell, the Ford dealer at Red
Oak, Iowa, one of the top-notch dealers in the industry, was assigned
to collect funds for Western Iowa. He advised fellow dealers to send
checks to him at Red Oak, make them out to the Republican National
Committee, but not make them on a company check.
This meeting follows a pattern set by Arthur Summerfield,
now chairman of the Republican National Committee, in Michgan
in 1946 and 1948. At that time Summerfield was Republican na-
tional committeeman for Michigan and still is the largest Chevro-
let dealer in the world. His collection of GOP contributions from
auto dealers was based upon the number of cars they sold and
eventually led to the indictment of 20 dealers and the conviction
of 18 for violation of the corrupt practices act.;
This is probably why Ford dealers this year have been warned
not to use company checks; since it was the fact that Michigan auto1
dealers did use company checks which led to their conviction.
SUMMERFIELD'S MONEY-RAISING scheme in Michigan is one
reason why members of the Dewey wing of the Republican Party
were surprised, to put it mildly, when Summerfield was made chair-
man of the Republican National Committee. They felt that his ap-
pointment took part of the punch out of the corruption issue against
the Democrats.;
One Republican especially surprised at Summerfield's ap-
pointment was the former Attorney General of Michigan, Eugene
Black, who as a Republican had attempted to prosecute Sum-
merfield and Michigan auto dealers.
In the end, Attorney General Black faced such tough opposition
from members of his own party that he finally came to Washington
and placed his evidence before the Justice Department.
Black's charge against Michigan auto dealers in May 1948 was
that they were able to avoid paying the State sales tax in return for
raising a huge campaign chest of $250,000 for the -Republican Party.
Black gave full credit to Summerfield for cooking up the
scheme and charged that the auto dealers were told that if they
did not contribute to the GOP they would not get their normal
quota of cars from the factory.
Black estimated that the State of Michigan was cheated out of
$30,000,000 of sales taxes by auto dealers as a result of the Summer-
field scheme.
BLACK'S CLEAN-UP of Republican politics immediately brought
vitriolic opposition and charges of "ingrate" from other Republi-
cans. The Republican state committee actually telegraphed Black:
"You are a menace to good government, and we respectfully suggest
that you immediately resign."
Governor Kim Sigler, also a Republican, even withheld from
Black $35,000 which he needed to prosecute the auto dealers. And
when Black dug up an unexpended balance of $12,498 left over
by his department from 1947, the GOP state auditor clamped
down an order that this money could not be used to probe Re-
publican campaign funds.
It was at this point that the Republican attorney general of
Michigan went to Washington and turned over his evidence to a
Democratic Administration

The Justice Department, calling a grand jury in Detroit, under
U.S. Attorney Thomas P. Thornton, not only indicted 20 dealers for
violation of the corrupt practices act, but subpoenaed the books of the
now Republican national chairman. Summerfield brought suit for
the return of his books, but was not able to get his books back until
the prosecution was over.
One witness, Mrs. Dudley C. Hay, former Republican commit-
teewoman, testified that auto dealers gave a dollar to the Repub-
lican treasury for every car they sold, and that they took this
money out of "miscellaneous" expenses, which are tax deductable,
rather than campaign contributions, which are not.

-The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters whichsare signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the




Both Ike & Adla iHave Compromised

WASHINGTON-Several thousand miles
of travel and a great many weeks of
reasonably industrious inquiry, covering al-
most every region of this country, normally
ought to produce a theory about an elec-
tion. These reporters met here in Wash-
ington to pool their experiences and work
out such a theory aboutthe present con-
test. -But the indications are too conflicting,
and no election forecast will be offered in
this space.
Instead, it seems better to try to ans-
wer the question that is keeping such
enormous numbers of voters wabbling on

the fence: "who has been captured by
whom, and will they stay caught?" The
best way to approximate an answer is by
studying the campaign patterns.
In some respects, Gen. Eisenhower's cam-
paign is reminiscent of Wendell Willkie's
campaign twelve years ago. Like Willkie,
Eisenhower was nominated by the moder-
ate-progressive, world-minded wing of the
Republican party.
Like Willkie, Eisenhower was exposed to
pressure from the more conservative, isola--
tionist wing of his party, by the very fact
of his own weak start. And like Willkie,
Eisenhower yielded to this pressure, mak-



At The Orpheum ...
GREEN FOR DANGER, with Alastair
Sim, Sally Gray and Trevor Howard.
THIS PICTURE combines two rather ex-
treme dramatic elements, and does it
to full advantage. It is both a murder-sus-
pense thriller and an excellent comedy; and
somehow the two are not at all incongruoous
with one another. -
The scene of the two murders is an emer-
gency hospital in England in 1944. A post-
man dies mysteriously in an operating room
IF MY THEORY or relativity is proven
successful, Germany will claim me as a
German and- France will declare that I am
a citizen of the world. Should my theory
prove untrue, France will say that I am a
German and Germany will declare that I
am a Jew.
-Albert Einstein

with only five people present. The following
day a nurse, who claimed to have found a
clue to the identity of the killer, is stabbed in
the same operating room; all five of the
suspects had a motive for murdering her.
These are the fact known when Inspec-
tor Cockerel of Scotland Yard (Alastair
Sim) takes over the case, perhaps one-
third of the way through the picture.
From that point the story suddenly gives
up any chance of being an orthodox-and
possibly dull-detective mystery. Sim, from
the moment of his arrival, transforms it
into a polite,.reserved satire on standard
murder thrillers. He chucklingly plays with
the suspects to get their reactions, fol-
lows false leads, lectures the five on the
dangers of associating with their fellow
potential murderers, and awkardly dodges
buzz-bombs. In the end he manages pretty
well to bungle the case, yet reveals the real
Trevor Howard and Leo Genn portray an
anesthetist and a surgeon, both trying to

ing political compromises and appeals for
votes which seemed out of character to
many of his original admirers and sup-
The Willkie parallel is valuable to recall
because so many people who much admir-
ed Eisenhower have been so much upset
by the course the General has taken. No
one who has followed the campaign can
deny that Gen. Eisenhower has made
these compromises, which he must have
found highly distasteful.
By the same token, since his remarkable
address to the Al Smith dinner in New York,
Eisenhower has been "talking like Eisen-
hower," as his personal staff put it. It
may be a bad thing to talk out of different
corners of your mouth in parts of the coun-
By the same token, Gov. Stevenson has
also made important compromises. Like Eis-
enhower, Stevenson experienced disappoint-
ments early in the campaign. Especially, he
and his advisors found -that mere nomina-
tion' as Democratic candidate for the presi-
dent did not transform Stevenson into a
vivid national personality overnight.
Hence Stevenson, who at first promised
that he was "not going to run against
Hoover," has begun to do precisely that.
He has made no discernible concessions on
foreign policy. But on domestic policy, he
has switched over to an intensive effort
to maintain the old Democratic alliance
of the farmers, labor, the negroes and the
South. This change of strategy is, in it-
self, a major concession. Yet, as in Eis-
enhower's case, there is no reason to be-
lieve that the concession made by Ste-
venson has fatally impaired his power to
take an independent line if he reaches
the White House.
In short, each candidate has reluctantly
but inevitably acquired a good deal of the
coloration of the party that nominated
him; but each, in his different way, re-

Slosson Answered.. ..
To the Editor
IN SATURDAY'S edition Prof..
Slosson made some comments
about Egypt and the Sudan which
I would like to clarify.
I agree with your correspond-,
ent's statement that the Sudanese
'are not Egyptians only to the same
extent and with the same impli-
cations as the Scots are'not Eng-
lish, let us say. Yet the natural
and historical ties betweenEgypt
and the Sudan are stronger than
those existing between England
and Scotland. Racial differences
-if that is what Mr. Slosson im-
plies-have no meaning or weight
to the Egyptians. By stressing dif-
ferences between Egyptians and
Sudanese, I am afraid Mr. Slosson
is simply being a welcome spokes-
man to British Propaganda.
As one who has witnessed close-
ly the operation "away with ty-
ranny and corruption" ending nat-
urally in the dethronement of ex-
King Farouk, I would like to state
that the first, or more accurately,
the only foreign representative in
Egypt to be informed by the "Lib-
eration Movement" of what was
ahead, was the American Military
Attache in Cairo. But assuming you
knew beforehand through your
own Intelligence channels of the
impending removal of Farouk,
would your reaction have been dif-
Before Egypt considers partici-
pation in the proposed Middle East
Defense Command, all British
troops must evacuate, and for
good, the Suez Canal area and the
Sudan. The Egyptian will is un-
shakably resolved that this should
be the case. Egypt has had enough
broken promises from Britain
since 1882, that she is not in the
least inclined to entertain any
more such promises.
As Mr. Slosson will have found
out from the latest English lectur-
er on this campus-Dr. Hawgood
in the Rackham Hall last Thurs-
day - British foreign policy is
amorally base. It is conceived and
executed on grounds of expedi-
ence and calculated selfish inter-
The Iranian question is first and
foremost the result of that coun-
try's attempt to rid itself of Brit-
ish hegemony and imperialistic de-
signs. If this is not a question de-
manding American intervention as
the champion of liberty and self-
determination, I don't know what
May I suggest that side by side
with listening to the British point
of view, a serious attempt should
be made to examine with the char-
acteristic American fairminded-
ness the just claims of the various
peoples who are irrevocably de-
termined to free themselves of
British Imperialism and thus live
in peace.f
-M. T. Ramzi
Cognito, Ergo Sum? ...
To the Editor:
I AM NOT existing-at least that
is the impression'you get if you
look in the new Student Directory
for me. I paid my bills, I filled out
a railroad ticket, and what hap-
pens? I get lost between the bot-
tom of one page and the top of

Mock tack ...
TQ the Editor:
IN ADDITION to City of Ann
Arbor and University promul-,
gated war defense measures calling
for "shelter signs and air raid in-
structions," as proposed by R. Sny-
der, '54, S. Schulman, '53, 41 Koch-
in, '54, etc., -I suggest that a more
thorough program of civil defense
be adopted by the frightened com-
In addition to the aforesaid
measures, I suggest that the ROTC,
NROTC and AFROTC, in coopera'-
tion with local vigilante commit-
tees, stage a combined operations
mock attack on the Mich. Daily
Bldg. Fisticuffs following the inva-
sion might easily be arranged. All
staff writers, little corporals and
local jingoists who lose one or
more teeth or who break a nose
might be given an American Citi-
zenship Purple Heart by the Inter-
Fraternity Council. The uniformed
ones participating should be guar-
anteed a two-point scholastic av-
erage and an invitation to join a
frat. As any red-blooded American
boy will participate, a display of
cowardice will be met with self-
righteous rebuke.
The whole event should be run
as, a profit making enterprise by
the Varsity Club, which could sell
bandages and splints. The cam-
pus sororities could develop excel-
lent first-aid techniques and at the
same time fulfill their moral ob-
ligations to the community.
This sort of program will en-
courage freedom and expose in-
sidious sedentary parlor-pinks who
would treacherously expose Ann
Arbor's citizens to atom-bomb
flashes emanating from Willow
Run or The Roup-e.
-John Leggett
"UNLESS YOU laugh and minis-
ter occasion to him, he is gag-
'-Valvolio in "Twelfth Night"



Sixty-Third Year
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