THE 'INTEGRITY' OF IKE & ADLAI See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the State D43aitilI 0 0 CONTINUED COLD VOL. LXIII, No. 25 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1952 SIX PAGES U U Ike Blasts Scandalous' Truman Era GOP Candidate Denies 'Drivel' WORCESTER, Mass. -(P)- An angry Dwight D. Eisenhower said Monday President Truman has a "scandal - a - day" administration and added: the people "are going to throw it out of office." Whistle - stopping to tens of thousands through Southern New England, the Republican presi- dential candidate charged his op- position with spreading lies, poison and drivel against him. THE GENERAL'S ire bubbled up to the point where he told a po- lice-estimated crowd of 8,000 at New London, Conn.: "I get to the point where I get too angry to speak. You speak for me in Nov. 4." Eisenhower's speech here was a major one in his tour and he used it for a 15-point restatement of * "the beliefs which make this a crusade for me." "I AM STILL a 'No Deal' man," Eisenhower said as he opened this review of what he regards as his basic political creed. Then he went on to make such points as: "Anyone who says it is my purpose to cut down social se- curity, unemployment insurance, to leave the ill and the aged des- titute, is lying .. . "I believe that corruption in government is not something to be shrugged off That is why this scandal-a-day administration stands before the country discred- ited ... "I believe inflation is as dan- gerous an enemy as we face to- day ... "I believe that taxes are too high ... "I believe that the federal gov- ernment should be the partner of state governments, and not their oppressor." Covering the same ground Pres- ident.Truman whistle-stopped 48 hours earlier, Eisenhower had a quip and a grin for the Connec- ticut weather. Rally To Hear Potter Today There will be a rally for county Republicans at 7:30 p.m. today in the American Legion Post on South Main St. at which Rep. Charles Potter, senatorial candi- date on the State GOP ticket, will be a featured speaker. Rep. Potter has not announced his speech topic and the talk will probably be off-the-cuff. ALL COUNTY candidates will be introduced at the rally by local GOP chairman George Weims and State Rep. Lou Christman will speak on "Reapportionment." The senatorial candidate will be intro- duced by Rep. George Meader. Before coming to Ann Arbor, Potter will attend a reception and dinner for faculty members from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. at McKinney Hall on the campus of Michigan State Normal College in Ypsilanti. The local rally is being sponsor- I ed by the Women's City Republi- can Committee and is open to the public. Cider and donuts will be served. UN Bazaar To BeHeld In conjunction with United Na- tions Week, the All American Uni- versity Women and the Interna- tional Center are sponsoring a UN Bazaar to be held in the lobby of the League. The bazaar will begin tomorrow and will conclude its activities at noon Saturday. Native handicrafts from countries belonging to the United Nations will be sold. The profits from the bazaar will go to the UNESCO book fund. Anyone who wishes to donate ar- ticles for sale at the bazaar may brimg them to the League lobby tomorrow. Petitions Available in- A*E 'F't U UN ASSEMBLY PRESIDENT LESTER B. PEARSON UN Speakers Link Economies, Peace By ZANDER HOLLANDER Daily Feature Editor Special To The Daily UNITED NATIONS, N.Y.-An impressive lineup of international figures warned Sunday night that there can be no lasting world peace without economic development of the world's "have-not" na- tions. The speakers, opening the 21st annual New .York Herald Tribune Forum at the United Nations General Assembly building, said that this job must be shouldered by the world's industrial nations, both in- dividually and through the U.N. * * * * A CAPACITY CROWD of 2,191 jammed into the just-completed blue- and-gold assembly hall, built%- at a cost of $12,250,000, filling the "Peace with freedom and progress same seats held by representatives is a meaningless slogan for men of 60 nations the day before. Rep- i resenting civic, veterans, labor, and with empty stomachs and nothing many other groups, colleges and to live for. But the defense of universities from all-over the Unit- peace with freedom can command ed States, they included four del- unswerving loyalty from men given egates from the University of a fair chance to have a life worth Michigan. living." These were: Dean of Students, P Erich A. Walter; Judith Bender, PEARSON, Canada's Secretary '54, of the Young Democrats; of State for External Affairs, in Hal Mays, '54, of the Young Re- the session's closing address, de- - publicans; and this reporter. fended the U.N. intevention in Ko- rea, emphasizing that had the The delegates heard U.N. Secre- U.N. failed to take immediate ac- tary General Trygve Lie, U.N. As- tion there, its value "would have sembly President Lester B. Pear- depreciated swiftly and perhaps son, International Bank Presi- beyond repair." dent Eugene R. Black, and other B dignitaries, report on financial and Black, outlining the projects technical assistance programs al- of his International Bank for ready under way, simultaneously contrutd an warninget, stressing the need for new pro- contributed a stern warning to grams if the under-developed na- grandiose thinkers who have ad- tions are to be kept on the side of voated that billions of dollars be the democracies. given to underdeveloped nations. "Carpital on this scale is simply * * * not available," he admonished, THE THEME of this year's For- adding that such advocates um is "Building Leadership for were only "raising false hopes." Peace." Sunday night's session was devoted to problems of leader- And even if it were available, ship for peace on the international Black asserted, "The underdevel- level through the U.N. oped countries are not ready to use Lie, in the opening speech, de- it. At present they have neither dlared that, "The long hard strug- the technical nor the human re- gle for peace in which we are en- sources to absorb any such astro- gaged involves more than the con- nomical amounts of capital quick- tainment within peaceful bounds ly and effectively." of the conict between the Western Other major speakers were Ah- and the Soviet-Chinese camps. For med S. Bokkari, Pakistan repre- this purpose, the building of collec- sentative to the U.N.; David Owen, tive security against aggression Executive Chairman of the U.N. and the utmost use of all resources Technical Assistance Board; Stan- for peaceful adjustment that can ley Andrews, administrator of the be developed are essential." State Department's Technical Co- operation Administration (Point But, he added, ethe strength Four); Rajendra Coomaraswamy, for a lasting peace will only beFPrsidRendtheComclafrsTech- ours if, by means of economic de- President of the Council for Tech- velopment of the "have-not" nical Cooperation in south and nations "we provide a genuine southeast Asia (formulators of the natons"w proess adgeuie ,Colombo Plan," a Commonwealth hope of progress and a decent version of Point Four); and Gil- life to peoples determined to bert White, President of Haverford emerge in our time from the College. blackness of poverty." The Forum continued yesterday Lie cautioned against a growing at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel with tendency to regard economic de- talks from outstanding business velopment programs as charity. leaders. Last Week The campus sale for senior pictures will continue to be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily at Angell Hall. Seniors can also make ap- pointments between 1 and 5:30 p.m. daily at the Student Pub- lications Bldg. The deadline for appointments is Friday, 'Oct. 24. HST Denies Anti-Semitic Statements By the Associated Press President Truman charged yes- terday that Republican leaders "deliberately distorted" his Friday remarks on anti-Semitism into a charge that Gen. Dwight D. Eisen- hower is "anti-Catholic and anti- Jewish." "I said no such thing," Truman declared in a statement, but he repeated that Eisenhower, Republi- can presidential candidate, "can- not escape responsibility" for his endorsement of GOP senators who backed the McCarran Immigration Act. "THE PRACTICES of those sen- ators-the practices of the big lie and of character assassination- are identified with the so-called 'master race' theory and no amount of distortion can change that fact," the President said. I know that the Republi- can candidate for President is neither anti-Jewish nor anti- Catholic, but why does he give his endorsement to such men?" "That is what I condemned last Friday and this is what I condemn today." MEANWHILE Gov. Adlai E. Stevenson last night pictured Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower as a man "with no policy, no program, and no real faith in the future of America." Stevenson, the Democratic presidential nominee, said that Eisenhower, his GOP opponent, "goes around saying one thing," only to have Republican Sen. Robert A. Taft of Ohio, "assure the country that he, Eisenhower, really meant something else." Describing Taft as "the greatest authority on what the General really thinks," the Illinois gover- nor added: "While the galaxy of political followers ride off in all directions with the General struggling might- ily to keep from falling off the thrashing elephant, the expediency of it all is showing through-no policy, no program, and no real faith in the future of America." A few hours before the rally, Stevenson's campaign manager, Wilson Wyatt, said that what started out to be Eisenhower's great crusade for the presidency appears to be degenerating into "the great smear campaign." Wyatt told a news conference that there had been "shocking" distortion of the truth by the Re- publican opposition. BANG! Injuries, Snow Mark Hunting As Monday's opening of the pheasant season lured sportsmen into the fields around the state, one hunter suffered a fatal heart attack and at least 10 others were taken to hospitals for treatment of gunshot. The small game season was ush- ered into Michigan's hunting coun- try by snow flurries and near freezing temperatures. The game was reported sticking to the thick- ets, hard to move. Despite the low temperature, however hunting was reported good over most of the state, ex- cept in where snow bogged down the intrepid nimrods. Miners Over Wage Ceiling Order, ewsSilenton PITTSBURGH-(PA)--Stung by a government order reducing a pay increase, 305,000 of's 375,000 soft coal miners re- fused to world yesterday. The protest walkout hit hardest in the number one producing state-West Virginia-where all the 115,000 members of the United Mine Workers stayed away from the pits. Pennsylvania counted 86,500 idle diggers. All of Illinois' 17,000 UMW members are out, as well as 33,000 of 50,000 miners in Ken- tucky, 8,500 in Indiana, all of Alabama's 15,000 plus 12,000 in Ohio, 9,000 in Virginia and 2,000 in Ten- 4 -Daily-Alan Reid FORMAL PRESENTATION-Praising the University's program in Japanese studies, His Excellency, Mr. Eikichi Araki, Japanese ambassador to the United States, Sunday afternoon presented 182 cherry trees to the University on behalf of the Tokyo alumni. Japanese Ambassador Presents Cherry Trees By GENE HARTWIG In a brief program Sunday aft- ernoon in Alumni Memorial Hall, the Japanese ambassador to the United States, His Excellency Mr. Eikichi Araki, formally presented the gift of 182 cherry trees from the Tokyo alumni to the Univer- sity. Speaking from a platform bank- ed by multi-colored chrysanthe- mums and flags of the United States and Japan, the ambassador was introduced by Prof. Robert Hall, director of the Center for Japanese Studies. .A PROF. HALL described the fes- tival as arising out of the desire to celebrate the signing of the peace treaty between this country and Japan. Addressing an audience of about 200 people Mr. Araki said Hass To Tell SLP Views Here Today Eric Hass, Socialist Labor Par- ty candidate for president, will be in Ann Arbor today to make a ra- dio broadcast and meet with mem- bers of the press. He will speak at 9:45 p.m. over WHRV, and at 7 p.m. will meet with a group of reporters at the Union in an interview and ques- tion and answer session designed to clear up misconceptions about the SLP. PARTY MEMBERS believe in the doctrine that the United States is heading into a crisis which will result in the overthrow of the present social and political system. .However, the SLP has always. Their party organ "Weekly People" recently affirmed that "the SLP is the only party that correctly . appraises the present crisis as a revolutionary crisis." However, the SLP has always advocated revolution by ballot and not by force. Included on the bal- lot in 22 states (Michigan is one of them), SLP members have en- tered many races for local offices. * * ~ * HASS'S RUNNING mate is Stephen Emery, who is also tour- Walkout egins; "Your university is performing an important and far reaching service going beyond the oceans In bringing about an under- standing of both Europe and Asia, "Wars are short and peace is long," said the ambassador re- ferring to the recent war. "The time is past when men in bitter- ness will still say, 'East is East and West is West and never the twain shall meet.' " TURNING to American political and economic aid to Japan the ambassador continued, "The Jap- anese people have been deeply im- pressed and will never forget the friendship you have shown them. "Although political and eco- nomic support of Japan is neces- sary today, it is necessary only that Japan may some day sup- port herself." The ambassador presented the trees on behalf of the Tokyo alum- ni and the people of Japan say- ing, "May they be reborn each spring in beauty and may they thrive in your soil and in your hearts." President Harlan H. Hatcher re- ceived the gift of some 182 flower- ing cherry trees representing a total of 38 varieties for the Univer- sity and went on to describe their future location around the reflect- ing pool on the proposed new North Campus. nessee. Other coal states reported smaller numbers. THE FAMILIAR "no contract, no work" chant went up from miners. One UMW leader said the men felt their new contract was nullified when the Wage Sta- bilization Board reduced their $1.90 a day pay boost to $1.50. The cut made the basic mini- mum daily wage $17.85. It former- ly was $16.35 and would have been $18.25 under the new contract. UMW President John L. Lewis maintained an unbroken silence in Washington. No publicized, official orders for a work stop- page have come from him or any other U3MW leader. Possibility of an extended strike is seen by President GeorgerJ. Titlep of UMW District 18 in Berk- ley, W. Va. Titler declared: "The mine shutdown might be a long one, maybe as much as six months." No one is likely to suffer from lack of coal for at least two months. The walkout' s start found about 85 million ton$ of coal piled above ground--a near -record amount. Coalmen say some areas might feel a pinch if they aren't near supplies of mined coal but by and. large they say there's plenty of coal for everyone for weeks to come. Red Casualties Reach "7,500 In Past Week SEOUL--(P)-A United Nations front line officer reported today that more than 7,500 Chinese Reds have been killed or wounded in ground action alone since Oct. 14 in the vicious Central Korea fight- ing for Triangle Hill and Sniper Ridge. He said air strikes probably ac- counted for many more during the limited Allied offensive which has largely achieved the two objec- tives. Last night artillery of both sides dueled across the valleys around Sniper and Triangle. Although action dwindled after a night and day of costly and fu- tile Red attacks, United Nations officers refused to predict that the Chinese Communists had given up. Board Asks Communist Registration WASHINGTON-(P)-Two gov- ernment hearing officers held yesterday that. the Communist party "strives incessantly to make the United States a Soviet Amer- ica," and they recommend that it be compelled to register with the Justice Department and , threw open its records. The Supreme Court will eventu- ally be called on to resolve the issue. Yesterday's recommendation came from Peter Campbell Brown and Kathryn McHale, members of the Subversive Activities Con- trol Board. They asked the full board for an order to compel the U. S. Com- munist party to register, list its members and give a financial ac- counting, * * * BROWN and Miss McHale, who listened to nearly three million words of testimony over a 14- month period, described the party as "a puppet of the Soviet Union," which "lives for the day when it can install a dictatorship of the proletariat in the United States." The panel's report, covering more than 160 pages, was the semi-final step in a long drawn out SACB proceeding under the 1950 Internal Security McCar. ran Act. That act requires that "com- munist action" and "communist front" organizations be required to register. The government thus far has started proceedings only agains the Communist party, in a test case. The next step in that proceed- ing is issuance of a board order. It is a virtual certainty that it will follow the panel's recommenda- tions. This, however, cannot be done until the party's attorneys have been given a chance to file excep- tions to the panel's report. Top Phoenix Lea ders Will Meet Sunday Between 40 and 50 state and national leaders of the Michigan Memorial, Phoenix Project will meet Sunday on campus to review campaign and research develop- ments of the gigantic peace-time atomic development program. The meeting is the first held in a year to outline progress and an- nounce new developments in the University's $6,500,000 research project. According to former Phoe- nix campaign head Alan W. Mac- Arthy, the sessions will probably be held annually. FORMER national chairman of the Phoenix campaign organiza- tion Chester H. Lang will preside at the Sunday session. Besides re- ports on campaign and research progress, the group will be in- formed of the creation of the new Development Council which was set up to "strengthen the Univer- sity's financial position." Representatives of the Phoe- nix Executive Committee, the Faculty Executive Committee, COLD AND COLDER: Weather Man Predicts Fall Snap, Early Winter DEMS RING DOORBELLS: Students For Stevenson Get Vote Out Cold and colder. That's the forecast of the weath- erman as students and townspeo- ple recover from the snow and record freezing temperatures that whisked into Ann Arbor over the weekend. Today's forecast calls for a new dip to 22 degrees. Clearer skies will help bring the thermometer up in the afternoon and the outlook for Wednesday is for still warmer tem- peratures. ON THURSDAY, however, the earmuffs and gloves will probably be back in style. Thursday's pre- diction is for a reappearance of pected to last through November and into December. AVERAGE temperatures for this area in October range from aver- age minimum lows of 44 to aver- age maximum highs of 64. To- day's high is not expected to go above 45 while yesterday's high was 38. The early bird is the hardest hit by the cold weather. At this time of year the thermometer generally hits it's lowest point between 6:30 and 7 a.m. The high points of the day fall be- tween 2 and 3 p.m. Meanwhile across the nation f e b 1 ' By HELENE SIMON Amidst the excitement of the whistle stop tours and the poli- tical maneuvering the Students- started its campaign of getting the names of local citizens who will mark their ballots for Adlai Stev- enson last week. As each Demo- distributed party literature. New voters seemed especially interested in the sample ballots which the canvassers carried, Jean Converse,