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October 19, 1952 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1952-10-19

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Minnesota .. . 13 Wisconsin ... 42 Indiana.. ... 33 Pitt . . . . . . . . 22 UCLA . . . . . . 24 Georgia Tech. 33 Penn State .. 10
Illinois .. ... 7 Iowa ....... 13 Temple .... . 0 Army ...... 14 Stanford .... 1.4 Auburn ..... 0 Nebraska ... 0

Georgia .... . 27
LSU. . . . . . . . 14


"* "9!9!0!9
" 09# 9M


Gophers, Badgers, Bucks Are on


Ohio State .


Oklahoma ... 42
Kansas .....20
Michigan State 48

Irish Topple Boilermakers;
Hoosiers Trample Temple

Borton's Devastating Passes
Rip Washington State, 35-7

Syracuse . . . .


MSC Backs
Score Often
On Syracuse
EAST LANSING--(P)-The bril-
liant running attack of Michigan
State's first-string backfield, the
blinding speed of the second-string
backs and the pin-point passing
featured by a third backfield com-
bination combined to completely
outclass Syracuse University yes-
terday as the Spartans ran up a
48 to 7 score.
A crowd of 38,254 saw Coach
Biggie Munn's herd of backs grind
- out two touchdowns in each of the
first three periods and one in the
fourth to give Michigan State's
top-ranked team its 19th straight
win, the biggest college streak in
the nation today.
MUNN HAD his second string
"pony" backs working as early as
the first period and the third of-
fensive unit of "pepper backs" was
in before the first 1'alf was over.
Michigan State used 61 play-
ers-believed to be an all time
high for the college--as it coast-
ed to an easy win 3ver the Syra-
cuse team which had dropped
only one of its first four games.
Michigan State also added a
safety. The only MSC weakness
was in the extra point depart-
ment where Evan Slonac made
four of his seven extra point tries.
THE SYRACUSE consolation
counter came in the fourth period
when Pat Stark threw a pass that
was batted into the air and caught
by guard Dick Beyer who went 28
yards for the score.
The Spartans completed only
eight of 17 passes for 89 yards
compared to 11 of 19 for 124 by
Syracuse. Willie Thrower, with
five completions in seven tries,
had a better passing average
than Tom Yewcic, the No. 1
quarterback. Yewcie completed.
three of six.
Stark did most of the pitching
for Syracuse and hit his receivers
in 11 of 18 tries. Michigan State's
complete domination of the play
was illustrated by the fact that
the Spartans didn't have to punt
until late in the third period when

By The Associated Press
turned back the pages of history
28 years as it handed Illinois a
stunning 13 to 7 defeat yesterday
before 55,627 spectators.
The loss was the Illinois second
of the season against no victories
in the conference, and virtually
knocked the defending Big Ten
champions out of the 1952 title
picture. It was Minnesota's second
straight conterence victory.
* *,
THE GOPHERS versatile offen-
sive was sparked by the hard
plunging of its two fullbacks, Mel
Holme and John Baumgartner. It
was the ability of the Gophers to
crack the Illinois line that kept
the ball in Minnesota possession
for all but three minutes of the
final period, giving the Illinois
offense no chance.
The upset victory recalled the
1924 game when Red Grange was
running wild for Illinois. The Go-
phers were given little chance in
that game as in yesterday's, but
they surprised the Illini 20 to 7.
LAFAYETTE - Notre Dame's
unranked football Irish uncorked
a potent passing attack for the
first time this season and made
the most of a series of breaks yes-
terday to beat a Purdue team
ranked No. 9 nationally, 26-14.
Purdue gave up the ball eight
times on fumbles in the course of
its first defeat of the season.
The suddenly discovered Notre
Dame aerial skill produced one
touchdown and set up another.
Quarterback Ralph Guglielmi
passed to Johnny Lattner for
one 37-yard scoring play.
Quarterback Tom Carey hit end
Arthur Hunter with a 32-yard
aerial that set up fullback Neil
Worden's second touchdown.
* * *
Poison) D'Achille, a snappy south-
paw passer and nimble runner,
stoked up Indiana for a 33-0 romp
"ver Temple yesterday as the
Hoosiers hoisted their biggest
winning margin in three years
and shut out their first foe in 38
consecutive games.
The stocky, 178-pound D'Achille
hum-bugged Temple's defenses
with his darts off the split-T for-
mation and his left handed tosses.
* s s
HE PEGGED a 20-yard scoring
pass while on the run to end John
Zuger and hooked up with full-
back Gene Gedman on a 19-yard
lateral pass touchdown play.
The Hoosiers, dispatching five
different players over the goal
Big Ten Standings

line, scored in each period and
shot into a commanding 20-0 lead
at halftime.
** *
IOWA CITY - Wisconsin, its
pride tortured by Ohio State only
last week, turned its cold fury on
Iowa 42-13 yesterday to get the
Badgers back in stride in the Big
Ten football race.
Knocked from the nation's No. 1
ranking and its Rose Bowl hopes
jarred by the 14-23 loss to Ohio,
Wisconsin stormed through a fum-
bling Iowa team with a smashing
offense and a rip-roaring defen-
sive line that held the helpless
Hawks to a net gain of 23 yards by
At that the Badgers needed a
bit of needling to get their of-
fense under way. The stimulus
came from Iowa safety Bernie
Bennett who returned a punt 63
yards for a touchdown with 4:53
left in the first period.
That sideline spurt jolted Wis-
consin into reality and its potent
line, led by ends Jerald Wuhrman
and Don Voss and guard George
O'Brien, and an alert secondary
didn't let Iowa score again until
late in the final period.

COLUMBUS-(AP)-Ohio State's
sophomore quarterback big John
Borton, unleashed one of the most
devastating aerial attacks ever
seen in Buckeye Stadium yester-
day as Ohio smothered Washing-
ton State's Cougars under a 35-7
score in an intersectional contest.
Borton, a 197-pound, six-foot,
one-inch 19-year-old passed for all
five touchdowns. Senior end Bob
Grimes took four of the scoring
Borton's touchdown heaves went
for 11, 54, 14, 70 and 25 yards.
WITH BORTON doing most of
the throwing, the Bucks completed
18 of 21 passes for 375 yards. They
had no interceptions.
Washington State, beaten in
its first three games after being
picked as the best in the west
in pre-season polls, made a game
of it for the first 15 minutes.
Neither team could score.
But, the bristling Bucks broke
loose for three touchdowns in the
second period and added one in
each of the last two to make it a
At the finish, when the Cou-
gars staged a 74-yard march for
their lone touchdown in the final

-Daily-Jack Bergstrom
CHANGE OF PLANS-Gene Knutson intercepts a Burson aerial
for the Wolverines. Michigan lost some distance when clipping
was called on the play and a 15-yard fine assessed.






two minutes, the field was flooded
with Buckeye third, fourth and
fullback, went around end for two
yards to score. Ed Barker booted
the extra point.
Ohio's five touchdown drives
covered a total of 331 yards in
26 plays -and 290 of the yards
were through the air. The open-
ing touchdown went 68 yards in
four plays, Borton hitting Grimes
with a 12-yarder for the count-
er. It was only 34 seconds after
the second period opened.
Washington State, fighting to
get back in the game, gambled for'
one yard on fourth down on Ohio's
39, but lost the ball.
FULLBACK John Hlay of Ohio'
then hit for seven yards and Bor-
ton passed 54 yards to halfback
Fred Briney for the touchdown.
The two plays covered 61 yards.
Jim Head fumbled a moment
later on Washington's 29. Marts
Beekley recovered for OSU..On the'
fifth play, thereafter, Borton hit
Grimes on the five and the Ohio
end carried a tackler into the end
zone for a 14-yard scoring play.
Early in the third period, quar-
terback Bob Burkhart's kick went
out on Ohio's 18. The Bucks need-
ed only an eight-yard pass from
Borton to end Dean Dugger, a two-
yard line smash by Hlay and a
70-yard Borton-to-Grimes 'pass
for a score.
Rambling Wrecks
Nip Auburn, 33-0
ed Bobby Moorhead, a defensive
halfback with an appetite for Au-
burn passes, ran back two inter-
ceptions for touchdowns as Geor-
gia Tech whipped Auburn yester-
day, 23-0.
Young Moorhead, a Miami, Fla.,
.kid who would make a great of-
fensive erd, opened the gates for
unbeaten Tech with a 46-yard run-
back for a touchdown in the sec-
ond quarter. He practically wrap-
ped up the game in the third quar-
ter with a 41-yard excursion
through Auburn land.
Nineteen games have passed
since Tech lost the last time in
November, 1950, to Alabama. The
record record is third best in major
college football, topped only by
the slightly better strings of Mich--
igan State and Maryland.
The Southeastern Conference
victory with 37,000 fans on hand,
was Tech's fifth of the season.

Washington St. 7
Notre Dame. .-26
Purdue . . . . . 14
Maryland . . . 38
Navy . . . * ... 7
Mary land's
Downs Navy
Maryland poured on all its might
for three quarters yesterday and
then relaxed for an easy 17th
straight victory by a 38 to 7 score
over a Navy team hitherto unde-
The packed hose of 44,716 saw
quarterback Jack Scarbath and his
fellow offensive dynamiters blow
Maryland ahead 31-0 by the mid-
dle of the third quarter and then
retire for the game.
THE MARYLAND second string
offensive added another touchdown
in the third quarter and Navy
didn't score until early in the last
There obviously was no love
between the two teams, located
20 miles apart with no future
bookings against each other.
Four Navy and three Maryland
players were pu out of the game
for getting too rough.
The red-shirted Marylanders,
with Scarbath carrying the torch,
swept through Navy's vaunted de-
fense like a prairie fire from the
word go. They roared 76 yards in
six plays the first time they got
the ball and 52 yards the next
time. When they got stopped on
their third drive they kicked a
field goal and piled on another
touchdown for a 24-0 first half
lead that finished the game for all
practical purposes.
* * *
IT WAS THE fifth straight tri-
umph this year for the Sugar
Bowl champions who haven't been
beaten in the last 20 games. For
Navy, it was a rude awakening aft-
er winning three straight this
year and five in a row since Mary-
land hung a 35-21 defeat on it
last year.
Scarbath's quarterbacking
wizardry at the outset made
Navy's defense, rated second
best in the country up until to-
day, look positively porous. On
the sixth play of the game he
flipped a pass from the Navy 48
to halfback Ralph Felton, who
caught it 15 yards past the line
of scrimmage and ran down the
sidelines to score.


Pi'tt Downs Army; UCLA



Thrower wasnt able
backfield rolling.

to get his


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By the Associated Press
LAWR ENCE, Kas.--Oklahoma's
magnificent Sooners, with football
magician Eddie Crowder faking
and passing in superb form, moved
a notchnearer their fifth succes-
sive Big Seven Conference cham-
pionship yesterday by blasting the
Kansas Jayhawks, 42 to 20.
A capacity crowd of about 40,000
saw coach Bud Wilkinson's Okla-
homans win their third victory of
the year against one tie over a
first loss in five games. The vic-
tory left Oklahoma with a confer-
ence record of a tie with Colorado
and one triumph. Kansas now has
two league successes and one loss.
S . s
THE SOONEUS spotted Kansas
a seven point lead early in the
game by bobbling the ball deep in
their own territory. But after
catching up at 7 to 7, barrelled
ahead for a 14 to 7 quarter, and
a 21 to 13 half-time lead. They
were never caught by the eager
Crowder didn't show in the
scoring summary but his ball
handling tricks and spot pass-
ing always had Oklahoma on the
move. Billy Vessels and Merrill
Green, both halfbacks, each
scored twice for the Sooners.
* * *
Buddy Leake, the nation's lead-
ing scorer with 46 points through
last week, got a touchdown and
two conversions before leaving the
game with a chipped ankle bone
in the second quarter. End Max
Boydston scored on a 59-yard pass
play from Crowder for the other
IT WAS Oklahoma's thirty-first
Big Seven contest without a loss.
The Sooners were last beaten by
Kansas 16 to 13 in 1946. The worst
the Sooners have done since then
were ties with Kansas in 1947, and
with Colorado this year.
Kansas wasn't as bad as the
score indicated today in a rough,
hard offensive struggle. Key
men from both teams left the
field with injuries.
The Jayhawks, with Charley
Hoag, Jerry Robertson and Bob
Brandeberry all scoring touch-
downs, trimmed their handicap to

a single point, 21 to 20, early in
the third quarter and hung on
gamely until the finish.
Tom Catlin, Oklahoma's great
center, was credited with two
touchdown-saving tackles. He also
threw the key block on Leake's
first touchdown run of 10 yards
that brought the Sooner's initial
* * *
PITT 22, ARMY 14
Chess, a second string Pitt full-
back, exploded behind the crisp,
vigorous blocking reminiscent of
the old Jock Sutherland era yes-
terday to puncture Army's dreams
of a sudden return to the golden
pre-scandal heights with a 22-14.
Only in the final minutes when
Pitt had piled up a 22-0 lead did
Army strike for its two too-late
touchdowns against the inspired
Pitt team that upended Notre
Dame a week ago.
RUDY MATTIOLI, the air arm
and quarterback brains- of the re-
vived Pitt club, wisely mixed the
ground power of Chess, Billy Rey-
nolds and John Jacobs with his
own right arm to pierce Ar My de-
fenses at crucial points.
Chess swept wide on a 14-
yard gallop after a pitch out
from Mattioli, the sophomore
whiz, to cap an 80-yard drive in

the first. On the same play Chess
sped home from the 8 ending a
70 yard march in the second.
Each time Chess, a husky senior
from Meadville, Pa., broke out into
the clear, key blocks by Tony Ro-
mantino and Jacobs cleared the
* * *
PITT ROLLED the score to 16-0
at half time when Joe Zombek
and a half dozen other white-shirt-
ed giants smothered Freddie At-
taya in the end zone for a safety.
Paul Branda's 40 yard coffin cor-
ner punt, out of bounds on the
one, had put Army in the deep
freeze. Attaya, trying to punt, nev-
er had a chance when Godwin
Ordway's center pass bounced
along the ground.
Mattioli had stuck to the T
formation most of the time until
he launched this third touchdown
drive. Chess almost got loose on a
21 yard run and Mattioli sneaked
for another first down.

LOS ANGELES-Paul Cameron
threw three touchdown strikes to
send the UCLA football machine
smashing through a rugged road
block to the Rose Bowl yesterday
with a 24 to 14 triumph over the
Stanford Indians.
Playing before. 80,167, largest
crowd of the year out here, the
Bruins racked up their fifth
straight win of the season. It was
the first defeat for the Indians,
who carried the Pacific Coast Con-
ference hopes in the Bowl last
Coach Red Sanders' Bruins still
have major obstacles in unbeaten
California and Southern California
to win the Bowl bid.
Cameron, the UCLA All America
candidate, threw two scoring
passes to end Ike Jones, one for
43 years, the other for 2, and then
cinched the final decision with an
8-yard toss to halfback Don Stal-




Purdue .,.....,.2
Michigan .......2
Minnesota ......2
Ohio State .....2
Wisconsin ......2
Indiana ........1
Illinois .........0
Northwestern ...0
Iowa ...........0





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