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October 19, 1952 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1952-10-19

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Latest Deadline in the State



See Page 4





* * *

* * *

* *

Robeson Greets
West ParkRally
Progressive Candidate Demands
Immediate End of Korea Hostilities
Paul Robeson and Vincent Hallinan, Progressive candidate for
president, demanded an immediate cessation of hostilities in Korea
before a polite gathering of students and townspeople, in speeches
delivered at West Park yesterday afternoon.
An estimated crowd of 350 people chilled by the weather heard
* * * *s

-Daily-Alan Reid


. * * *

both men accuse the U.S. government and big business of pursuing
imperialistic policies throughout the world.
* * * *
HALLINAN LASHED OUT at the administration for creating a
"fictitious issue" over the exchange of prisoners in Korea and charged
that the government "was not acting in good faith."
#The real reason for the war is fairly obvious," he continued.
"It is a bald and open defense and expression of imperialism.
This new American imperialism is thrusting its greedy and bloody
fingers in every corner it can reach."
To the crowd who greeted him, Robeson jestingly said he was
"astonished not to have received the same kind of welcome" as had
been offered on previous visits to Ann Arbor when he was actively
pursuing his singing career.
HE THEN PROCEEDED to criticize the Democratic candidate
for president by saying, "There are no escapes in Stevenson if he
doesn't fight for free speech."
In reference to President Truman's recent speeches in New York
concerning F.E.P.C., Robeson said that the President sounded like the
Progressive candidates, but he asked, "why hasn't Truman 'one any-
thing about it?"
Y Robeson followed Hallinan's line of attack on imperialism by
claiming that American troops might soon be sent to South
Africa to help the Milan government because of Anaconda copper
interests there.
Robeson discussed the conditions of workers in this country and,
stated, "I was horrified to see the ore miners in the Mesabi range
living in broken down shacks." -
"My own people are laboring people," he continued, "and the
big shots better come on back down."
* * * *
AT A PRESS conference held just before the rally, Hallinan saidI
the first evidence of bigotry on the national tour occurred in the
cancellation of the Masonic Temple for their use.
In response to questions concerning George F. Kennan's ouster
demanded by the Soviet Union and his eventual recall as American
ambassador to Russia, Hallinan declared, "The appointment was in-
vidious and insulting to the Soviet Union" and did not foster "better
relations between the two powers."
When asked his opinion of NATO he said that it was aggressive
and provocative and was a definite thieat to Russia. "It should
never have been organized."
Robeson's talk at the rally was spotted with songs and a reading
from Shakespeare. He sang "Waterboy" and "The House I Live In"
and concluded his address by reciting Othello's speech upon slaying
Wold News Roundup

Larger Fund
For Building
Increase Asked
A $7,640,000 boost for new build-
ing construction on the present
campus and the new North Cam-
pus has been requested by the
University in the 1953-54 capital
outlays budget.
The bulk of the requested appro-
priation is designated for three
critical sources: expanded library
facilities, a new Medical Science
Building and the music division
of the planned fine arts center at
the North Campus. The seven mil-
lion dollar request is expected to
make a considerable dent in total
construction costs for the pro-
posed new buildings.
ACCORDING to University
Vice-president Marvin L. Niehuss,
the capital outlay request which
is "approximately the same as last
administrative Budget Division
prior to legislative consideration,
is approximately the same as last
year's request."
Last year, however, State leg-
islators cut from the budget re-
quests for new buildings, in-
cluding library expansion and a
new medical center. It okayed
some two and a half million for
buildings already under con-
struction and rehabilitation of
campus sore spots.
Along with construction funds,
the University is asking $2,030,-
000 for building rehabilitation and
$260,000 for advance planning on
the second phase of a long range
University Hospital rehabilitation
* * *
ACCORDING to President Har-
lan H. Hatcher, the proposed new
constructions are necessary to
continue the building program
which has been under way since
World War II. "The Regents, of-
ficers and faculty representatives
have given careful consideration to
the needs and are making mini-
mum requests consistent with
sound educational policy," he
pointed out.
Both the library addition and
the new medical building have
been periodically requested of
the Legislature since 1945, and
have consistently been denied.
Pushed to the top spot on the
capital outlays budget again this
year, the library building program
is slated for $4,310,000 of the re-
quested sum. President Hatcher ex-
plained that crowded General Li-
brary facilities have created both
fire hazards and difficulty in keep-
ing books and other publications
readily available.
UNIVERSITY administrators
have come up with a three-way so-
lution to the problem.
See 'U' REQUESTS, Page 3
League Plans
B~ancroft Talk
Harding F. Bancroft will speak
to an open meeting of the League
of Women Voters at 1:45 p.m.
Wednesday, United Nations day,
on the topic "The UN and the
Cold War" at the Union.
Bancroft, who has been with the
State Department since 1945, is
now Deputy United States repre-

sentative on the UN Collective
Measures Committee. He also di-
rects the office of UN Political
and Security Affairs of the Bureau
of UN Affairs.
From 1941 to 1943 Bancroft was
principal attorney for the Office
of Price Administration of the
Lend-Lease Administration.
Anyone interested in attending
the 12:45 luncheon before the talk
should contact Mrs. Wayne Hazen.
3-1887, before Monday. Following

-Daily--Jack .Bergstrom


Kress Sparks 'M'
To 48-14 Victory
Smashing Michigan Offense Clicks
For Second Straight Big Ten Victory
Associate Sports Editor
Special To The Daily
EVANSTON-Michigan's fastly improving Wolverines ran ram-
pant over a defenseless Northwestern team to rack up their second
straight conference win yesterday here in Dyche Stadium.
The score was 48-14.
WHAT WAS SCHEDULED to be a battle of the offenses didn't
materialize before the 45,000 avid onlookers. Michigan so completely
dominated play that the Wildcats were never really in the game.
Tailback Ted Kress paved the way for the smashing Wolver-
ine attack, carrying the pigskin an average of 11.4 yards per try.
Kress' efforts were aided by his J* * *


Formal presentation of about
150 Japanese cherry trees, a gift
of Tokyo Alumni to the Univer-
sity, will be made at 3 p.m. this
afternoon by His Excellency, Mr.
Eikichi Araki, Japanese Ambassa-
WSB Slashes
Coal Contract
By The Associated Press
John L. Lewis' soft coal contract
suffered an unexpected pay hike
slash of 40 cents by the Wage
Stabilization Board yesterday.
Planning on strong union re-
action the government made im-
mediate moves to deal with an in-
dustrywide strike expected to be-
gin Monday.
THE FULL $1.90-a-day wage
boost asked by the United Mine
Workers president after he had
negotiated for 375,000 soft coal
diggers last month was refused by
public members of the board who
joined industies' representatives.
The Interior Department or-
dered coal stockpiles frozen at
12:01 a.m. yesterday at mines
under contract with the UMW.
Warning that when the contract
was signed, Lewis said that any
change in the terms would nulli-
fy the agreement. Traditionally,
his men refuse to work without
Charles W. Connor, Defense
Solid Fuels Administrator, said his
agency will allocate coal to.con-
sumers on the basis of need and
essential use. Anthracite coal, used
as home fuel, was not affected by
the order. Negotiations for 75,000
anthracite miners are under way.
It was estimated by the Solid
Fuels Administration that avail-
able supplies will meet the de-
mand for most large industrial
consumers for 10 weeks.
The basic wage is now $18.25 a
day and the average work week is
three days.
Potter To Talk
At LocalRally
Rep. Charles Potter, senatorial
candidate on the State GOP ticket,
will speak at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at
a rally for county Republicans in
the American Legion Post on

dbr to the United States, in a
brief ceremony in front of Alumni
Memorial Hall.
The presentation ceremony. held
in connection with the Japanese
Art Festival, will climax Mr. Ara-
ki's visit to the University which
began yesterday morning when he
arrived at the Willow Run Airport.
INCLUDED yesterday among the
ambassador's activities was the de-
dication of the new library of the
Center for Japanese Studies on
the fourth floor of the General
According to Prof. Harlow 0.
Whittemore, Chairman of the
Department of Landscape Ar-
chitecture, tentative plans call
for the cherry trees to be placed
around the reflecting basin on
the proposed new North Campus
as a separate collection.
Allies Expect
Red Assaults -
SEOUL, Korea, Sunday, Oct. 19
-(M-American and South Kor-
ean troops astride key hill objec-
tives on the Korean central front
after five days of furious fighting
braced today for new Chinese Com-
munist assaults.
Action dwindled last night on
Triangle Hill and Sniper Ridge,
both north of Kumhwa, but Allied
officers expected more Red count-
erthrusts on both positions.
U. S. Seventh Division troops
seized Pike's Peak and broke the
last Red hold on Triangle Hill ear-
lier yesterday.
South Korean Second Division
troops battling two miles north-
east smashed three Chinese at-
tacks and held two-thirds of Snip-
er Ridge.
AP Correspondent John Fujii at
Sniper Ridge said the point held
by the South Koreans dominated
the northern end of the ridge. He
said it may be possible for the
ROK (Republic of Korea) troops
to control all of the ridge line
without actually occupying the
northern end.
Control of both hills was the
objective of an Allied limited of-
fensive which opened last Tues-
Stevenson Group
To Contact Voters

The actual gift was made by the
Tokyo Alumni before the war. At
that time a number of the trees
were sent to the University and
planted in a group in Nichols Ar-
** *
THE REMAINING trees were
acquired by the University a year
ago when a gift of money from
Tokyo Alumni was used to buy the
trees from Japanese stock in this
country. At present this second
group of cherry trees is planted in
the University Nursery awaiting
the selection of a final location.
Commenting on his visit to
Ann Arbor to make the presen-
tation, the 61 year old ambassa-
dor said he was particularly im-
pressed by the color and beauty
of the campus at this time of
the year.
Refering to the festival, he went
on to say, "Japanese Festivals
similar to yours at various places
of your country will help promote
the understanding of Japanese
culture and way of thinking."
Union -Opera.
Because of an overflow in the
number-of tryouts for the Union
Opera, a special tryout session
will be held from 3 to 5 p.m.
tomorrow in Rm. 3G of the
Union for all students who.
could not attend last week's ses-
Casting for the major roles
and chorus will not be started
until later this week, so all the
parts are still open.

Ambassador to Present Trees

I mates, who recovered five of his
six fumbles.
The Maize and Blue began the
vicious onslaught three minutes
and forty.seconds after the open-
ing kick-off. Don Oldham started
the ball rolling by intercepting a
Dick Thomas pass on the third
play from scrimmage.
OLDHAM raced 21 yards to the
Northwestern 28. Then fullback
Bob Hurley dented the middle for
nine yards. After. Hurley picked
up a first down on the next play,
Tony Branoff smashed to the 12.
Two plays later Kress plough-
ed over from the three. Rescor-
la booted the first of his six
points-after-touchdowns to put
Michigan out in front, 7-0.
Michigan was back knocking on
the door seconds later. After Bob
Lauter, Purple halfback, had re-'
turned the kick-off 16 yards to
the 24, the vaunted Chuck Hren,
who had a terrible day, fumbled,
Wolverine Dave Tihkham recov-
ering on the Wildcat 22.
WITH TED TOPOR, Kress, and
Branoff carrying, Michigan ripped
down to the three yard line. The
drive stopped short when Kress
was dropped for a loss on fourth
down, and Northwestern took over
on its own seven.
The Wildcats moved the ball
out of the shadow of its goal-
posts to the 28, where Norm
Kragseth punted to Lowell,.Per-
ry who ran back to the Michi-
gan 36.
Four plays later the Wolverines
were back on the Purple four line,
thanks to' two dashes of 33 and
15 yards by Kress. Once again the
drive failed as Topor fumbled and
Wildcat Ed Denyam recovered on
the four. yard line.
* * *
BUT THE Wolverines were not
to be denied. Captain Merritt
Green raced in to block an end
zone punt and fell on the elusive
pigskin for six more Michigan
points. Rescorla converted and the
score read: Michigan 14, North-
western 0.
From that point on it was one
continual parade of Michigan
touchdowns. On the second play
after the kick-off Northwestern
got off abwobbly pass that was
taken in by Wolverine lineback-
er Laurie LeClaire on the Wild-
cat 31.

'U' Students
Cheer, Gape
At G ridders
Daily Managing Editor
Special to The Daily
EVANSTON-A knot of 1,000
University students gaped, remi-
nisced and occasionally cheered
yesterday at Dyche Stadium as a
white-shirted Michigan team func-
tioned with an oldtime precision.
There was the inevitable bit of
California in the air as a bright
sun shone on a veritable panzer
division of Wolverine backs who
scampered almost at will over the
turf. Across the field the North-
western rooting section vented its
frustrations in flash card stunt
that turned visiting . Wolverine
Club observers green with envy.
Featuring an extensive selection
of colors, the flash card section
produced not only the standard
block M's and N's, but flags, mov-
ing rocking chairs and Red Cross
blood please.
Band started the afternoon off
on the good note with a superb
pre-game presentation of the St.
Louis Blues March dance step
routine, which was unveiled to the
Ann Arbor audience last week.
The halftime show, with a
motif of "There's No Business
Like Show, Business," won a
standing ovation from the Wild-
cat fans. With musical carica-
tures of Al Jolsen, Eddie Can-
tor, Jack Benny, Ted Lewis and
James "Schnozzola" Durante.
A Northwestern presentation of
"Little Purple Riding Hood Meets
the Big Bad Wolverine" with flash
card accompaniments also aided
the ingestion of the halftime hot
dogs-but, as might be expected,
suffered somewhat from compari-
** *
ATOP DYCHE Stadium, in the
heartland of 100 percent Ameri-
canism, were no less than 17 rep-
licas of Old Glory, probably a
record of some sort.
When the Michigan first-
string offensive platoon rolled
back onto the field with the
score 34-0 and no let-up in sight,
a lusty round of booes for what
apparently were taken for "Pour
it on" tactics resounded from
the Northwestern stands.
Then, at the start of the second
half, as the play became rather
listless, the referees stepped in,
tossed on a series of major penal-
ties. Perhaps they hoped to goad
the gladiators.
Towards the end, a flurry of
excitement was caused when an
unidentified Northwvestern player
somewhat roughly shoved Wolver-
ine end Bob Topp out of bounds.
Apparently somewhat repent-
ent, the Wildcat offered a help-
ful hand but Topp obviously up-
set by the affair, threw a gen-
tle left hook at his purple clad
The referees put a quick quietus

Progress"ive Speaks

By the Associated Press
A retiring president and a form-
er president struck blows for their
"n in " h r i ira c n ci_


parties in the quickening presi
dential campaign yesterday.
Herbert Hoover charged in a
nationwide TV and radio broad-
cast from New York that the Dem-
ocratic New Deal fostered the
growth of the American Commun-
ist party. He returned briefly to
the political wars to'present a de-
tailed defense of the Republican

who say the Korean campaign -is
Eisenhower rested in New
York, preparing to start Mon-
day an invasion of New Eng-
Republican Senator Wayne
Morse of Oregon climaxed his
growing coolness toward Eisen-
hower by announcing in Washing-
ton he would vote for Stevenson.
Morse said the General had made
"unconscionable compromises with


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