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October 17, 1952 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1952-10-17

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If You Can't
Beat 'em...
IT WOULD BE easier to judge SL's move
to postpone the presentation of the Lec-
ture Committee bill to the eRegents if one
could be clear about what "evaluation"
If SL's reconsideration of the bill means
nothing more than gathering more sup-
port for the original measure, the post-
ponement is probably a wise move.
The proposal as it stands now is both
reasonable and commendable. It leaves
the responsibility of determining speakers
with the sponsoring campus group, on the
condition that the group submit to the Lec-
ture Committee a statement that the speak-
er will not advocate the violent overthrow
of the government.
On the other hand, if "evaluation" means
revision, there is the danger that SL mem-
ers who are so afraid of another set-back
by the Administration will push through a
compromise bill asking only for voting stu-
dent members on the Lecture Committee.
Many see such a compromise as a step
forward. In effect, it is a step backwards.
On a matter of principle alone, it is
imperative that SL does not back down.
In toe eyes of the students who voted
last spring 2 to 1 against the Lecture
Committee, a watered-down compromise
is as much a set-ack to SL as would be
a rejection by the Regents of the original
It should also be pointed out that the
proposal to place three voting student mem-
bers on the Committee is based on a false
premise. This premise is that somehow with
students present, the arbitrary rulings of
the Lecture Committee will miracuously be
done away with.
The vague distinction between political
speeches and those of an "educational"
value and the precedent of banning speak-
ers because of their political affiliation
will not suddenly vanish."
It is also untenable to assume that the
students placed on the committee will re-
present the opinion expressed in last se-
mester's referendum. And even if they do,
these students will be involved in a Com-
mittee whose very existence they do not
By sitting with the Committee SL would
be establishing a new motto: "If you can't
beat 'em, join 'em.'
4This is hardly an appropriate slogan for
a student government. If anything is to be
done about the unfortunate Lecture Com-
mittee set-up, and if SL is to represent the
student body and not the Administration, it
must retain the original bill and present it
to the Regents at their November meeting.
--Alice Bogdonoff

On Dick ('He's for You') Nixon

"He's Taking An Awful Beating, Folks"

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory of
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

SENATOR DICK ("He's for You") Nixon
is fast developing into one of the in-
teresting political phenomena of our time.
In spite of a scandal which would have
wrecked any normal candidate, Dick bounc-
ed back by means. of an earnest appeal to
all those who loved cocker spaniels and got
some two hundred thousand well-wishing
telegrams in reply. He has pleased so many
of his "folks," in fact, that one recent poll
showed him running ten per cent more
popular on the ticket than General Eisen-
hower was.
Efforts to analyze his attraction on the
basis of his recent Detroit speech have
progressed in several directions. Some have



Dixie Looking
Ominous for


DALLAS-Voting for the Republican can-
didate for President in the solid South
is both respectable and practical this year.
This is something new, and it is very
ominous for the Democrats.
Herbert Hoover crashed the South in 1928,
but his handmaiden was bigotry; many
Southerners would not vote for Al Smith,
the Roman Catholic. Almost at once the
South preferred to forget it; in fact, nearly
all the prominent bolters were rather speed-
ily retired from public life.
In 1948 the Dixiecrats took a bite out of
President Truman. But they were mostly
the "outs," men known to be bitter and re-
actionary though this was not true of their
presidential candidate, ex-Governor Thur-
mond of South Carolina. Their financial
backing was in some places suspect. Thus,
despite their successes, they could not get
up a going concern and were moribund vir-
tually when this year's preconvention cam-
paigns got started.
What has happened?
Any discussion of the altered situation
must begin with the social and economic
changes which the Roosevelt revolution
brought about below the Mason and Dixon
line. It is an oversimplification, but, still,
roughly true to say that the South is now
industrialized enough and rich enough to
afford, even demand, expression of the
Republican philosophy of government.
And for many reasons it has not been hard
to transform Mr. Truman into a villain down
(Copyright, 1952, by the Bell Syndicate)

supposed that it is Dick's sense of humor
that is winning him such popularity. His
top joke in Detroit, experts agree, was this
"Look at Stevenson's record. He was train-
ed under Acheson and is incurably afflicted
with the disease of Acheson color blindness."
(Delicate pause for punch line.) "It's pink-
eye if you want to know." (Laughter.)
Other top analysts believe Dick's popular-
ity rests on his fine logic. This was best
captured in his Detroit speech by reference
to Governor Stevenson's testimony in the
Hiss case. At this point, in fairness to the
Governor, Dick has an imaginary voter say
to him: "Well, Dick, surely somebody had
to testify for Alger Hiss." To which Dick
responds: "That's right!" (Delicate pause for
expected reversal.) "But why do we have to
elect that man President of the United
Quod erat demonstratum, Dick.
None of this seems adequate, however, to
the more earnest students of psychology.
They point out that Dick's success results,
for one, because he is instinctively aware
when tears should be shed in public: If his
good friend Whittaker Chambers is not
counted, Dick is possibly the best weeper
since Adolf Hitler, although clearly he has
not yet surpassed Adolf in the favor of his
Another important factor, experts feel,
is Dick's sure sense of knowing when to
make his move. Although rumor-mong-
ers have reported that General Eisenhower
has been disturbed over Dick's growing
independence, analysts point out that
Dick has fairly won his spurs. They have
reminded those who ask about income tax
deductions taken by Dick on bills he once
claimed were not printed at public ex-
pense that Dick forestalled all possible
speculation with his famous "I Have Noth-
ing to Hide" speech. They scoff at the
idea that Dick's wealthy supporters had
anything to do with his Senate voting
record; he would have voted that way
Perhaps still more instrumental in win-
ning Dick friends, some say, have been his
ringing appeals for vindication, directed at
the same middle class'toward whom Euro-
pean political leaders of the early Thirties
found it important to speak. Dick has been
proud to identify himself with the struggling
middle class.
The fact that various minority groups
were antagonized by Dick in his last sen-
atorial campaign seems only to have
strengthened him with the majority of his
supporters, a bit of political wisdom well
known to the European leaders mentioned
Notwithstanding, folks, the popularity of
Dick, the man, is a real puzzler. True, it
may be his sharp and ready wit, after all;
or his fine logic; or even his astonishing
physical resemblance to the Louisiana sav-
ior, Huey Long. Whatever it is, I'm sure
you'll agree with me (as Dick likes to say),
that the man who could be one heartbeat
from the Presidency on November fifth, has
indeed come a long way.
-Bill Wiegand
Architecture Auditorium
PALOMA, with Roberto Canedo and Co-
lumba Dominguez.
THROUGH a sad combination of circum-
stances this stands out as one of the
poorest shows Cinema Guild has presented
in the past two years. Architecture Audi-
torium is eminently unsuited to the showing
of motion pictures, particularly if the pic-

tures are printed darkly as "Paloma" is. For
some reason they seem flat and gloomy, and
as a result lose a good deal of any pictorial
beauty they might have.
Even more disappointing this week is the
movie. Emilio Fernandez, purportedly one
of Mexico's ablest directors, seems for this
picture to have begun a study in cinema
techniques but never finished it. The pho-
tography, taking into account the quality of
the projecting facilities in the Auditorium,
is quite good-as far as it goes. But Fern-
andez apparently thought too highly of his
individual shots, holding his camera sta-
tionary sometimes as long as five minutes
while the actors recited their sparse lines.
The actors themselves are given little
opportunity to demonstrate their talents.
There is much too much emphasis on stark
facial expression, to the exclusion of phys-
ical action which might have made the
picture more acceptable. As it stands the
static quality of the separate shots and
the minuteness with which the cameras
record the most dramatically insignificant
actions make the film appear to be ex-
tremely slow-moving and much longer
than the actual two hours it takes.
The short subject, "Wind from the West,"
while picturing beautifully the grandeur of
northern Sweden, is a little elementary in
text and action. It seems to be intended for


y o / ir a e ( A. W

:: V

Lysenko's Genetics .. .
To the Editor:
T ISN'T at all difficult," for
Mr. Samra, "to question Ly-
senko's simple and nebulous defi-
nition of heredity .. . ," and it is
even less difficult to question Mr.y
Samra 's simple and nebulous
knowledge of Mendelian Genetics.
The question, Mr. Editorial Direc-
tor, is not at all whether or not
chromosomes exist, since the
chromosomes are simply, darkly
staining structures in the cellnue-;
leus which any owner of a "Filbert
Microscope Set for Boys" may see,,
if he has an adequate knowledge of
the focusing mechanism. The ques-
tion is: whether or not such an en-,
tity as the gene, which reproduces
itself, produces characteristics
similar to the mother cell, and yet
is contained in cells which are dis-
similar to the mother cell (differ-
entiated cells), can exist and re-
main unchanged by the metabolic
processes of the cell which sus-
tains it.
A more concise explanation of
Lysenko's position is contained in
the following quotation from, He-
redity and Its Variability by T. D.
Lysenko: " ... the cause of the
alteration of the nature of the liv-
ing body is the alteration .of its
type of assimilation, of its type of
metabolism. The external condi-
tions, when they are included with-
in, assimilated by the human body,
become thereby internal, and not
external, conditions, i.e. they be-
come particles of the living body,
and for their growth and develop-
ment they in turn demand that
food and those conditions of the
external environment, which they
were themselves in the past."
Now this is closer to the true
problem, but . . . and this is the
crux of my criticism . . . it does
not make good copy, it has no
emotive thrust. A "good" editorial
will have color. Conclusion: con-
troversies of this kind are not re-
solved in editorials, and the basic
criticism of Russian science is its
editorializing on scientific contro-
versy. Your inclinations to agree-
ment are shockingly premature
and decidedly out of place.
."-Arvin Bennish
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Samra's
editorial was in no way intended to
resolve the genetics problem, which
perhaps defies resolution, but was
merely designed to focus attention
on the cultural and political impli-
cations of the Lysenko case.)

I + ART +

Sunday at the University Museum of
Art, and it is a truly magnificent job of
organization and arrangement in every res-
pect. Jointly sponsored by the Museum, the
College of Architecture and Design, the
Center for Japanese Studies, and the Ann
Arbor Citizens Flower Show, much credit
must also be given to the many local par-
ticipating groups, and to all the individuals
vho contributed their time and talents to
make this festival a success.
Beside the many art objects and ap-
purtances of everyday living on display,
theregare a number of lectures and cere-
monies on the agenda. Full details are
given in the attractive announcement
folder, available at AMH, in case you
wish to take advantage of the opportuni-
ties presented.
It is really striking to note, while wander-
ing through the galleries, just how many
of the pieces are locally owned, and also
how many fine items there are in the col-
lections- of various University departments
that I haven't seen before-perhaps the
fault lies with me. In any event, part of
the West Gallery will hereafter be devoted
permanently to oriental art, anv innovation
that should benefit all concerned.
Japanese painting and drawing has al-
ways struck me as particularly fine, and
the present exhibit has done much to en-
rich this appreciation. There are some
excellent scroll paintings in the North
and West Galleries, which, as is customary,
are mounted on tapestries, usually beauti-
ful, and too often overlooked.
Among occidental observers, there is
sometimes a tendency to regard oriental
pointing as unvaried, and the great variety
provided in this show should dispel any
such impression. There is, of course, a great
deal of similarity; certain traditions are
preserved almost intact from the earliest
times, others change slowly. But within the
cultire continuum there is a great deal of
stylistic variation from period to period, and
from school to school, as in any society.
For example, compare Four Bright Ones,
Daimyo Jizo and Attendant Deities (North),
and Dainichi with Yakushi and Fudo (West).
The first is a Shinto painting, the others

time, there is a significant variation-more
than can be credited to differences in re-
ligious ideology, for the first two are struc.
turally more closely related than the Budd-
hist pair 'They are also similar, in various
ways, to Chinese and Indian paintings,
Buddhist and u herwise.
Even within schools there is a wide, ap-
parent divergence of influences, running
the whole gamut from the ridiculously
grotesque to the sublimely beautiful, from
complexity and detail to simplicity and
extreme subtlety. This has already been
noted in an earlier review of the Hokusai
School Drawings, which are still on dis-
The South Gallery is devoted to graphic
art, for the most part from the latter half
of the 18th century and the early 19th. Hiro-
shige's delightful landscapes will be familiar
to many; a number of other masterly land-
scapes are included, as well as portraits and
everyday scenes. Along with the Chinese,
Japanese artists are masters of line, and in
this period (anh earlier) of delicate coloring.
Contrast the examples in the South Gal-
lery with the four woodcuts by an import-
ant contemporary, Shosun, in the glass
case at the bottom of the horseshoe form-
ed by the mezzanine.
When the Japanese "discovered" the new
German chemical dyes toward the end of
the 19th century, they went color-wild. with
the result you see here. Preserving much of
the old delicacy, these prints are more strik-
ing and perhaps more appealing to the wes-
tern eye (mine, for example) because of
the brighter, bolder colors. Whatever the.
individual preference, however, Shosun,
must be given credit for his tasteful exe-
cution and design.
In another glass case (North) is an il-
lustrated manuscript scroll from the early
17th century. In the arrangement of fig-
ures and coloring, the painting bears a
striking resemblance to medieval Christ-
ian illuminations. It is a really superb
piece of work, and it is unfortunate that
limitations of space do not permit that
the entire scroll be unrolled to show also
the four other illustrations and the re-
mainder of the text, a fine specimen of

WASHINGTON-General Eisenhower has nothing to worry about
in the way of political reaction when it comes to the tax ex-
emption which the Treasury granted him on his house, 12, servants
and living expenses at Columbia. The General wrote a letter to the
Treasury about this on June 17, 1948, explaining that he wouldn't need
so many servants if he were not President of Columbia and asked that
the house, servants, etc., not be treated as income.
The capital-gains-tax ruling given him on his book, "Crusade
in Europe," is likely to have less-favorable public reaction. In
this case the General called personally on his friend, A. Lee M.
Wiggins, then Undersecretary of the Treasury, following which
the ruling was given highest priority.
One letter from the Treasury to Ike was even rushed to him by
special courier. Ordinarily, rulings of this kind drag on for weeks
or months.
And after a preliminary draft opinion favorable to Ike was
written in the Treasury, Undersecretary Wiggins took the unusual
step of sending it to internal revenue commissioner Schoeneman
with a note attached, reading: "This agreement should be ap-
Eisenhower's first letter to the Treasury was dated Dec.' 20, 1947,
and the Treasury replied on Dec. 22-with almost unheard-of speed.
Since then, Congress has passed what has been dubbed "the Eisen-
hower amendment" making it impossible for others writing only one
book to get the reduced capital gains tax.
THE GENERAL'S letter, requesting that his house at Columbia and
upkeep not be considered as taxable income, was addressed to
Commissioner Schoeneman. It stated, in part:
"In my capacity as president of Columbia University the
trustees provide an expense allowance to cover the cost of the
upkeep of the large house in which Mrs. Eisenhower and I must
live by reason of university tradition, the desires of the authori-
ties, and by the daily requirements of the position. A staff of 12
servants is necessary to maintain this residence. Their salaries
as well as all upkeep costs are paid from the expense allowance
provided by the university.
"Various other costs such as entertainment, travel, and sundry
other items required by my position with the university are also paid
from this fund.
"All my work and activities are devoted to the duties of this posi-
tion. These expense accounts do not have any application to the per-
sonal living costs of my family and myself. Food, clothing, automo-
biles, medical care, and ordinary expense of living are paid out of
private resources."
Several other unimportant letters were sent to the Treasury,
and in November, 1948, internal revenue gave Ike a favorable
Two years later, Nov. 3, 1950, after a long wrangle, the Treasury
permitted a somewhat similar ruling regarding hotel managers who
were forced to live in their hotels. The free use of rooms, meals were
not to be considered as taxable income, the Treasury finally de-
cided. This was similar to the ruling that the upkeep of Eisenhower's
house was not taxable income.
It took the Treasury months of additional wrangling to give a
similar ruling to nurses who are required to live in hospitals. This
ruling did not come down until Aug. 2, 1951, three years after Ike
got his ruling, and even then it was not as clear-cut as Eisenhower's.
The Treasury also has ruled that the head janitor of a build-
ing who has to live in it shall not be taxed for the value of his
apartment, but the same does not apply to assistant janitors.
Hotel waiters who get free meals while serving at hotels and
restaurants also got a none-too-lenient ruling. If they eat a free
meal while at work, it is not taxable income. But if they eat the
meal as they finish work, it is taxable income.
FLORIDA DEMOCRATS have pricked up their political ears over
what happened to sit-on-their-hands senators when Governor
Stevenson arrived in Tampa.
In Florida both Senators Spessard Holland and George
Smathers have been sitting on their hands. They have made no
speeches for Stevenson, lifted no finger for him, leaving it to
ex-Senator Claude Pepper to organize the state.
At Tampa, Senator Smathers was invited to introduce Steven-
son, but set the impossible condiiton that he be allowed to state dur-
ing his introduction the reasons why he differed with the Governor.
In brief, Smathers wanted to make a speech against Stevenson be-
fore Stevenson spoke. This was refused.-
Instead, ex-Governor Doyle E. Carleton acted as master of cere-
monies, while Congressman Hardin Peterson was to introduce Ste-
It was Carleton's job also to call on the distinguished visitors on
the platform - including the congressmen and Senator Smathers.
When he called on Smathers to take a bow, however, the Senator was
greeted with long, loud and continuous boos. The roar continued for

* * *
Little Lamb .. .

Round-up Room ...
To the Editor:
WE ARE a small and perhaps
unique body of students who
have come to Mich. in pursuit of
Since we commute daily to this,
"the cultural center of the Mid-
west," we have found it convenient
(financially) to eat our lunch in
the Round-Up-Room of the Wom-
en's League.
We feel that good health is vital
in meeting the demands of our
academic program. It is common
knowledge that the proper func-
tion of the digestive system is es-
sential to this good health. What
we wish to point out is the intri-
cate relationship of the nervous
system to the function of the di-
gestive tract.
In direct reference to our par-
ticular nervous systems, we find
them profoundly affected by the
"music" chosen by the more pros-
perous, if not more cultured, cli-
entele. We readily admit that in
our cherished system of free en-
terprise, it is both their right and
privilege to play any composition
they choose. It is our plea, how-
ever, as the "less fortunates" of
League society, that the more vig-
orous of the "popular" pieces be
omitted from the noon music hour.
It is not our intent to question the
tastes of our esteemed fellow stu-
dents. Yet, our weakening nerves,
which threaten the proper func-
tion of our digestive organs, move
us to appeal for mercy. After sit-
ting for twenty minutes engulfed
in the noisy endeavors of the elec-
tric guitar and bar-room piano,
and surly students in sympathetic
vibration, who only break the rhy-
thm to exclaim "Fabulous!" or
Tremendous," we reach a state of
desperation. Thus, it is with
frayed nerves and acute indiges-
tion, we beg that some daring soul
explore that section of the juke
box marked "Classical." If we have
any sympathetic readers, may we
invite them to pause at our table
for a brief consultation before
making their selection.
-Joy Faily
Janie Faily
Sunny Janich
De Vee Janich
* * *
CLC Protest...
To the Editor:
mittee voted Tuesday night to
send the letter below to the Ma-
sonicBoard of Ann Arbor and to
the Daily as a protest to the Ma-
son's recent disregard of civil lib-
"The following resolution was
passed by the Civil Liberties Com-
mittee on October 14th. 'Resolved
that the Civil Liberties Committee
condemns the action of the Ma-
sonic Temple in yielding to various
pressures by denying the use of
their auditorium to the Progres-
sive Party and Paul Robeson, co-
chairmian, for a rally.'
"We feel that this is a definite
infringement of two very funda-
mental democratic principles -
freedom of speech and freedom of
assembly. A Is most deplorable
that a recognized political party
should be denied the right to have
speakers of their own choice rep-
resent them at a public meeting.
"We regret that the members of
the Ann Arbor Masonic Temple,
who have distinguished themselves
by their past record of social serv-
ice to the community, should be-
come victims of the present politi-
cal hysteria to the extent that
they sacrifice democratic ideals.
"Because we feel that they can't
justify their recent action with
the democratic principles of our
society, we urge that they reverse
their decision and allow the Pro-
gressive Party to use their hall as
originally agreed."
-Paula Levin, Secretary
Civil Liberties Committee

To the Editor;

A MEMBER of Student Legisla-
ture recently pleaded with SL
for everyone to support the "re-
evaluation" proposal rather than
making it look as though SL were
Certainly supporters of this plan
did not believe "re-evaluation"
means the beginning of delays
which will continue until another
series of bannings forces real ac-
tion, but the intent of the motion
was not clear. How long can the
student body have faith in the
sincerity of legislators who:
1-Did not approach the topic of
Lecture Committee revision until
over a month after passage of the
referendum favoring revision, sup-
posedly because the matter was be-
ing studied; although not one fact
or idea was discussednwhich was
not general knowledge when the
refrendum vote was taken.
2 - Brought this topic to the
floor at the last meeting of the
spring semester; a tactic which
once aroused suspicion when Ruth-
ven delayed a decision on a bias
bill until the last week of school
because he was studying the plan?
3-Allowed the Summer Legis-
lature to go on its merry way com-
pletely ignoring any progress to-
ward eventual revision which
might have been accomplished
during summer school?
4-Blithely charged a couple of
legislators with assuming respon-
sibility for a task which no ten
persons could have done in the
given month?
5-Seven months after passage
of the student referendum, have
said that almost all activities con-
cerning this issue are' suspended
for two weeks while a "final" deci-
sion is reached?
6-Passed a motion allowing
three weeks to complete the task
of doing all possible to push what-
ever Lecture Committee revision
is proposed when over five months
were allowed to elapse with almost
no action?
It seems from the plea made fol-
lowing passage of the new motion
that many Legislators are confus-
ing the good of the educational
community with the good of SL.
The motion should have made
clear that SL does not expect tc




Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of. the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young... ..Minaging Editor
Cal Samra............Editoriai Director
Zander Hollander...Feature Editor
Sid Klaus.........Associate City Editor
Harland Britz........Associate Editor
Donna Hendleman ....Associate Editor
Ed Whipple...... ......Sports Editor
John Jenks.. Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewell.....Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler.......Women's Editor
Mary ,Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor
Business Staff
Al Green.......... Business Manager
Milt Goetz....... ,.Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston...Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehnberg..... Finance Manager
Tom Treeger.......Circulation Manager


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