IF YOU CAN'T BEAT 'EM .. See Page 4 Y flitF ~Iaitlir ~- U Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXIII, No. 22 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1952' I 1 CLOUDY WITH LIGHT RAINS EIGHT PAGES 'U'India Student Jailled;'On Bail1 To Get Hearing by Immigration Officials on Pending Deportation By ALICE BOGDONOFF It was revealed yesterday that Joseph Singh Bains, an Indian University graduate student who was to be deported last May 30, is now back at the University under a $3,400 bail. Singh was jailed A September 28 for nine days by the Detroit Immigration Office. Singh's lawyer, Francis W. Schilling, president of the Washtenaw County Bar Association, said last night that the warrant for arrest had been served because Singh had remained in the country longer than he should have. He also said that there were intimations that 1 , Development Councl Set Up by'U' In a move to strengthen' the University's financial position and improve public relations, President Harlan H. Hatcher announced yes- terday the establishment of a new administrative section to be known as the Development Council. The Development Council will have a threefold purpose; Presi- dent Hatcher explained in his an- nouncement. 1) IT WILL direct the Univer- sity's special fund-raising acti- vities. 2) It will study University fi- nancial needs, especially those which can be met now. Then it will be possible to provide the Regents with material to help them determine priorities for funds. 3) It will assist with the Uni- versity's public relations. In directing the University's fund raising activities the Coun- cil will initiate a program to in- crease gifts, bequests and private financial support. * * " DIRECTOR of Development Al- an W. MacArthy, former campaign head of the Phoenix Project and now in charge of the council, em- phasized that the program would be a long range one. No campaigns such as the Phoenix Project are contemplated now. The idea of a special depart- ment to handle fund raising is not unique, Vice-President of the University, Marvin L. Nie- huss told The Daily. The major- ity of schools in America have. some sort of set-up to take care of alumni funds. A department like the Develop- ment Council has been under con- sideration for 25 years. Its estab- lishment at this time was a direct outcropping of the University's t experience in raising money for the Phoenix Project. As the Council is now set up there will be five branches or units. Each is a program planned to "enlist support for alumni, foundations, corporations, individ- ual special gifts and through be- quest." Stevenson Club Students for Stevenson last night discussed tentative plans for bringing Bill Mauldin, the well known cartoonist, to speak at the University. Singh is suspected of "Marxist tendencies." This is the first time that the apparent cause for Singh's de- portation has been revealed. His original deportation orders stated no reason for his being forced to leave the country. * * * SINGH, who was working on his PHd when the deportation orders came last spring, left with.- in a week for California where his parents live. He was told there by the American Express Company that they could not book passage for him back to India until Aug. 3. The Immigration officials gave him permission to remain in this country until then. Meanwhile several University professors and members of the International Center, who had taken an interest in Singh's case when it first came up, contacted Schilling, who agreed to take the case. Feeling that Singh should be allowed to stay until he finished his PhD. Schilling wrote to the immigration officials informing them that he had advised Singh to stay and requesting that Singh be granted a hearing. No answer was forthcoming from the officials. HEARING nothing from the De- troit office, Singh remained and returned to the University this fall to pursue his studies. On Sept. 28 Singh received a notice to'report at the Detroit Immigration office. "I thought it was a reply to the request for a hearing," Singh said, However, it turned out to be a warrant for his arrest and Singh was immediately imprisoned in the Wayne county jail. After a day of administrative confusion, he was allowed to telephone his parents, who are naturalized citizens, so that they could post the $3,000 bail. Singh is now waiting for a hear- ing before the authorities at which time he must present reasons why he should not be deported. SCHILLING asserted that the Immigration officials are com- pletely unjust on two counts: one, the amount of bail and, second, the intimation that Singh is a Communist or has leanings in that direction. "Never in the case of an alien student have the immigration officials asked that a $3,000 bond be posted," the lawyer said. He explained that in the case of alien students $500 is the usual bond. See 'U' STUDENT, Page 2 Mayor OK's Progressive PartyRally Court Will Hear Injunction Case The Progressive Party announc- ed last night that they will def- initely hold a politicalrally at 3 p.m. tomorrow at the, municipal West Side Park, located between 7th St. and Chapin. The use of the park was granted to the Progressives by Mayor Wil- liam E. Brown. Among those scheduled to speak are Paul Robeson and Vincent Hallinan, Progressive candidate for president. *5 * * JUDGE James R. Breakey, Jr. will review the Progressives' amended bill of complaint charg- ing the Masonic Temple with breaking an alleged contract and asking that an injunction be is- sued against the Masons, at 9:30 a.m. today in circuit court. Last week Judge Breakey dis- missed the Progressives' original request because the bill submit- ted to the court did not meet the requirements of the law. The Progressives stated that they had not decided on a course of action to follow if the court granted them the injunction. IN A STATEMENT released to the press, the Progressives com- mended Mayor Brown's action in allowing them the use of thedpark, but pointed out "that in order to secure adequate facilities it was necessary for the Progressive Par- ty to go out of doors." "Ann Arbor public 'schools and the Armory do not permit parti- san speakers," they continued, and the decision of the Masons to deny them the use of the Temple repre- sents "an attempt to extend cen- sorship of speakers to include pri- vate as well as public auditoriums." Mayor Brown stated earlier yes- terday that the West Side Park was available to any officially recognized political group. Three Houses Look Toward Open Rushing Three campus fraternities who failed to gain any pledges during the initial fall rushing period in- dicated yesterday they would pin their hopes on open rushing which begins Monday. Kappa Nu president Abe Golos, '54L, said his fraternity "was con- fident they would remain on cam- pus" and would turn in their pledge list after they had picked up a few more men during open rushing. Trigon's treasurer, Bob Roensch, Grad., said his house also plans to concentrate on the open rush- ing period. He said many pledges were uncertain about Trigon's status. "We are a local and not a defunct national as some believe," Roensch said. Walter Meyer, '53, Sigma Pi president, reported his fraternity didn't rush formally because it had no house but would hold in- formal rushing at a later date. New Deadline I The 'Enslan announced yes- terday that the deadline for making Senior Picture appoint- ments has been extended an additional week to Oct. 24. The extension is due to the large number of seniors who have been unable as yet to make their appointments. Appointments may be made from 9 a.m. to 5p.m. today in front of the Romance Language Building or from 1 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. any day in the Student Publications Bldg. Mossadegh Cuts Bonds With Britain TEHRAN, Iran -Premier Mo- hammed Mossadegh angrily cut Iran's diplomatic ties with Brit- ain over the oil stalemate yester- day. Chances for an eventual settle- ment thereby were crippled, if not killed. * * * IN LONDON, British officials said Mossad'egh was to blame for the break and called it "a futile move." Their opinion was that the removal of a major means of con- tact between the two nations un- doubtedly lessens the chances for a settlement of the oil dispute. Britain's rejection Tuesday of Mossadegh's demands - chiefly for 49 million pounds ($137,- 200,000) in disputed royalties- and a lecture from the British Foreign Office on diplomatic courtesy set the stage. SIn a bridge-burning, broadcast speech, Mossadegh blamed the British for the mess that has de- veloped since he nationalized the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company's bil- lion-dollar holdings in Iran last year and expelled the British tech. nicians who developed the indus- try. HE CHARGED that the British, who want compensation and dam- ages for losses under a contract due to run until 1993, intended merely to waste time by continu- ing the note exchange and "pre- vent us from taking another eco- nomic path which would bring salvation and freedom to the Iran- ian people." "The British government so far has prevented our reaching an' agreement," Mossadegh said. "The Iranian government is unfortu- nately obliged to break diplomatic relations with Britain." Truman Hits Ike's Korean War Policy By the Associated Press President Truman declared yes- terday that if Gen. Dwight D. Ei- senhower really knows a quick way to end the Korean War it's the general's duty to reveal it now and thus save the lives of American fighting men. Truman hurled this challenge on the first day of a whirlwind New England tour in which he came close to calling the general a politi- cal horse thief. ' Acheson For FirmStand on Korea . * '5 * * * * '5 * Seek's More Aid for fiN Korea Force Says Won't Yield Until Armistice UNITED NATIONS, N. Y.'-()- Secretary of State Acheson called on the United Nations yesterday to stand fast together without faint heart and fight Communist agression in Korea until a just armistice isr arranged. He also appealed to the crowded 60-nation General Assembly for more help for the U. N. forces in the form of troops, money. and material. Appeals to OPENING ASSEMBLY OF UNITED NATIONS, SEEN FROM GALLERY The Return The Japanese Festival ban- ner stolen Friday night will be rehung at 10:30 a.m. today at Alumni Memorial Hall. Mayor William E. Brown, Jr., festival officials and a press photographer from a downtown paper will be present at the ceremonies. The pranksters who stole the banner returned it Wednesday in response to a Daily editorial appeal. LAdlcu s Stand On RedsHit By the Associated Press Sen. Richard M. Nixon, wind- ing up a day-long Indiana cam- paign tour, called Gov. Adlai E. Stevenson an "appeaser" of com- munism last night. The Republican vice presidential nominee declared the Democratic standard bearer "carries a Ph.D. from Dean Acheson's Cowardly College of Communist Contain- ment." In Michigan GOP action, John Roosevelt, youngest son of the late Democratic President Franklin D. Roosevelt, opened a speaking cam- paign for Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower in Detroit last night by condemning the Truman ad- ministration and praising the GOP Stevenson Supports UN; Ike Talks on Red Meeting Stevenson .. By the Associated Press Gov. Adlai Stevenson said lastf night in Los Angeles the destiny of this generation of Americans is to build the structure of world peace -and that the surest way to do it is through the United Nations. . The Democratic presidential nominee coupled a solemn appeal for patience in achieving the goal with salvos of more sharp criti- cism of his Republican rival for the White House, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower. Stevenson flew into Los Angeles, where he received a tumultuous welcome, after bidding for votes during the day in Northern Cali- fornia communities, where he was Gov. Adlai Stevenson will' speak at 8 f.m. today on the ABC radio network. greeted by enthusiastic crowds which the police estimated were larger than Eisenhower's in the same towns a week ago, IN LOS ANGELES, the Illinois governor rode through the down- town area in'a shower of confetti and ticker tape, with crowds banked along the walks for blocks. UN Eisenhower .. . By the Associated Press Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower pre- sented ahdetailed analysis last night of the Russian master plan to destroy the free world, and then, having set forth a formula for meeting it, he said: "The free peoples can face any new Soviet tactics without panic." * * * IN A NEW YORK talk, Eisen- hower discussed at length the re- cent 10-day meeting in Moscow of the 19th Communist party Con- gress. He put a spotlight on a num- ber of key quotations from the 25,- 000-word statement by Prime Min- ister Joseph Stalin and warned: "This is a deadly challenge to the free world in this critical aut- umn of 1952. It is this challenge that we must answer if we are to survive in freedom." AND HE ASSERTED several times that the Western nations have the resources for meeting the Communist threat. - The general delivered the principal speech at the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, attended by many persons prominent in both ,major politi- THE UNITED STATES, like many others, regards with anxiety and grief the human cost of the Korean war, Acheson said in his. 5,000-word policy speech to closely listening delegates, including So- viet Foreign Minister Andre Y. Vishinsky. Vishinsky, on leaving the As- sembly hall,' commented to re- porters only briefly. "My English is not too good," he said. "I, will have to read the speech." ACHESON had said: "We shall fight as long as necessary to stop the aggression and to restore peace and security to Korea. "We shall stop fighting when an armistice on just terms has been achieved. And we shall not allow faint-heartedness or reck- lessness to defeat our caw!se, which is to defend peace. We must convince the agres- sor that continued fighting in Ko- rea will cost him'° more than he . can gain. This means the training and commitment of troops; it means food, clothing, material, money. I urge every member of the United Nations to look to its responsibility to support the com- mon action in Korea, and to par- ticipate in the reconstruction of that unhappy land." The secretary, dressed in a dark pin-striped suit, spoke at a med- ium pitch and with almost no ges- ture. He did not lay down a de- tailed program for action on Korea. Allies Repel Heavy Chinese Red Attacks SEOUL UP)-Allied infantrymen beat off 11 Chinese Red attacks last night and early today on Tri- angle Hill and Sniper Ridgein 'Central Korea, adding hundreds° to Communist casualties exceeding 3,000 since Tuesay. Communist dead, covered with frost, were strewn over the craggy battleflield. 4 * x AP CORRESPONDENT Milo Farneti said the Reds used up to, 1,500 men in six heavy attacks against U.S. Seventh Division de- fenders of Triangle Hill. An esti- mated 300 were killed. On nearby Sniper Ridge, two miles east, Republic of Korea Second Division soldiers ripped apart five Red attacks between 8 p.m. yesterday and 7:30 a.m. today. So deadlybwas the ROK fire, supported by tanks and. mortars, that the attackers were unable to close for hand-to-hand fighting. The Communist assaults weak- ened noticeably. On Sniper Ridge, South Koreans set off deafening charges of explosives, sealing caves sheltering Reds who refused to surrender. The honeycombed caves on Sniper Ridge were reminiscent of, fighting with the Japanese in the island campaigns of World War IL' I 'CROSS PURPOSE': Arts Theater Opens Season Totight "a .. ., 4" THE WHISTLE-stopl dent rang in a little of -he even played the pi crowd at New Britain,; the opening round of a Northeastern tour on Gov. Adlai Stevenson Democratic ticket. In the day's biggest at Hartford, Conn., Tr cheering tens of thous Eisenhower has been c military advisers ever named the general as A of staff following nr ping Presi- everything ano for the Conn.-in three-day behalf of and the speech, at uman told ;ands that one of his since he lrmy chief Id War II. Sen. John last night is a "de- nominee, who he never has met. It was one'of the most exuber- cal partie ant receptions Stevenson has re- ernor of T ceived. cessful as GOP Civil Rights He left San Francisco by auto- dential no mobile yesterday morning and Herbert H A ccepted by YR traveled through the bay area for Eisenhow Accep ed __ speeches at Berkeley, Richmond, New Jersey The Young Republicans voted Vallejo and Sacramento, then by one stop t Tgh og epublcan eI plane to Los Angeles. ford what last nightsto' accept the Republi still stay; can platform on civil rights and STEVENSON SAID the 1950 the world1 added a motion that the State en Korean crisis saved the life of the Although act similar legislation, including United Nations and he added that speaking a fair employment practices and the UN and international co-oper- date for p anti-lynching bills. ation - and nothing else - "can Astoria ad Professors Ralph Aigler and save us all." prepared a Charles Joiner both of the Law "We have constructed in this na- "Our ecc School were approved as new fac- tion a stable foundation of well vulnerable ulty sponsors. being and freedom," he declared. our peoplel A motion to vote on the Student "Upon this foundation we music it is the pri Legislature's proposal on the lec- rearsthe structure of world peace! dent and ture committee was tabled until This. I submit, is the destiny of sure that o the next meeting. this generation of Americans." { suffers a d VERSATILE PERFORMER: s. Smith, one-time gov- New York, was unsuc- the Democratic presi- ominee running against loover in 1928. ier had campaigned in yesterday, asserting at .hat the U.S. "can't af- we are spending and strong enough to lead toward peace." he said he was not s the Republican candi- resident in the Waldorf dress, he did say in his ddress: onomy is insecure and in many ways. But all have come to know that imary task of any presi- ur country never again epression." By JAN WINN Tonight is opening night at the Arts Theater Club. When the lights go off at 8:30 p.m. the circle-in-the-round aud- ience will be viewing the first American production of "Cross Purpose" by contemporary French dramatist, Albert Camus. I* * * TRANSLATED from the French by Prof. Marvin Felheim, the Art Theater's fall season opener is a play in which the characters are nameless and the setting uniden- tified according to the English de- partment professor. Richards, who has spent three years in Europe as a paratrooper brings first hand knowledge of the continent to his role. Another neophite is Beth-Sheva Laikin, '48, an actress claiming a rich stage, radio and television background and a degree in an- thropology from the University. Miss Laikin was one of the ten people selected throughout theI country for an acting fellowship by the National Theater Confer- ence. A former member, Joyce Ed- gar is back with the company In Greensburg, Pa., J. Sparkman charged the Republican party rr - _1 -- - - structive influence." v n se ve n s i o tng The Democratic vice presidentialS nominee halted his Western, Pennsylvania motorcade on street Metropolitan Opera mezzo-soprano, Rise Stevens, who will appearI corners and in meeting rooms to in concert at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium, has been acclaimed! tell large and small groups the: a star in six fields. GOP "has opposed every major Besides her operatic fame, she is continually heard on natio'nal piece of social legislation for the radio programs, seen and heard on television shows and is one of past 20 years." the highest selling recording artists in the classical field. Thousands of others know her through her movies and concert tours. Student Directory i, r KNOWN AS "THE" Carmen in opera today, Miss Stevens has re-' ere i -oaay CCT '5 O C; :