Y, SEPTEMBER17,1952. THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE ! 4 ... Aiss Mac,' Busy League Social Director cts as Man Friday for Coed Activities "Ask Miss Mac-she knows." This familiar phrase will echo about the League as the year's activities are planned and pre- sented by the coeds who partici- pate in League activities. MISS ETHEL A. McCormick, "Miss Mac" as she is affection- ately called, is the person who co- ordinates all the various League activities in her capacity of Social Director of the Michigan League. The title of social director does not begin to describe the in- numerable things, great and small, she does to help Univer- sity women from all corners of the campus. She works with all committee chairmen and advises them on how to carry out and improve pro- jects from year to year. * * * THE ENDLESS duties of the "mainstay of the League" include seeing that every job or project undertaken by coeds in connection with the League is a success. Miss McCormick is the con- sultant on every type of event ranging from Junior Girls Play production to men's dancing cla'sses. With a primary interest in de- veloping leaders and women who can assume responsibility, she helps chairmen plan their bud- gets and guides them ,in the use of the University's requisition sys- tem. "IT'S IMPORTANT to know ex- actly how much you're spending so there's no danger of going into the red," the budget-wise Miss McCormick declares. Miss Mac first came in con- tact with University coeds when she was a member of the wo- men's physical education de- partment. At that time the cast of the Junior Girl's Play rehearsed in Barbour Gymnasium and Miss Mc- Cormick began her years of ser- vice to coeds by answering ques- tions which arose in connection with the production. WHEN THE League was com- pleted in 1929, President Ruthven asked her to serve as coordinat- ing supervisor of women's activi- ties, the position she has held since that time. She believes that when women enter the University and are ab- solutely on their own, they should participate in League ac- tivities, especially now since they are eligible the first semester and don't have to wait until * * s they get their grades, as was the system before last year. When coeds enter the University one semester ahead or behind the rest of the class, they may par- ticipate in either class activities, Miss McCormick said. * * ,* IN OTHER WORDS, a second semester freshman may work either on Frosh Weekend or Soph- omore Cabaret. "Come out, but use good judg- ment in choosing your activi- ties," Miss McCormick advises. "Books first, then fun and get- ting acquainted with other groups.'. Miss McCormick is indeed an indispensible part of the League and a truly wonderful person to know. * * * Women Have Dorm Choice Six Residences Vary in Size To live in a dormitory or not to live in a dormitory, that is the question of the freshman coed. If a dormitory, which one? These are the first major prob- lems that face most incomers to the University, and the campus housing planners have tried to provide enough variety to satisfy every woman. IF A COED decides to live in a dormitory, she has six to choose from, ranging in size from 100 residents to the largest, which houses over 500 women. Each housing 100 'undergradu- ate women, Betsy Barbour and Helen Newberry dormitories stand next to each other on State Street, opposite Angell Hall. On Observatory Hill, a few blocks from 'the main part of cam- pus, stand the largest women's dormitories. Stockwell Hall, on the corner of Observatory and North University, was built ten years ago and has space for 500 women. Next to it, in the middle of the block stands Mosher-Jordan Hall, actually two separate houses, each housing about 250 women. * * * ALICE LLOYD HALL, consisting of Angell House, Hinsdale House, Kleinstueck House and Palmer House stands just beyond Mo- sher-Jordan and has room for about 150 women in each house. New Dorm, as it has been nick- named, is the newest and most modern of the women's dormi- tories. Martha Cook, situated next to the Law Quadrangle, has space for 132 upperclasswomen. It is an honorary dormitory and the girls must reach and keep a high scholastic average as well as participate in campus activities. (Continud on Page 6) Glee Clubbers Give Concerts "Just any girl who enjoys sing- ing and wants to sing will find i worth while to tryout for the Gle Club," enthusiastically s t a t e c Shirley Robinson, president of the Women's Glee Club. "It's a lo of fun, especially for those wh( won't be taking part in any othe musical groups on campus." The Women's Glee Club is com- posed of about 50 to 55 member under the direction of Mrs. Jea- i nette Floyd Estep. The chora group sings semi-classical num bers and music in the lighter vein presenting concerts at Christma and in spring as well as going o a spring tour. s During this year's tour the clu traveled several hundred miles i a maize and blue bus through Ohi and Points south, giving six con- certs in four days and singin over the air during a radio broad cast from Leesburg, Ohio. S Open to any woman who ca - sight read and sing fairly well s the ' club holds two prectice ses o sions a week, an hour afternoo - session and a two hours practic in the evening. Tryouts are held early in th - fall in a friendly and informal at r mosphere, and all interested wo men are urged to come, as thi year's season looks like one of th greatest. Bluebooks and bull sessions may seem to comprise the first few months of life at the University, but activities soon get underway when the coeds and their class projects commence to really set the campus on its ear! With the frosh frolicking at their Weekend, the sophs stomp- ing at the Cabaret, juniors jump- ing with JGP and the' seniors stepping at Senior Night, the League, main bulwark for these activities, rarely has a sedate mo- ment! the sophomores with their first opportunity to work together as a class unit. * * * CLOSELY COORDINATED with these projects, are the freshmen and their annual Frosh Weekend. With their team competition, the frosh really show the campus that whil they may be new to Univer- sity ways of life, they certainly can hold their own with any of the upperclassmen. Sophomores, Juniors Give Annual Productions - 4 Any woman in the University who is scholastically eligible may work on any of these class pro- jects. All central committee po- sitions are achieved through pe- titioning and interviewing held each year by the League Inter- viewing Council. Information concerning the du- ties of each comtnittee chairman is fully explained in the annual League President's Report found in the League Undergraduate Of- fice. The office also has a file of old petitions which may be used as reference for information cone cerning the writing of petitions. With all these class projects and the unity resulting from them, every coed from the staidest of the seniors to the greenest of the freshmen, is constantly on the jump attempting to prove that her class is the best to hit the campus yet! RIVALRY BETWEEN the jun- ior and senior classes had been a longtime campus tradition when the first JGP was presented in 1904. The attempt of these cour- ageous juniors completely caught the students' fancy, and the show soon became an annual event. Usually having a musical ba- sis, the actual theme of the show is kept secret until the night of its presentation to the strictly critical senior class. At this time, the annual Senior Night, all senior women, garbed in their caps and gowns for the first time, march to the League to rehash their college years. This also provides them with the op- portunity to view the product of the juniors' well-spent energy. MARCHING across the stage of the League Ballroom, the gradu- ating women also reveal their sta- tus in the matrimonial sweep- stakes. Married women carry can- dles, engaged ones suck lemons, >inned women sport straight pins and unattached coeds throw a penny for each of their birthdays into a wishing well. The campus is annually wow- ed with the Sophomores' presen- tation of Soph Cabaret. A gigan- tic carnival atmosphere, com- plete with special booths, re- freshments and card games, is created when the Sophs take over the entire second floor of the League for their class pro- ject. Included in the festivities is the ballroom where the latest in fancy stepping may be exhib- ited. Complete with gams and gals, all sophomore women, and their talents, are presented in the floor- show in Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- tre. Thus, the Cabaret provides Mass Meeting A mass meeting for fresh- men coeds will be held at 7 p.m. Thursday, September 18 in Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- ter. At that time portions of last year's Soph Cab, Frosh Weekend and Junior Girls' Play productions will be pre- sented. Women will also re- ceive the 1952-53 League Low- down with complete League in- formation. l JO RL CUmS II On the Camnpus . , . ;. t,®, ^ "" ' , r " e ,: . 1 G ., MISS ETHEL McCORMICK Honor Societies Recognize Achievements In Scholarship, Citizensship and Leadership Classmates Choose Above.Average Women by Various Methods; AlphaLambda Delta, Wyvern, Scroll, Senior Society Honor Coeds Come to ANN ARBOR with Empty Suit Cases Buy your College Clothing in a favorite College Shop. Insure yourself of the latest in Campus Fashions. Women entering the University this fall, regardless of their field of interest, will find honorary so- cieties to record their achieve- ments on campus. There are five honor societies and several professional women's fraternities represented here. . I ALPHA LAMBDA DELTA is a national scholastic society for freshman women who have at- tained a 3.5 or higher average dur- ing their first semester or over the whole year. The fraternity also honors senior members who have main- tained the half A, half B aver- age throughout their college career. The symbol of the organization is a small pin in the shape of the lamp of knowledge. 'I. . * . WOMEN who are outstanding in -scholarship, leadership and ser- vice during their sophomore year are eligible for membership in Wyvern, an all-campus honor so- ciety. The name Wyvern originates from a Welsh word meaning "protecting dragon." The sym- bol of the organization, a dragon around the letter "W," is de- rived from the meaning of Wyvern. To become a member of this society, sophomore women must have a scholastic average two tenths above that of the entire campus. * * * a new group of sophomore women to replace them the following year. The list of new members is not revealed until the old members march through the dormitories and sorority houses to tap their successors. Three societies, Senior So- ciety, Scroll and Mortar Board, recognize outstanding senior women. Membership in all three of them is based on scholarship, service and leadership. * r B SENIOR SOCIETY includes on- ly independent women and Scroll is composed solely of affiliated coeds. Tapping is kept secret until Installation Night when the old members run through the aisles of Rackham Amphitheatre designat- ing their successors. Senior Society is a local or- ganization and was the first honor society for women on campus. Members of the so- ciety are presented with white collars with blue bows when they are tapped, and they wear these the following day. Symbol of Senior Society is a small gold pin. Scroll, the national honorary society of affiliated women, main- tains a scholarship fund. Mem- bers wear as necklaces small gold medals in the shape of a scroll as recognition. When they are tap- ped at installation night, a card- board scroll is hung about their necks and they wear these throughout the following day. * * * BOTH AFFILIATED and inde- pendent women are eligible for membership in Mortar Board. The society traditionally carries out its tapping ceremony in the dor- mitories and sorority houses after closing hours. The pin of this organization is a black enamel and gold mor- tarboard. The day after tapping, the new members wear black mortarboards to classes. Among professional women's fraternities are the national or- ganizations of Mu Phi Epsilon and Sigma Alpha Iota, music sorori- ties. * * * THE MU PHI EPSILON chapter on this campus is the oldest one still in existence. Membership is based on scholastic averages. The organization sponsors scholarships and awards to stimulate proficiency in musi- cianship, scholarship and ser- vice. Sigma Alpha Iota also selects its members on the basis of schol- arship and musicianship. Musicals are given once a month and tw public musicals are presented dur- ing the year. * * * DURING May Festival the or- ganization gives a luncheon fox the performing artists. Theta Sigma Phi is an honor- ary journalism fraternity. The organization has 10,000 alumnae and 81 college and alumnae chapters throughout the coun- try. Among the honorary member.< of this organization are Dorothy Thompson, Eleanor Roosevelt, Jar 24 --?:2 .: -%i1".t . : . f 4r t"". v. ..".:v" t? . Y.S reS . ,,l."V rv. ".: :: : +.5 '": .v t". ":.. K. .:v: ;"'.:¢;.{; s.}... . X4 . .." Y'f...... .v .Y ro . v: ": . ... . l.N4,5. VtV....te...5.., . :5 y"v J .4 n: w Yt . . ,r ;Xs .v . . :.~. :w**.*.* 5 .*i::::"*.flJ:"::::":,?:555 -S .? ..'"s k: . S i.,iC....... .*.,s..,rli e. ...,.,."t...... -"TR. J.:a4i4.. i ..aW ar',." ,t$'a~.X.- .}w,...r.... ....... rsc.. .. .;x"; iic.^.1 .. __ "Y1S.:R A-.r ,*1 ?: d V 7 3} 4 I Go I '' Struther, Dorothy Canfield Fisch- er, Kathleen Norris, Edna Ferber, Marjorie Kinman Rawlings and Cornelia Otis Skinner. Zeta Phi Eta is a professional speech fraternity on campus. AT THE CLOSE year, members of of their junior Wyvern select tqm r* * . t~~V * .v- ~ ~ ~at, ..Avty. " JONATHAN LOGAN * BOBBIE BROOKS * PETTIE Be sure to visit our bright-new, color-splash- ed Campus Shop! We've "crammed" to give you smart-in -school fashions in coats, suits, skirts, sweater . .. ad infinitum! Tote your list-we'll fill all your needs, and at purse -pleasing prices, too! i f , i i 3 3 3 't MEDICAL .. .DENTAL... PUBLIC HEALTH.. . NURSING SUPPLIES and BOOKS Our store is especially equipped with textboks, reference books and supplies for Medical, Dental, Nursing and Public Health Students. VETERANS' ACCOUNTS CAPABLY HANDLED ;:. r" ... * ROCKLAND " LASSIE MAID * YOUTHCRAFTr * JUNIOR HOUSE' " BETTY JEAN 0 EMMA DONIBfl