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October 16, 1952 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1952-10-16

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celeri toih &cldor
tered political
fl. C~~~m

Majorette . ..
To the Editor:
REGARDING the antics of the
scantily-clad young majorette
at Saturday's football game, we
the undersigned considered same
as merely a welcome interlude in
the traditionally dull mob scene.
-David D. Ramsey
Robert P. Clark
* * *
Bilik Blamed..*.
To the Editor:
THE BLAME then was Revelli's
but has now reverted to Bilik.
The abortive attempt to be im-.
pressive thru a display of mere
size, mere noise, was almost res-
cued from vulgarity by the drama
of the majorette, but even this
minor, non-political, expression of
individuality proved to be ana-
And Bilik, the positivist, the
antipoetic, comes forth with fur-
ther calumny, blasting the myth
like a fiendish pedant, depriving
us of our heroine.
This, indeed, is not the age of
-Jack Danielson
Department of
Romance Languages
Baton Twirler .. .
To the Editor:
IN MY estimation I believe Mr.
Revelli was perfectly justified in
taking away the pert drum major-
ette's baton at the Indiana game
last Saturday. Girls of her type
and skilliare always looking for
the spotlight hoping that through
public acclaim they will be on their
way to great new glories in their
respective professions.
This girl quite innocently shook
her torso a few times in the right
direction and completely hypno-
tized the stands full of men before
her. So much so that the men were
completely oblivious to the fact
that 101 bands were on the field
banging out a few soft refrains.
The spectacle in itself required co-
operation, a lot of time and plen-
ty of drill. Is it really fair to let
one little girl barely sixteen steal
the spotlight in a show so tremen-
-Bud Reynolds
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The subject be-
ing thoroughly exhausted, The Daily
will not accept further correspond-
ence as regards the young miss with
thtcp-nagic baton.)
Stifled Twirler. . .
To the Editor:
THE drum-majorette from Dear-
born High - a remarkable
showman, superb control and ex-
cellent form while fulfilling her
duty of pleasing the half-time
crowd and an audience-winning
personality seen very seldom at
such an event-- all stifled by his
master, Ravelli.
I graduated from Westmont
High, a superb school of Johns-
town, Pennsylvania; it was the
school that produced the Nation-
al baton-twirling champion Eddie
Sacks. Never, never since I have
watched him have I been so im-
pressed or entertained in that
She was not pretentious or ob-
noxious in her action, as I have
heard expressed. Can't certain
persons recognize showmen when
they do ,finally appear normally
and naturally without the "bigs"
of show biz pushing them?
A letter from myself to Dear-
born High in a desperate attempt
to alleviate some of the over-
whelming embarassment that must
be hers follows. Anyone agree?
Bruce B. Ideson
* * *
Nazi Flag . .
To the Editor:

KUDOS to the valient Ann Arbor
police who Saturday aft-
ernoon staged a daring raid on
the then undefenced walls of the
allegedly seditious West Quad-
rangle. Promptly placed under ar-
rest was one prominently displayed
Nazi swastika, which at last re-
port was incarcerated in the local
At the risk of being labeled sub-
versive, Communist, "Neo-Nazi,"
and anti-Pogo, we question the
principle involved in this confisca-
tion of personal property. Could it
be a liberal interpretation of the
McCarran Act? Or was this display

"Who Wants To Know, Buster?"

a flagrant violation of the Alien
and Sedition Act?
In any case, we heartily com-
mend the Ann Arbor counter-es-
pionage forces for their decisive
action in removing a symbol, not of
an ex-enemy, but of a current hys-
teria, vaguely defined as "Un-
Americanism." A joke is a joke and
conceivably might be taken as such
by anyone other than our local
If this course of action is extend-
ed to its logical limits, what is to
be the fate of the small children
sporting Confederate caps?"
-Bert Braun
--William Holtz
Backhaut, GOP...
To the Editor:
I WRITE this letter in memory
of Bernard Backhaut, a fight-
ing Democrat, who has passed
from amongst us. Mr. Backhaut
recently succumbed to that dread,
but increasingly rare, disease
known as the GOP.
That his demise was forthcoming
became obvious a few days ago
when letters written by him and
appearing in The Daily indicated
that he was suffering from the
twin symptoms of the GOP, name-
ly, moving into a vacuum and
burying his head in the ground.
No more shall Bernie burst forth
with applause and shouts of glee
when President Truman's picture
is flashed on a motion picture
screen. No more shall his chest
swell with the pride that came to
him from wearing buttons bearing
the names of Democratic candi-
In fond memory of Bernard
Backhaut, late loyal member of a
great political party, his former
friends pledge themselves to do
everything in their power to see
that the dreaded GOP, to which
he succumbed, spreads no further.
-David J. Kornbluh
. . *
Taft Club.. .
To the Editor:
A MOST AMAZING and deplor-
able thing has occurred.
Last April the campus Taft club
sponsored an educational speech
by the Senator, and because of the
uplifting experience promised by
this noted educator, the Univer-
sity onened wide the doors of Hill
Auditorium-doors which are clos
ed, as we all know, to political
It has now been revealed that
the Taft club owes $146.03 for the
rental of that auditorium and for
some inexplicable reason has up to
this point been unable to raise the
The excuse offered by Ned Si-
mon, former president of the now
defunct educational society, con-
cerned itself with the fact that the
bill was presented after Senator
Taft had lost the Republican persi-
dential nomination. Said Mr. Si-
mon, "If we had gotten the bill
even five minutes betore the con-
vention was over we could have ob-

tained the money without any
We fail to see what the conven-
tion has to do with the matter.
After all, the speech would have
been every bit as educational after
the convention as before it, and
we feel certain that some higi-
minded intellectual, sincerely in-
terested in the furtherance of the
educational facilities of this great
university, will jockey up the
-Peg Nimz
* * *
No Like Arp .. .
To the Editor:
READING MR. ARP'S review of
"Anything Can Happen," I was
thoroughly shocked to his reac-
tion to the film's basic idea-tbat
America is a refuge to people of
other countries. Why, may I ask,
is this an "obnoxious" idea. What
is wrong with presenting to the
public the feelings of immigrants?
Are we ashamed that they can find
and express, in "sentimental"
terms, to be sure, joy and happi-
ness in our country? If this is ob-
noxious to Mr. Arp's way of think-
ing, I feel truly sorry for hirr.
As for the statement that Mr.
Ferrer is "wasting" his talents on
a picture of this kind"-I really
doubt that he or Miss Hunter is
in the desperate position of having
to accept a role which they con-
sider bencath their acting abilities.
-Judith Brace
Arp! Arp! . .
To the Editor:
WIT HOUT branching off into
criticism of Miss Thomas' ef-
fusion and I hope without launch-
ing into one of my own, I wish
to put in a word for Tom Arp's
movie reviews. These have been
consistently good since I began to
read and look for them a semester
Mr. Arp's reviews are not sen-
timental or imitative, either or
both o which being frequently the
unhappy case in undergraduate
writing. They (his reviews) are
amusing, more than usually ac-
curate, and when critic-tL grati-
fyingly so.
I take time to make these brief
comments because I feel that stu-
dents do not ofen write unless
piqued by something apearing in
The Daily. The result is that pre-
dominantly critical mail, which
can discourage even your best writ-
ers. As I consider Tom Arp to be
among your best writers, I wish to
perhaps help counter-act this ef-
-Martha B. Wells
* **
Masonic Ban .. .
To the Editor:
fine newspaper. However, it is
my opinion that the Daily hasn't
stated all the facts that were dis-
coverable regarding the attempt. of
a certain political party to obtain
the use of the Masonic Temple.
The result has been that tht re-

ports by the Michigan Daily seem
to put to the public the proposi-
tion that the Local Board of Di-
rectors of the Masonic Temple
have been in the wrong on the en-
tire problem. After finding out
some of the facts, it would seem
that this political group has little
reason to complain. Yet the Daily
has merely used the words in the
lawyers briefs, but without the
technical ability to understand
them, and justice seems to be on
the side of the Masons. My point is
that the public could better under-
stand the case if they knew these
1. Attorneys for the political
group didn't even have the requi-
site form of legal forms to be prop-
erly before the court.
2. The political group knew on
Sept. 28 that the board of the Ma-
sonic temple was considering the
application for rental.
3. The fact that the political
group waited some time after be-
ing notified before yelling irrep-
arable harm.
4. The fact that the political
group waited 'til they were told
they couldn't rent would seem to
show they acknowledged the pow-
ers of the Masonic Board of Di-
rectors to have the final decision
on who they would rent to, and
who they wouldn't rent to.
It would seem that this political
group has little to campaign on or
for, and they wish to run a man
for the presidency on the claim
that some one, with their rights,
didn't rent them a hall. I hope
The Daily doesn't make a false
issue of this matter. A newspaper
has the duty to convey accurate
and pertinent information. The
Daily should check this problem
more closely.
-Marvin L. Failer
*, * *
fi.A n In su lt'
To the Editor:
Wf. AVERELL Harriman, in his
talk. Monday afternoon, de-
scribed General Eisenhower's cam-
paign speeches as based on "smear
and falsehood." In a question per-
iod immediately following the talk,
Mr. Harriman was asked "to de-
scribe President Truman's recent
speeches." He replied that Presi-
dent Truman was merely "pouring
it on." This type of phrase mak-
ing typified Mr. Harriman's whole
talk. To an intelligent student, it
was an insult.
-Ronald E. Seavoy
w , 4
Nickles for Nixon .. .
To the Editor:
ALTHOUGH the Red Feather
drive is now under way and
you will soon be solicited for your
help we would like you to dig dow
just .a little deeper for another
worthwhile cause. One of our
esteemed national servants who
recently visited Ann Arbor com-
mented that he and Pat are only
able to attend the Rose Bowl game
when they can "scrape up the four
or five .dollars to buy a ticket."
We believe that to deprive any
American of his natural right to
partake in the great American tra-
dition of football is indeed a grave
injustice. In order that we may
right this wrong, we urge you to
contribute to a fund which will
insure a carefree New Year's day
at Pasedena for the senator and
his wife.
Please address all contributions
to: Nickles for Nixon, 2006 Wash-
tenaw Ave., Ann Arbor, Michigan.
-Thomas Harris
Stuart Heifetz
Robert Schrayer
Aid~on kd
, tr~igaY t I




On September 28, the Progressives were
explicitly informed by the Board of Direc-
tors of the Temple that the appearance of
Paul Robeson, one of the featured speakers
would be objectionable to them and they
were considering denying the Progressives
use of the Hall.
On Oct. 8, Glenn Alt, chairman of the
Board of Directors officially notified the
Progressives that the auditorium would be
unavailable to them for their rally.
The Progressives had 10 days between
Sept. 28 and Oct. 8 in which to look for a
new site to hold the rally in case the
board decided not to allow them the use
of the Temple. There are no indications
that they did so at this time-which is
unusual in light of their fervor to have
Robeson speak here.
Several days later, the Progressives filed
a bill of complaint with the court asking
that an injunction be issued against the
Masonic Temple and claiming that they had
suffered "irreparable damages" by being
denied the hall. They also claimed that the
Masons had broken a contract.
Last Friday, Judge Breakey heard the evi-
dence presented to him by both sides in
the dispute. The bill of complaint drawn
up by the Progressives was a shoddy one.
In his ruling the judge said that under the
law, in order for such a bill to be considered
by the circuit court, the plaintiffs must
show that they have suffered damages in
excess to one hundred dollars.
The Progressives failed to do so. Their
entire claim was only for 75 dollars.
The claim for "irreparable damages"
also stated that the Progressives had lost
money in the sale of tickets and in print-
ing advertising matter. However, there

Feeling between the two men has not
been cordial since MacArthur sent Eis-
enhower, then a lieutenant colonel, home
from the Philippines shortly before Pearl
Harbor. That turned out to be the biggest
break in Ike's life, for it put him under
Gen. George C. Marshall, who promptly
promoted him up the ladder to be top
commander in Europe.
Since the war, the two top generals of
the European and Far Eastern theatres
have continued cool. MacArthur worked with
Taft forces to block Ike's nomination, even
told a Lansing, Mich., audience May 15:
"It would be a tragic development, indeed,
if this generation was forced to look to the
rigidity of military dominance and disci-
pline to redeem it from the tragic failure
of a civilian administration."
Phoning Governor Fine of Pennsylvania,
MacArthur even urged him to throw.
Pennsylvania's delegates against Eisen-
Equally peeved, Ike was credited with the
famous wisecrack: "I studied dramatics un.
der Mac for nine years."
DESPITE THESE obstacles, ex-President
Hoover has urged that Republican vic-
tory is more important than personal feel-
ings. He's afraid the Christian Nationalist
Party, which has nominated MacArthur,
may draw enough votes away from Eisen-
hower in a few key states to defeat him.
Hoover has been working through Chairman
Summerfield of the Republican National
Committee, and, as of today, Ike has agreed
to meet with MacArthur.
He refuses, however, to call on him at
the Waldorf-Tower. He is not, he indi-
cates, making a pilgrimage to worship at
the shrine. He'll be delighted to talk to
MacArthur, he says, but MacArthur will
haxin AM in hm

and Abe Fineberg got aboard the Tru-
man train the other day, were given a com-
partment in the President's car and began a
game of gin rummy.
Between whistle-stop speeches, the Pre-
sident came in to chat.
"How are you doing?" he asked after one
"I've got half of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayeri"
replied Fineberg, referring to the movie
company for which Schary works.
"Fine," replied the President. "Get the
other half and we'll go into the movie busi-
ness. I'm not doing anything after January
* * *
been spotted over the Japanese coast.
This has the Pentagon more worried than
any military report in months .. . Thous-
ands of Russian workmen are building a
giant Soviet airbase on Ostrov Rudolph Is-
land-only six hours flying time from our
own airbase at Thule, Greenland . . . The
British now think they have found a sure-
fire way to earn American dollars. A Bri-
tish textile designer has invented an un-
sinkable cloth, and the British are going to
use it for unsinkable bathing suits to be ex-
ported to us . . . Secretary of Defense Lo-
vett has turned thumbs down on a fancy,
snorkel-type jeep. (Costs too much-over
$4,500 each) . . . The U.S. will try to get
the other free nations to send more troops
to Korea at the forthcoming UN meeting.
There are more than forty anti-Commun-
ist countries in the UN, but only 17 have
sent fighting troops . . . After all the hulla-
baloo over the Navy robot plane, pictures
just back from Korea show that the much-
publicized pilotless plane actually missed its
target-a raidroad tunnel--by several hun-
drad yards.
((7n ..i ht 19 _ y the ,, 1 f nra




Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young.....Managing Editor
Cal Samra.........Editorial Director
Zander Hollander.......Feature Editor
Sid Klaus.......Associate City Editor
Harland Britz........Associate Editor
Donna Hen dleman.....Associate Editor
Ed Whipple............Sports Editor
John Jenks.....Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewell.....Assbiate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler........Women's Editor.
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. women's Editor
Business Staff
Al Green..............Business Manager
Milt Gdetz.......Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston... Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehnberg.F..inance Manager
Tom Treeger.......Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1


(Continued from Page 2)
Anyone is welcome to come around and
look us over.
Hillel Coke Hour will be held from 4
to 5 p.m. at the Hillel Building. Enter-
tainment will be provided by a musicale
U. of M. Sailing Club will hold its
weekly meeting in 311 west Engineer-
ing, at 7:30. Those who want rides out

about the story ,of the 442nd combat
team-a Japanese-American unit.
Young Democrats will meet at 8:00
p.m. in Room 3 M-N of the Union. Re-
cent findings of campaign polls and the
issues they pose will be discussed. All
those interested are cordially invited.
Students for Stevenson Club will meet
at 8 p.m., Room 3-K, Michigan Union.
Mrs. Neil Staebler, wife of the Demo-
cratic State Chairman, will speak.

Roger Williams Guild. Grand open
house in our new educational plant.
Play, fellowship, refreshments. Fri., Oct.
17, 8 p.m. First introduction of our new
recreational facilities.
Newman Club is having an open
house, Fri., Oct. 17, at St. Mary's Chap-
el from 8 to 12. There will be dancing,
entertainment, and refreshments. A] 1
Catholic students and their friends are
cordially invited.
Hillel Friday Night Services "will be


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