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October 15, 1952 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1952-10-15

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The Lecture Committee


"Let Us Know When You Want To Talk To US"

A New Approach?
Il EVENING the Student Legislature
will consider the problem of the Lecture
Committee. The discussion which will take
place and SL's ultimate course of action will
have import far beyond the significance of
this one extremely vital problem, for the
Legislature's treatment of the Committee
will set a pattern for success or failure in
other issues throughout the year.
In the past, SL has taken vigorous
stands on several campus issues. They
have been successful in opening the li-
brary for extended hours and in bringing
about adoption of the Thanksgiving Holi-
day. Both these victories came last fall,
a time when the Legislature seemed at
the height of its power.
Although President Ruthven vetoed the
time limit anti-bias clause plan the previous
spring, members were confident that the
-twin victory at the beginning of the fall
semester was a hopeful sign of success in
further projects. Their hopes were discour-
aged by President Hatcher's veto of a mo-
derate bias clause plan last spring and by
an Administration veto of additional funds
for the Legislature.
Toward the end of the spring semester
SL adopted a motion relative to the Lecture
Committee which was supposed to be sent
to one of the first Regents' meetings this
fall. Previously, in the spring all-campus
election, a student referendum on the Lec-
ture Committee had shown that the student
body favored abolition of the powerful board
which controls speakers in University build-
Though the referendum was certainly
encouraging, it provided no easy solu-
tion to the problem of how to remove the
Lecture Committee or alleviate its more
objectionable pressures on student opinion
and thought. SL members had to figure
out a plan which would be consistent with
student opinion as expressed in the refer-
endum and would still have a chance of
passage by the Regents. Reconciling these
factors has proved to be practically im-
The SL plan as finally adopted provides
1-Campus organizations, fully recognized
by the Student Affairs Committee, be free
to sponsor speakers of their choice, and
that rooms be assigned to speakers on an
equal basis with no political or other dis-
2-Each group before sponsoring such
speeches must inform the Lecture Com-
mittee of the proposed talk and submit a
signed statement that the speaker will
not advocate violent overthrow of the
government and that the meeting will be
peaceful and orderly.
3-If the speakers does advocate violent
overthrow of the government or the meeting
becomes disorderly or riotous, the sponsoring
group will have a Joint Judiciary hearing
with the Joint Judiciary Council recom-
mending action to the University Sub-com-
Inittee on Discipline.
4-The Lecture Committee will be em-
powered to enforce this procedure.
THIS PROPOSED system would eliminate
"bannings" of speakers because of
alleged subversive background or doubtful
political affiliations. It would place res-
ponsibility for unlawful remarks with the
sponsoring organization.
In addition, SL members passed a sub-
sidiary motion directing that a brief of
the Lecture Committee situation be drawn
up and that student, faculty and alumni
groups should be approached to gain sup-
port for the motion in order to present a
more impressive case to the Regents.
A small victory was gained late last spring
when two students from SL were invited to

sit on the Committee with speaking, but not
voting, rights.
This was the situation when SL recon-
vened this fall. Little or no work had been
done in approaching various groups for sup-
port at the end of last term, but plans were
initiated to get the project under way im-
mediately this fall.
Tomorrow is the deadline for submitting
material for the Regents' October meeting.
A brief on the SL motion will be turned in
before the deadline and plans are being
made to secure written support from stu-
dent groups to be added to the initial report
before the October meeting.
To date, no campus organization has had
a chance to consider the SL proposal al-
though each group will have an opportunity

.* . .
to vote on the question within the next few
days when notices arrive from SL.
Certainly every student organization
should give the motion favorable support,
but the results cannot be forecast, and there
will be little time for long consideration of
the problem by individual groups. They must
act immediately to give their support to SL.
Nevertheless, there is serious question
whether the Regents would favorably con-
sider the SL recommendation, even if it were
backed by substantial segments of the cam-
pus. The chances for passage seem extreme-
ly poor. On any such question as this the
Regents must carefully consider the publi-
city which would be attendant to relaxation
of University regulations in this regard. Sub-
version is a touchy issue to deal with at a
time when the public is often sacrificing
good sense for mild hysteria.
** *
THE SL PROPOSAL would damage the
present powers of the Lecture Commit-
tee which have obviously been construed to
eliminate all sources of possible bad public
relations due to the appearance of alleged
Reds on campus. Theoretically and ideally,
any speaker should not be subjected to scru-
tiny by a vigilante group such as the Lecture
Unfortunately, idealism may not seem
the solution to this problem. A more prac-
tical course aimed at tempering arbitrary
committee judgments might be far'more
beneficial both immediately and in the
long run, than would a series of drastic
reforms which would probably receive in-
stant disapproval from the Regents.
Such a course might be a plan whereby a
number of voting students were added to
the Lecture Committee, thus bringing stu-
dent opinion onto a level where it could be
most effective. A plan such as this would
have far more success in gaining approval
of the Regents than would the more idealis-
tic proposals.
SL's action on this issue will have sig-
nificance beyond this immediate problem.
Continued rejection of SL plans by Ad-
ministration and Regents will immeasur-
ably weaken the organization, perhaps to
an extent where it will become totally use-
less as an effective medium of student
opinion. As such, it would seem that SL
should reconsider the action of last spring
in light of the potentialities for the mo-
tion's passage. If the members find that
the plan has no hope for ratification, they
must decide on other action.
Members should realize that it would be
unwise to stand up and take another serious
beating. They must also see that a more
moderate plan, if successful, will give the
Legislature a necessary shot in the arm and
result in further opportunity to have simi-
larly constructive proposals considered in a
better light by the University. Lastly, SL
members must realize that such a plan as
has been suggested is not entirely the retreat
from principle it might seem. Instead, the
plan offers a method of drawing closer to
the ultimate goal shared by most students
on campus-it possibly holds a better im-
mediate solution than a score of drastic re-
form measures of the'type consistently dis-
regarded by the University.
-Harry Lunn
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writer only.
This must be noted in all reprints.
"ETHICS IS essentially a product of the
gregarious instinct, of the instinct to
cooperate with those who are to form our
own group against those who belong to other
groups. Those who belong to our group are

good; those who belong to hostile groups are
wicked. The ends which are pursued by our
own group are desirable ends, the ends pur-
sued by hostile groups are nefarious. The
gregarious animal feels that the general
principles of justice are on the side of its
own herd. When the animal has arrived at
the dignity of the meta-physcian, it invents
ethics as the embodiment of its belief in the
justice of its own herd. Ethics is in origin
the art of recommending to others the sac-
rifices required for cooperation with oneself.
-Bertrand Russell
"EVERY STOIC was a Stoic; but in Chris-
tendom where is the Christian?"

. . . .
The 'Boot-'em-Out' Approach
ONE OF THE most confusing aspects of
University policy is The Lecture Com-
mittee, a paternalistic body which, since its
creation in 1937; has evolved a series of
regulations which have violated ideals of
academic freedom on campus.
In 1949, the Lecture Committee was em-
powered by the Board of Regents to ap-
prove proposed speakers and make sure
the speeches were "designed to serve the
educational interests of the academic com-
munity rather than the political interests
of one party or candidate."
With this as a starting point, the Com-
mittee proceeded to register its history in
University annals.
In 1949, James Zarichney, a Michigan
State College student and an admitted CP
member who was refused readmission at
MSC was banned. Reason: his speech would
have irritated MSC officials and served no
educational purpose. Refused permission
along with Zarichney was Ernest Goodman,
1948 Progressive Party candidate for State
Attorney General.
A year later, ex-University of Washing-
ton Prof. Herbert J. Phillips was also de-
nied speaking privileges when he wanted
to give a lecture on communism. As a re-
sult of the banning, an off-campus debate
was held between Phillips and Prof. Pres-
ton W. Slosson of the history department
with student interest in the case being
demonstrated when two thousand students
gathered to listen.
Last semester there were four such cases
in rapid succession.
Arthur McPhaul, executive Secretary of
the Civil Rights Congress, Abner Greene of
the American Committee for the Protection
of the Foreign Born, William Hood of Ford
Local 600 and Mrs. Ann Shore, also of the
CRC, were all banned from speaking after
they had been invited to speak by recog-
nized campus groups.
Each banning had violent repercussions
ranging from off-campus appearances and
private dinners to University investigations
similar to those conducted by the House
Un-American Activities Committee and
placing of five students on probation.
As a result of policy decisions during the
past few years, the Committee's criteria for
passing on a speaker seem to be as follows:
No one who is a member of the Com-
munist party, or an organization that the
Attorney General has listed as "subver-
sive," or has the "general reputation" of
being associated with Communism may
speak on campus.
In the Shore wase the Committee came
up with a rather paradoxical decision. Leb-
ron Simmons, a Detroit Democrat was given
permission to debate the topic of U.S. geno-
cide against the'Negro people, indicating
that the Committee felt it was all right for a
"non-suversive" to advance a "subversive,,
idea. But a "subversive" (Mrs. Shore) was
not acceptable to advance the same "sub-
versive" idea.
In last semester's all-campus elections,
student indignation against the Committee
reached a high pitch when a clear majority
voted 'yes' to an SL referendum question "do
you oppose the empowering of the Lecture
Committee to restrict any recognized cam-
pus organization in its choice of political
speakers or subjects?" Meanwhile, the
Young Republicans, Young Democrats,
Young Progressives, Students for Democratic
Action, and the Civil Liberties Committee
joined in protest against the Committee..
At the end of last semester, the faculty
of the literary college also voiced dis-
approval of the Committee's actions. The
faculty objected primarily on principle.
In the face of continued agitation from
student and faculty circles, it may be hoped
that the Lecture Committee finally suffers a
quiet demise. Such organizations have no
place at an institution dedicated to foster
democratic principles.
-Jerry Helman

Terrible Day
r, says a lot that the members of Gen.
Eisenhower's personal staff commonly refer
to his visit to Wisconsin as the "Terrible
Day." The background of the "Terrible
Day," which is still not understood, in turn
explains a lot of things that are troubling a
lot of people.
When Eisenhower and his staff were
planning the invasion of Wisconsin, the
main question confronting them was of
course the question of Sen. Joseph Mc-
Carthy. Eisenhower thought he had al-
ready handled the McCarthy problem ade-
quately. He personally wanted even less
to do with McCarthy than with the other
traducer of Gen. George C. Marshall,
Sen. William Jenner of Indiana.
For reasons of principle as well as of
politics, the General's staff held the same
view. They thought the General could not
avoid appearing with McCarthy on the plat-
form at the big meeting in Milwaukee. But
they planned not to invite McCarthy to
travel through Wisconsin on Eisenhower's
train. And in order to emphasize the Gen-
eral's stand, Eisenhower and his staff in-
cluded high praise of McCarthy's victim,
Gen. Marshall, in their first draft of the

f cx%.
r^ n


The Daily welcomes comriiunications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
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be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

U-M Rent Control Survey
Has GOP, DemsWondering
ON THE WAY TO ANN ARBOR-It looks as if the Republicans
have paved the way for removing rent controls at exactly the
wrong time. Thousands of people got notices of increased rents last
week in Des Moines, Kansys City, Toledo, Atlanta, Akron, Nashville,
Seattle, New Orleans, and Reading, Pa.
Meanwhile the University of Michigan has completed a sur-
vey showing that rent control was a paramount issue in deciding
the 1948 election-a fact that has strategists in both parties won-
dering if it may happen again.
Unfortunately for the Republicans, the issue was clearly drawn
in hundreds of cities, with the GOP against and the Democrats for
extending controls on a local basis.
Almost without exception, rents shot up immediately after
controls were abolished by city councils.
In Detroit, for instance, the Detroit News reported that rent in-
creases ranging up to 140 per cent followed a 5-to-4 vote by the
city council to end controls.
As a result, rent control-as in 1948-has become the No. 1
election issue with thousands of voters in Detroit and other cities.
Referring to the 1948 election, the University of Michigan
report states:
"More significant than any party differences in attitude toward
rent control is the fact that almost three-quarters of the people
favored it, and only one person in eight was actually opposed to it.
On this issue, therefore, many voters crossed party lines."
* * * *
WAGE STABILIZATION Chairman Archibald Cox was plenty
miffed when John L. Lewis announced that his miners wouldt
strike unless the wage board approved by today his 24-cents-an-hour
wage boost agreement with the coal operators. But what burned Cox
even more was Lewis's refusal to attend a wage board meeting to
discuss the proposed pay boost.
Big John's disdain for constituted government authority is
well known. But his tent-sulking on this occasion set a new record.
Immediately after Lewis's agreement with the operators, Harry
Moses and Joseph Moody, spokesmen for the mine owners, suggested
that both sides get a stipulation from the Wage Stabilization Board
that the wage boost would not go into effect until the WSB approved
it. This is provided by law.
"Certainly not," replied the beetle-browed miner boss, adding
something to the effect that the contract should go into effect im-
mediately without any meddling by Government bureaucrats.
"But it's illegal to enter into a conclusive contract without
the approval of the wage board,".declared Moody.
Lewis shrugged his shoulders. When later he was invited to the
wage board discussion, he shrugged them again.
Finally presidential assistant John R. Steelman persuaded Big
John to send his legal counsel, Welly Hopkins, to the meeting. But
Hopkins blandly refused to discuss the wage agreement; also ducked
questions as to whether Lewis would carry out his strike ultimatum.
"I am not an officer of the United Mine Workers and therefore
not in a position to speak with authority," declared Hopkins loftily.
"Well, I don't like it when somebody puts a gun to my head
and tells me to rush a decision on a matter vital to our economy,
or face a strike," shot back Cox. "I also do not like having a
wage agreement like this shoved at me, when both labor and in-
dustry know that it is a violation of the defense act to make such
a conclusive agreement without our approval."
Cox said that 13 cents of the proposed 24-cents-an-hour pay
boost was "allowable" under wage board regulations, but added he
would have to be shown some "real evidence" before he would approve
the remaining 11 cents.
(Copyright, 1952, by the Bell Syndicate)

L.Y.L. Protest ...1
To the Editor:
THE LABOR Youth League be-1
lieves that the banning of
speakers in Ann Arbor is becoming
a bad habit, a very bad habit.
Paul Robeson, scheduled to
speak for the Progressive Party on
October 19th at the Masonic Tem-
ple, has been denied the right to
express his thoughts to us.
Why can't we hear Paul Robe-1
son in Ann Arbor?
All speakers outrightly advocat-
ing an immediate cease fire in Ko-
rea, with negotiation of prisoner
exchange afterwards, are having
a rough time today.
Eisenhower says: "I do not have
any prescription for bringing thef
thing (Korean war) to a decisive
end." So he can speak anywhere
without question.
Stevenson says: "There is, of
course, no tidy solution to the Ko-
rean war. . ." He too can there-
fore speak anywhere.'
But when Robeson and the Pro-
gressive Party say: give us an im-
mediate cease fire in the Korean
war-their message is hushed up!
The Board of Masons who re-
fuse to let Robeson speak at the1
Masonic Temple have joined those,
narrow-minded people in this
country who consider the simple
desire for peace un-American.
Well, suppose Robeson was ban-
ned by the Masons, and we still1
had freedom of speech on the
campus? Then he could speak
here. But the Lecture Committee
Banning System denies us this,
possibility !
The Labor Youth League be-
lieves that the banning of speak-
ers who advocate an end to the,
useless war in Korea is not in the
interests of the University of Mi-
chigan students.
The blame for the nationwide
attacks on free speech, both on
the campus and off, lies with that
small clique of industrialists whose7
profits have skyrocketed as a re-
sult of the war. When peace pros-
pects rise, the stock market drops.
The L.Y.L. demands:I
That the Masons reverse their
stand and permit Robeson to
That the University set aside its
antiquated Lecture Committee and
rent Hill Auditorium to the Pro-
gressive Party, or any other group,
so that every political party may
enjoy the right of presenting its
own speakers to the American peo-
-For the Labor Youth League:
Ethel Schechtman, Bob
Schor, Mike Sharpe,
Steve Smale
Lecture Committee ...
To the Editor:
TONIGHT THE Student Legisla-
ture will hear a "report" con-
concerning action to put the Lee-
ture Committee motion before the
Regents in the best possible man-
It is to be hoped that the white-
wash of U.S.N.S.A. which took
place last week, will not be dupli-
cated in the discussion of Lecture
Committee revision activities.
Not only did the Summer Legis-
lature do nothing to gain faculty
support; it did not utilize the
many non-SL students who were
enough aroused to do helpful re-
search, to write a brief from which
SL could work. The regular Stu-
dent Legislature meetings this fall
have given little indication of ser-
ious thinking and work being done
for fulfillment of revision propos-

but to work for results with a vigor
in direct relation to the strength
with which the result is desired by
the student body.
-Leah Marks
* * *
Revelli's Defense.,.
To the Editor:°
TIERE SEEMS to be a great
deal of resentment towards ac-
quisition of a certain twirler's ba-
ton at the Indiana game half-time
show. Students are saying that
Professor William D. Revelli had
no business removing the baton.
The explicit reason is quite sim-
ple: the girl, in her excitement,
had just hit another twirler on
the head with her baton. This
reason, evidently, was not good
enough for the Michigan cheering
section. They felt that the act
called for a good deal of booing.
Actually, it would have been more
appropriate, had Dr. Revelli turned
around and booed the Michigan
students for the lack of under-
standing, and their over-all ob-
noxious behavior.
The background of the incident,
as seen from right on the field, is
this: A few 'culture-minded' gen-
tlemen in the front rows noticed
the particular girl prancing out
at the start of the half-time show.
They started applauding her feat
of throwing the baton into the air
mnd catching it. The applause was
intended only partly in apprecia-
tion; actually, many meant it as
a means of making the girl very
conscious of the audience. It was
only natural for more and more
students to participate in the ap-
plause and yelling.
Now the question arises: was it
fair for young high school musi-
cians to come from as far as two-
hundred miles only to have no at-
tention whatsoever paid to them?
Admittedly, the girl was an excel-
lent twirler, but on authority of
our own twirlers she was not the
best there-even on our side of the
mass band.
So, when Dr. Revelli took the ba-
ton, implying the sense of injus-
tice to the other 6,178 performers,
the "Michigan Students" objected
(quite vociferously). They had -
found a girl who had now
become the slave of this yell-
The blame lies not with Dr. Re-
velli, and certainly not with the
twirler, but with blind sheep that
go about following wolves.
-J. Bilik




Red 'Freedom'
"IN AMERICA, if you are a
geneticist, you may hold
whatever view of Mendelism the
evidence makes you regard as
the most probable; in Russia,
if you are a geneticist who dis-
agrees with Lysenko, you are
liable to disappear mysterious-
ly. In America, you may write
a book debunking Lincoln if
you feel so disposed; in Russia,
if you write a book debunking
Lenin, it would not be publish-
ed and 'you would be liquidated.
If you are an American econ-
omist, you may hold, or not
hold, that America is heading
for a slump; in Russia, no eco-
nomist dare question that an
American slump is imminent.
In America, if you are a profes-
sor of philosophy, you may be
an idealist, a materialist, a
pragmatist, a logical positivist,
or whatever else may take your
fancy; at congresses you can
argue with men whose opin-
ions differ from yours, and lis-
teners can form a judgment as
to who has the best of it. In
Russia, you must be a dialec-

(Continued from Page 2)
Generation Fiction Staff will meet in
room 3N of the Union at 7:30. There are
five stories to be read before the meet-
Hillel Drama Group. Organizational
meeting at 4 p.m. at the Hillel Building.
Everyone is welcome.
Wesley Foundation. Matin Worship
Service, 7:30-7:50 a.m. Mid-Week Re-
fresher, 4:00-5:30 p.m. Relax after classes
with friends in wesley Lounge. Re-
Generation Art Staff will meet at 5:00,
first floor of the Architecture Building.
Staff members and those who are inter-
ested please be there.
Congregational Disciples Student
Guild. Mid-Week Meditation, 5:05 to
5:35, Douglas Chapel, Congregational
Church. Supper discussion at Guild
House, 5:45 to 7:15. First two chapters
of Overstreet's Mature Mind will again
be discussed. Those not able to eat with
us should arrive at 6:30 for the discus-
Coming Events
Young Republicans. There will be a
general meeting Thurs., 8 p.m., in the
Union. New members are invited. Stu-
dents do not have to be 21, or from
Michigan, or politicians, to join. Any
kind of student Republican is welcome.
Anyone is welcome to come around and
look us over.
La P'tite Causette will meet from 3:30
to 5 p.m. tomorrow in the North Cafe-
teria of the Michigan Union.
U. of M. Chapter of the American
society for Public Administration will
hold its first social seminar Thurs.,
Oct. 16, 7:30 p.m., West Conference
Room, Rackham Building. Mr. Marvin
Tableman, Administrative Assistant to
Gov. G. Mennen Williams, will speak
on "The Staffing and Operation of the
Governor's Office in Michigan." All stu-
dents of public administration and po-
litical science and their friends are in-
Young Democrats will meet Thurs.,
Oct. 16. at 8:00 p.m. in Room 3 M-N "of
the Union. Recent findings of cam-
paign polls and the issues they pose
will be discussed. All those interested
are cordially invited.
International Center Weekly Tea for
foreign students and American friends,
Thurs., Oct. 16, 4-6 p.m.
Union Opera Tryouts for the all-male
musical comedy, which will tour the
Midwest during Dec., will be held Wed.
from 3 to 5 and from 7 to 9 and Thurs.
from 3 to 5 in Room 3-G, Michigan
Union. All positions are open. Anyone
Interested, especially ones with singing

U. of M. Sailing Club will hold its
weekly meeting Thurs., Oct. 16, in 311
West Engineering, at 7:30. Those who
want rides out to the lake Wed., Oct.
15 should meet at the side door of the,
Union at 12:45 and at 2:00. Shore school
will also be held Aursday.
The students for Stevenson Club will
meet at 8 p.m. tomorrow 14 Room 3K
of the Union.
International Relations Club. The
meeting scheduled for Thurs., Oct. 16,
has been postponed. There will not be a
meeting this week. Watch for the an.
nouncement of the next meeting in
these columns.
Michigan Crib, pre-law society, will
meet on Thurs., Oct. 16, at 8:00 p.m., in
the Hussey Room of the Michigan
League. All members and interested
people are urged to attend.
Atr~min Bat

Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staf
Crawford Young.....Managing Editor
Cal Samra........... Editorial Director
Zander Hollander... Feature Editor
Sid Klaus........Associate City Editor
Harland Britz........Associate Editor
Donna Hendleman.....Associate Editor
Ed Whipple...... ......Sports Editor
John Jenks....Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewell..Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler........ Women's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor
Business Staff
Al Green..............Business Manager
Milt Goetz.......Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston...Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehnberg..Finance Manager
Tom Treeger.......Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1


At The Orpheum...
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following review ap-
peared last spring when "Quo Vadis" made its
debut at a local theater. It is reprinted here.)
QUO VADIS, with Robert Taylor and
Deborah Kerr.
FOR SHEER SPECTACLE there will prob-
ably never be anything to surpass these

a clown of the emperor Nero, apparently
what the story called for; Leo Genn is a
convincing Petronius, adviser to the em-
peror. Beyond that there isn't much to be
said for the innumerable Romans, slaves,
hostages, lions, et al.
Since the story is about the martyrdom
and glory of the early Christians, it doesn't
seem right that they should be treated with
-LL4J- vn+i,.a. -n +viv vi.ar

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