LECTURE COMMITTEE See Page 4 :Y L Latest Deadline in the State :4Ia itj CLOUDY, COLDER VOL. LXIII, No. 20 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1952 SIX PAGES Directory On Sale Today) THE FIRST popular "blue-book" ever to hit campus came off the presses last night, and these students didn't wait until today's sales begin to get their copy. The Student Directory, a handy blue-covered guide to names and telephone numbers on campum,, will be sold under SL supervision from 1:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. today in front of, the Union, Angell Hall, Waterman Gym, the Library and at the Engineering Arch. Editor of the 1952-53 directory, John Messer, Grad., noted that the "indispensable document" sells for one dollar and includes the names, )ocal and home addresses and phone numbers of nearly every student on campus - including 9,000 women. Listings of the professional fra- ternities and co-ops which were omitted from the edition will be printed on a supplementary sheet which can be pasted in the direc- tory. The supplements will be available at no cost Friday at the Union and local bookstores. OFF-THE-CUFF TALK: Nixon To Visit Here Today state h On State Whistlesto Tour Sen. Richard Nixon, number two man on the GOP ticket, will speak here briefly at 9:15 a.m. today at the New York Central depot. Sen. Nixon will not leave the train, but will confine himself to a short off-the-cuff talk. The stop is his first in the second day of a brief two-day state tour, which was climaxed with a major address in Detroit last night. SPEAKING IN THE Detroit Masonic Temple, Nixon called for an "ably led, courageous, imaginative offensive" against global Com- munism and declared that such an offensive would not -spell war. S ' * Adlai Says Ike Parrots Russian Line Stevenson Calls Ike 'Mudslinger' By the Associated Press Gov. Adlai Stevenson last night accused Gen. Dwight D. Eisen- hower of chanting the theme song of the Kremlin in contending that America's prosperity is based on war and rearmament. Stevenson, the Democratic pres- idential nominee, also declared that Eisenhower-his GOP rival for the White House-has resorted to "mean motives" and has dipped "somewhere near the low-water mark" in an effort to win the No- vember election. IN A SPEECH prepared for de- livery at the Mormon Tabernacle, the Illinois governor ripped at Eisenhower more scathingly than at any time during the campaign. Stevenson denounced anew what he calls the general's sur- render to GOP Sen. Robert A. Taft of Ohio who bid unsuccess- fully for the nomination Eisen- hower won. And the governor added that "because of that surrender our.role in world history is challenged in this election." On the first leg of a 6,000 mile campaign tour of five Western states and Texas, Stevenson flew this morning from hishome base at Springfield, Ill., and made a mid-day speech at Casper, Wyo., on the way to Salt Lake City. Meanwhile it was revealed that President Truman will keep up a steady campaign fire for Gov. Adlai Stevenson right up to election week. And in New York, Dean Carl W. Ackerman of the Columbia Uni- versity Graduate School of Jour- nalism, announced yesterday his support of Gov. Stevenson, and said officers of the university have been urged to "remain silent" on the campaign. Senior Pies Appointments for Senior pic- tures can be made from 9 to 5 p.m. today in front of the Bus- iness Administration Bldg. This is the final week for making appointments. Proofs should be returned as soon as posible after students receive them. World New By The Associated Press NEW YQRK-Two veteran Unit- ed Nations leaders opened the sev- enth U. N. General Assembly yes- terday with appeals for delegates of East and West alike to work unceasingly for an armistice in Korea.- Lester B. Pearson, of Canada, chosen as the new President of the Assembly, joins Luis Padilla Nervo of Mexico, the retiring President, in down-to-earth warn- ings that cold war problems every- where must be settled or the world faces the ultimate tragedy of a ruinous war. SEOUL, (Wednesday) -U. S. Seventh Division troops, attack- ing through mist and fog, storm- ed to the top of Triangle Hill in Central Korea Wednesday. To the west, South Koreans won complete control of White Horse Mountain after engineers blast- ed the last Chinese Red defend- ers to death. -Daily-Larry wilk BIRTHDAY PARTY-Four young Ann Arbor citizens enjoy some Eisenhower birthday cake at a celebration of the candidate's birthday at the local GOP headquarters. The happy cake-eaters are (left to right) Hugo Martinson, Tommy Rowe, John Maxwell and Teddy Rieker. RECORD HIGH SINCE 1949: Fraternities Pledge 506 Members Ike's Birthday Party Ike Pledges Full Military Strength Eisenhower Tells Financial Status; Net Income After Taxes $643,148 By The Associated Press Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower pledged last night in a speech at San Antonio, Tex. to create such strength in this country that the Soviet Union will not dare another Korea. Bringing his Presidential campaign in Texas to a peak, Eisen- hower told an audience in The Alamo: "It won't bring any comfort to any American house to fix Korea and have as bad or worse trouble break out in another place. We can come to a lasting solution for Korea only when the Kremlin is made to realize that there is a will and a strength in the free world that it no longer can challenge In any quarter of the globe. "The pledge of this crusade is " He said that was the only angle of possible attack and would meet Communism where it is the weakest-in the field of ideas, spirit and morale." Denying that such a program would lead to war, Sen. Nixon ex-, plained that "it would offer bet- ter American ideas and finer American ideals, backed by a mor- al revival here at home as a po- tent bulwark against the spreading Red tide." The vice-presidential candidate said that "beyond the shadow of a doubt" the Communist conspir- acy at home and abroad is the "root of all evil" in American life. * * * SEN. NIXON'S tour yesterday began at Midland and'continued through the farm and industrial areas in the southwest of the state. Sen. Nixon's local Democratic rivals took pains last night to insure a friendly audience for th, candidate's ,talk. The executive committee of the Students for Stevenson, after hearing that hecklers were going to be planted in the crowd, voted unanimously to refrain from any partisan in- terference. Sen. Nixon's local appearance will be followed with whistle-stops in the south central and north- ern' parts of the state. He will de- liver another major address in Muskegon tonight. Fraternity pledging set a seven semester record with the an- nouncement yesterday that 506 of this fall's 815 rushees had pledged 41 campus houses. The previous high was in the fall of 1949 when 535 men pledged. THE LIST of pledges follows: ACACIA: Charles Thomas Blactett, 'Do; David Crane Evans, '53L; Robert Hurd Kany, '56; Neil Franklin Letts, '55; James F. Ma- gary, '54; Theodore L. Ploughman, '54E; -Thomas W. Tuttle, '56E; Stanley John Woollams, '54BAd. ALPHA DELTA PHI: Foster Aschen Brenner, '55; Richard Frank Bannasch, '56E; Richard Warren Brown, '56; Fernando Camacho, '55NR; Louis Thomas Conlin, '56; Paul Gorden Goebel, Jr., '55; Nels Murray Jensen, '56; Harry Brown Mac Callum, '54- 's Roundup. MOSCOW-Prime Minister Jo- seph Stalin, in an address at the closing session of the 19th Com- munist Party Congress yesterday pledged Russian support to Com- munist parties all over the world in a fight for "liberation and pres- ervation of peace., CAIRO-A single regent yes- terday supplanted the three- man Regency Council that has been ruling for infant King Fuad I. * * * CINCINNATI - The United Mine Workers convention yester- day voted to tax the union's mem- bers with a $20 special assessment for "future contingencies." MADRID-Spain and West Ger- many Tuesday signed a new com- mercial agreement providing for an exchange of goods of almost pre-war volume. SEN. RICHARD NIXON ... talks here today 1FC Plans Food Buying Discussions Pete Thorpe, 53, president of IFC last night announced a plan whereby house presidents and stewards may ask questions and discuss problems relating to the proposed centralized fraternity food buying program. At a meeting of the house presi- dents Thorpe explained that indi- vidual half-hour meetings will be held Oct. 22 with Howard Walsh, who established a similar buying program at Michigan State, Bill Berman, assistant to the dear, and Carl Ward, purchasing agent for a Detroit firm. A motion by Bob Steinberg, '53, president of Sigma Alpha Mu, that IFC contribute $25 to SL for pub- lication expenses of its booklet "Know Your Candidate," printed each semester at the time of All- Campus Elections, was adopted. A proposal, made by Bruce Ma- guire, '53 BAd.,president of Psi Up- silon, for each fraternity to plan a short open house and party for the children of Ann Arbor prior to A&D; Charles Stewart Wagner, '56Med. *~ * * ALPHA EPSILON PI: Kenneth Bronson, '55; Peter Cooper, '56; Morton Demak, '56; Carl Franz- blau, '56; Marvin Gersuk, '53; Norman Heller, '56Ph.; Harvey Katz, '56; Sanford Kesten, '56; Barry Kroll, '56; Samuel Kunin, '56; Norman Lewis, '56; Jerome Millman, '55; Lewis Seigal, '56; Aavon Sheff, '57A&D. ALPHA PHI ALPHA: William Douglas, Jr., '56E; Earl Johnson, Jr., '56E; Joseph Moore, '558M; Paul J. Piper, '56; Myron H. Whals, '54; Anderson White, '55- SM. ALPHA SIGMA PHI: Joseph Atkins, '55E; Thomas Biggs, '56; William Eckerman, '56; Robert H. Griffith, '56; James R. Hil- bert, '54BAd; Maynard Schuur, '54E; Richard Shirley, '56; Jo-, seph Simon, '56; George Stew- art, '56 and Charles Williamson, '56E. * * * ALPHA TAU OMEGA: Eaton Adams, '56; Louis G. Baldacci, '56; Charles W. Beattie, '56; Har- ry N. Copp, '56; Fred P. Coulter, '56SM; Fred G. Culver, '55; J. David Dixon, '56E; Brennan B. Gillespie, '55E; Charles G. Gunn, '56; James T. Johnson, '54; Ber- nard E. Lund, '55; Robert B. Mc- Millin, '55; Robert B. Pickard, '56; Kenneth H. Plumb, '54Phar; Wil- liam R. Reason, '56A&D; J. Berk- ley Smith, '56 and Laurasan D. Thomas, '57E. * * * BETA THETA PI: Norman Ad- sit, '54E; John Carroll, '56E; Galt- jo Geertsema, '54NR; Robert Hen- ry Gillow, '56; Keith A. Gordon, '55; Siegfried Heuser, '56E; Thom- as Hibbard, '55E; R. Bruce McClel- land, '56; Harry M. Myron, '54; Kenneth W. Pierce, '56; Glenn S. Robertson, '56; James R. Stadler,. '56; Frank Taylor, '56; Eugene D. Tolfree, '55; John Benedic Wil- liams, '54 and Thomas Zilly, '56. CHI PHI: Peter W. Barhydt, '56E; Roger W. Comstock, '56E; James D. Henson, '56E; Roger King, '54; Wayne Kuhn, '56E; Rus- sell Patterson, '56; Thomas A. Plum, '56A&D; Richard A. Rob- ertson, '55; Gilbert B. Rogers, '55; James J. Snediker, '55E and Sher- idan Springer, '56. *e * *! CHI PSI: John DuVall Boyles, '56; Richard Thorne Brown, '56; Dale Richard Ewart, '56; Jerold Clizbe Johnson, '56; Kenneth Bur- NW Trip Sign up DeadlineToday Today is the last day to sign up James Peters, '56; Chandler Cory- don Randall, '56 Arch.; Richard Henry Schact, '56; Stuart Schei- fele, '56; Courtland Cathcart Smith, Jr., '56; Hilliard Le Grande Williams, '56 and James Goodyear Wills, '56. * * * DELTA CHI: J. Paul DeMarrais, '56; Frederick Philip Glass, '56E; Ronald L. Hansen, '56: James E.. Hicks, '56; Robert M. Weir, '55 and E. Darrell Yeager, '55. DELTA KAPPA EPSILON: Al- exander Raymond Babin, '56E; Jo- seph Harold Burke, '56; Norman Dana Covey, .'55; James Edward Higgins, '54; Charles Edward Li- ken, '56E; James Gilbert Reindel, '55; William Henry Royer, '56; Cal- vin Brainard Strom, '56 Pharm.; Thomas Joseph Troske, '55; Fra- zier Wellmeier, '56Pre-Med.; Rich- ard Edward Wicks, '54 and Russell Alexander Wood, '56. DELTA SIGMA PHI: David Ludington Hilderley, '56E. 'X X DELTA TAU DELTA: Franklin Voland Barger, '56; Thomas Rob- ert Berglund, '56; John Roger Birtwell, '55; Robert Elledge Car- ter, '56; Luther Elic laborn, '56; Robert Stdnley Cutler, '56; Donald Henery Duff, '57A&D; Eugene E. Fischer, '55; Nelson Ross Gilbert, '56E; John Vincent Gorman, '56; Paul F. Guy, '56E; James Joseph Hanasack, '56; William Herlihy, '56; Charles F. Hetherington, '55; See 506, Page 5 nell Moore, Jr., '56; Theodore to revive that will and to create that strength." EARLIER in the day the GOP presidential candidate had. made public income for the last 10 years as $888,303. Of this figure, $635,000 came from the general's book "Crusade in Europe." Ike said he paid $217,082 in taxes, leaving him a net income of $643,148. Without the book, his net was $166,898. The can- didate added in a statement re- leased in New York by his execu- tive assistant, Arthur Vanden- berg, Jr.: "I am now, in every sense of the word a private citizen, and with- out income from any investments." * 'p * SAN ANTONIO was the fourth Texas city visited by Eisenhower Tuesday as he toured the Lone Star State by air in one of the key maneuvers of his campaign. His top advisors have been told that in Texas he has the best chance to knock a link out of the solid chain of Southern Democratic states. He drew big, and apparently enthusiastic, crowds all along the route. Eisenhower had been pressing mainly upon two lines of argu- ment: 1. His unqualified support for state ownership of submerged land properties, which in Texas have a reported capital investment value of 61/2 billion dollars. 2. A taunting declaration to the Texans that the Democratic Party considers all Southern states "in tle bag," and a challenge to them to break out of it. Shiel Warns Of Rackets A warning to students to beware of fraudulent magazine salesmen, was issued yesterday by Francis C. Shiel, University director of service enterprises. Men have been approaching stu- dents and claiming to be maga- zine salesmen, Shiel revealed. Aft- er high pressuring these students into making the initial payments on subscriptions, these men gen- erally disappear, along with the prospect of receiving magazines, he said. SAC Votes Membership Lists Public A University policy allowing campus political clubs. to. keep their membership lists secret was wiped off the books yesterday by the Student Affairs Committee. With one dissenting vote, the SAC rescinded a rule it had insti- tuted in May 1948, at the request of the Young Progressives, stating that "membership in political groups shall not be released except by specific request of the individual student concerned." * * IN AUGUST, 1950, the regula- tion was supplemented to allow any student organization, whether or not political in nature, to have its rolls treated as confidential by the Office of Student Affairs if it so desired. However, the last couple of years all the political groups with the exception of YP asked that their rosters be available to the public. None of the non. political clubs requested secrecy, This fall, Students for Steven- son along with YP had not given the release on its membership lists. However, according to President Al Blumrosen, '53L, this was merely an oversight. Dean of Students Erich A. Wal- ter indicated that the YP roster which had already been turned in under confidence would be des- troyed, and the group would be permitted to submit a new list. YP leaders could not ' be reached for comment. Also at yesterday's meeting, the International Students Association won approval for revised constitu- tion, while the newly-formed Jap- anese Students Club received tent- tative recognition, pending certain minor changes in their constitu- tion. CLC Votes To Condemn Rally Action OPENS SERIES TODAY: Pearson To Discuss Events in Washington The campus Civil Liberties Com- A GOP LOSER - NO SALE: Taft_ Club Debt of $146.03 Revealed By ALICE BOGDONOFF , "No one will buy a dead horse" runs an old political axiom. Much to the embarassment of its members, this bit of campaign wisdom has hit home to the cam- pus Taft club of last spring. * .* THE CLUB now owes the Uni- versity $146.03 for the rental of Hill Auditorium last April 26 at which time GOP presidential as- pirant, Sen. Robert A. Taft (R-O) ~addre~ssedq the ,-amnusg standing bills, but not there." this one was Drew Pearson will deliver the opening speech in the 1952-53 Ora- torical Association Lecture Series, at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Audi- torium, Pearson, known for his syndi- cated column, "Washington Merry- Go-Round," will speak on latest developments behind the scenes in the nation's capital. His discussion will include his exclusive feature "Predictions of Things to Come." COMBINING a love of travel with his journalistic interests, Pearson began his career in 1919, as a foreign correspondent. His work included assignments in such varied countries as Australia, In- dia, South Africa, China and Tibet. In 1929 he was attached to the Washington bureau of the Balti- more Sun, and in that year covered the London Naval Conference. In 1932, in collaboration with mittee voted last night to take ac- tion condemning Ann Arbor Ma- sonic Temple authorities for yield- ing to public pressure when they denied the use of their auditorium. for a Progressive Party rally. Action on the issue will take the form of protesting letters to Ma- sonic officials. ' , * DURING discussion preceeding the vote, CLC member and Young Progressive chairman Marge Buck- ley, '54, pointed outthat Progres- sives were having difficulty finding a suitable place to hold the rally, originally scheduled for Sunday. Commenting on the possibility of getting University accommo- dations, Miss Buckley said ad- ministration officials had told her that Progressive presidential candidate Vincent Hallinan would probably be approved for the rally but that party co- chairman Paul Robeson would not. Meanwhile, the Masonic Temple yesterday filed a motion in the circuit court to dismiss a bill of complaint drawn up by the Pro- * * * ACCORDING to Dean Walter Rea, associate Dean of Students, "this whole unfortunate incident is a matter of misunderstanding and poor management on the part of the Taft Club and our office." Dean Rea explained that the University Plant Service did not send the bill to him until near the close of last semester. However, there was a misun- derstanding and the University supplied their own help. To this date the Taftites have met with cold responses and closed purses. At this semester's first Execu- tive Board meeting of the YR's, Simon, who is now president of the club, asked the group for their help. He was promptly turned down. * * * DREW PEARSON . . . noted columnist write to Italian friends, to coun-