PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY 0 ILLkS DAI, OCWBDEB 14, 1954 The Masonic Ban By DONNA HENDLEMAN Daily Associate Editor UST FOUR YEARS AGO I attended a Pro- gressive Party rally. It was held in an au- ditorium in one of the Chicago Public high schools, and Henry Wallace appeared and made a two-minute address to the crowd. Like most pre-election rallies, there was lots of noise, some fervor, and very little activity which could be termed "import- ant." The thought of the Progressives' meeting in the high school apparently frightened no one, for there was no public protest. It seems rather strange that all this took place merely four years ago. Both political conditions and the Progres- sive Party have undergone some changes since 1948. In this short time forces from within and without have resulted in the par- ty changing from merely another in a long line of "thirds" to an object of unpopularity to one of downright fear and suspicion. Now the high school would no doubt be closed to this group. And here in Ann Ar- bor, the Progessives can't find a place to meet. The party plans for a local contribution to the give-and-take campaign activity were squelched when the Masons, setting them- selves up as guardians of the public virtue, reneged on an agreement to open their au- ditorium to the group. A main reason cited for slamming the doors was the scheduled appearance of singer, party leader Paul Robeson. Robeson, although he has never been indited, or, for that matter, officially accused, is often looked upon as a "subver- sive" Many people are convinced the air has been, in effect, sterilzed. But the Mason's an- ticeptic devise leaves a poor taste in the mouths of many others. For they have proved nothing against the Progressives; they have provided no service to the com- munity. They have fallen in, merely, with a long series of steps to nowhere. MATTER OF FACT: Reporters Covering Ike Prefer Adlai; Soured on Generalities By JOSEPH ALSOP WITH THE EISENHOWER 'PARTY - Usually it is silly for reporters to write about reporters, but Gen. Dwight D. Eisen- hower's press relations present a problem so curious and significant that they ought to be written about. In brief, the reporters assigned to cover him were warmly sympathetic to Gen. Eisenhower from Abilene to Denver. To- day however the sixty or so newspaper men who barnstorm through the country with the General are almost solid for Gov. Adlal E. Stevenson. Parliamentary Procedure THE MEETING on parliamentary proce- dure tonight in the Union should serve as the answer to a long-recognized need on campus for more information on the meth- ods and procedures of orderly group meet- ings and discussions. Of the many groups on campus which hold formal meetings, few are able to avoid the waste of time and effort that come with a breakdown in the meeting's procedure. Members of various organizations have, often come away frommeeting4 withOut knowing what went on, why. certain meth- ods of conduct were used, how they might have participated in the discussion, or why they were ruled out of order on certain points. Efficient meeting procedure insures swift orderly handling of business which results in time saving, clarity of discus- sion, and a better understanding of the issues by the members of the group. Attendance at the Union meeting tonight should be enlightening for all house presi- dents, members of political groups and leg- islative bodies on campus and for all stu- dents who desire more information concern- ing parliamentary procedure. -Eric Vetter The General knows this and is obviously hurt by it. In one of his rare informal mo- ments, he has told his press escort, with something close to bitter defiance, "I know you so-and-sos aren't for me, but I'm go- ing to win anyway." What is the explanation of this sudden souring of men who were so friendly to Gen. Eisenhower when he started his active cam- paigning? The answer lies in the way the General has been handling certain really vital issues. Take, for example, his repeated intimations that he will "bring our boys back home" from Korea, and fill their places in the battle line with South Korean troops. These intimations, which are not exactly promises but sound perilously like promises, go over big with the General's huge audi- ences. Every American naturally wants to end the horrible drain in Korea. His hearers naturally take what the General says at face value, when he implies he can manage this great feat. But his hearers fail, so to speak, to read the fine print on the back of the contract. And the newspapermen are more or less forced to read the fine print simply because the contract is offered to them so often. In the first place, a maximum effort to create powerful South Korean ground forces had actually been going forward at full speed for two years ever since it was launched by Gen. Douglas MacArthur. Second, neither Gen. MacArthur nor Gen. Ridgway nor Gen. Mark Clark nor any other commander-on-the-scene has ever believed that the South Koreans would withstand the present enemy pressure without our aid, even after the maximum number had been trained and armed. Third, neither Gen. Eisenhower nor the men around him really claim that Eisen- hower can accomplish what he seems to promise his audiences. The contrast is sharp, when you recall the rugged courage of Gen. Eisenhower's original approach to- the Korean problem. From the first, he rightly and forcefully criticized the Administration bungling that invited ag- gression in Korea. But in his first period, he also emphasized that the challenge of ag- gression had to be met when offered. (Copyright, 1952, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) Note to a Vandal Late Friday night, the large cloth ban- ner advertising the Japanese Festival at' Alumni Memorial Hall was stolen. The banner, valued at $200, bore hand- sewn designs and lettering made by the Ann Arbor Garden Club for the festival. Festival officials naturally want it back. It would be a fine gesture if anyone fitting the description of a vandal would return it. After all, the show must go on. -Gene Hartwig IIART THROUGH OCTOBER 24th, the Ann Ar- bor Art Association is sponsoring three ar- tists in a show at the Rackham Galleries. (Hours: 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily, closed Sundays.) Over two dozen miniatures by Virginia H. Irvin are displayed in the glass case lin one of the rooms. Most of them are round or oval, from the size of a quarter on up; the largest are rectangular, not much over post card size. As is usually the case in western miniature work, these are all portraits. Even the Madonna dif- fers only superficially from the rest, in costume and pose; the style remains the same. Since physical likeness is aimed at, and because the working area is small, don't expect too much variety. The portraits are very likely excellent as such, with perhaps a tendency to beautify the subject, quite justifiable on aesthetic grounds. All are well executed and very cheerful, done in rich colors. In the same room are a number of water- colors by Jane McAllister Dart. Her abstract ventures depend heavily on design, and sometimes tend toward surrealism. Occa- sionally, as in Wormwood and in Sand Due Rococo, the composition is too meticulously worked out, so that the picture is stiff and the structure obtrusive. The Root and the Rock is similar in style, but more successful. On the whole, her representational paint- ings are better than her abstract. Carboni- ferous and Fishing Dock are good scenes without being scenic. Mrs.,Dart works well in a variety of 'styles; the only constant seems to be her preference for certain colors in combination. All are for sale, ranging from $20 to $175, depending on the size. One of the nicest surprises to come my way in several years of attending exhibits in the local galleries is the work of Bill Lewis, the third artist in the show. I don't recall having seen any of his watercolors in the past, though my memory is likely at fault, but I will certainly watch out for him in the future. Generally, his paintings are characterized by unusual force, vigorous in line and color. Most of these watercolors are representa- tional, and Lewis prefers the darker hours, and as subjects, transportation, big cities, and industry. In every such instance, he shows boldness and a clarity of purpose un- excelled by modern artists in any medium. Take a look at Freight Yard, Pennsylvania, Time Freight, or any one of a dozen others. Despite the gloom pervading most of these, a positive quality is always apparent (as opposed to the negative art of social protest, typical of our 'thirties). All are well- defined, but not academically outlined. Lewis' coloring is as forceful and indi- vidualistic as his line. See Used Cars and South Side Summertime; in the latter you can feel the heat. Note also that although the coloring is not naturalistic, it is quite real psychologically, considerably truer than a physically accurate blending could make it. His abstracts are only slightly less striking, and in some instances, as good as any in the room. Sunstroke is particu- larly vivid, reminiscent of Paul Klee (in an unimitative way), excellent in compo- sition, color and conception. Out of nearly 30 watercolors, only two or three are at all weak-Summer Cloud is one such. At least one is just a colored drawing (Bug with Cat), but nonetheless excellent. His two mobiles are all right as mobiles go; unfortunately, I have never been able to take the things seriously. Most of Lewis, works are for sale at $25 to $150, and cheap at the price. -Siegfried Feller Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writer only. This must be noted in all reprints. NIGHT EDITOR: ERIC VETTER ON WOMEN "IT IS ONLY a man whose intellect is clouded by his sexual impulse that could give the name of the 'fair sex' to that under- sized, narrow-shouldered, broad-hipped, and short-legged race. . . . Instead of calling them beautiful there would be more war- rant for describing women as the unesthetic sex. Neither for music, nor for poetry, nor for the fine arts, have they really and truly any sense of susceptibility; it is a mere mock- ery if they make a pretense of it in order to assist their endeavor to please.... They are incapable of taking a purely objective in- terest in anything. . . . The most distin- ON THE WASH ING5TON MERRY-GO-HOUND WITH DREW PEARSON At The Michigan .manages mostly to be wholly predictable ga Band, as a consequence, quite boring. AFFAIR IN TRINIDAD, with Rita Hay- Glenn Ford, whose appearance in Trin- worth and Glenn Ford. idad is never fully explained, portrays the RITA HAYWORTH'S "comeback" picture brother of the murdered man. He is seems rather to be a "last-ditch stand" rude, tough, and cynical, and his only to regain her former popularity. It repeats real function in the picture is to be the many of the details of "Gilda," probably her object for Miss Hayworth to beguile. He biggest financial success, and even con- makes the best of his limited talents, but tains an almost exact duplication of her never quite amounts to anything but a famed strip-tease dance at a large and fa- righteous young man whose mouth seems shionable party. to be full of mush. The story is neither original nor good; it The only saving factor of the whole show concerns the efforts of a night-club enter- is the cartoon. It is one of the clever pro- tainer to pi the murder of her husband on ducts of the same company that turned out an international information-seller. The role "Gerald McBoing-Boing" and "Frankie and calls for an extremely beautiful woman-- Johnny." With a little care and planning which Rita Hayworth is not-able to ex- one can manage to show up in time for press just about every possible emotion- the cartoon, and then escape before Miss which Rita Hayworth cannot. As a result. of Hayworth begins her pathetic attempt to re- her incompetence the picture fails to build capture the heart of the average American up one whit of suspense or excitement, and male. -Tom Arp DORIS FLEESON: The Disillusioned Liberals "Just Pot Luck, You Know" b - sI -N i WASHINGTON-Having focused some attention on the finances of Senator Nixon, the GOP vice-presidential candidate, here is a report on the finances of the Democratic, vice-presidential candidate. In 1942, Senator John J. Sparkman of Alabama, then a member of the House of Representatives, telephoned this column to say: "You have been writing up members of Congress who put their wives on the payroll. "I've never had Mrs. Sparkman on my payroll yet, but I'm about to put her on. She's going to be a real working member of the staff, and anytime you drop around to the office, you'll find her there. If that's a story make the most of it." This column has frequently called attention to relatives of Con- gressmen carried on the public payroll who merely draw a salary but do not work. Likewise this column has been careful to point to family members who performed real jobs for Congressmen-among them Mrs. Irving Ives, wife of the Republican Senator from New York, who works in his office and works hard. Another was Arthur Vandenberg, Jr., son of the late Republican Senator from Michigan. It would have been difficult for Senator Vandenberg to have accomplished what he did without his son's help. Likewise Vice President Jack Garner kept his wife on the payroll and she earned every penny she got. However, in keeping with the healthy policy of dissecting the financial affairs of candidates, here is a scrutiny of Senator Spark- man's income. His income taxes, already made public for the past eight years, show that in 1944 he grossed $9,493.52 before taxes. This climbed to $13,005.47 in 1951, and the average income was around $11,000-all before taxes. Against this, Sparkman paid an average tax of about $2,300 a year. - ALABAMA PROPERTY - THE SENATOR'S income, chiefly his Congressional salary, was aug- mented by rent of $75 a month on a six-room bungalow in Hunts- ville, Ala., plus rent of $400 a year on a 160-acre farm near Hunts- ville. During his sixteen years in Congress he has made a total of $2,000 on lecture fees and $950 from two magazine articles. His wife receives a base salary of $4,500, which with overtime comes to around $6,500. She is also a 49 per cent owner of radio station WAVU at Albertville, Ala., the other owner being the husband of the Senator's niece. Senator Sparkman's capital investments include: $50,000 in life insurance; about $20,000 in Government bonds; about $10,000 in investment certificates; $675 of stock in a vending-machine company that sells insurance at airports; and a $35,000 home in Washington. Sparkman bought his Washington home in 1947, paying $15,000 in cash, by converting Government bonds. He took a mortgage of $20,000, of which about one-half has been paid off. Sparkman began life as the son of a tenant farmer in Ala- bama, and it was always his ambition to own a farm. He now owns what he describes as a rather run-down farm, but says he is trying to build it up. The Senator has a savings account in Huntsville, Ala., of $3,000 and a checking account in Washington of about $1,000 plus a 1950 Buick and a 1946 Chevrolet. - LIVES ON SALARY - ASKED WHETHER he found it difficult to live on a Senator's in- come, Sparkman replied: "It isn't easy, but you can do it all right, and I know plenty of members of Congress who do. "I made it a practice to save ten per cent of my income every year, and while I don't always do it, I usually come pretty close." He sets aside $50 every month for Government bonds. Asked whether he sent out Christmas cards (Senator Nixon sent out 25,000) Sparkman said that unfortunately he didn't. He said he didn't want to reflect on anyone else who sent them out and that sometimes he felt kind of sheepish at not being able to reciprocate when he received so many nice cards from others at Christmas time. The Senator said he did not use all of the money alloted him by Congress to run his office, but turned part of it back to the Treasury. Of the $98,000 given him to run the Senate Small Business Com- mittee, of which he is chairman ,he also turned back around $15,000. "HONEST JOHN" ON JUNE 1, 1946, this column, in reporting how Senators Thomas of Oklahoma and Bankhead of Alabama had speculated in the cot- ton market on the basis of Government information, also reported the following under the heading "Honest John Sparkman." "Lunching with friends, House Majority Whip John Spark- man of Huntsville, Alabama, was discussing the question of cam- paign aid to members of Congress. Sparkman mentioned several instances where he had turned down offers of money from con- stituents whom he had helped in Washington and who wanted to contribute to his campaign fund as a return favor. "On one occasion, Sparkman said, he studied his bank statement and thought he discovered an error of $500 in his favor. Upon query- ing the bank, he learned that a constituent had deposited the $500 to Sparkman's account. The Congressman had introduced a bill by which the constituent was paid $5,000 damages when an army truck killed a member of the constituent's family. "Sparkman wrote the bank that prosecution of the claim was XetteP4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. Campus Elections.. .. To the Editor: ON TUESDAY, October 14, pe- titions for the all campus elec- tions to be held November 18 and 19 may be picked up at the Student Legislature Building. This year it is of particular importance to have serious, qualified and interested candidates. The Legislature is in a strong position today and in or- der to maintain and even to su- percede its present position, the very best people are needed to serve. This letter is an appeal-it is an appeal first of all for good candi- dates and secondly, for an intel- ligent and enthusiastic electorate. If you are sincerely interested in the projects of Student Legisla- ture and share with us the philos- ophy that "students must partici- pate in shaping their own educa- tion," then I urge you to run. A candidate for the Legislature should be sincerely dedicated to Student Government. This dedica- tion should manifest itself in a willingness to work and to work hard. There are many projects which need to be done and these can only be done by interested and hard working students. Often times students are elected because they want to do just one particular thing. When this item is disposed of that member relaxes for the rest of his term. These are not the people we need nor want on the Legislature. What we are appeal- ing for are those who, while hav- ing a specific project in mind, still maintain an interest in all proj- ects. Many people have criticized the Legislature for "never accomplish- ing anything concrete." These concrete somethings can only be done if you elect the people to do them. Perhaps, if you are not in- terested in running yourself, you can encourage those whom you feel are qualified. If they accept your encouragement, help them to become elected. It is up to each student to take a personal inter- est in the election, for only then is any criticism justified. I sincerely hope that these two appeals will bear fruit by Novem- ber 18 and 19. --Robin Glover Director of Elections ,* * Bogdono f's Blast.. . To the Editor: AFTER READING Miss Bogdon- off's blast "Reapportioning Michigan" I wonder whether she has even bothered to read either of the proposals involved. It is ob- vious that she knows nothing of the background of the question. To apportion BOTH the senate and the house on the same basis (population) is to defeat the check and balance sytem inherent in the bicameral legislature. On the face of it, the bicameral system de- mands two different methods of chosing the members of the two houses. Proposition three main- tains this difference in method. Proposition twodoes NOT pro- vide for redistricting Wayne coun- ty. Wayne is still to be carried as a group of districts in which ev- eryone votes for all the district candidates. This permits a man in Grosse Pointe to vote for a man to represent people living on Wy- oming Avenue. Is this "representa- tion?" Proposition three does redistrict Wayne county. It will eliminate the confusing "bedsheet" ballot upon which 189 names appeared in the last primary. There IS a force clause in prop- osition three. In the event that the legislature refuses to reapportion, then the state board of canvassers MUST do the job. To have the task fall on one elected official, as re- quired by proposal two, places too much power in one place, again violating the check and balance system. Proposal two was placed on the ballot by the efforts of the social- ist dominated CIO, and is as neat a contrivance for political chican- ery as could be imagined. With the legislature, the governor and the secretary of state in the hands of the socialists, the door is open for complete control of the state. -T. H. Hunter Clarification.. To the Editor: IN FRIDAY'S Daily was a lette announcing a forthcoming meeting of the Continuations Committee of the National Stu- dent Conference on Academi Freedom, Equality and Peace (N.- S.C.A.F.E.P.). Mentioned in tha' letter were a number of nationa student organizations including the Students for Democratic Ac- tion. Now that this conference has again come to the attention of Michigan students, we feel it ad' visable to make clear the relation- ship of the conference to the vari ous organizations mentioned an particularly the Students for Dem viduals and not as representatives of their organizations. Most of the organizations mentioned are not in any way connected with either the Conference or its Continua- tions Committee. The Executive Secretary of Stu- dents for Democratic Action at- tended the conference as an ob- server. In his report to the Na- tional Board of SDA he stated that the Conference, which was billed as an attempt to form a broad co- alition of student liberal opinion, was, in fact, dominated by persons with the political coloration of YPA and LYL (Labor Youth Lea- gue) and that the resolutions it passed, on the whole, had a bias that would make them totally un- acceptable to liberals. On the ba- sis of this report the National Board condemned the conference and declared that SDA was In no way to be connected with the Con- ference or any of its works. -Gordon Scott Chairman, U.ofM. Chapt. Students for Democratic Action -Blue Carstenson Former Executive Secre- tary of the Pittsburgh Area Chapter. * * * Robeson Ban .. . To the Editor: I AM WRITING J. Stalin t award the Red Star to the Ma- sons of Ann Arbor; none but they, with their stand on the Robeson- Hallinan meeting, could have pro- vided more abundant propaganda- fodder to a communistic press, as sensation-starved as H e a r st's worst. Such an opportunity for triggering off lively argument, for inciting rallies of righteous pro- testation, for demonstrating dra- matically the hypocrisy, tyranny and chicanery of one's opponents is worth millions of advertising dollars.It is by adopting obvious- ly worthy causes (such as the pre- sent one) that the real subversives produce their most convincing writing, shine the best during court proceedings, predominate the easiest in every bull session. If I bought a ticket to the Ma- sonic Temple meeting it is BE- CAUSE the Masons raised this rumpus by their frantic contor- tions. Without the spice provided by Reaction most people would have shied away from another probably dull meeting, highlighted by another couple of probably naive or boring parrots. No subsrsion, no conspiracy is more repulsive than plain stupid- ity. A few more people with the blockhead mentality of this Ann Arbor group and the triumph of Communism is indeed inevitable. -Stefan Vail Backhaut, GOP .. . To the Editor: SENATOR Richard Nixon's visit to Ann Arbor Wednesday will especially delight University stu- dents, since his candidacy reflects the emphasis Republicans place on America's youth. While serving on the House Un- American Activities Committee, Senator Nixon first gained nation- al fame for his exposure of Alger Hiss. Since then, much of his time has been devoted to investigation of Communist influence in the national government, but at no time has Nixon ever accused any- one of subversion unless his proof was unquestionable. At the railroad station Wednes- day, 9 a.m., Senator Nixon will give another of his famous whistle stop talks. It would be well to come, if only to compare his tech- niques with another whistlestop- per-or should I say, "FIZZLE- STOPPER!" -Bernie Backhaut Sixty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Crawford Young......Managing Editor Cal Samra............Editorial Director Zander Hollander.......Feature Editor S Sid Klaus........Associate City Editor Harland Britz.........Associate Editor Donna Hendleman. .... Associate Editor C Ed Whipple..... ....Sports Editor - John Jenks.....Associate Sports Editor t Dick Seweli.....Associate Sports Editor 1Lorraine Butler........ Women's Editor 1Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor g A Business Staff f Al Green............Business Manager r Milt Goetz.......Advertising Manager - Diane Johnston ...Assoc. Business Mgr. - Judy Loehnberg..Finance Manager Tom Treegcr ...Circulation Manager I Telephone 23-24-2 SACRAMENTO - Gov. Earl Warren is maintaining his usual acceptability to California voters of both parties this presi- dential year. It is an attitude which induces a considerable frustration both in ambitious Democrats and right-wing Republicans. Neither seems to dent the handsome Governor, whose capacity and assurance are steadily more impressive. He welcom- ed President Truman at his point of en- try. He flew north to meet General Eisen- hower and campaign with him. The Governor also has a crazy-quilt in the last three presidential campaigns. Coining a phrase, the liberals begin to talk about the swing of the pendulum and laying aside their spears for entrenching tools. It appeared for a time that Adlai Steven- son might lead the Democratic pack in this direction. President Truman put a stop to that with the help of inevitable pressures from vital elements of the Democratic co- alition. Mr. Truman's contempt for what he calls "fake liberals" is even more con- suming than for music critics. Apparently