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October 14, 1952 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1952-10-14

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Latest Deadline in the State

:43 a t t




TA-RA-RA BOOM-DE-AY-Opera chorus lets loose

Union Opera Calls
For Tryouts Today

Bedecked in colorful costumes,
surrounded by bizarre settings and
broadway-type musical arrange-
ments, the Union Opera will with-
in a few months invade dear Ann
Arbor town.
But right now the big job is to
hold auditions for the casting of
the 33rd annual musical comedy.
Tryouts will be held from 3-5
p.m. and 7-9 p.m. Wednesday and
3-5 p.m. Thursday, in the Union
Opera offices, Herb Harrington,
'53, Opera general chairman an-
nounced yesterday.
MEN TO FILL all positions are
needed and experience is not
necessary. Actors, dancers, singers
and specialty numbers are wanted
for the cast.
Those who wish to work be-
hind the scenes in production
Dem Victory
Seen by Wyatt
In November
SPRINGFIELD, Ill -(/P) - Gov.
Adlai E. Stevenson's campaign
manager yesterday predicted a
landslide victory for the Demo-
cratic presidential nominee in the
Nov. 4 election.
"But we are still running a com-
pletely straight campaign and ex-
pect to right up to election," said
the Stevenson manager, Wilson
W. Wyatt.
* * *
WYATT'S rosy forecast was the
strongest victory claim so far from
the top echelon of the Stevenson
camp. Specifically, he said the
Gov. Stevenson will speak at
10:30 p.m. today over CBS net-
Democrats expect to carry such
key states as New York, Pennsyl-
vania, California, Michigan, Illi-
nois,'and Ohio.
Asked at a news conference
whether there were any states
he doesn't look for Stevenson to
carry, Wyatt replied "we must
frankly admit there are two or
three states on which we have
some doubts."
He grinned and added that he
hadenot expressed any optimism
t about Maine and Vermont-the
only two states the late President
Franklin D. Roosevelt failed to
carry in his 1936 landslide victory.
Wolverine 'Special
Tickets Available

and promotions are also urged to
come to the Opera offices today.
In this department, women are
eligible to participate.
Fred Evans, New York chore-
ographer, will again come to the
University to direct the final stages
of the production. It was largely
due to Evan's able direction that
the show was successful last year.
STEEPED IN tradition gained
from a colorful past of 32 previous
productions, this year's musical
comedy may add another song to
its list of smash hits like; "When
Night Falls Dear," "I'll Ne'er For-
get My College Days," "The Friar's
Song" and "Men of the Maize and
Blue," which have become part of
campus tradition.
After appearing in Ann Arbor
Dec. 10, 11 and 12 the musical
troupe will begin its seven city
tour of Michigan, Illinois and
Ohio. They plan to hit Chicago,
Flint, Lansing, Detroit, Toledo,
Cleveland and Buffalo.
This is the first time since 1929
that the tour will be made during
Christmas vacation and although
the specific dates of playing each
city have not been announced the
tour starts Dec. 27 and will con-
tinue through Jan. 3.
To those traveling with the
Opera the trip offers excitement
and adventure. All players ex-
penses are.paid for by the Opera
and the local alumni of each town
played throw parties for the musi-
cal troubadors after every per-
Harriman Talk
To Be Broadcast
The West Quad Radio Station
will re-broadcast Averill Harri-
man's Union Ballroom address
which was recorded yesterday on
tape at 10 p.m. tonight over
Senator Richard Nixon's whis-
tie-stop speech tomorrow will also
be re-broadcast at 10 p.m. that
same evening.

Petitions Har mnD
Petitions for 21 Student Leg-HarrimanDe
islature posts may be picked up
at the SL Bldg. from 3 to 5
Nineteen of the positions are
p.m. beginning today.A
for the full one year term, and
t s M A the other three are for half -
select these members are slated
for Tuesday, Nov. 18 and Wed-
nesday, Nov. 19.
M& Any academically eligible
student may run for these posi-
tions. First term freshmen are
h ralso eligible to make the race.
IT Ike Blazes
.Shoddy Deal'
Supports States
On Tideland Oil
Dwight D. Eisenhower stood before
more than 15,000 Louisianians
last night and stirred mighty roarsky
of applause when he told them
that, for the South, the Truman
administration has been the Shod-
dy Deal."
A b ue asserted, as well, that the
in s l y Jacktergrom h battleeover tidewater lands is a
inls t y ear's o r pc critical national issue which may
next be extended to rivers and
lakes all over the country. - -Daily-Alan Reid
Senior P ics The size and rarmth of the reA ... must keep internal economy strong
ception here for the general has __ ar__ystery___rJu__usndEhe____enberghusbad__nd
A campus wide sign-up for nbt been exceeded anywhere in his
'Ensian graduation pictures will campaignisg. HEARING REFUSED:
be held today in front of the The New Orleans crowds ex-
General Library. eended by far the numbers whoEn
Appointments can also be turned out to greet the Demo- cou rei s Cort raey kes
made at the Student Publica- cratic candidate, Gov. Adlai
tions Bldg. every afternoon this Stevenson, according to residents
week from 1-3s p.m. of the city who saw both events. R osynkerdnevewe
Appointments for pictures Stevenson spoke last Friday R
must be made this week. night from the same platform. o eervi P e a
T ughth h n urm Eisenhower reacted to the WASHINGTON-Rs'n)-Death in Sing Sing's electric chair moved
warmth of the greeting. He seemed a step nearer yesterday for Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, husband and
C or d N ews more self-assured and in better hu-CfrcovitJf rssa
Jmrnhnhad previous seec The Supreme Court, by an 8 to 1 vote, turned down their plea
h oud u pDwight D. Eisenhower's birth- for a review of their conviction and death sentence.
by_ _tran Bus eratrs thday will be celebrated in Re- " o te hih
U yNThe A woattked hh publican campaign hedur- court to reconsider its action-a step the court rarey takes. Their
dtY The ssocatenirws sters throughout thercountry -psdto --rseni-nl n
d --s-y--.-.WASHINGTON - The United day. *m o other chance of escaping the
States Supreme Court yesterday Local GOP headquarters in N t eletric chair rests with President
upheld Michigan's Hutchison Act Ann Arbor, 200 N. Fourth Ave., N X on Speech Truman. He coud reduce their
LAhic G, outlaws -sris by public wusi serv binrhay ciak e r sentences.o henwfeeall
employees, coffee at 7:30 p.m. today to TJo Be Given In a prepared statement, the
Though the Michigan Supreme honor the occasion. Rosenbergs, now in Sing Sing
Court and Circuit Judge Ira Wysr m. Prison's death house t Ossining,
Jayne had previously upheld the When he mentioned Stevenson a ai o m r h ain N. . Deaed "our cmplte
law, the court dismissed an appeal storm of boos bounced and echoedrr noctheybelievedsj"ourag fello a mden-id
by Streetcar and Bus Operators off the walls of the Municipal Au- Sen. Richard Nixon, Repubi- cans will save us."
Union, AFL, who attacked the ditorium. They also booed refer- can vice-presidential hopeful, will n
validity " of the law when it was ences to President Truman.dInf-tCerpacYiong atpuhisanschnd
used last year to end a 59-day * * * speak briefly at 9:15 a.m. tomor- business session of its new term,
transportation strike. WHILE the speech was directed row from the rear platform of his the Supreme Court:
hin s nh - 2mat the -grth y one campaign train at New York Cen- 1
Soth oe int-the tral depot.r.sAgeud schadsupng dif-
LANSING, Mich.-Prison-tough- question of ownership of tidewater Te o pe tutionality of the new federal law
ened Clifford Billings, the last of land - was aimed at the whol eAn or ehie requiring gamblers to purchase a
three Flint jail escapees who ab- country. his first on a whirlwind whistle- $50 tax stamp.
ducted a jailer at pistol-point, was The battle over tidelands is in stop tour of the State. Starting out
captured last night by two state fact, an entering wedge for gov- from Detroit, Sen. Nixon, will be 2. Denied a plea by Rep. Walter
policemen as he crouched in a ernmental control of the re- accompanied on the short jauntR are
her bylocl GOPleaersMa of his conviction for illegal acp
ditch in darkness, sources in rivers, and lakes, as heebLoa O edr ao ance of campaign gifts. Brehm
* *well as in the sea, he said. William E. Brown, Rep. Georgewafne$500ndgvnas-
PHILADELPHIA-Gen. Wal- Eisenhower gave five reasons Meader, William Dobson, George waended $5,00sande fiven aosus-
ter Bedell Smith, head of the for his attitude: Sallade, Margaret Schilling, Law-motsI
Central Intelligence Agency, said "1. I will always resist federal rence Oumet and George Weins.mots
yesterday he believes President encroachment on rights and af- Campus Young Republicans had
Truman is doing a good job in fairs on the state, planned originally to bing the1 SPECIAL MEETING :
fighting communism in the fed- "2. I am gravely concerned over, candidate to Hill Auditorium for a Hasea oe
ra g o e n m en t, th e th re a t to th e sta te s in h eren t lo n g er a d d ress b u t sch ed u lin g d if-C n t e g o t f h s p w r h n i ul i s d d n t p r i S n i o LWS I N T N N w s r s n g r o e e t o r m i n f r l n e h n 2
labor and civil rights issuese was "3. The resources of these sub- utes.
forecast yesterday as President merged areas, although still owned Since the Senator will not leave n S t dt
Truman prepared to renew his by the states, will be available for the train, Republican spokesmen 1Iv nS ud n

campaign cudgeling against Re- America's defense 'in time of na- said the best vantage point forl
publicans on a three-day foray tional emergency: those planning to attend would be More than 25 Student Legisla
into the Northeast. "4. The orderly development of the hillside extending east from the other campus organizations held a
these resources under the states station. osie pro a tostue
TEHRAN, Iran -- The Iranian need not interfere with any valid possible new approaches to Stude
government announced yesterday federal function. - IFCThe meeting was an outgrowth
it had quashed a foreign-aided "5. I believe the law twice passed To Meet lative efficiency, and of last Friday
plot against Premier Mohammed by Congress which would recognize The In t e r f r a t e r n i t y Council cials, faculty members and student
Mossadegh's regime with the ar- these state titles is in keeping with house presidents will meet at 7:30 campus activity reorganization wa
rest of four men, one a retired basic principles of honest dealing p.m. today at the Sigma Chi* *
general. and fair play." house, 548 South State St. AT FRIDAY'S meeting the idea

I cuiaU 41±oJ± a aUpjJL i~o1IJ, ne con-JI

tinued, "but noWno country stands
between us and Communist agres-
sion, as first Europe and then Eng-
land alone did in the past. We can-
not afford to tear down collective
security by letting' our internal
economy crumble."
DURING a question and answer
period which followed he said that
he did not know which Flair or New
Deal reforms the GOP would aban-
don to lead the country into de-
He further asserted that "if
the GOP had been In power dur-
ing the past few years, there
would be many more countries
behind the Iron Curtain in Eu-
rope and in the East."
Hitting at "the man who seems
to dominate the Republican par-
ty," Sen. Robert Taft of Ohio,
Harriman claimed, "If we'd fol-
lowed Taft's policies regarding the
Atlantic Pact and Korea, we would
have followed exactly the line the
Communists wanted us to follow."
GOP LEADERSHIP got its share
of lashing from Harriman. He said
that he "could not understand how
Eisenhower has undertaken a cam-
paign of smear and falsehood" and
further claimed that "Eisenhower
is saying a great many things
which just are not true."
He cited. the Republican presi-
dential candidate's quotation out
of context from one of Acheson's
speeches which threw unfavor-
able light upon the Secretary of
He criticized Eisenhower's sug-
gestion to withdraw American
troops from the front line in Ko-
rea as "irresponsible," and said
that one-half of the line already
was being guarded by Korean
"We are standing on the line of
victory in Korea," he. maintained.
"The war was a grave miscalcula-
tion on Stalin's part, and we must
continue to stand there until he
will make peace on our terms."

fends, Lauds
ion's Policies

Upholds Foreign Moves;
Hits Ike's 'Falsehoods'
Mutual Security Administrator Averell Harriman yesterday praised
the foreign and domestic policies of the Truman administrationand
emphasized that a changeover to GOP leadership now could be
disastrous on both counts.
Speaking to nearly 400 people in the Union ballroom, the unsuc-
cessful contender of the Democratic nomination, claimed, "I am un-
willing to leave the country's future to the piecemeal planning of
business. If we turn over our economy to the Republicans, they will
again take us down the boom-or-bust road.
"There was a time when we "

Allies Begin
New Korean
SEOUL - O/P) -Allied infantry
men opened a smashing new at-
tack at dawn today on the Korean
Central Front 17 miles east of
White Horse Mountain under a
blazing artillery and tank bar-
rage, front reports said.
The attack is believed the heavi-
est Allied assault since Heart-
break Ridge, one year ago. Ob-
servers reported the attack north
of Kumhwa was directed against
"Triangle Hill," a Communist po-
sition in the old Iron Triangle
INITIAL reports were sketchy.
An officer reporting from a divi-
sion command post said the Allied
big guns, mortars and tanks un-
leashed "terrifie" fire on the Chi-
At White Horse Mountain vic-
torious South Korean troops cut
down Red suicide squad attack-
ers, then pounded the Reds' last
foothold on that bloody hill
Chinese soldiers were stopped
short in four assaults on the crest
of White Horse during the night.
South Koreans counterattacked at


* * *

J ew .ideas
ture members and observers from
special meeting Sunday to discuss
nt government at the University.
h of recent SL debates over legis-
y's meeting of administrative offi-
leaders at which the problem of
s given much attention.j
* *
a of a "super council" as the basis
of student government was sug
Sunday's discussion was de-
voted principally to considera-
tion of basic student government
philosophy here. Consensus of
opinion was that student re-
presentation on various Univer-
sity boards and committees
which consider problems related
to the student body was of pri-
mary necessity to student gov,

FIGHTING raged into its eighth
day on the key height overlooking
the Chorwon Valley route to
Chinese thrusts were growing
weaker, front reports said. How-
ever, the Red' attacks were not
expected to end until Chinese
strength was completely spent.
In eight nights and seren days
of almost constant fighting high
Allied officers said the re-trained
South Korean Ninth Division had
inflicted a staggering defeat on
the Chinese Communist 38th Army
Corps, regarded as one of the Red
Army's best.
Estimates of Red casualties ran
as high as 10,000 killed and
wounded. Probably three Chinese
divisions, numbering 23,006, were
crippled in the week-long battle.
Gen. James A. Van Fleet, U.S.
Eighth Army commander who has
retrained the entire Republic of
Korea Army, called the Ninth Di-
vision's stand a "tremendous vic-
tory against superior odds."
ROK casualties were not an-
nounced, but were described as
Positions Open
On Judiciary.
Petitions for two positions on
Men's Judiciary may be picked up
from 3 to 5 p.m. between today and
Friday at the Student Legislature
Any male student in any school
in the University may petition for
a post if he has 60 hours or more
of credit and is academically eli-
The vacancies occured when SL
filled only five positions on the
Men's Judiciary last spring. At
that time the new reorganization
plan was being considered and only
five members were reauired under

Pro-Dawson Crowd Hears CandidatesI

, *

* * *



A predominantly pro-Dawson
audience of over 150 people, added
applause and murmers of disap-
proval last night to a debate be-
tween candidates for Congress
from the second congressional dis-
SnPainp, in the m-isn fi

Ike was nominated as the rep-
resentative of the liberal faction
of the Republican Party, but is
now obeying the "old guardism"
of the GOP.
In contrast, he pointed to Gov.
Stevenson who, Prof. Dawson
claimed," has a remarkable grasp

people must make," Rep. Meader
said, "is to decide between in-
dividualism and socialism." With
great emphasis the Republican
proclaimed his side was with the
individualism as opposed to a cen-
tralized state.
* * *

In addition it was felt that there
must be a student group able to
r -e tr _ m m r - Fnv.rhl., .


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