THE MICHIGAN DAILY i'1. ,kL 1k VJAVLk 1V jOJJ.4 U MEMO TO THE LAZY: 'Work -- or Get Out!' WEDNESDAY NIGHT'S Student Legisla- ture discussion over the powers and functions of the Cabinet has focused atten- tion on SL's personnel problem, one which has kept it from becoming an effective leg- islative body. Organized along parliamentary lines, SL has a committee system which is coordi- nated by the Cabinet. In addition, the Cabinet serves as a policy-making body and represents the Legislature before University officials and boards. The committees are staffed by non-cabinet members of the Legislature, but to accomp- lish anything, they must have capable, hard-working and interested personnel. Unfortunately, SL has not been able to attract enough capable personnel to estab- lish a smooth working committee system. The lack of qualified members on lower lev- els has forced the Cabinet to take on many projects and small jobs which are not really in its province. Thus the Cabinet has had less time for carrying out its policy making functions and for coordinating the general legis- lative and committee work. With the growth of Cabinet activity has come a cleavage between the Cabinet and the rest of SL. Meanwhile, Cabinet members have jus- tiflably felt that if members would not do the necessary committee work, the Cabinet must assume it in order to maintain exist- ing SL functions. There are too many members on the Legislature who sought office merely for prestige or to sponsor one piece of legisla- tion or represent one particular faction on campus. These people have little interest in SL as a whole, and several are out of sympathy with the Legislature's basic aims and philosophy. Far too many members are apathetic toward their duties and contribute nothing either in meetings or outside work. SL has no place for these people, and it is becoming more and more apparent that they had better start working or resign. Elec- tions this fall may well be crucial for the Legislature. Several excellent members who are fow seniors will be retiring, leaving too few leaders behind them. The void must be filled by new legislators capable of assuming leadership. Harry Lunn Deferred Rushing NOW THAT the first test of fall rushing since 1942 is over, it remains questionable whether it was a wise move to do away with the system of deferred rushing in favor of fall rushing. Even affiliated women have also been distressed by the number of girls who were dropped from rushing. Sororities simply could not pledge more than a limited num- ber, in this case, 385 from a total of 792 who registered. Rushing procedures themselves were much Improved by Pan-Hellenic this year in that the parties were more informal and allowed more time for actives and rushees to talk and get acquainted. On the other hand, rushing as it was con- ducted this fall was unfair to freshman wom- en who certainly could not make an intelli- gent choice between dormitory and sorority living in one week's time, no matter how ma- ture and intelligent they are. The deferred rushing system, which re- quired a girl to live for one semester in a dorm, enabled her to meet sorority wom- en socially, observe for herself the relative importance of sororities on the campus anddecide if she wanted to affiliate. Many of these girls, given a little more time to think the matter over, would de- I cide to spend four years in a dorm, feeling no bitterness towards the sororities. Others would be equally happy in sorority houses. Spring rushing would probably cut down considerably on the number of girls that would rush. Last February only 571 girls registered to rush and 122 of these dropped out because of ineligibility. While deferred rushing would probably reduce the number of girls who would rush, it would also reduce the number who would have to faceofficialhnotification that they are not wanted. The point has been made that blows and hard knocks have to be faced all through life, and failure to receive a bid is of minor significance. This may be true but it is not reasonable to add more heartache in an in- stance when it could be avoided. The ideal set-up would be the new, im- proved rushing system moved up to Febru- ary. It is to be hoped that members of the sorority system will weigh carefully the ad- vantages and disadvantages of both sides of the rushing question with good judgment. The happiness and welfare of the individual girl is just as important as the welfare of the collective groups. --Cynthia Boyes Reapportioning Michigan THE BATTLE of personalities and parties in Michigan has tended to obscure the Important issue of reapportionment in the State Legislature. This question will appear on the State ballot in the form of two con- stitutional amendmients. The amendments are listed as Proposals Two and Three. Proposal Two, known as the Representative Government Plan, pro- vides for reapportionment on the basis of population in both the Senate and the House. It also abolishes the "moiety" clause which entitles each area, which has over 50 per cent of the population re- quired for a district, to a representative. Under Proposal Three, the Balanced Leg- islature Plan, the distribution of seats in the Senate would remain "frozen," while the House membership would not be in- creased by more than 10, and the districts would not be redistributed. The question of reapportionment in the State is not a new one. It has finally been put to the voters of the state as a result of long term pressure from citizen organiza- tions and political leaders who protest against the unfair distribution of seats which has resulted in the over-representa- tion of the rural areas and the under-re- presentation of the urban, industrial dis- tricts. For those who are concerned with dem- ocratic government, it is important to ex- amine each of these proposals: to see which one does more to rectify the situa- tion in which 52 per cent of the people of this state are given only 28 per cent of the representation in the Legislature. The abolishment of the "moiety" clause under Proposal Two will mean that the sparsely populated rural areas will cease to dominate the Legislature. Also under Proposal Two, the House dis- tricts would be so divided that Wayne Coun- ty and the southeastern area, which are the most heavily populated sections of the state, would have 51 representatives in the House instead of the present 39. Proposal Three has no such provisions. The southeast districts would not have a substantial increase in representation. Moreover, the"moiety" clause is explicitly left in this proposal. Another important difference is that Pro- posal Two has a "force clause" in it which lifts the duties of reapportionment every 10 years from the Legislature into the hands of the Secretary of State, with provisions that make the Secretary of State legally responsible to carry out this function. On the other hand, Proposal Three leaves the job up to the Legislature. The importance and necessity of this "force" clause is evident upon the re- alization that the Legislature has not reapportioned itself in 27 years. During that time there has been a steady flow of people from the rural areas into the urban districts who have, in actuality, lost their votes uponmoving. In view of these facts, the three million Michigan citizens who have, in effect, been disenfranchised should take this opportun- ity to gain their due representation by vot- ing 'yes' on Proposal Two. -Alice Bogdonoff INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Red Accent On Youth By WILLIAM L. RYAN AP Foreign News Analyst ALMOST ALL the "old Bolsheviks" have disappeared from the ranks of the So- viet Communist party, and there is a dis- tinct accent on youth. This is revealed in figures on the party membership disclosed at the current Mos- cow Congress. More than five million of the six million Soviet Communists are under 50. There is a hint that a paring of party ranks already is under way. In punishment for "growing soft," it appears that many Communist members already have been dropped. The chances are that many more will fall by the wayside by the time this thing is over. Only 2 per cent of the Soviet Commun- ist party today is made up of men who were Bolsheviks before the revolution. This means a total of about 120,000. The ranks of the revolution have been thinned by natural and unnatural death. More than 32 million Communists are between the ages of 40 and 50. The sec- ond generation Communists, personified by Georgi Malenkov, are in command. Malenkov and thtse 31/ million grew up under Stalinist communism. They remem- ber nothing else. The past is lost to them in a mist of distortion and erasure. The same can be said to an even greater degree of the remaining 1g million par- ty members who are under 40. Malenkov is the representative of this generation, just as V. M. Molotov is one of the few remaining representatives of that straggler's band of 120,000 old Bolsheviks. Rn fr ns a nrty power Lne in tha Tno R In Both Parties, Dirty Hands 0 10 ~4t =_ x, }i . ts 7. ' "Our Differences Have Nothing To Do With The End Result That We Are Seeking" (.) ete/4d TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. QOWt LET 'EM TAKE IT AWAY L T, DORIS FLEESON: Independent Vote Beginning To Slip from Gen. Eisenhower SAN FRANCISCO-General Eisenhower's tactical commitments to the Taft wing of the Republican Party are now so complete as to challenge the whole validity of the as. sumption on which he was nominated at Chicago. That assumption was simple. It was that the country is now roughly divided into three classes of voters: yellow-dog Democrats comprising something over a third of the total, yellow-dog Republicans who are something less than a third with the remainder which is the balance of power being classified as independents. It was reasoned by the Eisenhower sup- porters-and they so persuaded the national convention, with the help of the southern delegate drama-that Senator Taft was too partisan, too conservative, too isolationist, to appeal to the large Independent vote. Therefore, they said, he could not win. That argument lost Mister Republican the nomi- nation a convention majority would have preferred to give him. Within the past month General Eisen- hower has consistently embraced positions and, above all, people-notably Senators McCarthy and Jenner- that are presum- ably anathema to the independent voter. This trend has not been balanced by com- parable gestures, at least up to now, to- ward the political independent whose sup- port at Chicago only last July was thought to be crucial. Almost literally still warm from McCar- thy's clasp, the General is now pressing on from the Taft hearth and to California. For many reasons the state offers a test of his new and so-different strategy. Democrats here, though slipping, still have a 3-2 advantage in registration. Lib- eral Republican Gov. Earl Warren main- tains his power by never making himself unacceptable to the opposition party eith- er locally or nationally. Under its unique cross-filing system, the state has just given both nominations for Senator to the Republican incumbent, Wil- liam F. Knowland, but it has gone Demo- cratic in the last five presidential elections. Even Governor Warren on the ticket did not keep California from Mr. Truman in 1948. (Copyright, 1952, by the Bell syndicate) E NROUTE THROUGH THE WEST-In an earlier column on Sena- tor Nixon's secret expense fund it was shown how he voted right down the line for the legislative measures which his 76 millionaire givers favored. The second question to be examined is whether Senator Nixon also used influence with the Federal Government on behalf of his Nixon expense club. In his broadcast to the nation Nixon said he had not. A few days later, however, the St. Louis Post Dispatch unearthed the fact that Dana Smith, the lawyer who collected the $18,000 for Nixon, had used Nixon's influence through his administrative assist- ance to try to get a $500,000 tax refund from the government. It is a penitentiary offense for any member of Congress to intervene in a case against the Government for pay. A Senator is paid by the United States Government and is supposed to re- present the government alone. Hence the law. He is not sup- posed to be paid by outsiders, and other members of Congress have gone to jail for accepting money when they intervened in cases against the Federal Government. The tax refund claimed by Dana Smith against the U.S. Gov- ernment is an illustration. Dana Smith, the man who got Nixon's office to intervene, not only had paid Nixon personally but raised $18,000 for him. * * * * RISKY BUSINESS TODAY THE Federal Government plays such an important role in the operation of any business firm, and business firms in turn seek so many concessions or contracts from the government, but it becomes risky to have a man in the Senate who is subsidized by a group of businessmen. Take, for instance, the list of Nixon's millionaires club and the concessions of contracts they have with the Government. Here are some of them: Charles E. Ducommun, a Los Angeles steel dealer, got a 50 per cent tax amortization write-off on a new $265,655 warehouse. It is not known where Nixon or his office helped. Such matters are kept confidential by the Defense Production Administration and sometimes not even recorded. Earl Jorgensen and company got a 75 per cent tax write-off on forging equipment, Sept. 20, 1951; another 60 per cent write-off on $227,236 on July 18; another 50 per cent write-off on $343,500 on Feb. 4, 1952. It is not know that Nixon's office helped get these write-offs. Jorgenson is a giver to the Nixon fund. Clayton Manufacturing Co. got a 90 per cent tax write-off on dynometers costing $38,106 in March 1951 and an 80 per cent write- off on $171,330 on steam cleaners in July 1951. Both Benjamin Clayton and his son William are givers to Nixon's expenses. K. T. Norris, ammunitions manufacturer, got a 75 per cent tax write-off on $199,650 in September 1951. He is a donor to Mr. Nixon's expenses. Even more important, the Norris Company has defense contracts totaling $54,000,000 with the Army and Navy. Morris leases one plant from the Government at Riverbank, Calif., also operates plants of his own, where he manufacturers 57 millimeter shells, 75's, 90 milli- meters, 105's and 155's. Whether Senator Nixon has used any influ- ence with any members of the Defense Department regarding these contracts is something I have not been able to ascertain. But it's an unhealthy practice for any company doing business with the Govern- ment to be subsidizing a Senator. Herbert Hoover, Jr., has an important contract with the Fed- eral Government to explore for oil in the oil regions in Northern Alaska. He is president of the United Geophysical Co., which has signed the Alaskan contract with the Navy. United Geophysical is a wholly owned subsidiary of Union Oil, of which Hoover is also not only a director but holds 30,249 shares valued at $1,200,000. Hoover is a contributor to the Nixon fund. W. Herbert Allen is vice-president of the Title Insurance and Trust Co., which underwrites the oil leases of the big companies op- erating out in the Tidelands oil area. If these leases should be out- lawed, then Mr. Allen's company might be left holding the bag for about $49,000,000. Mr. Allen is a contributor to the Nixon funds. BIG-MONEY BOYS ARTHUR S. CRITES of Bakersfield is an applicant before the Fed- eral Government for a mineral land permit in Southern Califor- nia. To get such a permit accepted, a little influence sometimes is helpful. Crites is a member of the Nixon expense fund club. Crites is also vice-president of the Bakersfield Home Build- ing Association and secretary and director of the Kern County Mutual Building and Loan Association. It so happens that Nixon's record in the Senate has been made to order for the Mutual Saving Banks and Building and Loan Asso- ciations.I When the Senate voted on plugging some of the loopholes in the tax bill, Nixon voted for the Capehart Amendment which actually widened one loophole by permitting mutual savings banks and build- ing and loan associations to exempt their reserves from taxation up The Great Debate ... To the Editor: A VETERAN met an amateur Tuesday night and the slaugh- ter was sad. If the controversy be- tween Messers Sallade and Slosson was part of the campaign, I'd say OK, let 'em slug it out with the Republicans losing miserably with their eyes wide open! But it was my impression that it was sup- posed to be a University debate. To pit a professional against what,' at times, seemed a novice-an en- gaging rapier-like wit against an eager informed "college debater" doesn't make for a debate. No un- kind remark is meant to Mr. Sal- lade's excellent try. But was it necessary to put him insuchhan embarrassing position? Are there not Republicans in the faculty ranks who could have been select- ed and who could have held thefr own? No, I'm not a Republican, have never enrolled in a party, al-. though I havehvoted since 1932. I'm just for the underdog, like I am for the Dodgers. --James Hawley, Grad. N.S.C.A.F.E. ... . I To the Editor: LAST APRIL over 200 students traveled to Madison, Wiscon- sin to attend the National Student Conference for Academic Freedom, Equality and Peace. Present were members of such diverse organi- zations as Unitarian Clubs, SDA,; International Relations Clubs, NA- ACP, Student Christian Associa- tions, YP, Hillel Councils and countless others. Because of vi- olations of civil rights existing on campuses throughout the coun- try, and because students felt the need for doing something about peace, it was thought necessary that the Conference be set up as an organization which would co- ordinate activities on different campuses and supply information for them. A continuous committee on the Conference will meet this week- end (Oct. 10, 11, 12) in Chicago, to discuss policy and action. There will be cars leaving Ann Arbor, so that traveling-expenses will be at "UNDER the compulsory arbi- tration which socialism would necessitate . . . the regula- tors, pursuing their personal in- terests . . . would not be met by the combined resistance of all workers; and their power, un- checked as now by refusals to work save on prescribed terms, would grow and ramify and con- solidate until it became irresist- able... . When from regulation of the workers by the bureaucracy, we turn to the bureaucracy it- self, and ask how it is to be regu- lated, there is no satisfactory an- swer. . . . Under such conditions there must arise a new aristocracy, for the support of which the masses would toil; and which, be- ing consolidated, would wield a power far beyond that of any aristocracy." -Herbert Spencer "SURELY THE love of living is stronger in an Alpine climber roping over a peril, or a. hunter riding merrily at a stiff fence, thanin a creature wno lives upon the minimum. Everyone is wel- come to attend, either as a dele- gate, or as an observer. If any further information is needed, we can be contacted at 7138. -Ester Mark Pat Murphy National Student Confer- ence, Ann Arbor Branch * s Scholarships... To the Editor: IN THE United States of America, every racial, religious, and na- tional group-minority or major- ity-is entitled to basic respect from all others. With great respect and much admiration for both the majorities and the minorities, I feel compelled to point out that when the administration of this university agrees to accept a schol- arship grant for only white, Prot- estant Americans it is, in fact, employing the same standards used to determineswhether one is eligible for membership in the Ku Klux Klan. -Ed Sader Viva L'Harris To the Editor: HURRAH FOR Don Harris, the new music critic! -Hugh Anderson "SCH ETR wanted to be- liee tathis gifts were just good luck and nobody's business but his own. But a voice in him would not let him rest on sucn a mushion of roses. The voice was saying that he who has been blest with joy and beauty has incurred a debt which he cannot evade. He woh has been spared sorrow is un- der an obligation to alleviate the suffering of those less fortunate." -Hermann Hagedorn Sixty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Crawford Young .....Managing Editor Cal Samra.........Editorial Director Zander Holander. Feature Editor Sid Klaus ...... Associate City Editor Hariand Brtz........Associate Editor Donna Hendenan .... Associate Editor Ed Whipple..............Sports Editor John Jenks ... Associate Sports Editor Dick Sewell ....Associate Sports Editor Lorraine Butler .......Women's Editor Mary Jane Mills,.Assoc. Women's Editor Business Staff At Green ............Business Manager Milt Goetz......Advertising Manager Diane Johnston .. Assoc. Business Mgr. Judy Loehn berg .... Finance Manager Tom Treeger .....Circulation Manager Telebhone 23-24-1 FOVESc -f Architecture Auditorium JENNY LAMOUR (Quai des Orfevres), with Louis Jouvet and Suzy DeClair. SEVERAL YEARS AGO detective stories became more than just standard fare for films, and occasionally attained a perfection which had been reserved for highly dra- matic or "arty" movies. "Jenny Lamour"--- the title has obviously been supplied by the domestic distributors in an attempt to draw the public by offering a pseudo-risque French picture-is the sort of movie which exploits the psychological and suspense elements of such a story to their fullest. Louis Jouvet, portraying a police in- spector with a private life of his own (a Eu- ropean touch), is excellent in his role, wheth- dissecting his suspect. From the moment of his entrance, rather late in the story, the picture is entirely his. Suzy DeClair, as a wayward but loving wife, is good, and so is the actor who plays her husband; but nei- ther of them approaches Jouvet. The picture itself is not too promising for the first half-hour or so. It draws too heavily on melodramatic and photograph- ic "tricks," making it seem that the whole thing will be just another interesting but average story. After the appearance of Jouvet, however, a gradually mounting suspense develops, becoming almost over- whelming before the final scene is over. By the beginning of the last reel all of the elements of melodrama which threat- ened to ruin the movie have fallen into their proper perspective, producing a high- ly entertaining and thrilling picture.