MEMO TO THE LAZY See Page 4 L 4 P SifTr tr tau Latest Deadline in the State A6PF 04 4&lrr :43 a t Ily MOSTLY FAIR VOL. LXIII, No. 16 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1952 SIX 1PAGES Ike Pushes Health Plan Investigation Says Usefulness NeedsChecking LOS ANGELES - (P) - Gen. r Dwight Eisenhower declared last night that the question of -using federal government loans to bol- ster local health insurance plans should be thoroughly examined, but he repeated his firm opposi- tion to socialized medicine. The Republican presidential candidate, surveying the whole field of social security legislation, said in a major speech prepared for delivery here: "Our doctors will be among the first to admit that at present too many of our people live too far from adequate medical aid, that too many of our people find the costs of adequate medical care are too heavy." * * * HE SAID voluntary non-profit hospital insurance plans have been expanded at "an amazing rate," but, he continued, neither these systems, "nor the administration's proposal for national socialized medicine cover all the people." Therefore, the general de- clared: "The usefulness of fed- eral loans or other aid to local health plans should be explored." But, in line with the general pol- icy he has been laying down for less federal government control in functions which could be handled locally, he added: "The strength of voluntary action and community admin- istration must be preserved." Similarly,. he proposed with re- spect to schools and educational facilities that the federal govern- ment assist the individual states in the cases where, for lack of ade- quate resources, the'state is un- able to do the job itself. Eisen- hower hit squarely at the Truman administration on this point, con- trasting what he said is the Demo- cratic formula with the one he proposes. "Here again," he argued, "the answer of the present administra- tion is more federal bureaucracy and increased federal controls. That is not the American answer." Instead, he said, the national government should step in with fi- nancial aicl to build schools, but not to bring about "thought con- trol." Birth Control Through Pill Use Reported WASHINGTON-()-Success- ful human use of pills as a method of birth control was reported yes- terday by a Boston doctor. Simultaneously, a Roman Cath- olic theologian ' said any use of such pills with the "direct intent of preventing conception would be a violation of the divine law as it affects birth, according to Cath- olic interpretation of God's law." * k F 4METHODIST Bishop G. Brom- ley Oxnam took a different view. He said it was in accord with mor- al law to enable mothers to space the birth of their children "with due regard for health, education and service to society." The report on the new pills was made by Dr. Benjamin Sieve who, while reporting preliminary success with them, declared fur- ther extensive studies must be made "before the general use of this anti-fertility factor is war- ranted." Sieve, in a report in the tech- nical journal "Science," said 298 married couples had experienced complete lack of fertility during periods ranging from three to 30 months while taking the 'pills. HE EMPHASIZED that the ,an- ti-fertility action of the chemical prevails only while it is being taken. It is believed to act as an anti- fertility factor, he added, by in- terferring with the action of a body chemical called "hyaluroni- dase" which in turn is believed to aid in the impregnation of the fe- male egg by the male sperm. rV 1L m -IT Stevenson Gets Tobin s Backing Secretary of Labor Says Workers Can Make Own Political Decisions Secretary of Labor Maurice J. Tobin, politicking throughout the Midwest on behalf of Gov. Adlai Stevenson, stopped briefly in Ann Arbor yesterday. Commenting on the political endorsement given Stevenson by both the CIO and the AF of L, the Secretary said that "the American worker is intelligent enough to decide whether the advice of his leader is good or bad. * *. * * "THE PRESENT degree of economic security will be an important factor in the election," Tobin said. "The working public is receiving Phony Reid Baiters Hit ByTruman BUFFALO, N.Y. W) - President Truman told a roaring but under- capacity crowd in Memorial Audi- torium last night that Republican hotheads and some Democrats are waging a phony campaign against Communists for the sole purpose of getting votes. This could rip the nation apart, he declared, and, forecasting new and heavier attacks on the peo- Gov. Adlai Stevenson will speak at 2:45 p.m. today over the ABC network on the "It's Up to You" series for women. ple's liberties in the next four years, he said this is no time to put in the White House "a profes- sional military general" - Dwight D. Eisenhower-to defend the Bill of Rights. . * * SEATING arrangements were made for 14,000 at this industrial city's largest indoor auditorium but there were sections of empty seats. Police Commissioner Mi- chael C. Noeppel estimated the crowd at 7,500. It was a noisy, responsive crowd, though, giving Truman one of the warmest receptions he has received on his coast-to- coast tour for Gov. Adlai Steven- son. It roared applause when Tru- man, biting off his words, spoke out against putting a general in the White House. THE BUFFALO speech climaxed a day of whistle stopping across Indiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania in which Truman at one point called Eisenhower the "big brass window dressing" for reactionary Republi- cans. He blasted away at the RepUb- licans from Indianapolis to Buffalo; with typical Truman fervor and accused them of plotting to "mur- der wlhat's left of price controls" although Dwight D. Eisenhower has "moaned and groaned about; high prices." Up and Over DOVER, Eng.(,P) - French motorcyclist George Monneret crossed the English Channel yesterday on a converted mo- torcycle attached to floats. Monneret made the water crossing in six hours-and then set off on his bike over the road for London. good wages and enjoys full em- ployment. Prosperity will not be forgotten on election day." He pointed to the "escalator clause," now in many labor con- tracts, as an equitable method of Possible Lift In Production Seen by Adlai 475 Billion Goal Set for Decade ST. LOUIS-(P)-Governor Ad- lai E. Stevenson said last night a government teaming with "free and daring, men" can lift Amer- ica's production to 475 billion dol- lars a year within the next decade. "A new day is dawning," the Democratic presidential nominee declared in an address prepared for declared in an address pre- pared for delivery at Kiel Audi- torium here. * * * THE OPPORTUNITIES he sees ahead, along "America's new frontier," Stevensons said can be achieved only through policies and programs embraced by the Demo- cratic party. "Right now," he said, "there are 62 million Americans at work. During the next 10 years, there will be 10 million more Americans ready and able to work. With their help, we can lift our production from 336 billion dol- lars a year to 475 billion dollars a year." That would work out to a boost of 139 billion-41 per cent. THE ADDRESS topped off a day of campaigning across Mis- souri and into a corner of Illinois -a perfect fall day that produced in Kansas City probably the big- gest crowd Stevenson has collect- ed up to now. It produced, too, some advice from the Illinois governor that the people ought to watch out for another depression if they elect what he termed the "do nothing, care nothing, know nothing" GOP and its "honor- ary" presidential candidate, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower. Digging for votes in President Truman's home state of Missouri, the visiting governor from Illinois had warm words for the chief ex- ecutive 'Stadium Rule Bars Patient From Game A University Hospital polio pa- tient was refused permission yes- terday to attend Saturday's Mich- igan-Indiana football game be- cause of a Stadium policy against wheelchair patients. The policy exists because of the difficulty of getting a wheel chair into the stadium, according to ticket manager Don Weir. THE PATIENT concerned is Dicky Brinks, 9 years old, who has been at the respiratory center for three years. Although he is completely paralyzed and requires a respir- ator, he was considered well enough this summer to attend a baseball game in Briggs Stad- ium. Hospital officials tried several weeks ago to purchase a box seat so that the boy, an avid sports fan, could see the game. They were told at first that they might get the ticket. However, Athletics Director Prof. Herbert O. Crisler later reversed this, clarifying the stadium policy. Prof. Crisler could not be reach- ed last night for comment. Gilbert and Sullivan RehearsesI Allies Recapture White Horse Hill In BloodyBattle South Koreans Storm Over Crest; Tanks Swing After Fleeing Chinese. SEOUL-(P)-Allied tanks rammed behind bloody White Horse Mountain this morning and shot up Chinese Communists fleeing from furious South Korean infantrymen charging over the crest of the shell- cratered peak. The tanks cleanked around the right flank of the mountain and poured fire directly on the northern slopes and up the long draw which the Chinese' had been using as an assembly area. * ** BAYONET-WIELDING troops of the Republic of North Korea Ninth Division recaptured the peak on the Western Front shortly after daybreak after having taken itI- --Daily-Don Campbell THINGS WERE pretty quiet lasttvia the Union; no one vetoed a bias night in Ann Arbor. clause removal ruling. The political clubs weren't pol- But, over in the 'League, mem- iticking. bers of the Gilbert and Sullivan No one tried to steal the Acacia Society were still busy, getting bench; absolutely no banned ready for a long year of activity speakers infiltrated students minds ahead. --Daily-Alan Reid MAURICE J. TOBIN meeting spiraling living costs. He also said that workers now have a chance to share in the increased productivity that comes with a higher standard of living. Tobin, who recently made an intensive speaking tour of New York, was confident that Stev- enson would carry the state Nov. 4. And calling the popular appeal of Gov. G. Mennen Williams an important factor here, he also pre- dicted that the Democrats would carry Michigan. After a speech in Jackson last night, Tobin headed east to Pitts-1 burgh and Buffalo. Sunday he will tour many small coal mining communities of south- ern Illinois, and then 'dine with Gov. Stevenson Sunday evening. City Sets Record For IRegistrationl Ann Arbor set a record for vot- er's registration with 23,661 resi- dents eligible to cast ballots in the Nov. 4 general election, City Clerk Fred J. Looker announced yester- day. The figure represents an in- crease of 2,600 since registration closed for the primary last Aug- ust. Percentagewise, 49 percent of the city's eligible voters registered, although if the student popula- tion of 12,000 is subtracted the percentage climbs to 65.2. This "much more accurately re- flects the situation," according to Looker. Looker also noted that the reg- istrants would not include "more than a couple of hundred" stu- dents. World News Roundup By the Associated Press WASHINGTON - The United States attorney at Springfield, Ill., testified yesterday that he earned $86,517 in outside legal fees be- tween 1945 and 1951 and that he overlooked $5,000 of this sum in making =out his income tax return for 1945. * * * HARROW, Eng.-Dirt-streaked rescuers last night lifted off an- other layer of wreckage from Harrow's triple train collision and found five more dead, bringing the toll to 99. Earlier, 14 bodies were pulled from the bottom of the ruins of two coaches of a packed com- muters' local which were flat- ened Wednesday when two ex- press trains from opposite direc- tions thundered into them sec- onds apart. J. W. Watkins, regional control- ler of the British Railways, told newsmen the rescuers were about finished searching the ruins. S * * CINCINNATI - John L. Lewis yesterday squelched a demand by some delegates at the United Mine Workers convention for more de- mocracy within the union. Band, Display To Highlight Indiana Game High school band membei's from all over the state will descend on Ann Arbor tomorrow morning" to participate in the fourth annual University of Michigan Band Day. The 6,176 participants from 101 high school bands will include musicians, twirlers and color guards. Arriving at 8 a.m. in approxi- mately 230 buses, the band mem- bers will assemble at Ferry Field and group themselves in order, ready to march. They will march to their correct places on the field, receive instructions on the proced- ure for the afternoon and re- hearse their music. AFTER AN HOUR break for lunch, the bands will reassemble 'and start going to the stadium. Specialaplaces have been reserved in the end zone where the bands will sit in the order in which they march on the field. The half-time show with the bands lined up goal to goal will include "America," "America, the Beautiful," "Mr. Touch- down, U. S. A.," "Meet the Navy," "Sailing, Sailing," "Mili- tary Escort," "Youth of Ameri- ca," "Whiffenpoof Song" and Conference Sees Cancer Cure Ahead EAST LANSING-(P)-Progress is being made in the fight against cancer, a Grand Rapids physician told a cancer conference here yes- terday. Speaker at the fourth annual Michigan Cancer Conference at Michigan State College was Dr C. Allen Payne of Blodgett Mem- orial Hospital, Grand Rapids. "State and national statistics are beginning to show evidence that cancer is yielding to our all- out attack," Dr. Payne said. HE OUTLINED three indica- tions of progress being made in cancer control. 1-Studies of reasons for delay -in diagnosis and treatment of cancer show considerable im- provement during the past three decades. 2-Definite improvement has been shown by case studies in the five year survival rate and the number of cases cured over the past two or three decades. 3-A study shows that the death rate in females has fallen in the past 12 years and that the male death rate, which has risen, now appears to be leveling off. Cancer quacks were attacked in another address, by Dr. Fred Hom- burger, director of the Cancer Re- search and Control Unit of Tufts Medical College, Boston. McCarthy Upholds Anti-Red Methods SAGINAW, (R) - Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R-Wis) last night told his critics that "there is no dain- tier way of fighting Communism than McCarthyism." In a direct answer to criticism by Gov. Adlai Stevenson and Sen. Blair Moody (D-Mich) McCarthy advised voters to ask them "what method they would use and how many Communists they have ex- posed." and then lost it in predawn dark- ness. A frontline officer described the battle on the crest as "a free-for-all with bayonets, gre- nades and fists." The ROKs had retaken the peak from the Chinese after midnight but four hours later a Red bat- talion swarmed up the northern slope and forced the South Kor- eans back-about 20 yards from the crest. * * * AT 6:50 A.M. the regrouped ROKs surged back, across the crest under withering cover . of Allied big guns. At last reports the ROKs were "holding their own" against Chinese counter-attacks from the northern slope. An estimated 3,000 Reds are dug in on the long slope. White Horse Mountain is astride the historic invasion route from North Korea to the Southern Ko- rean capital of Seoul. . * * ACTION slackened elsewhere on the front. There was a freshoutbreak of dogfights in the air. The Fifth Air Force said Sabres shot down two MIGs and damaged three over Northwest Korea. Most of the air punch was re- served for the fighting front. ALLIED casualties on White Horse Mountain were not given, but they no doubt were severe. A U. S. Eighth Army briefing officer said evaluated Communist casualties for the first week of October-which included the heavy Chinese assaults all across the Western and Central Fronts Mon- day night-were the heaviest in almost a year: 4,786 killed; 2,692 wounded and 50 prisoners. Total: 7,528. Frontline estimates .of Chinese losses on White Horse' Mountain alone in the continuous fighting. since Monday night totalled 8,000. The peak has changed hands at least 13 times since the Chinese assaults started. rice Lid. May Go OffSoon WASHINGTON UP')-- The gov- ernment is expected to suspend price controls next week on wom- en's apparel with like action due next month on men's and boys' clothing. A price official told a reporter yesterday there was a slight pos- sibility the order on feminine ap- parel might be delayed a couple of weeks and the men's clothing di- rective pushed up 'so they may be issued simultaneously. - / He said some items such as rub- ber bathing caps and beach shoes may be dealt with separately, since they contain raw materials on which price ceilings have not been suspended. Rlobeson Case Slated For Today The Circuit Court of Washte- naw County will ,review today a claim of breach of contract filed by the Progressive Party against the Masonic Temple. The decision will determine whether or not Paul Robeson, co- chairman of the Progressive Party, and Vincent Hallinan, the party's presidential candidate, will be heard at a political rally Oct. 9 in the Masonic Auditorium. THE PROGRESSIVE Party filed the claim after the Board of Di- rectors of the Masonic Temple refused use of the building for the rally. They had earlier agreed to rent the hall, and Harry H. Ma- hey, Masonic Temple business manager, gave the Party members a receipt. Progressives' counsel John Houston has contended that the receipt constitutes a contract violated by the Mason's Board of Directors. "We are asking that the con- tract be enforced." HOWEVER, Prof. Glenn Alt of the engineering college, chairman of the Masonic Board of birectors said that the board reserves the right to review all requests for use of their auditorium and that the receipt does not constitute a con- tract. The Progressives charged in their court brief that, at the time the receipt was signed, Mahey knew that Paul Robeson would be among the scheduled speakers. Several hundred tickets have been sold for the rally, the Pro- gressives said. * * * MEANWHILE, the James Land Post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars issued a statement last night condemning, the' action of the Washtenaw County Council of Veterans who had protested rental of the Masonic Auditorium to the Prgressives. The statement said that, since the Progressive Party is legally on the Michigan ballot, it is their right to use community facili- ties without "censorship." It also charged the Veterans Council and the Masons' Board of Directors with being "determined to maintain Jim' Crowism in .Ann Arbor," saying that they want to "prevent the appearance in Ann Arbor of Paul Robeson, one of the foremost fighters for the rights of the Negro people." Finally, it protested that no. Negro members of the Council were consulted prior to its action, and urged that the Council with- drew its protest. r. I I JOKE INSPIRES FEATURE: WEQN To Present Russian .Program B O P* * * * By BOB APPLE I Sunday WEQN will present a new radio program, The Russian Hour. Written and directed by Jerry Wisniewski, '53, the show will be narrated entirely in Russian and will contain primarily Rus- sian classical and folk music. According to Wisniewski, the Russian Hour is designed to enter- tain those who like Russian mu- sic as well as those who understand the language. HE WENT ON to say that the idea of the program came to him while he was studying one eve- ABSENTEE BALLOT: 'Out-State Residents Must Register For most students of voting age attending the University but re- siding 'outside Michigan, selecting their choice of candidates Nov. 4 means applying for absentee reg- istration and obtaining an ab- sentee ballot from their respective home states. According to provisions in var- Mississippi, Missouri, New Hamp- shire, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, Utah, Virginia, and Washington do not permit absentee registration there- by preventing anyone from voting an absentee ballot who has not already registered in person. Those states in which absen- EXCEPTIONS appear in In- diana, where. application must be made to the Clerk of Circuit Court of the county, in Iowa where it must be made to the Commissioner or Registyation, and in North Car- olina where it must be obtained from the Chairman of the County Board of Elections. . RN