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October 09, 1952 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1952-10-09

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0 De-emphasis Again; Slosson-Sallade Debate
By CAL SAMRA "there have been no improvements in any
Daily Editorial Director phase of the athletic situation since the
AFTER A LULL of some seven months, the (Presidents') program started." No doubt
.L highly-controversial matter of "over- Mr. Crisler is still incensed over the much-
emphasized college sports" has popped into publicized Jerry Musetti case, which saw Mi-
the morning headlines again. When Athletic chigan State mysteriously lure a highly-
Director Fritz Crisler pointed out Tuesday touted Detroit freshman halfback off the
that college athletics have not been "de- University's premises.
emphasized" since the college presidents an- The Musetti case is one indication that
nounced their clean-up program, he may things aren't so rosy. It also points up
have been running interference for a score the need for effective sanctions against
of prospective reformers; if nothing else, shady recruiting practices and wholesale
Mr. Crisler's denunciation of recruiting prac- subsidization. Such control can be wielded
tices should be provocative. only by the NCAA, an organization which
The so-called de-emphasize movement, in the past has been all too prone to treat
it may be remembered, reached its bom- the matter lightly.'
bastic peak last fall when a furor of scan- Perhaps Mr. Crisler's statements will re-
dals, accusations, and investigations were vive a healthy discussion of the problem-
hammered out over the nation's teletypes in which case it should be hoped that the
day-in- and day-out. It began with the NCAA is finally forced to carve into the
Gotham City basketball "fix," then moved meat: namely, recruiting practices.
on to King Football.
At William and Mary, the athletic de- SLOSSON-SALLADE DEBATE
partment was accused of tampering with the A S A DISPASSIONATE observer of the
records of high school athletes. At West excellent debate on foreign policy be-
Point, 44 members of the Army football tween Prof. Preston Slooson and George Sal-
powerhouse were expelled for "cribbing." In lade (City Council), I couldn't help but feel
the West, injured college athletes were go- that Prof. Slosson was sitting happily on
ing before state compensation boards to pe- top at the conclusion.
tition for disability pay. "Unnecessary In his own inimitable way, Slosson fore-
roughness" became necessary in several in- ed Sallade to "me-too" the United Na-
stances, notably the case of John Bright, tions, the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall
Drake's high scoring halfback whose jaw Plan, and NATO'
was broken by an intentional right cross On the other hand, it was noteworthy
from an Oklahoma A&M tackle. that Prof. Slosson skillfully avoided discus-
As the result of win-or-lose alumni pres- sion of South America, Africa, and the Mid-
sure, scores of coaches were forced to leave dle East; also, that he did not include the
their jobs at the end of the season. These President's pet scheme, Point Four in his
were but a few of the repercussions. list of monumental Administration accom-
Meanwhile, it was not long before spring plishments. Several questions came to mind,
practice, bowl games, two-platoon sys- which, unfortunately, weren't asked-the
tems, athletic scholarships, recruiting primary ones being:
practices, and eligibility requirements 1-Has Point Four aid to underdeveloped
came under fire. "Irregularities" prompted countries tended to entrench the power of
investigations by the NCAA, the American reactionaries to the detriment of more pro-
Council of Education, and the North Cen- gressivt nationalist forces?
tral Association of Colleges and Secondary 2-Was it reasonable that the United
Schools. States should align itself with France in
The President's Conference of the AEC, Tunisia and with Britain in Iran when
headed by MSC President John Hannah, America has consistently championed the
came out with several positive recommenda- principle of self-determination for all
tions: (1) a ban on bowl games; (2) prohi- nations?
bition of spring practice; (3) the integra- 3-Why hasn't a Middle East Defense
tion of college athletic departments into Command been set up yet, when the only
campus administration, and (4) strict regu- real stumbling block is the Sudanese prob-
lation of "athletic scholarships." Then, after lem?
the nation's coaches all paid tribute to 4-Why was it that State Department
morality, the hue and cry abruptly died intelligence ws so miserable that the United
down. States had no inkling whatsoever that Far-
As of today, according to Mr. Crisler, ouk was going to be overthrown?

AN EVENING of grand opera is properly
the sub-title of last night's concert. Con-
spicuous was the absence of German lieder
and for that matter all art song. But this
definitely was not a fault. So many singers
feel obligated to give a program embracing
the whole of the vocal repertoire with the
result that the art song may be good and
the opera mediocre or vice-versa.
Not so with Richard Tucker. His style
is the bravura, the melodramatic and the
pretentious; its emotion is obvious and ex-
aggerated. The subtle and poetic quality of
the art song is as foreign to him as a Verdi
aria to a Wagnerian soprano. He belongs
to the theatre.
And his program emphasized this fact
as it traversed almost the whole of the
grand opera tradition. Only six of his se-
lections were operatic arias proper, but
the rest of the program, for the most part,
may as well have been. Even the French
songs were more in the tradition of opera
than of art song.
Opening with two familiar arias of Handel,
the scene quickly shifted to Italy, and here
it stayed until intermission. Selections by
Pergolesi, Durante, and Leoncavallo were fea-
tured with the arias "Il mio tesoro" from
Mozart's Don Giovanni, "E lucevan le stelle"
from Puccini's, Tosca, and Meyerbeer's "O
One of the few flaws on the program ap-
peared here. The Mozart which musically
could have been the high point of the eve-
ning, didn't quite click. It is a little difficult
to diagnose exactly why this was so, but I
feel that he used up his climaxes too soon
and didn't quite have enough left for the
But in the remainder of this portion,
Tucker just pretended that he was again
behind the proscenium. In the Meyerbeer
and Puccini, his long, high notes, the
tenor's trademark, had brilliant clarity.
His expression was the flourish and exag-
gerated emotion of the opera, that par-
ticular essence which makes opera so won-
derful for those who can divorce its un-
reality to life.
After intermission the scene was France,
and it is here where I felt the climax of the
concert. In the "Flower Song" from Carmen,
Tucker's voice had warmed to its mellow-
est, and his long notes were the most beau-
tiful. Worth mentioning also is the Chausson
selection where he showed that he could
handle the more recitative French style
with as great an ease and competence as the
The concluding American set was a let-
down. There are good American songs, but
they seem to be seldom programmed. At any
rate last night's selections, while not quite
as mediocre as usual, the songs of John Jac-
ob Niles were pleasant enough, still lacked
the expressivity of line and melodic inven-
tiveness that characterized the beginning
portions of the program.
But as if traveling the gauntlet of opera
were not enough, Tucker ended the whole
affair with a sublime travesty. To a tune
of Handel, he sang the jingle, "Old Mother
Hubbard." It was a humorous touch that
mocked the whole tradition he had so
splendidly defended, and if anything be-
sides its humour, it showed that opera too
had a human side.
But I can't forget to single out the mag-
nificent accompaniments of Josef Blatt who
was virtually the backbone of the concert.
They were not puny compliments to the vo-
cal line, so often a fallacy of accompanists,
but adaquately took the place of an orches-
tra. Blatt may have made a few mistakes,
but to me it was a prime example of how a
few technical imperfections will mean abso-
lutely nothing to the concept and spirit of
the whole.
-Donald Harris

fused the use of Masonic Temple Audi-
torium Oct. 19, apparently because Paul
Robeson, their National Co-chairman, was
one of the scheduled speakers at the party's
After reviewing the case for more than
two weeks, the Board of Directors of the
Temple, decided that "due to the rather
unfortunate circumstances involved, and
the confusion caused in the local com-
munity over this matter, it would be best
for the Masonry of Ann Arbor, and the
community to turn the Progressive Party's
petition down."
The Masons have said quite frankly that
their only reason for doing so was because
of Robeson's expected visit, and they at-
tempt to justify their action by claiming
that they reserve the right to refuse any
petitioners the use of their halls.
The question of whether the receipt re-
serving the hall, issued by the Masons' re-
presentative, constitutes a petition or a con-
tract, is a problem which will be decided
by the courts.
Equally essential though, is a question
that no court will answer. "Did the Ma-
sons have the right to bar Robeson simply
because his activities are slightly disturb-
ing, and his political philosophy an un-
popular one?"
For so flimsy a reason Robeson should not

"No, No! Those Are The Minutes Of
Tomorrow's Meeting"

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

1 4 -_ -





Truman Fits into Democratic
Strategy with Attacks on GOP

SAN FRANCISCO-Judging by reports, the
Republican leadership is at least pre-
tending to feel the same contempt for Harry
S. Truman's campaigning that was so mis-
takenly felt four years ago. Judging by on-
the-scene observations, however, the Repub-
licans would be wise to take the advice of
one of the California Democrats.
"Don't sell Harry short," was the way
this Democratic politico summed up his
reaction to the President's remarkable for-
eign policy speech here in Oakland. Ironi-
cally enough, Gov. Adlai E. Stevenson, who
once had a distinct tendency to sell Harry
short, is now very long on Harry too.
Everyone must recall what a pallid view
Stevenson and his advisors formerly took of
the President's whistle-stopping. This earlier
Stevenson view is even now reflected in the
physical circumstances of the President's
stumping trip across the country. Truman is
travelling with an allocation of National
Democratic funds barely sufficient to pay
for his train. No appropriation has been
provided for national radio or television time
for Truman. Local broadcasts, such as that
from Oakland, are being locally financed.
Moreover, the President himself, in his
oddly humble way, was worried about Gov.
Stevenson's reaction to his efforts until he
reached this city. Then, before leaving San
Francisco, he had a call put through to
Springfield. Stevenson was profuse in his
expressions of admiration and gratitude to
the President. He begged the President to
go right on whistle-stopping, and right on
pouring it on the Republicans, until elec-
tion day. He indicated that efforts would
now be made to find additional cash, in
order to put the President on the national
In short, Truman, who was once to be
kept in the background, is now to be given
a great role in this puzzling campaign.
Maybe the change of Democratic strategy
is a piece of folly. But in the Oakland
speech here, as at the small towns along
Truman's route through the northwest,
you could see why Stevenson and his aides
now regard Truman as a major asset.
In the first place, the President has been
changed by the change in his own situation.
As a leader about to lay down his burden,
he is easier, more relaxed, and much more
eloquent. He does not mangle his words.
le no longer seems merely pugnacious. He
is humorous and homely. His timing is
good. He can even be truly moving . ain

longer has a personal axe to grind. They
are not worrying any more about the cron-
ies, who are soon to disappear. Resentment
has subsided among these people. It has
been replaced by admiration for the Presi-
dent's brisk courage in the fight.
These are the reasons why the Truman
tour, to date, seems to have been gaining
votes for the Democrats. Maybe, as these
words are written in San Francisco, the
President will be putting his foot in his
mouth somewhere down the line from
here. He seems more likely, however, to
be putting the bee on Gen. Eisenhower.
In truth, Gen. Eisenhower and his sup-
pprters are not wise to dismiss Truman's
whole attack as "mere mud-slinging." The
General, in these last three weeks, has chos-
en to do a pretty risky thing. He has chosen
to denounce the American foreign and de-
fense policy that he himself helped to make.
And the President has collected a whole
balefull of documents to show Eisenhower's
complicity in the very decisions the General
is now deploring.
Some of these documents Truman will no
doubt strain and misuse. This reporter
thinks, for instance, that Truman strained
his point when he sought to blame Eisen-
hower for the mistakes at Berlin which end-
ed in the blockade there.
Yet no one can deny that the General,
as Army Chief of Staff, actually initiated
the proposal that we withdraw our troops
from Korea. No one can deny that the
General helped to work out former Secre-
tary of Defense Louis Johnson's disarm-
ament program, which Johnson publicly
called an "Eisenhower program." No one
can deny that in 1946, the General took
an over-hopeful view of Soviet purposes,
while other men like Averell Harriman
judged more rightly. Papers to prove
these points against the General, and
other points too, are in the President's
It is safe for Sen. Robert A. Taft to de-
nounce every aspect of our foreign and de-
fense policy, only because Sen. Taft has had
no responsibility for foreign and defense
policy-making. The General, on the other
hand, although humanly fallible, actually
made his tremendous contribution and
achieved his greatness as a foreign and de-
fense policy-maker. Hence, the advisors who
have badgered the General into talking, at
times, distinctly like Sen. Taft, may find
they have made a very bad mistake. To pro-
duce this result is the President's dearest

been gliding past country that he knows well, and it hs been
smiling at him.
Outside his train window the alfalfa fields of Utah lay green
and prosperous as he passed pick-up balers, which many farmers
could not afford a few years ago, leaving a trail of green bales
behind them. In California stack upon stack of wheat straw
dotted the fields. At Provo, a new steel mill, built by the govern-
ment when private industry refused to take the risk, has brought
new prosperity.
Water seems more plentiful this year, and in some areas it has
been brought down from the mountains by dams and reclamation
projects pioneered by the Truman or Roosevelt Administrations.
Yes, the far West smiles on Harry Truman both politically and
economically. It smiles but it isn't boisterous. It doesn't give him the
noisy demonstrations that the crowds give Eisenhower, and the Presi-
dent in turn doesn't usually give them the fire-and-brimstone, skin-
'em-alive oratory that Ike delivers from the rear platform. Sometimes
he does, but he doesn't follow a general pattern.
However, though the crowds are big and the faces friendly you
detect an undercurrent of Republicanism in these normally Demo-
cratic states.
It's hard to put your finger on, but it's there. It's there partly
because the sun is smiling economically. There isn't the economic
pinch that there has been sometimes. There isn't any workers' and
farmers' fear of security. And in that respect, Harry Truman's
reclamation, the new steel mill, the price supports perhaps may
help defeat his own political ends.
But perhaps more important is the desire of a change. People
aren't particularly swayed by oratorical bombast on either side, and
many are not at all enthusiastic about Eisenhower. And they don't
know much about Stevenson, except that he's a little highbrow. Above
all they want a change.
IN NEVADA, hoary-haired Sen. Pat McCarran is stuck politically
between the devil and the deep blue sea. A young war veteran
named Tom Mechling succeeded in trouncing McCarran's former law
partner, Allan Bible, in the Democratic primaries, so the natural thing
for McCarran to dodwould be to cut the Democratic ticket, which he
hasn't hesitated to do in the past.
But if he cuts Democrat Mechling, then he elects GOP Sen.
"Molly" Malone, for whom he has no respect whatsoever. Time
after time, the brusque McCarran has snubbed or publicly brow-
beaten his GOP colleague from Nevada.
Once, when Malone was making a Senate speech condemning the
recriprocal trade treaty, McCarran, listening impatiently, finally whis-
pered to Sen. Walter George of Georgia that he would "put a stop
to this."
Deliberately stalking across the front of the Senate chamber,
McCarran planted himself in front of the other Senator from
Nevada and fixed him with a glassy stare.
Today McCarran, a Democrat, is likely to cut the Democratic
ticket and secretly support Malone whom he doesn't respect but whom
he can control.
REPUBLICAN LEADERS are not happy over the fact that Cali-
fornia's popular Gov. Earl Warren welcomed President Truman
when the President's train entered the state, and that he also is in-
viting both Stevenson and Eisenhower to speak from the steps of the
state capitol.
However, Governor Warren is not only always elected by a
large segment of Democratic votes, but he has no particular
reason to love Nixon and Eisenhower.
It was Senator Nixon, a member of the California delegation,
who bored from within at the Chicago Convention in order to swing
Warren's own delegation over to Eisenhower. Knowland, the senior
California Senator, was taken on the mountain-top by Senator Taft
and offered the vice-presidency. In return Knowland had to deliver
the California delegation on the first ballot.
Seldom has a young man been so severely tempted. But
Senator Knowland remained loyal to his friend, Governor Warren.
Nixon, however, didn't. He cut Warren, got the vice presidency.
* * * *
ANOTHER REASON why the Governor of California isn't overly
happy about the GOP ticket is some remarks which Eisenhower
made about him when visiting in San Francisco two years ago.
Governor Warren had the courage to take a firm stand
against the witch-hunters on the Board of Regents of the Uni-
versity of California when they demanded a faculty oath that
would delve back into the entire life of every professor. Though
his stand was unpopular, Warren bucked his Board of Regents
and backed the faculty.
This inspired General Eisenhower to make some off-the-record
remarks at the San Francisco press club that he didn't know of any
lovaltv oath he woulin't he willino- to stan 1m and swar to

Fraternities .. .
To the Editor:
on fraternalism was a state-
ment of fact that deserves a well-
earned pat on the back.
It is also interesting that the
Greek organizations have so dwin-
dled in University i4portance that
an article of this type stirs little
anger among the more primitive
members of the fraternity tribes.
It is too early to say, but all the
indications point to new develop-
ments in campus, social recogni-
tion. This recognition appears to
be an evolvement of a more ma-
ture college inlividual, an individ-
ual who weighs his own personali-
ty creation above the sacrosant,
idiocy of the fraternal machines
Again, I wish to thank you for
editorializing "above and beyond
the call of duty."
-Tom Linton
Good 'C's' an' Bad 'C's'
To the Editor:
AM A liberal, non-corrupt and
Snon-communist, To make my'
character more acceptable, I am
a "fighting" liberal. Many of my
campus friends are also fighting,
crusading liberals with the same
views I put down here. These views
are not very original, but as cru-
saders, we think they are import-
ant and we want to share them
with all who can read.
Our crusade is not again the
bad "C's"-communism and cor-
ruption, but is for the good "C"-
civil liberties. We think civil liber-
tes are being threatened today
like they've never been threatened
before. We don't read very much
about them in the gapers. And
we don't hear very much about
them from the camps of the cru-
saders now moving across the
We would like to say that the
bad "C's"-communism and cor-
ruption, are being well taken care
of by these crusaders. Everybody
who is Anybody is rushing to the
attack on the bad "C's." What we
want to know is, simply, who is
taking care of the good "C?" Is it
important or not important that
the Los Angeles Board of Educa-
tion recently banned a textbook
on UNESCO because it taught
that world brotherhood was a de-
sirable thing? Is it a matter of
concern or not a matter of con-
cern that the publishers McGraw-
Hill were forced to delete a section
of the book, "The Challenge of
Democracy" because the section
condemned racial segregation and,
supported F.E.P.C.? Does it make
any difference or not make any
difference that the American tra-
dition, "a man is innocent until he
is proved otherwise" is being re-
versed in increasing numbers of
As liberals, we would like to
know. As crusading liberals we
would like to act to defend the
civil liberties which, in the last
analysis are what separate us from
the bad "C's"-communism and
--Murray Thomson, Grad.

IT COMES to my mind, after
reading the "Current Movies"
and "Cinema" columns in this
year's Daily crop, that the prime
quality a person must have to
qualify for a job as a Daily movie
reviewer is the ability to parrot
The New Yorker's John McCarten.
McCarten is noted for his sarcasm
and general ability to effectively
pan a film, and apparently the
Daily reviewers feel that to be a
good reviewer, one must be a sec-
ond John McCarten. Of course,
The Daily may have panned films
that needed panning, but when
the reader comes across the same
thing, day in and day out, he
either gives up reading the col-
umn (because he knows darn well
before even reading it what it's
going to say), or else he writes a
Letter to the Editor.
Secondly, if The Daily reviewer
is going to review a light musical,
such as the current "Just for You"
at the Michigan, he should know
at least something about musicals
before even attempting to review
or criticize. In the case in point,
he seems to feel that any musical
number which has no direct con-
nection with the plot has no place
in the picture. He must have hated
"Singin' in the Rain" whose main
ballet number hadrno connection
with the plot either.
It might be wise if our reviewer
put away his stack of New York-
er's, got an assistant who knows
something about musicals, and be-
gan making his column mean
--Norm Hartweg
No Like...
To the Editor:
DON'T LIKE Small World. Let's
have the crossword puzzle.
--John Thomas Yoke, III
" ERE NEVER was for any
long time a corrupt repre-
sentation of a virtuous people, or
a mean, sluggish careless people
that ever had a good government
of any form."
--Edmund Burke
"A PLEASURE-loving character
will have pleasure of some
sort; but, if you give him the
choice, he may prefer pleasures
which do not degrade him to those
which do. And this choice is offer-
ed to every man who possesses in
liter ary or artistic culture a never-
failing source of pleasures, which
are neither withered by age, nor
staled by custom, nor embittered
in the recollection by the pangs of
self -reproach."
-Thomas Huxley
"THEOOR body cannot adapt
itself rapidly enough to the.
social and technical changes con-
ceived by the nind. Heart and
muscles belong to the jungle; the
modern mind to an environment
of its own creation. The verdict
seems to be that man must crack
under the strain."
..-Waldemar Kaempffert

Daily Critics .. .
To the Editor:




(Continued from Page 2)
Graduate Student Council meeting
7:30 p.m. Graduate Outing Club Room,
basement of Rackham.
Student Affiliate, American Chemical
Society, will meet at 7 p.m., 1300 Chem-
ical Building. Movies of the Bikini
atomic bomb, test will be shown. Old
members as well as prospective mem-
bers are urged to attend.
International Relations Club. Meet-
ing, 7:30 p.m., Room 3-K, Michigan
Meeting of all Graduate Students in-
terested in the formation of a graduate
religious and social club, Lane Hall,
7:15 p.m.
World Holiday, an informal sharing
of summer work, study, travel abroad.
Slides. talks, displays recreation and re-
freshments. Lane Hall, 7:30 p.m. All
students invited.
International Center weekly Tea for
foreign students and American friends,
4-6 p.m.
Beacon Association. Opening meeting,
8 p.m., Michigan League.
The Modern Dance Club will meet
tonight at 7:30 in Barbour Gymnasium.
will the members and all others in-
terested in the club please attend.
Coating Events
Department of Astronomy. Visitors'
Night, Fri., Oct. 10, 7:30 p.m. Dr. Stanley
P. Wyatt. Jr. will speak on "From Here
to Infinity." After the illustrated lec-
ture in 2003 Angell Hall, th wSudents'
Observatory on the fifth flogr will be
open for telescopic ovservation of Ju-
piter and a double star. if the sky is
clear, or for inspection of the telescopes
and planetarium, if the sky is cloudy.
Children are welcome, but must be ac-

Roger williams Guild. "Intramural
Play Time," Fri., Oct. 10. Those who
wish to swim should meet at Guild
House at 7 p.m.; others meet at 8 p.m.
at Guild House. Come with gym shoes
and ID card.
Hillel Social Committee meets Fri.,
Oct. 10, at 4 p.m., Hillel Building Stu-
dent Lounge. All members and interw
ested people are invited to attend.
La tite Causette will meet from 3:30
to 5 p.m. tomorrow in the North Cafe-
teria of the Michigan Union.
Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan underthe
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young ..,....Managing Editor
Cal Samra.........Editorial Director
Zander Hollander ......Feature Editor
Sid Klaus ...... Associate City Editor
Harland Britz........Associate Editor
Donna Hendleman ....Associate' Editor
Ed Whipple............ Sports Editor
John Jenks ... Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewell . .. .Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler ....... Women's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor
Business Sta ff
Al Green ........... Business Manager
Milt Goet.......Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston ... Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehnberg .....Finance Manager
Tom Treeger . ....Circulation Manager







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