AGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1952 PAGE FOUR WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1952 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ I N I Mims The German Debt to Israel MATTER OF FACT By STEWART ALSOP Nothing Exceeds Like Excess LAST MONTH West Germany signed a pact with Israel agreeing to pay $822,- 000,000 in goods and services to compensate for the hideous crimes perpetrated against the Jewish people at the hands of the Nazis. Now firm oppositin influenced by Arab and anti-Jewish protest, has been voic- ed to renege on Germany's promise to meet its debt. Heading the anti-repatriation move- ment is Josef Trischler, a former Nazi collaborationist, who represented the Ger- man ethnic groups in Yugoslavia and Hungary during the Hitler regime. Tris- chler has been joined in protest by the Arab countries. This movement has resulted in 28 Ger- man deputies in the Bundestag filing a written request with Chancellor Conrad Ade- nauer to re-examine the restitution pact. There are two chief arguments against the Israeli reparations fund. The first argument is that Israel's de- mand for compensation is questionable since the new state was established after the Ger- man persecution. To the contrary, although Israel was not formally recognized until 1948, it was looked upon during World War II as the unofficial home of persecuted Jews. Secondly, opponents of the reparation maintain that Israel is asking for money to aid half a million Jewish refugees while ig- noring the 800,000 Arabs left homeless by the Arab-Israeli war. The Arab refugee prob- lem, however, is an entirely separate issue and bears no relation to the reparations fund owed to Israel by the Germans. Germany owes a debt, not only to the Jews who were fortunate enough to es- cape with their lives, but also to the Jewish people as a whole for the six million Hitler slaughtered in the ovens and gas cham- bers and the untold amount of Jewish pro- perty destroyed and confiscated. It is to be hoped that Germany will over- look the protests of the Arabs and Trisch- ler's cohorts and carry through the pledge to pay its moral obligation to the Jewish people. P KMAKY " tpc -Helene Simon i Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writer only. This must be noted in all reprints. NIGHT EDITOR: ERIC VETTER Little Club THIS FRIDAY will mark the opening of the Little Club, one of the better fac- similies of a night club in this vicinity. The Little Club, for the past two years, has successfully provided students with a place to spend their Friday evenings. Dancing and an informal, candle-lit at- mosphere are two of the factors which have made the Club so popular. This year has seen the Little Club trans- ferred from the League to the Union, which is now sponsoring it. The move is expected to be a decided improvement, since, in the past there was often trouble accommodating everybody, and the room available in the Union is considerably larger. As a very enjoyable place to spend an evening, the Little Club is to be highly re- commended. -Eleanor Rosenthal Hearst Agam WE WANDERED into one of" the local cinemas the other evening, and after sitting through a rather tedious feature, we were anxiously awaiting the showing of the "News of the Week in Review." Instead, we found ourselves watching a pictorial survey on the life of General Dwight D. Eisenhower, candidate for presi- dent of the United States. The audience was politely informed that this film was being presented in the nature of a public service, and so quite naturally, was eager to identify its benevolent bene- factor. After yawning through ten minutes of simpering superlatives, and Hollywood stere- otypes of the dashing candidate, the source of our uninterrupted boredom was finally located. Tucked away in the lower corner of the screen was the emblem of the Hearst syn- dicate. When the curtain finally came down, this guardian of the public conscience also promised an installment on the Steven- son story in the near future. Perhaps it will be screened before, rather than after, the election. -Mark Reader CIINIEMA PHILADELPHIA-Most Philadelphians be- lieve that Pennsylvania is the key to the national election, and that this city of Philadelphia is the key to Pennsylvania' And there is a good deal to be said for this view. As a matter of simple arithmetic it is difficult to see how Dwight D. Eisenhower can win, unless he takes the thirty-two electoral votes of Pennsylvania, which Thomas E. Dewey carried in 1948. As for this city, the figures tell their own story. Franklin D. Roosevelt used to carry Phila- delphia by majorities in the neighborhood of 200,000 and these majorities gave him the state. Harry S. Truman carried Phila- delphia in 1948 by a measly margin of "7,000-and he lost the state by about 150,000. Thus, Adlai Stevenson can win Pennsyl- vania if he holds Truman's strength in Democratic Pittsburgh, does no worse than Truman elsewhere, and carries this city b something less than a Rooseveltian major- ity. And Stevenson starts here with certain advantages which Truman conspicuously lacked. First, Henry A. Wallace polled some 55,000 votes in Pennsylvania in 1948. All observers agree that the great bulk of these votes will go to Stevenson this time. This reduces the Republican lead in 1948, which Steven- son must overcome to win, to about 100,000 votes, a tiny fraction of the total vote in this big state. Second, this city has a Democratic ad- ministration for the first time in sixty- seven years. As a result of this unprece- dented defeat, the Philadelphia Republi- can machine, which used to control huge chunks of votes, is now in "perfectly hor- rible shape," to quote one Republican leader. City Council President James Fin- negan, Democratic chairman of Phila- delphia, confidently predicts that Steven- son. will carry the city by 100,000 to 150,- 000. Mayor Joseph Clark and able District Attorney Richardson Dillworth are more cautious. But even the Republican lead- ers believe that Stevenson may gain heav- ily on Truman's vote in this city. Third, all observers are agreed that the Negro vote (which makes up almost a quar- ter of the vote in Philadelphia, and is heavy elsewhere in the state) is now more solidly Democratic than ever before. Republican leaders like Gov. John Fine wince visibly when they see pictures of Gen. Eisenhower chatting amicably with southerners like Gov. James Byrne of South Carolina. They be- lieve Eisenhower's strategy of invading the South makes the job of holding key north- ern states like Pennsylvania decidedly more difficult. Fourth, the statewide Republican organ- ization, like the city machine, is in weakened condition. Pennsylvania Republican boss Mason Owlett was forced off the Executive Committee of the Republican National Com- mittee after Eisenhower's nomination, and he and his followers are in a towering rage. There is even talk of a big protest write-in vote for Sen. Robert A. Taft by the Owlett partisans, and some former Taft followers are certainly still sitting on their hands. Adding up all these factors, it might be tempting to conclude that Pennsylvania is in the bag for Stevenson-which would almost certainly give Stevenson the elec- tion. But no one here seems to think that this is necessarily so. The Democratic organization, both city and state, is almost as badly split as its Re- publican counterpart. Meanwhile, Gov. Fine's own personal Republican machine is purring smoothly. Fine has a vast state payroll of 48,000 employees, whom he can hire or fire at will. An innocent question asked by this reporter-whether most of these employees might be expected to vote Republican?-provoked general merriment at the State House in Harrisburg. Everyone, moreover, points out that reg- istration is way up this year, a phenome- non common to many other states. Nor- mally, the Democrats should be encour aged by this rush to get on the registers, since a heavy vote traditionally favors their party. But they have noted that the women seem particularly eager to vote this time, and they ask themselves nervously just what the ladies are up to. On this score the Republicans have no doubts- the women, they say, are eager to kick out the party which "drafted their sons and got us into the Korean war."-,The fact that registration is particularly heavy in Republican districts seems to support this theory. Finally there is the intangible factor of personality-and there is no doubt that Eis- enhower is liked as Dewey never was, while Stevenson, for all his brilliance, remains a somewhat dim figure to many voters. One able political reporter here has the night- mare task of predicting city and state elec- tions on the Sunday before the voting. He has scored an amazing 100 'per cent in the past. This time, his crystal ball is cloudy, "My instinct tells me Stevenson," he says. "But mind you," he adds hastily, "it might be Eisenhower in a walk." This about sums up the best guesses of the best guessers not only here but everywhere, in this peculiarly baffling campaign. mum, L~V __ 1 W(ARTNYIKi '4.- wA r~4 r 1' t .E~. ~ ON THE WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND WITH DREW PEARSON At The Orpheum .. . THE STRANGER IN BETWEEN, with Dirk Bogaard CAST IN THE TRADITION fo "The Bi- cycle Thief" and "The Fallen Idol," a new and relatively unheralded J. Arthur Rank production opens this week at the Orpheum. Although it relies on the "little child shall lead them" story which has almost become a cliche in the European film, it is a very fine melodrama, and can be recom- mended. The plot turns upon a fleeing murderer who is forced by circustances to take with him in his escape a small boy who has wandered on the scene. Because the child has had an unhappy home life, he turns his affection on his "kidnaper." The dog- ged devotion of the child accordingly re- acts upon the killer, each of them finding in the other a love and loyalty he had not known before. Their wild trip across the English and Scottish countryside makes up the greater portion of the film, but it never lapses into a mere "chase" picture. The fidelity of their relationship pitches it a level higher. The almost appaling competence of the English film-makers is evidenced in every department of the production. The structure is so economical that the audience is well into the picture before it is really certain what is going on. The suspense is never the cheap shock stuff like squealing cats or phony shadows. And occasionally, as in the scene where the tormented hero is trying to win some cigarettes on a pinball machine while the child looks on, the touches are worthy of DeSica. Unquestionably, the performances of Dirk Bogaard as the murderer and Jon Whitely as the child, are among the most important elements in the success of the film. They somehow deserve all the astonishing good luck they have in the course of their flight, and the audience's sentiment is fairly en- listed for a pretty good pair. Add one question for future study: don't European children ever cry? -Bill Wiegand SAN FRANCISCO-Judge Homer Bone of the U.S. Court of Appeals was lunching with friends in San Francisco. The question of the Nixon "expense" fund came up. "There's been a lot of sickness in my family," remarked the judge, "and I've had a hard time living on my salary. Perhaps I should take a thousand dollars from the Sante Fe Railroad, another from the American Presidents Line, and another thousand from the Dollar Line. "I suppose, in view of the Nixon precedent," continued Judge Bone, keeping a straight face. "It wouldn't make any difference, would it?" "They'd run you off the bench," snorted stanch Republican Louis Lurie. *w * +*e IMPORTANT QUESTION THERE'S BEEN a lot of discussion over whether Senator Nixon did or did not use his expense fund for personal matters and how he was able to buy two houses at once, one of them requiring $21,000 down payment. However, the really important question is: "Did the million- aires club, who put up the expense money, get value returned through the Senator's vote?" The answer lies in the Senator's voting record and the business interests of his donors. Here are both: Eleven of the Nixon donors are big real-estate men, including such powerful operators as: Fred H. Bixby-whose family owns tremendous areas in Long Beach; President of Alamitos Land Co.; Director Security-First Na- tional Bank; Founders Fire and Marine Insurance; Jotham Bixby Co.; A. M. EMV Bixby Co. Benton Van Nuys-President of the Van Nuys Building Co., Van Nuys Investment Co., La Hacienda Co., First Safe Deposit Co., Direct- or Tojon Co., and Farmers and Merchants National Bank. The real-estate men who donated to Nixon's secret fund were active in trying to obtain the removal of rent controls and blocking Taft public housing for slum clearance in Los Angeles. Here is how their man, Senator Nixon, voted on these questions: June 20, 1951-Nixon voted to cut public housing from 50,000 to 5,000 units. On June 4, 1952 he voted to shorten rent controls by four months, on June 5 he voted for Senator Cain's amendment to give localities the say-so on imposing rent control in critical areas. On June 12 he and Senator Knowland introduced an amendment to the defense bill aimed at sidetracking public housing. .* * - * SECRET DONORS FIFTEEN OF Senator Nixon's secret donors were also oilmen or oil-equipment manufacturers, including some with government contracts: Herbert Hoover, Jr., one of the largest donors, is President of United Geophysical, a director of Union Oil and of Southern California Edison. His company has an important contract with the Navy for exploring and drilling oil in Northern Alaska, re- putedly rich in oil. ^ Others are Earle M. Jorgensen-chairman of the Jorgensen Oil Co., director of the Citizens National Trust Co.; Rodney S. Burkee, president of the Lane-Wells Co., Petro-Tech Service Co., Lane-Wells Canadian Co.; also director of Petroleum Equipment Suppliers Asso- ciation and of Sells Surveys Inc. Earl B. Gilmore, president of the A. F. Gilmore Co., Kerman Cattle Co., director of Technical Crafts Co., and Gilmore and Nolan, Inc.; William B. Hubbard, president Anselma Oil Co., Realitos Oil Co., director of Cherry Rivet Co. Thomas P. Pike, president of Pike Drilling Co., and Casualty In- surance Co.; Frank Seaver, president of Hydril Co., Doheny Stone Drill Co., and Texford Manf. Co.; Leland K. Whittier, vice-president Belridge Oil, Rodeo Land and Water; director Western Oil and Gas Assn.; Farmers and Merchants National Bank. Edward R. Valentine, vice-pres. Fullerton Oil, director California Portland Cement; J. W. Robinson Co.; Security-First National Bank; Arthur Crites, who has both oil and real-estate interests at Bakers- field; R. R. Bush, a Pasadena oilman. Senator Nixon's record in regard to oil follows: On Aug. 21, 1951 he voted for the basing-point bill which the oil companies favored. In September, 1951 he voted against cutting the oil- depletion allowance from 27 per cent to 14 per cent. But his most active work for oil companies was his vigorous, consistent championship of tidelands oil. Nixon even sent copies of tidelands oil literature out under his own frank, despite the fact that he claimed he used the secret expense fund to mail letters and thus save the taxpayers expense. (Copyright, 1952, by the Bell Syndicate) A Eulogy WE REGRET TO announce that the titilating little cartoon which spent a short, but delightful, sojourn on this page is being discontinued by popular demand. Arithmetic , . To the Editor: T HE OPPORTUNITIES for lib- eral education offered by The Daily are often astounding. On the front page of Saturday's issue, we read: "The Students for Stevenson Club had reserved two buses on Thursday, but when they asked for seven additional buses . . Dean Rea said ... 'the club asked for a total of ten buses . . .' " I' had always assumed the treatment of figures of this magnitude to be a relatively simple mathematical procedure, but apparently (pos- sibly it is a Harvard influence) there are two sides even to this question. While on the subject of such trivia, it might be further observed that earlier in the week in the generally commendable coverage given by The Daily to the release of the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, Leroy Waterman was consistently referred to as "Pro- fessor Emeritus of Semantics." The Daily is about the last place we would expect to find anti- semitism, but it does happen that Dr. Waterman's position is actu- ally Professor Emeritus of Semi- tics-which is more than a seman- tic difference, although it does not in the least diminish the respect due this distinguished scholar's contributions.' -Ed Voss s 9 * Sororities .. . To the Editor: DONNA HENDLEMAN and Ann Lewis in their opposition to the new fall rushing system have put hte emphasis where it rightly be- longs-on the individual. The hurt and disappointment that being re- jected by a sorority (or any other group) brings with it can be very harmful to the individual con- cerned. The new rushing sched- ule compounds this evil: first, be- cause a very possible defeat and the resulting feeling of "unwanted- ness" mar the very outset of a freshman's college career (before, as Miss Lewis makes very clear, the rejected coeds have had a chance to get their bearings and to make friends, who would "help them mend their damaged pride"); second, because the greater turn- out for rushing means inevitably that more people get hurt. (The only way an apologist for the change could turn this last into a point in favor of the new system would be to claim that "misery loves company.") My four years of living in the dorm convinced me that Mary Ann Alexander's statement ("With rushing placed in the fall, all ten- sion is now over with") is more naive optimism or a pious hope than an accurate description of what really happens. The stinging disappointment and discourage- ment of being turned down by one's contemporaries cannot be easily or rapidly forgotten in a vacuum, much less in a situation which brings constant reminders of one's failure. No, Miss Alexan- der, the self cross-examinations of "Why don't they like me?" and "What's wrong with me?" go on tettePJ TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. for much, much longer than you suppose. To balance or cancel these grave drawbacks in the new schedule, I see no advantage that accrues to the individual girl from it. She certainly is not able to make any kind of a comparative evaluation of dorm and sorority life "simul- taneously," as Mary Jane Mills hopes, in her first, second and third weeks of college life. She can hardly find much consolation in having made a wide circle of friends (if, indeed, this is human- ly possible in the "rush" of rush- ing), for, if she has been rejected, she will most likely have rather negative feelings toward sorority women for some time, or if she is unusually understanding and for- giving, she might well wonder which of the sorority women she met is receptive to continued friendship with her. Let's hope for an honest re- examination of the rushing sched- ule on the part of Pan-Hel. Maybe a fewrepresentatives from the Psychology and Mental Hygiene departments sitting in on Pan-Hel discussions of this problem would help to keep the discussion fo- cused on what would be best for the individual girls. Connie Belin Grad 'Let's Wake Up'... To the Editor: THIS IS my first semester on the Michigan campus and I must admit that I am somewhat sur- prised by the degree of political apathy on the campus. Campus meetings and discussions, specifi- cally on the recent presidential election, are attended by a signif- icant minority of the students. And only recently when General Eisen- hower spoke at Jackson, only a handful of students troubled themselves to make this trip, des- pite the fact that transportation was already provided. It is the simplest thing in the world for a student attending col- lege to escape in his little "ivory Tower" and let the rest of the world go to blazes. Unfortunately, this seems to be the attitude of a large number of students here. College life can represent the most limiting as well as the most broad- ening period of one's life and the activities participated in is a good indicator of how one intends to spend or waste his time in the fu- ture. This political campaign is one that directly concerns us all. Many of us will be voting for the first time. Let's begin to take a more active part in it by attending meetings and learning more about the principles that both parties adhere to, as well as the campaign promises of the leaders, so that we won't be gullible enough to accept the black and white descriptions of either party. Citizenship involves certain responsibilities. These re- sponsibilities are further accentu- ated by the critical situation of to- day. Let's tear off these ivy vines of political apathy and begin to critically evaulate the presidential aspirants. Let's wake up. Sanford Jay Schreber r f r DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN, European Confederation By JOSEPH DYNAN AP News Analyst STRASBOURG, France-OP)-Continental statesmen have stepped on the gas in a drive they hope will bring them to con- federation of Western Europe within a year. This surge began with the adoption Sept. 10 of the "Luxembourg Resolution" for confederation by the foreign ministers of France, West Germany, Italy, Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg, al- ready partners in the Schuman Coal- Steel Community. The enthusiasm of the foreign ministers drew prompt support from members of the Schuman Assembly, a legislative arm of the Coal-Steel Community. The Assemblymen voted Sept. 13 to produce a treaty draft for a "European political authority" or con- federation by next March 10. Later the subject came before the Coun- cil of Europe's Assembly in Strasbourg. Re- presentatives of 14 nations, including the Schuman Plan group, sit in this parliament- type organization. In adopting the British-backed Eden plan for knitting supranational communities to the Council of Europe, the representatives said the confederation should be closely foreign relations for France, West Germ- any and Italy. West Germany and Italy face national elections in 1953 which might unseat Ade- nauer and De Gasperi. In France, Schuman may go any day. The ministers at Luxembourg decided to go ahead with the confederation now, bas- ing it on the Schuman Plan machinery in- stead of waiting for the European Defense Community Treaty of the same six nations to be ratified. They fixed the March 10 deadline for the charter and asked the Schuman Plan Assembly to take the job. The British urged coordination of Eu- ropean unity efforts within the Council of Europe, to which they belong. Ardent federalists regarded the British and Scandinavians as dead-weight which would wreck continental unification. With an eye on West Germany, the French, led by Socialist Guy Mollet and Pierre-Henri Teitgen, national chairman of Schuman's own Popular Republican party MRP, fought successfully for the Eden- Plan. Mollet, whose party can make or break almost any French government, declared French Socialists want supranational in- lContinued from Page 2) Inter-Guild Council meeting, Lane Hall, 5:00 p.m. U. of M. Aviation Club's first meeting will be held from 7:30 to 8:15 p.m. in Room3-S, Michigan Union. All those in- terested in learning to fly, obtaining licenses at reduced rates, and old mem- bers of the U. of M. Glider and Flying Clubs are invited. Coming Events English Department Student-Faculty Coffee Hour will be held in the Union, Thurs., Oct. 9, 4:00-5:30 p.m. All stu- dents are invited. Pre-Medical Society. First meeting of the semester will be held Thurs., Oct. 9, 7:30 p.m. in Angeli Hall Auditorium D. Dr. Wayne L. Whitaker, secretary of the Medical School, will speak. Literary College Conference. Import- ant Steering Committee meeting, Thursday, 4 p.m., 1011 Angell Hall. Square Dance Section, Faculty Wom- en's Club, will begin its year's activi- ties with an October dance to be held Sat., Oct. 11, in the gymnasium of the new Tappan Junior High School. Mr. Newt Loken will be the caller. A 7:30 dessert and coffee hour will precede the dance. Graduate Student Council meeting Thurs., Oct. 9, 7:30 p.m. Graduate Out- ing Club Room, basement of Rackham. Ukrainian Students Club. Meeting on Thurs., Oct. 9, 7 p.m. International Cen- ter. Election of officers. Students of Ukrainian descent are invited to join the club. Guests are welcome. International Relations Club. Meet- ing Thurs., Oct. 9, 7:30 p.m., Room 3-K, Michigan Union. Michigan sailing Club will hold its meeting Thurs., Oct. 9, 7:30 p.m.; 311 1300 Chemical Building. Movies of the Bikini atomic bomb test will be shown. Old members as well as prospective members are urged to attend. Beacon Association. Opening meeting, 8 p.m., Thurs., Oct. 9, Michigan League. La Sociedad Hispanica will hold its first meeting of the year Thurs., Oct. 9, in the Michigan Room of the League at 7:30 p.m. A program consisting of Span- ish songs, dancing, refreshments, and a talk with films on Mexico will be pre- sented. Sixty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Stu dent Publications. Editorial Staff Crawford Young ...Managing Editor Cal Samra.........Editorial Director Zander Hollander ......Feature Editor Sid Klaus.......Associate City Editor Harland Brits.........Associate Editor Donna Hendleman ....Associate Editor Ed Whipple ..............8ports Editor John Jenks ... Associate Sports Editor Dick Sewell . ..Associate Sports Editor Lorraine Butler ....... Women's Editor Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor Business Staff Al Green ............Business Manager Milt Goets.......Advertising Manager Diane Johnston ...Assoc. Business Mgr. Judy Loehnberg .....Finance Manager Tom Treeger ...Circulation Manager ..