4 GERMAN DEBT See Page 4 Y fr Latest Deadline in the State ~Iaii4 FAIR AND WARMER VOL. LXIII, No. 14 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1952 SIX PAGES 4 '1 =i y } "/ iC Yanks in SerieS ReAttack REDC In 7th Gam,4-=2 ~ei Mantle, Kuzava Shine As New York Called Biggest Defeats Dodgers for 15th Crown Assault of Year BROOKLYN-(A)-Young Mickey Mantle, capably filling the shoes SEOULr-()-Chinese Red in- of the great Joe DiMaggio, and stout-hearted Bob Kuzava led Casey fantry assaults, pounding in "hu- Stengel's New York Yankees to a record-tying fourth straight World man sea" waves for the second Championship yesterday in a 4-2 seventh game triumph over the stub- straight night, breached Allied hill born Brooklyn Dodgers. defenses guarding Chorwon on the Lefty Kuzava blazed his fast ball down the groove in a 2/3 innings Korean Western Front early to- relief job to make the lead stand up. day. * * * * Seven outlying hill positions IT WAS MANTLE who gave the Yankees their victory margin. He along the 100 miles of blazing homered in the sixth to break a 2 to 2 tie and send the New Yorkers battle line fell at the first on- ahead for the third time in the up slaught by 15,000 Chinese in the kI and down game. In the seventh he biggest Red attacks in more than I Ascored Gil McDougald from second a year, according to reports at with a sizzling single over Peewee Eighth Army Headquarters. Reese's head. oWReese heGed.g u hALLIED infantrymen counter- 'Proletariat R'sWhen fGene oodhehfl ing clutched atce n nefr't elo Reese's fly for the final out this attacked in an effort to seal o 4 chilly, sunny afternoon, the en- the Chinese penetration into Allied " tire Yank club descended on positions on White Horse Moun- d D ctatorsh pKuzava, whooping an dleaping ta. This height, northwest of D ~et tor hip wit th jo of en ho ud-Chorwon, is one of two command- denly found themselves some ing the approaches to the main By The Associated Press $6,000 richer. road to Seoul. Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower It was Kuzava who applied the The Reds directed the main said yesterday "we must keep the final, killing blow to Brooklyn's weight of their limited offensive long nose of government out of dreams of its first World Series at White Horse and nearby Ar- private business." win with his brilliant job after rowhead Ridges, which anchor Speaking before a packed house Eddie Lopat and the dead tired the Chorwon pivot of the main of 5,500 people in the Portland Allie Reynolds and Vic Raschi had Allied lines. Tanks and roaring Ore. Civic Auditorium, Eisenhower given their all. artillery barrages supported the called for a decentralization of * * *surging Reds. control over business and the eco- IN THOSE brief moments he surgig Res. nomic life of the country. wrung the neck of the Dodgers western edge of the old Commun-h " * * with a gritty job of clutch pitch- istIrn Tige oe 20 Cmile HE SAID it is a Communist idea ing.ist Iron Triangle, some 20 miles that a highly centralized govern- Thus the Brooks, never a Ser- north of the 38th Parallel. POLITIKING-Presidential cand ment alone can handle the eco- ies winner, failed for the sixth the Pease Auditorium. At the far rig nomic functions of a nation. time and the Yanks rode to their ALLIED planes throughout the candidate John P. Dawson of "They call it a dictatorship of 15th championship in 19 tries. It battle were stacked up waiting the proletariat," the GOP presi- was the American League's sixth their turn to blast the enemy in dential candidate told his audi- straight Series win, a record top- the west. 5e ene.Hundreds of dead Chinese lit- C rotv s ai ence. ping the old high run of the HundrefiedC- "But to most Americans, a dic- 1935-39 era. tered the battlefields. tatorship is a dictatorship no mat- Stengel's feat of winning four Preliminary estimates placed .t ter what four-dollar word you put in a row shot him into the record Red losses at 1,300 dead on White By HELENE SIMON behind it." books with Joe McCarthy who led Horse and neighboring Arrowhead Students, faculty and townspeo- At a later speech in Eugene, the Yanks past the National Lea- Ridge, and hundreds more else- ple crowded into almost every inch Ore., Eisenhower recalled that it guers in 1936, 1937, 1938 and 1939 where along the front. Allied cas- of available .space in the gleaming was here that President Truman Nobody else ever did it. ualties were not given. Angell Hall Auditorium. to hear referred to Joseph Stalin as "good * * * Throughout the night fighting, Prof. Preston Slosson of the' his- old Joe." MANTLE, a 20-year-old Okla- Allied flare planes circled the bat- tory department and George Sal- He also told an audience, homa lad playing his second year tlefront, lighting up the area with lade battle the question of foreign estimated at 6,000 byMayor Ed See YANKS, Page 3 an eerie glow. ' policy over the debate tble last win Johnson, that: "I testified Fighting at times closed to night. that I hoped for the best but hand-to-hand range with Allied Prof. Slosson upheld the affir- that we should be prepared for B eria a ks troops battling off the enemy with mative side against city council the worst." Eisenhower was re- rifle butts and even fists. . member Sallade of the question ferring to his 1945 statement Communist artillery fire thund- that "nothing so motivates Rus- ered along the entire front. It sian policy as a desire for V reached a crescendo when moreTucker Recital friendship with the United than 11,000 rounds fell on a single States."MM Allied division west of Chorwon, Be Gie n Meanwhile, Sen. Robert A. Taft MOSCOW - (A) - The United which is 45 miles north of Seoul. 0 Te iven last night climaxed a day-long Il- States came in for another round The Chinese-many wearing gas , linois campaign swing by describ- of thundering denunciation at the masks-were supported by Rus- T ni ht 11111 ing President Truman as a man 19th Commust party Congress sian built tanks, rockets and the whose "whole standard of norali- yeserday thunderous artillery barrages.- _ ty is pretty low ,Laventry P. Beria declared American born, and completely The Ohio senator hit at Truman American "imperialists" are «American trained, Richard Tucker in his major speech of the day- drunk with the idea of establish- S ac who will appear in recital at 3:30 a. review ofwhat he called "the ing their own world domination tonight in Hill Auditorium, is con- low standard of public morality in through another world war.-B a t ay sidered by many to be the greatest Washington." Beria is a Politburo member and Bd tenor singing in the world today. In an address prepared for de- deputy premier and boss of the Making his first public appear- livery at Zion, Ill., some 45 miles "Americanimperialists redho have County1C5urt ance with a local choir at the age north of Chicago, Taft said grown fat in two world wars, drunk .of six, his boy soprano voice be- thaMr. Truman himself has said with the idea of establishing their LANSING - (P) - The Wayne came a glorious tenor. Encouraged that he knows of no messt nWash- own world domination, are again County Probate Court "and one by his wife, he began to devote ington. Such a statement only pushing the people into a world judge in particular" were charged himself seriously to a music ca- shows that his whole standard of war although there is no doubt with "grave and repeated viola- reer and in 1945 became the sen- morality is pretty low and -is n that in unleashing the war they tions" of ethical standards yes- sation of the season singing the line with his condonint of the re- are only speeding their downfall terday by the State Supreme leading role of Enzo in "La Gio. velations so frequently brought to and their death." Court. onda" his attention." And in Berlin yesterday Com- Without naming names, the Since his debut, Tucker has ap- munist East Germany showed high cort released a report on an peared at the Metropolitan, in IB u p rs a sample of its potential armed investigation of the probate bench coast to coast concert tours and might for a beaming Russian, Sov- which condemned the probate in Italy where he won enthusiastic T _ Q " iet President Nikolai M. Shvernik. judges for "nepotism, patronage acclaim. Fri.muad Radio In cold, drizzly weather, a quar- and undue favoritism" in appoint- Tucker's concert for tonight will ter of a million men, women and ments of guardians and appraisers include "Wherever You Walk" youngsters marched past Shyer- of estates, from "Semele" and''"Sound an Al- The newly formed Inter House nik with fists clenched in the air "We find," said the two justice arm" from "Judas Maccabaeus," Council in its meeting last niight and shouting the praises of Red committee report, "that certain both by Handel, "Nina" by Per- approved a new Tri-Quad Radio Russia. cudges and one judge in particular golesi, "Danza, Danza, Fanciulla Network to join the three exist- Scattered through the legions have in many instances failed in Gintile" by Durante, "II Mio Te- ing three radio stations under a were units of the new Soviet zone their judicial obligations in mak- soro" from "Don Giovanni" by Mo- common network board. armed forces, including an air ing their appointments in breach zart and "Elucevan le Stelle" from Official support was also pledg- corps. of the canons of judicial ethics." "Tosca" by Puccini. ed by IHC to the "Cornell Week- end," along with IFC, Pan Hel, the P Union, Assembly, and the League. PROPAGANDA METHODS CITED: South Quad president Charles; Weber, '53, Kelsey House, an- nounced that all quadrangle em- ployAsAttempts at Coope ratio plyswould receive a five cent NAhul aepy as fetv Oct. 1, with an additional raise being made on the basis of em- (Editor's Note: This is the first in a vited all of its disaffiliated mem- CORRESPONDENCE relative to ployes special merit, series of articles dealing with the Na- idalofisdafiatdm - CRES NECEeaivt pc -a-ttional Student Association. Today's bers and other non-members to at- thet "unity" meeting was also slow story covers the international work tend such a conference in 1952. in arriving, and details of the con- Stevenson Club carried on by NSA.) ference were not revealed. In July, Meeting in December, 1951, the NSA received a telegram say- To Hear Rawson By HARRY LUNNStudent the NSA National Executive ing that the meeting would be held Efforts of the National Studen Committee voted to accept the from Sept. 1 to 3 in Bucharest. Prof. John P. Dawson of the Law Association to find areas of co- invitation, but decided to also Subsequently it was learned that School, Democratic Congressional operation with the International write the IUS and suggest areas Yugoslavia would not be invited candidate from the second dis- Union of Students during the past of cooperation which might be to send representatives. trict, will address the Students for year have been frustrated by the easily and quickly developed. Feeling that all student Pnvnn r'1i a S-nf nm tAv propaganda motives of the Com- ___ig ,a , s. . ,LEA UP I'S PRO DLL DETROIT TALK « s : * * , Ypsilanti Address, Attended b ,0 By DIANE DECKER Climaxing a day-long State tour yesterday, Governor Adlai Stev- enson promised a Detroit audience a "ruthless dismissal" of all dis- loyal government servants if he is elected. He said he would act with "full respect for our system of justice, and for the constitutional bill of rights" in such cases. Stevenson de- clared that the U. S. was built on unpopular ideas of unorthodox opinions. "My definition of 'a free society is a society where it is safe to be unpopular," he asserted. The address was broadcast and televised. -Daily-Don Campbell idate Gov. Adlai Stevenson addresses a crowd of 5,000 at Ypsilanti's ;ht is Gov. G. Mennen Williams. He is seated next to local Democratic the University Law School. t Slosson-Sallade Debate "Resolved that the foreign policy of the last seven years has worked to the benefit of the American people." # * . THE FIVE great achievements of the last seven years, the time of the Truman Administration, Prof. Slosson said, are the United Nations charter, the Truman Doc- trine, the Marshall Plan, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the Korean War. These five major steps have beenbetter for the United States and the world: "better than if they were not taken at all and better than any alternatives of- fered by the opposition at the time," Prof. Slosson contended. Contradicting the history pro- fessor, Sallade maintained that the Vincent Price To Take Over Lau hton Role Vincent Price will replace Char- les Laughton in the Drama. Quar- tette's prerentation of "Don Juan in Hell" in the University Oratori- cal Association lecture series. Oratorical Association officials in announcing the replacement yesterday, said that Laughton was tied up with motion picture com- mittments. Price was chosen by Laughton to appear as the devil in the George Bernard Shaw production here Nov. 5. He left a leading role in Chris- topher Fry's "The Lady's Not For Burning" to make the tour with the drama group this fall. The other members of the Quar- tette are Charles Boyer, Cedric Hardwicke and Agnes Moorehead. ISED Truman administration's foreign policy judged on the criteria of peace, sound prosperity and secur- ity must be pronounced a complete flop. * * *. GOING EVEN farther Sallade declared "any administration that can't carry out foreign policy with- out resorting to war is a failure." In answer to his opponents ac- cusation, Prof. Slosson pointed out that this country's foreign policy must be shaped to meet the foreign policy of Russia. "It takes two to make peace, but only one to make war," the Dem- ocratic debater said. The remarks of both men were constantly punctuated by applause by the audience which appeared to be split evenly, as to party pref - erence. Although Sallade agreed' with Prof. Slosson on the major achieve- ments of the past seven years, he said they were made necessary by the bungling of the Truman ad- ministration. Princeton Edit SupportsIke In a front page editorial The Daily Princetonian this week urged full support for Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, the Republican nominee for President. At the sanie time The Harvard Crimson announced editorial sup- port for Gov. Adlai E. Stevenson, the Democratic candidate. In supporting Eisenhower the Princetonian carried forward a precedent established in 1940 when the traditionally Democratic pa- per first began supporting Repub- lican candidates. * * -* EARLIER in the day, the Demo- cratic presidential candidate spoke to a crowd of more than 5,000 peo- ple at Michigan State Normal Col- lege in Ypsilanti..Included in the audience were approximately 700 University students who traveled to the neighboring city by a Stu- dents for Stevenson-sponsored mo- torcade and by private cars. Standing on the steps of Pease Auditorium, Gov. Stevenson em- phasized that the federal gov- ernment should neither dictate nor control educational policy. However, he felt "American edu-; cation is suffering from public indifference and called for high- er teachers' salaries." The candidate pointed to his ac- complishments in Illinois, where hei said le had increased salaries and strengthened the educational sys-1 tem without raising taxes. * * * STEVENSON'S Ypsilanti ap- pearance was the second step in a one-day campaign drive into Mich-, igan's industrial belt. From there, he moved in on Detroit by way of Willow Village, Wayne, Wyandotte, Ecorse and River Rouge. Then, speaking at a rally prior to his major address in the motor city, the governor questioned'. whether Gen. Dwight Eisenhow- er is seriously interested in root- ing the Reds out of government -or only in "scaring the Ameri- can people to get votes." The Republican candidate was a target for a continuous, stepped up attack which began shortly aft- er noon at the first stop of the day, Saginaw. There Stevenson accused the general of "giving comfort to the Soviets by calling American prosperity a war prosperity. "This is the kind of talk expected from irresponsibles and isolationists," he charged. * * *. HOWEVER, it was at Ypsilanti that the onslaught got into full swing. He said "the general of the Army has accepted Old Guard Re- publicanism lock, stock and bar- rel" and maintained "Eisenhower has given the Old Guard first, sec- ond and third mortgages on every principle he once had." Wisconsin's controversial Sen- ator McCarthy came in for his share of abuse, too. In Detroit, Stevenson asserted, "For all his bragging and fear mongering the junior senator has yet to pro- duce evidence leading to the con- viction of a single Communist agent." See STEVENSON, Page 2 Lewis Blasts Taft inSpeech CINCINNATI-- (P) - John L. Lewis thundered disapproval of Sen. Robert A. Taft (R-Ohio) yes- terday and said he couldn't see how anyone could vote for a man "whom Taft may lead around by the collar." The nearly 3,000 delegates at- tending the opening session of the 41st union convention of the Unit- ed Mine Workers took this as an expression from the veteran un- ion leader against Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, the Republican presi- dential nominee whom Taft is supporting. S, To I SO.L iRM * * * Adli's Tour Draws Young. Following By ALICE BOGDONOFF Special to The Daily WITH STEVENSON CARAVAN -Youth turned out yesterday to add an exuberant but non-voting voice to Gov. Adlai Stevenson's Washtenaw County campaign. Politically-minded Ypsilanti school children, in' high spirits over their afternoon holiday, scrambled up trees and crowded the Pease Auditorium steps to get a good look at their first PresidenJ tial candidate. ** * BUT THE CHiLDREN were not of one political mind. While some sported paper Stevenson hats, oth- ers heckled the Governor with "I Like Ike" chants at the beginning of his speech. Stevenson silenced the children with the traditional "So do I." This bit of youthful politick- ing was characteristic of the day. Earlier in Saginaw, Steven son ran into the Eisenhower di- lema when he was greeted by another group of Ike-buttoned school children. Stevenson countered this oppo- sition with, "It doesn't make any difference whether they are Ike or Adlai buttons since what we are struggling for is the right to dis- agree." BUT THE over 21 crowd had something to say for itself, too. University students, 700 strong, were predominantly Ste- venson supporters. Loading buses and cars, they flocked to the speech armed with huge Ste- venson placards. The few Ike supporters remained silent ahd the one business administration student wearing a Wilkie button had no comment. Forced to decide between their tutorial duties and their Steven- son allegiance, several professors gave their classes bolts and at- tended the rally. One professor played a dom- inant role. In addition to in- troducing Gov. Stevenson, Con- gressional candidate Prof. John P. Dawson~ of the Law School inter- jected a non-political note when he told the waiting crowd: "I have Sad news for you.. The Yankees are winning 3-2." Triangles Tap Eight Engineers From 'neath the heels of dusty feet, Within the vitals of the Arch, The great bronze seal called loyal men In dead of night to march. So came the men of Triangles. Once 'more beneath the pointed spires New faces toiled with fear; The seal of Triangles again shone hright n )n Stalled by ISU 3 combating IUS. However, they did not definitely decide to form a closely knit organization for this purpose. *k * * ON THE CAMPUS, regional and national levels international pro- grams form an integral part of student work. The Student Legislature here, for example, recently sponsored a ,,i b nn %hrn I part of the Student Mutual As- sistance Program. An example of one of the ex- changes is the project developed by the Student Council at Harvard University. Seven German stu- dents received one year complete scholarships from Harvard, and lodging and travel arrangements were made in connection with oth- er organizations. -i w