____________________________________________________________________________________________________ U ____________________________________________________
Federal FEPC Law
Democratic View .. .
ALTHOUGH THE usually Democratic solid
X South shows signs of crumbling, presi-
dential aspirant Gov. Adlai E. Stevenson has
not hesitated to weaken his chances still
further by positively endorsing FEPC at
the federal level.
In a courageous move Stevenson let the
South and the rest of the nation know that
he believes legislation insuring civil rights
throughout the nation is a political must. If
the separate states refuse to take steps to
protect the constitutional liberties of their
citizens, he has said, then it is the duty of
the federal government to do so.
There have been attempts in the past to
pass federal legislation which have come
close to a fair employment practices bill.
However, thanks to filibustering senators,
who demand their right and privilege to un-
limited speech while refusing the right and
privilege of fair employment to others, no
effective FEPC bill has ever come out of
A federal fair employment practices
law would be a natural complement to the
Constitution which declares that all men
are equal before the law. To prevent a
person from earning a livelihood by dis-
criminating against his color, religion or
natural origin is a flagrant violation of
this principle.
It is obvious that Congress must take over
the responsibility of helping to eradicate
racial segregation which is not only a gross
contradiction of this country's basic con-
cepts, but also an easy target for Soviet
The Soviet Union has passed a major
portion of its "hate America" campaign on
this country's humiliating Jim Crow laws.
Asiatic people not yet completely in the
hands of the Communists treat us with
suspicion because we preach equality while
practicing discrimination.
The federal government could well ignore
the question of FEPC if the majority of
states had taken steps to guarantee fair
employment practices. But this, unfortun-
ately, is not the case. Up to now only eight
states-New York, New Jersey, Massachu-
setts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Washing-
ton,, Oregon and New Mexico-have passed
FEPC legislation. Since the remaining 40
states have not met their responsibility to
rectify the injustice of employment discrim-
ination, the job becomes the responsibility
of the federal government.
--Helene Simon
Republican Stand ...
IN ITS PLATFORM of July 11 the Repub-
lican Party stated clearly the nature of
its case on Fair Employment Practices. In
that platform the Republicans promised "not
to mislead, exploit or attempt to confuse
minority groups for political purposes"
This statement of policy stands in direct
opposition to the actions and public state-
ments of left-wing Democratic leaders who,
seeking to solidify their hold on minority
group votes, have created unrest through
accusations and promises which have ex-
ploited tension to their own political ad-
The July platform further maintained
that "all Americans are entitled to full,
impartial enforcement of federal laws re-
lating, to their Civil rights." And most
important, it reaffirmed that "it is the
primary responsibility of each state to
order and control its own domestic insti-
With the question of growing federal pow-'
er a major issue in the. coming election, the
Republican party in this instance has come
forward with direct support for the rights
of states to regulate their own affairs. Op-
posed to the creation of a gigantic new bu-
reaucracy which might exercise only weak
and ineffectual control over a FEPC, the
GOP holds the individual states must as-
sume the responsibility for creating effective
legislation tailored to cope with the prob-
lems of their own states.
Such state legislation would recognize
and consider exceptions where Federal
legislation treating the problem without
examining its regional peculiarities would
have little chance of success.
Secondly it is the belief of the Republican
party that such legislation must be conceiv-
ed on a long range basis and must include a
positive program of social education design-
ed to break down the natural barriers now
existing between race, religion and creed.
The Republican program for FEPC offers
a sane, realistic approach to the problem
of discrimination in employment. It em-
phasizes the importance of education in
addition to mere legislation. It takes into
account the problems of social adjustment
and advocates a long range program span-
ning several generations. And finally it is
a policy which refuses to lend itself to
cheap politicking and idle promises, but
which looks forward to positive action by
the separate states.
-Gene Hartwig
Rushing -1866
ARGUMENTS OVER the merits and de-
merits of the fraternity and sorority
system on campus are nothing new. Nearly
a hundr.ed years ago, two rival annuals, the
Palladium and the Castalian (both fore-
runners of the 'Ensian) took their respec-
tive pro-fraternity and anti-fraternity views
remarkably strenuously. While the Palla-
dium remained consistently silent, the
staunchly independent Castalian came out
against the "Secret Society" (fraternity)
system in nearly every issue. In 1866 it
published these words of advice:
"For benefit of those who intend to
enter the University we suggest the fol-
lowing questions to be asked at such
times as they are 'rushed' by Secret So-
1. Can you give me what cannot possibly
be obtained from without?
2.Do not 'Secret Societies' create unnat-
ural distinctions in college?
3. Does not clan-ship follow them?
4. Do they not create artificial friend-
5. Can you assure me that your Society
will remain as it is now until we graduate?
6. Do you feel bound to speak of your fel-
low members more highly than they merit,
and criticise others more severely than they
deserve? If not why do you do so?
7. Are not the temptations for dissipation
greater within than without?
8. Is not the active and honorable strife,
which ought to exist between Literary So-
cieties, transferred to you?
9. In general terms, is not Indepenoncy
more manly than Secrecy?"
Stripped of some of its too-conscious
morality and 19th century verbiage, the
Castalian's questionnaire reflects the es-
sence of current independent-affiliate dis-
Bu it is encouraging to note that in the
more-than a century existence of the Greek-
letter institutions, fraternities and sororities
have become assimilated into the University
system with much less bitterness than ear-
lier rifts foretold. In 1866, as the mere pre-
sence of the rival annuals indicates, to wear
or not to wear a fraternity or sorority pin
was to almost determine the student's life
pattern on campus. About the best thing
that can be said for the fraternity-campus
relationship today is that any alliance with
either the independent or Greek factions
does not necessitate a stifling alignment-
except among the unreasonable, it makes
little essential difference.
-Virginia Voss
Things Haven't
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Four years ago at this
time, Alexander G. Ruthven, then president
of the University, lashed out forcefully at the
mounting wide-spread hysteria of 1943 in a
dramatic speech before the University Press
Club. The Daily's coverage of the speech, which
stirred the campus, is reprinted below.)
OCT. 1, 1948
[N A FIGHTING speech last night, Presi-
dent Alexander G. Ruthven lashed out
at current trends which ". anyone
who questions the status quo under sus-
Blasting pressure groups and special in-
terests, he said they have created an at-
mosphere of fear which interferes with the
work of schools.
He told some 150 newsmen attending a,
University Press Club dinner that the schools
and the press should combine to battle the
three enemies of freedom, ignorance, self-
ishness and superstition.
The speech was strongly reminiscent of his
famed article "The Little Red School House"
debunking charges that Communists overrun
colleges, which was a standard reading in
freshman English texts for many years.
In ringing tones President Ruthven de-
nounced "self-made Pharisees who have
perverted instruction by the insidious me-
thod of calling black white, and white
black, and accusing by innuendo and false
He said in schools and colleges today in-
structors are afraid to express their con-
victions. He charged that many educational
institutions must get permission of pres-
sure groups before announcing new policies.
Newsmen at the dinner listened intently
as President Ruthven came out swinging
against what he called "condemnation by
He upheld schools as a bulwark of dem-
ocracy and supported the work of col-
lege teachers in guiding youth in the ways
of right thinking.
"Communism is not the only threat to ar
liberal education," he said.I
Time and again President Ruthven re-
peated the theme that teachers can be trust-
ed. He fears the present situation is dis-
couraging instructors and students from go-
ing on in the educational field.
Earlier Ruthven said the field of adult
education is still neglected. He also ex-
pressed alarm at the decline of research
work being done in state-supported in-
The University's president also said that
colleges must continue to prepare themselves
"Truman Just Gave A Little Back-Platform Talk"
r ~~- x
WASHINGTON-The Joint Chiefs of Staff have given consideration
to some plan by which they could end the long-drawn-out Korean
stalemate. They fear that if the war drags on for another winter, the
American public will become so apathetic that the Defense Department
will be in an untenable position.
As a solution, Gen. Hoyt Vandenberg, Air Chief of Staff, has
been urging that American ground troops be pulled out of Korea
altogether, and the ground war be turned over to American-trained
South Koreans. The United Nations, he advises, could provide air
support and supply equipment. Vandenberg argues this will leave
the Chinese as the only foreigners in Korea and tend to unite the
Koreans against the Chinese., Now, on the other hand, there is
considerable Korean feeling against Americans.
Vandenberg also believes Korea might be protected through a
public ultimatum by the United Nations that if Chinese aggression is
renewed against South Korea, the Chinese mainland would be attack-
ed by air and the Chinese coast would be blockaded by the Navy.
However, Gen. Omar Bradley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs, does
not agree with Vandenberg. Neither does Gen. Joe Colline, Army
Chief of Staff, or to a lesser degree Adm. W. F, Fechteler. They argue
that ground troops must remain in Korea until prisoners of war are
Thousands of Americans in Communist POW camps, they say.
must not be deserted.
At present, the only obstacle remaining in the truce talks is
the exchange of prisoners and the Chinese seem to have no inten-
tion of settling it. However, General Bradley argues that as long
as the talks continue, there is hope, and he is adamant that Am-
erican boys in prison camps must not be left there.
There has been some discussion inside the Defense Department
over forcing the Communist hand by blockading the Chinese coast.
The Navy is all set to carry out this assignment, but the trouble is
with our United Nations allies. They are dead set against it. Great
Britain is especially adamant on the ground that a blockade might
cause her to lose Hong Kong.
DEFENSE SPEED UP-Henry Fowler, chief of the whole mobiliza-
tion program, wil soon announce that America now has enough
new factories and machine tools to permit a big speed-up in mobiliza-
tion. Fowler will say that because of these new factories we can reach
our defense goal by 1954-the year of greatest danger from the Rus-
Hitherto we weren't expecting to be ready until 1955-one
year after the period of greatest danger.
But Fowler will say that if the Administration and the Congress
are willing to give the green light and spend the money, the United
States will be prepared to meet any Russian threat.
DEWEY AND NIXON - Though Governor Dewey is carefully
staying in the background so Eisenhower won't be tagged a Dewey
man, he keeps in close touch with the General by long-distance tele-
phone. Dewey was so worried over the Nixon furor that he asked
friends across the country to wire their immediate reaction to Nixon's
broadcast. (Dewey was among those who recommended Nixon for
pRAVDA'S BITTER attack on U.S. Ambassador George Kennan is
the beginning of a campaign to force him out of Russia. The
Kremlin knows that Kennan understands Russia all too well. and
wants his brilliant reports to the State Department stopped at any
cost . . . . The Navy's television-guided robot planes aren't the only
guided missiles being tested in Korea. The Army also is experimenting
with a top-secret guided missile under battle conditions, while the Air
Force is training two guided-missile squadrons for Korea after the
first of the year.
The Russians have started building long-range bomber bases
along the ice-bound arctic shore of Northern Siberia. This is just
a short hop across the North Pole from Canada, and within easy
range of Seattle, Detroit and Chicago. The Russians have also
started making daily weather flights across the North Pole.
The Government will pay out more than $20,000,000 in crop in-
surance to farmers who lost crops during the summer drought.
BOB MORRIS, counsel for the McCarran Internal Security Com-
mittee, has been passing stuff to Senator Nixon on Owen Latti-
more and the Institute of Pacific Relations. Nixon is planning a big
speech on Communism and the Truman Administration . . . . Follow-
ing the first deluge of mail on Nixon, the Republican National Com-
mittee is getting a lot of "morning-after" letters. Quite a few letter-
writers were carried away by the first impact of the emotional broad-
cast. But now they want to know exactly where he got the $20,000
down-payment for his house . . . . A survey of Nikon sentiment shows
that the women are a lot stronger for him than the men . . . . Tru-
man is really sore at Ike. He has the father-toward-son complex of
-Li-- i_---J, . - C- ,
Americans on the ground that
they belong to "a group which is
certainly not discriminated against
in this society." This case and
her reasoning in presenting it
seem faulty to me.
Perhaps Miss Bogdonoff would
like to abolish these scholarships;
certainly she would not want to
tell the charitable souls who con-
tribute the money how it should
be used!
Miss Bogdonoff feels "it is only
logical and right" that members
of a specific community make it
possible for "needy members" of
that community to pursue their
education. I fail to see how this
idea can be reconciled with the
one that it is not just or logical
for members of a particular relig-
ious and/or nationality group to
provide the same opportunity for
members of their group. Maybe
Miss Bogdonoff thinks that there
are no needy white American
Protestants; if so, I fear she is
The point that a White Protes-,
tant American has not been "truly
educated in the spirit of democra-
cy" if he receives financial aid is
no more valid than if it were
applied to any other group. The
spirit of democracy is that any
person who works hard and fairly
and comes out on top of the heap
deserves his position, regardless of
race, religion, or any other such
Truman Blasting Eisenhower
Bitterly in Northwest Tour
TRAIN-Harry S. Truman has set out to
nail Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower to a lot of
hard, uncomfortable issues. He is enjoying
his self-imposed assignment as he has seem-
ed to enjoy very little else in his term as
President. And judging by the reaction of his
dent. And judging by the reaction of his
large audiences herein the northwest, he
may make a good deal of trouble for the
Republicans before he is finished.
For nearly three days now, the same re-
markable scene has repeated itself in the
little towns of northern Montana and Wash-
ington State. At each small depot, there is
an astonishingly large, genial and prosper-
ous looking crowd.
What the President has said, at Havre,
at Cutbank, at Shelby, at Whitefish, and
all the other towns along his route, has
not varied greatly from what he said in
1948. There are the same themes-the
"special interests," the "monopolists," the
alleged Republican record of subservience
to these monsters. But Truman is now
immeasurably more relaxed, more genial,
In fact, he is downright fatherly in both
tone and manner, when he tells his audi-
ences, "Now I want to give you a little
advice," and then warns them they will
lose all their good things by voting Re-
On the one hand, Truman suggests that
copy-book mottoes have loomed so large in
Eisenhower's campaigning, precisely because
the General is a military min who does not
know the civilian score. On the other hand,
Truman depicts Eisenhower as the mere tool,
in matters of policy of Senator Taft's wing
of the Republican Party, and of the "special
interests" and their lobbyists.
Such is Truman's plan. It may be right or
wrong, proper or improper, just or unjust.
But as a matter of practical politics, it is a
tough plan, being executed by a tough and
hardy political operator. For these very
reasons, the President may yet exert a great
influence in this campaign.
(Copyright, 1952, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory ot
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste wil'
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of thl
Sch larships . . . considerations. This includes
White Protestant Americans.
To The Editor: -Jim Van Cleve
N HER ARTICLE in Wednes- IJ~re oh Rats
day's Daily, Miss Alice Bogdon- T e*a*
off is obviously trying to make To the Elitor:
a case against any scholarship THE RAT pictorially presented
awarded to white Protestant in The Daily was a laboratory
hybrid; what we are concerned
with is the sewer variety flourish-
ing in great number in many of
the buildings on campus. These
animals are heavily infested with
lice and fleas. While we know
nothing about what these fleas
harbour at the present time, the
situation does represent a poten-
tial threat to the health of stu-
dents and community.
The rat population in the eco-
nomics and pharmacology building
is tremendous, despite all efforts to
exterminate them. Without exag-
geration, I have often seen well
over 100 assembled in a single
room-scattering in all directions
when the light is suddenly turned
on. While we have killed many
hundreds of them to date, the situ-
ation has not lessened. It has be-
come apparent that their eradica-
tion is an inter-departmental
problem rather than a depart-
mental one. The problem is one
requiring the simultaneous and
coordinated efforts of ,all depart-
ments-in other words, one that
the University itself must neces-
sarily cope with.
-Samuel Irwin
"THERE IS NO squabbling so vi-
lent as that between people
who accept an idea yesterday and
those who will accept the same
idea tomorrow."
-Christopher Morley
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (before
11 a.m. on Saturday).
VOL. LXIII, No. 11
Library Hours. On Sundays during
the current academic year beginning
Oct. 5, the General Library will be open
from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Service will be
given in the Main Reading Room, Peri-
odical Reading Room, and at the Cir-
culation Desk. The Medical Library
will not be open, but the Medical Stack
is accessible through the Circulation
Study Halls will be closed, but books
needed for Sunday use may be re-
served by students on Saturday.
Holders of stack permits will have
access to the stacks and may withdraw
books. Other users of the Library may
return and renew books at the Circu-
lation Desk.
Student sponsored social events. The
following house groups have registered
broadcast entertainments for the Stan-
ford-Michigan game on Sat. afternoon,
Oct. 4, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Alpha Epsilon Pi
Delta Tau Delta
Hinsdale House
Phi Alpha Kappa,
Phi Chi
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Sigma Alpha Mu
Theta Xi
Volunteer Naval Research Reserve
Unit 9-3 will meet Mon., Oct. 6, 7:30
p.m., 2083 Natural Science Building.
Prof. E. W. Conlon will speak on Rock-
et and Jet Propulsion Systems.
The Economics Club will meet Mon.
Oct. 6, at 8:00 p.m., East Lecture Room
(Mezzanine), Rackham Building. Pro-
fessor Gardner Ackley will talk about
price control. All staff members and
students in Economics and Business
Administration are invited. Others who
are interested will be welcome.
Hillet Supper Club, Sun., 6 to 7:30,
1429 Hill, followed by square dancing
at a Blue Jeans Ball, 7:30 to 10:30.
Recreational Swimming-Women Stu-
dents. There will be recreational swim-
ming at the Union pool every Saturday
from 9 to 11 a.m.
Any person having pictures, slides,
displays, etc. of summer service projects
or travel to be shared at World Holiday
to be held at Lane Hall, Thurs., Oct.
9, 7:30 p.m., please contact Doris Har-
pole, Lane Hall, Univ. Ext. 2851.
The Society for Peaceful Alternatives
will have a reorganizational meeting,
Mon.. Oct. 6, 7:30, Michigan Union.
There will be election of officers.
Students for Stevenson. Arrangments
are being made for transportation to
Ypsilanti for Gov. Stevenson's address
on Tues., Oct. 7, at 2:30. Those de-
siring transportation, or those who can
offer transportation, may leave their
names at the Union ticket window, or
at the booth which will be on the Diag.,
Sat. morning, Mon. 9 to 3, and Tues.
morning; or ,y calling any of the fol-
lowing numbers: 30708. 24367, or 22822.
People possessing cars are especially
urged to sign up.
i r1
party scheduled for today, will be post-
poned until Oct. 11, 1952.
Hillel Succoth services: Sat. 9 a.m.,
6 p.m.; Sun. 9 am. Hillel Building,
1429 Hill St.
Congregational-Disciples Guild. Bike
hike today, to Dexter-Huron Park,
leaving Guild House (438 Maynard)
at 4 p.m. Those unable to get bikes
should be at Guild at 5 p.m. for a ride
out. We will eat supper there and re-
turn by 8:30. Square Dance, 8:30 p.m.,
Congregational Church.
Coming Events
Hillel will offer regular meals to
who observe the dietary laws.
Freshman Health Lectures for
en. Dates for these lectures:
through Thurs., Oct. 6-9 and
through Wed., Oct. 13-15.
Meeting Place: Natural Science
At The Orpheum ...
MY SON JOHN, with Helen Hayes and
Robert Walker.
W HY A FILM like this one has been book-
ed in an art cinema house is a mystery.
Without too much doubt, its director, Leo
McCarey and its stars, Helen Hayes and the
late Robert Walker, are artists of sorts. But
the message, the whole appeal of the film
is directed to a mass audience, and the in-
timate nature of the bandbox Orpheum only
makes its muddled inadequacies more
nakedly exposed.
It is a propaganda film, of course, and its
political message distilled to the core ap-
parently says: "Let's not think so much
about our course in the present crisis. Let's
not trust the thinkers. In spite of the rough
inarticulateness and lack of polish in the old
folks, let's place our faith in the traditions
-God, home, and country. Let's be guided
by our hearts."
A part of the picture's audiences will be
able to' accept this message prima facie,
and without any dramatic explication. For
those who can, the picture will hardly
intensify their convictions in any fashion.
the family reunion. The father, a school
teacher, darkly implies that perhaps the
son has had more education than is good
for him. This immediately throws much of
the sympathy to the son, and it is diffi-
cult to abandon him, even after he turns
out to be a "Communist" a few reels later.
Secondly, the traditional symbols are por-
trayed in a stereotyped and unappealing
fashion. The virtues of the home are em-
bodied in a mother who is confused (in what
is presumably a wholesome American fash-
ion); a father who is a dull, Main Street
patriot; and two stalwart brothers of John,
who are on their way to fight in Korea. Both
of the latter are ex-football players. God is
embodied in the symbol of a typical Leo
McCarey priest, played by Frank McHugh.
"Country is represented by Van Heflin, an
omnipotent FBI agent, who is never con-
cerned with concrete evidence or positive
facts, but moves through the film like the
high lama of Tibet. His function apparently
is to endow the FBI with something of the
same sacred infallibility tempering justice
with mercy, that once was totally the pro-
perty of the church.
Helen Hayes and Robert Walker, in a few
early scenes, do well in suggesting the grow-
ing ehanm hbtween anther and nn over.
There will be two sections:
Section I-Students whose last names
begin A through C-4:00 p.m.
Section II - Students whose last
names begin D through L-7 :30 p.m.
Since the lectures are scheduled in
Natural Science Auditorium, the stu-
dents will have more freedom in choos-
ing between the afternoon and eve-
ning lectures, which are similar. When
possible, however, we would like the
student to stay in the section to which
she has been assigned.
In the case of a conflict, the student
may choose either the afternoon or
evening lecture, or a combination of
the two.
Doctoral Examination for Albert John
Bernatowicz, Botany; thesis: "Seasonal
Changes in the Marine Algal Flora of
Bermuda," Mon., Oct. 6, 1139 Natural
Science Building, at 2:00 p.m. Chairman,
W. R. Taylor.
Botany 1 Make-up Examination for
students with excused absences from the
regular final examination in June,
1952, will be given on Fri., Oct. 10, at
4:00 p.m., 1139 Natural Science Build-
Make-up exam in history, Sat.,
Oct. 11, 9-12 a.m. Obtain permission
from your instructor, then sign list in
History Office, 3601 Hayen Hall.
Events Tondav
Welcoming program for newly arrived
s,,udent . fromoth-r l andin Rarn
r j
Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editoriat Staff
Crawford Young . ....Managing Editor
Cal Samra........Editorial Director
Zander Hollander . Feature Editor
Sid Klaus....,..Associate City Editor
Harland Britz Associate Editor
Donna Hlendleman .... Associate Editor
Ed Whipple ....... Sports Editor
John Jenks ... Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewell Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler........Women's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor
Business Staff
Al Green........... Business Manager
Milt Goetz. .. Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston .. Assoc. Business Mgr
Judy Loehnberg --Finance Manager
Tom Treeger ..Circulation Manager
1T t , t .. w w