THE RETURN OF SENATOR McCARTHY See Page 4 CYl rr Latest Deadline in the State ~IaiIAr FAIR, COOLER VOL. LXIII, No.10 ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1952 SIX PAGES Capitalistic War Certain, Stalin Says Soviet Economic Boom Predicted MOSCOW (P) - Joseph Stalin, in a long message to Communists published yesterday pictures war as inevitable among the capital- ist countries. He asserts one has to believe in miracles to think Japan and Ger- many will not "break out of Amer- ican slavery" and rise anew in an effort to smash the United States. * * * AT THE SAME time, he pictures t Communistic nations as growing stronger. Soon, he says, they can cease importing goods and instead export surplus merchandise. Stalin made his views known in a 50-page article in the mag- azine Bolshevik. The publica- tion came three days before the convening of a historic Soviet Communist party Congress-an event expected to result in new disclosures of Communist policy. Among the points Stalin put for- ward in the article, entitled "Eco- nomic Problems of Socialism in the r ~ USSR," were these: 1. War between the capitalist countries of the world is inevitable and the only way this can be changed is to destroy "imperial- ism." The Communists say im- perialism is the final state of capi- talism. 2. The capitalist countries are not likely to make war against the Soviet Union because they realize this would mean the des- truction of capitalism. 3. The world Communist peace campaign can result at best only in a temporary peace since it is italism and the establishment of socialism. s 4. Economic blockade by the West of the Soviet Union and as- sociated Communist nations has resulted in these latter nations' rapid industrial development to the point where they can expect to begin marketing surpluses. Stalin said at the outset he was correcting the mistakes of Commu- nists who believe there is little likelihood of conflicts between capitalist countries - on the ground that the United States had made satelites out of them. W. Germany' Desires New Saar State BONN, Germany (P)-The West German government has proposed to France that the controversial Saar territory become a "European State" supervised by the Schuman Plan Organization, official Ger- man sources disclosed yesterday. This proposal to end the long French-German quarrel over the tiny, coal-rich territory was sub- mitted to French Foreign Minis- ter Robert Schuman in Paris yes- terday by West German Secretary of State Walter Hallstein, the sources said. German sources here said Bonn government leaders are confident of quick agreement. They said a joint French-Ger- man statement on the future of the Saar is likely within a few days. The essence of the German plan is that the French would retain a favored economic position in the Saar while making political con- cessions to the Germans. Yank's Big Sixth BeatsBrooklyn Dodger Defense Breaks Down; Martin's Homer Gives Raschi Win BROOKLYN-(IP-One-round Billy Martin and Vic Raschi re- stored the pride of the Yankees yesterday as Brooklyn pitching buckled under a five-run sixth inning to let the New York Yankees square the 1952 World Series with a 7-1 victory in the second game. Martin, the fiery second baseman who retired as unbeaten middle- weight champ of the American League after two spring ball park brawls, singled losing pitcher Carl Erskine and reliefer Billy Loes with a tie-breaking single and a three-run homer to drive home four big runs. * * * * OUT ON THE MOUND, the 33-year-old Raschi cooly and care- * * *" fully strong-armed his way to a three-hit triumph, his fourth in series competition dating back to 1947. Nine Dodgers were strikeout vic- tims of Raschi's powerful pitch- ing, including Snider, Wednesday's hero, three times. * * * MANY OF the 33,792 fans left the 'park early for the, comfort of What kind of a football teamj will Michigan's Wolverines face tomorrow at Stanford? To find out how Stanford sees the big intersectional clash, read the . < 'exclusive story direct from Cal- ifornia on the sports page (p.3) by Larry Cahn, Stanford Daily a .Sports Editor. MICKEY MANTLE .three hits Slosson Says Sparkman Will Get North Vote Prof. Preston Slosson said that objections to vice-presidential can- didate John Sparkman by north- ern Democrats for his sometime conservative voting record would not cause them to bolt the party. Speaking last night in city hall under the sponsorship of the Cit- izens for Stevenson, Prof. Slosson pointed out that although Spark- man was conservative Richard Nixon's record proved the Repub- lican candidate even less of a lib- eral. - Prof. Slosson's half hour talk consisted primarily of quoting the presidential and veep candidates of the two major parties on FEPC and racial discrimination issues. During the question period Prof. Slosson termed the Moody Reso- lution, requiring that the Demo- cratic representative at the presi- dential convention pledge to put the names of the nominees on the ballot of their states, a confused issue because of the variations of state voting laws. their homes or nearby watering spots while Raschi mastered their heroes. First Baseman Gil Hodges floundered on two key plays that paved the way for Mar- tin's home run poke into the lower left field seats. But before Hodges messed up matters, Erskine was in the show- ers, leaving a no-out, bases-loaded situation for the 22-year-old Loes. MICKEY Mantle's bunt single, his second of three hits for a .556 series average, started Erskine on the way out in the big inning. Gene Woodling's shotgun sin. gle to right cerler kept it going. When Yogi Berra waiked on a 3-2 pitch to fill 'em up, Erskine was derricked for Loes. Loes made Joe Collins rap a dou- ble play bouncer to Jackie Robin- son who tagged Berra in the base- line. But Hodges let Robinson's easy throw squirm out of his glove for a costly error, Mantle scoring. Gil McDougald dunked a bunt toward first that Hodges picked up and held, without making a play, as Woodling crossed the plate. Up stepped Martin, playing his first series as a regular since Gerry Coleman marched off to war. See YANKEES, Page 3 CLC to Study Discrimination An investigation of discrimina- tion in Ann Arbor will be the main program for this semester, the Civil Liberties Committee decided at their meeting last night. The group listed as possible areas of investigation, housing, barbershops, University scholar- ships, and the Union. Mass Break Of Chinese RedsHalted 56 PWs Slain, 500 in Riot CHEJU ISLAND.Korea. Friday U.)-A riot Wednesday in which 56 prisoners died was to have been the trigger for a mass break by 5,884 tough Chinese Red prisoners, U.S. officials said yesterday. U.iS. Infantry moved in so swiftly and sternly on 500 rioting prisoners in one compound that Chinese Communists in nearby compounds called the whole thing off and even hauled down their defiant flags, officers reported. AMERICAN authorities got wind of the escape plot in August and were able to move quickly when the decisive hour arrived. Eighty U.S. infantrymen stormed into a compound of riot- ing Reds and fatally shot or bay- onetted 56 and wounded at least 100 others in a bloddy, 15 minute. battle. Two U.S. soldiers were injured slightly. Major Gen. Thomas W. Herren, commander of the Korean Com- munications Zone, told correspon- dents here yesterday that 5,884 Reds in 10 compounds had planned to use the riot-in Compound Sev- en-as a signal for a mass break. Col. Richard D. Boerem said headquarters learned Aug. 24 that the Reds planned the mass escape for Qct. 1, third anniversary of the founding of .the Communist Chinese government. * *; * THE COMMUNISTS planned to join guerrillas in the hills of Che- ju, a big island south of Pusan. Boerem told newspapermen Ithat Reds in Compound Seven were supposed to throw rocks at American guards as a signal for Reds in the nine other com- pounds to break out. He emphasized that the Ameri- can troops were cautioned not to open fire unless attacked and that they did not begin shooting until the rioters hurled two barrages of stones. During the battle, prisoners in the nine other compounds hauled down their illegal flags and stopped singing. Obviously they did not want the same.treatment, the col- onel said. Prisoners were sullenly obedient today but they wore white carna- tions made of toilet paper in their jackets-in memory of their dead comrades. * * * MEANWHILE, South Korean -troops in the bruising "battle of the hills" clawed up a strategic height on the Central Front yes- terday and held on 50 feet from the summit in a storm of artillery fire and Red counter-attacks. In the air, U.S. Sabre jets de- stroyed one of the few Red MIGs which ventured out from Man- churian bases and damaged two others, the fifth Air Force report- ed. These were the first MIG bat- ties of October. The small-scale but fierce ground action eddied around "Wire Hill," east of the Pukham River. It is one of two hills the Communists seized Monday over- looking the South Korean lines. Clouds and rain hampered Allied bombers. War r. No Nominee ; ..,.r..DETROIT (R')- Brig. Gen. HeretC. Hodigewtdre w yesterday as the presidential . candidate of the Vegitarian Party, but said he would con- tinue to campaign as the nom- inee of the American Rally. Burr McCloskey, American , Rally campaign manager, ac- cused the vegetarians of "act- ." ing like crackpots" and said ~,... .~*they made it look as though . . :":" . odde was "just the vege- >::::' tarian party's candidate." SMALLFRY AUDIENCE-A small boy listens intently from his railroad track perch as President Harry Truman makes a "whistle stop" speech from the platform of his special train at Devils Lake, N.D. The campaign train made nearly a dozen stops in North Dakota before heading west into Montana on its coast-to-coast tour. McGranery Makes Plans On Criminal Deport ation Washington-()-Attorney General, James P. McGranery an- nounced a plan yesterday to strip United States citizenship from naturalized aliens in the underworld and deport them to their native lands. The attorney general told a news conference he has plans for getting rid of "close to 100 figures in the underworld and organized crime." Too* *r THE COURSE of action, he said involves denaturalization pro- Temperatures Drop as Cold Sweeps State Cold winds swept across the state yesterday as forecasters predicted the first general below-freezing temperatures of the season. The Weather Bureau issued a special warning that temperatures would range from 25 to 35 degrees early today. High today is predicted at about 62 degrees, eight degrees above yesterday's high. There was a slight chance that frost . would strike the Ann Arbor area, the weather man said. Although the winds were dim- inishing, storm warnings remained up on Lakes Huron, Erie, St. Clair and Ontario. Eisenhower Blasts Dems >ceedings and expulsion from the United States. The program has as its goal the restoration of "the dignity of citizenship." McGranery lashed out at "those ungrateful recipients of American hospitality-the nat- uralized racketeers-who insult the flag and the Nation by flag- rant disrespect and disobedience to the laws of the land which has given them refuge and freedom."_ He reiterated his intention of stripping Frank Costello, the gambling czar now in prison, of his American citizenship on grounds that he concealed a crim- inal record to obtain it in 1925. IN HIS discussion of underworld characters, the attorney general said that denaturalization or de- portation proceedings have been started during the past 'week against a half dozen or so in var- ious parts of the country. Economy' Program Adlai Rests As Opponent Hits Illinois SPRINGFIELD, Ill. -(R)- Gov. Adlai E. Stevenson stepped quiet- 1y aside Thursday and left the political stage at this Democratic campaign base to his GOP oppon- ent for the presidency, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower. While the general addressed a cheering crowd at Courthouse Square, the Illinois governor lunched at his.desk in the execu- tive mansion a few blocks away. * * * AIDES SAID Stevenson switch- ed on a portable radio and caught the latter part of Eisenhower's speech-a speech in which the Re- publican candidate tossed no ver- bal brickbats at his rival. On the contrary, Eisenhower talked kindly about the gover- nor. But the sort of semi-truce which prevailed as the presiden- tial trails crossed was sure to be short-lived. Stevenson has a mid-day speech scheduled for Friday in Cincinna- ti, Taft's hometown. In the eve- ning the governor will make a major address in Columbus, where he will discuss social security. The governor returns to Springfield from Ohio Friday night, then flies Saturday to Ft. Dodge, Iowa, for a farm speech during the day and on to Minneapolis, Minn., for an evening address. MEANWHILE in Seattle Presi- Ident Truman accused Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower Thursday night of playing irresponsible politics with the nation's security by calling for spending cuts which the Pres- ident said would wreck America's defenses." Pausing at Seattle in his coast-to-coast campaign tour, Truman declared in a prepared speech that Eisenhower, to get the support of Sen. Robert A. Taft and "other Republican iso- lationists," is advocating cuts that would be "sheer.folly in the face of the known dangers of Soviet aggression." "I am dismayed and disheart- ened," Truman said, "that a man whom we all ohce respected has thus turned his back upon the things we thought he stood for, "In contrast, we can be proud of the Democratic candidate, Gov. Stevenson of Illinois. He has been too honest to make any easy prom- ises about drastically cutting our military strength." Truman spoke in scathing terms of Taft's recent statement-made after his breakfast table confer- ence with the general in New York -that Eisenhower agreed with him on a cut of 10 billion dollars from the budget in fiscal 1954 and about 20 billions the next year. -* *. * Dawson Hits GOP Leaders "The transformation of the Re- publican Party under Eisenhower is only a face lifting," Prof. John P. Dawson of the Law School, Democratic congressional candi- date, told the Students for Daw- son Committee last night. "The hard core of permanent Republican leadership remains the same," he asserted.- Ike Wants ROKs To Do The Fighting Republican Club Seeking Funds PEORIA, Ill.-(A')-Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower asserted last night that the economy of the United States, for years, has been propped up by "war and the threat of war," and he said a condition of false prosperity exists in the na- tion today. Democratic economic planning, he sid, has not raised living standards, increased wages, nor abolished unemployment. On the contrary, the GOP pres- idential candidate told an aud- ience at Peoria's Bradley Univer- sity: "War, not the Fair Deal, brought about the end to un- employment. The legacy of war, not the Fair Deal, helped to sustain a high level of economic activity." The General also declared that American troops no longer should be bearing the main burden of the fighting in Korea. The battle lines, he said, should be manned by millions of Koreans. "If we cannot win the war," Eisenhower told his audiences,. "at least let us not shed so much of our blood in that region. IN NEW YORK a Citizens for Eisenhower Committee offiial said yesterday the group is "try- ing to raise as much money as we can" for a last-minute' radio and television campaign for the GOP candidate. Walter Williams, co-chairman of the national organization, said it doesn't have any hopes of obtain- ing the two million dollars orig- inally recommended for the pro- ject but wishes it could get that much. Gov. Shivers Throws Vote To Eisenhower AUSTIN, Tex.-(P)-Gov. Allan Shivers announced last night he would vote in November for Re- publican Dwight D. Eisenhower. In a bluntly-worded attack on the Democratic presidential nomi- nee Shivers joined forces with Gov. James Byrnes of South Carolina and Gov. Robert Kennon of Louis- iana in open rebellion against the candidacy of Adlai Stevenson. SHIVERS said he feared "Stev- ensonism" would be "Trumanism" "with a Harvard accent." "The policies of another Dem- ocratic administration apparent- ly would still be decided by men like Harry Truman with Dean Acheson bungling the foreign policy, Gen. Harry Vaughn handing out the favors, Oscar Chapman trying to steal the tidelands, and Charlie Brannan still prompting the so-called Brannan plan," the governor said. It was the first time in modern Texas history that one of its al- 'ways-Democratic governors has come out flatly for a Republican for president. "I must and will cast my vote on Nov. 4 for the man whm I think is best equipped to do the job that must be done. I will vote for Texas-born Dwight D. Eisen- hower for president of the United States," Shivers said in a speech prepared for radio delivery. "FOR A TIME after his nomi- nation, Gov. Stevenson talked and acted as if he wanted President Truman to have no part in his campaign," Shivers said. World News Roundup New cartoon The Daily is letting loose a trial balloon today on the edi- torial page-a cartoon called "Small World." The cartoon, a satire on American married life drawn by Sam Brier, is in no way slat- ed to be a permanent institu- tion. Whether it stays as a serial depends largely on can- pus reaction~ Due to circumstances beyond The Daily's control, the senior editors are forced to lay before the campus two alternatives- aith.r " ..nrld By The Associated Press TOKYO, (P) - Japan's voters have planted this island nation firmly in the Western cam'p and virtually eliminated communism as a political force, complete re- turns from Wednesday's election showed today. The Liberal party of Prime Min- ister Shigeru Yoshida, who led Ja- pan to a peace treaty and a firm alliance with the West, rolled to a majority of 240 of the 466 seats in the lower house of the Diet. * * * SYDNEY, Australia-A British atomic weapon has been ex- ploded in tests at the Monte Bello Islands off Northwest Aus- tralia. Defense Minister Ahilip A. M. McBride announced in Canberra today. The test, Brit- ain's first, was a success. CHICAGO -Federal mediators intervened yesterday as AFL ele- vator operators extended their strike to a dozen more buildings. The strike, which started early Wednesday, has halted service in 121 office buildings housing a half million office workers. MORACAMBE. Eng. -Labor CIVIL AIR DEFENSE NEWS: Plane Spotting Station Now Operating * * * * ____ By JOYCE FICKIES The civil air defense plane spot- ting program is now operating on a limited basis in Ann Arbor. A plane spotters' station, locat- ed on top of windswept Union tower, is being operated by civil- ian volunteer workers. Working in two hour shifts, the spotters man the tower station. from 4 to 10 p.m. every day, sometimes extend- ing the hours to 2 a.m. if per- sonnel is available. When the station started it was meant to operate 24 hours a day. However, lack of volunteers had forced a decrease in time. THE PROGRAM began two years ago on a limited basis, with the spotters working only when ority on the telephone lines; the reports can be completed in a matter of seconds. If a plane is reported which the filter center does not have recorded, intercep- tors are sent up from various Michigan airports. In the center, workers plot the course of the planes, through the various re- ports given. * * * AT THE PRESENT, spotters are on duty in the open on the tower roof. A shelter will be built, prob- ably sometime next week, for the winter. The tower is the third site of the station, previous positions have been the top of Broadway Hill and the edge of the Fair- . ..