See page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
* a
LXIII, No. 91
Reuther Lashes
School Attackers
Pledges Labor's Support to School
System in Talk Before Educators
ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.--P)-CIO President Walter P. Reuther
told an educators conference yesterday to stand firm against attacks
on public education by "professional bigots."
"The growing attack by the apostles of fear, hatred and hysteria
against academic freedom and civil liberties generally must be met
by an effective counter-offensive," he said.
"WE MUST RESIST the professional bigots at home who have
SL Adopts
Plan To Aid
Berlin 'U'
W. Compton
Quits 'Voice
By The Associated Press
Wilson Compton is bowing out
as director of the State Depart-
ment agency which runs the "Voice
of America."
Operations of the Voice are now
under fire in Congress, but officials
indicated this criticism did not
prompt Compton's departure.
announced late Wednesday he ha
accepted Compton's resignation a
head of the department's informa
tion administration and thatf
successor may be named in a fe
Asked at his news conference
whether Compton resigned be-
cause of the investigation being
conducted by a Senate subcom-
mittee headed by Sen. McCar-
thy (R-Wis), Dulles said Comp-
ton submitted his resignation
about Jan. 1. That was before
" the McCarthy probe began to
make headlines.
Dulles added acceptance of th
resignation - "with appreciation
for the past services"-was in lin
,with the Eisenhower administra
tion's policy of bringing in 10
people to take charge where ma
jor policy changes or views are in
* w 4,
COMPTON, former president o
Washington State College, was re
cruited by the ,Truman adminis-
tration last year to undertak
duties which included high-leve
supervision of the government',
overseas radio propaganda pro
McCarthy's group is looking
into charges of waste and "pos-
sible sabotage" in the program.
Compton himself has announce
suspension of two multimillion-
dollar broadcasting projects whic
witnesses had described as waste-
ful ahd poorly conceived.
* * *
hearing of the Senate subcommit-
tee, Howard Fast, a leftist write]
who says he once had lunch 'a
the White House with the Roose-
velts, refused to tell the senatos
whether he is a, Communist.
Last semester, Fast spoke at
the .local Unitarian Church on
the "Historical Novel" after the
Young Progressives withdrew
their petition to have him speak
on the campus.
The writer refused to answer
most of the questions put to him
by McCarthy's group on the
grounds they might incriminate
him. He invoked the protection
of the Fifth Constitutional Amend-
In Dayton, O., Mrs. Roosevelt
said she had "no idea" what Sen.
McCarthy was talking about when
he said she helped circulate Fast's
SL Administrative
Wing Meets Today
The administration wing of
Student Legislature will hold its
second meeting of the semester at
4 p.m. today in the SL Bldg.
The legislature requests all mem-
bers to attend, and those students
interested in working with SL are
welcome. The administrative wing
consists of a group of non-elected
students who work on committees,
projects and do general office work.
Prof. Cameron
4taken upon themselves the defi-
nition of democracy's business as a
crusade against all dissent.
"Proper security measures are
essential and treason must be.
dealt with without mercy, but
American freedom will be weak-
ened, not strengthened, by
thought control, insistence upon
confirmity and the growing in-
fringement upon basic civil lib-
erties." he maintained.
Reuther also told the 79th an-
nual convention of- the American
Association of School Administra-
tors it could count on the help of
labor to win more support for
public schools.
"If we can afford billions for
war, we can also afford to meet
the cost of an adequate school
system," he declared.
"The plight of our schools de-
teriorated from a national scan-
dal to a national tragedy."
* * *
back at groups attacking public
schools was similar to the mes-
sage of Mrs. Agnes E. Meyer of
Washington. who addressed the
convention yesterday.
Mrs. Meyer, wife of the chair-
man of the board of the Wash-
ington, D. C., Post, strongly crit-
icized the congressional investi-
gation of subversive influences in
schools proposed by Senators Mc-
Carthy (R-Wis.) and Jenner '(R-
Ind.) and Congressman Velde (R-
Ill.), who head various investigat-
ing committees.
At a news conference, associa-
tion President Virgil Rogers of
Battle Creek, Mich., was asked why
speakers with views opposed to
those of Mrs. Meyer and Reuther
had not been invited to address
the convention.
Rogers said school critics had
not been invited to speak because
"we were searching for a real con-
tribution to the program. We did
not think McCarthy, Jenner or
Velde could make a constructive
Couhlin Replaces,
Bergon at Crib
A last minute change in speak-
ers has been announced for the;
meeting of the Michigan Crib, pre-,
law society of University students,
scheduled for 8 p.m. today in theI
Hussey Room of the League.
Edward Coughlin will replaceI
Prof. George Bergon of the Uni-
versity of Detroit who is ill.
Coughlin and Laurence A. Price,I
both attorneys for the Michigan
Security Commission will discuss
the topc "Why Study aw"
Drive for Dutch
Flood Relief Set
Student Legislature went inter-
national last night with the adop-
tion of proposals to provide aid
for the Free University of Berlin
and to support an all-campus
Dutch Flood Relief Drive.
In response to a plea by guest
speaker Phil Nielsen, Grad., SL
voted overwhelmingly to "adopt a
program of long-range assistance
and cultural contact" with the
Berlin university.
* * *
NIELSEN, WHO attended the
Berlin school last year under an
exchange student plan, outlined
a threefold program of material
aid for books, scholarships and
food, intellectual contact by means
of tape recording and broadcast
exchange and personal contact
through exchange of students and
Nielsen's program is subject to
review by SL committees.
Guest speakers from the Ger-
man Club and the Student Relig-
ious Association also voiced sup-
port of the project. The two or-
ganizations as well as several civic
groups have agreed to lend aid to
the economically deficient Berlin
* * *
another sphere of international re-
lief last night in authorizing an
all-campus bucket drive for Dutch
flood relief.
Nine other campus organiza-
tions have agreed to provide
bucket-wielding personnel for
the project.
SL also voted to ask the Stu-
dent Affairs Committee to make
wider use of student personnel
on subcommittees currently study-
ing revision of the booklet on Uni-
versity regulations.
.Two vacant legislative positions
were filled by the appointments of
Dolores LaFond, '54Ed., and Vic
Hampton, '54BAd.
Two Seaway'
Bills Proposed
identical bills proposing creation
of a development corporation to
finance, construct and operate a
St. Lawrence Seaway and power
project were introduced yesterday
in the House and Senate.
Sen. Lehman (D-NY) was join-
ed by nine other senators in in-
troducing the Senate bill. Rep.
Roosevelt (D-NY), offered the
House counterpart.
Lehman said of his bill, "It is
a proposal for a dual purpose pro-
ject in association and partnership
with Canada-for construction of
the seaway and power project.
He added "an important - fea-
ture" of the bill is that which
would require New York State, be-
fore being allowed to take over
the power facilities, to agree that
safeguards for preference con-
sumers and domestic and rural
consumers be set up.
-Daily-Ed Chodoroff
TRYOUTS HO!--The happy smiling faces seen above belong to members of The Daily editorial and
business staffs. They are happy because they have found that experience on The Daily really pays
off. They are smiling out the windows because they are eager to greet any students who decide they
should take advantage of their last chance and come to the tryout meetings which will be held again
at 4:10 p.m. and 7:15 p.m. today at The Student Publications Bldg. They hope to be outnumbered by
new staffers by nightfall.
Walte Reveals Glennan il spa
President Thomas K. Glennan
of Case Institute of Technology
at Cleveland will be the guest
speaker at the University's 30th
annual' Honors Convocation to be
held at 11 a.m. on April 24 in Hill
Auditorium, Dean of Students
Erich A. Walter announced yes-
Hatcher Cites
Of Semantics
Weaknesses in communication
media, which have resulted in
scanty knowledge of other cultures
helped create international ten-
sions, President Harlan H. Hatch-
er told students attending the first
Speech Assembly of the semester
"A sense of understanding the
use of words represents an import-
ant task to students," he said. De-
riving the title of his speech, "A
Time to Speak" from the Book of
Ecclesiastes in the Bible, he point-
ed out the power of words and the
necessity to use the right words.
* * *
HE CITED the inability of men
to express themselves effectively
in business and industry as the
cause of much controversy, and
stressed the need for college stu-
dents to learn to read, write and
speak intelligently and correctly.
He also emphasized the importance,
of knowing when not to speak.
Much of the misunderstand-
ing between individuals and na-
tions today is due to the inabilityj
to use words correctly, he em-
The main concern, as expressed
in his discussion of the art of
communication was the seeming
tendency toward less communica-
tion in specialized fields.
He observed present newspap-
ers frequently limit their vocab-
ulary to suit the reader. The con-
stant limit of vocabulary, in-
stead of improving men'q minds,
is a form of regression, he said.
"Speech ought to be the natural
outpouring of man's progress," he
added. "For this reason communi-
cation as an art is emphasized at
this University where those who
hate ignorance strive to know," he
Pollock Opens
New Lectures
The convocation is held to honor
students who have attained a rec-
ord of at least half A and half B
grades for a period of two con-
secutive semesters preceding the
event, or have received special
awards for outstanding achieve-
PROF. GLENNAN has held a
variety of positions both in gov-
ernment and private industry. He
served as a member of the Atomic
Energy Commission from 1950 to
Prof. Glennan acted as direc-
tor of the United States Navy
Underwater Sound Laboratory
and served in the division of war
research during the Second
World War.t
At the end of the war, Prof.
Glennan became president of a
large company. He held this posi-
tion until taking over the presi-
YD's Stopped
In Fund Drive
The Young Democrats' cam-
paign to raise money for Adlai
Stevenson will have to wait until
they have received permission
from the Student Affairs Commit-
tee, Dean of Students Erich A.
Walter said yesterday.
Dean Walter explained fund-
raising drives involving students
must be cleared through SAC.
YD officials said they planned
to petition SAC today and hoped
for a decision at next Tuesday's
meeting. YD treasurer Dave Korn-
bluh, '54, said pledges from fac-
ulty members will continte to be
Mayors Endorse
Limited Access
Toll Roads Plan
Twenty-five mayors and representatives from southern Michigan
cities unanimously endorsed a plan here last night, to build two
limited access toll highways linking the Bay City area with Toledo
and Detroit with Chicago.
And their host, Ann Arbor Mayor William 0. Brown, Jr., an-
nounced he understood on reliable authority that a national syndicate
of some 400 members and institutions stood ready to underwrite
the $250,000,000 project when it receives State Legislature approval.
.* * * *
THE UNUSUAL meeting brought together top executives of
Detroit and lower Michigan's other larger cities to discuss a bill now
dency of Case Institute of Tech-
Last year, guest speaker at the
convocation was Alistair Cooke,
chief American correspondent for
the Manchester Guardian.
Cooke addressed 613 honored
students in addition to their fam-
ilies at the time.
Bridge Contest
To Take Place
Play-off of a round, of bridge
for the 1953 National Intercol-
legiate Bridge Tournament will
take place at 2 p.m. Sunday in the
The tournament which is ex-
pected to attract competition from
more than 3,000 men and women
undergraduates throughout the
United States will consist of play-
ing 16 hands of bridge which have
been prepared- and mailed by the
national committee.
* * *
THE HANDS will be mailed in
and scored by Mr. Geoffry Mott-
Smith, author and a leading auth-
ority to contract bridge, who will
determine campus, regional and
national winners.
Defending the national title
will be Rice Institute, winner of
the 1952 tournament. In 1949,
second place in the nation went
to the team competing from
the University.
According to Ed Simons, Grad.,
who is directing the play-off here,
interested students may contact
him any day this week from 12:30
p.m. to 1:30 p.m. at 3-1820.
before the State Senate provid-
ing legislative approval for a pub-
lic benefit corporation, in the form
of a five-man authority, which
would handle the huge project.
The group gave the proposed
bill approval "in its substantial
On hand to introduce and ex-
plain they proposed bill were form-
er Republican Auditor General
Murl T. Aten and Rep. Eugene
Betz (R-Monroe), an expert on
State highway construction.
Mayor Brown, who is head of a
citizen's group sponsoring the
plan, opened the meeting empha-
sizing "there is no selfish interest"
in the project. "If we don't go
through with it, our State will not
prosper," he said.
* * *
ATEN presented the 34-page
bill section by section, and an-
swered questions from city execu-
The former State officer
pointed out that construction
would not cost taxpayers any-
thing, and was needed to keep
the State abreast of Ohio, Penn-
sylvania, New York and other
states building huge turnpike
If national averages prevail, cost
per mile for passengers on the
highways would be a cent and a
half, Aten said.
Whenthe turnpike bonds are
retired, both toll highways will be
turned over to the State, under the
bill's provisions.
* * * H s e l
INTRODUCED by Sen. Haskell
L. Nichols (R-Jackson), the bill
has been before the Senate High-
way Committee and will possibly
be discussed today on the State
Senate floor.
Although similar measures
have failed in the past six years,
both Brown and Aten predicted
the bill would pass this session.
Numbering more than 600 mem-
bers, the citizen's group headed by
Mayor Brown includes on its steer-
ing committee University Regent
Roscoe O. Bonisteel, Prof. H. O.
Crisler, Director of Physical Edu-
cation and Athletics, former Unit-
ed States Senator Prentis M.
Brown, now chairman of the De-
troit Edison Co., Aten and other
leading State business and cfvit
Nurse Jobs Open
Student wives who are graduate
nurses and want either part-time
or full-time work at St. Joseph's
or University hospital may apply
to the office of the Director of
Nursing at either hospital.
398 SigUp
For Spring
IFC Rushing
A total of 398 men registered for
spring rushing, the Interfraterni-
ty Council reported yesterday.
Registration for rushing ended
* * *
THE NUMBER of spring rushees
shows an increase over the past,
two years. Last spring 327 men
signed up and the year before 393
rushed during the spring semes-
This increase in, rushees over
previous years was even more
pronounced last fall when 580
men rushed, more than had done
so in thepast seven years of fall
However, IFC President Pete
Thorpe, '53 called the figures in-
conclusive. He explained "while
this is an encouraging increase
over the last few years, final indi-
cation of an upward trend. will
depend on the results'of pledging."
In the past approximately 70
percent of the'spring rushees have
been pledged.
Formal rushing will continue
this week with lunches and smok-
ers until 9 p.m. today and until
6 p.m. tomorrow and Saturday.
There will be no rushing Sunday.
Next week rushing will be until
9 p.m. all week with Sunday;
March 1, marking the end of the
formal rushing period.
Bridge Bids
May Be Taken
Mayor William E. Brown has
been notified by State Highway
Commissioner Charles M. Ziegler
that contracts for a new bridge
may be let in the fall.
The bridge across the Huron
.River, which will replace the Whit-
more Lake Rd. Bridge, will be a
combined structure. It will carry
US-23, rerouted US-12 and a -
grade separation over the New
York Central railroad tracks.
The n&ev section of US-12, which
will by-pass the northern rim of
Ann Arbor, will be an extension
of the present US-12.
Mayor Brown was informed by
Ziegler that the survey soundings
for the bridge habe been.- made.
Engineering conferences concern-
ing the project are now being held
with railroad officials.
CLC To Elect
The Civil Liberties Committee
will meet at 8 p.m. today in the
The semi-annual election of of-
ficers will take place at this time.
All members and prospective mem-
bers may attnd the m.eeting.
Also on the agenda is a discus-
sion on the proposed CLC-SDA
student-faculty discussion group,
and a discussion of 'the congres-
sional investigating committees
and academic freedom.
Alpha Phi Omega
Speech Class Told How
To Get A-Head, in Life
Car Rams Tree
* * *
The object dangling from a
string in the hands of Diego Ma-
ruri, '55, looked strangely like a
miniature human head to his fel-
low students in speech 32.
It was.
MARURI yesterday gave a
speech on "How to Shrink Heads,"
and produced a head as evidence,
creating a slight furore. It was
the head of a Jibaros Indian,
shrunk to the size of a regulation
The head came from a small
jewelry shop high in the Ecua-
dorian mountains. Maruri was
visiting the country of his, birth
in 1949 when he obtained his
specimen. It is now illegal in
South America to practice head-
Prof. James Pollock, chairman
of the political science depart-
ment, will deliver the first lec-
ture in a series on "Problems of
the New Administration" at 7:30
} E p.m. today in Rm. 131 of the
Business Administration Bldg.