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February 18, 1953 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1953-02-18

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'U' Medics Say Unethical
Physicians in Minority

Commenting on the blast at dis-
:nest practices of doctors made
y Dr. Paul Hawley, director of
e American College of Surgeons,
niversity medical men agreed
at the offenders are clearly in
le minority.
tusic Festival
Vill Feature
The Budapest String Quartet
11 perform in the annual Chai-
r Music Festival at 8:30 p.m.
iday and Saturday and at 2:30
m. Sunday in Rackham Audi-
The first program in the Festi-
,I will include Mendelssohn's
String Quartet in E-flat major,
p. 12," Quincy Porter's "String
uartet No. 8 (1950)" and Beeth-
'an's "String Quartet in A minor,
;. 132."'
The group consists of first vio-
iist Joseph Roisman, viola play-
Boris Kroyt, the new second
olinist, Jac Gorodetzky, all na-
res of Odessa, Russia, and violon:.
hloist Mischa Schneider from
Ina in northwestern Russia.
Because of its name, most peo-
e assume that the Quartet con-
ts of Hungarian musicians. In
ct, so persistent is this notion
.at frequently some Hungarian
thusiast addresses them in their
iative tongue" which the musi-
ans acknowledge with nods of
eir heads. ,
They are Russians by birth, and
e now all American citizens.
oceover, not one comes from
:hurch Services
More than seven Ann Arbor
lurches will mark the beginning
Lent with special services for
sh Wednesday, today.

Dr. Hawley charged a small
number of his colleagues with
such unethical practices as fee-
splitting, exorbitant charges, un-
necessary surgery and the use of
"ghost doctors."
* , *
STATING THAT most of the
malpractices occur in large cities
rather than small towns, Dr. Wil-
liam M. Brace, senior physician for
men at Health Service, believes
that there is less medical cheating
than formerly.
"Many cases of unnecessary
surgeryused to appear because
of ignorance but now the main
cause is dishonesty," he added.
Dr. Hawley explained that a
"ghost" surgeon, is "some young
doctor starving to death" who op-
erates for a better known col-
"I have heard about ghost doc-
tors in Europe, but have come
across no cases in this country,"
Dr. Brace said.
"Disturbed over patient's infre-
uent complaints, the medical so-
ciety is trying to correct these
abuses," Dr. Warren E. Forsythe,
director of Health Service, said.
According to Dr. Forsythe, med-
ical societies in several counties
and states have organized ethics
committees to investigate com-
plaints. The Washtenaw Medical
Society hanidles all local cases of
medical dishonesty.
Talk on Mass
The fifth lecture of the School
of Journalism, "What Are the Mass
Media For?" will be given by Prof.
Fred S. Siebert of the University
of Illinois at 3 p.m. today in the
Rackham Amphitheater.
Following the talk there will be
an informal coffee hour and dis-
cussion in Rm. 1443 Mason Hall.
The public is invited to both

SL Agenda
Student Legislature will dis-
cuss the following reports and
motions when the group meets
at 7:30 p.m. today in Strauss
Dining Rm., East Quadrangle:
Announcement of vacancy.
Speech by Phil Nielson, Grad.
on the University of Free Ber-
Motion to establish a Better
Business Board.
Student Affairs Committee
Motion to ask SAC to in-
clude more students on its com-
Committee reports.
SL invites all interested fa-
culty members and students to
Change in SL
Form Might
Be inOffing
(Continued from Page 1)
recognized as central governing
Legislature leaders have made
an idealistic argument on this
basis, pointing out that a demo-
cratic student community must be
democratic in its organization and
* * *
CONSIDERING the conviction
of both schools of thought on Uni-
versity student government, how-
ever, it might be entirely possible
for a stalemate to develop with
neither side yielding on its stand.
Although leaders recognize the
weaknesses of the present situa-
tion, they could (find ,so many
disadvantages in any drastic
change that no solution would
be reached.
The suggested change to limited
organizational representation on
SL could be forced by a referen-
dum in the next all-campus elec-
In this event, it would not be
surprising to see a battle shape
up much like the fight over the
form of student government in the
1946 elections which resulted in
SL's birth.


* * *

* *

s «

* * *

A Day with

the Legislature






(Continued from Page 4)
I.A.S. Meeting today at 7:30, Room
3-D, Michigan Union. There will ge
election of officers, a movie, and a
discussion of classification.
The English Journal Club will meet
at 8 o'clock in the East Conference
Room of Rackham. William Rueckert
will present a paper called "The Enig-
matic Symbol: the Symbolic Enigma"
and lead a discussion of the criticism
of Mr. Kenneth Burke.
University Lutheran Chapel. Ash
Wednesday Noonday Devotion, 12:30 to
Lutheran Student Association. Ash
Wednesday service with Holy Com-
munion will be held at the Lutheran
Student Center, corner of Hill St. and
Forest Ave., this evening at 7:30 p.m.
Congregational Disciplies Student
Guild. Supper discussion at the Guild
House from 5:45 to 7:30. Topic, "Theo-
logical Impliations of Anthropology.'!'
Board of Representatives. Meeting to-
day at 4 p.m. in the League. There will
be a guest speaker from the Interna-
tional Center. -
Delta Sigma Pi will hold formal
pledging ceremonies tonight at 8 p.m.
at the Chapter House, 927 S. Forest.
The Chapter meeting for the member-
ship will commence at 7:30 p.m.
Roger Williamis Guild. We join with
the church Wed., Feb. 18, for the third
program of our Home Missions discus-s
sions. Come at 7 p.m. to hear Miss Otil-
lie Pechous, Executive Director of the
Gleiss Memorial Center of Detroit, who
will speak on "Understanding and Work-
ing With Minority Groups for Human
Roger Williams Guild. This semester
we are renewing our Wed. afternoon
activities, so be sure to come to the
Guild House (not the Church) for our
Midweek Chat, 4:30-5:45 p.m. Let's
start off the Lenten season right!
U. of M. Sailing Club will hold an
open meeting at 7:30 in the Union.
Slides on sailing will be shown. Re-
freshments. Everyone invited.
La Sociedad Hispanica. Meeting to-
night at 8 p.m., in the Michigan Room
of the League. Refreshments will be
served, singing, dancing, and a movie.
All members invited. New memberships
will be taken at the door.
American Chemical Society Lecture,
at 8 p.m., 1300 Chemistry Building.'Dr.
J. L. St. John, of the National Research
Council Committee on Food Protection,
will speak on "Chemical Additivities in
Pershing Rifles. Regular drill meeting
for all actives at 1925 hours in the Ri-
fle Range. New actives report in work
Pershing Rifles Smoker. There will
be a smoker tonight at 7:30 in Room
-A, c For AMS and A

and II cadets interested in joining the
company are invited.
Pi Lambda Theta, XI Chapter, Na-
tional Professional Education Society,
will meet at 7:30 p.m., West Conference
Room, Rackham Building. Mr. Michael
Church, of the Extension Service, will
give an illustrated talk on "Ways of
Enriching Our Everyday Living Ex-
periences," 'and Professor Robert Craig,
of the School of Natural Resources,
will talk on "Making the Most of vaca-
U. of M. Ice Skating Club. 'Ensian
picture will be taken at 2 p.m. today
at the Coliseum. Old and new mem-
bers are urged to be at the Coliseum.
Student Affiliate, ACS. Glass-blowing
demonstration by George Killich, Uni-
versity Chemistry Department glass-
blower, at the meeting at 7:30 p.m., 1400
Chemistry Building. Everyone welcome.
Election afterwards.
Speech and Hearing Association. Bus-
iness meeting will be held at 7:30 in
the League. Following the business
meeting, at 8:15, Dr. Bloomer will speak
on the topic,, "Opportunities in the
Field of Speech Correction." All inter-
ested persons are invited to attend the
Wesley Foundation. Morning matin
service, Wed., Feb. 18, 7:30-7:50. Re-
fresher tea from 4 to 5:30.
AIEE-IRE, Student Branch, will pre-
sent E. D. Redington, Commander, USN,
speaking on the Shore Based Electron-
ics Program of the U.S. Navy at 7:15
p.m. tonight in 3-B of the Michigan
Union. A movie on aircraft ground-
controlled approach systems will also
be shown. Lt. Bodes from the Detroit
Office of Naval Procurement will.be
present to give information about com-
missions for college graduates. Every-
one is welcome. Coffee and donuts for
Comning Events
Alpha Phi Omega will hold an open
meeting Thurs., Feb. 19, from 7:30 to
8:30 p.m., at the Michigan Union. All

male students who are or were Scouts
and are interested in service are here-
by invited to attend.
Michigan Crib, pre-law society. On
Thurs., Feb. 19, at 8 p.m. in the Michi-
gan League, the Michigan Crib will
present Professor George Bergon, of
the University of Detroit Law School,
and Mr. Laurence A. Price, Sr., As-
sistant Attorney General of the State
of Michigan, in a discussion "Why Study
Law." All welcome.



La P'tite Causette will meet tomor-
row from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in the North
Cafeteria of the Michigan Union. All
interested students are invited.
Anthropology Club. Meeting at a
p.m., Thurs., Feb. 19, in 3024 Universi-
ty Museums Building. (Use rear en-
trance). Dr. William J. Schull of the
Institute of Human Biology will speak
on Genetics and Anthropology. Re-
Public Administration Social Semi-
nar. All students of public administra-
tion, political science, and their friends
invited to meeting on Thurs., Feb. 19,
7:30 p.m., West Conference Room, Rack-
ham Building. Mr. Rowland Egger, As-
sociate Director, Public Administration
Clearing House, will speak on "Admin-
istrative Problems of the Political
Transition in Washington." Informal
coffee hour will follow.
International Center Weekly Tea for
foreign students and America friends,
Thurs., Feb. 19, at 4-6 p.m.
Annual Brotherhood Banquet will be
held at Lane Hall, Mon., Feb. 23.
Speaker: Dr. Franklin H. Littell. For
reservations, phone Lane Hall, Univ.
Ext. 2851, before Friday.
Christian Scienee Organization. Tes-
timonial meeting, Thurs., Feb. 19, 7:30,
Fireside Room.
Roger Williams Guild. The Yoke Fel-
lowship meets at 7 a.m. Thurs., Feb. 19,
in the Prayer Room of the First Bap-
tist Church for a quiet worship service.
We have breakfast afterwards and are
through in time to make our 8 o'clock





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