See Page 4
5k 3a
Latest Deadline in the State
Order May
Lift Price
Cigarettes Likely
To Go Up a Ceni
ministration sounded a warning
against price-gouge tactics yes
terday as it prepared to scrap fed
eral price controls over anothe:
big batch of consumer items.
The Office of Price Stabiliza-
tion said an order may come to-
day lifting price curbs on suc
things as cigarettes, drugs, cos-
metics, coal, lumber, cameras an
photographic material, and many
household appliances.
* * *
IN ANOTHER development, th
+ steel ipdustry told the Nationa
Prodution Authority that steel i
no longer a "critical material" an
that no production controls will b
needed after mid-year except t
safeguard the military and atomi
NPA's Steel Advisory Commit-
tee said all military require-
ments for steel are now being
r met. The group said considerably
more steel is available for civil-
ian use than before the Korean
OPS officials predicted pric
hikes on many, items covered i
the new decontrol order expectec
Wednesday, including perhaps a
cent-a-pack boost on cigarette
and a 10 per cent rise in the pric
of cosmetics.
EARLIER IN the day, Presiden
Eisenhower cautioned busines
and industry against price goug
ing and letting prices get out o
The President told his news con-
ference he will ask Congress fo
authority to reimpose controls i
prices rise too sharply. He saic
he would be disappointed if any
price gouging occurs.
Cornet Player
To Perform
With 'U' Band
Leonard B. Smith, acclaimed
by band leader Edwin Frankc
Goldman as "the greatest cornet
talent I have ever known," will
appear as guest cornet soloist with
the University Symphony Band,
William D. Revelli conducting, at
8:30 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Audi-
* * .
RECENTLY returned from a
tour in Colorado, California and
Arizona, the band director and
cornetist will solo with the band
in "Belle Isle," one of his own com-
positions; Bellstedt's "La Mandol-
inata"' and Haydn's "Concerto in
E flat for Trumpet."
As a member of' the school
band in Poughkeepsie, New York,
his aptitude for the cornet
brought him to the attention of
Ernest S. Williams, celebrated
New York trumpeter and teach-
er who in turn prepared young
Smith for a professional career
in music.
With the aid of Bandmaster
Arthur Pryor, Smith was engaged
by Edwin Franko Goldman in
1936, as Cornet Soloist of the
Goldman Band, the youngest per-
son ever to hold that position.
In 1937, the musician recog-
nized as "America's Premier Cor-
net Soloist" accepted the post of
first trumpet in the Detroit Sym-
Admission to tomorrow's con-
cert will be free.
Board Petitioning
Petitioning for a vacant posies
tion on the Board in Control of
Student Publications closes today.
Any scholastically eligible stu-
dent can still pick up a petition
at the Student Legislature Bldg.
provided he returns it today. Those
students petitioning will be inter-
viewed for the position from 3:30
to 5:30 p.m. tomorrow at the SL
71-1 .-1 U * _-
* * * *
Student Players To Give
'The Philadelphia Story'
Comedy, romance, (nd 'above all, an intimate view of life in high
society Will sparkle at 8 p.m. tonight in the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
ter when the Student Players give their opening performance of Philip
Barry's "The Philadelphia Story."
The play will continue through Saturday.
* * * * '
ONE OF THE MOST popular and successfully acted of American
plays, Barry's story places the theater's spotlight upon the fictional
millionaire Lord family of Philadelphia.
Ike Says No
Official Plany
Of Blockade
Talks at First
Press Meeting
WASHINGTON - (P) - Pres-
ident Eisenhower said yesterday he
supposes government departments
are looking into the question of a
naval blockade or embargo of
Communist China, but that he
himself isn't considering it offi-
Eisenhower also said tax cuts
ought to wait until a balanced
budget is in sight - he doesn't
know when that might be-and
that he will go right back to Con-
gress and ask for more controls if
price gouging starts.
* * *
THOSE WERE three of the eight
items the nPresident tackled in a
32-minute news conference - his
first since moving into the White
While the conference was on,
'it ranged over these additional
Farm prices - The President
says there's a serious problem here
-inherited from the Truman ad-
ministration-although beef prices
have started back up now. Eisen-
hower intends to stick by cam-
paign promises to carry out the
present price support law that ex-
pires at the end of next year, then
replace it with a new farm pro-
Atom bomb-The President
says as far as he is.concerned
it's absolutely true that Russia
has exploded atomic weapons
and is building up a supply of
Korea-Eisenhower wouldn't go
so far as to say it is his intention
eventually to replace American
troops with South Koreans. As
long as the United Nations carry
responsibilities in Korea, he said,
he doesn't believe they can remove
Visit by State Legislature
* * *
* *
* *
Arabs Warn
U.S. Against
Arab governments told the United
States yesterday that any more
military and economic aid to Is-
rael would fan smouldering fires
in the strategic Middle East.
Russia recently broke off rela-
tions with Israel, and the latter
country promptly urged that the
United States give her moral and
material aid.
* * *
TOP DIPLOMATS representing
the Arab world called in a group
at the State Department to oppose
"any more help of any sort."
"We believe it will amount to
throwing oil on smouldering,
fire," said Egyptian Ambassa-
dor Abdul Rahim, who acted as
The Arab envoys contended that
Israel was "exploiting the break
with Russia to win' big aid allot-
ments from the United States.
"The continuance of any sort of
aid to Israel will certainly be det-
rimental to the interests of the
United States in the Middle East
and will do away with any re-
serve of good will left," Rahim
The Arab protest to Under Sec-
retary of State Walter Bedell
Smith was aimed at blocking ap-
proval -of a series of public appeals
by Israel for assistance.
Reds Held Back
SEOUL - (P) - Eighth Army
-forces tossed back nine small but
fierce Communist thrusts along the
Korean battle front yesterday, us-
ing fiery napalm land mines at
one point to halt the Red attacks.
v When dynamic Tracy Lord,
played by Harriet Bennett,
Grad., decides to marry a' weal-
thy and solid coal man; por-
trayed by Don Hawley, '53,
things begin to happen.
Two reporters are immediately
dispatched to cover the gala wed-
ding. Mike Connor, played by Bob
Colton '56, is a down to earth
newsman who suddenly finds him-
self romantically involved with the
prospective bride..
Romantic complications set in
when the second reporter, Liz Em-
brie who has been sent to Phila-
delphia to report on the wedding
from the women'* angle, becomes
slightly disturbed over Mike's
wandering affections. Liz's role
will be taken by Lucille Cowen,
Other members of the cast in-
clude June Kielson, '55, Frances
Reitz, '53, and Norman Hartweg,
'55. Joseph Gadon '53, president
of the Student Players also ap-
pears in a role. The play is under
the direction of Marie Miller who
is spending her third year with the
Jelke Trial
NEW YORK-(P)-The State
Supreme Court refused yesterday
to lift the lid of secrecy from Mi-
not (Mickey) Jelke's cafe society
vice trial.
'* * *
jamin F. Schreiber said in a nine-
page decision directed to represen-
tatives of the New York press:
"The court has no right or
power on these applications to
decide whether the trial judge
should or should not have ord-
ered the exclusion of the public
and the press from the Jelke
General Sessions Judge Francis
L. Valente barred press and public
from the lurid state testimony in
the procuring tiial, saying it might
offend public decency.
-Daily-Dn Campbell
World News
'Henrietta' Invites Dail
mE- .- n r-
themselves entirely.
Secret agreements - The
dent doesn't want Congress
pudiate in whole any once
agreements -such as the
to re-
* , *
A'dlai Lunches
With President,
WASHINGTON - (-) - Adlai
Stevenson swapped campaign rem-
iniscences with President Eisen-
hower over a luncheon of breast
of guinea hen and wild rice at the
White House yesterday.
Arriving at the executive man-
sion, the 1952 Democratic presi-
dential candidate whimsically re-
marked to newsmen:
"These Republicans are treating
me so nicely that I think I'm be-
ginning to like Washington-may-
be too much."
THE FORMER Illinois goverpor
was closeted alone with Eisenhower
for 30 minutes before sitting down
to luncheon with 20 Congress mem-
bers in the big state dining room.
Stevenson said later he was
deeply grateful to the President
for the invitation."
Earlier, Stevenson dropped into
the State Department for a visit
with tecretary of State Dulles.
"We talked over old times-I
started to say quieter times," he
By The Associated Press is io
MOSCOW-Soviet Foreign Min-;
ister Andrei Y. Vishinsky left Mos--
cow yesterday for New York to Psychologists have shown that
head the Soviet Delegation at the the allure of a sad-looking puppy
UN General Assembly. is irresistable.
The Assembly will resume its Advertisers, taking their cue
sessions next- Tuesday. from the learned, have habitually
* * * used animal personalities to in-
NEW YORK-John D. Provoo, fluence their custoners.
an American who became en- And The Daily, not to be out-
meshed in the Oriental myster- done, is using its mascot Hen-
ies of Buddhism, was sentenced rietta, to invite yoai to The Daily
to life in prison yesterday for tryout meetings at the Publications
wartime treason. building, ,which will be held again
Provoo turned renegade upon his this week for any unfortunates
capture by the Japanese and his who missed their chance last week.
cooperation with them cost at least * .* *
one American life in the prisoner AT THE MEETINGS, which will
of war camps of World War II, be held at 4:10 p.m. today and to-
the prosecution charged. morrow and at 7:15 p.m. tomor-
*.row, those interested in either The
CLEVELAND - A m eric a n s Daily editorial or business staffs
should know within "a few may find out the countless oppor-
months" whether they can have tunities awaiting them on either
an income tax reduction, secre- staff.
tary of the Treasury George M. Since Henrietta is currently
Humphrey said yesterday. swamped by women reporters,
A I hW h she and The Daily hope partic-
WASHINGTON - The Weather ularly that a good many men
Bureau expects most of the coun- will come and discover how they
try to be as cool or cooler than
usual in the next 30 days, it said
yesterday. Skit Night Meeting
Productions committee repre-
I ndia R ussia sentatives from each of the six
groups chosen to appear in Skit
Night are asked to attend a meet-
ge ing at 7:30 p.m. today in Rm. 3D
of the Union.
Productions problems and any
MOSCOW-(A)-Prime Minist- questions which the groups may
er Stalin and Indian Ambassador have will be discussed.
K. P. S. Menon had a half hour
talk at the Kremlin last night.
Unquestionably they discussed the 'GO WEST':
Korean armistice issue.
The Moscow radio announced N el
Stalin also conferred with Dr. N te sen TO
Saifuddin Kitchlu, chairman of the
All-Indian Peace Council, who was
awarded a Stalin Peace Prize last Su _ort of
year. The radio gave no further
foreign secretary who once Was Student Legislature has already
India's envoy to Nationalist China, extended a helping hand to its
was accompanied to the Kremlin sister school in the Far East; a
by the first secretary of his Em- former exchange student from the
bassy. Soviet Deputy Foreign Min- Free University of Berlin will to-
ister Jacob Malik sat in with night advocate that the Legisla-
Stalin. ture go West.
"The meeting was friendly," an Phil Nielsen, Grad., who studied
Indian spokesman said. at the Berlin institution last year,
The Embassy declined comment has personal experience to back
on the Korean armistice issue, up his claim that the University
which the Indians brought up in should recognize the needs of a
the UN General Assembly last fall. significant "bastion of the West-
ern world behind the Iron Cur-
Loan Prints Still * * *
" .- . . ,.. .TIPTT.' TW*Y AC~r *-..-.T.ai4-....i
PIV1 eeuings
can learn to be editors or man-
agers for the 63-year-old publi-
Sex won't matter, however, in
terms of promotions. if someone
shows interest and talent, they
* * *
First'U Call
In 3 0 Years.
Visitors Hail Trip
As Informative
"Goodwill" was the byword yes-
terday as 70 members of the state
Legislature took time out from
their lawmaking to spend half a
day on the University campus.
Regents, top administrators and
faculty members and students
were on hand to greet the legisla-
tors who were visiting the campus
for the first' time in 30 years.
* * *
UNIVERSITY President Harlan
H. Hatcher described the visit as
a "very happy occasion for the
University and one designed to
strengthen the relationship be-
tween the school and the Legis-
Speaker of the House Wade
Van Valkenburg (R-Kalamazoo)
summed up the legislators view
of the trip as a very pleasant
and instructive visit.
- He marveled at the new Outpa-
tient Clinic and described it as a
building which is performing a
"very valuable'service to the state
and the nation."
Regent J. Joseph Herbert, of
Manistique, greeted the legislators
at a luncheon in the Union "not
as poor relatives of a rich uncle
hoping to be remembered in a
will, but as friends."
He continued by saying that
the Legislature has supported the
University well and stressed that
the University is prouder of its
product than its physical plant.
* * *
PRESIDENT Hatcher, -speaking
at the luncheon, told the legisla-
tors that "Michigan must be
ranked in the first half dozen
Universities in the nation."
Commenting on University
financial needs, he said the task
ahead is "not a discouraging one
but a thrilling one." He thanked -
the legislators for what they
had done for the University and
expressed hopes that the future
would be as profitable as the
The legislators went on a quick
tour of the central campus in the
morning. They stopped at the
Angell Hall Addition and the
.Pharmacology Bldg. and the Auto-
motive Lab to see a comparison
of the latest University facilities
with some of ,the oldest.
Expenses for the Legislature
visit were paid by friends and
alumni of the University. Enter-
tainment at the luncheon was
provided by the Men's Glee Club.
Speech Group
To Hear Talk
By Hatcher
President Harlan H. Hatche
will address the first Speech As-
sembly of the semester today at
4 p.m. in Rackham Lecture Hall.
He will be the first University
president to be a guest lecturer
for the student Speech Assemblies.
The title of his talk is "A Time
To Speak."
Regent Roscoe o. Bonisteel will
introduce President Hatcher. The
lecture is open to the public.
The second Speech Assembly
will be held on Wednesday March
18. At that time six Michigan high
school speakers will be competing
for $2,500 in Detroit Free Press
scholarships. The contestants are
being chosen in their respective
high schools at the present time
from a field of more than one
thousand speakers.
* * *
may work themselves before long
into one of the many paying junior
positions on either staff.
"For men of Discriminating
Taste, The Daily cannot be out-
done," managing editor Crawford
Young proclaimed. Henrietta just
Legislature Change Might Be Near
(Editor's Note: This is the sixth
and last in a series of interpretive
articles on University student gov-
A drastic change in the form of
campus student government might
well be in the offing.
And immediate change, if it
comes at all, seems to point to
only one direction: a plan featur-
ing at least some degree of or-
ganizational representation in the
legislative area.
- * *
MORE THAN 25 students repre-
senting top campus groups are
ri1',rntl!J'inv 00 ytin,y the tue
From all indications student
government will either head into
the area of organizational rep-
resentation, continue slowly along
present lines with SL ' capturing
greater central -control over cam-
pus activities or become frozen in,
its present form.
* * *
LEADERS of large campus in-
terest groups such as the Union
and top University administrators
such as Dean of Students Erich A.
Walter and -Dean of Men Walter
B. Rea feel strongly that the first
alternative would be beneficial for
the campus.
represent a threat to their pres-
tige and power.
On other campuses where a stu-
dent legislature or similar group
existed early in activities history,
it frenquently stands at the top of
the student hierarchy over the un-
ions and other student organiza-
As ideally as this situation might
work elsewhere, it doesn't seem to
be in the cards here in the im-
mediate future,
CONSIDERING the second al-
ternative, it can be seen that the
Legislature has been growing in
Sollcit SL
Berlin 'U'
an intellectual and personal con-
tact with the Berlin school.
The latter purpose would be ac-
complished by exchange of tape
recordings, short-wave- broadcasts,
correspondence and possibly stu-
dents and professors, according
to Nielsen.
* * *
A UNIQUE, student - founded
university, the Berlin institution
is situated in the city's American
sector and has 5,700 students en-
rolled, nearly half of whom are
political refugees.
Nielsen named its student
government as the strongest in