THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY FEBRUARY 17, 1953 ________________________________ I MSC BLUES: The Stadium Squabble f rU CURRENT MOVIES "Calling All Arabs -Calling All Arabs ---" (EDITOR'S NOTE: The bickering over where the MSC-Mchigan football game will be played next fall is currently the obsession on the State campus. The Michigan State News, MSC student newspaper, has spent a goodly portion of its newsprint on the subject. The following editorial bewailing the famous 'switch" suggestion ap- peased in The News Friday.) THE LEGISLATORS are the latest group to add opinion to the controversy over the proposed switch of location for the MSC- Michigan football game this year. A member of the Senate Committee on IState Affairs has urged that MSC seriously consider the switch because it would bene- fit those *ho would otherwise be unable to attend the game. But he specifiically said that his suggestion was made as a pri- vate individual and not as a state official. Michigan State's student government countered with a resolution condemning the proposed "trading" of stadiums for the big game. There are those that argue that MSC would increase its revenue by accepting the huge (capacity exceeds 97,000) field at Ann Arbor. However, it has been pointed out that a change in site for the contest would cause cancellation of some of MSC's season ticket orders. a Our Athletic Council will meet Feb. 23 and the subject is sure to be on the agenda. The pros and cons will be weighed and it is hoped by students that the decision will be a refusal of the offer made by Fritz Crisler, U of M's athletic director. Our motives fort restating this hope are simple: 1.) Macklin Field, with its more than 50,000 capacity, can take care of our stu- dents, faculty, employes, and part of Mich- gan's student body. Our students have not been given a better deal at Ann Arbor for the past two years than we are offering the Wolverines. 2.) The scheme originated in the mind of a Detroit sportswriter, whose feelings for the University of Michigan and its huge alum group probably take precedende over any "noble" reasons given. 3. The whole idea smells strongly of com- mercialism-which the critics of colleges say is evil. Our Ann Arbor neighbors claim they are against commercialism, such as Miss Big Ten contests, but this offer speaks far louder than the empty phrases which fre- quently issue forth from their self-construct- ed pedestal. 4.) Biggie Munn and his squad should not be called upon to give up the advan- tage of the home field. Michigan has been looking down the business end of the shot- gun for three straight years and they are a wee bit uncomfortable, but it's difficult to muster up any sympathy for them. Gaining the home advantage might seem attractive to them now-but we will beat them in East Lansing, Ann Arbor, or Oke- mos next November. 5.) College football is supposed to be played for college students. Let's have it that way! The time and expense of travel to Ann Arbor (where the game has been played for four consecutive years) is unfair to the State stu- dent. WE WANT TO PLAY OUR CONTESTS IN OUR OWN STADIUM! Making this situation a political football is the result of mistaken values. MSC may lose prestige in some quarters if we turn down the offer. It may be taken as a direct refusal of public desire. Remember, though, that the taxpayer was not guaranteed a seat at Ann Arbor when the Wolverines were riding the wave of power that swept them to national championship honors. It was the MSC students who attended the games when State was losing. The games still belong to the students of MSC-regard- less of what Fritz Crisler, Detroit sportwrit- ers, or other commentators might say. -Michigan State News + ART + TH E UNIVERSITY Museum of Art is this month offering three exhibits-drawing, painting and sculpture-by contemporary artists. They will remain on display in the galleries of Alumni Memorial Hall through March lst, hours 9-5 daily, 2-5 on Sundays. Paul Klee's drawings, in the West Gal- lery, cover the complete range of his ac- tivity, from 1908 to 1940, and provide a broad sampler from what would be a huge collection of sketches in various media. The accompanying text (mounted on yel- low) consists of excerpts from a lecture delivered at the Museum of Jena, in 1924, and is at once diverting and illuminating. To the casual or unsympathetic eye, these drawings perhaps will seem worthless-a hoax in which the perpetrator tries to pass off as art scribbles a child could equal or better before learning to write the first let- ter of the alphabet. True, here there is no attempt to recreate the visual image of na- ture, nor to design a pattern of abstract forms pleasing to the eye. Klee's purpose is much the same as that of the inarticulate child who picks up a pencil: to express an emotional state. The resemblance between their efforts is so ob- vious that the very real and important dif- ferences are often overlooked. Because of his greater experience, perception and train- ing, Klee knows and succeeds; the child does not know, and seldom succeeds, except par- tially. Even if the observer cannot fully appre- ciate nor precisely identify the emotion that aroused its visual counterpart (for no one can completely enter into anoth- er's soul) it is still apparent that Klee is driving at something, and that he has ar- rived even if we have not. His purpose and methods are as valid as any, however nebulous or inaccessible they may appear. As is usual, this exhibit reveals Klee to have been always whimsical, often sardonic, and frequently pedagogic. The pencil sketches, particularly the earlier pieces, seem hurried and unplanned, as they prob- ably were. "Portrait of an Expressionist" is more deliberately drawn, perhaps because tempera is a slower and more demanding medium. In any case, this caricature (which could be of the artist himself) is completely free of any venom or bitterness, such as are found in the work of George Grosz, for example. Essentially, Klee is kindly even when most sardonic. His pedagogy is tempered by the same friendly humor, as in "Pointed Word and Fists" or "History." The figures are ridi- culous stylistically, and this somehow saves them from being ridiculed. Being as they are, I suppose, is sufficient punishment in itself, at least for Klee. On the whole, I prefer the ones in which amusement, pure and simple, seems to have been the only motive, particularly "Magicians in Dispute" and the outrage- ously sample stick "Figure Entering." For better or worse (it depends on you), we are not likely to see a show such as this one again for some time on these pre- mises. show in the North Gallery ties in closely with the Klee exhibit. "Calligraphic and Geometric-two linear tendencies in recent American painting," is the descriptive title, and in the calligraphic canvases, at least, the emphasis on expressive line bears a strong resemblance to Klee, and others of the same school. Mark Toby and Morris Graves. from the West Coast, are two of America's leading ex- ponents of the calligraphic tendency, along with Kenneth Callaghan, their neighbor, who is not represented. The MMA mentions that Toby and Graves were directly influ- enced by their visits to the FarEast, but it doesn't show up well in these particular samples. Linear quality is emphasized, but exploited to such an extent that even a Japanese painter would consider it ir- responsible. But that is neither here nor there; they both bring it off quite well, al- though there are others in the show I ad- mire more. Arshile Korky is one of my preferences; his "Child's Companions" lies somewhere between Tobey and someone like Miro. Alfred Russell's "Rue Pernety" also 'made a strong impression, even more because of his color than his line. Of the geometrics efforts, John Heliker's latter-day cubist "Cathedral" impressed me most, because of his harmonious, if subdued, colors, and for the nice textures and construction he achieves. William Congdon seems to belong in both camps, although leaning more heavily to the calligraphic; at any rate, he can have my blue ribbon, if he wants it, for his "Winter Morning," which is heavily model- ed in various shades of brown and black on an off-white, making a very dramatic and persuasive composition. I cannot believe that Jackson Pollock's "No. 31" is anything more than an extremely hilarious & colorful accident, but in my weaker moments I can still enjoy it, although not for long stretch- es. The Michigan Sculpture Society is the sponsor of "Sculpture in Progress," in the South Gallery. In some ways, the pieces in this show can also be connected with the other two. Thomas McClure's "Crown," for example, is expressionistic, even calligraphic. On the whole, the woods come off best, especially "Two Figures," by Sam Caswan, a somewhat geometric form in dark wood, that bears certain -resemblances to the work of Henry Moore. A small "Thinker" in dark stone, by William McKey, is the piece I covet most; it is extremely simple and unpretentious, and infinitely more comforting than Rodin's famous giant of the same name. Mabel Austonen's "Inga- hill," a long torso in white stone, is also quite good, and the texture of the stone somehow allows her to carry it off better than the similar, polished efforts in wood. Taking the museum's offering as a whole, you will find a pleasing variety that is fur- ther enhanced by an informal but discern- ible unity. Even if you aren't in the market for an original painting (Gorky's is avail- amhea et onn) _ vour rin M the gallerie wil At the Michigan ..-. THE BAD AND THE BEAUTIFUL, with Kirk Douglas and Lana Turner. HOLLYWOOD-where eccentricities flow- er as profusely as swimming pools, and where the hunt for genius (we're told) is only less vigorous than the devices for keep- ing it regimented-has a lot of material to offer a picture intelligently made. The Bad and the Beautiful manages to see clearly a great deal of this glittering surface. The producer is a potent figure in the Hollywood scheme of things, making and breaking careers with mere glances. As one of these, Kirk Douglas' flamboyant, unrestrained 'acting is put to good use. The technique by which his rough-shod climb to fame is shown allows for some in- teresting variation-on-a theme effects. What amounts to three separate movies are put end to end, showing Douglashas a cad, blackguard, and a bounder in his relations with three different people. Unfortunately, the total effect is not cumulative; one of the characters, a German director, delivers a sage bit of advice when he tells Douglas "I could make a picture full of climaxes, but what would be left for the climax?" The best of the three episodes has Lana Turner as an alcoholic bit player, living unhappily on the remnant of her father's glory. Douglas, to enhance his reputation, decides to make a star all by himself, and picks Miss Turner, mostly because she's so unpromising. Playing a drunkard and a tramp who has nevertheless an aura of innocence about her is not easy, but Miss Turner does it well. Actually, this movie is only incidentally concerned with movie-making. Its con- flict, though well done, could just as well have centered on a power-mad Hollywood egg-crate manufacturer. How and why good pictures are made is as much a mystery as ever, -Bob Holloway * * * At the Orpheum ... GRAND CONCERT THIS FILM is most worth while -in that it gives a visual, as well as musical glimpse into the Soviet music and dance scene. Though musically confined to opera and two Kolkhiz folk songs, the dance is well represented by classical and modern ballet along with folk dance. The production began with a generous cutting from Alexander Borodin's opera, "Prince Igor." Much of the settings were actually filmed on the stage of the Bor- shoi theatre, where all scenes except the folk selections were staged. In the "Prince Igor" and also the "Romeo and Juliet" nothing was spared in creating scenic effects that would shame the most spectacular thathour Met could offer. The costumes and settings were so ornate and decoratively elegant that they easily achiev- ed the gilded, colorful timbre that hereto- fore seemed only the province of the painter. Painterly is the adjective that best de- scribes the production. The color was not the same as technicolor but rather the im- aginative tones and hues which reside in art museums. Musically the bass aria from Glinka's opera, "Ivan Sussanin" was the most expres- sive, but it received tough competition from the scene in the Borodin between Prince Igor and the Khan. The major dance episodes were from Tschaikovsky's "Swan Lake," and Proko- fieff's "Romeo and Juliet." Of the two the Tschaikovsky was too short to allow any conclusive impressions, but the Prokofieff was most interesting since it showed what the Russians are doing in the field of modern ballet. The only real flaw in the picture was the sub-plot which concerned a young artist's journey to success, but it was no more of- fensive than Hollywood versions of the same theme. And it did afford a brief, though perhaps propagandized, view of the Soviet music school. U. of M. music students will undoubtedly appreciate the fact of faculty members wearing fur frocks at juries. -Donald Harris The Threat To Freedom DESPITE REPORTS to the contrary abroad, the United States is still a country in which public opinion is largely molded by voluntary associations of private citizens. These associations also perform in- valuable public services on a national, and especially local levels. Whether in the cause of peace or social welfare or education, civil liberties, and national defense, the over- whelming majority of these organizations have never found it necessary to join forces with totalitarians of any stripe, with bigots, and cultural vigilantes. No program to safeguard American de- mocracy can be anything but self-defeat- ing which discourages the existence and multiplication of such voluntary associa- tions. We must not permit the existence of disingenuous front organizations to in- terfere with the continuous fight for good causes-whether popular or unpopular. .. . _~, /' ----rte ,_ i- . .A I Os -(0 sfLLAHI rt4eE ^W: .!t i) s')f- -' .C "OM T +a6 L RS) I +y; "'. Y ' ette4p TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. I- (Copyright, 1953, by the Bell Syndicate) DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN 1 i Yale Daily News.. . To the Editor: AM I AS nearsighted as my fel- low alumnus Magoo, or did I read correctly in Thursday's Daily that the Yale Daily News is the "country's' oldest college newspa- per?" During my four years on the staff of the Targum, student newspaper of Rutgers University, I learned above all else that it is the oldest college newspaper in the nation, although a few years' shutdown during World War II protects the Daily's claim for con- tinuity. The Targum was founded in 1869, some eight years prior to the Yale newspaper. I admit that this correction is a trivial matter to anyone but a Rutgers man, but "oi the banks" a statement such as that would rate you almost as low as a Princeton boy. -Robert T. Freese StadiumSquabble ... To the Editor: ED WHIPPLE may be a logical writer, but he's not very fair minded. He may call the fact that State has waited four years to have the Michigan game on theircampus a "short-sighted consideration," but how would he feel if the situation was reversed. How would we all feel. If the State students aren't par- ticularly fond of Fritz Crisler they have pretty good reasons not to* be. Not only did he help eliminate the two platoon system (a move which most observers feel was a mistake) but now he is trying to cheat them out of their season's biggest game (which is actually a' compliment to our school.) -Jim Deland * * * Asia Policy .. . To the Editor: ON JANUARY 27, 1953 John Fos- ter Dulles made a major for- eign policy address to the nation. Refering to the war in Korea and Indo-China he said: "Today these wars go on because the enemy thinks he is getting an advantage by continuing the war. I believe that General Eisenhower will find the ways to make the enemy change his mind in that respect so that they too will want peace." The first concrete manifestation of this view is the order to the Chiang Kai-shek's forces on For- mosa. There are suggestions of: 1. using more Asiantroops, 2. bombing, blockading, or invading China, 3. dropping the A-Bomb. Anthony Eden has pointed out that the political disadvantages of such measures may far outweigh any military advantages. There is a grave possibility that the war in Korea may be extended to a gen- eral war in Asia and perhaps to a total World War. Secondly, Chi- ang is discredited all over Asia and to a considerable degree all over the world. To judge by press releases, Eisenhower's order has caused considerable consternation among many people in Western Europe. In our own country Sen- ator Sparkman has expressed the fear that sooner-or later it will be American troops that will be do- ing the bulk of any new fighting. Perhaps the basic problem in Korea is not a military problem. Any policy that does not take full account of the trend toward self- rule which is sweeping Asia today is unrealistic. To label such a movement Communist or Com- munist dominated and leave it at that may servea a ijustifiatinn rule. Perhaps this is naive but a Cease Fire might be more instru- mental in saving lives than a Chi- ang raid. -Robert Schor * * * Conant's Views To the Editor: IN A BOOK REVIEW, Conant's Views on Education (Feb. 11) the following statement is quoted from his book, Education and Li- berty, "A dual system helps to maintain group clevages, etc., .. . might limit tlieir insistance on this type of education to the ele- mentary years." Some persons find a satisfac- tory basis for a moral code in the democratic creed, others in philo- sophy, and still others in religion. Religion is considered to be a major force in creating the sys- tem of human values on which democracy is predicted and there is derived from one or another of its varieties a deepened sense of human worth and a strengthened concern for the rights of others. Private schooling aims specifi- cally at developing an individual who in the light of his moral and intellectual training performs the duties of his state of life and of citizenship, with moral certainty. A dual system, where one or both sides tends, as a matter of policy, to instill animosities, would foster group clevages. Private schools do not, as such, promote misunderstandings. Group clev- ages result when a member of some group would deny a natural right to members of another group. In totalitarian systems of gov- ernment, the state decides what type of schooling youth is to have. In a free country, that responsi- bility rests with the parents, and for which they will be held mor- ally responsible. Parents have na- tural rights over the education of offspring and rights always imply corresponding duty. Parental in- sistence on proper education can- not end at the elementary level. The wise parent is concerned with any ideas youth absorbs, until such youth assumes the duties of the common callings of manhood and citizenship. -Marc Laframboise HE THAT SAITH he is in the light, and hateth his brother, is in darkness even until now. -I John 2:9 Sixty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Crawford Young.......Managing Editor Barnes Connable...........City Editor Cal Samra .......... Editorial Director Zander Hollander......Feature Editor Sid Klaus......... Associate City Editor Harland Britz.........Associate Editor Donna Hendleman.....Associate Editor Ed Whipple .............Sports Editor John Jenks......Associate Sports Editor Dick Sewell..... Associate Sports Editor Lorraine Butler........ Women's Editor Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor Business Staff Al Green...........Business Manager Milt Goetz.......Advertising Manager Diane Johnston.... Assoc. Business Mgr. Judy Loehnberg......Finance Manager Harlean Hankin.... Circulation Manager (Continued from Page 2) Policy and Administration." Professor Morgan Thomas, project director, will chair the discussion group which will consist of four Phoenix staff members: Richard Tybout and Laurie Robertson of the Economics Department and Jason Finkle and John Hale of the Political Science Department. Social hour will follow the meeting. All interested per- sons invited. Cercle Francais will not meet Tues- day as scheduled in Sunday's Daily. It will meet on Thurs., Feb. 19, in the Michigan League, at 8 p.m. Finance Club Meeting. "What Makes Us Tick," a film on the New York Stock Exchange, will be shown at 4:10 p.m. In 131 Business Administration. Elec- tion of officers will be held at the business meeting. All interested per- sons are invited. A coffee hour will follow. Congregational Disciples Guild. Tea at Guild House, 438 Maynard St., 4:30- 5:45. Women's Fencing Club. Organiza- tional meeting of Women's Fencing Club at 5:10 p.m. at the Women's Ath- letic Building. Membership in group is limited to women students who have had some instruction in fencing. Ballet Club will have organizational meeting Tues., Feb. 17. All interested are cordially invited to attend. Inter- mediates: 7:15-8:15; beginners; 8:15-9:15. There will be an important business meeting between classes. The Deutscher Aerein will hold their first meeting in Room 3A of the Union. The program will include slides on Ger- many and a discussion of the Free Uni- versity of Berlin. Everyone welcome. Motion Picture. Ten minute film, "Pigs and Elephants," shown Mon. through Sat. at 10:30, 12:30, 3 and 4 o'clock and Sun. at 3 and 4 o'clock, 4th floor University Museums Building. S.R.A. Council meeting, Lane Hall, 5:00-7:00 p.m. Square Dance Workshop, for budding callers, experienced dancers, and any others interested. Lane Hall, 7:30-10:00 p.m. Coming Events Alee-Ire, Student Branch, will pre- sent E. D. Redington, Commander, USN, speaking on the Shore Based Electron- ics Program of the U.S. Navy at 7:15 p.m., Wed., Feb. 18, in 3-B of the Michigan Union. A movie on aircraft ground-controlled approach systems will also be shown. Lt. Bodes from the Detroit Office of Naval Procurement will be present to give information about commissions for college gradu- ates. Everyone is welcome. Coffee and donuts for all. Student Affiliate, ACS. Glass-blowing demonstration by George Killich, Uni- versity Chemistry Department glass blower, at the meeting Wed., Feb. 18, 7:30 p.m., 1400 Chemistry Building. Everyone welcome. Election afterwards. Pi Lambda Theta, XI Chapter, Na- tional Professional Education Society, will meet Wed., Feb. 18, 7:30 p.m., West Conference Room, Rackham Building. Mr. Michael Church, of the Extension Service, will give an illustrated talk on "Ways of Enriching Our Everyday Living Experiences," and Professor Rob- ert Craig, of the School of Natural Re- sources, will talk on "Making the Most of vacations." Forum on College and University Teaching. First session, Feb. 20, 3-4:30 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater. A pane, composed of Vice-president Marvin L. Niehuss, Dean George G. Brown, and Professors Claude Eggertsen, Kenneth, L. Jones, and Albert H. Marckwardt, with Algo D. Henderson as chairman, will discuss: "Effective Teaching; How the Objectives in Teaching are Deter- mined." Faculty of the University and graduate students are invited. La Sociedad Hispanica. Meeting Wed., Feb. 18, at 8 p.m., in the Michigan Room of the League. Refreshments will be served, singing dancing, and a movie. All members invited. New memberships will be taken at the door. American Chemical Society Lecture, Wed., Feb. 18,' 8 p.m., 1300 Chemistry Building. Dr. J. L. St. John, of the Na- tional Research Council Committee on Food Protection, will speak on "Chem- ical Additivities in Foods." Speech and Hearing Association. Bus- iness meeting willbe held Wed., Feb. 18, at 7:30 in the League. Following the business meeting, at 8:15, Dr. Bloomer will speak on the topic, "Opportunities in the Field of Speech Correction." All interested persons are invited to at- tend the program. Wesley Foundation, Morning matin service, Wed., Feb. 18, 7:30-7:50. Re- fresher tea Wed. from 4 to 5:30. Roger Williams Guild. This semester we are renewing our Wed. afternoon activities, so be sure to come to the Guild House (not the Church) for our Midweek Chat, 4:30-5:45 p.m. Let's start off the Lenten season rightl Roger Williams Guild. We join with the church Wed., Feb. 18, for the third program of our Home Missions discus- sions. Come at 7 p.m. to hear Miss Otil- lie Pechous, Executive Director of the Gleiss Memorial Center of Detroit, who will speak on "Understanding and Work- ing With Minority Groups for Human Rights." Public Administration Social Semi- nar. All students of public administra- tion, political science, and their friends invited to meeting on Thurs., Feb. 19, 7:30 p.m., West Conference Room, Rack- ham Building. Mr. Rowland Egger, As- sociate Director, Public Administration Clearing House, will speak on "Admin- istrative Problems of the Oolitical Transition in Washington." Informal coffee hour will follow. ON THE WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-HOUND WITH DREW PEARSON i WASHINGTON-An important British document pertaining to U.S. defense has been pigeonholed by the U.S. navy in Paris. It refers to the controversial question of using aircraft carriers to attack Rus- sia, and sides with the U.S. Air Force in its contention that carriers are impractical. This is directly counter to the U.S. Navy's ambitious program for building supercarriers. It was during the bitter argument over carriers that the admirals did their best to undercut De- fense Secretary Louis Johnson and Air Secretary Stuart Syming- ton. The British Joint Chiefs of Staff, however, have drafted a top- secret document that it would be "suicidal" to throw naval air against Russia's superior land-based air, and that carriers are needed "main- ly to protect shipping." Despite its importance to Allied defense, the document has been held up in Europe by Vice Adm. Arthur C. Davis, who represents the American Joint Chiefs of Staff on the NATO military councils. He is the funnel through which our Allies communicate their plans and opinions to the Pentagon. While the formal document is gathering dust in Paris, however, a confidential report has been forwarded privately to the Navy, summarizing the British point of view. This report quotes the British admiralty itself as stating: "It is foolish to think of using fast carrier task forces for strategic bomb- ing attacks on interior Russia or to provide air support for Allied ground forces from either Mediterranean, North Sea, or Scandina- vian waters. No matter how many fast carriers and aircraft the U.S. fleet might have, their effort would be merely 'chicken feed' against the land-based air which the Russians would have in these areas in a hurry. o I LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS by Dick Bibler ~'iJZ/6' .,A~>/f -.--~-z7 .~: - r : _ -- - ..r ... j W 00,A u , 1 M t. ti 70 f.E1 r,,, i X57 tarty TO IF YDuIrt ' e" PASS THIS COLIC-4 p{!{E¢ to ... ~ li,3,ra BY-PASStt Btsi085 Mr+ oRoO Titf !fl , 1 + r lltI r L I r1 t ' IiI ' 1'^ .'i. ss" I' ' Ny Stut- I tl 8 t' RR4tr ... ._ ' PA P ,2S t K wC ,1 SS u t E IMP pa¢st3 FYNF ° EN" E 'i 4, j I I rj