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February 14, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-02-14

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The New
;P Strategy

The Sudan Solution

"Yummy I

OPPONENTS OF Congressional investiga-
tions of Communism in this country
have long had a substantial-although not
major--argument in the fact that probes
of underground activities have a way of
forcing these activities further underground.
Evidence of this basically psychologi-
cal reaction to being branded unpopular
has been apparent locally. Nationally,
the argument takes on a more signifi-
cant light in -connection with a recent
policy declaration of the Communist
Party. As announced in the Daily Work-
er of Dec. 28, 1952, American Party work-
ers have been ordered to center their ef-
forts solely on infiltration of firmly-es-
tablished political and social groups and
give the Progressive Party the heave-ho.
It is an impressive order, considering the
groups named for infiltration-among them
the Democratic Party, trade unions, the
AFLs Labor League for Political Educa-
tion, the CIO's Political Action Committee,
the Americans for Democratic Action and
the National Association for the Advance-
ment of Colored People.
Clearly, Congressional investigations are
only a minor part of the impetus behind
such a move. It is plain good strategy for a
group which supports a complete loser in
one election to abandon the loser and make
its influence more effectively felt In post-
election periods.
It is even better strategy, for Commun-
lst purposes, to work to discredit organi-
zations which attempt to secure social
benefits through democratic means.
But If Congressional probes are not the
primary cause of the Party's offensive po-.
licy move, shoddy investigatory methods;
if allowed to continue, can constitute a
back-handed contribution to the policy's
success. Nothing could be closer aligned to
the Party's 'attempts to discredit organi-
zations like the A.D.A. or the labor unions
than smear tactics aimed at these groups
by investigating committees, albeit for op-
posite purposes. And if appropriations re-
cently granted to committees headed by
Senators Jenner'and McCarthy are any in-
dication, the new administration does not
intend to discourage these tactics.
If Congressional committees move in
to investigate labor unions, for instance,
and Rep. Velde has announced his in-
tentions of doing so, they will with the
Communist Party's new help, find a
broadened opportunity to exercise "guilt
by association" tactics. Judging from
past probes, they will take full advan-
tage of the opportunity, and consequent-
ly will be discrediting the very groups
the Communist Party has designated its
members to infiltrate.
Investigating committees have a legiti-
mate, legal purpose, but thus far the dis-
astrous effects of their methods has out-
weighed any constructive "security" meas-
ures. In light of the Communist Party's
newest manifesto, it is time these com-
mittees re-evaluated their crude methods, so
as to avoid injuring the reputations of in-
nocent people and thereby playing into the
hands of the Communist Party.
-Virginia Voss
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writer only.
This must be noted in all reprints.

and Britain have come to terms over
the long-simmering question of the Sudan,
the way seems to be clear now for the estab-
lishment of a Middle East Defense Com-
The future of the Sudan heretofore had
been the subject of torturing bickering
between the Egyptians and the British
for half a century-ever since the expan-
sive desert country was placed under an
administrative condominium in 1899.
During that time, the conflicting claim to
rulership over tle Sudan on the part of
England and Egypt and the demands of
the Sudanese natives for autonomy had re-
sulted in a highly explosive situation, fre-
quently bloodshed.
Resolution of the problem by granting
the Sudanese themselves the right to choose
their future is a very significant accomplish-
ment. It means that the most frustrating
obstacle in the way of MEDO has been re-

Egyptian premier Mohammed Naguib
indicated Thursday that negotiations on the
remaining obstacle-the future of the Suez
Canal-will begin soon, now that the Egyp-
tians have been placated on the Sudanese
The anouncement was received in Wash-
ington and London with a good deal of
gratification. It came at a very importune
time. Some diplomatic coup in the Middle
East was necessary at this stage to off-set
the psychological inroads the Soviets made
in the Arab world this week when the Rus-
sians broke off relations with Israel.
Above all, however, the Sudanese pact is
an encouraging indication that the Egypt,
which would be the cornerstone of MEDO,
is ready to bargain with West. If so, the ce-
menting of a MEDO to protect the right
flank of NATO may be just around the
-Larry Sukenic





The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters whichsare signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the





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At the Michigan ..*
with Ralph Richardson, Ann Todd, and
Nigel Patrick.
THIS IS one of the finest pictures to ap-
pear at the uptown theaters in the last
few months, and is in fact the only decent
film to be run there since before the final
exam period. It so far surpasses the pseudo-
scientific movies currently in vogue that
perhaps a comparison would seem ridicu-
lous; nevertheless the basic situation is built
around 'scientific material, and much of
what is good about it can be traced to this.
Whether the data is accurate or not is im-
material, for it is convincingly presented
and consistent throughout.
Beyond the scientific interest--for this
alone could be quite dull-there are im-
plications and overtones of a higher philo-
sophical importance, and an excellent
conflict of personalities trying to resolve
problems of much greater significance
than merely passing a certain speed in an
Ralph Richardson, portraying an aero-
nautical magnate, is the focus of the story.
He is, like Melville's Ahab, in the position
of a more than normally powerful man
struggling to overcome the forces of an alien
or at least indifferent universe. His goal,
which assumes for him an overwhelming
and, inhuman importance, is building a
plane which will fly faster than the speed
of sound. He has had a "vision" that such
a feat would open a completely new world.
His ambition runs counter to that of
his daughter, played by Ann Todd, who is
not able to see anything in it but a stub-
born desire to acquire power and more
wealth. Her opposition to him is motivat-
ed by the fact that it will be her husband,
Nigel Patrick, who will attempt the su-
per-sonic flight.
The picture goes beyond a mere adventure
story in its method of presentation as well
as its philosophical meaning. The camera
work is wonderfully vivid, and the correla-
tion of a sensible musical score heightens
the effect greatly. The acting is uniformly,
fine, as might have been expected from the
list of performers. The film is exceptionally
entertaining, and provides more than a lit-
tle material for thought.
-Tom Arp

Architecture Auditorium
LOST HORIZON, with Ronald Colman and
Jane Wyatt
THE BACKGROUND which this movie
derives from the Hilton novel, combining
a pastoral idyll and an intellectual utopia
is a fairly difficult one to film. Within limits
Frank Capra's production successfully rep-
resents these elements and manages a tense
adventure story to boot.
The frantic scramble of China, 1937,
with the Japanese invasion tumbling ev-
erything, is presented in the opening
scenes. Ronald Colman and four other
Engishmen and Americans board a plane
just as the invaders come blasting into the
airport. Instead of being ferried out to
freedom, however, they find themselves
shanghaied off to Shangri-La..
Colman, public-school British to the core,
remains so even in the outfit of a lama. As
the man whom the venerable monks have
chosen to be their next leader, we might ex-
pect him to be more intense, somehow, than
he is. But his performance is nonetheless
In his interviews with the 250 year old
head lama, a sublime, spiritual atmosphere
is sought after. By the use of a soft focus and
a single candle ame this is largely attained,
even though the intellectual content of the
dialogues may not be of the highest order.
The love affair involving him wit hJane
Wyatt carries out the pastoral theme well.
Tradational elecents-naked damsels bath-
ing beneath faterfalls and wild chases
through the forest-are treated freshly.
The romance isn't really incorporated into
the movie, has the air of an added attrac-
tion, but this doesn't detract seriously
from the general coherence.
Edward Horton as a paleontologist is a
stroke of genius. His decision to stay in
Shangri-La because he's just started a geol-
ogy class there keeps the movie from being
too deadly serious.
As a whole, an entertaining and sincere
treatment of a concept old almost as man.
-Bob Holloway
IT IS THROUGH fraternity that liberty
is saved. d-Victor Hugo

WASHINGTON-Tuesday of this week is likely to go down in his-
tory as the first major turning point of the Eisenhower admin-
istration. It was the day when the hard fact was faced that there are
no cheap, magical solutions of any big problem, and especially of the
Far Eastern problem.
Evidently President Eisenhower and the State Department
policymakers did not foresee the consequences of their psycholo-
gically justifiable but militarily meaningless gesture of "unleash-
ing" Chiang Kai-shek. Plainly, they did not expect the ensuing
orgy of wishful thinking and irresponsible talking about pain-
less, miraculous ways to humble the Chinese Communists and end
the Korean War. At any rate, it can be said that the orgy had
not gone on for long before the President decided it was high
time to apply a corrective.
Under the President's instructions, the corrective was therefore
applied by Gen. Omar Bradley. The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff followed Secretary of State John Foster Dulles on the stand
of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Tuesday.
Although the assembled Senators only wished to talk about Far
Eastern solutions, Secretary Dulles made his European journey his
chief theme. As to such much-discussed expedients as the blockade
of the China coast, Dulles contentedhimself with saying that no ad-
ventures of this sort were planned, so far as he knew. That left Gen.
Bradley with the task of disillusioning the Senators, several of whom
had worked themselves up'to demanding a blockade tomorrow morn-
ing. Bradley made the following thorny points.
First, International law forbids a blockade without the de-
claration of a state of war. If we declared ourselves at war with
Communist China, the character of the Korean War would be
instantaneously transformed, and we should find ourselves fight-
ing alone, with our allies holding aloof. Incidentally, the block-
ade could not include Hongkong without a declaration of war on
Great Britain, but could include Port Arthur and Dairen, since
these ports technically belong to China.
Second, besides dividing this country from its allies, a blockade
would invite reprisals. The Chinese might step up the air war in
Korea, which they are now capable of doing. They might bomb For-
mose, which has no serious air defense; attack Hongkonk or at least
cut off its supplies; and even attack the American bases in Okinawa
and Japan, which are weakly defended. Ostensibly Chinese submar-
ines might attack the American blockading vessels. And the chance
that the Soviets themselves might intervene openly, under the terms
of the Sino-Soviet pact, is taken more seriously than is generally
Third, despite all the demagogic bellowing to the contrary,
an off-shore blockade to halt Chinese imports would be relatively
ineffectual. What is needed is an inshore blockade, cutting off
the coastal shipping that constitutes Communist China's main in-
ternal lines of communication.
Fourth, and most important of all, a blockade would certainly be
inflaming; it might be crippling; but it could not be counted on to
bring the Chinese Communists to heel. Hence a blockade should not
be planned except as one item in a broader program of military and
other action, aimed to make the Chinese Communists see reason by
force. The extent of such a program may be gauged by the fact that
the whole moth-ball fleet would have to be mobilized merely to main-
tain an inshore blockade.
(Copyright, 1953, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)

Red Series.. .
To The Editor:
AT THE STUDENT Legislature
meeting on Jan. 14, I moved
the following resolution: "A stu-
dent newspaper is a news-gather-
ing and interpreting organ, and
we believe that in their position
the student editors should attempt
to uphold an atmosphere of free
and objective thinking. We feel
that the methods of journalism
used in the recent series on Com-
munist activity on this campus
were those which stifle discussion
rather than facilitate the free ex-
change of ideas. Therefore, in the
interests of preserving a free and
objective atmosphere, the Student
Legislature expresses its disap-
proval of the recent series of ar-
I felt and still do feel that the
Daily should be censured for their
series. Rather than giving infor-
mation for constructive action,
the little innuendoes and impli-
cations sprinkled throughout fos-
tered a type of hysteria. In judg-
ing the variousycampus groups
we need to evaluate their actions
since it is difficult, if not impos-
sible, to determine deeply hidden
motives. I am afraid that the ser-
ies tended more towards a sensa-
tionalism of naming names than
towards an intelligent analysis
of actions.
It was for this reason that I
brought the motion to SL for dis-
cussion. It was discussed for over
an hour and although no-one
could praise or justify the arti-
cles, they seemed to feel it was
not within the jurisdiction of the
SL to pass such a motion of cen-
sure. I cannot agree with this,
Since 'I see the matter simply as a
carrying through of our function
of expressing student opinion. I
am glad that the matter could be
discussed and feel that the mo-
tion served a vital function there-
by. However, I felt it would not
be fruitful to rehash the matter
further, and therefore withdrew
it last Wernesday from additional
consideration. For certainly, this
whole matter is but a minor prob-
lem within the scope of the whole
idea of the threat to academic
freedom today - something we
should be thinking and doing
something about.
-Paula Levin
J-Hop Extra . .
To the Editor:
MAY I SUGGEST that you
equip yourself with a bar of
good strong laundry soap, for the
purpose of washing out the
mouths of those staff members
who had anything to do with-the
J-Hop Extra.
All unsuspecting, I bought a
copy because of my real interest
in both the J-Hop and the March
of Dimes. I imagine that quite a
few people like me were led to be-
lieve by the pictures on the cover
that the issue would contain en-
tertaining sidelights on the party,
for unlucky souls who don't get to
go to such things. Not only was
it disappointing in this respect,
but I'm certain I've never seen
anywhere a collection of writings
so thoroughly bad in every pos-
sible way. Few people nowadays
object to a little off-color writing.
But to be acceptable it must eith-
er be funny or have literary mer-
it. Apparently this writing in the
J-Hop Extra was meant to be fun-
ny. There was no humor any-
where in the issue; the few gleams
of wit which might have shone
through were carefully extinguish-
ed under shovelfuls of manure.
The lapse in taste, which might

be overlooked if only The Daily
were involved, becomes deplorable
in the light of its connection with
the March of Dimes. It is my feel-
ing that you have done a real
disservice to the students and
staff of the University as well as
to the March of Dimes, and that
a public apology is surely in order.
-Ruth Good
IHC Statemrent.. .
To the Editor:
OVER A PERIOD of years it was
only natural that many differ-
ences should arise between the
Residence Halls and Fraternities.
During this past year the I.H.C.
and the I.F.C. have actively sought
to resolve these differences' in or-
der that our mutual energies could
be directe dtowards the fulfillment
of the ideals of the Michigan Com-
munity, instead of dissipating
them in fruitless quarrels. The
"Michigan Daily through its ir-
responsible "Editorial Sensation-
alism" has served to destroy the
progress which we have thus far
Contrary to the- "Daily's" edi-
torial, we have reached a compro-
mise, which has been agreed upon
by both groups. It would be ri-
diculous to assume that these dif-
ferences, accumulated over an ex-
tended period, could have been re-
solved in so short a time. There-
fore, we have formulated a plan
which, with continued mutual un-
derstanding, will resolve our com-
mon problems.
This first agreement is but the
initial step towards the fulfillment
of an overall plan designed to pro-
mote mutual trust and confidence
between Quad Men and Frater-
nity Men. We have complete faith
that the officers of the ILF.C. and
Fraternity Men will jointly under-
take with us to bring about th#
realization of this plan.
The Fraternities have an excel-
lent system, of which they and the
entire University should be justly
proud. Our sole desire in the Resi-
dence Halls is to develop a system
of communal living that will also
be a credit to the University and a
system which 'the men, who prefer
Quad life, can be justly proud.
We are Quad Men, not Fraternity
Men, but above all we are all
Michigan Men, and to that end our
efforts are being directed. It is our
hope that the "Michigan Daily"
will in the future also become part
of the University Community, and
direct its efforts toward our com-
mon goal-the strengthening and
betterment of the University of
-Ted Bohuszewicz
.-Roger G. Kidston
Pres.-East Quad Council
-Booth Tarkington
. Pres.-South Quad Council
-Sam Alfieri
Pres.-West Quad Council
(EDITOR'S NOTE: As indicated
each day at the bottom of the edi-
torial page, "Editorials printed in
The Daily . . . represent. the views
of the writer only," in this case Mike
IF A MAN SAY, I love God, and
hateth his brotl3er, he is a liar:
for he that loveth not his brother
whom he hath seen, how can he
love God whom he hath not seen?
-I John 4:20
THEREFORE ALL things what-
soever ye would that men do
unto you, do ye even so to them.
-Matthew 7:12




(EDITOR'S NOTE: Drew Pearson is now on a
*trip to Berlin and Paris to check on crucial de-
velopments there and report on the progress be-
ing made in unifying our Allies.)
PARIS-Following his conversation with
French Foreign Minister Georges Bi-
dault, John Foster Dulles sent an optimis-
tic cable back to the State Department. He
reported that he and the French, who hith-
erto have been the chief stumbling block to
ratification of the United European Army.
Pact, had found general grounds for agree-
That may have been what the French
Foreign Minister told the new Secretary
of State, but it was not what he told oth-
er members of his own staff at Quai D'-
Orsay. To them he stated that it will be
very difficult indeed to secure ratifica-
tion of the key pact upon which, in the
opinion of many diplomats, depends the
peace of Europe.
As a newspaperman surveying sentiment
in Europe, I would go further than M. Bi-
dault. On the basis of my own personal
observations, I regretfully predict that the
United European Army Pact will not be
ratified at all--without changes so drastic
,as to practically nullify it.
Since this- pact is No. 1 on the agenda
of American foreign policy and since this
was the prime purpose of Mr. Dulles'
trip to Europe, such a defeat would be a

1-American-French relations have sunk
to their lowest ebb in years. Never have
we been liked less by a people with whom
we have been linked since the days of
2-Both the United States and the French
governments failed, to prepare the public
opinion foundation for French-German un-
ity. We did not make the French people un-
derstand the advantages of a United Euro-
pean Army; of burying the hatchet with
Germany after 80 years of war. Instead we
tried to build a roof with no walls to sup-
port it.
3-France is going through a period of
isolationist debate and'introspection similar
to our own debate over the League- of Na-
tions in 1920. To many Frenchmen joining
the United European Army means the sur-
render of her sovereignty, just as American
entry into the League in 'the opinion of the
little band of Senate isolationists meant the
end of our existence as an independent na-
tion in 1920.
The parallels are almost identical. Robert
Schumann, the French foreign minister who,
proposed the United European Army, is nov%
out of office and has lost part of his popu-
larity; just as Woodrow Wilson who pro-
posed the League of Nations, was defeated
politically and broken physically.
Frenchmen who oppose the European
pact include, of course, the Communists

can be trusted, and that Nazism is only
lurking around the corner to take over once
* * *
UNFORTUNATELY none of this is helped
by the wave of anti-American feeling
now sweeping France. The most serious blow
to Franco-American friendship was a Life
Magazine article which compared Marianne,
the symbol of France, to a slattern.
Immediately the French press blazed.
Even pro-American papers blasted the
United States. The outburst was far
greater than that following Eisenhower's
statement during the Chicago conven-
tion that the French were 50 per cent
Unfortunately the Life Magazine state-
-ment was openly linked with the Eisenhow-
er Administration. Life writer Emmett
Hughes, it was pointed out, is a member of
the White House staff, Fortune Magazine
director C. D. Jackson has been named to
the new commission on phychological war-
fare, publisher Harry Luce has been a
heavy Eisenhower backer, while his wife is
becoming American ambassadress to Italy.
On top of this came John Foster Dulles'
remark that France must ratify the Eu-
ropean Army pact by April 23. While this
was good for U.S. home consumption, it
made the hair bristle on every back in


(Continued from Page 2)
Approved the delegation of Section 6,
Article III, and the amendment to
Section 7 of the same Article in the
By-laws of the constitution of the
Interfraternity Council.
Academic Notices
Seminar in Medical Sociology. An in-
terdepartmental seminar, PHP 209
(School of Public Healthl isbeing of-
fered by the School of Public Health
in the spring semester 1953 in Medical
Sociology-the social organization of
health practices in an institutional
framework. The seminar will meet by
arrangement, and is 'offered for two
credits in the Graduate School. Ad-
mission will be by arrangement with
Dr. Axelrod or Mr. Darsky, 2539 School
of Public Health, University extension
2404; or with Dr. Williams, Depart-
ment of Sociology.
Health practices, particularly with
respect to the provision of medical
care, constitute a field of current con-
troversy, but the importance of the
field has not been reflected in systematic
scientific consideration. It is believed
that an interdisciplinary approach
would illuminate the data and prob-

(b) The informal organization of
health practices: The private and vol-
untaristic aspects of health practice--
the roles of the patient, the voluntary
organizations, and the cult;
(c) The formal organization: Public
Health as a general concept and a gov-
ernment function, including its rela-
tion to medical practice and welfare ac-
There will be informal discussion of
papers on the topics chosen, which
should be selected with reference to
completing the conceptualization as
well as the availability of data and
personal interest.
Mathematics Colloquium. At 4 p.m.,
Mon., Feb. 16, 3011 Angell Hall, Profes-
sor Pierre Samuel of University of
Clermont-Ferrand, France, and Cor-
nell University, will speak on a topic
in algebraic geometry.
Events Today
Hillel. Saturday morning services will
be held at 9 a.m. at 1429 Hill Street.
Phi Delta Kappa, men's honorary ed-
ucation society, will hold its initiation
luncheon at 12:15 p.m. at the Michigan

Naidoo, H. Onubogu. Dr. C. Davis will
discuss "Africa As Seen by an Ameri-
can." Professor Preston W. Eglosson will
act as moderator.
Beacon .Club luncheon at 11 noon at
the League. Mr. Jagan Kaul will speak
on the topic, "The Present Political
Situation in India."
Coming Events
Political Science Round Table will
meet Tues., Feb. 17, at 7:45 in the
Rackham Amphitheater. The staff of
Phoenix Project Number 48 will con-
duct a "Round Table" on the subject
of "Atomic Energy Policy and Admin-
istration." Professor Morgan Thomas,
project director, will chair the discus-
sion group which will consist of four
Phoenix staff members: Richard Tybout
and Laurie Robertson of the Econom-
ics Department and Jason Finkle and
John Hale of the Political Science De-
partment. Social hour will follow the
meeting. All interested persons invited.
World Student Day of Prayer. The
service observing the World Student
Day of Prayer will be held in the Bap-
tist Church on Sun., Feb. 15, at 7:30.

Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young.......Managing Editor
Barnes Connable............City Editor
Cal Samra............Editorial Director
Zander Hollander......Feature Editor
Sid Klaus.......Associate City Editor
Harland Britz.......Associate Editor
Donna Hendleman.....Associate Editor
Ed Whipple...............Sports Editor
John Jenks......Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewell.....Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler......Women's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor
Business Staff
Al Green..........Business Manager
Milt Goets.......Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston.... Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehnberg.......Finance Manager

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