THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1953 THE MlCHIG.AN I ILY PAGE NMN THURSDAY, MAY 28, 195S THE MICHIGAN 1~AILY PAGF ~ (Paid Advertisement), S GS I On Monday, May 25, 1953, the Supreme Court refused to grant a hearing to ETHEL and JULIUS ROSENBERG sentenced to die for the crime of CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT ESPIONAGE ... (there was no charge that espionage was actually committed). Justices Black and Douglas dissented. At this point the ROSENBERGS' stay of execution has been invalidated and ... THEY MAY DIE AT ANY TIME. Government officials say that if the ROSENBERGS care to give any information concerning espionage to the Government, such action would be taken into consideration in future clemency pleas. ON THIS QUESTION THE ROSENBERGS "We are innocent, as we have proclaimed and maintained from the time of our arrest. This is the whole truth. To forsake this truth is to HAVE SPOKEN: pay too high a price even for the priceless gift of life... for life thus purchased we could not live in dignity and self respect." NEVER BEFORE IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES has a civil court, either in peace or war, decreed a sentence of death for the crime of espionage. For that most grave of all crimes, TREASON, only two death sentences have been imposed since the adoption of the Constitution and ... NO EXECUTION HAS TAKEN PLACE. 0 0 r YET IN THE ROSENBERG CASE COUNT- LESSPEOPLENTHROUGHOUT THE WORLD ARE NOT ONLY IN OPPOSI- TION TO THE DEATH SENTENCE BUT ARE - NOT CONVINCED THAT THE ROSENBERGS ARE GUILTY. The follow- ing letter is an illustrative example. w From DR. HAROLD C. UREY to JUDGE KAUFMAN: "I am writing to urge you to change the sen- tence of death imposed on ETHEL and JULIUS ROSENBERG to a lesser punishment. . . I found the testimony of the ROSENBERGS more believ- able than that of the Greenglasses . . . I am amazed and completely outraged by the unequal punishment which has been given. For the same crime Ruth Greenglass is never brought to trial, though she admitted her guilt under oath; David Greenglass gets fifteen years imprisonment; Mor- ton Sobell and Harold Gold get 30 years imprison- ment; and ETHEL and JULIUS ROSENBERG GET DEATH. Only the last two took the witness-stand and maintained that they were innocent, and they were convicted on testimony which I do not believe is conclusive beyond a reasonable doubt . . . I strongly urge a careful reconsideration of this sentence." prompted by the some reasons which were set forth so convincingly by my distinguished col- league, HAROLD C. UREY." * REV. HENRY HITT CRANE, Central Methodist Church, Detroit: "Dear Mr. President: ... May God give you the wisdom and strength to make the courageous decision to commute the DEATH SENTENCE to life imprisonment, that there may later be opportunity to deter- mine finally the question of guilt and that JUSTICE AND MERCY MAY NOT FAIL." " POPE PIUS XII - (via Msgr. Biovanni Cicog- nano, apostolic Delegate to Washington): "The HOLY FATHER received numerous and urgent appeals for intervention which out of motives of charity proper to his apostolic office, without being able to enter into the merits of the case, his Holiness felt appropriate to bring the attention of the U.S. civil authorities." * JEAN-PAUL SARTRE, French writer: "The ROSENBERGS must be saved for their sakes and for our own; in defending them we are defending ourselves . . . I am united with you in asking Clemency for the ROSENBERGS because their cause is in the cause of liberty and peace." THE DEFENSE CLAIMS: . -There is new evidence to be submitted. THE PROSECUTION MAINTAINED: ".. That a "certain expensive table", which allegedly had a secret compartment, was given to the ROSENBERGS by the Soviet Union. In short there is much about the case that deserves serious scrutiny by the American public. We have the right to know all the facts. We have the right to ask that no precedent with regard to the DEATH SENTENCE be established in a case in which there is DOUBT OF GUILT. MORE THAN THE LIVES OF TWO PEOPLE AND THE FUTURE OF THEIR TWO CHILDREN ARE AT STAKE If we in America give up our traditional spirit of justice, we shall be shamed in our own eyes and throughout the world. Where there is NO JUS- TICE FOR ONE PERSON, THE SAFETY OF ALL IS ENDANGERED. Many forward looking men and women throughout the world are deeply con- cerned lest the DEATH SENTENCE FOR THE ROSENBERGS represent a retreat by our nation from our lofty principles of democracy to the stan- dards of barbarism. JUSTICE CAN BE SERVED FOR ALL .. . ONLY WHILE THERE IS LIFE ... WE-HAVE THE POW- ER TO SAVE THE ROSENGERGS BY A CONCERT. ED EFFORT. WRITE PRESIDENT EISENHOWER Y O U R SENTIMENTS FOR CLEMENCY NOW. WE THANK THE MANY STUDENTS AND FAC. ULTY WHO HAVE SO GENEROUSLY CONTRIB- UTED FOR HIS AD. OTHERS WHO HAVE LENT THEIR VOICES TO THE APPEAL FOR THE ROSENBERGS IN- CLUDE. * DR. ALBERT EINSTEIN, Physicist: "Dear Mr. President: My conscience compels me to urge you to commute the death sentence of ETHEL and II , iC nleCK lo n - THE DEFENSE HAS ESTABLISHED: .". That the table is an inexpensive model obtained at R. H. Macy's Department e4s- - iK . V eYrz i . Additional Information: Including the transcripts of the case can be gotten by writing to the NATIONAL COMMIT- TEE TO SECURE JUSTICE IN THE ROSENBERG rAC r 1n01C i+kAvo N Y 1 R NY Rr 9-9694. I