4A ', THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1953 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room Z552 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceding publication (before 11 a.m. on Saturday). THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1953 Vol. LXIII, No. 167 Notices Commencement Instructions to Fac- ulty Members. Convene at 4:15 p.m. in first floor lobby in Administration Building; buses will be provided in front of Administration Building to take you to the Stadium or Yost Field House, join procession and take place assigned to you on stage, as directed by Marshals; at the end of the exer- cises, buses will be ready in driveway east of the Stadium or at west side of Field House to bring you back to the campus. PLANS FOR COMMENCEMENT' Commencement-Sat., June 13, 5:30 p.m. Weather Fair Time of Assembly-4:30 p.m. (except noted) Places of Assembly Members of the Faculties at 4:15 p.m. In the Lobby, first floor, Administra- tion Building, where they may robe. (Transportation to Stadium or Field House will be provided.) Regents, Ex-Regents, Deans and other Administrative Officials at 4:15 p.m. in Administration Building, Room 2549, where they may robe. (Transportation to Stadium or Field House will be pro- vided.) Students of the various Schools and Colleges on paved roadway East of East Gate (Gate 1-Tunnel) to Stadium in four columns of twos in the following order: SECTION A-North side of pavement -Literature, Science and the Arts SECTION B-South side of pavement -Education (in front); Engineering (be- hind Ed.); Architecture (behind Eng.); Medicine (behind Architects) SECTION C-On grass field in a line about 30 degrees South of East-Nursing (in front); Law (behind nurses); Phar- macy (behind Laws); Dentistry (be- hind Pharmacy); Business Administra- tion (behind Dent.) SECTION D-On grass field in a line about 45 degrees South of East-Natural Resources (in front); Music (behind Natural Resources); Public Health (be- hind Music); Social Work (behind Pub- lic Health); Graduate (behind Social Work with Doctors in front) March Into Stadium-5 p.m. Weather Rainy In case of rainy weather, the Uni- versity fire siren will be blown be- tween 4 and 4:15 p.m. indicating the exercises in the Stadium will be aban- doned. Members of the Faculties, Re- gents, Deans, etc., will assemble at the same places as for the fair weather program. Graduates will go direct to Yost Field House at 5 p.m. and enter by the South door. Ending Tonight 50c until 5 P.M. 70c after 5 ®] From the British studios whose classics of suspense hove made motion picture history! a J. ARTHUR RANK presentation. "A bang-up drama., ::-<-. crackles with... V< . excitement! ? -rim.eMa g. Roy Boulhng s' :.. ;.Brilliant Spy Thriller! TREASON Also CARTOON - TRAVEL - NEWS as said records are cleared in compliance with the regulations of the Regents. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN GENERAL LIBRARY Library Hours for the Examination Period The General Library will be open 8 a.m.-10 p.m. on Saturday, May 30, Memorial Day since it falls within the examination period. The Divisional Li- braries will be open on their regular Saturday schedules, 8 am. till noon on Memorial Day. Deadline Date for Veteran Requisi- tions. May 29, 1953, has been established as the final date for the procurement of books, equipment and supplies using veterans requisitions. No requisitions will be honored by the vendor subse- quent to this date. Summer Session Registration Material for the College of Literature, Science and the Arts, may be obtained at Win- dow No. 1, Registrar's office, Admin- istration Bldg. on June 1, and there- after. Distribution of Diplomas. If the ex- ercises are held in the Stadium, diplo- mas for all graduates, excepting the School of Dentistry, will be distributed from designated stations under the east stands of the Stadium, immediately aft- er the exercises. The diploma distribu- tion stations are on the level above the tunnel entrance. If, however, the exercises are held in the Yost Field House, all diplomas ex- cepting those of the School of Dentistry will be distributed fro mthe windows of the Cashier's Office and the Registrar's Office in the lobby of the Administra- tion Building. Following the ceremony, diplomas may be called for until 9 p.m. Late permission for women students who attended "Old Acquaintance" on Tues., May 26, will be no later than 11:55 p.m. Graduate Students may pick up Com- mencement Announcements and Book- lets through Fri., May 29, from 10:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the Administra- tion Building. Extra copies are avail- able for immediate purchase. Attention June Graduates: College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, School of Education, School of Music, and School of Public Health: Students are advised not to request grades of I or X in June. When such grades are ab- solutely imperative, the work must be made up in time to allow your instruc- tor to report the make-up grade not later than 4:00 p.m., Sunday, June 7, 1953. Grades received after that time may defer the student's graduation un- til a later date. Literary College Faculty. It would be appreciated if members of the Literary College faculty who have not yet re- turned their completed research ques- tionnaires would do so before the end of the semester. -Leo Goldberg Student Loans for Men. Students un- able to pay in full loans due on or be- fore June 1 should see Miss Zimmer, 1059 Administration Building immedi- ately. proved by the Sub-Committee on Disci- pline. In one case the Council recom- mended that it be returned to the In- ter-House Council Judiciary for re- hearsing, and this was approved by the Sub-Committee on Discipline. In the remaining cases the following disci- plinary arctions recommended by the Joint Judiciary Council were ordered by the Sub-Committee on Discipline: For furnishing identification to mi- nors to buy intoxicants: One student fined $55.00 and warned (second disci- plinary action); one student fined $5.00 and warned; one student severly warned. For falsifying University records and using false identification to purchase intoxicants as a minor: One student fined $20.00 and warned. For aiding in violation of state law by attempting to purchase intoxicants as a minor: One student fined $10.00. For attempting to purchase intoxi- cants to give to minor: One student fined $10.00 and warned. For accepting and consuming intoxi- cants furnished to them in violation of state laws and refusing to answer rea- snable questions. Four students fined $25.00 and warned. For aiding in the violation of state laws by purchasing intoxicants as a minor, for keeping intoxicants in stu- dent residence, and consuming intoxi- cants on University property: One stu- dent fined $20.00 and warned; fine sus- pended after $15.00 fine paid in Munici- pal Court. For drinking in student residence: One3 student fined $25.00 and warned (sec- ond offense); one student fined $20.00 and warned (second offense); eight stu- dents fined $10.00 and warned. For driving in violation of Univers- ity regulations: One student fined $40.00 and warned (third offense); one stu- dent fined $15.00 and warned. For aiding in violation of state law by accepting and consuming intoxicants as a minor: One student (woman) giv- en ten days social probation and warned. For conduct unbecoming a student: One student fined $10.00 after court fine of $26.15 for simple larceny and warned; one student fined $5.00 and warned; two students fined $5.00, warned and required to make restitu- tion of property; one student warned. For driving in violation of University regulations and driving after drinking: One student fined $30.00 and warned after paying $31.85 fine in Municipal Court. For serving and consuming intoxi- TODAY and Friday 4.. J CiTema SL d/i ARCHITECTURE AUDITORIUM - 50c i S k 2 t 1 t E 1 c t 1 3 3 cants in a student apartment and hold- warned; two students severely warned ing unauthorized parties where intoxi- after paying $54.30 in Muncipal Court. cants were consumed by minors: Two For misappropriating books: One stu- students fined $25.00 and warned. dent required to make restitution and For drinking in student quarters and to clear with the Dean of Men before furnishing intoxicants to minors: One readmission to the University. student fined $20.00 and warned. For providing minors with intoxicants For aiding in violation of state law in violation of state law: One student For idig i vilatin o stte aw.fined $15.00 and warned. by attempting to procure intoxicants as For aiding in violation of state la a minor and usig false identification: byraidingIindviolstingofntateclaw One student fled $20.00, asked to write by acceptingand consuming intoxicants letter of apology and warned; two stui- as a minor and attending illegal party: dens fined$.00,finesuspend ft-Fifteen students fined $10.00 and er $51.25 fine paid in Municipal Court, warnedi and warned. For aiding in violation of state law by accepting and consuming intoxicants For violation of University rules ap- as minors: Two students (women) given plying to student residences: Two stu- seven days social probation; five stu- dents (women) given ten days social dents fined $10.00 and warned; one stu- probation; two studets fined $10.00 and dent (woman) given ten days social warned. probation. For use of other's identification in at- For providing minors with intoxicants tempt to purchase intoxicants: One in violation of state law and refusing student fined $50.00 (second offense), to answer reasonable questions. One fine suspended after $50.00 fine paid student fined $25.00. In Municipal Court; one student- fined For drinking in student quarters and $50.00, fine suspended after $50.00 fine driving automobile in violation of Uni- paid in Municipal Court, and severely (Continued on page 4) Matinees 50c Evenings 70c Tonight and Friday at 7 & 9 P.M. MARK HELLINGER PRESENTS i r l Recommendations for Departmental Honors: Teaching departments wishing to recommend tentative June graduates from the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and the School of Educa- tion for departmental honors should recommend such students in 'a letter sent to the Registrar's Office, 1513 Ad- ministration Building, by 12:30 p.m. Sat., June 6. GENERAL LIBRARY To all students having Library books: 1. Students having in their possession books borrowed from the General Li- brary or its branches are notified that such books are due Wed., June 3. 2. Students having special need for certain books between June 3 and June 11 may retain such books for that pe- riod by renewing them at the Charg- ing Desk. 3. The names of all students who have not cleared their records at the Library by Fri., June 12, will be sent to the Cashier's Office and their credits and grades will be withheld until such time BURT LANCASTER AVA GARDN ER 11 in ERNEST HEMINGWAY'S FEARFUL AND FATALISTIC TALE "It belongs with the best." - N.Y. WORLD TELEGRAM "A taut and absorbing film. You'll like it if you enjoy suspense and the unraveling of crime enigmas involving pernicious folks." - N.Y. TIMES Al AY ALaj r A.Cinema Guild Premiere Presentation "TOU LOUSE-LAUTREC" IN BRILLIANT COLOR Tonight and Friday at 7 & 9 P.M. 11 CHORAL UNION CONCERTS ROBERTA PETERS, Soprano, October 7; BOSTON SYMPHONY, October 22; VIRTUOSI DI ROMA, November 2; VLADIMIR HOROWITZ, Pianist, November 21; De PAUR'S INFANTRY CHORUS, November 24; TORONTO SYMPHONY, February 10; PAUL BADURA-SKODA, Pianist, February 17; GEORGE LONDON, Bass, February 28; ELENA NIKOLAIDI, Soprano, March 12; MYRA HESS, Pianist, March 17. Season Tickets - $10.00, $12.00, $16.00 'i COMPLETE CHANGE OF PROGRAM SATURDAY AND SUNDAY : . E EXTRA CONCERT SERIES All men students having lockers at Waterman Gymnasium are requested to clear out equipment and return towels prior to June 13 in order to receive re- fund. Senior Ball pictures will be available in the Administration Building Wed.- Fri., May 27, 28, 29 from 3-5 p.m. International Ball pictures will be available in the Administration Build- ing Wed.-Fri., May 27, 28, 29 from 3-5 p.m. DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS In cases of student misconduct In the second semester of 1952-53, 78 students were heard by the Joint Judici- ary Council. In six cases, no action was taken by the Council and this was ap- ROANCE - - EEADES IS isCRAS- GLOR7 .R E t AE I D O U S 5 40 er[[[~TsIan[ co00. lotI s !seow a ARCHITECTURE AUDITORIUM - 50c CORNER TAPPAN & MONROE GUIOMAR NOVAES, Pianist, October 12; CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA, November 8; GUARD REPUBLICAN BAND OF PARIS, November 30; MARIAN ANDERSON, Contralto, January 10; BOSTON POPS TOUR ORCHESTRA, March 4. Season Tickets - $5.00, $6.00, $8.00 By purchasing season tick- Orders are now being ac- ets a considerable savings cepted and filed in so. quence. Tickets will be is made and more prefer- mailed September 15 to able locations are secured. address given. UNIVERSITY MUSICAL SOCIETY Burton Memorial Tower Ir d PRICES FOR THIS 3-D ATTRACTION Tomorrow (FRIDAY) MATINEES 70c III EVES. AND SUNDAY 98C a Music...for Students Only! ,. ,. E """" ._ /% ''' : EXCITING DIVERTING RELAXING LONG-PLAYING RECORDS MUSIC CENTER t , IL M M. M