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May 28, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-05-28

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All Benefits
At Chrysler
GM Holds Out
On Pension Raise
By the Associated Press
Chrysler Corp. last night am-
mended its five year contract with
the CIO United Auto Workers to
include all the benefits granted
the union earlier this week by Gen-
eral Motors Corp. and the Ford
Motor Co.
Chrysler, as did Ford, agreed to
raise its maximum pensions from
$125 to $137.50 a month including
primary social security benefits.
The union last night went back
to General Motors, the first of the
Big Three to agree to contract
changes, in an effort to boost GM
pensions up to the new Ford and
Chrysler level.
GM AGREED TO all the new
Ford and 'Chrysler changes last
Friday but rejected the union's de-
mand for a raise in its $125 a
month pensions. The benefits ap-
ply to 120,000 hourly rated and
salaried Chrysler employes and
1900 retired Chrysler workers.
All three companies have
agreed tothese major changes
in their contracts which run to
mid 1955:
1) Adoption of the new Bureau
of Labor Statistics price index as
a pay guide to replace the govern-
ment's expiring c6st of living in-
2) Transfer of 19 cents from the
24 cents gained under cost of liv-
ing wage clauses since 1950 to base
rates so that they cannot be wiped
out by a sharp decline in living~
3) An increase in the so called
nnual improvement factor (to
cover improvements in production
techniques without relation to liv-
ing costs from four to five cents
an hour each remaining year ofI
the contract.
BOTH FORD and Chrysler,
agreed to 20 cents an hour raises
for some skilled workers and 10
cents for the remainder. General
Motors gave all its skilled em-
ployees a fiat 10 cent boost.
Robert W. Conder, Chrysler
vice-president in charge of in-
dustrial relations, estimated the



Williams A llows
Tax Bil To Pass
DETROIT - (R) - Gov. G. Mennen Williams told the people of
the State last night that he permitted the Legislature's $35 million
business receipts tax to become law because "the state is very near
The governor said he refused to sign the measure because "those
who drafted it in secrecy, and forced it through the Legislature with-
out adequate consideration, must bear the full responsibility before
the .people."
* * * *
EARLIER yesterday, the governor took advantage of his consti-
tutional right to let the bill become law without signature. He could
have vetoed the measure or signed

To Be Given
In ]Program
Stephen Spender, English poet
and critic will address the winners
of this year's Julie and Avery Hop-
wood Contest at 4:15 p.m. today
in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
Talking on "Being a Young
Writer, Past, Present, and Future,"
the famed poet will precede the
presentation of awards to the win-
ning contestants.
ALTHOUGH best known for his
poetry, Spender has done some
I M ,

Explaining his stand in a
state-wide radio broadcast, Gov.
Williams declared his decision-
provided the bill is constitutional
--"will ensure some additional
revenue to stave off financial
A Republican "reply" took im-
mediately to the air waves to an-
swer the Democratic governor's at-
tack on the GOP-controlled legis-
IN HIS SPEECH last night, Wil-
liams said:
"This tax is not based upon abil-
ity to pay. It must be paid whether
the enterprise loses or makes mon-
"Defectiveasthis new tax
may be," he added, "It is not a
tax on salaries and wages; it
does not raid school funds or in-
crease personal property taxes;
and while it may have an indi-
rect impact on certain prices, it
is not a direct burden on con-
"This bill." he asserted, "was
conceived in secrecy, drafted in

SL Defeats
NSA Fund
Cut Motions
Group Discusses
Hiring Secretary
Center of discussion at last
night's Student Legislature meet-
ing was a motion to drop affilia-
tion with the National Students
Association in favor of hiring a
part-time secretary.
The motion, introduced by Keith
Beers, Grad., would have cut out
all money necessary to pay NSA
dues and convention registration
fees. After lengthy discussion, it
was defeated by a strong majority.
Two other attempts to cut funds
for next year's NSA Congress also
* * *
THE RECENT Student Affairs
Committee veto of an Inter-Fra-
ternity Council decision to let
rushing counselors participate in
rushing activities in their indivi-
dual houses was also brought up.
Several members of the legislature
questioned the SAC action.
Pete Dow, '55, said at present
fraternities appoint their weak-
est "rusher" to be a counselor so
he will not be present during
house rushing activities. Dow
claimed the present counseling
system would have been greatly
improved if the unanimously-
passed IFC motion had met with
SAC approval.






Contrary to Ike'
PolicyHe Claims
Battleship New Jersey Hits Wonsan
As Air, Ground Fighting Slackens
By The Associated Press
Sen. Sparkman (D-Ala.) said yesterday that Sen. Taft (R-Ohio)
"may have torpedoed chances for a truce in Korea" with his speech
in Cincinnati Tuesday night.
Taft, the Senate majority leader, suggested that "we might as
well forget the United Nations as far as the Korean War is con-
He said he did not believe in the- UN as an effective means to
prevent aggression and that if a truce cannot be reached, the United
States should "let England and our other allies know that we are
withdrawing from all further;
peace negotiations in Korea."



i - - - -- r-- ----

haste, and adopted in ignorance of A report from
its contents. I do not believe I am Reorganization
telling any secrets when I say the presented by Bill
bill was, written by lobbyists and former chairman
tax attorneys for a few business *

the now-defunct
Committee wasj
of the group.
* *

DUTCH AMBASSADOR-Jan H. van Roijen, Netherlands emis-
sary to the United States, talks with University President and
Mrs. Harlan H. Hatcher.
West Must St"ay United,
Says Dutch Ambassador
Warning that the Western nations must remain united and
strong in order to cope with the Communist menace, Netherlands
Ambassador to the United States Jan H. van Roijen said yesterday
that the NATO powers should get together to plan for increasing
the economic potential of the West.
Speaking on "Nato and the New Soviet Peace Offensive," van
Roijen recalled that despite a change of tactics by the Kremlin, the
ultimate goal of the Russians re- - . --


... poet, critic, author
writingy in the fields of politics and

newly-granted benefits would
cost the corporation an addition-
al $7,000,000 a year.
It took the company and the
union only nine hours of negotia-
tion during the past two days to
wrap up the agreement.
The index change is especially
significant since under the old
contract the workers at GM and
Ford were slated to loose two
New Addition
To Daily Code
Told by Young
A new addition to The Daily's
Code of Ethics was announced yes-
terday by retiring Managing Editor,
Crawford Young, '53.
Put into effect in 1940 by stu-
dent editors and approved by the
Board in Control of Student Pub-
lications, the code constitutes a
statement of basic principles guid-
ing the operation of The Daily.
The new addition came as a re-
sult of several months study by
the senior staff and the Board in
The statement reads that the
general standards of good taste
required in regular publications
apply to J-Hop extras and other
It was instituted as a result of
certain articles in this year's J-Hop
edition, in an attempt to avoid
publication of articles in bad
taste in the future, according to
"The cooperation between the
board and the students in estab-
lishing basic principles of Daily op-
eration has worked well over the
years," Young said. "It is especially
significant in this time, when strict
control and censorship of collegiate
press freedom seems to be the rule
at other universities."
OW -

'morals. Among his prose works is
"European Witness," which shows'
the effects of Nazism on the Ger-
man intellectual.
The Hopwood Awards were
first granted to the University
in 1930 by playwright Avery
Hopwood and his wife Julie.
The purpose of the grant was
to further creative writing on the
part of the student.
* * *
THIS WAS accomplished by the
establishment of the present con-
test with awards given annually to
the winning students.
Consisting of major and minor
divisions, drama, poetry, fiction
and essay are accepted as en-
Competition is open to all un-
dergraduates in the minor divi-
sion, providing they are enrolled
in at least one creative writing
course in either the English or
journalism departments.
All graduate students are eligi-
ble for the major division compe-
tition, and seniors may enter ei-
Both the lecture and the pres-
entation of the awards are open
to the public.

In rebuttal, Senator Higgins
asserted, "This is a good bill--
fair and, just." He added, "It is
the fairest tax bill presented to
the Legislature. We believe it
will stand the test of time and,
after it has been in operation,
the facts will prove it is equita-
Higgins continued, "It is a
broad-base, low-rate bill which
will keep our schools operating.
patients in mental hospitals well
fed and clothed and will balance'
the budget."
Randall Slated
To Give Talk
At Graduation'
Keynote speaker at the Univer-
sity's 109th Commencement Junel
13 will be Clarence B. Randall, in-t
dustrialist, author and currently
chairman of the board of the In-
land Steel Co.1
A former ECA missionary to
Paris, Randall has become famous
as the author of "A Creed for Free
Enterprise" and "Civil Liberties
and Industrial Conflict." He is a
frequent contributor to the "At-
lantic Monthly."
Before delivering his address,
Randall will be given an honor-
ary degree from the University.
President Harlan H. Hatcher will
present a brief statement of con-
gratulation to the seniors follow-
ing Randall's speech.
Howard Willens, '53, former
Student Legislature president, who
has been chosen by the Senior
Board to represent the graduating
class, will also give a short address.

i\IcINTYRE SAID the commit-
tee's failure to reach any agree-
ment on the nature of the problem
of representation in the legislature
was due to insufficient planning,
poor attendance, weak leadership
and a pre-conceived attitude on
the part of committee members
that SL might lose strength if it
were reorganized.

He recommended to SL a plan
for establishing an Administra-
tive Council, which the Reor-
ganization Committee had un-
officially approved. The Admin-
istrative Council plan would pro-
vide for a small group of cam-
pus leaders to coordinate activi-
ties of SL with other student
Tony Bonadio. '54, chairman of
SL's international committee an-
nounced that Don Messersmith,
'53, had been unanimously selected
by a student-faculty board as the
University's first exchange student
to the Free University of Berlin.
Ron Herr, '54, was appointed SL
Administrative Wing coordinator
and assistant manager of next
year's student book exchange. Bill
Morgan, Grad., was named,as fall
Cinema Guild Manager.
Final Issue
With this issue The Daily
terminates publication for the
The summer Daily will go
into operation on either Tues-
day, June 23 or Wednesday,
June 24.
The Daily's nightly news
broadcasts have also been dis-
continued until the paper re-
sumes publication in September.

mains the same
* * Lead InNina
HE CITED a fear in European 'N.n
countries that it was the purpose To BePla d.
of Russia to split the United States
off from the other NATO nations.
The Dutch Ambassador em- By Horton
phasized that economic as well
as military planning should be Edward Everett Horton, known
made a matter of immediate ae A erec' Hortekom-
concern within the framework as one of America's favorite com-
of our anti-Communist alliance. edy actors, will play the leading
Maintaining that the Western role in the fourth play of the
Europeans should start by deal- Drama Season, "Nina," scheduled
ing with the problem of creating a to open Tuesday in Lydia Men-
single market and economic in- delssohn Theater.
tegration of Europe. he remarked nr
I"nesteUieSttsmksit In the play, a farce involving
unless the United States makes it the wife-husband-lover triangle,
possible for us to trade we shall not Horton takes the role of the hus-
be able to do without your aid." Hon th
Discussing NATO'S accomp- band.
lishments, the ambassador cited Touring with "Nina" for fifteen
the great improvement that has weeks on the west coast Horton
come about in the morale of the returns to appear in the play in
Western European countries. leading summer theaters through-
out the mid-west and east.
HE POINTED out that the two Supporting Horton in the com-
developments which havesaved edy are MartaLindenrwith Gor-
Eur ope from dissension, neutral- don Mills as the lover.
ism and Communism in some Following "Nina," the 1953
Icases has been the Marshall Plan DaaSao ilwn p t
and NATO.- Drama Season will wind up, its


SPARKMAN SAID this is "a di-
ametrical contradiction" of Presi-
dent Eisenhower's policy. Taft's
speech, Sparkman told a reporter,
"amounts to telling our allies,
England, France, India and others,
that 'we don't need you and don't
want you'."
Sparkman, the Democrats'
vice-presidential nominee last
year, is a member of the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee
and a former American delegate
to the United Nations.
Hehprotested that Taft's speech,
read before the National Confer-
ence of Christians and Jews by his
son, Robert A. Taft Jr., was badly
timed, coming at a crucial point
in the truce negotiations.
* * *
"I CAN'T understand the very
bad timing in this," Sparkman
"Communist Russia has been
trying to drive a wedge between
the United Nations Allies, and
now Sen. Taft's speech appears
to do it for them."
The White House declined yes-
terday to comment on Taft's state-
ment or to indicate whether it
represented a serious difference of
opinion between the President and
his chief lieutenant in Congress.
In his address to the American
Society of Newspaper Editors here
April 16, Eisenhower spoke out
against "isolation" and declared:
"We are ready . . . to make of the
United Nations an institution that
can effectively guard the peace
and security of all peoples."
The UN has just made a new
truce proposal to the Communists
and is awaiting their answer.
An official government source
said South Korea will present its
own ideas to the Allied Com-
mand at Munsan later today on
how to solve the prisoner ex-
change deadlock.
Details of the proposal were not
* * *
MEANWHILE on the fighting
scene yesterday the battleship New
Jersey led a new assault on the
Communist port of Wonsan.
The air war, meanwhile slacken-
ed and ground fighting was light
all day yesterday.

Quad Judic
'May Lowner
Perry .Fine
The Inter-House Council Judi-
ciary will meet today in a general
session to reconsider the amount of
the $40 fine it levied on Bob Perry,
'53E, for violating the University
rule against "soliciting" in the
The decision to hold the special
session followed a recommendation
by the Joint Judiciary Council
that the IHC group reconsider the
fine, termed "excessive" by the
Joint Judiciary subcommittee on
the Perry case.
* * *
Judiciary felt the fine will "prob-
ably be reduced" at the hearing
Perry was accused of violating
the University rule during his
successful campaign for a Stu-
dent Legislature seat.
Joint Judic heard the case when
Perry appealed the IHC Judiciary
"I won't pay the fine unless I'm
forced to by the University," Perry
Dean of Men Walter B. Rea com-
mented last night that any fine
imposed by the Joint Judiciary
Council is a debt to the University.
Perry, a senior, would face a hold-
up of credits necessary for his
graduation if he refused to pay
such a debt.
Conf abs Set
A round-up o campus political
clubs shows that three local groups
will be represented in national and
state conventions this summer and
early next fall.
Getting the Young Republican
National Federation convention off
to a start June 11 in Rapid City,
S. D., President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower will address the political
group on the opening day of the
biennial conference.
Campus Young Democrats will
be represented in two conven-
tions early this fall.
The State meeting will take
place in October in Detroit to dis-
cuss 18-year-old voting, constitu-
tion revision and to elect a new
slate of officers.
Three representatives. from the
campus Students for Democratic
Action will attend their national
convention Sept. 12 through 15 at
the University of Pennsylvania in
Regents To Get
Judiciary Charter
Dean of Students Erich A. Wal-

Commenting on how the free
world should respond to the
Russian peace offensive, van
Roijen said, "there should be
no lessening of our watchful-
On the other hand, he added,
the West should seize every op-
portunity to lessen international
tensions and end theKorean War.
Turning to the European De-
fense Community, van Roijen
termed the possibility that EDC
may be realized "fairly good."

run with" The Hasty Heart" be-
ginning June 9.
John Dall takes the lead part
as an arrogant wounded Scotch
soldier in the convalescent wards
behind the lines.

Legal Aspects Discussed

Elizabeth II To Be Crou

rn I
1. - - --%. j - lolk I-h Arl r'%W Ali A I


* * *

The attention of the world will
be focused on London, England
Tuesday when Elizabeth II will be
crowned Queen of the United
Kingdom and British Common-
On that day the Common-
wealth's 540 million people inhab-
iting 14 and a half million square
miles of the earth's surface will
reaffirm their loyalties under a
new Elizabethan reign.

m e w . .i Ujesaa "The Dutch people favor a
.1 greater degree of pooling of sov-
ereignty within NATO," he add-
ed. "However they realize that
celebration will alleviate England's the time is not yet ripe for such
dollar shortage by attracting a union." -
American tourists. Discussing the proposed Big
All England has made elaborate Three Conference in Bermuda, van
plans for the celebration, but the Roijen commented that it was
greatest spectacle will be in the wise for the West to get together
historic city of London where the and be sure that they are in ac-
Coronation will take place in cord.
Westminster Abbey. ---- ---- -
Climaxing the Coronation, B k To StartBook
the Archbishop of Canterbury,
Geoffrey Fisher, will lower the Collection June 1
3,000-diamond-studded St. Ed-

A greater degree of cooperation
between private industry and gov-
ernment is needed in the field of
atomic energy, Dean E. Blythe
Stason, of the law school said yes-
Dean Stason maintained that al-
though government should retain
supervisory control, atomic elec-
tricity and chemical production
can safely be put into private
hands. He said that the govern-
ment, in its effort to be ultra-
cautious, goes slower than would
private industry in these fields.
UNDER THE present Atomic

tthe Atomic Energy Act for private
interests to own facilities for the
production of fissionable material."
ued, prevents the development, in
private hands, of the so-called
"breeder" type of reactor, which is
the only feasible medium for the
use of atomic energy in the pro-
duction of electric power.
The Law School head pointed
out that the Act makes it un-I
lawful for private interests even
to own fissionable material. In-
stead, he pointed out, "the ma-
terial must be obtained' on loan


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