PAGE rOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY a WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 1953 __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _II Baseball's 'Reserve Clause ESSON GALE'S BOOK: The Background of China: A Personalized Account A FINAL showdown with the law up for professional bqseball's puted reserve clause. is coming long-dis- In its first legality test since the Su- preme Court approved it in 1922, the re- serve clause will have another hearing be- fore the nation's leading judicial body sometime this fall. This time the verdict is very much in doubt. Last May, a. House Judiciary. subcommit- tee investigation of baseball decided that Federal legislation to govern the sport was unnecessary. However, Chairman Emanuel Celler, a New York Democrat, said that he was opposed to giving baseball immunity from monopoly provisions of anti-trust laws. The controversial clause in each players' contract states that once he is signed he is bound to the club which signed hm. The baseball club may on its discretion trade or sell him' to another club, or openly release him. However, the player cannot leave the club for a better salary with another team. For baseball followers, the necessity of this clause is obvious. Since the wealth of baseball's club-owners is not evenly di- vided, the wealthier teams could easily buy up the top stars from around the league. This would mean that such teams as the St. Louis Browns, both Philadelphia clubs, Washington, and the other clubs which have smaller ball parks would have ex- treme; if not insurmountable, difficulty competing with the large-stadium, richer teams. The Supreme Court's decision this fall is, therefore, of utmost importance not only to baseball, but other professional sports which operate under similar clauses for similar reasons. Actually the baseball player's plight is not as bad as it may seem. In the major leagues, hze is guaranteed at least $5,000 a season} for seven months' work. This is the minimum and most players are paid more. Also a high finish in the standings means extra money --as much as approximately $5,000 extra if a player is on a world's championship team. Since owning a baseball club is tradi- tionally not the easiest road to becoming rieb, the reserve clause is more of a bene- fit to baseball fans than to owners, who probably engage in the sport more for their love of the game than as a business enterprise. The clause has also been de- fended by players who argue that the less talented would annually be playing for the less wealthy and therefore lower place clubs, while two or three teams would bat- tle it out for the championship each year. Esson M. Gale, SALT FOR THE DRAGON, The Michigan State College Press, 1953. ESSON M. GALE, Director of the Intern- tional Center, undertakes a man-sized task in his latest work, Salt for the Dragon. To attempt to bring to an American audience a personalized glimpse at the history of Chi- na during the four confusing and confused decades since the collapse of the Manchu dynasty through the Second World War re- quires a dedicated ambition. Gale brings to his labor a varied experi- ence with his topic. A historian by educa- tion, he left Ann Arbor in 1908 to enter the U.S. Consular Service in Peking. After a few years, he switched over to the Chinese salt tax collection offices, assigned the task of revitalization of this 2000 year old excise tax, which had been pledged by prostrate China to the Western powers as collateral for a large loan. This tour of duty tools him through most of the teeming provinces of historic Inner China, ran him amuck most of the better-known warlords of the chaotic interregnum between the disintegration of the rotten and reactionary Imperial Manchu Dynasty in 1911 and an uneasy unification by Chiang's Kuomintang in 1926. There can be no gainsaying the author's intimate ac- quaintance with the period and places of which he writes. While spending almost half his life in China, Gale spent a good bit of time first mastering the complex Chinese ideographic script, then indulging his scholarly whims delving into antique records; he has trans- lated a good bit of relevant history that he ran across as salt administrator into Eng- lish. With these prerequisites. Gale tackles his labor. The mission of the book. as he ex- plains it, is to present to a country newly concerned with China the backgrounds 'necessary for a valid perception of Chinese problems and actions. Too many, he says, base their attitudes towards China on the highly abnormal post-war situation, which he compares to the excesses and corruption found here in the post-Civil War reconstruc- tion days. A truer insight is obtained by a glimpse at more normal times, he maintains. And this point is certainly ipidisputable. Although the era of which Gale writes is of dubious normality, acquaintance with it is of undoubted utility in understanding China. The book is written in rambling, discursive style; the history is mirrored through Gale's personal experiences in his adopted country. Running through the book is a genuine and wholesome admiration for the Chinese peo- ple, their ancient traditions and culture. A cavalcade of famous people and events is paraded before the reader. The sheer weight of numbers of the personalities described by Gale is impressive; however, the interest would probably be curtailed for those who had no previous contact with the subject by the bewildering succession of unfamiliar Chinese names, cumbersome at best. For my tastes, I found the work a shade too personalized to succeed fully as his- tory. It would be construct a vivid impression of the period as a whole from the book unless the framework of events were already mentally established. One gets an intimate picture of the inter- national community in which Gale moved, and into the top native bureacracy as well. However, it does not essay a com- plete picture of the times. One important element omitted, for example, was the dramatic story of the Communist move- ment during this era-of Mao's internecine struggle for ascendancy, the fantastic Long March overland to North China. This, of course, the author could not in- clude in a history constructed out of his personal experience, since that experience did not include contact with that element of Chinese society, The only point here is that if history is the goal, it is difficult to build a complete synthesis out of one's diary. Those who might take strong exception to Gale's pro-Chiang sentiments will find that in this book the author's politics happily play little role in his observations. Some might perhaps take a less charitable view of Chiang s administration from 1926-37, but this is not a pivotal aspect of the book. The reservations noted do not negate the fascination the reader can find in Gale's diverse and interesting adventures in China. And given a slight background to start with, the work is of interest in the insights af- forded into personages of the times. In his way, the author has made aworthwhile con- tribution t9 a neglected field. "Baaaa" /u $p c ~ LANbs DAY O ~i~ P x WASHINGTON - If Senator McCarthy wanted to probe all aid Red China, in addition to that of the British, he wouldn't have to to look much farther than members of the Soong family, relatives of Chiang Kai-Shek. Furthermore, he would find that this column two years ago revealed the amazing fact that law partners of Ex-Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson set up a dummy corporation which shipped 123 tons of strategic tin to Tientsin in Red China in 1949. However, the Commerce Department got wind of the shipments, investigated the matter carefully, and Secretary of Commerce Sawyer issued an order suspending the company from getting any more ex- port licenses for three years. Senator McCarthy, who long has pled Chiang Kai-Shek's cause in the Senate, has taken no steps to investigate shipments by Chiang's relatives to Red China nor the tremendous stream of goods which the United States has sent to Formosa, some of which are reported not to have remained there. * * * * -ITALIAN COMMUNISM- AMBASSADOR Clare Boothe Luce has cabled the State Department from Rome that the Italian Communists are making tremendous inroads and may win an important national victory June 7. Many Italians, Mrs. Luce reports, are fooled by the phony Rus. sian peace drive with the result that Premier Alcide De Gasperi's pro-American government is in real danger. . :4 i- -Crawford Young DRAMA Should a negative decision be handed down by the Court, baseball, professional foot- ball, and the other commerical sports will have to start looking for some way to over- come the ruling or possibly face a complete revision. -Murry Frymer - CURRENT OVIES] A t the Michign . . IVANHOE, with Robert and Elizabeth Taylor and George Sanders. FOR SOME obscure reason this is a very enjoyable film. The story is by no means a new one for the movies; Richard the Lion- Hearted seems to be one of the fayorite top-' ics of current scenario writers. Sir Walter Scott's. romance might have been novel for his time, but any schoolboy who regularly attends matinees could relate the story of Richard and his evil brother John. One of the factors in favor of "Ivanhoe" is the human-stature attained by the char- acters. Robert Taylor, who is fast becoming the John Wayne of the technicolor extrava- ganzas, manages to underplay his role to the extent that it is at least convincing. George Sanders as the villainous Sir Brian de 4ois- Guilbert is a little more passionate, with the result that he approaches melodrama; but even he can be forgiven if one keeps the over- all impression in mind. Elizabeth Taylor is beautiful but wooden; since her beauty is her only really necessary characteristic she too is adequate for her part. At Lydia Mendelssoh.. OLD ACQUAINTANCE, a play by John Van Druten, starring Ruth Chatterton, presented by the University of Michigan Drama; SeasonU JUDGING BY HIS new book, "Playwright at Work," John Van Druten is as foggy a man about what makes good drama as any who have expressed an opinion or, the sub- ject. This failure he cheerfully and a little proudly admits. His record of about twenty- five years of successful plays, of course, at- tests to his instinctive understanding of the business of theater, and the comedy cur- rently being presented at Lydia Mendelssohn Theater is surely one of the better pieces of evidence in favor of instinct as opposed to reason. Not only, however, is this play Van Druten at very close to his best, but also the Drama Season at what is certainly its highest level this season. Both "The Constant Wife" and "In the Summer House" had a brittle, un- natural quality that is happily absent from the current offering. The reasons for this were fairly apparent: the Maugham play after a long road tour had grown tired, stagy, and a shade too loud for the relatively small Mendelssohn Theater. The Bowles' work was, on the other hand, presenting its very first performance to an audience-and was a ten- uous, phony play at that. With Valentine Windt directing, "Old Acquaintance' maintains a charm and THE Netherlands has proposed that the conference of Foreign Ministers, which is to meet next week in Rome, discuss plans for a Continental customs union as a basis for further economic and political integration. The proposal is promising because, as demon- strated by the development of the German Zollverein of the previous century, a customs union is the best foundation for political unfication. Likewise, as shown by the experi- ence of Benelux, which established a customs union five years ago but still finds difficulty in creating the projected economic union, a West-European customs union should be easier to achieve than complete economic integration, started on a piecemeal basis by the Coal and Steel Pool. In addition, a cus- toms union, which would provide room for various types of national economies subject only to the exigencies of competition, would tend to diminish the danger of too much Government control or the rise of interna- tional cartels, which are always inherent in the nool plans. fluidity that both earlier productions lacked, and while it was not particularly enterprising of the Drama Season to have chosen so many old plays to fill their bill this year, there can be no doubt that the current effort is a finely polished produc- tion. A lively New York literary set comedy, the drama evolves around the lives of a pair of lady novelists who nurture a college friend- ship through the storms of later life despite the inevitable competition with each other into, which they are thrown. The title, of course, is the ironic comment on the pre- cariousness of this relationship. The performances are low-keyed to keep the action well short of farce. And, as in Van Druten's other plays, he manages to give the protagonist some suffering to perform, usually a smiling-through-the-tears scene which he inevitably brings off by his shrewd development of the character. In "Old Acquaintance," Ruth Chatter- ton manages the central role with the gift of long experience both as an actress, and, one may presume, as a novelist, the kind of role she plays. Her delivery is inevitably intelligent and appropriate. Lois Wilson, as the old acquaintance, in turn gives a well- controlled interpretation of a role that could easily have been over-satirized under improper direction. She never expresses commonness or bad taste simply by shout- ing. Patricia Barry, as the daughter and debu- tante, manages a "Tennis anyone" ingenue with vivacity and grace. She keeps the role well above mere cliche. John Baragrey, as the "man-about-town," is a little hollow among all the brilliant woman characters, but that may be partly the fault of the part. The play inevitably invites some compari- son with Van Druten's later work, particu- larly "Voice of the Turtle" and "I Am a Camera." It represents for example, some remaining adherence on the author's part to strict construction which he has been progressively abandoning lately. My own opinion is that in discovering the possibility ofk a more liberal unity in the extremely fine "Voice of the Turtle," he has exceeded himself in his last two plays, both of which pretended to a some- what more serious and complex view of human relationships. "I Am a Camera," despite its expert characterizations, did not really hold together, and "I've Got Sixpence," a recent failure was pronounc- ed extremely vague and disorganized by mri.m (Continued from page 2 4:00 p.m. Extra copies are available for students who failed to order earlier. All men students having lockers at Waterman Gymnasium are requested to clear out equipment and return towels prior to June 13 in order to receive re- fund. Senior Ball pictures will be available in the Administration Building Wed.- Fri., May 27, 28, 29 from 3-5 p.m. International Bali pictures will be available in the Administration Build- ing Wed-Fri., May 27, 28, 29 from 3-5 Literary College Faculty. It would be appreciated if members of the Literary College faculty who have not yet re- turnedtheir completed research ques- tionnaires would do so before the end of the semester. -Leo Goldberg Late permission for women students who attended the Choral Union con- cert on Thursday, May 21 will be no later than 11:05 p.m. Late permission for women students who attended "In the Ahummer House" on Thursday, May 21 will be no later than 11:45 p.m. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN GENERAL LIBRARY Library Hours for the Examination Period The General Library will be open 8 a.m.-10 p.m. on Saturday, May 30, Memorial Day since it falls within the examination period. The Divisional Li- braries will be open on their regular Saturday schedifes, 8 a.m, till noon on Memorial Day. PERSONNEL REQUESTS: The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics is currently accepting ap- plications from all types df Engi- neers, Physicists, and Chemists for posi- tions at their various stations through- out the country. Te New York State Civil Service Commission has announced examina- tions for the positions of Assistant in Test Development an4 Test Develop- ment Aide which exist in the Bureau of Examinations and Testing, Educa- tion Dept. in Albany. Applications will be accepted up to June 19. 1953. Further information as to requirements may be secured at the Bureau of Appoint- ments. The New England Mutual Life Insur- ance Co. of Chicago, Ill., is looking for Sales personnel as well as Office Man- ager and Cashier Trainees. Kendall Co., textile and surgical dressing manufacturers, have announc- ed the various courses which they of- fer to men graduates as Management Trainees. The training program with the Kendall Mills Grey Division pre- pares trainees for appointment to a supervisory position as an Asst. Dept. Head in one of the cotton mills. The Kendall ^Mills Finishing Div. gives a Textile Sales training program, and the Bauer & Black Div. offers a program which gives a general background in Sales, Manifacturing, and Business Administration. The American Viscose Corp. is offer- ing career opportunities with their organization to men graduates who have majored in Chemistry, Chem. E., Mech. B., Ind. E., Acctg, or Sales. The Michigan Civil Service Commis- sion has the position of Steward open to graduates with a major in hotel administration. They also have the position of Child Guidance Social Work- er available to graduates with a Mast- er's degree in Social Work.. The Army Map Service, Corps of En- gineers, U. S. Army, in Washington, D.C. is accepting applications for the position of Cartographic Photogram- metric Aid, OS-5. Graduates may secure further Information from the Bureau of Appointments. The Kroger Food Foundation, Lab- oratories Division, Cincinnati, Ohio, would like to hear from men June graduates in Chemistry who would be interested in the position of Junior Technologist on their laboratory staff. Ridge Farm, Lake Forest, Ill., is in need of men or women Houseparents who serve as counselors or supervisors to the emotionally disturbed children residing at this treatment center. Train- ing or experience in the Social Sciences is desirable. The Board of U. S. Civil Service Ex- aminers, Detroit Ordnance District, is announcing opportunities for indefi- nite apointment as Price Analyst (General) to graduates who have spec- ialized in the fields of Economics, Business Administration, Marketing, i 4 t s l l a t i f G J summer production workers from the That's why every American citizen of Italian descent should write Cadillac Motor Car Division, Acme Paint Co., and Packard Motor Car Co. of De- lis friends and relatives in Italy giving them the facts regarding the troit; the Fister Body Division of Pon- U.S.A. and the danger of Communism. Letters from friends are a tiac; the Fisher Body Division of lot more persuasive than "government propaganda, and four years Grand Rapids; the Buick Motor Car Division of Flint; Gary Steel & Tube ago, it was the tide of letters froni Italo-Americans which helped of Gary, Indiana; Republic Steel of swing the election against Communism. Next month will see the Cleveland, Ohio; and the Granite City first national election in Italy since then. Steel Co. of Granite City, Ill. All in- terested students are urged to apply In an attempt to counter communism, Andrew N. Farnese, Deputy directly to the respective employment offices. Attorney General of Pennsylvania, with a committee of seven, is flying For appointments, applications, and to Italy today to start construction of a boys' town in Sicily. additional information about these and' other openings, contact the Bureau of Money for this boys' town was raised in the U.S.A., and the cor- Appointments, 3528 Administration nerstone will be laid just a few days before the Italian elections. The Bldg., Ext. 371. American committee will stay in Italy until election day and should be RESORT POSITIONS. a healthy factor in helping make Italian democracy live. Mr. Earl Johnson of Johnson's Rustic Resort on Houghton Lake, Mich., will * * * * be interviewing persons interested in all ARMBELT WARNING- types of resort employment at the --F Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin1 istration Bldg., on Wed., M dy 27. CaIlSTORM CLOUDS. over the farm belt may last longer and do more 3-1511, Ext. 2614, for an appointment, political damage than recent Texas"tornadoes. That was the warn* CHANGE OF ADDRESS given President Eisenhower recently by Ex-Sen. Fred Seaton of Ne- Ali students who are registered with the Bureau of Appointments are re- braska, one of the few men who turned down an offer of a White House quested to notify us if you have al-Ipost ready accepted a position: if not, to abor an whenyou will be.leavin tAn Seaton, dining with the President, told him that farmer resent- informed otherwise, the Bureau as- ment was gathering, that farmers so far didn't blame things on sumes you are at your permanent ad- Ike, but did take it out on his Secretary of Agriculture. Ezra Taft dress after the date of commencement. Benson, cautioned Seaton, was getting to be a political deadweight Since positions come in all during the} summer, itnis necessary that we know around Ike's neck. of your plans so that we may correctly inform employers, and notify you Meanwhile, Benson is almost frantic over farm surpluses, is con- promptly of openings. sidering a huge giveaway program to India, Japan, the Philippines, and Southeast Asia. With bumper crops in the offing, he sees the E FMPLOCYME.NT REISTRATIO)N . _aL_«._,,L..1>F.--yn tt A i I who have not yet registered at the Bureau of Appointments are urged to do so as soon as possible. Assistance will be given to those who have placed their credentials in the office for em- ployment after graduation, after mili- tary service, or for future promotions in any of the following fields: Educa- tion, Business, Industry, Technical and Government. The office is located in the Administration Bldg., Room 3528, and is open on Monday through Friday 9-12 a.m. and 2-4 p.m. Call Ext. 371 for information. Academic Notices History ;50, Final Examination, Mon- day, June 1, 2-5: Sections 1, 2, 5, 7, 11 and 13 (Miller), A.H. Aud. A; Sections 3, 6. 10 and 12 (White). A.H. Aud. C; Sections 4, 8 and 9 (Brown), 2235 A.H. History 12, Lecture Group I-Final examination Wednesday, June 3, 9-12. Hoar's and Smith's sections in 1025 An- gell; Heilbronner's in 1035 Angell; Slosson's In 2235 AngellI. P. Slosson. .Room Assignments for Sociology 51, Principles of Sociology, Final Examina- tion on Sat., May 30, 2-5 p.m., are as follows: Instructor Room Aberle................ ...2 Economics Freedman and Lenski ,. 2413 Mason Hall Greenblatt.......MAud. B, Angell Hall LeBlond..............2231 Angell Hall Ostafin ................225 Angell Hall Schulze ............... 1035 Angell Hall Room Assignments for Final Exam- ination, English 1 and 2, Saturday, May 30, 2-5 p.m. English 1 Baker, 2440 MH; Cox, 451 MH; Cul- bert, 439 MH; Firebaugh, Aud. C; Gil- man, Aud. C; Markman, Aud. C; Moon, 207 Ec.uiMuehl, Aud. C; Newman, Aud. C; Squires, '3023 AH. Ack a, English 2 Ackerman,3010 AH; Allison, 1018 AH; Bader, 1429 MH; Bagoe, 209 AH; Barn- hill, Aud. A; Batzer, 1025 AH; Bedard, 2082 NS; Boys, 3017 -AR; Carr, 3017 AH; Cherniak, 1025 AH; Clugston, 2439 MH; Cobb, 3 Tap.; Cochran, 103 Ec.; Copple, 2443 MR; Crippen, 1007 AH; Dickey, 2402 MH; Dickinson, 439 MH; Downer, 1412 MH; Eastman, 435 MH; Engel, 2225 AH; Felheim, 2235 AH; Foster, 2 Tap.; Fraiberg, 2408 MH; Glenn, 203 Ec.; Grace, 417 MH: Green, 1025 AH; Gross, 3017 AH; Guth, Aud. A; Hankey, 411 MH; Hart, 2029 AR; Hendrick. 1025 AH; Hendricks, 212 AH; Hill, 447 MH; Hynes, 1020 AH; Kaufman, Aud. A; Kessler, 2235 AH; King, 2219 AH; Kraus, 2037 AH; Lamberts, 2203 AH; Lawrence, Aud. A; McCaughey, 443 MH; Mandel, 2029 AR; Mason, 2082 NS; Miller, 1402 MH; Morillo, Aud. D; Oppdwail, 1433 MH, Parsons, 202 Ec.; Pearce, Aud. A; Pinkus, 3231 AH; Rockas, Aud. D; Rueckert, 2013 AH; Rus, Aud. A; Schend- ler, 3209 AH; Shafer, Aud. D; Speckhard, Aud. D; Steinhoff, 1408 MH; Stockton, 2435 MH; Swartz, 2215 AH; Ussery, 407 MH; Weimer, 2235 AH; Wells, 2016 AH; Woodruff, 2014 AH; Zale, 2412 MH. Course 402, the Interdisciplinary sem- What farmers know, however, but the public doesn't, is that though butter hits the headlines, it's wheat, cotton and tobacco which are really costing the taxpayers money. During the last five years, price supports for wheat cost the taxpayers $3,679,000,000, or 35 per cent of the total value of the wheat crop. Cotton supports cost the taxpayer $1,714,000,000 during the same five-year period, or 12 per cent. Dairy products cost the taxpayer only $345,000,000 compared with a $20-,000,000,000 yield, or 1.67 per cent. Under the law, the parity price of grain is guaranteed, and since cows must eat grain, this automatically sends up the price of milk and butter. (Copyright, 1953, by the Bell Syndicate) spectre of Henry Wallace's little pigs coming back to haunti Thosesenorsandgaduatestdents(' t ibhbuterthat'settingthepublicit. 4 What really sells the picture are the battle scenes-the siege of de Bois-Guil- bert's castle and the duel between him and Ivanhoe. These action scenes have a flavor of authenticity not usually en- countered in such films; and the final per- sonal tournament with hand-axe and mnace-and-chain is superb. The judicious use of technicolor to highlight the pagean- try of the period and recapture the pas- toral beauty of medieval England is anoth- er cdmmendable feature. istry; thesis: "The Preparation of Basic Alcohols and Basic Alkyl Chlorides which Contain a 1-Hexa, 1-Hepta-or 1-Octamethylenimino , Radical," Wed., May 27. 2525 Chemistry Building at 2 p.m. Chairman, F. F. Blicke. Doctoral Examination for Lynn Mah- lon Bartlett, Educat on; thesis: "The Relation of visual Defects to Reading Ability," Fri., May 29, East Council Room, Rackham Bldg., 3 p.m. Chairman, I. H. Anderson. Concerts Student Recital Postponed: The piano1 recital by Mary Ann Smeltzer, previouslyj announced for Thursday, May 28, in Auditorium A, Angell Hall, has been postponed until the summer session. The new date will be announced later. Carillon Recital. Continuing his series of spring recitals Professor Percival Price, University Carillonneur, will play a program at 7:15 Thursday evening, May 28. It will open with four Amer- ican songs popular in the 19th cen- tury, and continue with Professor Price's Children's Suite, Debussy's Les Danseuses de Delphes, Bruyeres and Claire de lune, and four Welsh Airs: The Ashgrove, All Through the Night, Riding with David to Towyn, and Once to Every Man and Nation. Recital of Organ Music under the di- rection of Robert Noehren, 8:30, Wed. evening,, May 27, in Hill Auditorium. Students' Jane Townsend, Diane Heger, Richard Harper, Mary Catherine Hutch- ins, Lois Batchelor, Beverly Brehm, and James Darling, will play compo- sitions by Bach, Buxtehude, Commette, Lubeck, Frescobaldi; and Alain. The general public is invited. Events Today The Linguistics Club. Final meeting of the year, 8 p.m., East Conference Room, Rackham Building. Officers to be elect- ed for 1953-54. The speaker for the evening will be Professor C. C. Fries; his subject, "Meaning and Linguistic Analysis." All students and faculty interested in linguistics invited. Pi Ci-m ina N mwmpmpma TO THE EDITOR Laughs Wanted . To the Editor: T WAS a surprise to find such a good review of Trouble Along the Way. One point which Mr. Arp failed to state is that there were a few laughs to be had. Those, above anything else, are what many students need right now, One of "the unsuspecting mob." --Olga List Sixty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Crawford \Young, ....,..Managing Editor Barnes Connable........City Editor Cal Samra . . .....Editorial Director Zander Hollander.....Feature Editor .Sid Klaus ..... Associate City Editor Harland Brits......... Associate Editor Donna Hen deman. ,Associate Editor Ed Whipple.............. Sports Editor John Jenke.......Associate Sports Editor Dick Seveil ..Associate Sports Editor Lorraine Butler.... ... Women's Editor Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor Don Campbell.......Chief Photographer Business Staff Al Green .......Business Manager Milt Goetz........Advertising Manager Diane Johtiston....Assoc. Business Mgr. Judy Loehnberg......Finance Manager Harlean Hankin...Circulation Manager 4: Perhaps the happy ending-and timely res- cue of the Saxons by good King Richard, as inevitable and predictable as ever, is a little too coincidental; nevertheless "Ivanhoe" is one of the better adventure pictures of the year. --om Arp T HE STATEMENTS by the President yes- terday and Secretary of State Dulles to- day that a blockade of the China coast was a, nnL +hpmmtaorv moe ner the Adrin.. -a t 4