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May 26, 1953 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1953-05-26

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TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1951



Peeping Hawk Makes Quad His Home

Some people keep dogs or cats
or goldfish.
But Clarence Hardy, '54, has a
young red-tailed hawk in his
South, Quad room.
HARDY'S hawk has not received
an enthusiastic reception from his
roommate, Babe Nelson, '56E. "It
makes it smell an awful lot," Nel-
son explained.
"Well, if you'd keep the box
clean-," Hardy answered. The
as yet featherless two-week-old
bird is being kept in a cardboard
box on Hardy's bookcase. "The
only sound it makes is the slight
peep of a chick," Hardy main-
tained in a hurt tone.
"Yea, you can hear it four
rooms away," Nelson countered.
The bird was meanwhile regularly
emitting a monotonous peep of
moderate volume.
The hawk was a gift from Marv-
in Leech,. '55A, who lives down the
hall from Hardy. Leech was shoot-
ing chicken hawks for a Brighton
farmer last week, when he potted
one adult bird whose nest was 125
feet up a tree.
SCALING the tree, Leech
dropped two baby red-tailed
hawks in his knotted coat sleeves
and climbed down. He presented
one to a natural resources student
and the other to Hardy.
Zoology major Haray, a past
president of the Botany Club,
also received a hawk egg from
Leech. An attempt to hatch the
Plays Scheduled
Three plays, an opera and a
musical comedy Will be presented
by the speech department during
the coming session.
The first, Jean Giraudoux's
comedy, "The Madwoman of Cha-
Mlot," will be given from July 1-4.
Maxwell Anderson's and Kurt
Weil's musical, "Knickerbocker
Holiday," July 8-11; Clifford
Odets' drama, "The Country Girl,"
July 22-25;'G. B. Shaw's "Pygma-
lion," July 29-Aug. 1; and Jacques
Offenbach's opera, "The Tales of
Hoffman" will conclude the series
on Aug. 6-10.


on Display
In Lane Hall,
Bong Yol Yang. Grad., whose
paintings have been exhibited in
New York's Creative Gallery, the
University of Miami Art Gallery,'
and several national displays, is
currently exhibiting a selection
of his paintings in the lobby of
Lane Hall.
Scheduled to continue through
June 10, the display is sponsored
by the International Center and
includes vibrantly colored oils,
etchings, and lithographs.
Although Yang's earlier style was
realistic, he now paints, he said,
"from imagination and recollec-
Born in Korea, Yang lived in
Tokyo and came to the United
States in 1948 to enroll in the Uni-
versity of Miama, from which he
graduated last year.
The Lane Hall exhibition is open
to the public.
U' Extension
Courses Set
The University will offer 10 six-
week extension courses this sum-
mer at Grand Rapids, Flint and
Traverse City.
The classes, which will be given
for graduate and undergraduate
credit, will begin June 22. Univer-
sity students who wish to enroll in
any of the courses are requested
to get approval from their academ-
ic advisers before they leave Ann
The courses include Geography
of South America, Geography for
Teachers, Teaching Social Studies
in the Elementary School and Im-
provement of High School Teach-
ing, to be given in Grand Rapids;
Roosevelt to Roosevelt, Michigan

Kahn Wins Student, World Praises


Prof. Reuben L. Kahn of the
medical school is a "lucky guy."
World famous in the field of
medicine as a result ofhhis devel-
opment of the Kahn Test, "a sim-
ple technique for the detection of
syphilis," Prof. Kahn who was
born in Kovno, Lithuania in 1887,
came to the United States with
his parents when he was'twelve.
QUIET, modest and intensely
interested in young people, Prof.
Kahn posses an inexhaustable
vitality and interest in life.
Claiming that he did his un-
dergraduate work at a "poor
man's college -Valparaiso Uni-
versity in Indiana," Prof. Kahn
points out that he made up for
this by doing his graduate stud-
ies at Yale.
"I was a dull student," he insists,
citing mathematics and physics
as his areas of greatest difficulty.
"I really enjoyed literature,
though," he said, "and going from
a class in mathematics to a liter-
ature class was like -entering a
new world entirely.
OH, I PASSED most of my ex-
ams-but I had to take physics
twice. My instructor was a sympa-
thetic man though, and the sec-
ond time he gave me an 'A.'
"It was encouraging to to me
to know that Ralph Waldo Em-
erson had trouble with math
too. He did, you know."
A world traveler, Prof. Kahn
said, "Everything was always fi-
nanced for me. Don't you think I'm
a lucky guy?" Organizations rang-
ing from the League of Nations to
various medical associations have
sent him on tours throughout most
of the civilized world.
To date, Prof. Kahn has written
six books on blood serology. Sever-
al of them have been translated
into foreign languages.
* * *
OBSERVING that he had "lost
the Russian translation which was
done 25 years ago," he said that it

had been done without his okay.
"The country was already under
Communist rule," he said.
The walls of the Kahn labora-
tory in the University Hospital
are lined with hundreds of med-
ical journals, many of which
contain the more than 200 ar-
ticles written by the scientist.
Kahn who is ashamed to admit
he hasn't "had much time for hob-
bies" is well known by the many
students on campus in whom he

takes a very active personal inter-
est. His reason for this interest, he
says is "a selfish one. My wife
and I both enjoy young people
and being with them."
"Besides," he will tell you,
"young people need all the sup-
port we can give in a world where
there are so many problems to
solve. We older folks have really
messed things up, and the real
hope now lies in youth and in the
future. It's quite a problem to be
young today," he concluded.

THE MAJOR interest of Prof.
Kahn and his staff at the present
time is a study of "blood patterns
of universal reactions in different
ethnic (an anthropoligst's word
for population) groups."
The single achievement in
which Prof. Kahn takes the
greatest personal pride occurred
when in May, 1952 he received
a letter from "a group of Polish
scientists requesting me to use
my influence to stop the Unit-
ed States from engaging in bac-
teria warfare."
Prof. Kahn notified the State
Department and was told to an-
swer the letter in any way he saw
"So instead of answering their
accusation, I raised ten questions
for these men-questions not eas-
ily answerable by Communist fol-
In explaining why he chose this
means of answering, Dr. Kahn
said, "I heard nothing more from
any of them. I guess'the reason for
this was because the outstanding
feature of my reply was that I
didn't scold, I reasoned with
them," he concluded.
Let us help
select your'
Jjtc 116 Jeweli
347 Maynard-off William
"When your timepiece goes bad
-Bring it to McNab."





-Daily-Don Campbell
IT'S A BIRD-Clarence Hardy's baby red-tailed hawk grabs for
a bit of raw hamburger.
* * * * * *
egg under a study lamp proved i Hardy's house mother's refriger
unsuccessful. ator, and fortified with cod-liv
The young bird will be ready to oil, eggs and high protein foods lik
fly in about a month. Hardy has beef heart which is "cheaper tha
been studying books on falconry, steak," Hardy pointed out.
and plans to train his hawk to
hunt small game this summer. Fries To Address
"Be kind and make sure the Linguistics Club
bird knows its food comes from
you," Hardy advised potential prof Charles C. Fries of th
bird trainers. English department will discu
When mature, the red-tailed "Meaning and Linguistic Analy
hawk will have a three to four sis" at A meeting of the Linguis
foot wingspan, and will be able to tics Club at 8 p.m. tomorrow i
catch rabbits and retrieve them the East Conference Rm., Rack
for its owner. ham Bldg.
At present, the hawk is living on The meeting will be open to th
a diet of raw hamburger, kept in public.

tss a

n Since 1827, Major Major Ameri-
- can Writers and Practical Criti-'
cisc, to be given in Flint; and Mod-
e ern Drama and The Novel Since
1850 at Traverse City.

-Daily-Don Campbell
PROF. KAHN, blood serologist, and discoverer of the Kahn test,
says he studied at a poor man's college before entering Yale.


Home Run

X~ 1

IT'S A HIT I The fun of a
train trip home with friends ...
enjoying roomy comfort and
swell dining-car meals.
two or more friends can each
save 25% of regular round-trip
coach fares by traveling home
and back together on Group
Plan tickets. These tickets are
good gejeraly 'between points
more than 100 miles apart. Or
a group of 26 or more can each
save 28% by heading home in
the same direction at the same
time . .. then returning either
together or separately.

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