:# yx rAGE FoUU THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1953 ____________________________________________________ I no" Sovereignty-A Block to Peace THE REPEATED FAILURES of the world to even approach a 'situation of peace, dramatically emphasized by refusals of na- tions to concede, compromise, or agree, tends to prove only one fact: world peace will never be realized during the life of the concept of national sovereignty. National sovereignty, the most integral -part of the broader concept of nationalism with all its pride and distrust of foreign a nations, was born of man's need for se- curity and his hope for it in the collectiv- ism of national governments. Security, as the purpose behind nationalism, is the dominant factor in international relations. International relations, of course, arose froi the existence of separate nations. By definition, international relations require the existence of states. However, it is today's concept of state sovereignty, necessarily con- ' tining an pbsession for security, that causes the immense difficulties involved in interna- tional relations. This intense drive for security, which is manifested in the proud and belligerent be- havior of nations, is the reason why nations refuse to concede or give ground in their dealings with other nations. They feel that they must protect themselves by not giving any other nation state a chance to take ad- vantage of them. And they often perceive ;any move by another nation as an en- croachment on their own security or sov- ereignty, Consequently, they are indeed wary of agreeing to any compromises. Probably a more illustrative example of this cannot be found than the refusals of nations to surrender any part of their sovereignty to the United Nations. The insistence of the United States and Russia upon a veto power in the UN during the San Francisco conferences has resulted in a definite lack of effectiveness in the UN and a serious obstacle to world peace. This attitude of national sovereignty has created in the United States a fear and sus- picion of the United Nations lest it deprive us of our sovereign power. The antagorrism of Senator Knowland to the UN, and the California ruling to prevent the use of a UNESCO pamphlet in the schools because it supposedly infringed upon our national sovereignty are pertinent examples of the attitude's strength. The concept of national sovereignty is both cause and effect of the western sys- tem of nation states which is anarchy. Insistence on national independence and sovereignty causes a freedom from obliga- tion to any power, and this freedom results in the continuation of the attitude and the behavior emerging..from it. National gov- ernments were established to end the in- security of anarchy, but the same political autonomies are now victims of the identi- cal anarelial insecurity on a much great- er scale. A certain amount of security exists with- -I a nation because there is law and order instead of anarchy. It seems that a similar system of enforcable law operating over the entire world would bring the same amount of security and peace that a nation can insure within itself. National sovereignty, as an ideal, has be- come an antiquated concept, although still the most powerful force in international relations. It is time for a new concept to re- place it. For, although temporary peace may *be- reached somehow under the present con- ditions, permanent peace cannot be realized while any nation has the freeedom to break that peace. A system of law and order over the entire world is the only answer to the problem of world peace. -Jim Dygert DREW PEARSON: Washington Merry-Go-Round WASHINGTON - The :President is becom- ing increasingly moody over the short- comings of certain cabinet members. Here is the general line-up of how the Cabinet rates with Ike. He takes an increasingly dim view of Secretary of State Dulles. Secretary of Defense Wilson annoys him. Secretary of Agriculture Benson is liked, but the President has begun to realize that the farmers don't. Secretary of Labor Durkin seems to make no impression on the President, isregarded as a necessary evil. Secretary of Interior McKay has left the President pretty much alone, knows how to get things done without ruffling White House waters. Attorney General Brownell and Post- master General Summerfield rank high, somewhere behind Secretary of the Treas- ury Humphrey. Ike is concerned about the health of his legislative liaison expert Gen. Wilton B. Persons. Persons is a No. 1 advocate of com- promise with Ike's enemies in Congress. This policy now shows signs of failure, and Per- sons' health may force him to withdraw from the job. Ike has also lost some of his enthusiasm for his Chief of Staff, former Gov. Sher- man Adams of New Hampshire. Adams has his eye on Sen. Styles Bridges' seat which is up for grabs next year, and this could be Adams' cue to bow out of the Touristmanship Or the Art of Making the Other Fellow Feel Like a Foreigner In His Own.Country .. * e~e LE th 6ditor. (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second in a two part eulogy.) By GAYLE GREENE PART II EUROPEANSHIP: OR HOW TO BE A CAD ON THE CONTINENT T HOUGH burdened by baggage, passport and language difficulties the experienced touristman never abandons the elementary ploys which have made Americans stand out so prominently. * * * ' LINGUISTIC PLOYS: There are only two linguistic choices open to the Languageman; American spoken with a fiat, nasal mid-western twang or the lang- ugae of whatever particular country he is in, spoken so fast and with such perfect grammar that the native of' that country finds it difficult to understand. A low unintelligible mumble of French in Italy, Italian in Germany and Spanish in Yugoslavia are also allowed but not recom- mended. ** * AMERICANONLYMANSHIP: For the I-speak-American-onlyman ora- torical volume and gestures are suggested. If a foreigner refuses to understand Ameri- can repeat the phrase slightly louder in a kind of baby-talk. (This refusal to under- stand American is practised by European- men religiously, and is obviously only an af- fectation.) * * * HAM AND EGGMANSHIP: A master in the art of Gourmetmanship never refuses to taste a foreign dish. He also never agrees to partake of one. A small taste, a polite forced smile, a murmured no thank youand "ham and eggs" to the waiter is all that is necessary. Ham and eggs may be obtained in various forms and varying resemblance to the "good old American dish" and one need never in- dulge in higlhy seasoned, exoticly prepared delicacies of the continent. COUNTERWINEMANSHIP PLOYS: There is one exception to the Ham and Eggmanship gambit. When wishing to tor- ture one's European host with a bit of coun- terwinemanship, it becomes necessary to or- der a rare delicate seafood dish and insist it be accompanied by red wine. This will prob- ably set your host's teeth on edge and is especially effective when followed by an or- der for light French pastry and a coke. Always demand ice cubes in wine and ket- chup with viandes and steak well-done. Al- though these gambits may seem to run coun- ter-gourmetmanship as practiced in Ameri- ca they are recommended on the continent to further the impression Europeans have of Americans-that we are wild, flighty bar- barians. As long as this impression remains intact, ordinary pleasures not available to the civi- lized man will be available to the Tourist- man. * * * SIGHTSEEING PLOYS: Upon first sight of the Eiffel tower subtle reference to a radio tower back home in Oxford Mississippi, that is twice as high is the true sightseeingmanship ploy. A University touristman should never miss an opportunity upon seeing the Colleseum in Rome to remark "Our Stadium in Michigan sits 98,000 and the walls are in much better condition." A little more subtle but just as delightful is to stop some citizen and ask "pardon me, can you direct me to the Arch of Triumph," while standing directly across the street from this reknowned structure. An unenthusiastic "is that it?" will do wonders to dampen any native Italian's en- thusiasm for his own dear Pitti Palace. * * * TIPPINGMANSHIP: A real touristman always demands to have the manager show him to his room, knowing it is an insult to tip the manager. If the man- ager is not available and a bellhop insists on performing the ritual, carries the baggage to the room, opens windows, arranges flow- ers then holds out his hand, reach for it and give him a friendly handshake as hand- clasps are European "musts." Everyone shakes hands on the continent. * * * I'M - GOING - TO - LIVE - LIKE - A - NA- TIVEMAN SHIP: Live-like-a-nativemen never fore-go lux- uries of living like American tourists. Only an amateur touristman would endure cafe and croissant for breakfast, Continental wages and only a minimum of English speak- ing servants. A beret or French poodle will be sufficient to create a nativelike effect. Bathing once a month is a Continental lux- ury Touristman should investigate. EXPERT-ON-AMERICANA GAMBITS: A touristman is never daunted by Euro- pean experts on American life. Such experts will do their best to trip up the casual tour- ist by asking pointed questions or making highly technical statements for said tourist's verification. "Not in the South" is an approprate retort to any such statement. Become a specialist on some small segment of Americana such as the northwest portion of the Grand Can- yon and subtly switch all conversation to the northwest portion of the Grand Canyon. FF+ MUSIC + Taj Mahal. . To the Editor: AFTER five years on campus I have found a comment suffi- ciently important and sincere to merit a response from an other- wise conservative reader. Concern- ing Miss Patterson's letter (17 May) I must first acknowledge guilt and error in viewing the Taj from one prejudiced angle, and considering it only as a beauti- ful building built to commemor- ate a beloved woman Upon fur- ther consideration I am appalled at mysshortsightedness. Had Miss Patterson been able to leave her research (and I admire her in- terest) on the Taj, to attend the dance. I can imagine her horror at finding even greater tombs, un- derscoring my ignorance of things Egyptian. The ghastly scene has further been complicated by my reckless choice of a sacred moun- tain. (The subject of several an- onymous letters concerning my ir- reverence and blasphemy.) I now feel compelled to write this letter since it has been called to my attention that in the most recent repainting of the Tour Eif- fel (and it really isn't blue and silver at all, I must confess) a de- ceased bird (un moineau) was found on the first observation landing. I have since had little rest at the thought of the ghoulish memories I must have forced on the unfortunate dancers. Perhaps in searching for some beauty in an accuracy-minded world I fail- ed to foresee that a few can not see the doughnut for the hole, nor the Taj Mahal for a dead queen. For this lack of foresight I apolo- gize. -Gordon A. Neufang Chairman of decorations International Ball * * * Miss Barry . .. To the Editor: AFTER reading the article on "Naidoo's Informer" by Rhoda Barry, one cannot help but con- clude that Miss Barry is out to distort facts to appeal for mali- cious purposes to the sentiments of Americans. She claimed she is concerned with people from her country causing more bloodshed. But in her letter to the Minister of In- terior of South Africa she labelled Mr. Naidoo an "Asiatic." (The word "Asiatic" is a misnomer to Asians). She claims to be a citi- zen of South Africa; but denies another citizen the same birth right. She desires to stop blood- shed in South Africa; yet sup- ports the very system that breeds more bloodshed. Who does not know that the doctrine of "Apar- theid," which disfranchises the majority of the citizens must end in bloodshed? Perhaps she thinks that the rest of the 180 million Africans will be satisfied when she, (a member of the minority) is free to attend College but others (majority) are denied that op- portunity. Will Africans forever worship Malan and his regime? Miss Barry cited the murder of a white nun; but omitted the shooting down of 14 African Ne- groes in the same riot. To her one white is more important than 14 blacks. Her internal security of South Africa means internal exter- mination of African Negroes. If she thinks that all are entitled to their own opinion, why spy on Mr. Naidoo for expressing his own opinion? It is a pity that Miss Barry's education in this country makes no difference in her. From her ac- tions it is easy to deduce that she is another South African racist. I sympathize with her for not reading the "handwriting on the wall." If she needs internal se- curity she should fight against "apartheid." No other solution is adequate. I advise her to join Mr. Naidoo achieve racial equality and peace in South Africa. -F. Chigbu-Ememe Nigeria * * * Election Violaters . . . To the Editor: T HAS NOW been three weeks since the Strauss House Presi- dent wrote a letter to Ted Bohusze- wicz, IHC Chairman, charging that in the last election six candidates broke not only Strauss House, but also East Quad, West Quad, South Quad, and University Regulations concerning solicitation of votes and signatures. Although Mr. Bohuszewicz has had ample time to consider these charges, he has not seen fit to summon the IHC Judiciary to judge this matter. This is espec- ially alarming in view of the hasty action taken against Bob Perry. While Perry merely placed literature under doors, these six men entered rooms soliciting votes and s ignresvp for.their fletitions, "I'd Like To See You Get It, But You Know Our Policy-" r I ~.t y KP ' j .ca' _, ____ ' - ' r_ . . ., . ii + -.. ~ gR P S O SRS rQy E rV To the Editor: Glee Club's Answer Spring Concert. The same ad could dial relations in the future. We think you are doing a very fine job in presenting college glee club singing to the nation., In order that students, alumni, and friends may know how the Club feels, the above portion will appear in the Michigan Daily. I hope this explains things a bit more clearly. It was a great thrill to work with you and Mr. Lewis. Although I will be graduated in June, I hope that the Club may again be so honored sometime in the future. -David M. Calahan Business Manager of Men's Glee Club * * * 4 -A To the Editor: THE FOLLOWING is a copy of the letter the Glee Club sent to Ed Sullivan. . X I can understand how you may have, under the circum- stances, misinterpreted our ad which appeared in the May 13 edi- tion of the Michigan Daily. How- ever, I assure you that there were no ulterior implications whatso- ever in designing the ad. We in the Glee Club considered it an honor and a privilege to appear on your show. The ad was meant only to point out the fact that we had sung on your TV broadcast and that our entire program could be heard by attending our annual' have been used had we appeared on your show for 15 or 20 minutes. Some of our Alumni and friends, who are not acquainted with the problems of TV production, may have expressed to you their disap- pointment concerning the length of our appearance. The members of the Club understood the situa- tion and were thrilled with the opportunity to be on "Toast of the Town." We realize that flexibility is inherent in the production of such a show.- In speaking for Dr. Duey and the Club, I sincerely hope that the people who did not understand the entire situation will not stand in the way of our maintaining cor- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN WITH the exception of a few student reci- tals, Sunday's concert by the University Symphony struck the final note of this year's entire season. Conductor Wayne Dun- lap, assisted by the string orchestras of Ann Arbor, Cass Technical, Hillsdale, and Lin- coln High Schools, chose to embellish this last musical event with youthful perform- ers, with players whose age median would fall in the 'teens. Perhaps this previewed our musicians of the future, but most certain- ly it demonstrated the fin4 work that is be- ing done in music education throughout the state. Though the artistry of the youngsters was forgiveably not of professional cali- bre, the usual flaws in pitch, tone, and technique, their enthusiasm was. Elizabeth Green, Harry Begian, Robert Lint, and Mildred Macheller, respectively the con- ductors of the high school groups, should be congratulated along with Mr. Dunlap, as they have done a fine job in organizing and guiding them. For a country that has always been weak in strings, but alas burdened abundantly with saxophone and trumpet players, it was an optimistic sign of vital import to see so many young string players on one stage. Strings are still the most versatile and lovely of man-made musical instruments. For cen- turies composers have not demanded so much from them arbitrarily, nor has mere caprice New Books at the Library Coatsworth, Elibabeth-Silky. New York, Pantheon Books, 1953. Johnston, Alva-The Legendary Mizners. Farrar, Straus and Young, New York, 1953. Kantor, MacKinlay - The Daughter of Bugle Ann. New York, Random House, 1953. Marshall, Edison - Caravan to Xanadu: A Novel of Marco Polo. New York, Farrar, Straus and Young, 1953. Rounds, Frank Jr.-A Window On Red Square; Boston, Houghton Mifflin,, 1953. Rowans, Virvinia-Oh, What A Wonder- ful Wedding; New York, Thomas Crowell, 1953. rHE GROWTH of the Soviet economy has not, until recently, played a great part in European political thinking. But within a fostered their extensive literature. Today, in the face of a shortage of string players, Michigan can take pride. It is not nearly so important that there be one Hejfetz as it is there be many high school string orchestras, for here the roots of this musically necessary tradition can be firmly established. The program itself on Sunday was too long. There were two factors 'causing this. In the first place a Chausson Symphony, the B-flat major, was played. Here is a work melodramatically elongating each of its thirty-five minutes. As Miss Sherbrooke's valuable program notes stated, it owes its style, structure, and character to Cesar Franck and Wagner. For Mr. Dunlap, how- ever, it was very satisfying. His ensemble re- acted precisely and musically to his orders, with the string section doing better than it had previously this year. The other cause of the concert's undue length was Mozart's extremely generous use of repeats and Mr. Dunlaps failure to cut any of them. The Serenade, K. 286, featured two string orchestras on stage which were echoed and humourously mim- icked by two more such orchestras in the second balcony. The effect produced was similar to the one in "Don Giovanni" where there is an orchestra both in the pit and on the stage, but even more so since the mu- sic came from all sides. But with so many repeats it became a bit monotonous; tell- ing the same story or joke more than once tends to spoil it. The remainder of the program included Vaughan-Williams' Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis, with the Stanley Quartet as soloists, Tchaikovsky's Elegie from "Serenade for Strings," and "Soirees Musicales" by Ben- jamin Britten. With so many strings both the Elegie and Fantasia were flattered melodi- cally as their rich, grave, and long lines had more depth and tone. Likewise, the many strings complimented the intensely rhap- sodic harmonies and mood of the Fantasia. The Britten was light and spirited, and gave the concert a'brisk ending. The orchestra this year has played a diffi- cult and full repertory. Their technical mis- takes are easily forgotten in light of the musical interest they have engendered. A college orchestra is not easy to put together. Nevertheless the training it gives to the par- ticipants and the opportunity it provides of (Continued from page 2) further information from the Bureaut of Appointments. The Kroger Food Foundation, Lab-1 oratories Division, Cincinnati, Ohio, would like to hear from men June1 graduates in Chemistry who would be interested in the position of Junior Technologist on their laboratory staff. Ridge Farm, Lake Forest, Ill., is in need of men or women Houseparents who serve as counselors or supervisors to the emotionally disturbed children residing at this treatment center. Train- ing or experience in the Social Sciences is desirable.- The Board of U. S. Civil Service Ex- aminers, Detroit Ordnance District, is announcing opportunities for indefi- nite appointment as Price Analyst (General) to graduates who have spec-1 ialized in the fields of Economics,7 Business Administration. Marketing,s Accounting, or Statistics. Applicantsl must also have at least two years'1 experience in one of these fields toI qualify.! The Joseph Manahan Co., in GrandI Rapids, Mich., is interested in hear-1 ing from young men who would like] to obtain positions in the Machine7 Tool Business.1 The Haviland Products Co., Manu- facturing Chemists, in Grand Rapids, Mich., have an opening in their organi- zation for a Sales Correspondent. Selling Research, Inc., in New York City would like to hear from men and women. June, graduates who would beI interested in starting a career in Mar- keting and Sales Research. Ames Co., Inc., Ethical Pharmaceutical Manufacturers, in Elkhart, Ind., have an opening for a Sales Representative in East Detroit. Anyone interested may apply; a background in Pharmacy, Pre-1 Med, or Science is desirable. The Arctic Construction and Frost Effects Laboratory of the h'ew England Division, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, in Boston, Mass., needs Civil and Soil Mechanics Engineers for frost and permafrost research studies. The Pennsylvania State Civil Service' Commission has announced an examina- tion date for positions as Visitors in the' Dept. of Public Assistance. The final date for filing applications is June 5. 1953. jThe Carnegie Institute of Technology,- Pittsburgh, Penn., is announcing a two-semester Secretarial Course espec- lally planned for graduates of liberal arts colleges who are interested in ca- reers as executives' secretaries. SUMMER POSITIONS: A local firm in Ann Arbor needs a secretary for the period from June 8 to June 18, 1953. women applicants should know typing, and some shorthand is preferred but not necessary. The Lake Shore Playhouse, Inc., in Derby, N. Y., has openings for men and women Apprentices for their sum- mer season from June 7 to Sept. 6. For appointments, applications, and additional information about these and other openings, contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Bldg., Ext. 371. Academic Notices Mathematics Colloquium. Tues., May 26, 4 p.m., 3011 Angell Hall. Prof. wm. Doctoral Examination for Hector An- drew Pecorini, Chemical Engineering; thesis: "Kinetics ofthe Homogeneous Liquid-Phase Reaction between Propy- lene Oxide and Methyl Alcohol Cat- alyzed by Sodium Hyroxide," Tues.., May 26, 3201 Engineering Bldg., 1:30 p.m. Chairman, J. T. Banchero. Doctoral Examination for Norman John Doorenbos, Pharmaceutical Chem- istry; thesis: "The Preparation of Basic Alcohols and Basic Alkyl Chlorides which Contain a 1-Hexa, 1-Hepta--or 1-Octamethylenimino .Radical." Wed., May 27, 2525 Chemistry Building at 2 p.m. Chairman, F. F. Blicke. Concerts Rackham Symphony Choir, Maynard Klein. Conductor, will give a concert at 8:30 p.m. Tues., May 26, in the Rackham Memorial Auditorium in De- troit, with soloists Norma Heyde, so- prano. Patricia Ternes, soprano, Arlene Sollenberger, contralto, and william DeMaria, bass. It' will include works by Lully, Brahms, Bontock, dePres, Palestrina. Bach, Hoist, Rossini and Moussorgsky. The general public is invited. Student Recital: Alberta Cohrt. vio- linist, will be heard at 8:30 Tuesday evening, May 26. in the Rackham Assembly Hall, playing a program in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music. Miss Cohrt is majoring in Collective Strings, and will be accompanied by Nancy Wright in compositions by Pugnani, Tartini. Dello Joio, Reigger, and Brahms. She studies violin with Gilbert Ross, cello with Oliver Edel. The general public is invited. Recital of Organ Music under the di- rection of Robert Noehren, 8:30, Wed. evening, May 27, in Hill Auditorium. Students Jane Townsend, Diane Heger, Richard Harper. Mary Catherine Hutch- ins, Lois Batchelor, Beverly Brehm. and James Darling, will play compo- sitions by Bach, Buxtehude, Commette, Lubeck, Frescobaidi, and Alain. The general public is invited. Events Today. Senior Board of 1954 will hold a meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in the League. It is the last meeting of the year, and all members are urged to attend, Motion Picture. Fourteen-minute film (silent) "Cecropia Moth," shown Mon. through Sat. at 10:30, 12:30, 3 and 4 o'clock, and on Sun., May 371, at 3 and 4 o'clock only, 4th floor, University Museums Building. The 1955 J-Hop Committee will meet in Room 3-K of the Michigan Union today at 4 p.m. Pi Sigma Alpha. New members are urged to pick uptheir keys and certi- ficates this week between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. from Miss Gieske in the Political Science Office, 4601 Mason Hall. Square Dance Group, Lane Hall, 7:30- 10:00 p.m. THE HOUSE of Representatives of the U. S. Congress on March 10, 1953 passed by a vote of 274 to 138 a bill granting statehood to Hawaii. The bill was immediate- ly sent to the Senate where it was referred to the Senate Interior and Insular Affairs Committee, From March 10 until today nothing has been done by the committee to report the bill out for a vote on the Senate floor. There is great danger that Ha- waii will again be denied statehood via the method of bottling up the statehood bill in the Senate In- terior and Insular Affairs Com- mittee. This and other delays in grant- ing statehood in the past have led some to conclude that Congress is insincere about giving statehood to Hawaii. Already Soviet Russia, Chinese and North Korean propaganda agencies are charging that the people of Hawaii are being held in a colonial status by the "im- perialists" of Washington. We of Hawaii believe that Con- gress can best answer this charge by granting, statehood to Hawaii NOW. Members of the University fac- ulty and student body can help get the statehood bill out of com- mittee and also to overcome the Communist charge by writing their individual Senators in Congress asking them to help get the Hawaii statehood bill out of the Senate Interior and Insular Affairs Com- mittee and on to the Senate floor for a vote. Speed is urgent. Send your let- ters' by airmail as the time for Congress to adjourn looms larger on the horizon. -Leighton Kong President U of M Hawaii Club *** * * 4 Tennessee Williams *. . To the Editor: THERE is no doubt about the fact that Tennessee Williams is one of the best playwrights now writing fdr the American stage. Recently he experimented with purely emotional and completely lyric theater. To a great many, he succeeded nobly.' There are many who consider "Camino Real' the best play of the last decade. Assuming that it is true that Mr. Williams was much taken with the Drama Season's 'second show "In the Summerhouse," it is still in- conceivable that he really thought it "perfect" and needing "abso- lutely no revision." Everyone with whom I've talked agrees that "Summerhouse" is a very interesting show but certainly needing much work before even attempting Broadway. Even a man who is connected with the show, with whom I talked said that a grea deal of revision would be necessary. One wonders in what capacity Mr. Williams is connected with "In the Summerhouse." -Mark Fleischman, '56 EdtdSixty-Thikd Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michgan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editoria Staff Crawford Young.......Managing Editor Barnes Connabe............City Editor Cal Samra..........Editoral irector Zander Hcilander......Feasture Editor S id Klaus......Associate City Editor IHarland Brit.......Associate Editor Donna Hendleman.... Associate Editor Ed Whipple...............Sports Editor John Jenks e. .Associate Sports Editor Dick Sewell...Associate Sports Editor Lorraine Butler........ women's Editor Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor Don Campbell.......Chief Photographer Hawaiian Statehoo. . -A 4..l 'i 4 1 fa ,) Business Staff Al green...........Business Manager Milt Goets.........Advertising Manager Diane Johnston....Assoc. Business Mgr. Judy Loehnberg.... Finance Manager