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May 26, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-05-26

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,.743 at, t]Y

. o ,



Joint Judie
Held Over
Regent Praises
Failure of the new Joint Judii.
i ry constitution to gain a hearing
in the Board of Regents meeting
last Thursday and Friday may
preclude the possibility of its pas-
sage this semester it was learne
The document which was sub-
mitted to University Presideni
4 Harlan Hatcher May 15 to be con
sidered at the May Regents meet-
ing was apparently still being with-
held by the president for further
PETE LARDNER, '53E, outgo-
ing president of Joint Judi, sai
last night that an effort will b
made to secure a place for the
measure on the agenda of the nex
Regents meeting, June 12.
Informal discussion of the
Student Legislature proposal to
modify the present University
"driving ban" was held at the
two day meeting, however, and it
was decided to place the issue
on the agenda of unfiinished
In a letter to SL President Rob-
ert Neary, '54, Regent Vera Baits
commended the Legislature for the
well written set of alternatives
contained in the "driving ban'
Herbert G. Watkins, secretary of
the University, estimated that it
might be three or four months yet
before the Board gives final ap-
proval to the SL resolution grant-
ing permission for all University
students to operate cars on campus
except freshmen under 21 years
PASSAGE of the Judi consti-
tution by the board in their June
meeting would give'fImal recogni-
tionto the campus' central judicial
body originally created by former
06 University President Alexander G.
At that time, the group was
organized with only temporary
authority, an arrangement con-
tinued by President Hatcher
when he took office.
The constitution had previously
1, received the approval of the Com-
mittee on Student Conduct May
14, at which time the deans in the
4 administration and of the various
colleges gave it their firm endorse-
It was submitted to President
Hatcher on May 15, one day' too
late to be placed formally on the
Regent's agenda.
IN ORDER for the constitution
to have received consideration it
would have to have been intro-
duced at the meeting by President
Hatcher, who serves as chairman
of the Board.
Watkins pointed out that the
agendafor the May meeting had
contained almost 15 items, of
which only two received consid-
eration by the Regents during
their two day session.
Lardner said yesterday appoint-
ments for next year's Joint Judic
Council have already been made
under the system provided in the
old constitution pending approval
of the new set of rules.
New appointments to Men's Ju-
dic include Jim Smith, L. Joel Mar-
genau, '54BAd, Merritt Green, '53,
and Ruedi Gingrass, '54. Paul
Campbell, '54L, and Gingrass will
serve as chairman and secretary

Women's Judic named theufol
lowing to Joint Judie; Lucy
Landers, '55, Ann Schmitz, '54,
Barabara Bos, '54Ed, Lee Fiber, '54,
and Sally Stahl, '55.
Druten s 'Old
John van Druten's comedy, "Old
Acquaintance," starring Ruth
Chatterton will open tonight as
the third play of this year's Drama
The old acquaintances of the
title are two women, both novel-
ists and the play depicts their re-
lationship with a young man-
C%-hA Aa1W W 1 2 .

New Rosenberg
Supreme Court Refuses To Hear
Plea; Only Chance Is Confession

WASHINGTON -(P) - For the'
third time the Supreme Court re-
fused yesterday to grant a hear-
ing to condemned atom spies Jul-
ius and Ethel Rosenberg.
This left as the only. apparent
chance to escape death in the elec-
tric chair a decision to tell the
government any espionage secrets
they may still hold.
* *
Court To Act
On Baseball
WASHINGTON - (A) - The l
Supreme Court decided yesterday
that it will look into the legalityI
.of baseball's long-disputed reserve!
The entire future of professional
sports rests on the outcome.
* * *

PRESIDENT Eisenhower reject-
ed their clemency pleas last Feb-
ruary. But Justice Department
sources said Saturday the Rosen-
bergs have been told they might
be able to save themselves by
"singing" to federal prosecutors.
The husband and wife spy team
was convicted more than two years
ago of wartime conspiracy to
transmit atomic secrets to Russia.
In addition to rejecting the
appeal, the high court directed
the stay of execution granted by
the U.S. Circuit Court in New
York Feb. 17 be vacated. The
stay had been granted to permit
filing of the appeal acted on
The Rosenbergs had been sched-
uled to die the week of March 9.
PRESUMABLY the Justice de-
partment will ask U.S. District
Judge Irving R. Kaufman in New,
York to fix a new execution time.
Vote on the Rosenbergs' third
appeal was 7-2, Justices Black
and Douglas favored hearing the
case. -
Last Nov. 17 when the court
acted on their first appeal, Justice3
Black alone dissented. On the
second vote in the case Black'
again was the only one who fa-+
vored hearing the aJt-ls

'NM' Baseball
Squad Takes,
Michigan Shares
Title with Illinois
In spite of the fact that Illi-
nois defeated Iowa yesterday to
tie Michigan for the Big Ten base-
ball title, the Wolverine nine will
participate in the NCAA playoffs.
Ray Fisher's outfit will meet
Ohio University this weekend at
Ann Arbor in a best two 'out of
three series to determine who will
go to Omaha, Nebraska for the
NCAA double elimination finals
June 11 through 15. Tickets for
the series will be $.60 for students
and $1.20 for others as per NCAA
A SINGLE GAME is scheduled,
for Friday and either a single con-
test or a doubleheader will be.
played Saturday depending onj
whether or not a third game is
It will be the second time
that Michigan has participated
in the NCAA playoffs. The Wol-
verines were beaten by Western
Michigan in the first round back
in 1948.
Ohio U. captured the ruggedi
Midwest Conference title by win-
ning eight of the nine conference
games it played. That the Bob-
cats have one of the stronger col-
lege teams in the country is evi-


Wolverine Club plans for the celebration of the golden anniversary
of the Little Brown Jug rivalry presently include chartering a
vista-dome train to the Michigan-Minnesota football game Oct. 24.
Special dinners and a homecoming dance featuring Ralph Flan-
nigan are on the weekend agenda. Advance reservations can be
made by contacting Dean Dixon at 3-0521, Ext. 546 or Dave Boice,
418 Chicago House West Quad.
Speculation Grows on Fate
Of U.S. Trade Agreements

THIE HEARING will be held
some time in the fall. It will mark
the first time since 1922 that the
Supreme Court has examined the
legality of the national sport. Base-
ball won the last time.
It might lose this case and if
it does, the game as it is played
now would undergo sweeping
changes unless new legislation
were written.
Baseball contracts-and those in
other professional sports-contain
a clause which puts the player
completely under the control of
the club that owns him.
In another case yesterday the
Supreme Court, dividing 5 to 4,
ruled that the New Orleans Times-
Picayune did not viplate the Sher-
man Anti-Trust Act by requiring
arvertisers to buy space in its sis-
ter newspaper, the New Orleans

New Plan M
Decision to

ay Turn POW
UN Assembly

denced by

their overall seasonI

mrk o 'rnf 190 wo~n a~nd los1't.

VvCU 1C~lig U1 appeal . -ldl V- 0 - -UM +- -.
Michigan had to settle for a
THE ROSENBERGS have the share of the Western Conference
privilege of asking the Supreme baseball crown with Illinois for
Court, within the next fifteen the second year in a row as the
days, to reconsider yesterday's re- Illini came from behind .to whip
fusal. However such requests are the Hawkeyes, 7-3.
rarely granted. * *
Emanuel H. Block, an attor- ILLINOIS WENT into the sev-
ney for the couple, has said he enth trailing 3-1. However Ron
will make another request to Schaeffer, Iowa's ace righthander
President Eisenhower for execu- had to be removed from the ball
tive clemency, game and the Illini went on to
President Eisenhower in refus- score * six runs in the inning to
ing last Feb. 11 to save the Rosen- wrap up the ball game.
bergs termed their death penalty Fisher was very happy with
just punishment for a crime which the team's performance over the
"could result in the death of weekend as the Wolverines swept
many, many thousands of inno- three games to move from a
cent citizens... .

Considerable speculation has heightened the question of the
fate of the national trade policy after June 12, when the Reciprocal
Trade Agreements Act is scheduled to expire,

The Justice Department, which11 , third place tie into a share of.
brought a civil anti-trust suit JUSTICE Department sources the conference title.
against the Times-Picayune Pub- said Saturday Rosenberg and his He was especially pleased with
lishing Company, contended the wife have been told specifically the way the team hustled and stat-
company violated the Sherman that if they know and want to ed "if the boys had played all
Act by requiring classified and na- tell hitherto undisclosed things 'season as they did the past week-
tional advertisers-but not local about espionage in this country, end, we wouldn't have- lost a
display advertisers-to put their such action will be taken into ac- game."
ads in both the morning Times- count in weighing their clemency Jack Corbett Dick Yirkosky and
Picayune and the afternoon New pleas Jack Ritter all turned in fine
Orleans States. Official sources also said the pitching performances last week,'
The Court at the same time President still has power to Ritter's being especially encour-
turned down the plea of Prof. commute federal sentences at aging as he went the distance for
Leonard T. Pockman of the San any time, whether or not a peti- the first time this season.
Francisco State College for a hear- tion is pending. Marv Wisniewski, who was
ing on his protest against a Cali- The government believes it is hurling for the first time in five
fornia law that declares public more important to get in'forma- weeks, was knocked from the'
employes are civil defense workers tion on what the enemies are do- box in the second inning of Sat-
and requires them to take a special ing than to take the life of an urday's nightcap.
loyalty oath. offender, the officials stated. Paul Lepley went off on a hitting'
tear as he smacked out eight hits
in twelve times at bat in the three
W ~rtew o nd p weekend contests including the
ord Ne sR o un -.d'U game winning blow in the first en-
counter with Northwestern.


Although President Eisenhower has requested a one-year exten-
sion of the act, which would be accompanied with numerous amend-
ments, his Administration has formulated no definite policy with
respect to international trade and
Om l 1 0* * . -
o enob AMONG alternative proposals is
e the bill introduced into Congress
Jeer Ex-First last month by Rep. Richard M.
Simpson, (R-Pa.). The Simpson
ud m in k bill suggests a restriction of im-
.IUG ),ports, accompanied by the estab-
lishment of strict quota lifnits in
TOKYO - (R) - Mrs. Eleanor some areas and raised tariffs ini
Roosevelt was jeered and jerked others.
from her automobile yesterday by The bill would also deprive the -
20 Japanese women who, the President of his . power to set
newspaper Yomiuri said, flaunted tariffs below the "peril points"
Communist banners. written into the law by Congress
The widow of the late President in 1951. These limits determine
brushed off the incident as "un- the line below which foreign pro-
important" and went on with her duction. of competing articles
schedule of speaking engagements would directly threaten domestic
on her current tour of Japan, a industrial products.
member of her party said. The Simpson bill has received
*strong and widespread support
MRS. ROOSEVELT herself was from various national organiza-
not at once available for comment. tions and pressure groups.
* * *
Yomiuri reported Mrs. Roose- UNION support comes chiefly
velt was rescued uninjured from from craft organizations, most of
the group of women, led by the which are affiliated with the A.
American-born wife of a Japa- F. of L.
nese union leader. Commenting on the trade
controversy at a recent New
Mrs. Roosevelt had attended a York meeting, Sen. John C.
conference on Japanese labor Cooper (R-Ky.) asserted "In-
problems at the Labor Ministry terdependence in securing peace
building in downtown Tokyo. Af- among free nations will make
ter lunch at noon, she left the liberalized trade essential to the
building to keep another engage- national interest."
ment. *ICooper added that Eisenhower
* DE a* does not fully realize the strength
THEY DEMANDED an inter- he holds for influencing Congress.
i '7]Px* Whol hP 1Pfl czd f1h1

Photographers are needed for
The Summer Daily.
Any students interested in
doing photographic wqrk on the
paper are invited at 4:30 p.m.
today to the Student Publica-
tions Bldg. on Maynard St.
No previous experience on
The Daily is necessary.
Today's meeting will be brief.
Men Return
A fter IBudd
Strike .Ends
DETROIT-The on-again, off-
again strike of 8,000 -Budd Co.
workers was called off again late
Corp. promptly issued back-to-
yesterday and as a result Chrysler
work calls for 36,000 of its 40,000
idle employes.
The strike at Budd, which makes
car bodies for three Chrysler divi-
sions, had forced the Chrysler lay-
* * -
IT BEGAN last Wednesday and
was called off originally on Sun-
day. But after work was resumed
on the day shift yesterday, the
walkout erupted again.
A small group of workers
found that a' crane had -been
moved from one department to
another during the shutdown,
resulting in a relocation of their
The crane operators walked out
and the rest of the day shift fol-
lowed suit.
The first walkout ended on ord-
ers from the International CIO
Urnited Auto Workers. After it re-
sumed yesterday, UAW president
Walter P. Reuther threatened to
slap an administratorship over
Local 306 at the Budd plant. The
night shift then reported on
* * *
CHRYSLER then notified 36,000
employes in seven Detroit area.
plants to report on regular shifts
today. The other 4,000 at the
Dodge truck plant, were told to
report on regular shifts tomor-
Still thousands of other auto
workers were idle because of two
other supplier strikes, at the
Canton, O., Ford forge plant,
and at Warner Gear Co. in Mun-
cie, Ind.
The Budd strikers had agreed
to end their earlier walkout today
after international officers threat-
ened "appropriate action by the
international" if the men did not
halt a jurisdictional dispute.
A lack of parts from its Canton
plant caused Ford to complete the
layoff of 85,000.
Studebaker's 23,000 production
workers began a 20-hour week
to prevent the layoff of half
their number. Warner Gear sup-
plies the corporation.

Report Say
R OKs Don't
Like Offer
Talks Recessed
Until May 31
By The Associated Press'
Authoritative South Korean
sources said yesterday the new Al-
lied armistice proposal would turn
over to the United Nations Gener-
al Assembly the final disposition of
war prisoners refusing to return
to Red rule.
These informants said the UN
Command proposal submitted to
the Communists in Sunday's se-
crecy-shrouded session contained
four major provisions which were
not acceptable to President Syng-
man Rhee and the Republic of Ko-
rea government.
REFUSING to be identified, the
sources said their information was
based on the two-hour long con-
ference Sunday between Rhee and
Gen. Mark Clark, UN commander,
and upon information given Rhee's
government by the U.N. command.
Truce parleys recessed Sun-
day until May 31 after a one-
day, news - curtained session
which followed an eight-day
According to the informants, the
new Allied proposal provides for
handling of the reluctant prison-
ers in stages-and along the lines
of previously-advanced plans-but
it would leave the U.N. General
Assembly to finally determine the
fate of prisoners persisting in re-
fusing to go home.
S.* *
QUESTION of what to do about
34,000 North Korean and 14,500
Chinese prisoners refusing repa-
triation is the sole major barrier to
an armistice in the bitter, costly
war-which now is nearly three
years old.
The new Allied plan has not
been disclosed officially. Allied
truce delegates even declined
Sunday to say whether a new
plan was offered.
South Korea's delegate on the
Allied truce team boycotted the
Sunday meeting, apparently be-
cause he could not accept parts of
the new UN move.
MAJ. GEN. Choi Duk Shin's ac-
tion in remaining behind at Mun-
san was the first indication of a
serious rift between the U.N.
Command and the South Korean
The South Korean government
in a statement has declared it
would fight on alone if an armis-
tice were signed which left the
country divided and Chinese Com-
munist troops still in the country.
Meanwhile, fighting continued
as Allied air and sea power blast-
ed the Communists on the Ko-
rean East and West Coasts ear-
ly yesterday and a U.S. Sabre
jet knocked down a Red MIG
south of the Manchurian bor-
Nineteen B29 Superforts
smashedae130-acre troop and
supply depot on the Northeast
Coast, 20 miles north of Hamhung.
Thursday Deadline
Set for Carving
Thursday has been designated as
the last day in which seniors may
carve their names for posterity
on Union table tops.
A special table has been reserved
for the carving. Located in the

back of the Union stag-room, sen
iors may leave their names on it
by presenting their ID cards at
the basement cloak room.
Speech Course
Holds Open Class
An open session of the extension
service class in public speaking will

LAS VEGAS, Nev.-America's "Atomic Annie"-the giant 280-
millimeter canon-successfully fired a nuclear shell yesterday in a
major move forward by the United States in the international atomic
arms race.
The brilliant burst, ushering in a new phase of artillery warfare,
was fired exactly on schedule with deadly accuracy at a target area
seven miles away on Frenchman Flat.
* * * *
LONDON-Russia declined the Western Powers' invitation
to attend a four-power conference tomorrow on the Austrian
treaty, the Moscow radio disclosed yesterday,
* * * *

.Block 'M'
Students interested in par-
ticipating in the Block-" "
flashcard section will have their
last opportunity to register from
noon to 3 p.m. today at Bar-
bour Gymnasium.
The 1200 seat section in-
cludes choice seats between the
20 and 35 yard lines, accord-
ing to Wolverine spokesmen.
A 25 cent membershin fee will


view. wnens n re usea, ,Ley
dragged her from her automobile,
the newspaper said.
Japanese guards rushed up
and rescued Mrs. Roosevelt from
the women, who jeered "Go
back home."
One guard slapped by one of
the demonstrators, Yomiuri re-
ported. The guards dispersed the!


NEW YORK-William Z. Foster, chairman of the American be charged.
Communist party, won a new and probably lasting reprieve yesterday
from standing trial under hes
SmithFederal Judge Sylvester J. Ryan SER VES 33RD YEAR:
said a trial might kill the 72-year-
old Foster, who has a heart ail-
ment."A 7 7"7liiu7 t117-7 /

1G11131%,AO111I/ AU%, "-aa I

History Traced

Pollock Urges Revamp
'Of Agriculture Set-up
Copies of his testimony favoring unqualified approval and sup-
port of President Eisenhower's plan to revamp the agriculture depart-
ment were released yesterday by Prof. James K. Pollock of the
political science department.
Pointing to "a hodge podge of systems" which bog down govern-
ment, Prof. Pollock said Presidential plan No. 2 would vest in the
secretary of the department authority now held by subordinates-
thus making the department head the true chief of his own agency.
* * * *
POLLOCK, MEMBER of the Hoover Commission which reported
on reorganization of thle executive branch of the federal government,
testified before a Senate government operations subcommittee last
Prof. Pollock deplored the irresponsibility which has been al-
lowed to continue throughout the executive branch.
"Waste is one thing, Pollock said, "irresponsibility and lack of
effective control is another. I don't know why Congress should be
opposed to any plan which places responsibility where it can be en-
forced," he sold the subcommittee.
* * * *
PLANS SIMILAR to the one now beingr discussed were~ submitted

, * *
thew B. Ridgway, supreme com-
mander of North Atlantic de-
fense forces, announced yes-
terday the appointment of Adm.
William M. Fechteler as com-
mander-in-chief of Allied forces
in Southern Europe.
WASHINGTON-Yesterday the
House cut 10 million dollars from
President Eisenhower's request for
funds to help states and com-

mi1l l11I1 1 -LIU.

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first
n a series relating the history of
fund raising methods for the Uni-
versity prior to the inauguration of
the Development Council and its
newly created division, the "Michi-
gan Alumni Fund.")
The most recent enterprise of
the University for obtaining rev-
enue, the Michigan Alumni Fund,
is not without historical precedent.

program was under the direction HOWEVER, after general ap-
of James Ottoway,- president of proval by faculty and alumni to
the Alumni Association from 1927- incorporate this fund, almost total
37. inaction followed. The highest
As a means of increasing amount reached by the fund for
funds, the "One Percent Club" unrestricted use was $11,900 in
was a suggestion of a New York 1950.
alumni group. It involved an Blame for the static condition
agreement by which members, of the Alumni Fund for 32 years
through provisions in their wills, his been attributed to the as-
would leave one per cent of their sumption that if the University


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