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May 23, 1953 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1953-05-23

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SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1953

Defeat of the Capehart Proposal

IN A DETERMINED effort to exclude from
a Republican controls bill a proposal that
smacks of "socialism" and is "absolutely
contrary to the whole theory of free econ-
omy," the Senate this week voted to curtail
the President's power of imposing standby
wage and price controls for a 90-day period
in the case of a national emergency.
In theory, President Eisenhower can still
freeze wages and prices, but only after
Congress has first declared a state of war
emergency. This in reality strips the
emergency power of all effectiveness and
is also potentially an economic danger.
By delegating the initiative of imposing
controls to Congress, the conservatives in
the Senate are running the risk of having
the nation caught in an inflationary spiral
that could prove disastrous. As was proved
by the Korean war, Congress cannot act
quickly enough in the case of an emergency.
Months after war had broken outand in-
flation had gotten a strong foothold, Con-
gress was still deliberating the advisability
of freezing wages and prices.
The only way to curb inflation in a na-
tional crisis is by delegating the President
immediate power to declare a ceiling on
wages and prices. In the present state of
world tension such a crisis is definitely
possible. If there were a heightening of
the Korean war, a dangerous inflation

could develop while Congress debated
whether to declare an emergency. It is
also conceivable that an emergency could
occur while Congress is in recess, thus
leaving the President powerless until Con-
gress convened.
The amendment that deprives the Presi-
dent of acting swiftly in an emergency
seems as unrealistic and pointless as Sen.,
Taft's insistence that giving the President
emergency powers would be socialistic. Such
an attitude merits Sen. Homer E. Cape-
hart's accusation that the Republicans are
behaving like ostriches.
Sen. Capehart, the Chairman of the Bank-
ing and Currency Committee, indeed has
reason to chargt# that his fellow Republicans
are not fulfilling their responsibilities.
The charge of socialism is obviously a
blind to benefit the businessman at the
expense of the consumer. If legislation is
aimed at business rather than national in-
terests, the majority leader should at least
not attempt to hide the fact by posing as
the saviour of the American way of life.
It is time for the Republicans to stop
burying their heads in the sand. An exam-
ination of the facts with more foresight
would lead to more intelligent and effective
-Arlene Liss

Washington Merry-Go-Round

W ASHINGTON-It may not be pleasant
to talk about, but at no time in years
have our relations with our ancient allies in
Europe been on such thin ice.
Behind the Senatorial blasts of Joe Mc-
Carthy et al-which are bad enough-re-
lations with our old friend and mother
country, England, are in deporable shape.
Not much better are our relations with
Here are some of the background factors
which have strained relations to the point
where we are not only bitterly disliked in
many British circles, but where British of-
ficialdom has almost given up the idea of
working with us and seriously contemplates
closer ties on the continent and even be-
hind the iron curtain!
1. Churchill's desire for a Big Three meet-
ing lies squarely across the Dulles-Eisen-
hower belief that there must be no such
meeting until the Russians show some indi-
cation that they are ready for genuine co-
The appointment of redheaded Adm.
Arthur Radford as chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff is the signal that the U.S.A.
from now on will follow an Asia-first po-
3. The shortsighted sleight of hand by
Secretary of Defense Wilson in juggling
the low British bid for generators for the
Chief Joseph Dam has the British boiling.
Admittedly, under U.S. law, the Defense
Department was obligated to accept the
bid. However, Wilson finagled new bids in
order to cut the British out.
4. Chancellor of the Exchequer Butler
charges that we have forced England to
curtail trade with China and satellite coun-
tries and simultaneously blocked British
trade with the United States. We can't have
our cake and eat it too, the British say.
They also allege that the Eisenhower slogan
of "trade-not-aid" is a complete phony.
5. If the Eisenhower Administration does-
n't let down the trade barriers, the Church-
ill government is ready to re-establish heavy
trading with Red China and iron curtain
THE IMPORTANT thing to remember is
that this impasse has taken place not
with the labor government of England, but
A A L A-

with the British conservatives led by a
Prime Minister whose mother was American
and whose chief policy in the past has been
cooperation with the United States. In fact,
Churchill took a special trip to the United
States to visit Eisenhower before the inau-
guration in order to cement a friendship
which some felt had lagged under Truman.
Furthermore, Eisenhower himself was
considered the best wartime friend Eng-
land had, and his guildhall speech in Lon-
don has been hailed as a milestone ce-
menting American-British relations.
Tragedy is that Ike himself, though re-
alizing the dangerous drift between the two
allies, seems unable to do anything about it.
His desire to "get along with Congress" is
now uppermost on his agenda of objectives.
In fact, some friends say he seems hypno-
tized by that goal.
Of the various snags In the path of Bri-
tish-American relations, you will probably
hear less about the appointment of Admiral
Radford as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff. Yet it rankles deep with the Bri-
World War II row between MacArthur
and Eisenhower as to which theatre of war,
the Pacific or the European, should come
Eisenhower at that time wanted more
men, more materiel for Europe. His old
boss, Douglas MacArthur, wanted more
for the Pacific. The Navy generally sided
with MacArthur. But Eisenhower had two
powerful friends who in real fact were
calling the shots for the total war-Roose-
velt and Churchill. They decreed that the
European theatre should come first, and
that was why V-E Day came ahead of
V-J Day.
Today, Eisenhower is in a position where
he can call the shots as Roosevelt and
Churchill did. However, if he is calling
them-and it looks as if he is not-he has
in effect put Asia, not Europe, first.
He has done this at a time when the
United States lacks the munitions to spread
itself over two continents at one time. And
in doing so, he has let the China lobby, the
Admiral Radford wing of the Navy and the
extreme Asia-first wing of the Republican
party actually dictating our foreign policy.
(Copyright, 1953, by the Bell Syndicate)
[1MA o+
very remarkable attempt certainly, using
material similar to that in "Electra," was
the Swedish film, "Miss Julie," which may
have been the best picture released in
1952. Directed by Alf Sjoberg, one of the
relatively unrecognized talents in the
business, it incorporated the Freudian
themes of the old Strindberg play into a
brilliantly alive and flexible film which
caught the emotional conflicts in terms of
pictorial symbols, imaginative flashback,
and carefully spotted dialogue. Never
once does it slide into the staginess of
The one American director who has been
uniquely successful with the filmed stage
play is William Wyler whose "Detective
Story" and "The Heiress" are very fine mo-
tion pictures. While neither of these plays
are liberally adapted, they have an instinc-
i tiv 1nit y w hich "El ctr n" lac ks: Tn bo th

WASHINGTON-Probably the most inter-
esting feature of the President's radio
talk on the budget is its status as a new
departure. Other appeals to the people and
pippearances before the people will follow
Those who are qualified to report on
the development of Eisenhower's think-
ing, emphatically say that a larger pur-
pose lies behind all these orations and
excursions. Eisenhower wants to be a
strong President. He is coming to realize
that the source of presidential strength is
the whole people of the United States.
He now sees that he must mobilize his po-
pular support, in order to exercise full
authority in Congress and in his party.
This represents a change that is subtle,
yet radical. When he took office, his con-
cept of the presidency was much more pas-
sive and much less political. Confucius all
but summed up the Eisenhower concept in
a famous but slightly optimistic. remark,
"Let the ruler desire good, and the people
will be good." The numerous inquests on
Eisenhower's first hundred days sounded a
bit like variations on ancient Confucianist
tlieme, that the Son of Heaven did not need
to "decide," or to "act," or even to "move,"
but only to "radiate benevolence."
No one is better at radiating benevolence
than Dwight D. Eisenhower. His radiations
have not exactly "set in order all under
Heaven," as the Confucianist used to prom-
ise rather more than 2,000 years ago. Har-
mony with Congress has if anything dimin
ished the President's power in Congress.
Harmony in the Republican party has en-
couraged the anti- Eisenhower faction in
the hope of taking over. In dealing with
other politicians, amiability has not proven
to be a universal panacea.
On the other hand, the presidential ra-
diations have notably increased Eisenhow-
er's already enormous popular support.
The polls attest it. The good will of the
people of the United States can be called
into play to overcome opposition when-
ever Eisenhower chooses to exploit this su-
preme presidential prerogative.
It is hard to say just when or how the
decision that this would be needful began
to take shape in the President's mind. With
respect to dealing with Congress, the White
House staff has been divided for a consid-
erable period.
More generally, the leading members of
the Cabinet, the chieftains of the Eisenhower
faction in the Republican party, and a fair
number of the President's trusted private
friends, have long been urging the President
to talk more freely to the country. They
have argued that good will was not enough
-that there must be strong, plain-spoken
popular support for specific Eisenhower po-
licies. This, they have said, could only be
secured by "going to the people," by "taking
his case to the voters."
If you think about it, the step is long
from persuading politicians persuading
the people, so that the people can per-
suade the politicians by the old familiar
method of applying the heat to their
If this step is taken successfully, the sig-
nificance will be very great indeed. The
Eisenhower administration will be purged of
its worst weakness, which has been a curious
failure to realize its own power. The Presi-
dent will begin really to lead, instead of al-
lowing himself to be led by those who tell
him what the "country will and won't stand
(Copyright, 1953, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)

"Old Pal! How Have You Been?"
Y 'I
The Daily welcomes communications from Its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

AA Movies...
To the Editor:
WHAT'S happening to the thea-
ters in Ann Arbor? I would
like to express a complaint in be-
half of numerous dissatisfied stu-
dents. Several changes recently
made by the Butterfield Theaters
have angered us.
First, the Orpheum and the
Wuerth, the only theaters where
50c movies are shown (with the
exception of SL movies on week-
ends) are now closed during the
week. Most of the "better" movies,
including the foreign ones, are
shown at the Orpheum. The clos-
ing of that theater means stu-
dents must go to the campus
theatiers, and are forced to see the
second-rate Hollywood movies oft-
en shown there during the week.
And now that students must go
to the campus theaters if they wish
to see a movie during the week,
the managers find it an approp-
riate time to raise the prices at
both the Michigan and State to
Thirdly, the increases on 95c
movies are not usually advertised
in The Daily. Once in a while a
student will take just enough
money for admission with him.
Since he finds an increase in prices
once he gets to the theater, it
necessitates.going home for more
money. Also, some people wouldn't
plan to attend a particular movie
if they knew it were going to be
30c more. But once down there,
and having nothing else planned
for the evening, they have no
choice but to stay and pay the in-
crease. I certainly don't expect a
theater to advertise a general
nickel increase in prices, but I do
feel that since final weeks are com-
ing and since they usually bring
a better class of movies, it would
be nice to know beforehand of any
increase in prices.
-Ruth Hollander
* * *
Ensian .. .
To the Editor:
LAST TUESDAY an unfortunate
incident took place. At ap-
proximately 2:45 a young man, a
transfer from Michigan State,
walked into the Ensian office in
hopes of obtaining his first En-
sian. He saw a number of people
milling around and what looked
to be a line. Thus he took his
place at the end of the line and
waited fifteen minutes, but noth-
ing happened. The line didn't
move. The boy then went up to a
young lady behind one of the desks
and asked her if she would please
give him his Ensian. Her reply?
"I'm sorry, but that isn't my de-
partment. You'll have to wait until
someone in the business office
comes in." With that she turned
her back and joined some of the
staff members who were drinking
coffee and chatting.
The former Michigan Stater
would have left the building im-
mediately had he not already paid
for his Ensian. He went back to
the line where six other students
were patiently waiting the arrival
of someone-anyone-from the
business office. A half an hour
later the girl who was supposed to
distribute the year-books arrived.
The boy finally received the copy
he had waited forty-five minutes
for and went away muttering,
"This would never have happened
at State. This is so typical of
TrihianT l ,'t.thnkT11 nv nn

young man would have left in a
happy frame of mind, perhaps
thinking that State didn't have a
thing on the University. As it was
the Ensian lost a customer and
the bay added an unpleasant ex-'
perience to his memory of ineffi-
ciency at Michigan.
-Joan Sheahan
* * * -
Block M'.. .
To the Editor:
I WAS quite surprised at the re-
action of the Michigan students
to the recent endeavor of the Wol-
verine Club. Last Monday, Tues-
day, and Wednesday, students
were allowed to sign up for next
Fall's Block "M" flashcard section.
The section will seat 1200 students
between the twenty and thirty-five
yard lines. Irrespective of the fact
that these are the best possible
seats anyone who is not a senior
can obtain, only 800 persons sign-
ed up to sit there in the Fall.
The student body seems to be
lacking in the spirit and enthus-
iasm that accompanies most col-
leges' football teams. Of course we
all want a winning team and like
to boast that we have the best
marching band in the country, but
when it comes to participating in
a new tradition there seems to be
something lacking in the student
body. Almost every big Mid-West-
ern school has a perfected flash-
card section. Most of these are
now performing multi - colored
stunts. The Michigan flashcard
section which had fupctioned in
the past on a hap-hazard basis was
reinitiated last year by the Wol-
verine Club. Our section last year
had more success than any other
section in the Big Ten had in their
first year. Correspondence with
these schools and movies of last
year's section affirm this. And,
still there is an apathy on the part
of the students towards this new
tradition the Wolverine Club is
trying to develop. The section also
acts as a large, but coherent,
cheering group for the team. The
cheerleaders and team are look-
ing for student support and this
is one way to give it to them. What
more can we offer the students
participating in the Block "M"
section than the best possible seats
in the stadium?
With 400 empty seats in the
section, the Block "M" Committee
is having one additional day to
allow students to sign up to sit in
next Fall's section. On Tuesday,
May 26th, any student in the Uni-
versity who would like to parti-
cipate in next Fall's section may
sign up at Barbour Gymnasium
between the hours of 12:15 and
3:15. You must sign up at this
time if you intend to sit in next
Fall's section.
-Stanley Bohrer
Block "M" Committee
* * *
More Errors .. .
To the Editor:
HAVE JUST discovered another
grievous error in Gayle Greene's
article on offshore oil. Harold Ickes
was not Secretary of Labor, but
of the Interior, in 1933 when he
refused to grant oil development
leases in the marginal set area off
the California coast, claiming that
title rested with the State of Cali-
Moreover, since when can an
individual Senator table a bill?
Taft did not table the Anderson

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan1
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construe-i
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Roa~m 2552
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (before
11 a.m. on saturday).
SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1953
Vol. LXIII, No. 163
Aeronautical Engineering Students.
Certain improvements have been made
in the Aeronautical Engineering cur-
riculum, The staff wishes to discuss
these changes with you and arrange
your schedule for next year. Half-hour
interviews for this purpose will be
held Monday and Tuesday evenings,
May 25 and 26, starting at 7:30 p.m.
Please sign the schedule posted on the
Aero. Eng. Bulletin Board opposite 1079
East Engineering Building.
Attention Seniors. This is your last
chance to order caps and gowns Stop
in at Moe's Sport Shop on North Uni-
versity and place your order.
Late Permission. Because of the Sen-
ior Ball all women students will have
a 1:30 late permission on Sat., May 23.
Women's residence halls will be open
to guests until 12:25 p.m.
Late permission for women students
who attended "In the Summer House"
on Wed., May 20, will be no later than
11:30 p.m.
Academic Notices'
Astronomical Colloquium, Monday,
May 25, 4:15 p.m., the Observatory. Dr.
Stanley P. Wyatt, Jr. will speak on
"The Orientation of Galaxies in Space."
Interdepartmental Seminar on Meth-
ods of Machine Computation. Meeting
May 25, 4:30 p.m., 429 Mason Hall. "Op-
eration of the WRRC Computers," Mr.
Verne Lorrowe, Analog Computation
Department, Willow Run Research Cen-
Doctoral Examination for Sanford
Marion Helm, Musicology: thesis: "Carl
Friedrich Abel, Symphonist: A Bio-
graphical, Stylistic, and Bibliographi-
cal Study," Sat., May 23, East Council
Room, Rackham Building, at 10 a.m,
Chairman, Hans David.
Doctoral Examination for Dale Maur-
ice Riepe, Philosophy; thesis: "Early
Indian Philosophical Naturalism," Sat.,
May 23, 2208 Angell Hall, at 10 a.m.
Chairman, William Frankena,
Doctoral Examination for Leo Thomas
Hendrick, English Language and Lit-
erature; thesis: "Henry James: The
Late and Early Styles," Sat., May 23,
East Council Room, Rackham Build-
ing, at 2 p.m. Chairman, J. L. Davis.
Doctoral Examination for Lloyd Big-
gle, Jr., Musicology; thesis: "The
Masses of Antoine Brumel;" Sat., May
23, West Council Room, Rackham
Building,rat 4 p.m. Chairman, Louise
E. Cuyler.
Doctoral Examination for Robert
Merkle DeWitt, Zoology; thesis: "Stud-
ies on the Biology of Physa gyrina
Say; Ecology and Life History," Mon.,
May 25, 2089 Natural Science Building,
at 9 a.m. Chairman, F. E. Eggleton.
Doctoral Examination for Duncan J.
McGregor, Geology; thesis: "Strati-
graphic Analysis of Upper Devonian
and Mississippian Rocks in the Mich-
igan Basin," Mon., May 25, 4065 Nat-
ural Science Building, at 10 a.m. Chair-
man, K. K. Landes.
Doctoral Examination for Arthur Rob-
ert Cohen, Social Psychology; thesis:
"The Effects of Individual Self-Es-
teem and Situational Structure on
Threat-Oriented Reactions to Power,"
Mon., May 25, West Council Room, Rack
ham Building, at 10 a.m. Chairman, A.
F. Zander.
Doctoral Examination for Stewart
Raynor Wallace, Geology; thesis: "The
Petrology of the Judith Mountains,
Fergus County, Montana," Mon., May
25, 4065 Natural Science Building at
1 p.m. Chairman, E. N. Goddard.
The Toronto Symphony Orchestra,
Sir Ernest MacMillan, Conductor, will
fill the open date in the 75th Annual
Choral Union Concert Series, Feb. 10,
1954, in Hill Auditorium-according to

an announcement just made by the
University Musical Society.
The complete schedule of Musical
Society poncerts for 1953-1954 is as

Choral Union series-Roberta Peters,
Oct. 7; Boston Symphony, Oct. 22; Vir-
tuosi di Roma, Nov. 2; Horowitz, No-
vember 21; dePaur's Infantry Chorus,
Nov. 24; Toronto Symphony, Feb. 10;
Paul Badura-Skoda, Pianist, Feb. 17;
George London, Bass, Feb. 28; Elena
Nikolaidi, soprano, Mar. 12; 'and Myra
Hess, Mar. 17.
Extra Concert Series-Guiomar Novaes,
Pianist, Oct. 12; Cleveland Orchestra,
Nov. 8; Guard Republican Band of
Paris, Nov. 30; Marian Anderson, Jan.
10; and the Boston Pops Tour Orchestra,
Mar. 4.
Messiah Concerts-Saturday, Decem-
ber 5, and Sunday, December 6; with
University Choral Union, Musical So-
ciety Orchestra, Mary Stubbins, or-
ganist, Lester McCoy, conductor. Solo-
ists: Maud Nosler, soprano; Carol
Smith, contralto; Walter Fredericks,
tenor; and Norman Scott, bass.
Chamber Music Festival-February
19, 20, and 21, with Griller Quartet
(2 concerts): Sidney Griller and Jack
O'Brien, violins, Philip Burton, viola
and Colin Hampton, cello; and the
Reginald Kell Players '(one concert):
Reginald Kell, clarinet, Joel Rosen,
piano, Melvin Ritter, violin and Aurora
Natola, cello.
Orders for season tickets for the
Choral Union Series and Extra Series
are now being accepted and filed in
sequence at the University Musical So-
ciety in Burton Memorial Tower. Tick-
ets will be mailed September 15 to ad-
dress given.
Tickets for "Messiah" and for the
Chamber Music concerts will go on sale
over the counter at the offices of the
Musical Society, Burton Tower, on
October 15.
Events Today
Annual Senior Table-Carving will take
place from May 4 to May 28 in the Stag
Room of the Union. Tools are kept
in the basement checkroom and may
be obtained by any man of the Senior
Class by presenting his I.D. card. All
Senior men are urged to come out for
Senior Board Banquet will be held at
6:30 at the Union.
Congregational Disciples Guild. An-
nual Guild Banquet in the Congrega-
tional Church, 6 p.m. Alumni, mem-
bers, and friends invited.









Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young.......Managing Editor
Barnes Connable............City Editor
Cal Samra. ..........Editorial Director'
Zander Hollander......Feature Editor
Sid Klaus. ......Associate City Editor
Harland Britz.........Associate Editor
Donna Hendleman....Associate Editor
Ed Whipple ...............Sports Editor
John Jenke......Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewel.....Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler.........Women's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor
Don Campbell.......Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Al Green..............Business Manager
Milt Goetz.......Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston. .. . Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehnberg......Finance Manager
Harlean Hankin,... Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication of
all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00: by mail $7.00.





At the Orpheum .. .
Rosalind Russell and Michael Redgrave
THE REVIVAL of this Eugene O'Neill dra-
ma, as produced by the veteran screen
writer, Dudley Nichols, revives a number of
the old questions which have been much
discussed in these columns recently; namely,
how do you go about translating a vehicle
of the stage into the film. Because "Mourn-
ing Becomes Electra" becomes a very 'static
movie at times, it is safe to conclude once
again that the loyal scene-by-scene adap-
tation is not the best way to do it,
"Mourning Becomes Electra" in other
words is as a photographed stage play, done
in the appropriate expressionistic manner,
relying almost completely for its impact on
the Dower of its nerformances. Since it is a

At the Michigan ..* ,
Wayne, Donna Reed, and Charles Coburn.
FOR THE TOPS in the disgustingly maud-
lin, this picture is a prizewinner. It
makes no attempt to be anything but heart-
warmingly wise, but manages only to be sen-
timental and inane.
John Wayne is a discredited football
coach; Charles Coburn the overage Father
Rector of a bankrupt college; and Donna
Reed a female cop with a heart investigating
Wayne's ability to raise his daughter. Com-
plications: the divorced mother wants the
child to spite Wayne, and the college must
meet $170,000 in debts or fold up. Solutions:
Reed plus Wayne equals happy home for
daughter; Wayne's unethical football prac-
tices yield cash for college.
John Wayne, never a very reliable actor,
proves his inability to function without a
cavalry behind him and Indians in front,
or their spiritual equivalents in movie-type
history. He swaggers, he staggers, he
wisecracks to perfection, but all without
perceptible results in any direction. Co-
burn and his colleagues make a mockery
of faith while preserving their cassocked
facades. Miss Reed is cold.
The utter predictability of the whole af-
fair makes the film seem almost intermin-
able. It would almost appear that the But-
terfield stamp of approval on a film, with
its concomitant price-rise, is a direct clue


Little Man On Campus

by Bibler

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