BIG THREE CONFERENCE See Page 4 Y aitr yran Latest Deadline in the State Oa446rit i t I CLOUDY, WINDY A VOL. LXIII, No. 162 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1953- . SIX PAGES -w Disputes Cut Auto Output, Idle 77,400 Strikes Spread Throughout U.S. By the Associated Press Labor disputes yesterday sharp- ly cut automobile production and made idle 77,400 workers in the . Detroit area. About 126,000 workers were idle in major walkouts across the na- tion. The total may jump to 177,- 000 within a few days. Off the job in Detroit were 29,600 at Ford plants, 39,000 Chry- sler workers, 8,000 at the Budd i Co. body stamping plant, and 800 at Kaiser-Frazer. * * * FORD LAYOFFS began Wed- nesday as a result of a month-old strike at Ford's Canton, Ohio, forge plant, making Ford parts. The Budd strike, a wildcat walkout in its second day, led Chrysler to send home its work- ers for lack of supplies. Ford expected 85,000 of its work- ers to be idle by the week end in various plants across the country. STUDEBAKER plans to lay off 5,000 Monday, stopping commer- cial truck production. It also plans to halve passenger car output at South Bend, Ind., and at Los An- geles, and put 18,000 other work- ers on part-time shifts to avoid layoffs. . The Muncie strike resulted in the layoffs at Willys, Nash-Kel- vinator, and Kaiser-Frazer. In the Muncie Borg-Warner strike, the CIO United Auto Work- eers accuse the company of a sped- up reducing possible earnings un- der an incentive plan. The Budd workers in Detroit walked out in a dispute within the UAW. The Ford Canton strike involves pay disputes, safety conditions, and job classifications. PRODUCTION at a Jackson automotive plant was halted yes- terday by a continued shortage of parts blamed on labor troubles growing out of a dispute over the rating of one job. Slightly more than 50 percent of production was reached on Wednesday. On the lighter side of the news, 21 pickets marched at the gates of Briggs Stadium yes- terday, representing the peanut vendors, soft drink hawkers, scorecard salesmen and other stadium personnel who want a wage increase. An attempt was made last night to end the five-week milk dispute between two Marquette dairies and milk producers. A state labor mediator, said he would seek to bring both sides to an agreement. The main issue, a basic price of milk, has been set- tled. Williams Calls Today's Youth Reactionary "The youth of today are more reactionary than old people," Ten- nessee Williams said yesterday, adding "they don't care for any- thing new." Williams said that youth is lacking adventure and the appre- ciation of adventure. "Years ago," he observed," "young people loved excitement. Tody's situation is not normal. THE PULITZER Prize winner declared that the real meaning of a university is to foster originality as "there is plenty of time in the future to fall into ruts." On the subject of experimen- tal theaters, Williams comment- ed that universities should culti- vate the theater in an effort to make students more sensitive of the subtle play. He said that the greatest diffi- culty the theater is faced with to- day is a financial one. "Tickets and production costs are at exorbitant heights. Many plays cannot be supported under these condtions, especially the po- etic ulav unless it is on a low bud- Hits Killed as ornado Sarnia Port. Huron, Professors Discuss Bi Three Meet 'Nothino To Lose' Says Efimenco By TOM LADENDORF University political scientistsj yesterday discussed President Ei-I senhower's plans to meet in Ber- muda next month with Prime Min- ister Churchill and the Premier of: France to strengthen the Big Three alliance and discuss the ad-, visability of a high-level meeting with the Russians. News of the conference was an- iiie u iI uirn i ni cluu trarye rrevu : y -Daily-Betsy Smith UNION OPERA CHAIRMAN -- The followini were appointed last night to the Union Opera Exec- utive Committee by the Board of Directors. Seated from left to right are Harold Johnson, Mike Scherer, general chairman of the Opera, and Dick Huff. Standing are Jay Grant, Bart Hamburger, Fritz Glover and. Dick Fiegel. * * * * WINSTON CHURCHILL ... announces conference Opera Committee Named By JOEL BERGER development fund will be main- Appointment of six committee tained by the Union. This fund will chairmen for the Union Opera, a consist of payments received as aj change in the Opera road show percentage of net profits from road' financial set-up and discussion of shows.t a student bookstore in the Union * * *; dominated last night's meeting of CONTROL of this fund. which) the Union Board of Directors. will be used for equipment pur-< A change submitted by the Op- chases and a reserve fund, was! era study committee on the finan- vested in the Union Opera Com- cial set-up of the Opera road mittee. During the past two years, shows was endorsed by the Board. the road shows had operatedl Under this change a road show through the jurisdiction of the Office of Student Affairs. This change will be in effect W orl d ews during a one-year trial period.E Prof. Phillip E. Duey of theI music school was named to ac-; company the Opera during its chosen for each of the c which the Opera will p next year. in statements by Eisenhower, Churchill and Mayer. ities in perform PROF. MARBURY N. Efimenco 'of the political science pointed Production chairman of the out last night, "In a big four con-1 Opera will be Bart Hamburger, ference we would have everything '54BAd. Harold Johnson. '55SM, to gain and nothing to lose." j will be chairman of the music committee, a post he held in last "Such a meeting could result year's Opera. in disillusionment but if it did Fritz Glover. '55E, was named it would only serve to teach us promotions chairman by the that we are up against an im- Board of Directors. Jay Grant, '55, possible situation at present," will be the new program chair- he said. man, while Richard Fiegel, '55. According to Efimenco. "Rus- will take on the jab of secretary of sia seems to hold all the cards the Opera. and the free world expects the General Chairman of the Opera leading democracies to make an ef- committee, Mike Scherer, '54, was fort to come to terms with her. appointed at a previous meeting The fact that there have been of the Board of Directors. shifts in power within both Rus-' Also during the meeting, a three- sia and the United States recent- man study committee was set up ly also calls for a fresh approach to look into the feasibility of a to a four power meeting." student bookstore to be placed in RENE MAYER . . . who will be next? By the Associated Press NEW DELHI, India-Secretary of State Dulles and Prime Min-I ister Nehru stirred intense specu- iation yesterday by agreeing to an unscheduled conference after their second confidential talk in as many days. Dulles and Nehru emerged smil- ing after talking together for an hour and three-quarters and an- nounced they would meet again today. * * * BATAJNICA, Yugoslavia -- President Tito declared angrily yesterday that relations between Yugoslavia and the Soviet bloc are just as bad as ever, despite the recent softening of the Kremlin's five-year propaganda war against his independent Communist government. * * *t LANSING - Prospects for a smooth windup of the 1953 legis- lative session fell apart in a House Senate feud yesterday. The House refused to pass $337,000,000 worth of appropria- tion bills for next year until it knows whether Gov. G. Mennen Williams will sign the new $35,- 000,000 business receipts tax bill. road trip. He will have final auth- ority to maintain University stand- ards of conduct during the trip,1 the Board said., LOCAL AND road show produc- tions of the Opera will- operate under separate budgets with all accounting procedures centered in the Vjnion, the Board decided. While financing of the local per- formances will be the responsi- bility of the Union, the road en-E gagemenjs will be financed by the sponsoring alumni organizations. Dick Huff, '55BAd, was ap- pointee road show manager of the Opera. He will coordinate the work of seven chairmen Czechs Want Ban Removal VIENNA, Austria-)-Czecho- slovakia broadcast a call yester- day for the United States to lift trade and travel restrictions im- posed on that Communist nation in 1951 for the imprisonment of Wil- liam N. Oatis, the newsmen it called a spy.j the proposed Union addition. f Senate Group Proposes T-H Law Changes WASHINGTON - (A" - Chair- man H. Alexander Smith (R-NH) of the Senate Labor CommitteeI made public yesterday a score of proposed changes in the Taft- TAKING an opposite stand, Prof. James K. Pollock, head of the po- litical science department. cx- 'pressed opinion .a Big Four meet- ing would be."a waste of time and might possibly bring a loss of pres- tige for the United States." "We must make a distinction between tactics and strategy with the Russians," he added "and not rush into a diplomatic project lest we lose the positions of power for which we have4 been striving." Revised Peace Plan. Viewed O0ptimistically By the Associated Press An optimistic view was taken today by authoritative sources watching a revised Korean truce proposal round into shape at Al- lied headquarters. But Peiping's Red radio. anti- cipating the plan's presentation next week at Panmunjom, sound- ed a sour note. PRESIDENT EISENHOWER . .. to strengthen Big Three Mayer Out As .Premier Of France By the Associated Press The French National Assembly yesterday threw Premier Rene Mayer's four-month-old cabinet out of office on a financial issue. By a 328 to 244 vote, the As- sembly declared its lack of con- fidence in the government. MAYER HAD just announced that Britain, France and the Unit- ed States had agreed to meet June 17, possibly to prepare for a Big Four conference with Russia. This drew applause from some moderate and rightist deputies, but Mayer's critics were un- moved and the announcement failed to stave off defeat. Prof. James K. Pollock, chair- man of the political science depart- ment, commented yesterday that a change of cabinets probably would not greatly affect France's position at the Big Three confer- ence. THE FRENCH government has fallen in the past during confer- ences without affecting French foreign policy, Prof. Pollock ex- plained, The Mayer Cabinet, most con- servative of the 18 that have ruled France since the libera- tion was formed Jan. 17 after a 16-day crisis. Formation - of a new government may be even more difficult this time for the rapid turnover in cabinets has made the task of premier a thankless one. The issue on which Mayer lost was a bill to give him special pow- ers to slice a mounting deficit by decree. He demanded a vote -of confidence on the issue. In the background, however, was opposition to his proposal to cut the subsidy of 85 million dollars a year to wine and sugar growers 'Ensian Distribution of the 1953 Michiganensian will continue today from 3 to 5:30 p.m. at the Student Publications Bldg. Students must present sales stubs to claim their yearbooks. Local Area Not Reached By Tornado Schools Let Out; County Alerted By the Associated Press A rare northern tornado sweep- ing across the U. S.-Canadian border late yesterday dealt death and multi-million-dollar destruc- tion in the twin cities of Sarnia and Port Huron, Mich., and be- yond in Southwestern Ontario. Seven persons were reported killed. MANY WERE injured, most of them apparently by flying glass and debris. Parts of the twin cities along the St. Clair River inter- national boundary were left mounds of rubble. On the local scene the police and fire departments were alert- ed and the American Red Cross had its disaster crews set for action. The Weather Bureau and Police Departments throughout the area were flooded by fran- tic calls requesting information on the imminent tornado. The Weather Bureau at Willow Run 'Airport issued its first tor- nado warnings qt 10 a.m. yester-. day but by 6 p.m. it was apparent that the danger had passed. The Bureau recoided maximum winds as high as 60 miles per hour for the area. Heavy'rains and violent electrical storms also occurred throughout the area. STORM WARNINGS from the State Police office in Lansing mov- ed officials of -East Ann Arbor Public Schools to close down the Pittsfield, Mitchell, and Stone schools south of here. Ann Arbor Schools were not dismissed. Elsewhere in the state there. was some damage done by the. storms. Power lines were re- ported down, windows were smashed, and state forestry of- ficials expressed fear that the lightning might start forest fires. Wind damage throughout the state was light. On the Great Lakes craft were tied up and storm warnings were issued to all boats on the water. In the hard-hit cities of Sarnia and Port Huron National Guard and Civil Defense units rushed to their posts in the wake of the tor- nado and began their relief work. State Police headquarters dis- patched 50 troopers to the area. The Detroit Red Cross blood bank sent 250 units of blood to Port Huron hospitals. According to the Willow Run Weather Bureau, local weather to- day would be windy and cool, with some rain. The Toronto Weather Bureau reported that the vortex of the storm had passed out onto Lake Ontario. A radio warning, broadcast by station WTTH about 10 minutes before the tornado hit Port Huron, was credited with keeping the death toll at a minimum. The station, acting when the storm was reported near, warned citizens to take to their cellars. Many of the residents, whose homes were smashed by the winds, found refuge in their cellars. The newspaper, although with- out electric power as was the ra- dio station after the storm, mar- shalled its full staff of reporters and editors. It made arrangements with Mt. Clemens Monitor-Leader to publish an "extra" last night. Newsmen and printers, all work- ing by flashlight and candlelight, started getting some of the copy out in the Times-Herald building, 'Thorn To Discuss ACTH, Cortisone Dr. George Thorn of the Har- varid Medical School will sneak on Hartley law. President Eisenhower issued a a Smith declared the program was statement saying the primary pur- prepared by the staff of the com- pose of the face-to-face meeting of THE AUTHORATATIVE Allied mittee. He insisted it was not "a the Big three leaders was to tackle sources, otherwise unidentified, Republican program," but con- "the many problems that must be said the revised plan-born out of ceded that in discussions preced- solved co-operatively so that the long-range consultations with al- ing the draft Republicans on the world cause of peace may be ad- lies-possibly would be offered on committee endorsed at least some -anced. " a "now or never" basis. The Pan- of the proposals. ,tmunjom talks will be resumed But according to Associated Monday. SMITH SAID the program would Press reports, Churchill and Mayer: be the committee's "work sheet''immediately saw in the consulta- Peiping Red radio, still in- be . tetomit'"or o tion a path toward a later meet- sisting the Allies were to blame of actual amendments to the T-Hn ing with Kremlin leaders. "My for the deadlock over the pris- law next week. n main hope," Churchill told Parlia- oner exchange issue, said re- ment, "is that we may take a def- ports of a revised plan amounted One major change in the pro- inite step forward to a meeting to "propaganda deception." posed amendments would return of far graver import"-with Soviet to the states the power to regu- Premier Georgi M. Malenkov. The authoritative Allied sources 'U' AUTHORITY PREDICTS: Taft Farm Prices Plan SMay Be Future Policy late strikes, lockouts and pick- eting, no matter what the federal law might say on those subjects. This would upset two Supreme Court decisions involving Wiscon- sin and Michigan labor laws. It would throw out the doctrine that the federal law must take prece- dence over any conflicting, state law in the regulation of strikes, lockouts or picketing and would vastly increase the power of states to handle labor disputes. * * * Mayer will probably not be there however. His Cabinet fell within hours of the announcement of plans for the meeting, having tripped over strictly domestic is- sues. But his attitude is indigenous to France, and he or whoever forms a new Cabinet is expected to attend the conference and work from the same viewpoint. There may have to be a change in date. said the revised plan would in- clude some of the India plan adopted last December by the UN General Assembly. *~ * * ON THE Korean front tough South Korean troops yesterday drove off Chinese Reds after a bitter 12-hour battle for an Allied outpost on a jagged Eastern Kor- ean ridge. By BECKY CONRAD Calling the farm support policy suggested this week by Senator Robert A. Taft (R-Ohio) "a fore- cast of major policy changes if present accumulation of goods continues," Reo Christensen, for- mer political science instructor yesterday explained the proposed administrative farm programs. Christensen, who "has covered agriculture department offices in Washington during the past year while collecting data for a doc- toral thesis on the Brannan Plan, explained that Taft's proposal consists of no fixed level price sup- ports. The Ohio Senator noted earlier this week that farm pro- ducts could not continue to be penses.) Dollar shortages would not prevent international sales if prices were low enough, he noted, and the resulting increase in world commerce would encourage do- mestic markets. 2) An alternative dark-horse plan is a program of price insur- ance similar to Social Security. Farmers would contribute a part of their profits in good years to a fund partially supported by the government. This fund could be returned to farmers in unprofit- able years. The highly controversial Brannan Plan advocated four points; direct payments on per- ishable goods to the farm pro- I -iY- ,BUSINESS RECEIPTS LEVY: ALSO ON Capitol Hill yester- - day Secretary of Treasury Hum-o sidering all sorts of ideas, includ- ing a national sales tax, as it - works on a sweeping revision of By JANE HOWARD justed receipts are large enough the nation's tax laws. The State House of Representa- ' to be subject to the tax would The revision, which Humphrey tives voted Wednesday to pass the have to file a return to the Rev- called "a brand new tax law," business receipts tax, which is ex- enue Department. Self-employed will be sent to Congress in Jan- pected td raise $32,000,000 each individuals whose gross business uary. year to balance the state budget. incomes exceeded $20,000 would Humphrey declined to take a Based on gross income derived also be required to file their re- personal stand for or against a from business activity, the tax will turns. sales tax. But when asked at a news -1 .a, r f1 +,f,. +fn C Tax Measure i based on gross receipts derived from Michigan business as com- pared with total gross receipts, to establish the extent of a taxpay- er's share taxable in Michigan. Passed Tuesday in the Sen- ate, the tax is now awaiting Gov. G. Mennen Williams' sig- nature. It would. if signed. o