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May 21, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-05-21

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A .a vLw AJ 1 .k~ 1i tliA,'.L Aiv e/J?.

Truce & the
W ITH the release of unofficial reports of
a United States compromise on the bal-
ky prisoner issue, hopes for a Korean truce
loom larger than ever before in the two
year period of heartbreaking futile negotia-
tions. Unfortunately, certain powerful Re-
publican Senators don't see it that way.
Protesting a "Far East Munich," Sena-
torial displeasure at the "softer" terms of
the United States has been not too dis-
creetly directed at the Eisenhower Admin-
istration in the last few days.
This "no compromise with the Reds" atti-
tude is nothing new, however. Since 1945
the more primitive faction of the GOP has
been striking out at any and all attempts
to cut the sharp edges off Soviet-U.S. rela-
tions. The outcome of the truce talks in Ko-
rea seems to symbolize to this faction the ul-
timate fate of the glory, prestige and sover-
eignty of the United States. To compromise
is to sacrifice these paramont values.
That our allies have opposed this no-
compromise stand and that countless lives
are still being sacrificed in this most unpop-
ular war matters little to this segment of
Congress. One Senator went so far as to
suggest that "we go it alone" in the Korean
war and thus ignore the wishes of both our
allies and the United Nations.
And so President Eisenhower is caught
in quite a dilemma. He is bound by his
campaign promises to end the war and yet
he has been duly warned by this potiti-
cally significant GOP faction that it will
desert Eisenhower if his Administration
"succumbs to Communist demands."
Many in this country and throughout the
world. will look to President Eisenhower on
this issue to prove that he can not and will
not be shackled by the reactionary elements
of his party. The implications for interna-
tional peace which the truce talks hold are
far too grave to be ignored because of some
myopic Republican Senators.
-Alice Bogdonoff
T HE ANNUAL exhibition of student work
in the College of Architecture and De-
sign is on view in the galleries of the Uni-
versity Museum of Art through May 30.
Such a'multiplicity and variety of work
in so many pictorial realms is a bit over-
whelming at first sight. Beginning with
basic drawing. in the visual arts section
the spectator is led clockwise through the
labyrinthian problems of basic design, the
elusiveness of water color, and the fas-
cination of paintings and prints, to the
solidity of sculpture and ceramics. These
media are of course only a few of the
many on display. It is really unfair to
single out a few objects from so many for
special notice, and so I shall be subjective
about it and mention particular pieces
that struck my fancy, knowing that you
will do the same.
First of all, I was amazed at the astound-
Ing versatility of a plain piece of paper
when folded imaginatively in basic design.
There are two particularly attractive coffee
tables, one of blond maple by William Tut-
tle'and one of marble by June Wright, either
of which would be a fine addition to any
living room. Ernestine Winston's sprightly
"View of Venice," Don Zanfagna's stolid
"Fishermen," and Anne Dixon's cool, suave
"Landscape" appealed to me most among
the oils shown.

The ceramics I thought consistently good.
Nancy Davis' twisty bottle and the blue and
brown bottle of Carol Gaeb invite touch and
use. George Conkey has an impressive nude
figure carved out of wood. I also liked the
welded metal abstraction of William Jack-
son. All of the prints show distinctly indi-
vidual approaches to the particular graphic
medium employed and for that reason make
a stimulating group. The overall picture of
the visual arts section is one of high quality
and individuality of expression.
In the north and south galleries the work
of the school of architecture is handsomely
displayed. Each gallery is divided into two
sections. Introduction to architecture and
landscape architecture comprise the work in
the south gallery, and architectural design
and city planning in the north. The basic
introduction to architecture deals with stu-.
dies in proportion, form and texture, rhy-
thm, balance and structure. Landscape ar-
chitecture involves problems of land utili-
zation, and river and parkway development.
There are some lovely drawings of spe-
cialized problems in this section. It must
be a pleasure to design such diverse struc-
tures as boating and tennis clubs or art
exhibition centers. Perhaps more chal-
lenging yet would be the planning of com-
munities and towns with the innumerable
topographical and other problems to solve.
Pieces of sculpture and detailed architec-
tural models provide spatial feeling in
pleasant contrast to the flat quality of
the drawings and designs.

U.S. Recognition
Of Communist China

IF THE DOMINANT American opinion is
represented by a resolution introduced
recently by Senator Knowland to the effect
that Red China's admittance to the United
Nations would be a sign for .United States
withdrawal, this country is overlooking what
seems to be an excellent opportunity for
peace in Korea. Although the United States
could prevent United Nations membership
for Red China by its Security Council veto,
it could profit more by recognizing Red
Recognition may help bring peace in
this sense: the United Nations truce ne-
gotiators might -imply to the Chinese
Communists that recognition would be
forthcoming from the United States and
the United Nations if peace were obtained
through a significant contribution by the
Reds. Not only would using recognition as
a bargaining point in this manner be de-
sirable because it enhances peace chances,
but also recognition of Red China, in it-
self, would be advantageous to the United
States, despite various objections to the
To bring the advantage of recognition in-
to more clarity, it would probably be better
to expose, first of all, the insignificance of
the objections to it, which can be simpli-
fied into three basic points.
Probably the most vehement argument
against recognition is the claim that to rec-
ognize a government established by force is
contrary to American principles. Those who
utilize this seemingly effective refutation
forget that the United States has recognized
such governmens in the past-Russia, for a
relatively well-known example. If they re-
tort by pointing out that the force involved
in the establishment of the U.S.S.R. was
merely of the internal revolutionary' variety,
we turn their attention to the United States,
a government established by force both from
within and from foreign helpfuls such as
France. Furthermore, recognition of Red
China need only be a reluctant admission
that the Communists control the Chinese
mainland and not approval of that arrange-
The second point against recognition is
that it would add a Communist vote to the
security council of the United Nations.
Although true, such a Communist ac-
complishment would'mean nothing, since
only one negative vote constitutes a veto.
Opponents to recognition go on to say
that recognizing Red China would necessar-

ily be accompanied by withdrawal of sup-
port from Chiang Kai-Shek, entrenched on
Formosa. Naturally, if Red China were a
United Nations member, the United States
could no longer assist Chiang in his attacks
on the Chinese mainland without being ac-
cused of aggression. It would be wise, how-
ever, to concentrate on China instead of
Formosa, and it is only naive to imagine
that Chiang has the strength to seriously
challenge the Communists, at least in the
near future. America must concentrate on
gaining ground diplomatically in China.
The advantages of recognition seem con-
spicuous here. One nation can hardly have
any diplomatic relations with another gov-
ernment if it does not recognize that gov-
ernment. The first achievement of recog-
nition would probably be the door-opening
to further negotiations between China and
the United Nations aside from those in the
atmosphere of suspicion and distrust in
Any negotiations of that kind would
markedly increase the now obscure chan-
ces of Chinese Titoism. As long as the
United States remains blatantly hostile
to the Chinese, they will retain their at-
tachment to Moscow. But, some improved
American diplomacy combined with the
ancient Chinese tradition of subjection to
no one may effect a break with the Krem-
lin despite the similarity in ideologies. Al-
though such hopes may appear improb-
able, the possibility of their realization is
enough argument for recognition of Red
China in light of the present world situ-
ation in which the free peoples must grab
at every chance for peace, however dim,
and in which China is the strategically
important area it unfortunately is.
Also, United States recognition of Red
China would greatly alleviate the tension
that has risen between Washington and
London. The somewhat bitter exchange of
words across the Atlantic could become a
serious split in Anglo-American relations,.
and American recognition of Red China
would remove the basis for any such dan-
gerous break over policy.
The advantages of recognizing Red China,
plus the insignificance of the objections to
such a move, make it almost imperative that
the United States use it as a weapon to end
the Korean conflict and end the unneces-
sary waste of millions of dollars and thous-
ands of human lives.
-Jim Dygert

"Here We Go Again"
GOV. +MPLOY4 1 svyx
i~ffi4 ~ TIROEf~
- t

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

(Continued from page 2)

St. Lawrence Seaway Delay

THE ST. LAWRENCE Seaway problem is a
tough nut to crack.
For decades Washington has explored the
United States-Canadian plan for opening
the 5t. Lawrence to ocean-going vessels all
the way to Lake Ontario, plus constructing
large hydro-electric power plants in the
section of the river between Ontario and
New York.
The possibility has long existed that
Canada could clip the United States from
the project forever. She has promised to
start building either this year or the next
and is currently waiting for indication of
how far Eisenhower can push past power-
ful railroad and seaport interests in his
recent indorsements of the project.
Canada does have this country's permis-
sion to go ahead with the project, which
involves the use of United States waters.
Already a Canadian corporation has been
set up to build and control the entire sea-
way, and the Province of Ontario has been
authorized to construct a power plant along
with it. Joint consruction by both countries
appeals to Canada, more, however.
This country does not have such an ab-
solute need for the Seaway as does Canada.
With ever-expanding Ontario, Canada needs
both the Seaway. and the kilowatts. The
United States has endless railroads and not
quite so pressing a need for electric power.
Ten days ago, the Eisenhower Admin-
istration threw its full weight behind the
Seaway project. The President, the cabi-
net, and the National Security Council
urged passage of a seaway along the lines
of a bill sponsored by Senator Alexander
Wiley, chairman of Foreign Relations
This legislation proposes that the water-
way penetrate to Toledo from the Atlantic.
It would drop the $100,000,000 power project
by giving it to the New York State Power
Authority. To pay for it, a Seaway Develop-
ment Corporation would be authorized to
issue bonds which would be liquidated in
40 to 50 years, and to negotiate an agree-
ment with Canada on toll charges. Actually,
the project would involve construction of a
27 foot channel, two large dams, power-
houses, and eight new locks.
- The entire project constructed between,
THOSE who speak of the omnipotence of
the totalitarian machine take a singu-
larly unrealistic and superficial view of so-
ciety, a curiously mechanical view that
hardly befits writers who for the most part
are so contemptuous of the materialist so-
ciology of Marxism. They see only a single

Montreal and Duluth would cost somewhere
between $818,000,000 and $2,000,000,000.
The 1953 Bill is the latest attempt to
please boh government and outside busi-
ness parties. For the last 50 years legis-
lation has been tossed around Washington
in the hope that it would become law.
Every administration since Harding's has
suported the project. Opposition stems from
railroad and seaport interests on the At-
lantic and Gulf of Mexico, who fear loss of
One potent argument in their favor is
that the Seaway will be unnavigable the
cold five months of the year, yet so far
St. Lawrence transportation doesn't seem to
have been cut down by this.
The proposed channel depth of 27 feet
is not adequate to service larger American
trans-oceanic ships. This has channeled
support away from seaway construction ra-
ther than encouraging a plan to dredge the
channel to a more effecient 30 feet, as pro-
posed by U. S. Army Engineers.
The iron problem has also slowed Uni-
ted States decision on the seaway. About
50 per cent of present Seaway commerce
is based on transporting Mesabi Range
iron (85 per cent of United States Steel
reserves) from Minnesota to the coast.
This range is about played out. Even now,
the Iron Ore Company of Canada has been
formed by six leading American iron and
steel companies and the Hollinger mining
interests of Montreal to develop iron ore
deposits of Quebec and Labrador. This
means that only if production is. excessive
will the seaway be utilized to carry iron
since railroads are already being con-
structed for the pxfrpose.
Science is developing new methods of re-
ducing low grade ore, plenty of which exists
in the Mesabi Range, so that high grade
iron ore will not be mandatory. Others say,
the use of such metals as titanium may.
.render steel obsolete. As a result, the iron
problem is a toss-up, though suggestions for
getting around the use of high-grade iron
look quite a way into the future.
Yet on the other side of the fence, water-
way enthusiasts - the cities and market
areas on the shores of the Great Lakes -
say that the Seaway will greatly ease the
country's economic problems with its cheapm
safe transportation.
The crux of the fuss in Congress is
whether or not we should put the money *
in on a Seaway now, especially since large
funds are needed for defense. Canada is
demanding Seaway construction now, so
the United States is faced with an im-
mediate decision.

be interested in their Tndustrial Man-
agement Training Program. Applicants
should have some Industrial experience
or an engineering background.
The City of Detroit Civil Service Com-
mission has announced vacancies for
the positions of Junior Art Curator and
Medical Laboratory Aid (Female). Re-
quirements for the Junior Art Curator
include a degree with specialization in
art and some advanced training in the
field of art. The residence qualifications
have been waived so that any citizen of
the U.S. is eligible to apply. Although a
degree is not required for the Medical
Laboratory Aid, some experience in a
chemical, medical research, or public1
health laboratory is preferred.
The Michigan Civil Service Commis-
sion has released examination dates for
the positions of Social Worker A-,
Student Psychiatric Social Worker A,
Building Construction Superintendents
III-A and IV. Further information may
be secured at the Bureau of Appoint-
The Gulf Research & Development
Co. In Pittsburgh, Pa., has an. opening
for an Assistant in Structural Geology
at the Laboratories In Harmarville.
Graduateswith a B. S. or M. S. degree
in Civil or Mechanical Engineering
may apply.
For appointments, applications, and
additional information about these and
other openings, contact the Bureau of
Appointments, 3528 Administration Bldg,
Ext. 371. *
Academic Notices
Graduate Examination in Zoology.
The last two parts of the Graduate
Examination in Zoology will be given
on Sat., May 23: Part 3. Systematic and
Environmental Zoology, 9-12 a.m.; Part
4. General Zoology, 2-5 p.m. The exam-
ination will be held in 2091 Natural Sci-
ence Building.
Chemistry Department Seminar,
Thurs., May 21, 7:30 p.m., 1300 Chemis-
try Building. Mr. Edwin Benjamins will
speak on "some Thermodynamic Prop-
erties of the System NH4F-NH4HF2," Mr.
RandeI Q. Little will speak on "Reac-
tions of Hindered a,B Sustituted Suc-
cinic Acids" and Mr. Gilbert Sloan will
speak on "Some Biradicals and Biradi-
cal Intermediates."
Geometry Seminar Thurs.. May 21. 7
p.m., 3001 Angel Hal. Mr. W. AI-Dha-
hir will continue his talk on "Moebius
Seminar in Applied Mathematics will
meet Thurs., May 21 at 4:30 in 247
West Engineering. Speaker: Professor
C. L. Doph will continue his discus-
sion of the complex egenvalue problem
for second order differential equations.
Note the change in time.
Zoology Seminar: Dr. J. Speed Rogers
will speak on "Light Trappings for In-
sects on the Edwin S. George Reserve"
Thurs., May 21, 8 p.m., Rackham Am-
Course 402, the Interdisciplinary Sem-
inar in the Applications of Mathematics
to the Social Sciences, will meet on
Thurs., May 21 at 4 p.m. in 407 Mason
HaIl. Dr. C. H. Coombs of the Psychol-
ogy Department will speak on "A Gen-
eral Theory of Methodology."
Doctoral Examination for Reo Mil-
lard Christenson, Political Science;
thesis: "The Brannan Plan: A Study
in Policy-Formulating and Opinion-
Influencing Activities of the U. S. De-
partment of Agriculture," Thurs, May
21, West Council Room, Rackham Build-
ing, at 9 a.m. Chairman, J. E. Kallen-
Doctoral Examination for Russell
Thomas Jordan, Bacteriology; thesis:
."The Novy Rat virus: Its Recovery
and Characterization," Thurs., May 21,
1564 East Medical Building, at 2 p.m.
Chairman, W, S. Preston.
Doctoral Examination for Champakal
Pranshankar Shukla, Library Science;
thesis: "A Study on the Publications
of the Government of India, with Spec-
ial Reference to Serial Publications,"
Thurs., May 21, 403 General Library,
at 3 p.m. Chairmen, R. H. Gjelsness.
Doctoral Examination for William
Wilmon Newcomb, Jr., Anthropology;
thesis: "The Culture and Accultura-
tion of the Delaware Indians," Thurs.,
May 21, 3024 Museums Building, at 4
p.m. Chairman, L. A. White.
Doctoral Examination for Duane Eu-
gene Young, Conservation; thesis:

Fauna of the Bahamas, with a List of
the Species Occurring on Cat and Lit-
tie San Salvador Islands," Fri., May
22, 2089 Natural Science Bulding ,at 1
p.m. Chairman, F. E. Eggleton
Doctoral Examination for Guilford
Lawson Spencer, II Mathematics; the-
sis: "The Compressible Flow about a
Pointed Body of Revolution of Curved
Profile with Attached Shock Wave,"
Fri., May 22, West Council Room, Rack-
ham Building, at 2 p.m. Chairman, C.
L. Dolph.
Doctoral Examination for John Bil-
heimer Cornell, Anthropology; thesis:
"Matsunagi: The Life and Social Organ-
ization of a Japanese Mountain Commu-
nity," Fri., May 22, 3024 Museums Build-
ing, at 3:30 p.m. Chairman, R. K.
Doctoral Examination for Leon Abra-
ham Hargreaves, Jr., Forestry; thesis;
"The Georgia Forestry Commission-Ob-
jectives. Organization, Policies, and Pro-
cedures," Fri., May 22, 2045 Natural Sci-
ence Building, at 8 a.m. chairman, S.
W. Allen.
Doctoral Examination for Homer D.
Swander, English; thesis: "The Design
of Cymbeline," Fri., May 22, 414 Mason
Hall, at 8:15 p.m. Chairman, John Ar-
Carillon Recital by Percival Price, Uni-
versity Carillonneur, 7:15 Thursday
evening, May 21. clavier Pieces by Bach,
Psalm XXV by Rachmaninoff, Capri-
cietto for Little Bells by Dulcie Hol-
land; six Latin-American songs, and
Pomp and Circumstance March No. I
by Sir Edward Elgar.
University of. Michigan Choirs, May-
nard Klein, conductor, will appear in
an annual spring concert at 8:30 Thurs-
day evening, May 21, in Hill Auditorium,
with soloists Ruth Orr, soprano, Mary
Roosa, contralto, Charles Green, tenor,
and Robert Kerns, baritone. The Mich-
igan Singers will open the concert with
works by victoria, Kodaly, and Poul-
enc. The Tudor Singers will continue
the program with compositions by
Isaac, Wert, Hindemith, and Bartok,
with the main University Choir sing-
ing the balance of the program, Stra-
vinsky's Symphonie de Psaumes, and
Mozart's Requiem. The concert will be
open to the public without charge.
Student Recital Postponed. The reci-
tal by Richard Harper, organist, pre-
viously announced for Sun., May 31, In
Hill Auditorium, has been cancelled.
The new date will be anounced later.
Events Today
Political Science Round Table meet-
ing 7:45 p.m. Rackham Assembly Hall.
Professor Dorwin Cartwright of Group
Dynam^s will speak on "Implications
for Political Science of Research In
Group Dynamics." All interested persons
Women Orientation Leaders. Meet-
ing at 5 p.m., in the ballroom of the
Women's League. Attendance is re-
Religious Lecture Series Executive
Committee, Lane Hall, 4:15 p.m.
S.R.A. Summer Planning Committee,
Lane Hall, 4:15 p.m.
Alpha Phi Omega. Last meeting of
the year at 8 p.m. In Room G103, South
Quad. It is 'important that all mem-
bers attend. Afterward there will be
a meeting of the executive committee.
Both meetings will be short.
Congregational Disciples Guild. Mid-
week Meditation in Douglas Chapel,
5:05 to 5:30.
International Center Weekly Tea for
foreign students and American friends
from 4:30 to 6 p.m.
Tau Beta Pi. The meeting originally
planned on the schedule card for
Thurs., May 21, will not be held.
Christian Science Organization. Tes.
timonial meeting at 7:30, Fireside Room,
Lane Hall.
La Petite Causette will meet today
from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in the North Cafe-
teria, Union. All interested students in-
Coming Events

Teachers & Freedom . .
To the Editor:
HAVE never been inordinately
impressed by the teacher's un-
derstanding of true academic free-
dom or his courage to fight for it
when he does understand. The un-
pleasant truth is that the aca-
demic communities in all totali-
tarian societies have either mis-
understood or betrayed their func-
tion when they had the opportun-
ity to decide on full freedom and
make an unequivocal fight for it.
Nor am I now inordinately im-
pressed with the current fight
against the totalitarians made by
the American academic commun-
ity generally and the University
of Michigan academic community
I understand that a number of
professors are so accustomed to
thinking outside of their particu-
lar field that invitations by great
Presidents of great Universities,
requesting their faculties to be
loyalty-oathed, checked and purg-
ed ala Stalin and Hitler, are not
at once seen as obvious master-
pieces of craven ignorance. Just
in case their curiosity is aroused
and they can't satisfy it with
Heads of Departments or Heads
of Universities, I invite them to
get in touch with me and I'll try
to enlighten them according to
my abilities, which, alas, are only
those of an undergraduated little
business man.
Now what of those who see the
light and fear to follow? Shall we
give them up as hopeless? Defin-
itely not. I propose lecturing to
them, since they have evinced a
great faith in this form of human
enterprise. You think of your lec-
ture. Here's mine: Okay, fellows,
stiffen your back bones just a lit-
tle bit; it's surprising how they
begin to stiffen with a little ex-
ercise. It's even possible to develop
them from rather rigid rubber to
goodnsolid bone. Don't worry about
thie next payment of the Buick or
the grocery bill. Honest hands can
find honest work where honest
heads can't. I know you believe,
along with Emerson, that the man
of thought should not be expected
to dig ditches. But. times have
changed, and if you don't, it may
be that all men of thought will
be in the ditches.
-E. R. Karr
* * *
Track and The Daily ...
To the Editor:
I HAVE BEEN following Michi-
gan athletics for some 35 years
but I never thought I'd see the
day when the Michigan Daily, in
its sports columns, would state
editorially that "Second is not
enough." Could it be that the
writer has the Michigan Track
Team confused with the New York
Leaving out of consideration the
matter of downright mis-informa-
tion, half-truths and innuendoes
contained in the two track articles,
I must, as a Michigan man and a
friend of amateur athletics, ques-
tion the wisdom of (1) under-
mining the morale of a Michigan
team as its season approaches its
climax, and (2) singling out for
public censure individual young
athletes who are surely trying to
do their best.
Your for more loyalty and bet-
ter judgement.
-Phil Diamond, '22
Marble Team .. .
To the Editor:
The scholarly Michigan Marble
team was downed today by a high-
ly paid but rather ignorant club
from Pew U.
Pew U. has sco ted all over the
world to get together the aggrega-
tion that squeaked by Ol' Mich in
this never-say-die-battle witness-
ed hee ths baly da. On o

ed here this balmy day. One of
their best shooters, Charlie Brown,
was brought over here from Tim-
bucktoo. It is also significant that
Charlie showed up for the match
today driving his new Red Scoot-
er. It is said in some quarters
that this scooter was given to
Charlie by a wealthy alumnus of
Pew U. It is also a known fact
that he never graduated from P.S.
33 (a grade school!!!D.
John Booky, the number one
man on the Michigan team 'who
incidentally is nearing completion
of his doctoral thesis on "Mat-
ing Habits of the Dodo Bird") was
downed by Schroder in a close
round 24 to 0. Schroders I.Q. is
only that of a child of six.
The Michigan coach I. M. Weep-
ing, when asked to comment on
his squads 0-17 record this season,
weeped, "They subsidize."
The Bored of Athletic Control
intends to petition the NCAAAAU
to get our marbles back. They con-
tend that it is unfair to allow a
school that subsidizes its marblers

coach Don Canham, who is so un-
successful as to have the second
best track team in the conference
and one generally conceeded by
cinder experts throughout the na-
tion to be the third best in the
country, I have cause to wonder.
Even as rabid an organization as
the notorious Columbus Down-
town Quarterbacks Club would be
hesitant about criticizing a coach
with the third best squad in' the
Mr. Lewis's ramblings would
make Mr. Canham appear a fumb-
ling incompetent, stumbling and
falling, when the chips are down.
Yet, in reality Mr. Canham is rec-
ognized as one of the schrewdest
coaches in the business and a
builder of men as well as fine
track teams.
He is operating under entirely
different circumstances than either
Leo Johnston of Illinois or Jesse
Hill of Southern California, the
two other coaches of national
track powers. The states of Cali-
fornia and Illinois rank one-two
in the nation in high school track,
while Michigan is one of the poor-
est in the country. In addition the
Wolverines have to compete with
a consistently strong Spartan re-
cruiting policy for the local talent,
In the matter of financial ex-
penditures, Mr. Canham has the
smallest of the three to work with.
Especially in contrast to the enor-
mous revenue earned on the west
coast, his budget appears infini-
Regardless of the outcome of the
outdoor conference meet, you can
be sure the Wolverine thinclads
will put on a good show, and dis-
play the Maize and Blue in a man-
ner of which we can be proud.
What they need is not a new
coach, but some student support.
Let's get down there and encour-
age the winner we have to even
greater heights.
-Ed Smith
Basic Teets ...4'
IN REFERENCE to the recent
letters in The Daily regarding
the "Reaffirmation of Basic
Christian Principles", I should like
to point out that both the author,
Mr. Taylor, and the critic, Mr. Wil-
liamsen have overlooked two im-
portant factors.
1. It matters not whether the
"Basic" principles are Christian or
Jewish. The important thing to
remember is that the ideas men-
tioned are at least two thousand
years old and do not necessarily
reflect the general thinking of any
religion today, despite the fact
that these ideas appear in the
Bible. It is quite unfair to hold
modern society responsible for an-
cient ideologies.
2. The Bible has been used to
justify the actions of those of
admirable character and it has
been'twisted to suit the purpose of
tryants. It must be realized that
isolated quotes, taken out of con-
text can be so used as to negate
the positive interpretation which
has been given to the Bible today
-an interpretation which had led
many to believeA the modern re-
ligion will be able to permit man
to better cope with the outside
pressures which are continually
trying to crush him.
Perhaps someday it will be
realized by those who have no per-
sonal use for religion that it is
of great value to those who do
have faith. I hope that Mr. Tay-
lor realizes that he has accom-
plished nothing by ridiculing the
beliefs which so many of his fel-
low human beings hold dear.
I think that Mr. Williamsen and
I agree that he has used most un-
fair methods. Perhaps a little
'indoctrination of modern Judeo-
Christian ethics would bring Mr.
Taylor to his senses.
--John Shepherd '56

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