A 4 PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MAY 19, 195 __________________________________________ I x 'JACKS, ANYONE?" Mosher Girls Re-Discover Old Favorite "Jacks, anyone?" This familiar cry has recently been echoing through the corri- dors of fifth floor Mosher, where coeds have zealously returned to the days of their childhood. * * * THE FAD began several weeks ago when Kay Wilson, '56, pur-. chased a set of jacks at the five and dime. Since that time, those who have tried it. say they prefer the game to the more usual pas- times of knitting 'or bridge. "It's much more enjoyable than study- ing." says Anita Goldstein, '57. The game, played with ten tiny metal objects and a rubber ball, has undergone many changes since it began with the ancients, who called it "knuckle- bones" because five knuckle- bones of a sheep were used. Sophocles has ascribed the in- vention of knucklebones to Pal- omedes, who taught the sport to his Greek countrymen during the Trojan War. Plato names the Egyptian god Theuth as its in- ventoi. To the average spectator the sport looks rather easy. According to jack professionals however, the participant will find it difficult. Diane Mitchel, '56, insists that the game requires intelligence, a high power of concentration, a long reach and the ability to sit on a hard floor for several hours. Although the game is not as rough as football, several of the women have complained of chip- ped nail polish and broken finger- nails. "I have the scars to prove it," commented Judy Wood, '54D. A FEW OF the jack enthusiasts have grown tired of the game as originally invented. They now play, in a prone position, using golf and tennis balls. Any other ideas, they say, would be greatly appreciated. Sally Cushman, '56, warns be- ginners, "Don't be discouraged at first, for with a little practice you too may become a master." One beginner, Doris Bengtsson, '56SM, declares, "This is harder than Viotti's Concerto No. 22." Mosher women are hoping that in the near future the Womans Athletic Association will sponsor an interhouse jack tournament. Joan Feldman, '56, is willing to give free instruction to any ardent fans who wish to participate. Union Opera To Inaugurate New System A new system will be Inaugurat- ed for December's Union Opera road trip, Mike Scherer, general chairman of the Opera, announc- ed yesterday. Road show chairmen will be ap- pointed for each of the seven cities to be visited by the Opera, he said. -Daily--Betsy Smith NEW PAST TIME HITS WOMEN'S DORMS Summer Course To Feature Study of Modern .literature As a part of the "Popular Arts in America" program scheduled for this summer, Prof. Norman Nelson will teach a course on all To VoiceAppeal Student Selective Service Regis- trants who have been classified 1-A by their local Selective Service boards must exercise their right of appeal within 10 days of the date of classification if they ex- pect to be considered for defer- ment according to the University's Selective Service Counsellor's Of- fice. The appeal must be requested in writing. At the same time the SSS form 109 stating that the applicant is a full time student in good standing at an accredited institu- tion must be forwarded to the Selective Service board. The form 109 may be obtained from the Registrar's Office phases of 20th century literature. Including comic books and strips, detective stories, science fiction, and advertising techniques, as well as more high brow litera- ture, Prof. Nelson will try to com- pare and evaluate the different forms of literature. e * e PROF: NELSON, who has been plugging for a program like this for over fifteen years, feels that our educational systems have ig- nored the more popular forms of literature for too long. Lectures by authorities on the different types of literature and by Prof. Nelson will constitute the agenda of the course. Nelson is also considering having the stu- dents write papers on the various types of literature that interests them, which will be discussed by the whole class. Though the whole program has been defined under the heading of commercial literature, Prof. Nel- son will also include other forms Tryouts Next fall the 'Ensin will of- fer many interesting and chal- lenging opportunities to the photographer who wants to de- velop his photo skill and get sound publication experience. For students interested in newspaper and magazine pho- tography after graduation, no better reference can be given than a good set of pictures in the Michiganensian. The 'Ensian's first photo staff meeting will be held at 4 p.m. tomorrow in the Student Publications Building. SL1 To Give i Broadcasts On Berlin 'U As a part of the Student Legis- lature program of aid and ex- change with the Free University of Berlin, two radio broadcasts have been scheduled for tonight dealing with the Free University. Tape recordings telling of the founding and the present operat- ing policy of the Berlin University will be played over station WEQN at 7:30 p.m. and over station WUOM at 10:15 p.m. * * A JOINT PROJECT of an Amer- ican student studying in Berlin and students of the Free Univer- sity, the recordings were sent to Ann Arbor from Berlin, where they were made. The Legislature, which is at present organizing an exchange student program with the Berlin University to go into effect in the fall has also made available re- prints of the Readers' Digest ar- ticle on the University. These may be obtained at the Administration Building, Emerson To Talk, "The Next Step in Public Health" will be the topic of a lec- ture to be given today by Dr. Haven Emerson, professor emeri- tus of public health at Columbia University, at 4 p.m. at the School of Public Health. Home Run By lNll BllTRA toL I . Local Book Bannings Hit ByEastman Branding the recent local book bannings "undemocratic," Prof. Arthur M. Eastman of the English department pointed out faults in the present book screening sys- tems in an open discussion spon- sored by the Unitarian Student Association. Prof. Eastman and Bob Marsh- all, owner of an Ann Arbor book store, led an open discussion Sun- day night. CLARIFYING his opinion Prof. Eastman explained, "There is no local responsibility for the list's formulation. The list comes from Wayne county and the citizens in this county do not know who form- ed it or on what grounds." He also said that the local citizens have no effective way to protest the actions being taken and that both Edmund DeVine, County prosecuting attorney, and the local police keep shift- ing responsibility for the ac- tions. Marshall explained that the list of banned books was given to a local pocket book wholesaler. This wholesaler removed the "objec- tionable" books from the shelves of the Ann Arbor dealers when he supplied them with books. Marshall added that his store is not serviced by this wholesaler and that as yet he had not re- ceived a list from the authorities nor had he been contacted by the local police. "I personally feel many of the girlie and other low grade maga- zines untouched by the list are much more objectionable than the pocket books listed," he said. Offering a positive approach to the banning action Prof. Eastman declared, "If censorship is to be practiced locally then local public servants should do the job. In this way they will be accountable to the local public. -Daily-Don Campbell BLOCK 'M'-Students interested in participating in next year's flashcard display may register from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. today and tomorrow in Barbour Gymnasium. A 25 cent membership fee is found necessary by Wolverine Club officials to cover operating expenses and will be collected at registration. Warren To Speak at Lecture For .First Hophead Winners "American Humour and the Atomic Age" will be the topic of co-author of "A Theory of Liter- Prof. Austin Warren of the Eng- ature" and author of "Rage for lish department when he delivers Order," a series of essays on met- the First Annual Hophead Award aphysical novelists and poets from Lecture at 3 p.m. today in Kellogg Edward Taylor to Franz Kafka. Auditorium. After the talk Daily critic Tom Prof. Warren, a noted critic, is Arp, '54, will announce the win- ners of the Hophead Awards. The writer of the first prize story will Honord) Slates receive a check for twenty dollars Flashcard Display Ike To Sign Off-Shore Oil BillSoon (Continued from Page 1) states have made to the resource- rich land lying off their coasts. Backers of the legislation favor state control and ownership for all or a combination of the following reasons: 1) The law has been passed by Congress twice, thuis indicating a strong mandate from the peo- ple. (Opponents argue the man- date comes from lobbyists rather than the people.) 2) The act would restore to the states their basic and historic rights and adhere to historic deci- sions 3) The Treaty of Guadauple- Hidalgo admitting Texas to the Union allowed for special claim of three leagues (ten and a half miles). 4) National controls is an en- croachment upon state rights. THE OPPOSITION have termed the "giveaway" unjust because: 1) The bill would award to three states what belongs to all 48. 2) Congress canndt constitution- ally give away the public domain. 3) The Supreme Court has al- ready passed decisions which fa- vor the United States against in- dividual states and Congress should uphold these decisions. 4) Texas should be on equal foot- ing with all other states. In 1922 the question of state or national rights to submerged oil lands was ignored when California began leasing oil rights to private concerns. Eleven years later Harold Ickes, then Secretary of Labor con- firmed California's rights to lands extending three miles off their coast. * * * CONGRESSIONAL reaffirmation of Ickes declaration was vetoed by Truman in 1946-and again in 1951. 4, I t t 3 I I #. Initiation Today Phi Kappa Phi, national schol- astic honor society, will hold its annual initiation at 8 p.m. today in the Amphitheater of the Rack- ham Bldg. An address on the Development of Civilization will be given by Prof. Leslie A. White of the an-I thropology department and an in- formal reception will follow in the Assembly Hall. and have his story printed in the fall issue of Gargoyle. Second prize will be an all-expense paid round- trip to Ypsilanti, and third prize, one gum ball. The lecture is open to the public. Petition Deadline The deadline for accepting peti- tions for membership on the En- gineering Honor Council is 5 p.m. today, Norman Thal, chairman of the council, announced yesterday. 'I I, ~II EATING OUT? Come downtown to METZGER'S eeataurant 203 E. Washington - Phone 8987 Open 4 P.M. till midnight - except Sunday Featuring GERMAN STYLE MEALS t IMPORTED and DOMESTIC BEERS and Wines 4 .. 1. THE QUALITY CONTRAST between Chesterfield and other leading cigarettes is a revealing story. Recent chemical analyses give an index of good quality for the country's six leading cigarette brands. .11 I SCHERER EXPLAINED that any male student whose home is in or near one of the seven cities can petition for the post of road show chairman in that city. The cities where the Opera will appear are Detroit, Lansing, Flint, Cleve- land; Toledo, Buffalo and Chi- cago. Petitions should be addressed to Scherer and left at the main desk of the Union by Monday. "This job entails promoting sales to students in towns where the opera is to appear and working as assistants to the road show man- ager, who will be appointed Thurs- day night," Scherer said. "The road show chairmen will also coordinate the Opera's stu- dent committees and University alumni committees in each of the' seven towns," he added. * * * THE GENESIS of this idea ap- peared during the last Union Opera, Scherer said, when student committees worked with alumni: groups to promote attendance at the performances during the trip. "The new system will help to strengthen the relations started then," Scherer said. House Presidents The IFC House Presidents' As- sembly will meet at 7:30 p.m. to- day at Delta Tau Delta, 1928 Geddes. Election of district members to the executve council of IFC is scheduled. Fountain Pens Greeting Cards C3 /' The index of good quality table-a ratio of high sugar to low shows Chesterfield quality highest .. 15% higher than its nearest competitor and Chesterfield quality 31% the average of the five other leading brands, nicotine- higher than 4 i p SAVE TIME! SAVE MONEY! Ifn Jfwd IT'S A MITI Thefun of a train trip home with friends... enjoying roomy comfort and swell dining-car meals. IT'S A STEAL I You and two or more friends can each save 25% of regular round-trip coach fares by traveling home and back together on Group Plan tickets. These tickets are good generally between points more than 100 miles apart. Or a group of 26 or more can each save 28% by heading home in the same direction at the same time . .. then returning either together or separately. / FLY HOME ON A UNIED ,AIR TOURIST FLIGHT! Take advantage of United's new air tourist service 1i'inr 11; mgiir er. O~(fte- the cast is less than I U: .......... II