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May 19, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-05-19

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Latest Deadline in the State





Literary Faculty
Back AStand
Conference Commends Statement
On Academic Freedom, Obligation
Qualified approval of a statement by the Association of American
Universities concerning academic freedom and "the rights and re-
sponsibilities of universities and their faculties" was given by the
literary college faculty at their meeting yesterday.
In a statement commending the AAU resoluton for "a liberal
and forward looking concept of the role of the university in American
life," the group expressed their acceptance of "the concomitant obli-
gations of intellectual integrity and responsibility."
* * *
THE LITERARY FACULTY decision followed a University Senate
debate on May 11 which ended in the shelving of the AAU statement

Music on the Move


Arecording of the lecture giv-
en by Barbara Ward Jackson
for the Mott Foundation series
in March will be played at 3
p.m. today in the broadcast-
ing studios on the fifth floor of
the Administration Bldg.
The public is invited and
those wishing to attend may
make a reservation by calling
the Office of Student Affairs,
3-1511, Ext. 346 or 1789.

South Koreans Repel
Mass Chinese Assault,
___ ___4Rd *r

A Too Few Go
To College,
Council Says
WASHINGTON - (P) - Fewer
than half the young Americans
intellectually fitted for college edu-
cation get one, the National Man-
power Council said today, and for
each who acquires a PhD there
bare 25 or more who could.
The council said a shortage of
scientists and engineers has had
serious consequences" on the na-
tion's defense program.
ITS REPORT was discussed.
with President Eisenhower, who
k helped organize the citizens' sur-
vey group when he was president
of Columbia University.
In spite of a recommendation
by the Council to President Eis-
enhower that there be main-
tained a continuous flow of stu-
dents through the schools andj
colleges, the President is shortly
expected to authorize a tokena
cut in college draft deferments.
The token nature of the cut,
however, actually represents a
victory for the Council's point of
The cut will affect only a small
percentage of this year's fresh-
' man students and this year's sen-

and a strong endorsement of the
American association of University
Professors resolution protesting
methods used by Congressional
investigating committees.
Reaffirming the AAU's con-
tention that "as the professor is!
entitled to no special privileges
in law, so also he should be sub-
ject to no special discrimina-
tion," the literary college pro-
fessors emphasized Universities
"are bound to deprecate special
loyalty tests" applied to their
faculties and not to others.
"We admit the practical wisdom
of the injunction that it is clearly
the duty of universities and their
members to cooperate in offi-
cial investigations," the statement
When legislative powers are
abused, the group would go along
with the AAU proposal that the

'M' Netmen
Lose to State
By 7-2 Count
Special to The Daily
State proved too tough for the
Wolverine tennis squad for the
second time this season.
The Spartans downed Michigan
here yesterday for a 7-2 score
which is reminiscent of last Wed-
nesday's meet in Ann Arbor which
State won by the same margin.
* * *

-Daily-Ed Chlodoroff
TRANSCONTINENTAL-Boston Symphony members lea.ving for
East Lansing yesterday, their last stop before their Ann Arbor
performance tonizht.

** * * OTHER THAN the two loses sus-
tained to MSC the Wolverines
Pir eMn*xT ~ r c have suffered no setbacks and hold
erre OX To Directa 7-2 record in dual meet com-

Boston Symphony Today
Playing the 26th concert in their five week transcontinental tour,
the Boston Symphony Orchestra will appear at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill
Auditorium under the direction of Pierre Monteux.
Nearing the end of the orchestra's first cross-country series, the
musicians were "just as fresh as daisies" when they arrived in Ann
Arbor yesterday morning, T. Di Perry, assistant manager of the group

remedy be sought "through nor-
mal channels of informed public
opinion rather than in non-co-
operation or defiance."
* M S
TAKING one exception to the
AAU proposal, the committee ex-
pressed regret over the phrase-
ology: "invocation of the Fifth
Amendment places upon a pro-
fessor a heavy burden of proof of
his fitness to hold a teaching po-
This defies the principle which
assumes a man is innocent until
he is proven guilty, the state.
ment explained.
* * *
"RECOURSE TO the Fifth
Amendment by a faculty member
would create such a widespread


*' * * *
HE ATTRIBUTED their freshness after the long tour to the
convenience of living in their special train instead of packing and


iors who want to go on to gradu- assumption qs to his guilt ... that
ate school. y in all fairness further inquiry
To continue being deferred in would have to be made," the state-
their sophomore year, this year's ment continued.
freshmen will have had to achieve Especially endorsed by the
a grade of 72, rather than 70 in literary faculty was the AAU's
the Selective Service college quali- insistence "upon the competence
fication test, or to have stood in of the University to establish a
the upper one-third, rather than tribunal to determine the facts
the upper half of his freshman and fairly judge the nature and
class. degree of any trespass upon
* * * academic integrity."
SENIORS WHO want to-go on Recognizing "admission of pres-
to graduate school will have had to ent Communist Party membership
score. 80 or higher on the test, would constitute a violation of the
rather than the present 70 or Trucks Act in Michigan," the
higher. statement added "under section
The Councils report, a 263-page eight of the act, the University
document, described as "a first would have to institute measures
over-all examination of manpower for his removal."
resources and requirements in im- * * *
portant scientific and professional FINAL GRADES and the re-
areas," and said the effects of vised examination schedule also
technical personnel shortages in- came up for discussion at the meet-
eluded: ing yesterday.

Reports Set
For Atomic'
Progress reports and a luncheon
talk by University President Har-
lan Hatcher will mark the second
annual meeting of the Phoenix
Project today in Auditorium A,
Angell Hall.
The meeting is expected to draw'
more than 250 scientists, educa-
tors, and industrial leaders to the
three sessions on the progress be-
ing made in the scientific and so-
cial aspects of atomic energy re-x
* * *

moving into hotels in each city on
the trip.
The Symphony group has per-
formed before four university
audiences while on tour. Perry
said that university audiences
"are excellent and the orchestra
enjoys performing- for them."
Points in .favor of college aud-
iences are their good auditoriums,
and the fact that young people are3
more alert and more alive than the
average audience, he said.
Their program tonight will
include Beethoven's "Symphony
No. 2 in D major" and Creston's
"Symphony No. 2." After inter-
mission they will play the
Strauss "Suite from Der Rosen-
kavalier" and Stravinsky's "Suite
from L'Oiseau de Feu, The Fire

Blanked in all three doubles
matches, the Wolverines took
their only victories in the num-
ber two and number six singles,
where Pete Paulus and Bob Ned-
erlander were successful.
Paulus registered an upset win1
over MSC's Tom Belton in a closet
three-set match. Belton, who won'
from Paulus in the third set, 7-5,1
last week, jumped off to a quick
start and managed a 7-5 triumph
in the first set.
PAULUS GOT his feet on the !
Record .Budget no
AA record smashing budget for
Ann Arbor was approved by the
City Council yesterday when it on
unanimously alloted $1,892,000 in in
expenditures for the coming fis-
cal year 1953-54. in
At the same time a property tax
increase of 36 cents per $1,000 of alh
property valuation was enacted. no
For the average resident this will fer
amount to a total payment of C
$1.44. stu
The new budget which exceeds em

* * * ,

hecks; Clamps Down
It's getting harder every 'day to cash a check.
At least, with the seasonal run of "bad checks," the
w being forced to clamp down on hopeful cash-seekers.
* * * *

Union isI

AROUND THIS time of year, many students try to cash checks
empty bank accounts and then head for a three-month vacation
Afghanistan or some other spot far removed from Ann Arbor.
The result is the Union's getting stuck with $900 to $1,200
bad checks at the end of the semester.

Inion Bewails Bouncing

-Daily-Betsy Smith

Reds Hurl
800 Migs
In SixDays
Truce Talks Set
Againfor Today
SEOUL - (A)- More than 1,-
700 Chinese Reds assaulted South
Korean outposts on the Central
and Eastern Fronts early yester-
day but were hurled back with an
estimated 400 casualties.
First reports from the sector in-
dicated that much of the fighting
was hand-to-hand.
* * .*
THE two-battalion attack came
after the Communists had relaxed
their ground efforts several days
while hurling hundreds of MIG
jets at U.S. Sabre jets in far
Northwest Korean-and with di-
sastrous results.
In six straight days the Com-
munist Air Force hurled an un-
precedented 800 to 900 MIG
fighters at U.S. Sabre jets
along the Korean border in a
stepped-up aerial war but the
Reds were knocked back with
shattering losses-36 destroyed,
two probably shot down and 16
Dogfights blazing over North-
west Korea yesterday cost the
reeling Red Air Force 12 MIGs shot
down and one probably destroyed.
The fighting also produced
the world's first jet triple ace, 32-
year-old Capt. Joseph McConnell
of Apple Valley, Calif., whose ra-
dar-directed machine guns blast-
ed down three MIGs for his 14th,
15th and 16th victories.
* * *
MEANWHILE, truce negotia-
tions were due to resume at Pan-
munjom today following a three-
'day recess called by the U.N. Com-
mand, presumably to firm up the
Allied bargaing hand on the dead-
lock prisoner exchange talks-last
barrier to an armistice.
The chief Allied negotiator, Lt.
Gen. William K. Harrison Jr., re-
mained in Tokyo yesterday for
consultations with Gen. Mark.
Clark, UN Far East commander.
Long distance talks with Wash-
ington were considered probable,
although there was no an-
nouncement to this effect.
The talks are stalled over what
to do with 48,500 Korean and Chi-
nese prisoners who have told the
UN Command they will not return
voluntarily to their Communist
The recess-called for "admin-
istrative reasons" came during
ott-spoken signs of dissatisfaction
from Britain, Canada and India
on the handling of the negotiations
by U.S. truce delegates.
World's First
Of PlaySet
Highlighting this year's Drama
Season will be the world premiere
tonight of "In the Summer House"
featuring Miriam Hopkins. ,
Many critics from New York and
Chicago are expected to be on hand
for the opening night of the Jane
Bowles' play.
* * *
MISS HOPKINS has the starring
role in the tragi-comedy that has
been called a "literary" piece. As
Gertrude, Miss Hopkins plays a
mother who continually dominates

her daughter until, the latter fin-
ally revolts and rejects her mother.
Others prominent in the cast are
Mildred Dunnock, Tamara Day-
karhanova and Anne Jackson.
Original music played on an as-
sortment of instruments includ-
ing cowbells, marimbas, and harps,
was composed by Paul Bowles. The

last year's total by approximately
While in Ann Arbor a special $72,000 gives the greatest alloca-
committee of orchestra members tion to four city departments. The
-4 1 ' - . - - - - - - - - + - - I - - , - 1 - --

GIVEN TIIE general heading, will audition students for the
"The Atom Reports," the sessions Berkshire Music Center's eleventh
will begin at 10:30 a.m. with ad- summer session at Tanglewood,,
dresses by Prof. H. R. Crane of the Mass. Gail Rector, secretary pf thej
physics departmenit, Prof. Isadore musical society said that in the
Lampe of the roentgenology de- past university students have been
partment and Prof. Henry Gom- represented in every division of
berg of the electrical engineering the Tanglewood group. '
department, assistant director of The only available seats for to-
the Phoenix Project. night's performance are standing
Talks in the afternoon session room, and these may be purchased
ealkingwit tesiaf osestsionat the box office before the con-
dealing with the social aspects of cert.
atomic energy will be given

Police Department will have $317,-
000 at its command and the Fire
Department $239,000.
The Public Works and Park de-
partment have been alloted $33,-
940 and $94,673 respectively.

is an
for all

provided for by the budget
across-the-board increase
salaried city employees.

U n

'During Thanksgiving, Christm
most always finds itself with<
n-redeemable checks in its cof-
One of the chief reasons for
dents trying to cash checks onx
pty bank accounts is the de-
e to stop their accounts before
me 1 so they don't have to pay!
nk charges for an additional
Since students often go some-
dace other than home for the
ummer and the Union's mailed
equests to "pay up" are not
pened by their parents, the
nion often has to wait until
eptember to collect the money.
Employes behind the Union's.
sk try their hardest to insure
ainst a check's bouncing. Male
dents are required to present
ion membership cards in order
have the handwriting checked?
th that on the checks. The num-
r of the membership card is
aced on the check.
Occasionally, however, a bad
eck slips past these precautions,
A the Union is again forced to
ck down the offender in order

as and spring vacations the Union
By the Associated Press
LANSING-In a special mes-
sage to the legislature yesterday,
Gov. Williams proposed a com-
promise in the 'battle over the lo-
cation of the planned $2,000,000
children's psychiatric hospital.
The Governor proposed that the!
legislature approve building a hos-I
pital at Northville and also ap-
propriate planning money for a
psychiatric and pediatric hospital,
long sought by the University.
Gov. Williams said the construc-
tion at the University would con-
stitute one section of a proposed
University Pediatrics Hospital.
DETROIT - Gasoline prices
are going up 1.8 to 2.4 cents a
gallon in a five-county area
around Detroit, including Ann
Arbor, beginning tomorrow.

"Loss of valuable time in
strengthening our defenses, the
failure to exploit certain poten-
tialities for enhanced security,
such as an improved system of
air defense, and the production
of poor products as, for in-
stance, in the case of radar
See COUNCIL, Page 2
Garg Braves
To Collect-um
Big Wampum

Machinery was set up to insure
final grades for every senior. Pro-
cedure was outlined for appro-
priate faculty members to supply
any grade not submitted to the
Registrar's Office by the June 1
senior deadline.
Also adopted by the conference
was a resolution that the entire
examination procedure be re-ex-
amined to be submitted to the
calendaring committee next fall.

by Dean E. Blytne Stason o the
Law School and Prof. Ferrel
Heady, assistant director of the
institute of public administration.
A summary of the reports and
the general overall progress of the
Phoenix Project will be given by
Dean Ralph-A. Sawyer, director of
the $6,500,000 research.project.

Atom Fund Slash
ling Cole (R-NY) said yesterday
the Eisenhower administration has
proposed cuts "on the order of 30
per cent" in former President Tru-
man's $1,600,000,000 atomic en-
ergy program for next year.

Distribution of the 1953 Mi-
chiganensian will continue to-
day from 3 to 5:30 p.m. at the
Student * Publications B 1 d g.
Students must present sales
stubs to claim their yearbooks.
A limited supply of 'Ensians
are still on sale at most local
campus book stores.

Ike To Sign Controversial Off-Shore Oil Bill This Week

Up from out the Ga
Out into the disma
.Swooped the valian
Swooped to sell the
Came they forth tot
'Round the Angell
To torture prof. ofl
t um;
Loud their sales-cry

rgoyle Wigwam By GAYLE GREENE
al drizzle, President Eisenhower will pick up a pen sometime this week at
nt wet-skinned a special ceremony in Washington and affix a 17 letter signature tol
. the controversial off-shore oil bill, climaxing a two decade struggle
ir home grown for control of oil rich lands under the sea.
take the wam- The signing scheduled for yesterday was put off in order to ar-
range a ceremony for the occasion later in the week.
Hall they * * * *
PUSHED THROUGH Congress by a coalition of Southern Demo-
English comp- crats and conservative Republicans in a 228-116, the Graham-
Holland bill will thus receive presential approbation of state owner-
splits the ship and control of mineral resources under marginal seas.

The bill has been labeled everything from,"the dirtiest most
sinful move ever uncovered" in this land to a "just restoration of
the states' basic and historic rights."
Just as the House completed finishing touches to the states' own-
** * *

realize we have only legalized the scandal of Teapot Dome on the
floor of Congress," Humphrey told his colleagues.
Humphrey added it was "nothing short of preposterous to say a
particular state has ownership or control of the bottom of the ocean."
Senators who fought the bill through 27 days of debate have
promised the battle will be carried to the courts and into the 1954 elec-
tion campaign.
THEY BITTERLY protested action which they said would give 62
and a half billion to 300 billion dollars to the three states with off-
shore wells-Texas, Louisiana and California. Most of them favored
Federal development of national resources of the entire continental
shelf with revenue earmarked for aid to education. - -
Sen. Taft (R-Ohio) had tabled the Anderson Bill drawn up


The bill is equipped with a separability clause, by which, if
Of the solemn sodden campus I . .. . - '-

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