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May 16, 1953 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1953-05-16

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SATURDAY, MAY 46, 1953-.

._I I

SATURDAY, MAY 16. 1953

AAUP Resolution

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is the text of
a resolution on Congressional investigations
passed by the American Association of University
Professors in a meeting March 27-28 in Chicago.
The resolution was indorsed Monday by the Uni-
versity Senate.)
THE THIRTY-NINTH Annual Meeting of
the American Association of University
Professors reaffirms the protest of the Thir-
ty-eighth Annual meeting of the Association
against the tendency, in legislative investi-
gations relating to loyalty, toward using the
professional writings and utterances, and
the lawful personal associations of indivi-
duals, to impugn their loyalty without re-
gard to context of time or circumstances.
This meeting does not question the pow-
er of Congress to conduct investigations
for the purpose of securing factual in-
formation .as a basis for legislation, but
reaffirms and reasserts the basic principle
of American constitutional law that the
function of the legislative branch of the
Government is the enactment of legisla-
tion and not the prosecution of indivi-
duals. The prosecution of individuals is
the function of the law enforcing agencies
of the Government. The proper efforts
of the Government to protect itself against
subversion, as against any other harmful
acts, are limited to the enactment of leg-

islation defining and proscribing specific
acts as subversive and to the prosecution
of individuals who commit legally defined
subversive acts, including conspiracy to
commit such acts. These efforts should
not include the penalizing of thought,
expressions of opinion, or personal rela-
Legislative investigations which are in
fact trials of individuals, based on thoughts
and opinions, or on personal relationships,
encroach upon and discourage freedom of
thought, of inquiry, and of expression. Such
investigations are, therefore, contrary to
basic principles of our constitutional system
and inimical to the welfare of the nation.
Today, more than ever before, freedom to
inquire, particularly freedom to study na-
tional and international relationships and
problems upon which national policies must
ultimately be based, requires freedom of
thought, of inquiry, and of expression. The
critical nature of our times, therefore, calls
for more, not less, freedom to inquire and
to express conclusions reached. Only by
encouraging freedom of thought, of inquiry,
and of expression can this nation in the
long run, if not immediately, achieve wise
decisions concerning national and interna-
tional policies.

German Youth-
Its Two Attitudes

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Miss Greene bases the fol-
lowing inalysis of German youth on time spent
in Germany during a 10 months tour of West-
ern Europe.)
THE STUDENT Legislature's decision to
adopt the Free University of Berlin with a
comprehensive program of cultural exchange
and a proposed "lend-lease of students" is
a timely action of a kind absolutely essen-
tial to a re-morale-izing of German youth.
It is with a feeling of horror I have
found the only German youth alive today
are under 16 years of age. With some ex-
ceptions, our German contemporaries have
suffered a death far worse than physical
destruction. By Germany's defeat the
ideal for which they lived and fought
and died has been proved a myth. The
effects on spirit and morale of this theft
of their strongest beliefs have been emo-
tionally and intellectually mutilating.
Two reactions to this loss stand out wher-
ever German youth is met-whether in Ger-
many, on hosteling trips in Southern France
and Italy or here in the United States.
Karl Heinz is 21 years old. For the better
part of his most formative years, he mim-
icked the goosestep of his two older broth-
ers and was taught to believe in his own
Teutonic superiority. One more year of war
would have meant death for Karl Heinz. He
was a 14-year-old candidate for Hitler's
most glorious honor-death in a suicide
rocket. Today, seven years since defeat, Karl
Heinz proudly announces, "And I would have
been glad to died. It was right. It was my
duty to Deutchland."
Karl Heinz Is terrifyingly typical of one
type of German reaction to the loss of
that belief In superiority-he expresses a
sub-conscious bewilderment and confu-
sion by a boasting, dogmatic exterior air
of superiority.
"Germans are better educated, stronger,
better soldiers-still a master race" if one
would believe his exposition.
Across the table from Karl Heinz, sits
Richard, an eighteen-year-old student in a
small town high school. He looks at Karl
admiringly, and (nervously, knowing it will
shock his American dinner partners but
proud that it will) boasts of how the Nazis
ground the bones of prisoners to make glue.
He smiles and one wonders how much teas-
ing humor is involved in the remark. A few
moments later the conversation switches to
"G.I. parties" and someone explains "that's
army talk for barracks clean-up." "A Ger-
man soldier had to scrub the barracks with
a toothbrush! says Richard.
Outside the restaurant, standing in a
darkened doorway, a blond Fraulein with

American make-up on--(this is unusual
because it is a small town and "nice" wom-
en don't wear even lipstick) waits for
some lonely American G.I.
She is the extreme illustration of the sec-
ond reaction. The loss of belief has left be-
lief in nothing in its place-nothing but a
passive wish to survive. She and those who
react similarly cannot retain even the false
air of superiority. They are the juvenile de-
linquents, the petty criminals and the bums
who walk the streets.
Those Germans who have made a com-
paratively successful adjustment to defeat
are many. They are, however less obvious.
Less apparent too, is the certainty their ad-
justment is more than just a surface one.
The mind that has been robbed of rai-
son d'etre must be given in exchange, a
legitimate belief-for what is legitimate
can never be proven a myth.
An attempt to accomplish just this ob-
jective-a new purpose and belief for Ger-
man youth--has been made by an Ameri-
can organized German youth group. The
U.S. Army has sent women in their em-
ploy on recreational work and soldiers picked
for their ability to work with youth to special
training classes. In many towns, club houses
-and full programs have been organized with
this basic precept drummed into the mind of
every U.S. worker: "These kids have to be
given something to believe in that can't be
proven a myth."
Unfortunately, occasional setbacks have
been discouraging. There is a suspicion of
the Army's motives on the part of many
German families. Some mothers feel this
is an Americanization process designed for
their children. When a German student is
sent on an educational or work exchange
program there is always the fear that
when the year is up he will be completely
Americanized and not want to come home.
In some small towns, a mother may al-
low her daughter to attend organized youth
group meetings and parties, but the girl,
if seen on the street talking to the soldier
who led the meeting last week, is likely
to be ostacized from town activities or la-
belled a "bad girl." 0
It is only by sincerity and patience that
such misunderstandings can be eliminated
and this invaluable "'re-morale-izing" pro-
duce a healthy emotion and intellect to com-
plement the revitalized physique of Ger-
many. For this reason SL's decision is par-
ticularly commendable and is worthy of ex-
pansion to make it even more effective.
-Gayle Greene

WASHINGTON-The test of the serious-
ness, and indeed of the common hon-
esty, of, the new Administration's defense
planning is coming very soon. It will take
the form of a, report on the American air
defense problem by a special committee
headed by this country's leading indus-
trialist-scientist, Mervin Kelly of the Bell
Only a few Pentagon planners, scientists
and other specialists know about this Kelly
report, which may even have been rendered
already. Yet the nation really ought to be
waiting for the Kelly report with the anx-
ious interest, and the intense concern, of
.a patient waiting to hear his doctor's ver-
dict in a life and death case. The circum-
stances are enough to explain why.
As previously revealed in this space,
the American government was shaken,
last autumn, by drastic findings about our
air defense situation. These findings were
made by Project Lincoln, a research group
directed by the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology on Air Force contract,
which comprised the most authoritative
scientific team ever assembled in this
country in peace time. The Lincoln find-
ings may be briefly summarized as fol-
First, the existing and presently planned
American Air Defense System is virtually
Second, the parallel growth of the Soviet
atomic stockpile and the Soviet strategic
air arm will enable the Kremlin to launch
a "devastating" air-atomic attack on this
country within two to three years.
Third, therefore, if we do not wish to be
nakedly exposed to air-atomic destruction
at the will of the Kremlin, a costly and
urgent effort must be made to build a truly
effective American air defense system, ex-
ploiting c e r t a i n "technological break-
throughs" pointed out by the Lincoln sci-
Despite the immense weight of scien-
tific authority behind them, such findings
as these could hardly be accepted without
careful review. Hence former Secretary of
Defense Lovett named the Kelly Commit-
tee, including the eminent physicist, Prof.
Charles Lauritsen, Pres. Hovde of Purdue,
representing education, and several top
flight business men. President Eisenhower
asked the committee to finish its task.
Whether or no the committee has now re-
ported, a good deal is known about its
Most important of all, it is known that
the Lincoln scientists' dark estimate of the
danger ahead has been broadly sustained.
There may be, and there are, arguments
about whether the time of utmost danger
will begin in 1954-'55, or in 1955-'56, or in
1956-'57. But the Kelly committee has agreed
with the Lincoln findings that the Kremlin
is now gaining the capability of destroying
the country by air-atomic attack.
The question remains, what must now be
done in order to ward off this future dan-
ger? The Lincoln program, which was ad-
mittedly highly experimental, had three
main features-first, a novel air warning
net extended outward to the most distant
continental approaches, providing six or
seven hours warning; second, a fully auto-
matic or "cybernetic" air defense communi-
cations system; and third, an ambitious
effort to beef up our interceptor force and
to extend its bases, so that any attacker
would be exposed to wave after wave of
Unless the best authorities are mislead-
ing, the Kelly committee has recommend-
ed or will shortly recommend a compro-
mise program. This program is under-
stood to have only two main features-
first, a fully automatic air defense com-
municatiens system; and second, ex-
perimental extension of the air warning

net to provide three hours warning, in-
cluding extension of the net along the now
neglected sea flanks.
In short, the most modest measures to
safeguard this country from air-atomic at-
tack will require a rather complete reversal
of the present defense policy of cut-back and
(Copyright, 1953, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)

Fie, Mr. Baum . . .
To the Editor:
FIE ON YOU, Carl Baum!
Most emphatically should Mr.'
Velde be called in to investigatej
the sinister influences on campus.I
But it is not the labor dispute at
West Quadrangle which threatens
the foundations of our American,
Constitution; it is your insidious
foreign satire.
Messrs. Schmude and Surbis are
the very Flower of Real American-
ism. But they are young and un-
wary. They cannote stand the!
heavy bombardment of your
naughty intellect. Representative
of that class of simple undergrad-
uates, they take life seriously. And
now, for the sake of your ownI
amusement, you, Mr. Baum, have
made sport of these gallant cru-
saders, provoking their untoldI
anguish. Have you so soon for-
gotten the innocence of impetuous{
"In times, such as our own, when
conflicting ideologies are strug-
gling for supremacy," we need
Baum, are confusing the lads!
clear thinking. But you, Mr.
Shame on you!

"But, Winnie, There Were No Cartridges In It"
..-- I
- +f
4 r

-Hugh Harness, '54L
-George Mack, '54L -3A ... $
--David Tennent, '54L
* * *
vember 1947 to May 1948 had the
Satire . . . sanction of legality behind it.
To The Editor: Likewise, I am quite sure that
T'o ThAEto ganMiss Bergstein is not referring to
T'S HAPPENED again. For the the tragic 800,000 Palestine re-
second time this year a letter to fugees when using the phrase
The Daily has been completely "They never had it so good", but
misunderstood . . . and strangely rather of those who chose to re-
enough both of them were in a main for whatever reason you
satirical vein. I refer to Sam prefer.
Manzo's letter about the Rosen- The effects of American "bull-
berg case and not to Carl Baum's dozing" stated so assuredly by Mr.
letter on the West Quad busboy A-ada is ratherp
strike. Greece and Turkey, both subject
If Richard Schmude whose letter Ito Marshall Plan Aid, did not vote
appeared in May 13's Daily will for partition. In the final vote,
re-read Baum's letter, he will dis- the six Latin countries likewise
cover his error. Baum isn't accus- supposedly coerced by the United
ing the busboys of subversion. In States abstained, with a seventh
his letter he has merely proceeded voting for the negative. As it was,
to interpret the situation the way even with their support the re-
a few certain people might, commendation would have carried,
Remember . . the letters to the if we can assume that the Soviet
editor column of The Daily re- bloc was beyond any American
quire slow, careful and cultivated coersion.
reading. To be sure, the Zionists carried
-Earle. Hammer on active lobbying through the
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Yes, ac- Arab delegates and representatives
cording to Mr. Baum, his letter of the higher committee were not
was satire. The Daily would like beyond discussing the 'moral is-
to consider the question of Mr. sue" in terms of American oil
a.ui 'c lpt.,.p !interests.

truth, would mistake our dormi-
tory for an institute of happy
morons, rather than of intelligent
students. It is. indeed deplorable,
that every single night one must
be disturbed by the echoing scrape
of laughter and voices, and jolted
by the explosion of fire crackers.
These are not the type of condi-
tions to be expected at an institu-
tion of higher learning, but if
there is a group of nincompoops
who must have their play at the
expense of others, I think we might
at least expect our resident ad-
visers and staff assistants to en-
courage them to behave themsel-
ves. If the staff men cannot safe-
guard the proper conditions for
study, let's reduce our costs of
living by eliminating them as sup-
erfluous. I suggest to those stud-
ents who intend to study next year,
that they live off campus, away
from the noise of the rabble, and
away from the slop of dormitory
It is a pity that the innocent
freshmen have no way of avoid-
ing our most excellent high rental
-Richard Seid
S* * *
Congratulations ...
To the Editor:
would like to commend the fair-
ness with which your paper has
handled the Arab-Israel dispute by
publishing the Arab viewpoints as
well as the Zionist. This may seem
a strange fact to commend but un-
fortunately, as many Arabs have
pointed out, the press in America
has not been democratic in this
respect and has printed only those
things which their large advertis-
ers permit.
The Daily has given a small

naumse icer cioseu .)
In Defense of Track
To the Editor:-

.. eLtteri to the C6Zctor

-Harry Salem
* *-*
East Quad . .

community here the opportunity
to read both sides of the question.
I, for one, am convinced that if
enough Americans were allowed
to know the real facts of the case,
there'd be a lot less enthusiasm for
what Professor Slosson so emo-
tionally called the glorious, demo-
cratic state of Israel, and a great
deal more sympathy for the in-
justice done to the Arabs, largely
as a result of American pressure.
Congratulations for your cour-
age and integrity!
-Richard C. Yorkey, Grad.
* * *
Israel Will Live.
To the Editor:
N MR. FURRHA' letter he la-
ments the fate of Arabs left
homeless after the conflict in
Israel. I should like to point out
that those Arabs were offered a
home in Israel. To prove this
look at the many Arabs living
peacefully in Israel at the present
time. The Knesset, Israel's par-
liament, has Arab representatives.
This looks like real persecution,
doesn't it?
Of course the Arab countries
have been very generous to the
Jews living within their borders.
They forced them to live in ghet-
toes. Forbade them to own pro-
perty. Denied them an education.
This is ,true freedom. Take for
example Yemen. Yemen should be
very proud of the way she handled
her Jewish population. Prior to
any violence in Palestine the Jews
of Yemen were forced to live in
squalor. Then with the out break
of trouble in Palestine they were
treated worse and tried to flee.
Even this was denied them. What
about the many massacres that
took place in Yemen and other
Arab countries? I have yet to hear
of any such situation in reverse.
The Jews who were able to flee
had to do so on foot across the
desert. They were'not allowed to
take any possessions. When these
immigrants arrived in Israel they
were in worse condition than many
who had come out of Hitler's con-
centration camps.
You and your friends keep harp-
ing on the freedom-loving Arabs.
Well, I ask you then, what was
the Grand Mufti doing in Berlin
during the war, consulting with
Hitler? How do you explain the
plight of Jews in Arab countries?
And how do you explain the plight
of Jews in Arab countries? And
how do you explain the fact that
Seven "freedom loving" nations
could not muster enough freedom
loving Arabs to fight one small un-
organized piece of land. Israel
will live Mr. Furrha and since sev-
en nations couldn't stop it, I doubt
if you can.
-Shulamith Laikin
Jorpel Pen . .
To the Editor:
FORGIVE the feeble flapping of
my wing,
Raised only high enough that
"vorpel pen"
Might bring just tribute to
Mr. Drapier's cunning bit of vere,
In which he does to "campus wits"
The fact that they are "condes-
cending fools"
For challenging the "honest crit-
ic's" ridicule.
He is above the plight of Arab and
(and, of course, me. And you.)
He scribbles carelessly beneath a
shelt'ring willow,
(Cockroaches do not scamper
'cross his pillow)
His faultless sense is not moved by
"I Believe,"
For the bus boys' pay he cannot
stoop to grieve.
Imagine the inconvenience he en-
To have his immortality assured.

-Gail Lynn Green, '56
l k.
Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young......Managing Editor
Barnes Connable...........City Editor
Cal Samra ..... .Editorial Director
Zander Hollander......Feature Editor
Sid Klaus .. Associate City Editor
Harland Britz........Associate Editor
Donna Hendleman......Associate Editor
Ed Whipple. . Sports Editor
John Jenke. Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewell. Associate Sports Editor
L4orraine Butler ..Women's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor
Don Campbell Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Al Green...........Business Manager
Milt Goetz.........Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston .. Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Lnehn berg Finance Manager











YESTERDAY the wrath of the
Sports Department fell upon
the Michigan track team and Don
Canham, its coach, per one Dick
Lewis. It was a review, conceived
in ignorance of track, and dedi-
cated to the proposition that ath-
letic teams must win all cham-
pionships or be labeled failures.
The author, Dick Lewis, exhausts
some fifteen paragraphs attacking
the track team and its coach, Don
Canham, on the following bases:
1. He says that Leo Johnson (Il-
linois track coach) is always one
better than Don Canham.
2. He asserts that the track team
has many excuses but few cham-
Let us bail brother Lewis out of
his dilemma:
1) It is true that Leo Johnson
has coached the winning track'
team for several years. The rea-
a. The state of Illinois grows
more track talent than any other,
save California.
b. Don Canham can only offer
intellectual nourishment and char-
acter building, whereas the fight-
ing Illini talk in terms of pesos
and dollars.
2) Yes, we have been runners-up
quite often, but no one, except you,
is ashamed of it. It may startle
you to find that on occasions eight
other teams have been known to
enter the Big-Ten race. Further-
more, the University of Michigan
track team is one of the top three
aggregations in all the world, ex-
ceeded only by Southern Califor-
nia and possibly Illinois.
In conclusion, let me take this
opportunity to extend to you an
invitation to drop around today
to see your first track meet. The
spectacle is with Illinois at 2 p.m.
Incidentally, most of the events
are run counter-clockwise around
a 440-yard cinder track. We await
your arrival with open arms at
Ferry Field - that's on S. State
St.-hope you don't lose your way.
-Joe LaRue
To The Editor:
MR. AWADA is correct when he
asserted that the United Na-
tions has no authority to partition
a country. However, his analysis
is wanting. The United Nations
in fact, merely recommended that
r rcif s I--hn + - a

i o ne r uaor:
IfHIS IS MEANT as a hint to
those who would live in the
East Quadrangle next year. One
might expect that this dormitory
of intelligent Michigan Students,
two weeks before finals, would at
least now settle down to a quiet
atmosphere of studying. But the
disturbing fact is that a boisterous
group of selfish pleasure seekers
nightly create such a commotion
that a person not knowing the





* CrRENTlf

At the Orpheum

.0 ..

THE MAGIC BOX, with Robert Donat &
The British Film Industry.
TVHE ORPHEUM this week-end is showing
a movie which has infinite possibilities
on its advance notices, but which falls as
far short as can be imagined. The placards
announced an almost endless list of the
greatest actors in the British cinema, from
Sir Laurence Olivier to Margaret Ruther-
ford; the film itself presents every soul on
the list, but none with the exception of Rob-
ert Donat appears for more than a minute.
Sir Laurence is an insignificant constable,
Miss Rutherford flashes through as a weal-
thy dowager, and Peter Ustinov breaks all
records by being shown in a still shot for a
brief instant. The picture threatens at sev-
eral points to become little more than an

by his devotion to science. Although his
early troubles arise from the inability of
the public to grasp the importance of his
discovery, he dies trying to fight the cor-
ruption and commercialism of the film in-
dustry, a theme which seems artificially-
conceived to retain the flagging interest
of an audience already satiated with the
original difficulties drawn too thin.
Robert Donat portrays the unsung-but
hardly unswept-hero. He does as much as
possible with the role, but he has met an in-
vincible opponent in the story. His two
wives, legal and successive, are cast from
one mold: they are moist-eyed or encourag-
ing on cue, and this seems all that is re-
quired. No doubt both the young ladies are
adept actresses, for they showed moments
of great promise, but there is something
more required.
'T'he nhnteoranhv is ouite Lrr a ,nd the

A t the Michigan.
MAN IN THE DARK, Edmond O'Brian and
Audrey Totter
IF YOU FIND a relentless display of bru-
tality amusing, and you don't mind a two-
hour struggle with polaroid glasses that won't
stay on the top of your nose--you might go
see the latest three-dimensional film MAN
Starring Edmond O'Brian and Audrey
Totter the film is a flimsy gangster story
contrived, no doubt, for the purpose of giv-
ing director Lew Landers an opportunity
to be technically clever in his use of this
new medium. Mr. Landers has used his op-
portunity to devise bigger and better hor-
rors. Surgical instruments thrust towards
the audience, cigars thrust into charac-
ters' eyes, screeching gun-shots and
crashing cars are a few of the "thrills" he
hae da-:iar2 nd fn a. nnrnriaf : i


The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (before
11 a.m. on saturday).
SATURDAY, MAY 16, 1953
Vol. LXII, No. 157
Attention June Graduates, College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts, School
of Education, School of Music, and
School of Public Health:
Students are advised not to request
grades of I or X in June. When such
grades are absolutely imperative, the
work must be made up in time to al-
low your instructor to report the
make-up grade not later than 4 p.m.,
Sun., June 7, 1953. Grades received aft-
er that time may defer the student's
graduation until a later date.
Recommendations for Departmental
honors. 'reaching departments wishing
to recommend tentative June gradu-
ates from the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts and the School
of Education for departmental honors
should recommend such students in a
letter sent to the Registrar's Office, 1513
Administration Building, by 12:30 p.m.
Sat., June 6, 1953.
Committee on Student Affairs. At its
meeting May 12 the Committee on Stu-
student orgnatin to the Engineering
Council Steering Committee; Extended
recognition of the Inter-House Council
untilMay26; Extended the policy of
allowing all registered parties to con-i
tinue until one o'clock on the night of
an all campus late permission for women
students through the school year 1953-

Academic Notices
Special Re-examination in Freshman
Hygiene. This is an official notification
of a special examination scheduled for
those who failed the requirement in
Freshman Hygiene. The date and time
set by your Dean and the Health Serv-
ice is Tues.. May 19, at 7 p.m. The ex-
amination will be held in Angeli Hall,
Auditorium D. This is your last oppor-
tunity to fulfill this requirement be-
fore graduation.
Graduate Examination in Zoology.
The first two parts of the Graduate
Examination in Zoology will be given
on Sat., May 16: Part 1. Molecular,
Cellular, and Regulatory Zoology, 9-12
a.m.; Part 2. Genetics and Developmen-
tal Zoology, 2-5 p.m. The examination
will be held in 2091 Natural Science
Building. It isrequired of all gradu-
ate students who intend to become
applicants for the doctor's degree and
who have not passed their preliminary
examination. Students who are plan-
ning to take their preliminary exami-
nation this semester are exempt.
Doctoral Examination for Lawrence
King Northwood, Sociology; thesis: "The
Relative Ability of Leaders and Non-
Leaders as Expert Judges of Facts and
Opinions Held by Members of the Com-
munity of Which They Are a Part," Sat.,
May 16, 613 Haven Hall, at 9 a.m.
Chairman, L. J. Carr.
Doctoral Examination for Robert Jay
Smith, Zoology; thesis: "The Life-His-
tory of "~Megalodiscus ferrissianus n.
sp. (Trematoda-Paramphistomatidae),"
Sat., May 16, 2089 Natural Science Build-
ing, at 9 a.m. Chairman, A. E. Wood-
Doctoral Examination for Wilbur
Richard Thompson, Economics; thesis:
"The Measurement of Industry Loca-
tional Patterns," Sat., May 16, 105 Eco-
nomics Building, at 9 a.m. Chairman,
W. F. Stolper.
Doctoral Examination for William
Kay Smith, Mathematics; thesis: "The
Banach Algebra of Continuous Map-



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