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May 15, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-05-15

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VOL. LXIII, No. 156



, _.

Swimming Pool

Janet Winn, '55, nouveau
Managing Editor of Gargoyle,
was tickled last night to an-
nounce that today is the last
day for entries in the Hophead
The winners will be announc-
ed in Tuesday's Daily and will
be given their awards at the
nouveau - traditional Hophead
ceremony at 3 p.m. that day in
the Gargoyle office.
Miss Winn promised that a
very loud speaker will deliver
the neo - customary Hophead
lecture. Everyone is invited.
Gumballs will be served.
Bricker Plan
By ExpertsI
Three University professors yes-
terday lambasted the proposed
Bricker Amendment to the Con-
stitution concerning the Presi-
dent's powers to enact treaties and
agreements with foreign countries.
Sponsored by the University
chapter of the Atlantic Union
Committee, the faculty discussion
centered around three of the four
sections of the amendment.
PROF. WILLIAM W. Bishop of
the law school hit section two of
the proposal forbidding any treaty
to "authorize oy permit any for-
eign power or any international
organization to supervise, control
or adjudicate rights of citizens of
the United States within the Unit-
ed States or any matter essentially
within the domestic jurisdiction of
the United States."j

SL Open House

Truce Attempts
Still1 Saemated
Ike Willing To Confer if Reds
Prove Sincerity of Peace Claims
By The Associated Press
Truce negotiators wound through another fruitless session yester-
They failed even to budge the roadblock on what to do with pris-
oners of the Korean War who don't want to go home.
North Korean Gen. Nam Il said the latest allied proposal, formu-
lated in Washington, was wholly unacceptable. "Our side resolutely
could not agree" to the plan, he said.
* * * *
LT. GEN. William K. Harrison, Jr., attempted to answer some
Communist objections to the plan but said that most of them had
"already been adequately dis- O
cussed.AtleSe h
The meeting recessed after an
hour and 20 minutes until 8

p.m. today.
The neW Allied plan proposed to
release to civilian status all pris-
oners refusing to return to Com-
munist rule.
* * *

Insults U.S.

-Daily-Betsy Smith
OPEN HOUSE-Students enjoy refreshments at yesterday's Student Legislature Open House. Fea-
turing a theme of "Seven Years of Progress" in student government, posters in the building reviewed
some of SL's gains in recent years. Also displayed were reports on financial gains made by drives
for the University of the Philippines and Dutch Flood Relief.

MEANWHILE, President Eisen-
hower said emphatically he would WASHINGTON - OP)d- A hot
take almost any chance to pro- transatlantic battle of words raged
mote peace. He said he has no yesterday between Sen. McCarthy
objection to a conference of chiefs (R-Wis) and British Labor lead-
of state of the great powers, as ers as the Wisconsinisenator ac-
proposed by Prime Minister Chur- cased former Prime Minister Attlee
ti ; _4 4u__ ., of "insulitng" the TUnited States.

*u e*R i .g FLARE-UP IN EGYPT: -some indicationc
JA around. So far,
has supplied no
Naguib Bans CommerceIof good faith in1
As for a stat
jam' ' / yment Wednesd.
ep Sret a gi British tSuezPrime Minister

provided uthere is%ilAA0UV-A

or good faith all
he said, Russia
definite evidence
talking peace.
ement in Parlia-
day by former
Clement Attlee

-Daily-Don Campbell
WOMEN'S POOL - Steel girders take to the air as the new
Women's Athletic Building, housing a $1,000,000 swimming pool
goes into the final stages of construction. The $2,500,000 project
is being built at the corner of N. University and Forest Ave.,
across from the present Women's Athletic Building.
Faculty Members Call Oil
Bill 'PolitilM s
Three faculty members interpreted the recent offshore oil bill,
awaiting the President's signature to grant submerged oil lands to
state ownership as being chiefly a political rather than an economic
Prof. George A. Peek of the political science department sum-
marized the bill's economic aspects as "a question of whether leasing
of lands and consequent tax revenue will go to the states concerned
(Louisiana and Texas) or to the federal government.


itiy 1PIJuU


By The Associated Press
A shroud of secrecy veiled yes- Egypt yesterday banned all commercial transactions with the
*^ "^ '~rr^l~ a '' ''c- m a^nr f th nm i " Z'iti~h fn^'^^c in th" ^ iv^~ an^l^' ~^ oc^h^~ l ta^ '^t7^ n"t'^1^ li "'^

that some "elements in the
United States" do not want a
Korean settlement, the Chief
Executive declared: "I" have

ter ctau± sumeetinoxte .,vmuii- jDiisn ±iicine theLIIbu IzrLnaizon~e as the ilest move in thie uapuie jmet no one in Amxerica who}

tee on Student Conduct which over control of the strategic East-West waterway. does not want peace."
Prof. Bishop pointed out this considered approval of a new con- In a fresh effort to drive British occupation troops from the
would make it "impossible to en- stitution for Joint Judiciary Coun- canal zone. Premier Mohammed Naguib's cabinet has forbidden
ter into a disarmament proposal cil . TURNING TO Churchill's call'
te- sinto a disarmament proposal elI. Egyptians from selling food, alcoholic beverages, building materials f T N INGr TO C hurchill' call
neess g cIt was learned, however, that the and other necessities to the garrison without special permission from Ify an e coss-ars eer
tries." ley hewith the Russians, Eisenhower'
'Committee, which holds infrequent--- --- the Egyptian Supply Ministry.
said hp has no objection to such a

Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the meetings, will meet again later
history department also turned this month, giving rise to specu-
tlumbs down on the proposal, said lation that the Committee neither
to have the pledged support of a approved nor disapproved the ju-
majority of the Senate, as pre- diciary's constitution but instead
senting "a very real danger which postponed any final action until
lies not in the actual provisions the later date.
L.. ... L .. ., «.L:.... L. E *

but inmthe ambiguity.
CONCERNING section three of
the amendment, advocating that
"A treaty shall become effective
as internal law in the United


HE ADDED state control would be more lenient, and under state States only through enactment of
Sownership the oil would be taken appropriate legislation by Con-
more quickly and more regularly. gress, Prof. Slosson said, "Ameri-I
Russians Don t Favoring governmental own- can diplomacy would be adjourned
ership, Prof. Peek continued, from time to eternity."
h W r , "The lands belong to the Unit-
T r t ar ed States and to all people con- Prof. Lawrence Preuss of the po-
cerned." litical 'science d'epartment con-
Says GarlinProf. I. L. Sharfman, chairman centrated his attack on section
of the economics department, three of the Bricker proposal.
commented that although in LIe explained that under the
Expressing a "strong belief Rus- case of either state or federal Bricker Amendment "We would
sia will not precipitate war," Sen- ownership the revenue would be have to speak with 49 voices.
der Garlin, associate editor of The used for education purposes, gen- h
New World Review spoke yester- eral benefit, however would be A treaty would not become in-
day to the Society for Peaceful Al- greater under federal control of ternally effective until and unless
ternatives on the co-existence of the submerged area. Congress would reenact it after
Russia and the United States. "The question is so involved with approval of the original treaty
Quoting from newspapers "which politics," Prof. Charles F. Remer externally.
in my candid moments I despise of the economics department said, He concluded "this amendment
for their dishonesty" (the New "that it's difficult to analyze its is one of the most reactionary
York Times, New York Herald economic aspects." Prof. Remer proposed in recent times and takes
Tribune and other publications added that after an observation of us back to the Articles of Confed-
with "big advertising subsidies") the offshore oil problem in the eration when we were not able
Garlin emphasized the Russian South his conclusion was that gen- to meet our internal obligations.
fear of war and love of peace. eral concern over the matter is
Garlin, who is probably the only much greater in Texas than in
American correspondent to cover Louisiana.-
the three Moscow treason trials,I ,/
devoted a great part of his lecture }'fAlei A PP rpo te Michiganensians will be dis-
to academic freedom and the "at-m s tributed from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
mosphere of fear and hysteria AewwcA mbassudont- today and Monday, and from
which grips our nation. nm n an
.J a tAR lu AIII 4JAU1UYo

OFFICIAL recognition has never
been granted Joint Judiciary,
which was organizedton a tempo-
rary basis by former University
President Alexander G. Ruthven
and the Sub-Committee on Disci-
pline. President Harlan H. Hatch-
er has continued this temporary
Center of discussion has been
the proposed Interviewing Board
which will select members of the
judicial body. The new constitu-
tion calls for a 3-2 ratio on the
Board between members of Stu-
dent Legislature and the League.
Membership on the Interview-
ing Board consists of the SL pres-
ident, vice-president and senior-
member-at-large and the presi-
dent and chairman of the League's
Interviewing Council.
Dean of Students Erich A. Wal-
ter, chairman of the Committee on
Student Conduct, said last night
"any action taken will be report-
ed to President Hatcher before
the news is released to the pub-

* * I conference.
IF TIlS permission is not forth- The President, however, noted
D raft w on t coming the British will be forced nearly a month ago, on Aprilj
once again to ship in from long 16, he had- set forth a series of
distances the supplies necessary acts by which the Soviets could
Tfor the 80,000strong canal garri- demonstrate their sincerity-a
son. Korean armistice, an end to Red
Theeffect of the lowered July The new boycott followered a aggression in Indochina, an
draft call of only 23,000 men. low-seisochrsan cutr Austrian peace treaty, unifica-
est Selective Service figure since charges within the last two days tion of Germany, and indepen
a year ago June, will not bring which followed the breakdown dence for Russia's Eastern Eur-
any change in the ROTC programs of treaty negotiations last week. icussing Churchill's proo-
the chairman of the various cam-I chs
pus ROTC units said yesterday. Egypt's chief of staff, Lt. Gamal sal for a top-level big power con-
The Defense Department in low- Abdel Nasser, has predicted a pop- ference, however, he said there
ering the draft call stated the re- ,.ular uprising against the British must first be an advance indica-
duced call for July was in line with unless they withdraw from the tion of good faith all around.
the reduced military budget an- Suez Canal area by mid-August,
nounced by the administration for * * * Ei4'gh
the fiscal year starting July 1. NASSER'S perdiction of vio- E r
Col. William B. McKean, chair- lence has caused concern about .
man of the Naval Science de- possibilities of war in the area, H oorS ciet
partment said the draft cut will but Prof. Marbury N. Efimenco of
have no bearing however, on the the political science department
present ROTC program, because yesterday minimized this .possi- At a dinner held last night East
the draft quotas and the ROTC bility. ! Quadrangle inaugurated a newt
strength are not directly related. lie said although the Egyp- I honor society; the Quadrants.
The draft cut will not affect the tians and British have been in The group is similar to those al-
Air Force ROTC, according to Col. an undeclared state of war in. ready in existence in the South
William L. Todd, chairman of the the Suez Canal zone since Egypt and West Quadrangles.
air science and tactics department. denounced the 1936 treaty per- Charter members of the society
There will be no slow down in mitting British troops to guard are: Robert Baker, '55L, Charles
the program, Col. Todd said. With the canal, Egypt's strength is not Benzinger, '53, William Chubb,t
the desire for flight personnel, re- strong enough to oust the Brit- '54E, Richard Curry, '54E, Ronald
quirements will become more strin- ish nor to carry on a full scale Dalton, '54E, Roger Kidston, '54,
gent and selective than in the past. war.' Stanley Levy, '55, Paul McDon-
he added. A matter of "power prestige" be- ough, '55L, James Meacham, David

f {
. i

McCarthy hurled the charge in
a fiery speech on the Senate floor
in which he shouted that if the
British want to pull out of the
fighting in Korea, let them "with-
draw and be damned."
* * *
IN LONDON, Attlee, who
aroused McCartny's anger by his
speech in the House of Commons
on Tuesday, said yesterday:
"I do not think that anyone
in this country judges America
by Sen. McCarthy."
The former Prime Minister,
leader of the British Labor party,
frostily denied McCarthy's asser-
tion he had made a "cheap at-
tack" on the United States.
* * *
"I THINK that anyone who
reads my whole speech will ac-
knowledge that it was not anti-
American but fully recognized the
great services to the world of the
United States," he said.
And the British leader told
"The British Labor party and
I myself have been vigorously
opposing the Communist party
in this country since its founda-
tion-long before Sen. McCar-
thy was ever heard of."
On the Senate floor, McCarthy
centered his main attack on Att-
lee's assertion that some elements
in the United States do not want
peace in Korea but would rather
wage an all-out war against Red
China and communism generally.
The senator said if the British
want to withdraw from Korea,
they should get out, and he cried:
"Then I say let's sink every ac-
cursed ship carrying materials
that result in the death of Ameri-

Garlin, reporter for various
labor publications before the
New World Review, discussed
the recent subversive label at-
tached to the magazine by Rep.
Kit Clardy (R-Mich.). "Any-
thing is labelled subversive that
doesn't glorify Hitler ideals," he
Rep. Clardy had discovered the
allegedly Stalinist propaganda
publication in an up-state library
and suggested an inquiry into its
distributors. The same magazine
had appeared in the Ann Arbor
Public Library and aroused no
complaints, according to the head
'Technic' Heads
Named at Ban(Iuet

Fred M. Alger Jr., former Mich-
igan Secretary of State was ap-
pointed next United States Am-
bassador to Belgium.
President Eisenhower sent his
name to the Senate Tuesday, and
confirmation is expected soon.

za.m. to noon tomorrow on
the first floor of the Student
Publications Building.
Purchasers are asked to bring
their stubs with them when
they come to pick up their

Council Polices Campw

Modern County Courthouse
Slated for Fall Construction
Final plans of the County Board of Commissioners indicate that
Washtenaw County will get its long-awaited courthouse next Sep-
Definite plans have been drawn up since the Board approved the
site for the $3,250,000 building a year ago.
FIFTEEN YEARS of delay preceeded the decision to put the bond
-- issue for the project on the bal-
lot as a referendum issue last
The present courthouse has
E'been condemned many times as
C E lectiOn a firetrap and has become over-
crowded and dilapidated in .its
76 years of use. Several county
GROWING OUT of a Union agencies are housed in other
"council" which began to handle downtown office buildings be-
judicial cases, the group was next cause of the lack of space in the
organized as a branch of student present building.
government. With the dissolution
of the branch, the council drewb The new courthouse will be
up a new constitution which was built in a modified U shape around.
accepted by the Student Affairs the present building. Ts will al

ing at stake, he said he could not
see the probability of an early
settlement. He pointed out that
Britain cannot remove her troops
without losing face.

Ponitz, Grad., Kenneth Preston,
The dinner was highlighted by
a speech given by Dean of Stu-
dents Erich A. Walter.

z' Bowil

can boys."
Druids Brew
From the Stonehenge circle
Aided by the witches cauldron
Mystic plans were brewed in dark-
Many twigs were examined
Many rocks were overturned
Subjected to heat from blazing
Observed by men of knowledge and
Most decayed, were burned, were
- destroyed.
Finally from the murky grove
From the cave where Fingal lin-
The Order of the Mighty Oak
Causing the earth to. shake and
Causing nations and cities to
All to bend the twig and sapling
And to capture the sturdy awends:
Block-Busting Butternut Bei-
son, Box-Office Basswood Blum,
Cash Collecting Cactus Cutler,
Garrulous Garcinia Greenberg,
Genial Gingergrass Gingrass,
Hoarding Huckleberry Hyde, Kred-

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sec-
ond in a series of articles on cam-
pus judicial councils.)
Governing Student Legislature
and Union elections is a major
duty of Men's Judiciary Council, a
body whi may become defunct
if Joint Judiciary's cnst4itution is

groups and attempts to settle dis-
putes between student organiza-
tions when they arise.
Example of a situation hand-
led by Men's Judiciary was the
case of Bob Perry, '53E, who vio-
lated several dormitory house
rules in a campaign for SL last



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