PAGE FOUR Spring Revives Campu. Men Begin To Serenade PinnedCoeds By MARILYN MILLER Now that the frosts and rain- clouds have disappeared, students are beginning to enjoy the tem- perate, sunny climate which her- alds the arrival of summer. The sound of fraternity men serenading their favorite coeds can be heard almost any night in Ann Arbor, with each fraternity pre- senting their serenade in a unique manner and following the customs which have become traditional to it. The men of Sigma Chi can be seen wearing white shirts as they approach the residence where the serenade is to be given. They an- nounce themselves by singing "Hello My Honey" and after gain- ing the attention of the coeds, the actual serenade is begun. The climax comes when the men present their arrangement of the world famous "Sweetheart of Sigma Chi". As they begin the chorus, the men gradually separate making visible the flaming cross of their fraternity. At this time the man who has pinned the coed being serenaded is raised to the shoulders of two of his brothers. Finally the pledges lay down the cross and thereby conclude the ceremony. When one hears a quartet har- monizing to the "Canoeing Song" one can be reasonably sure that the men of Delta Upsilon are serenading a group of coeds. The quartet, which does a job of close harmonizing, has become a per- manent part of all Delta Upsilon serenades. The Phi Delta Theta fraternity always sends one rose to the coed wearing their pin immediately be- fore they serenade her. The men all wear old clothes, as they try to keep the serenade as casual as possible. When the many Phi Delts congregate, they produce renditions of their favorite songs, with "Smoke Rings" being out- standing. A medley of songs dedicated to the newly pinned woman takes place at the Triangle house, soon after the pinning, with the formal serenade occuring later. The formal serenade is usually spon- taneous, affording the coed a pleasant surprise. Sigma Alpha Mu men begin their tribute as they approach the dormitory or sorority, marching in an orderly fashion and singing a lively song. Dur- ing the serenade, which includes "The Wind Croons Me", their sweetheart song, a mammoth Sammy pin can be seen flaming and lighting the vicinity. In addition to this vocal per- formance, the men honor the re- certly-pinned coeds at their pledge formals by presenting each woman with a bouquet of flowers and en- circling them as they are again serenaded. Immediately after becoming pinned, Lambda Chi Alpha sends the coed a bouquet of flowers which indicates that she will soon be serenaded. The blue suits of the men create a striking contrast to the large red and white neon sign they carry, which is a dupli- cate of their badge. The "Yale Marching Song" in- dicates that the Alpha Delta Phi men are coming to serenade their favorite coeds. This fraternity comes forth with harmony which SPRING SERENADE-Beta Thet the IFC Sing, serenade the Kapp support given them by the soroi they won with their rendition o public." * * * <4 always insures the success of their singing endeavors. The Alpha Delts have an un- usual custom whereby they ser- enade coed residences the night before a holiday, adding to the excitement which is already in existence. The fellow who his pinned the coed being serenaded is required by his Delta Tau Delta brothers to sing a solo to her; however, the fraternity joins him on four other songs, one of which is "My Queen of Delta Tau." The Delts try to serenade on week nights and if possible they give at least two serenades the same evening. The fraternity is very proud of their group of nine men who, with the aid of a bass and a guitar, give many informal serenades for Michigan women. Burning cotton spread on the ground forming the Greek symbols of Beta Theta Pi produces the setting for this fraternity's vocal performances. It is customary for the man whose sweetheart is being serenaded to furnish hisnfraternity brothers with cigars in celebra- tion of the pinning. The Alpha Tau Omega coed receives flowers of her choice before she is serenaded with such songs as "The Girl of My Dreams" and "The Sweetheart of ATO". The men are attired semi-form- ally as they form a half circle be- low her window announcing them- selves by rendering the "Alpha Tau Omega Chant". This frater- nity gives a serenade only in the honor of a pinning. The renowned voices of the Sigma Phi Epsilon men produce a spectacle. The "Sig Ep girl" is serenaded with several songs which exhibit near perfection in har- mony. The effect is further in- creased by a glowing heart which illuminates the fraternity emblem. The Sig Eps have a custom whereby they sing Christmas carols at every womens' residence on campus, just before Christmas vacation. Odd, ridiculous hats can be found at any Chi Psi songfest. The men wear the most eccen- tric hats obtainable and in spite of their attire, they present a very memorable serenade. On each of the three days pre- THE MICHIGAN DAILY s Traditions Surrounding Area offers * Many Summer Activities League To Sponsor Bridge Lessons, Tourneys; Swimming, Tennis, Baseball To Be Available By JANET SMITH in evidence on almost every r attend summer school this year day will find Palmer Field, with may be bemoaning their sad fate, its tennis courts, a popular spot. the picture is not as dreary as it Burns Park on Wells Street is seems. equipped with four tennis courts, Coeds and men picturing hour horseshoe pits and two softball after hot, weary hour spent over diamonds, as well as archery fa- - book and paper, will find that cilities and volleyball courts. many activities, both on campus Wines Field and West Park have and in the surrounding area, will similar facilities. be available when they are tired The Ann Arbor area provides of studying. many beautiful spots, which could The League Council is plan- become the objective for a bike ning an extensive program of hike on a warm afternoon. activities, which will furnish re- Sunny skies will also find the creation throughout the week. Huron River dotted with canoes, Bridge lessons will be available as students take advantage of the for both beginning and interme- pleasant weather. diate players. Taught by an ex- The Michigan Daily will be pub- perienced instructor, the classes lished during the sumnier session, will meet once a week. enabling students to keep track of For more advanced bridge fans, events as they are announced. -Daily-Tim Richard the League is sponsoring tourna- ta Pi fraternity, 1953 winners of ments, including a weekly Dupli- a Alpha Thetas in return for the cate Bridge Night. )iyat the annual sing, which Students who would like to rity atteHynn osghce brush up on the intricacies of f the "Battle Hymn of the Re- square dancing may take advan- tage of lessons held each week, while couples who prefer the less ceding a Theta Delta Chi serenade exhausting ballroom dancing will the lucky coed receives a red find instruction available in that carnation which is the flower of line too. the fraternity. The Theta Delts The League Ballroom will be are also among the fraternities the spot for informal record who have their Greek letter flaf- dances to be held every Friday ing as they sing, evening throughout the summer The men of Phi Kappa Tau try sessin. to serenade the girl on the same ssin night she is pinned. They are Beach balls, umbrellas and lem- known for their arrangement of onade will highlight the annual know fo thir rragemnt Ef 'Beach Ball" planned for the "Dream Girl of Old Phi Tau". A "Beah Ball, ped forhe fraerntyfifth or sixth week. An orchestra blazing symbol of thefraterty will be featured at this dance. and the presentation of flowers Television on the second floor highlight the ceremony, of the League and snacks in the Coeds flock to the windows as Round-Up Room will be handy they hear the tones of the ap- for students wishing to take a be- proaching Zeta Beta Tau men. tween-class break. Weather permitting, each man In the Ann Arbor area, students carries a lighted candle or torch can find many spots just perfect to indicate the solemnity of the for that late afternoon swim or occasion. picnic. The coed who is being ser- A free public bathing beach is enaded by the "rounders" of available at Silver Lake. Picnic Theta Xi is presented a dozen tables and a well-stocked con- roses by the brother for whose cession stand make it a good coed the preceding serenade place for an out-door meal. was given. Walled Lake features a minia- At this time, the man who de- ture golf course, speedboats, a livgrs the roses, kisses the honor- midway and a dance hall. ed woman. This kiss is intended Students can take advantage of to be the last one she will re- the big name bands which fre- ceive from any man except the quently play engagements at this Thete Xi to whom she is pinned. resort.t Cigars, bizarre hats, and old Lockers, water slides and docks > clothes identify the Fijis as they as well as a bathing beach, are undertake a serenade. Among the available at nearby Whitmore four songs they sing is "She's Lake. Phi Gami's Dream Girl" Also within the Ann Arbor The Pi Lambda Phis have a area are Clear Lake, near Jack- b bonfire behind them while they son, and Portage Lake. are singing, but a complete change For lucky students who have a of atmosphere arises when after car available for weekend jaunts, the serenade the men throw their an interesting trip could be plan- recently pinned Pi Lam brother ned to resort centers at Sauga- into the showers, tuck, Grand Haven or Petosky. The rendition of the "Battle Greenfield Village, the Detroit Hymn of the Republic" with a Zoo and the Irish Hills are also drum accompaniment is the near enough to be visited by tour- outstanding feature of the ing students. For golf enthusiasts, Ann Arbor Sigma Alpha Epsilon serenades. boasts two courses, the Municipal Aside from their harmony the course and the University course. men can be recognized by their Night softball games will be burning symbol.n The Sigma Nu fraternity is one THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1953 Denim Makes New Appearance 44 By SHIRLEY BLOOM With the promise of a cotton summer ahead, denim has risen from its place among sailing and gardening enthusiasts, who de- manded the faded worn-out look, to the new denims in brightly col- ored stripes, plaids and prints which are suitable for sports, street and evening wear. On the beach denim makes its appearance in a tidily printed shirt and short outfit over which is placed a striped jacket to ward off cool breezes. A reversible brown denim beach coat lined in white terry-cloth forms the perfect topper for any bathing suit, and for sailing, a mariner's dress with sparkling white braid on blue action denim rides on the crest of the waves. For a relaxing evening at home watching TV, a one-piece lounger in sea green ir pink denim with wide pants cropped to dress length will insure the proper state of mind. Brick stripes on white will be a 3' . r ".t s taking to the sun in a pretty denim jacket the dress could take its sun dress as low in back as in the place in the party world. front, while for everyday wear a City streets will be livened by sleeveless stripe and sand denim the appearance of a bright as pep- dress with a stand-up collar should permint dress cut with the tidi- be a 'must' on every woman's list. Ness of a suit and involving white s wa o l denim sliced by red satin stripes. Tennis, walking or just loafmng A aeudrth u roe can be done in purple and white At ease under the sun or over a striped shirt and shorts combina- cocktail is a yellow and black plaid tion. denim dress with a removable Right at home at an outdoor stole of the same material. Also barbecue or beach party would befound in the same atmosphere is a multi-colored striped skirt con- a green strapless denim top with trasted with a black halter top. matching calf-length pants and Gold-toned denim occurs in a circled in the middle by a big red side-swiped halter which bares one organdy sash. shoulder and may be worn under Kitchen duties can be accom- a red, white and black striped taf- plished -in a two-piece wrap-on feta-lined denim cocktail coat. skirt of black and white striped As a final proof that denim is denim, while after-five shopping getting dressy stores present a red can be done in a supermarket suit and white sequin-trimmed floral with a middyline jacket and slen- print evening dress of denim which der skirt in grey, blue or gold den- holds its own among the chiffon, im treated like wool. silk and organdy gowns of past Denim has also taken to trav- summers. A fitting topper for this eling in a dark, sleeveless, square- creation is a white denim cock- necked dress encased by a striped tail coat with a black velvet col- jacket of corded denim. Minus the lar. ( K I t , t:. y ~ ''s t( r J. f ti i 111 j , l ' ' .. r frosted denim at home or on the 9o Faded blue, red or charcoal denim frosted with chalk white beads . for cloud-soft wear at home for your leisure hours, for casual wear anywhere. Leather-soled for dur- ability, our Oomphies are the most versatile little slippers ever. shoe so lon A FASHION TRENDS: California Shops Feature Leading Summer Styles By MARY TOWNE and MARILYN MILLER California, the "Land of Sun- shine," offers many bright, spark- ling fashions. Because of the mild climate year round, the residents are able to wear summer clothes that set new styles for us. After many hours of shopping on Wilshire Blvd., one is able to grasp the trend of fashion that predominates Beverly Hills. What might seem extreme in the Mid- west is worn informally and with- out question. As the customer enters the stores of Wilshire Blvd., known as the Fifth Avenue of the West, she is immediately attracted by the color of jewels and flowers and of unique fabrics employed in the make-up of a costume. There is one store which sells clothes exclusively made of suede. They are custom-made, and the purchaser can select any hue de- sired. A n-it Mexicar hnn fires green sequins are sewn in a close pattern, rendering a delicate ef- fect. Coat and dress outfits are a fa- vorite of the Californian collegians. The silk lining of these light- weight coats is reproduced in a matching dress. Matching gloves complete this costume. There is plenty of variety in sport clothes, some featuring five- piece ensembles, which include a skirt, shorts, shirt, middy hat, and a breachbag. Stoles are really in season. They are jeweled, ruffled, and in silks and cottons, as well as the tradi- tional wool and fur. Stoles are worn for every occasion with all types of clothes. One can hardly see sweaters without jewels or appliques on them. Such sweaters are worn with cotton dresses and fine, pas- tel-colored wool skirts. Jeweled collars are very practi- cal, as they can be worn with any sweater or dress. The most popu- lar colors are nearl. ice blue. and of the few that does not have a sweetheart song. In the place of such a song they sing "The White Star of Sigma Nu" which estab- lishes the proper mood for their pinning serenades. Red roses are sent to the Chi Phi coed and a song is sung to her. Among the other melodies dedi- cated to her is a song that tells about campus life, which was written by one of the Chi Phi men. With the aid of certain chemicals, this fraternity is able to display it's burning badge which throws off flames of scarlet and blue. One week before a serenade, the Sigma Phi house has a traditional ceremony initiating the coed into the "Sig Sisters". All of the "Sig sisters" who were previously pin- ned come to help her with the initiation. The coed receives a sweetheart badge which is not the badge that the men wear. If the couple becomes unpinned, the badge is not returned. As they go to the serenade, they sing the "Alpha Marching Song," "Sigma Phi Sweetheart" and the "Darthmouth Winter Song". Although the fraternity deter- mines the style and presentation of a serenade, the responses they receive can increase the success of their efforts. The Alpha Epsilon Phi coeds gather in their living room to hear a serenade and perhaps alternate songs with the fraternity that is outside. Because of the construc- tion of the porch and windows, the newly pinned couple is able to kiss each other through the front window, climaxing the serenade. .... \ J " .t .( '3n f .~ f/ 'II r/ all TFE t RY MATI Wonderfully Styled in Cool, Thirsty, Terry Cloth THEY'RE TERRIFIC r . OUR OWI $159 i$3 95 GLORIOUS COLORS White . . . Aqua . . . Gold . . . Shrimp to Matclh or Contrast Sketched left to right- ES N -~ dr x .. - , r/ 4 A s. 1 4- ® 7 ! A SHORTS, boy style ......... $2.25 A CREW SHI RT, short sleeves. . .. 1.95 A CAP, cuffed back.... ....... 1.95 TENT SH I RT, two pockets. . ..,..,.3.95 SCOOP NECK SHIRT...........1.95 SHORTS, with cuff ............ 2.50 B C C 'S Not Sketched, but in stck- BRA, with cuff.. ............. . SHIRT, collar, 34 sleeves.,...... . 1 .59 2.95 n~cxr