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May 14, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-05-14

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Latest Deadline in the State

:43 a t I




SL Approves
Driving Ban
Move OSA- Drop
'Bias' Housing
Student Legislature last night
voted to take up a plan with the
Board of Regents that would grantI
permission for all University stu-
dents to operate cars on campus
except freshmen under 21 years
Also passed at the meeting was
a recommendation that the Office
of Student Affairs drop all listings
of off-campus housing units which
include racial, national origins or
religious qualifications.
* * *
UNDER THE SL driving plan,
the only restrictions on upper
class students who want to op-
erate a car on campus would be
proper vehicle registration, ade-
quate-insurance coverage, paren-
tal consent for minors and identi-
fication markings on the car.
Suggested disciplinary action for
student violators and those who
drive after drinking include mon-
Student Legislature will pre-
sent a movie on the Free Uni-
versity of Berlin at 7:15 p.m.
today in Auditorium A, Angell
etary fines, suspension of driving
privileges, and suspension for the
In the off-campus housing mo-
tion, passed after defeat of two
substitute bills SL recommended
that OSA inform all landlords
wishing to list their housing with
the University's office that no dis-
criminatory qualifications may be
OSA would determine whether a
student seeking housing is dis-
criminated against on the basis of
race, religion or national origins
and would remove such listings
from its files. This action would,
be taken only after a student had
issued formal complaint to the of-
Opponents of the motion
claimed that OSA housing files

_ _. - -

'Seven Year' Theme










Offshore ilH
Bill Passed, Tomorr
line for
Sent to Ike ACont
104 of the
Bldg. by
WASHINGTON - (Al) - The will be an
House yesterday put the finishing 22, in The
touch to a bill establishing state
ownership of the submerged coast-
al lands, then sent it to the White uly
House for an expected presiden -
tial -signature. ~C l
The measure, which is in line
with the President's campaign,
pledge, was passed by a vote off
278 to 116. 'S et
IT WAS THlE climax of a 16-

ow is the official dead-
Gargoyle's Hophead
This is no joke.
ries must be in Rm.
e Student Publications
noon. The winners
nnounced Friday, May
e Daily.
in Year

b;- ''- - -$.,4 3"scsds c - .. ANI".---
-Tim Richards
SL OPEN HOUSE-Ricky Gilman arranges some of the displays
which will be shown at the Student Legislature Open House from
4 to 5:30 p.m. today in the SL building. In keeping with the central
theme, seven years of student government, all committee chairmen
will be on hand to answer questions about committee projects such
as the driving ban and the proposed student book-store..Refresh-
ments will be served.
Cornell Tells of Faith
In Future of Theater
"I never lose faith in the theater!" confessed Katharine Cornell,
"even if it is wearing a little thin."
Concurring with Arthur Miller's recent statement criticizing
the theater, Miss Cornell said that the theater is "in need of new
blood." She added that a small group of half a dozen good actors can-
not keep the theater up without new and fresh talent in all fields.
MISS CORNELL remarked how much she has enjoyed touring
in "The Constant Wife," which this Saturday will give its 233rd per-
''formance. She was "mad" about
S ,,tesall the campus towns visited on
the tour, "the wonderful aud-
iences," and "the wonderful feel-
ing of the academic life: the books
Int rn tt rt l eder. the arms. the neresg~o~ting

year long legislative battle between y the Associated Press
some coastal states and the fed- WASHINGTON-The army yes-
eral government for control of the terday issued a draft call for 23,-
oil-rich lands beneath the mar- 000 men in July, the lowest Selec-
ginal seas. tive Service quota set since last

Twice before Congress hasI
passed similar legislation only to
have it vetoed by former Presi-
dent Truman.
While administration officials'
have expressed varying views on
the submerged lands issue, Presi-
dent Eisenhower has openly de-1
clared his support of principles
embodied in the bill and listed the
proposal as a "must" matter for
congressional disposition this ses-
As the final vote came on the
states' ownership bill some of its
opponents got in last few licks.
REP. DINGELL (D-Mich.), in a
prepared speech, declared the bill
would "rob the people" and is the
" 'lrie n t ci f 1 m v cv"'

The July call compared with
32,000 for June, 1953, and increased
the total number of men drafted
or earmarked for induction since
Selective Service was resumed in
September, 1950, to 1,469,430.
* * * , -
ALL THE prospective draftees
were allocated to the Army. The
Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force
will continue to meet their needs
through volunteers and re-enlist-
The Defense Department said
the lowered call for July was in
line with the reduced military
budget announced by the ad-
ministration for the fiscal year
starting July 1.

-Daily-Don Campbell
Arthur Godfry intimidated yesterday that GARGOYLE will be
out Wednesday, May 20. Mr. Godfry, convelescing from an opera-
tion on his ukelele, told well-wishers: "Buy Garg, you got noth-
ing Toulouse!"
U.S. Acts To Slow Russian
Meetin .Uroed b rChurchill


things, and the thinking beings!"

are not expressions of official Uni- ee
versity approval and that the mo- PetACe
tion might even hinder removal of
local discrimination. "We will all have to live in
Also approved at the meeting p e o ish," Ganvihari
was appointment of James E peace or perish," Gaganvihari L.
Wells, '54E, to fill a legislature seat Mahta said yesterday in the key
left vacant by the resignation of note address of the Universi-
4 Lee Fiber, '54. ty's International Week program.

The famous actress mentioned
her preference for serious over
comedy roles, and named "St.
Joan" and "Cleopatra" as her
favorite characters. A tour, she
said is just as enjoyable as an
extended New York run, but
much more exciting, because of


Head Named
Hal Abrams, '54, was appointed
Union co-chairman of the 1954
Michigras by the Union Board of
Directors yesterday afternoon.
Gretchen Meier, '54, Women's
Athletic Association co-chairman
of the event, was appointed to her
post during Installation Night a
month ago. She and Abrams will
begin the organizational work ofj
Michigras immediately.
Abrams said last night that in-
terviews for appointments to var-
ious-committees will be held this
fall. There will be co-chairmen
for most of the committees, he
added. In the meantime, Abrams
and Miss Meier will be busy "get-
ting things straightened out."
Profits from next spring's Mich-
igras will go to charities named by
the Union and the WAA.
Arts Theater
Play To Open
"Aladdin and His Magic Lamp"
will be presented by the Chbdlen's
Theater at 1:30 p.m. and 4 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday at The Arts
Theater, 2091/2 E. Washington.
Diverging from the usual Arab-
ian setting, the fairy tale is being
transferred to a Chinese back-
ground, with costumes supplied
by the International Center.
Local school children play sup-
porting roles in tie drama, with
University students Eric Hecvelt,
Grad., Norm Hartweg, '56, and
Riki Gordon, '56, taking lead parts.
Mrs. Claude Eggertson and Mrs.
Wayne Dunlap are in charge of

Speaking before a group of for-'the differences in the audiences.
eign students, SL members, facul- Miss Cornell hesitated in prof-
ty and students, Mehta, India's fering advice to amateur actors or
amasad otheUnie S actresses as, "they never listen to{
said, "The importance of the oc- advice anyway."
casion required me to come here
even though I had difficulty leav- Calling the theater the "mother
ing Washington." of the arts," she said that it had
. endured the storm of the movies,
This University has attracted a and then the talkies, and will do,
large number of foreign students the same with television, for
as far back as the beginning of "Moth till d wel"
the century, the distinguished Moher is stdoingwel
statesman noted. S Ni
"Today, I am told, there are ISA No n nations
about 35,000 foreign students on Nominations of candidates for
the soil of the U.S. This single fac- the posts of president and vice-
tor alone, even apart from many president of the International;
others, is an indication of the Studezxt Association are being
enormous power and influence of accepted until May 29th at the
the United States," he said. International Center.

dirtiest most srniu mov e ever --"----_ _Z yi
It explained allowances have
uncovered" in this land. been made for Army volunteers
"It dwarfs the Teapot Dome and re-enlistments as well as the WASHINGTON-UP)--The United States gently but firmly applied
and Elk Hill attempt and there discharge of men who have com- the brake yesterday to Prime Minister Churchill's drive toward an
is nothing that could be referred pleted regular enlistments or two- early top level conference with Russia.
to even remotely as comparable." year draft terms. A statement issued by the State Department emphasized that
he said. Secretary of Defense Wilson had President Eisenhower is standing firm on his basic decision that
said he hoped to reduce draft calls Soviet good faith should be proved by actions preliminary to such
The bill establishes state rights to around 25,000 after July. He talks.
to coastal lands within historic explained that this would be pos- * * *
boundaries. These are generally sible because there is now a lowerE
recognized as extending three miles rate of turnover in military man- TlE STATEMENT said agreement on Korean truce and on an
out to sea in all instances except power and because "we are going Austrian treaty would demonstrate Soviet sincerity and "help to pave
along the Texas and Florida Gulf to try to use more people in the way toward a high level con-
Coasts. Army now farther up front in com- 4 or D! ference."
*nbatunits." fSentr rmBoard "In a major speech in Parlia-
SHORTLY before passing the * * ment Monday Churchill pro-
states' ownership measure, the HE SAID total strength would FisY - posed a meeting of Western and
House by a vote of 309 to 91 passed be reduced to 3,356,000 by June 30, I 1s Y al Russian leaders without any
a separate bill proclaiming fed- 1954, if the Korean War continues, great delay, to be held with
eral control over the lands on the An additional 56,000 will be drop- The combined 1953 nd 1954 maximum privacy and to be
continental shelf out beyond the! ped if hostilities cease, he reported. Senior Boaids last night unani- free of any detailed program.
states' seaward boundaries and Wilson has maintained that the Churchill's line was a sharp de-
authorizing the Secretary of the reduction in draft calls and an mously agreed to sanction the parture from that which has been,
Interior to develop the oil, gas and over-all trimming o military man-Block M' flashcard section only as developed by the Eisenhower ad-
other natural resources in the power strength will not reduce long as it does not interfere with ministration to deal with the sit-
area f b 11 tuation following the death of
area. either the number of men or the senior football seating. Joseph Stlin d the emergence
The second bill now goes to the number of units engaged in or or- As plans presently stand, the of a ew leadership in the Krem-
Seat-fracio.ganized for combat. section will occupy almost 1200 lin.

Nam Terms
Plan Totally
Reds Dismantle
Reception Area
By the Associated Press
The Communist truce delega-
tion yesterday flatly rejected the
new United Nations formula for
ending the Korean deadlock.
North Korean Gen. Nam I, head
of the Red truce delegation, in-
formed the Allies the - proposal
was "absolutely unacceptable."
NAM TOLD Lt. Gen. William K.
Harrison Jr., chief Allied nego-
tiator, that the Communist High
Command had made a "prelimi-
nary study" of the UN proposal
and found it "tends to overthrow
the basis of negotiations of both
"Your proposal is absolutely
unacceptable," he ' said. "We
resolutely reject it."
Outside the conference hut Com-
munist newsmen told Allied cor-
respondents they believed the
Communists had dismantled their
tent reception area for exchanged
war prisoners, used during the re-
cent repatriation of more than
6,000 Communist sick and wound-
ed for some 600 disabled Allies.
"That is an answer to your 20-
point counter proposal," the Red
newsmen said.
UNDER THE UN proposal all
anti-Communist North Korean
prisoners held by the Allies would
be turned loose in South Korea
on armistice day as free civilians.
All anti-Communist Chinese
prisoners would be freed after
two months if they still refused
to go home. Then they would be
permitted to go where they
Gen. Mark W. Clark, supreme
UN Far East commander, brought
the plan, a counter-proposal to the
eight-point Communist formula,
to Harrison in a dramatic flight
yesterday to the Allied base at
Seoul said about 200 U.S. fighter-
bombers rained fiery ruin on a big
Communist troop and supply cen-
ter under the nose of the Red air
force yesterday, and not a MIG
dared challenge them.
While the sprawling center
near Sinanju went up in smoke,
the MIGs stayed on their base
at Antung, a few minutes fly-
ing time to the northwest, lick-
ing wounds from a morning bat-
tle that cost them two planes.
Druids Strike
Deep in Night
DRUIDS, sons of magic
Foretellers of the future
Judges-very knowing, wise-
The fires in the stonehedge
Are set alight
With flames to heaven raised;
Look upon thy awends
Called from out thy mighty
The uninformed who would see
thy light
Hence to thy oakgrove-
There to test their worthiness
With eyes to heaven raised
Invoke a blessing from the

Perpetuate thy heroic deeds.
Keep ever bright thy burning
The glory and wisdom of knights
of old,
Stalwart DRUIDS, true and

Harvey, Hatcher Sender Garlin
Speak at Meeting 'o Address SPA.

SL Student Exchangye
Important as contact
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last in a series of articles on
the Free University of Berlin, which the Student Legislature has
voted to adopt and support.)
The confirmation of an exchange student program between the
University and the Free University of Berlin marks the largest single
step taken by the Student Legislature in the direction of a program
for long range assistance and cultural contact between the University,
the Free University of Berlin, and the Office of All-German Student
Word has been received by the Legislature that the Free Univer-
sity of Berlin is making definite plans to take one University student
next fall. Negotiations are also under way to sponsor a GermanI
student here, at the University for a year.
This plan is one aspect of the SL program to provide material
help for the students of the Berlin University. The whole program
includes: 1. The provision of two scholarships for East Zone
refugee students at the Free University. 2. Books for both the Free
University and the Office of All-German Student Affairs. These
would be selected from lists compiled in Berlin. 3. The collection
of food and clothing packages which would be sent to needy Berlin
students and their East Zone families. 4. The establishment of

Speaking on the subject of "Bio-
luminescence" at the 50th anni-

Sender Garlin, associate editor
of the "New World Review," will

versary meeting of Sigma Xi hon- address the Society for Peaceful
orary society last night, Dr. New- Alternatives at 7:30 p.m. today in!
ton E. Harvey, Professor of Physi- Rm. 3-D of the Union.
ology at Princeton University, ex- Garwin will speak on "Can the
plained and demonstrated the phe- United States and the U.S.S.R.
nomena of luminescence in living Live Together in Peace?"
President Harlan H. Hatcher, as STUDENT COND t
guest speaker of the evening, em-
phasized the necessity for contin- !
ued scientific advancement if the N ew Judict
United States is to maintain its
present role as world leader.
1 (F i fT~( R'SgI7 TETF'I This is the. ,

seats formerly reserved for seniors. The President has generally in-
The board also amended its con- sisted that while he was ready to
stitution to require a uniform +meet the Soviets at least half way
s on any honorable project promis-
standard of qualifications and ing progress for peace he looked
rules for elections of the indi- J to the Soviets for positive action
vidual college officers. showing peaceful intent.
Last night's meeting markedI
the conclusion of the 1953 Board's YESTERDAY'S statement was
hissued by State Department Press
term of office. Outgoing chairman!Officer Michael McDermott. It was
Jack E. Flynn, '53A, will be suc- understood to have been cleared
ceeded by John R. Black, '54Ed. with the White House.
ary Constitution In Sight

All interested male students
may obtain petitions for the
Men's Judiciary Council thru
Friday at the Student Legisla-
ture Bldg.
Four positions are available
on the Council which sends rep-
resentatives to the Joint Judi-
ciary Council.
Interviewing of the candi-
dates will begin Saturday.

ED31IO" i~ :irs isme
first in a series of articles on
campus judicial councils.)
Today may see final adoption
by the Committee on Student Con-
duct of a long-awaited new con-
stitution for the campus' central
judicial body, the Joint Judiciary
Most significant change in the
proposed constitution is in the
composition of the Interviewing
Board which selects Joint Judici-

which seldom meets, the Student
Conduct Committee consists of
four students and all deans and
directors of the University.
Last year the Student Affairs
Committee voted unanimously to
approve revising the composition
of the Interviewing Board. Un-
der the SAC-approved plan, four
members from SL's cabinet plus
the President and Interviewing
Committee Chairman of the
League would sit on the Board.
The past Judiciary president
would become non-voting chair-

chairman of Joint Judiciary,
claimed that if passed, the new
plan "would bring the constitu-
tion up-to-date with functions
of the judicial body." "Lines of
the Council's authority and areas
of its jurisdiction will be clear-
er," he said, and the council
will be selected by a uniform in-
terviewing body.
Dean of Men Walter B. Rea ex-
pressed hope that the Committee
on Student Conduct will officially

recognize the Council today by
granting it a new constitution. Political-r'ops

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