PAGE FOUR~ THE MICHIGAN D AILY WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1953 Bias Without A Clause THE ACTION OF Columbia University in setting a 1960 deadline for fraternities to get rid of their "bias clauses" has turned up an interesting sidelight on the fraternity discrimination situation. It has been revealed that a fraternity can have a bias clause without having a bias clause. The Columbia resolution was aimed at any fraternity or other social organization "compelled by its constitution, rituals or government to deny membership to any per- son because of his race, color or religion." The resolution's reference to discrimin- atory fraternity rituals reveals a problem that apparently has not been considered here. Especially striking is the fact that two of the Columbia fraternities reported by the New Fork Times as "reluctantly enforcing discriminatory provisions of their national organizations" were not known as bias clause houses here. Presidents of the local chapters of the two fraternities say there are no bias clauses in their national constitutions or govern- Inent. Yet the New York Times reports na- tional restrictions violating the provision against discrimination in constitution, rit- uals or government. Assuming the fraternity presidents are correct, the conclusion is in- escapable. Either the New York Times is in eror, or these fraternities have discriminatory requirements in their rituals. And if the statement of one of the local fraternity president's that all fraternities have some membership requirements in their rituals is accepted, it would seem that a figure of 13, or even 15 fraternities on campus with bias clauses is an opti- mistically small one. Just how many fraternities may have such "bias clauses without bias clauses" is impossible to ascertain, because the ritual of each fraternity, althoug written, is se- cret. But in future discussions of the bias clause removal problem, it is important to keep in mind that elimination of constitu- tional bias clauses will not mean elimination of all written, nationally enforced discrim- inatory provisions. --Jon Sobeloff Research & Industry PUSHING THE Michigan Memorial-Phoe- nix project $800,000 over its campaign goal with a grant of one million dollars last week, the Ford Motor Company Fund made its first substantial contribution to atomic research. Earmarked for construction of a nu- clear research reactor, a type of radio- active "power package," the grant will make the University the nation's leader in the field of atomic energy research. Combined with the existing cyclotron, synchrotron and 10 kilocurie source of_ cobalt 60 (the most powerful in any pri- vate installation) the University will have unsurpassed facilities for this type of re- search. Much broader in scope than research de- signed to produce atomic weapons, the work going on in the laboratories of the Phoenix Project is a program of investigation, dis- covery, education, and service in the con- structive peacetime use of atomic energy. The new reactor will become an integral part of that program providing radiation sources of all types to aid in the study of diseases in plants and animals as well as for more basic theoretical research. It is highly encouraging that big indusi try should give aid to research of this type. Too often it has been thought that the federal government is the logical source of funds not only for atomic energy development but for all other types of re- search as well. A survey in the New York Times late last year reported that nearly seven million of the $9,466,322 research total for the Univer- sity came from the federal government, a figure slightly less than the national aver- age for universities and colleges. Most of this sum went to military studies at Willow Run and did not include the $6,500,000 Phoe- nix Project fund which has yet not been spent to any large extent. A 2,300 page, 11 volume survey by the Commission on Financing Higher Educa- tion last year also urged stronger education- al support from business and industry to re- duce the necessity for the $500,000,000 aid the national government yearly provides f r higher education. Following a policy designed to bring about a needed reversal on the trend to- ward federal aid scored in the survey, both the atomic research project at the University and the recently set-up Devel- opment Council channel their fund solici- tations toward business, industry and foundations. Big business demonstrates by such con- tributions to the centers of science in the universities that it realizes responsibility for futue devAlonment in methnd and teh- National Security Training Pro... WITH THE constant threat of Russian aggression there is the paramount need for a strong defense force in this country. Time and force are the necessary elements of a policy which will eventually meet the challenge which the powerful Russian army presents to this country and the free world. Before Congress now is a bill for the enforcement of the National Security Training program. It would seem that this program would insure the defensible position of this country and at the same time alleviate the burden of the draft on the individual. The National Security Training program requires that all males of 18 undertake six months of training, and correlated with this, a period in the reserves entailing an evening of drill once every two weeks and two weeks of summer maneuvers. The initial intensive training period is intended to teach the fundamentals of op- erating as members of a military team on land, sea or air. This knowledge would then be effective for service in the reserve corps. The core of the National Security Training program is this constantly revitalized civil- ian reserve. At the 18-year age level the minimum disruption will be taking place in the youths' lives. Pigh schooling has been completed and work has yet to begin. Absence from the farm, from college, from business, from the factory or from the store for six months would be less of an upheaval than a draft would be. In addition there would be thIe added advantage that a more mature group would eventually be entering these fields. Another great advantage of N.S.T. is that, if the present war situation sub- sides, the draft could eventually be elimi- nated, as this reserve corps together with volunteers would be sufficient. Because the training periods could make use of remnants of World War II goods and outmoded products of the Korean conflict in practice manuevers, as well as being a testing ground for newer products, the pro- gram would prove to be less costly than a draft. The transforming of the reserve corps in- to mobile units would also be less consuming in both time and money. And a reserve corps would put all males on an equal basis while the draft sometimes calls a veteran to service again. The National Security Training program, formerly called UMT, was passed by Con- gress two years ago but never enforced. Ap- parently some Congressmen are still not convinced that the basic concepts of a uni- versal military training period are necessary and desirable. They fail to see that the 18 year old is no longer a baby and that if war should come, he would be better pre- pared and -his life span would be lengthened. By havipg this reserve corps, the United States would have an adequate civil defense, and in case of war, a defense force which could be easily mobilized. -Harry Strauss Con . . . NINE SENATORS have introduced a bill in the present Congress to give the go 'ahead signal for the National Security Training program which was overwhelm- ingly okayed by Congress two years ago but has not yet been put into operation. National Security Training, just a soft- ened name for Universal Military Train- ing, would require all youths of eighteen to undergo six months of training intend- ed to teach them how to operate as mem- bers of a military team. The training is extended by two weeks of summer maneu- ers and an evening of drill every two weeks enabling each young man to perfect his training, fit smoothly into his unit and acquire the expertness he would need un- der combat conditions. The purpose of NST, according to mem- bers of the NST Commission, is to eventually eliminate the present draft program which costs billions of dollars each year and dis- rupts the community life of millions of men for two year periods. Given today's international situation, however, ;it would be impossible to suddenly stop the present draft program and substi- tute a short six month period of training. Our defense would be dangerously insecure because of inadequate forces overseas. The minimum upset of the normal pro- cesses of education, industry, agriculture and comunity life that NST offers, would be counteracted, unfortunately, by an eight year reserve hanging over the heads of po- tential civilians. Under the present draft system the two years are served, and when concluded all ties with army life are severed. Advocates of NST have consistently overlooked some of the immediate and long term implications and impracticali- ties of such a system. First, six months is too short for worth- while training. It takes men in any field more than one half year to master the oper- ation of weapons, in fact there are many weapons and military operations that take six, eight or even ten years to master. Second, the ROTC programs apparently attract enough college men to build up an adequate reserve of officers and allow men to continue their education at the same time. But the basic reason for questioning the NST program is its dangerous implications, during peace or war time. The constant hold of the military on the lives of younx men and the continuous process of learning wartime techniques may have unfortunate results and will certainly tend to create a Spartan type atmosphere. Compulsory mili- tary training, the united youth in uniform, both are reminiscent of the German youth army of 1945. The present draft seems to be adequately recruiting men to defend our country both in active duty and on reserve. The initia- tion of a National Security Training pro- gram will indeed be a costly project that is both unnecessary and unprecedented in Am- erican history. --Pat Roelofs "You Won't Feel A Thing" A - a a DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from page 2)- ArtsrChorale and Women's Glee Club - ______________________________________________~final rehearsal for the concert will take 7611 Haven Hall at 9:30 a.m. Chairman, fplace at 8:15 p.m. in Auditorium A, An- M. L. Hutt gell Hall, contrary to previous an- nouncement. Please be prompt. Doctoral Examination for William Gilbert and Sullivan. Recording to- Goodrich Simeral, Physics; thesis: "The n ± a7:15 in Hill Auditri.i Mav +x+90 -Wig * pos. _.. ettePr' TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. Note fro G r. ( 'many . *least. Because this group felt sympathetic with us, as evinced To The Editor: by an earlier letter to the editor, it does not logically and neces- AS THIS school year is drawing sarily follow that such group in- . to a close many of you stu- spired us to action. Briefly, rea- dents are making final arrange- soning in that manner is highly ments for European tours this illogical and pernicious.I summer. Most of the student trav- With respect to our grievences+ elers include France, EnglandEbein "without an real founda- Switzerland and Italy on their bing"Ithout ayralfuna- d F erencer tion" I say Mr. Baum is unrealis- agenda. From my experience, tic. To say that eighty and eighty- find very few students travelingti.Tsathtegyanegt- to Germany and Austria. five cents an hour is an adequate and just rate of pay for our type I have been stationed in Ger- of work in this day and age is many for several months now and sheer folly. To prove the reason- have seen quite a bit of this coun- ableness of the present rate of try and highly recommend that pay Mr. Baum cites the prevalent you European travelers include situation that "West Quad man- Germany and Austria on your agers have been able to get help schedule. at the wages it is willing to pay." Germany has recovered very The quad managers, in order to well from the war and the ac- induce people to work in the din- commodations are very good. During August the world famous Bayreuth music festival featuring the wprks of Wagner is held here, and at the same time in Austria you have the Salzburg music fes- tival. The larger cities of Frank- futt and Munich offer excellent points of interest. The Bavarian ing rooms, have offered high school girls not only eighty cents an hour but a free dinner,; which ordinarily would approximate one dollar and twenty cents in cost. If the quad managers could get the girls at the present rate of pay, there would be little need to offer them the meal inducement. Infrared Absorption Spectra of Dia- mond, Silicon, and Germanium," Thurs., May 14, 2036 Radall, Labora- tory, at 1 p.n. Chairmtn, G.B.B.M. Sutherland. Doctoral Examination for Gordon Wieland Ballmer, Zoology; thesis: "The Microdistribution of Some Proteolytic Enzymes in the Gastric Mucosa of Sev- eral American Turtles," Thurs., May 14, 2089 Natural Science Building, at 1:30 p.m. Chairman, A. E. Woodward. Doctoral Examination for Makid Murayama, Bacteriology; thesis: "A Study of the Aenosinetriphosphatase Activity of Leucocyte Nuclei Free Hom- ogenates of the Guinea Pig and the Rat," Thurs., May 14, 1564 East Medi- cal Building, at 2 p.m. Chairman, W. J. Nungester.- Doctoral Examination for Keith Lawr- ence Maxwell, Speech; thesis: "A Com- parison of Certain Motor Performances of Normal and Speech Defective Chil- dren, Ages Seven, Eight, and Nine Years," Thurs., May 14, Room 301, 1007 East Huron, at 2 p.m. Chairman H. H. Bloomer. Doctoral Examination for Alexander Ross, Chemistry; thesis: "The Relative Stabilities of cis-trans Isomers of Fused Ring Systems Containing Angular Me- thyl Groups," Thurs., May 14, 3003 Chemistry Building, at 2:30 p.m. Chair- man, P. A. S. Smith. Doctoral Examination for Albert Harry Cohen, Business Administration; thesis: "Long-Term Net Leasing Prac- tice-Problems of Taxation, Finance, and Accounting," Thurs., May 14, 816 Business Administration Building, at 4:30 p.m. Chairman, W. A. Paton. Doctoral Examination for Rober Gor- don Shedd. English Language and Literature; thesis: "The Measure For Measure of Shapespeare's 1604 Audi- ence," Thurs., May 14, West Council Room, Rackham Building, at 7:15 p.m. Chairman, G. B. .Harrison. Sociology Colloquium. Kenneth E. Boulding of the Economics Department will speak on "The Contributions of Economics to Other Sciences" on Wed., May 13, 4:10 p.m., in the West Lecture RoomMezzaine Floor, Rackham Build- ing. Everyone welcome. Engineering Mechanics Seminar. Pro- fessor W. W. Hagerty will speak "On the Decay of Secondary Motion in a Round Pipe," ,t3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 13, in 101 West Engineering Building. Course 402, the Interdisciplinary Sem- inar in the Applications of Mathematics to the Social Sciences, will meet on Thurs., May 14 at 4 in 407 Mason Hall. Dr. Robert Bush, of the Laboratory of Social Relations, Harvard University, will speak on "Some Further Develop- ments of t Mathematics Model for Learning." Seminar In Applied Mathematics will meet Thurs., May 14, at 4 in 247 West Engineering. Speaker: Professor C. L. SDoph. Topic: On the complex egen- value problem on second order differen- tial equations. Outdoor BanCcertCancelled. The concert by the Wolverine Band, George Cavender, conductor, previously an- nounced for 7:15 this evening on the Rackhamsteps, has been cancelled. The group wljoin with the regular Sym- phony Band for the concert on May 26. Carillon Recital, 7:15 Thursday eve- ning, May 14, by Professor Percival Price, University Carillonneur: Preludio Cou Cou by van den Gheyn, four pieces from piano repertory by Schumann, Scriabin, Satie, and Cassel ;Professor Price's d Variations for Carillon on an Air for Bells by Sibelius, three ballads, and selections from operas Orpheus, Der Freischutz, Damnation of Faust, and Boris Godunov. - Arts Chorale, University Women's Glee Club and Choir, and Bach Choir, con- ducted by Maynard Klein, will present a spring concert at 8:30 Thursday eve- ning, May 14, in Hill Auditorium, with Dolores Lowry, soprano, and baritones Robert Kerns and Robert Moore, as soloists. Marilyn Mason Brown, organ- ist, and Margaret Milks, harpist, will assist, with Gwendolyn Williamson, Lorraine Semnoski, and Justine Votyp- ka, accompanists. The prgram will in- clude works by. Mozart, Lotti, Gaul, Faure, and Brahms, and will be open to the general public without charge. The Boston Symphony Orchestra, Pi- erre Monteux conducting, will give the 10th concert in the Choral Union Se- ries, Tues., May 19, at 8:30 o'clock, in Hill Auditorium. Mr. Monteux will lead the orchestra in the following pro- gram: Beethoven Symphony No. 2 in D major; Creston Symphony No. 2; Stra- vinsky's Suite from the Ballet, "L'Oi- seau de Feu"; and Strauss' Suite from "Der Rosenkavalier." A very limited number of tickets at $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 or $3.00 are still avail- able at the offices of the University Musical Society, in Burton Memorial Tower. Events Today Senior Board meeting for the Class of '53 and '54 will be at 7:15 p.m., League. This will be the last meeting for the Senior Board of '53. Please be there, is designed to prevent cramming Admittedly a good general review over a period of a week or so is a better method, but there are very few of us who do not have term papers due in these closing weeks of the semester. Now we won't even have time to cram! I will not find it very surprising if a good number of students suf- fer a drop in their point aver- age this semester. For some stu- dents this might not be too seri- ous a matter, but stop and think have to use the back entrance, Literary College Conference. Steering Committee meeting, 3 p.m., 1010 An- gell Hall. Sigma Xi Fiftieth Anniversary Meet- ing. Dinner meeting open to mem- bers and their guests. Address by President Harlan Hatcher; "Biolumi- nescence," Dr. E. Newton Harvey, Hen- ry Fairfield Osborn Professor of Physiology, Princeton University, 6.30 p.m., Michigan Union Ballroom. Delta sigma Pi, professional Busi- ness Administration fraternity, is spon- soring a lecture by Sheldon F. Hall, Vice President and Secretary of the Burroughs Adding Machine Company, on "Sales Forecasts," 131 Business Ad- ministration Building. Refreshments in the student loungeafter the talk. Russlky Chorus. There will be a meet- ing of the Russky Chorus today, ninth floor of the Bell Tower, at 7:30. Plans for the International Ball will be made. All members please attend. Wesley Foundation. Morning Matin Wed., May 13, 7:30-7:50. Refresher tea from 4 to 4:30 p.m. Congregational Disciples Guild. Dis- cussion on "Christianity and the Major Academic Disciplines," 6:45 to 8 p.m. Pershing Rifles. Mandatory meeting for all actives and pledges at 1925 hrs. in the Rifle Ranige. Do not bring gym shoes unless the weather is bad. Coming Events American Society for Public Admin- istration Social Seminar. Mr. Fritz Mor- stein Marx, Bureau of the Budget, will speak on "Legislative-Executive Rela- tionships in Budgeting," Thurs., May 14, 7:30 p.m., West Conference Room, Rackham Building. The seminar will be followed by an informal coffee hour. Menbers and all interested persons are cordially(invited, Kappa Phi. Picnic at 2011, Washtenaw Thursday at 5:15. You may meet at the Methodist Church at that time if you need transportation. American Chemical Society Lecture. Thurs., May 14, 8 p.m., 1300 Chemistry Building, Dr. J. P. Greenstein, National Cancer Institute, will speak on "Some Problems in the Chemistry of Cancer." U. of M. Chapter of the Atlantic Union Committee. The "Bricker Amend- ment" to the U.S. Constitution will be discussed by Professors W. W. Bishop, Jr., Lawrence Preuss, and Preston, Slos- son in Angell Hall Auditorium C at 4 p.m., Thurs., May 14. Christian Science Organization. Tes- timonial meeting at 7:30, Thurs., May 14, Fireside Room, Lane Hall. The I Hop Committee will meet on Thursday at the League at 3:30 p.m. International Center Weekly Tea for foreign students 'an American friends from 4:30 to 6 p.m., Thurs., May 14. La Petite Causette will meet tomorrow from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in the North Caf- eteria , Union. All interested students invited. Industrial Relations Club will pre- sent Mr. John C. McCurry, Secretary and General Manager of the Michigan Man- ufacturer's Association, who will speak on "American Management Looks at Labor," Thurs., May 14, 8 p.m., 164 Busi- ness Administration Building. Business meeting of the Club at 7:30 p.m. in the same room; officers for next fall will be elected. All Club members as well as other interested students and faculty members are cordially invited. International Committee of the Stu- dent Legislature will meet Thurs., May 14, 3:10 p.m., Conference Room, Wom- en's League. All those interested are invited to attend. Society for Peaceful Alternatives. Meeting May 14, 7:30 p.m., Michigan Union. Sender Garin, Associate Edi- tor, New World Review, will speak on "Can the United States and the U.S.S.R. Live Together in Peace?" Ev- eryone is invited. c 9 4 '4 ON THE Washington Merry-Go-Round Alps, Garmish and Beuchesgarten I might add in closing, Mr. are as scenic a place as you will Baum, that the strikers of the find in Europe. I West .Quadrangle are just as red- The Rhine River area, around blooded and true Americans as Wiesbaden, where I am presently anyone else. The student em- stationed, is another beautiful ployees partaking in the walkout spot. Travel throughout the West- did so with forseeable hopes of ern Zone is excellent and within i success. We entered with our a few hours you can, by train, hearts, the most, the all that cover the zone from one end to could have been given. another. i --Richard Schmude '53 LSA Prices are very low here and German cameras and watches sell Bronze '1' WASHINGTON-While most of the na. tion has been worried about Indochina, Korea and Europe, the State Department has been exchanging frantic cables with the British Foreign Office over the surge of Communism in the Caribbean-just across from the Panama Canal. Both American and British authorities were stunned by the Communist sweep in British Guiana's recent elections. The Reds, parading under the banner of the Peoples' Progressive Party, won 18 out of 24 seats in the House of Assembly. This means the Communists are in com- plete control of the Legislature and will have a major voice in running this British crown colony. The only way to prevent Communist control would be to take away the peo- ples' new political independence and re- store the full authoritarian power of the British governor. However, the British fear this would boomerang and drive even more natives into Communist arms. What worries officials even more, how- ever, is that Communism may be spreading throughout the British West Indies, threat- ening the vital American life line through the Panama Canal. The United States is now maintaining an air base in British Gui- ana itself, though the base has been re- duced to' housekeeping status. DANGEROUS DEFENSE CUTS YOU CAN write it down as certain that the Democrats will split seriously with Eisenhower for the first time over his dras- tically reduced defense budget. The issue will be drawn on the argument that Ike is endangering national safety. Here are some of the facts which are sure to come up during public debate and backstage huddles over defense re- duction: 1. The Soviet, despite talk about peace, hasn't reduced its defense budget by one plugged ruble. 2. A little over a year ago, Eisenhower him- self, then NATO Commander, was calling for 120 European divisions. Now we're set- sorbing all of the budget cut, namely $5.1 billions. Yet air power is absolutely essen- tial to push-button war. SOVIET STRENGTH CONTINUES ANOTHER FACT difficult to overlook is that just three months ago, John Fos- ter Dulles was in Europe rapping European nations over the knuckles for failure to raise 75 land army divisions this year. At the time Dulles was scolding European foreign min- isters the United States had exactly the same atomic weapons that it has today. Furthermore when General Eisenhower was demanding that Europe raise 120 divisions one year ago, the United States also had about the same atomic weapons it has today. Yet in the short period that has elapsed, and with no important change in our ato- mic strength, we are suddenly relying on push-button war - though simultaneously decreasing the air arm which wages push- button war. Simultaneously, Russia has 175 army di- visions, the satellites have 75 additional di- visions, and the Soviet is employing one million men in atomic, guided missile and other weapon eperiments. In comparison the West has a little over 50 divisions in Europe. In brief, the Eisenhower administration appears to be relying not on a genuine plan for push-button war, but on a poli- tical promise to reduce the. budget and taxes. Another disturbing change of defense strategy is Charles E. Wilson's switch of defense orders from a wide variety of fac- tories to big U.S. factories. Secretary of Defense*Wilson proposes that defense orders now be concentrated in a few big factories on the ground that their production will be more efficient and less expensive. However, the basic defense plan of Ex- Secretary of Defense Lovett was to scatter defense orders among many factories for the purpose of getting them tooled up ant) ready to produce munitions in a hurry-if and when war hrnke For in wartime. a na- for at least one half American prices. The people, the arts, and the scenery all add up to make, Germany an excellent tourist place both from an educational and recreational point of view. PFC Harvey Gordon, '52BAd. ,, * * Lxtortioni *. * To the Editor: WOULD LIKE to take this op- portunity to register a protest against the extortion being prac- ticed by the Butterfield Theaters Corporation. Within the last week three well advertised sup- posedly good pictures have come to Ann Arbor. The admission prices for "Salome," "Limelight," and "Moulin Rouge" were increas- ed by $.30 per ticket. This seems to me to be grossly unfair to the student body and to the public in general. As long as the run of the mill picture is play- ing, regular prices are charged. But let- anything that promises to be good come along and up go the prices. Of course, once in a while a good movie manages to slip by, but that is the exception rather than the rule.I I realize fully that this protest will be futile and in vain, but nev- ertheless, I feel that this last out- rage warrants some attention. -Norman C. Thomas *' * * No Foreign Plot . . To The Editor: AFTER READING the impudent letter to the editor of May 7 entitled "Biting the Hand," Mr. ,;arl Baum, in my opinion, pre- sented an unrealistic, distorted picture with regards to the student employee controversy in the din- ing rooms of the residence halls. To say that the West Quad stu- dent employee controversy was To the Editor: THE NEW bronze 'M' on the Di- ag is a most impressive sight but couldn't the Class of '53 have invested our money in some more useful and constructive direction? I will agree that it is a satisfying experience for an alumnus to come back to his Alma Mater in ten years and be able to say, "This is what my class gave!" but I think that it might be much more sat- isfying to have one's class remem- bered by something other than a stone and bronze memorial on which "Freshmen fear to tread." A new tennis court, a set of books for the library or a scholarship fund would certainly be a more worthwhile investment, and would mean much more to those remain- ing at the University. The campus has enough stone benches, rocks and other memor- ials to the alumni. Isn't it about time that senior classes become . a little more practical in their choice? -Eva S. Vichules * * * Exam Schedule . To the Editor: SEVERAL DAYS ago a letter by Betty. Prescott appeared in The Daily protesting the new "progressive" exam schedule, de- signed to make graduation more significant to the seniors. Per- haps this change in schedule was a wise move from the administra- tion's point of view, but I don't believe it made a single member of the student body, including the seniors, the least bit happier. Instead it created real hardship for a great number of students. I have talked to a number of class- mates who have expressed strong dissatisfaction over the proposed schedule. They all seem to have 4 1, L Sixty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Crawford Young.......Managing Editor Barnes Conna ble........City Editor Cal Samra. ........Editorial Director Zander Hollander.....Feature Editor . Sid Klaus........Associate City Editor V Harland Britz.......Associate Editor Donna Hendleman.. Associate Editor Ed Whipple......... Sports Editor John Jenke..... Associate Sports Editor Dick Sewell......Associate Sports Editor Lorraine Butler ....Women's Editor t Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor Don Campbell. Chief Photographer Business Sta Al Green...........Business Manager Milt Goetz ........ Advertising Manager Diane Johnston....Assoc. Business Mgr. Judy Loehnberg.......Finance Manager k Harlean Hankin...Circulation Manager -&t