THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1953 ~THE 'MICHIG(TANfDAIL.Y ttA.S.S a , a As. a 475..aLtAasa.'..r 4 - a - -- -f ESEARCH IN A NUT GROVE: Unique Hobby Provides Fun, Money y DIANE DECKER :oney may not grow on trees, fun and food will, according iut grower Michael Lee. i addition to his duties with} .University chemical storage artment, Lee raises evergreens profit and nuts for a hobby. iough it is generally believed s can not survive Michigan ters, Lee maintains the proper3 ins can-and has samples to Ve it. - pONG the varieties which can aised in the North are Chinese stnuts, black walnuts, English nuts, filberts and pecans. Sev- N 1 of these are being grown com- cially in State orchards.. Most people, however, are in- rested in growing nut trees for t ade and ornament. Lee recom- ends the pecan or English wal- it for these uses. .n The English walnut is not com- non to Michigan,, but the Crath Carpathian strain is well suited to northern climates. Imported from the Carpathian Mountains by a Canadian missionary, the straina was able to survive even the 40 be- low zero Polish winters. Three types of pecan can be grown in Michigan: Green River, Busseron and Bixby strains. DESPITE prevailing opinion that it takes one hundred years to raise a tree, Lee said nuts can be grown from grafts in three or four years and from seedlings in six to eight years. The English Walnut is a particularly fast- growing tree. Those interested in nut culture can get started by purchasing seedlings or grafts. Grafted trees cost from two to five dollars each, while seedlings run from 50 cents to $2.50. Pamphlets on raising trees can be received from the Horticulture Bldg.,at Michigan State College or from the Superintendent of Doc-s uments in Washington, D.C. Fur- ther information may be obtained from Lee by callirg 3-1511, Ext. 2410. Fraser To Speak Ian Forbes Fraser, Director of the American Library in Paris will speak on "France Today," at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in Rackham Amphitheatre. -Daily-Don Campbell THE HANDS OF EXPERIENCE . . . it's the nuts THE THIRD PARTY: Unusual Requests Confuse Quad Telephone Operators By JOEL BERGER Men's quad telephone operators are very unusual people. At least, this seems to be the public opinion, if the requests callers make of them are any in- dication. * * * ACCORDING to stories which come from behind the boards, call- ers seem to think that operators are omniscient and omnipotent, Expect Small Primary ,-Vote Turnout for next Monday's pri- mary election will probably not top 2,500, City Clerk Fred J. Look- er said yesterday. The small number is estimated as primary contests are scheduled in only three of the city's seven wards. All three contests are Re- publican battles for ward nomina- tion as members of the City Coun- cil. The election, however, will be city-wide, as two annexation pro- posals will appear oi the ballot: So far no opposition to the pro- posals has appeared. Council posts to be decided are in the Second, Third and Fifth Wards. being able to connect them with anybody they want either by nick- names or nebulous descriptions. Phil Madison, one of the op- erators, was recently asked to connect a caller with "Bud." "Since I knew at least five "Buds" in the quad, it was ra- ther hard to complete the call," he said. But a request for the "bald one" led one fellow to his desired party. First he asked for Chuck Weber, but there were two Webers with that name in the quad. The des- 'cription was a big help, Madison said. Through much experience with calls like these, the operators even- tually are able to identify most of the residents by the nicknames and rooms. They also claim the ability to distinguish voices of most of the men in the quad. * * * TRUSTING uninformed callers aren't the only ones who liven up the days at the switchboards. Long distance calls, too, are often a source of amusement. The usual querry from the quad man to the long distance operator is, "Are you paid?" in order to make certain 'the call is not a collect one. Chances are a distant operator will answer, "Why certainly I'm paid! Sixty dollars a week!' One of the biggest problems of the operator is the 'disconnection.' Usually, these occur by accident, and with local calls it is not too hard to re-establish contacts. But sometimes they happen on the long distance line. One of these long-range cut-offs occurred when a quad resident and his father who was in Asia were disconnected, switching off the re- lays on the call all over the world. The connection had to be pains- takingly rebult through all sta- tions from here to Asia. Fortunately, both the United States and Asia survived this ca- lamity without international re- percussions. Book Marks' Yale News' 75thYear, An unusual anniversary book, recently published, celebrates the+ 75 years that the country's oldest college newspaper, the Yale Daily+ News, has been in circulation. Published by combined effort of] faculty, alumni and student edi- tors, the book contains articles1 which discuss, advise and praise young men of today on their prob- lems and the uneasy world they live in. * * * ON THE LIST of 66 contribu- tors are such names as dramatist, Thornton Wilder; Averell Harri- man; Sen. Robert Taft; Robert Lovett, retiring Secretary of De- fense; author, John Hersey; poet, Archibald MacLeish and Robert Moses, New York Park Commis- $ioner. Noted writers Hersey and MacLeish sound a pessimistic note of advice to young writers. Hersey, who served as the pa- per's news editor while at Yale, writes that "Ours is becoming a culture of slogans, headlines, di- gests; the classics are done o.ver as comic books ... news comes not to us as a stately procession of facis but as a dance of epi- thets, a shower of unworthy ker- nels." MacLeish argues that literature has not kept up with scientific progress. In his article, Sen. Taft attrib- utes the country's progress in the past 165 years to liberty and says that our liberty is threatened by bigger government which is spend- ing more and increasing its pow- er. Moses puts in a call to college trained men to take government positions while Lovett on the same subject writes that college men are a necessity in getting the best form of government. Yale's paper ranks as the oldest college daily, although The Mich- igan Daily is the oldest college newspaper from the point of con- tinuous publication. Radio Guild To Audition Next Week Auditions will be held next week for membership in the Radio Guild, a workshop for those inter- ested in radio dramatics and tech- niques. The Guild, meets once a week, and provides instruction for mem- bers in broadcasting and acting. Laboratory productions are given over the air on occasion. Any academically eligible stu- dent, including freshmen, may sign up this week in the WUOM lobby, fifth floor Administra- tion Bldg., for the auditions which will be held from 10 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m. on Mon- day, Tuesday and Wednesday. No previous training is required, as the Guild offers an introductory as well as an advanced section. However prospects must have eith- er Monday or Friday afternoons free for meetings. All materials will be furnished by the Guild. Old members wishing to con- tinue this semester are asked to reaudition. The Guild is also looking for script writers and sound effects people. By MARY KANE - If any student with a few over- due library books is feeling sorry for himself, he should save some of this sympathy for the librarian, the fellow with the really sad problem. That dime which would have brought the coke and candy bar at lunch is just so much trobule to the man behind the big desk. He would prefer merely to charge the book back in on time, rather than charge the student a fine, accord- ing to Fred M. Dimock, chief cir- culation librarian. * * * THESE FINES, which amount to only five cents a day on two week books, and the same amount per hour on overnight books aft- er the first hour, cause no end of trouble for the library staff. Because of these small assess- Finney Music To Be Played ments, the library has to keep a complicated set of records, make its cash books balance, and hire an auditor to examine them. After all this, the library does not keep the money but turns it over to the general fund of the University. "We need the books back on time, because there is usually someone else who wants them right away. We would prefer not to have to use the fines system, but find that it acts as a memory jog- ger for the person who might oth- erwise keep the book overdue." However, there seems to be some indication that the fines are not sufficient reminders for all students. Last year, almost 130,000 books were charged from the main desk of the General Library, in addition to those from the various smaller libraries and study halls on cam- pus..Overdue fines on these books amounted to $4,203.90. J-HOP PICTURES ON DISPLAY IN THE ADMINISTRATION BLDG. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY from 10-12; 1-4:30 Saturday Morning 9-12 NICKELS NO FUN: Fining System Brings Headaches to Libraries Adlai's In Adlai Stevenson accepted the presidency yesterday. But it was all a hoax. Pranksters who had talked} their way into the printing 'plant of the Swarthmore Col- lege newspaper, the Phoenix, put out a faked edition which proclaimed that the former Il- linois governor had taken the presidency of the school, ac- cording to the Associated Press. Swarthmore President John W. Nason, who has recently resigned the position said that the story was "a complete hoax." Prof. Ross Lee' Finney of the School of Music will have his "String Quartet No. 6" performed by the Stanley Quartet tomorrow in the Library of Congress, Wash- ington, D. C. Prof. Finney's composition will be played as part of a chamber music series. Members of the Quartet include Prof. Gilbert Ross and Prof. Emil Raab, violinists, Robert Courte, violinist and Prof. Oliver Edel, cel- list, all of the music school. The Quartet's performance is under the auspices of the Eliza- beth Sprague Coolidge Founda- tion which was established to make possible the spread and develop- ment of chamber music. Learn Typewriting Special classes in typewriting, for personal or office use. Hours arranged at your convenience. Day and Evening Classes. Phone 7831 or call at our office far details. No obligation. HAMILTON Business College William at State Ph. 7831 ISTUDENT SoUlPPLIES TYPEWRITERS REPAIRED .RENTED SOLD BOUGHT. Fountain Pens repaired by a factory trained man. Webster-Chicago Tape and Wire Recorders Stat PhRI L'S 314 S. State t Ph. 7177 There Will Be a Member Of The Ensian Knocking at Every Dormitory G&S Society Calls Tryouts Tryouts for two Gilbert and Sul- livan operas, "Trial by Jury," and "HMS Pinafore" scheduled for pro- duction this semester willbe held from 7 to 11 p.m. tomorrow in the Union, 1 to 5 p.m. Saturday in the League and 7 to 11 p.m. Sunday in the League. All persons who can sing or are interested in the production end of light opera are particularly needed, spokesmen for the Gilbert and Sullivan Society said. I Door This Thursday Evening Fe.12 He will give you an op- portunity to sign up for the Michiganensian while the price is still $5. Re- member, on the 28th of February, the price be- comes $6. Daily Classifieds Get Quick Results j' I I, o BARGAINS in NEW and USED SECOND SEMESTER TEXTBOOK L for all courses S 4 - FOLLETY'S Michigan Bookstore ALL THIS AND CREDIT TOO! Combine Vacation with Summer School at the 0 UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII or vacation with play at Waikiki Beach. College Men's Tour Offered Also For information .phone MRS. MARIE NETTING 2-2443 MRS. MAE UFER 3-1813 rice field!. ,,., 322 South State Street Bob Graham, Mgr. L J -- ---I r-M M 1 p Have You Heard? Good news for those of you who have been searching for a good position. We know that these are the qualities for which you are looking in a position: ... featuring Chevrolet's new "Blue-Flame" high-compression engine! The '53 Chevrolet offers you the most powerful performance of any low-priced car-together with extraordinary new economy-with an entirely new 115-h.p. "Blue-Flame" Valve-in-Head engine, coupled with a new Powerglide automatic transmission.* It's the most powerful engine in its field-with an extra-high compression ratio of 7.5 to 1! Come in . . . see and drive this dynamic new pacemaker of low-priced cars with all its $nany wonderful advancements. Good Wages Secure Future Secretarial and Pleasant Surroundings Onnotim tforAdance 6 i f / 4ro #6Wn /afgu76t SII }I I I I