BIAS WITHlOUT A CLAUSE r See Page 4 one= IpVF it igau Latest Deadline in the Slate a1 , ~ <~-~ 'i; <---: U I 4 1 CLOUDY AND COLDER VOL. LXIII, No. 154 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1953 SIX PAGES 'Strutting Their Stuff' Ike ChangesI - Top Militaryles Present Prisoner Command New -Daily-Don Campbell ON PARADE-The Air Force ROTC military band performs in front of the Elks Home as part of the series of events celebrating Armed Forces Week. Today Naval ROTC units will hold an open house from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at North Hall as part of the week's program. Festivities will end Sat- L urday afternoon with a 3,000 man Armed Forces Day parade. LOCAL STATION DEBUT: WPAG-TV Hits Coaxial Cables With No Hitches ,State Tax Bill Stopped, By Senators Radford Named Joint Chairman By the Associated Press President Eisenhower yesterday nominated Adm. Arthur Radford, longtime battler for naval air pow- er, as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in' a sweeping shakeup of the entire military high command. Radfordawill take over the chair- man's post from Gen. Omar N. Bradley. He will be the first Navy man to head the Staff. .. Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway will turn his European defense com- mand over to Lt. Gen Alfred M. Gruenther and return here to be Army chief of staff, succeeding Gen. J. Lawton Collins. Adm. Robert B. Carney will suc- ceed Adm. William B. Flechteler as chief of naval operations. A shift in the top Air Force post previously had been announced. Last week, the President nomi- nated Gen. Nathan Twining to suc- ceed Adm. William B. Fechteler Air Force chief of staff. * * * THE SHAKE-UP fulfilled a de- mand of Republican leader Taft of Ohio, for a clean sweep of the Truman-appointed military hier- archy. It came as a bitter jolt how- ever to the Air Force. Behind the scenes, the Air Force has been fighting tooth and nail against selection of Radford to the na- tion's No. 1 uniformed post be- cause of his past opposition to large-scale construction of the giant B36 intercontinental bomber and his strong support for super aircraft carriers. Of late, however, Radford has kept his views on these touchy subjects under wraps. * * * ON CAMPUS, faculty members in the Naval Reserve spoke of Rad- ford as "one of the most able bod- ied of the Navy's admirals." Prof. George Peek of the political science department who served five years in the World War II Pa- cific Naval campaign spoke of Radford as "a brilliant man with a great deal of imagination." Dean Ralph A. Sawyer of the graduate school also a naval re- serve officer called attention to the conflict between Air Force and Naval aviation and predicted Air Force objections to Radford's ap- pointment. Board Studies i Yearbook Due to a shipping delay, dis- - tribution of the Michiganensianf will not begin until Friday. Students may exchange their receiptnstub forythe yearbook from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday and Monday and from 9 a.m. } to noon Saturday. SA C Moves To Clarifyf Y { Quad Issue Acting to clarify jurisdictional confusion over residence hall stu-%>Y dent government, the Student Af- fairs Committee yesterday set up r a three-member sub-committee which will meet with a sub-group of the Residence Hall Board of ; Governers to discuss the problem and possibly arrive at a joint rec-! ommendation on it. Five Neutrals Would Act On Chinese Reject Political Conference Plan By the Associated Press The UN Command at Panmun- join presented a sweeping new truce proposal today providing that :r s all Korean prisoners refusing to return to Red control would be freed immediately after an armis- tice. Under the proposal, aimed at breaking the crucial prisoner ex- < change deadlock, balky Chinese r POWs would be placed in custody of a five-nation neutral repatria- tion commission. { ~ THE ALLIES flatly rejected a Communist proposal that a polit- ical conference settle the fate of prisoners persisting in their re- fusal to go home. Lt. Gen. William K. Harrison Jr., senior Allied truce dele- gate asked the Communists to ace study the plan "in the same spirit of constructive negotia- tions in which we have studied it is based." The Allies earlier had said some sections of the Communist plan- erment appeared im- particularly that concerning a po- e students yesterday litical conference handling of pris- urned the MSC cam- oners-would be "unworkable." After Harrison had completed nt discipline be ap- 'reading the lengthy counterpro- in Monday night's posals the Communists asked for ean of Students Tom a recess until 9 p.m. today. t night. The Allies accepted the Com- * * munists' proposal for a five-nation [D student leaders commission made up of India, Po- cd the raid as an un- land, Switzerland, Sweden and )n led by a minority Czechoslovakia but said the comn- 14,000 students. mission's supervision must be lim- ers of the student .ited to non-Korean prisoners of " face suspension war. By DEBRA DURCHSLAGI With no technical hitches, Ann Arbor bowed into the world of The Cloon Business and Person- coa.ial cables and plaster make-up at 7 p.m. yesterday with the initial al Income Tax Bill, recently draft- program of WPAG-TV. ed by the University's Legal Re- Broadcasting on Ultra-High Freqnency (UHF) Channel 20, the { search Center, was killed in the station will be available on most newer models of television sets. It State Senate yesterday and a new may be received on various empty channels, according to the particular tax plan substituted. set. Older sets require a conversion job in order to receive UHF signals. The new plan calls for taxation of "adjusted receipts of businesses" AFFILIATED WITH the Dumont Network, the station will be able personthaincomes includedsiness and to telecast programs supplied by all the TV networks in addition to CeoonBl p isin. in the Cloon Bill provisions. local features. "Regular reports to * * * the people by congressmen" are PROF. WILLIAM J. Pierce, asst.1 A m bas a or planned, according to Manager Ed- director of the Legal Center, com- A m bas ador ward F. Baughn. Special features mented on the substitute. "The' lsupplementextensive sports Senate Tax Committee gave us the From Indcoverage in Detroit, Ann Arbor, policies of the first bill, and we and professional eagues. functioned as a service aanviI The jurisdictional issue arose, over approval of the Inter-House Council constitution when it wasI discovered the Board of Governors 1R o er and SAC had conflicting grants of power over such student organi- I . zations. . . uspension, UNDER AUTHORITY given by _ the Regents, SAC has "full super- vision and control of all student By GENE HART activities, other than athletic ac- Suspension from school and loss of d tivities and those falling within minent for at least four Michigan Stat the jurisdiction of the Commit- who acted as leaders in the "panty raid" si WIG raft def e Colleg " that tu tee on Student Conduct." pus upside down for five hours Monday night. "Student leaders are urging that stringen plied to the more than 600 students involved To Lecture Immediate planar for the sta- tion include broadcasts only be- tween the hours of 7 and 10 p.m. except for afternoon telecasts of India's ambassador to the Unit- some Detroit Tiger home base- ed States, Gaganvihari L. Mehta, ball games. Manager Baughn will arrive here today to deliver plans to gradually expand opera- the keynote address in the Uni- tion into the daytime hours. ' versity's International Week pro- - The FCC has allocated two TV g . s"Towardchannels to Ann Arbor, Channel Mehta will speak on "Toward t, ,n r_ ----4 drafting it for them. While we think it is a good bill, there may be other plans just as workable as the one we worked on." "I have grave doubts however whether the new bill is in a form ready for enactment," he added. "It is possible that we may be called upon to redraft this bill also." But another Regent's rule gives the Board of Governors power to "adopt necessary reg- ulations for the government of residents in the residence halls," and under the interpretation now in effect, the power can- not be delegated to a group out- side of the residence halls, such as SAC. A Board of Governors sub-com- mittee had earlier recommendedi constitutions be submitted to SAC for "clearance and formal recog- nition," with final authority re- maining with the Board as estab- lished in the Regent's rule. The SAC sub-group will deter- mine how much force SAC recom- mendations would have on quad Frcterni riot," MSC De * * King said las ita* ULUS LV~u-Chang RushingRyule Fraternity house presidents yes- terday expressed favorable reaction toward an amendment to the rule which bans rushing counselors from participating in the rushing activities of his own fraternity. Several presidents expressed the opinion that under the new set- and the automatic lifting of * * * World Friendship" at 8:15 p.m. to- day in the Rackham Lecture Hall. THE AMBASSADOR has served in various aspects of governmental work, with an emphasis on eco- nomics. He has been president of the tariff board of India's national government, member of the Na- tional Planning Commission, pres- KING SAI have describe popular actioi of 200 out of Ring lead "panty raid i i 3 7 !a k 20, which is now WPAG-TV, and the non-commercial Channel 26,1 which the University may even- tually put into use. The transmitter and relay tower, for the Ann Arbor station is lo- cated"at Scio Church and Maple- wood Rd., just outside the city. The Cloon Bill, already passed by the House before it was stopped BuildingPlan in the Senate, had been sent here last week to be drafted to conformI constitutions, and possibly will suggest changing Regent's rules so th R SAC will h ra .nnnnval i k World News Roundup By the Associated Press, OTTAWA - Canada is proceed- ing with plans for the navigation part of the St. Lawrence Seaway "just as though we were going to build the project on our side," Transport Minister Lionel Chev- rier said in the House of Commons yesterday. WACO, Tex.--Thunder boom- ed a mournful dirge as grim- faced armed soldiers guarded storm-mauled Waco last night in the face of a warning there may be more of the tornadoes which have killed 73 in Texas. WASHINGTON - The House yesterday passed by voice vote a bill extending the doctors' draft for two years with amendments providing more liberal credit for previous military service. * * * i T!! ) : i i I with the Federal income tax laws. Activities Center Subject of Poll The Student Offices of the Un- ion have sent out a questionnaire to all campus organizations ask- ing the groups what facilities they I desire in the proposed new co- educational Student Activities Center. Union officials urge the groups receiving the questionnaires to re- turn them by 5 p.m. Monday. With plans underway to start ca " b ilnea "' c" " construction of the new county Iover these constitutions as itmdoes couthose ollng omeimein over the charters of other cam- courthouse rolling sometime mpus groups. September, the county Board of *s*r*s Supervisors met yesterday to ex- amine progress reports on the .t building. Council received a two-week ex- The placement of a $1,500 war tension of the temporary recogni- memorial statue in the lobby of tion previously given its proposed the courthouse was discussed but constitution by SAC. no final decision reached. Discussion yesterday indicated' The Board turned down bids of members might want to make mi.- several concessionaires for the nor changes in certain of the doc- management of a proposed snack- ument's provisions, so final con- bar in the building. Requests to sideration was delayed until the house juvenile delinquents in the May 26 meeting pending further courthouse were also dismissed. I study. up fraternities would be more lik- ely to name their best men as counselors. The bias clause question was also discussed at the district meetings. House presidents were told the IFC would investigate the possibilities of removing bias clauses from house charters through a fact-finding commit- tee only if asked to do sb by the .individual houses. their draft deferment, King MEANWHILE in Seoul reports said. As of now four are known indicated the heaviest fighting in to be facing such penalties. 10 days had erupted on the Korean King said college authorities Central Front. About 1,000 Chinese started today to question the 38 Communists attacked five Allied youths arrested and later would outposts and were repulsed with quiz, some 20 or 30 others who outpee ossanererplsdwt were booked but released without sThe Reds struck behind 2,650 jailing. rounds of artillery and mortar fire MSC President John Hannah, and surged over three of the United present director of manpower mo- Nations positions, including Out-, bilization in the Eisenhower ad- post Texas. Furious South Korean ministration has reportedly not counter-attacks hurled them back. yet publicly commented on the raid. * Mighty Sphinx COMMENTING on any disc1-t plinary action the University GrabsSlaves mgthave in mind in the even of a similar disturbance here, Dean of Student Erich Walter said Once again the Pharaoh has yesterday, "we don't expect to commanded his legions to cross cross that bridge because we hope the great desert and invade the we won't come to it." land of the barbarians to pick A Big Ten IFC-Panhel directive says no pressure will be placed on fraternities to remove their selec- tivity clauses. BROADCASTS BEAMED: . G. L. MEHTA ... Indian Ambassador * * * ident of the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce,-and dep- uty leader of the Indian delega- tion to the International Business Conference. Mehta has authored several books on international relations. Among them are "From Wrong Angles," "The Conscience of a Nation" and "Perseverities," which reflect India's internal re- actions to world events. University officials will meet Mehta's plane at Willow Run this morning. A complete campus tour with a visit to President Harlan Hatcher followed by dinner with SL Plans Cultural Contact With Berlin (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second in a series of three articles on the Free University of Berlin, which student Legislature has voted to adopt and support.) By DOROTHY MYERS In addition to arranging grants of material aid for the Free, University of Berlin and, the Office of All-German Student Affairs, the Student Legislature is making extensive plans for cultural con- tacts between the University and the two Berlin groups. Radio broadcasts' and exchanges of student art exhibits and literary efforts have been suggested as ways to further SL's plan for intellectual support of the- struggling five-year-old West Berlin school. PHILIP NIELS6N, Grad., who attended the Free University last year, has expressed hope that study or work camps might be organ- ized in Berlin to give Michigan students an opportunity to become acquainted with living conditions abroad while learning to speak German fluently and studying at the Free University. I is known too well from similar slaves for the Pharaoh's court. Walter said "the MSC affair is Once again the East has learned a most regrettable performance as to fear the Pharaoh's might. is known too well from similar Into the temple, where' gathers experiences of our own last year." the Court, came neophyte slaves University President Harlan to the Great Court of Sphinx. Hatcher particularly praised the Here they learned of many efforts of student leaders on the things. campus in preventing a reoccur- Here they learned to dedicate rance of what he termed last themselves to Michigan, and to year's "spring madness type of the Pharaoh. riot."- So came .. John Baity, Tony He said the administration Branoff, Dan Cline, Pete Dow, Don would have been forced to deal Eaddy, Norm Giddan, Ron Gora, rather severely with any similar Paul Groffsky, Gene Hartwig, erruption of student emotion this Steve Jelin, Red Johnson, Bumpy year. Jones, Andy Kaul, Paul Lepley, Harry Luchs, Al Mann, Jay Mar- IN OTHER PARTS of the coun - tin, Dick Pinkerton, Gregory try Monday night 1,500 Yale Uni- Schmidt Grant Scruggs, Ned Si- versity students pranced through mon, Jon Sobeloff, Mel Stevens, New Haven, Conn. streets. shoot- I rtWakeSobWelStndMar ingoffflecrcon. res werng rt Walker, Bob Wells and Mar- ing off firecrackers and showering vi isniewski. passersby with paper. yi W In Chicago Monday 400 Uni- versity of Chicago students car- Education Institute ried on a different type of dem- onstration, staging an orderly sit- Opens Here Today down strike in protest at the restoration of the four year col- Five hundred women are expect- lege program. ed to attend the Twenty-First An- nual Education Institute, co-spon- Pa e*ic s sored by the Michigan State Fed- Patel oDic s Fe-oCVRn3'cC-hh n BUENOS AIRES-The joint committee set up at President Juan Peron's suggestion to in- vestigate foreign news agencies in Argentina will hold its first meeting today WASHINGTON - Secretary of I C ::