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February 12, 1953 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1953-02-12

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12, 1953








ATOs Rip DKE, 63-20,
In 'B' Basketball Game
Psi U's Ted Warenock Tallies 23 Points;
Sigma Chi Triunphs Over Theta Xi, 42-15

Thinclad Trainer Develops
Heel Support for Athletes


. by kJohn Jenks


B-15 Air Force

DOES THE NAME PHIL DIAMOND mean anything to you? Unless
you're a track enthusiast or a jazz expert, the odds are pretty
good that it doesn't. Very few people outside of these categories are
aware of the various accomplishments of the former German professor
turned track expert.
It's really quite a tale, describing his numerous achievements.
Diamond is one of those fellows you always read about (but rarely
meet) who seems to be a success at everything he undertakes.
Right now he is best known as one of the leading track experts
in the country, the man who predicts cinder results with almost un-
canny accuracy.
The saga begins back in 1918 when the aspiring Diamond depart-
ed from the cultured East (Buffalo, New York) to continue his educa-
tion in the wild and woolly west (Ann Arbor). He arrived on the
Michigan campus with just enough funds to pay his out-state tuition
and carry him through the first semester.
The Six of Diamonds .. .
KNOWING THIAT such an embarrassing financial condition wouldn't
see him through college, the enterprising youth parlayed his
music talents into a means of livelihood. He organized a small band,
appropriately tagged "The Six of Diamonds," which played at all the
local events,including the '21 J-Hop.
Diamond also wrote the music for the 1918 Union Opera. He
contends that .his wife and he are the only married couple who are
members of Mimes, the Opera honrary society. (Four women were
included then because of the war-time man-power shortage, the,
only time the fairer sex cracked the charmed circle.)
During his college career Diamond never participated in sports
because of his band activities, which were necessary in keeping him
in school. However, he developed an unusually strong interest in track
in that period, and tried to analyze that sport "from an intellectual
point of view," as he expresses it.
He never gained any recognition with his cinder endeavors in
his undergraduate days, so it was just bandleader Diamond who
graduated a German major in 1922. He gave law a try at the
University of Buffalo for a year, but he returned to Ann Arbor
after that experience to play some more music while furthering
his education.
"I just couldn't make ends meet without that band money," he
recalls. "It kept me going until I picked up my teacher's union card
(Ph.D.) and became German instructor five years later." His in-
structor capacity caused him to retire from his band career and end-
ed the first phase of his tale.
Diamond PredictsUpset ...
DIAMOND NEVER DROPPED his avid interest in track during
the course of his graduate work. He became familiar with the
coaches.and writers who covered the sport, occasionally venturing
predictions in the face of all their assembled track knowledge.
His "big break" in that activity occurred in 1932 in the in-
door conference championship when the good professor predicted
Indiana would upset favored Michigan 28-27. The result actually
turned out to be 27 5/6 to 27 and the boom was on.
Since that time the Diamond legend has really mushroomed. The
year 1933 saw his predictions go out over the AP wires, and this prac-
tice continued for several years until he became the exclusive prop-
erty of the Detroit News. Diamond is also the midwestern representa-
tive of Track and Field, the national track magazine.
The amazing thing about the Diamond predictions is the fact
that he just doesn't predict the numerical results-'-he states who
will finish where in each event. His way of determining how acm
curate his prognostigations were looks like it's straight out of a
statistician's lab manual.
For example, here's how he fared in last year's outdoor con-
ference meet here in Ann Aizbor in the mile and the quarter-mile
Mile 5 5 S 5 22-17
440 4 4 5 4 4 -21
Diamond scores each place like the meet itself is scored. He gives him-
self a five if he calls it on the nose, a four if he is one place off, a three
if he's two places off, etc. A zero means he-missed completely.
THESCIENTIFIC PROFESSOR then takes the total number of
points possible and divides it into the number of points he got.
Generally he runs in the high 60's or the low 70's. He is quick to point
a out, however, that his predictions are made a week in advance and
he is handicapped by the fact that he isn't exactly sure who will run
in each event the following Saturday.
The zero recorded in the mile run might be due to the fact that
the fellow he picked for that spot on Tuesday didn't even run the race
on Saturday. On the night following the qualifying rounds Diamond
claims that he can call the meet with better than 90 per cent ac-
Diamond regards the 1935 outdoor conference meet as the
greatest track spectacle he has ever witnessed. That was the time,
you will remember, that Jesse Owens established three world
records. It was the professor's first crack at the timer's job and
he had some real timing to do that day.
His produest moment in a proud career came two years ago when
he was made an honorary 'M' club member. The professor, who re-
tired from the teaching profession in 1944 and only last year retired
from the record business, now spends his time energetically pursuing
his favorite hobby-track.

I Paul Sheedy* Switched to Wildroot Cream-Oil
Because He Flunked The Finger-Nail Test

The fast break and deadly set-
shot accuracy enabled Alpha Tau
Omega to swamp Delta Kappa
Epsilon, 63-20. in the opening con-
test of last night's Fraternity "B"
Basketball schedule.
ATO, using their starting five
throughout most of the game, had
four of their regulars hitting
double figures in the scoring col-
umn. Al Gunn of the victors was
the game's high scorer with 15
In another high-scoring encoun-
ter Psi Upsilon continued its win-
ning way with a 45-27 triumph
over Lambda Chi Alpha. Building
up a 22-13 halftime lead, the Psi
Upsilons had no trouble in main-
taining their scoring advantage
in the second half. Ted Warenock
of Psi Upsilon was the game's
high scorer as well as capturing
the scoring honors for the night
with 23 points.
In the most one-sided game 'of
the entire evening Alpha Delta
Phi trounced Delta Sigma Phi,
64-10. The AlphacDelts cleared
the bench and placed eleven men
in the scoring column. Paul
Goebel of the winners was the
game's top point-getter, hitting
the nets for 16 points.
Sigma Chi, playing a steady
brand of orthodox basketball, had
an easy time of it against an im-
potent Theta Xi quintet. The
final score was 42-15 with John

Fortenberry of the Sigma Chi's
being the game's most prolific
scorer and runner-up for the
night point race with nine field
Pi Lambda Phi beat the Chi
Phi's easily; 45-13, with Ed Roun-
er of the victors the high scorer
with 17 points on 8 field goals and
one free throw.
In the only two close, low-scor-
ing games of the night Delta Up-
silon managed to edge Tau Delta
Phi, 16-12, while a second half
rally enabled Phi Delta Theta to
beat Phi Sigma Kappa, 24-21.
Other I-M results:
Sigma Alpha Mu 27, Phi Kappa
Psi 12
Zeta Beta Tau 22, Phi Sigma
Delta 14
Chi Psi 52, Sigma Nu 19
Tau Kappa Epsilon over Sigma
Phi (forfeit)
Theta C rover Alpha Sigma
Phi (forfeit)
Michigan 2, Hayden 1
Chicago 2, Allen-Rumsey 0
Strauss over Adams (forfeit)
Nu Sigma Nu 2, Alpha Kappa
Kappa 1
Delta Sigma Delta 3, Phi Chi 0
Phi Delta Phi 4, Phi Alpha
Kappa 2

Trainer Jim Hunt has a soft
spot in his heart for a heel.
The one on the rear end of a
foot. An athlete's heel is a deli-
cate and important possession
that takes a lot of beating in
sports, especially from track and
field performers. High jumpers are
in the most danger of heel trouble.
SO TRAINER HUNT decided to
do something about it, since old-
fashioned tape did not provide suf-
ficient protection.
In 1950, while attending a
physical medicine convention in
Boston, Hunt was shown a new
plastic developed mainly for
paralytics that they might use
paralyzed appendages.
Viewing the plastic, Hunt con-
ceived the idea of adapting it to
heel protection. Immediately he
began to work on the idea.
HE CAME UP with a plastic
heel protector for high jumpers.
The results were so satisfactory
that other performers also tried
the gadget. It has been in use
about a year and its effectiveness
is firmly established.
However, the heel protector
has not been reserved for track
and field stars. Center Paul
Groffsky of the Wolverine bas-
ketball squad had one made aft-
er suffering a bruised heel in
the recent contest with Illinois.
Milt Mead also wears one.
Some of the track and field per-
sonnel wear the heel protector con-
tinuously for constant protection.
But, whenever a hard-working lad
in any sport shows up with a

bruised heel to prove his devotion
to sports, a heel protector is
formed. A plaster mold is made
of the heel to be fitted, and from
the mold the plastic protector is
However, the plastic heel pro-
tector is not really plastic. It is
made of fiber glass and resin, a
combination often called plastic.
So far, Michigan houses the
only athletic teams to take ad-
vantage of Hunt's ingenuity. But
the odd-looking safety device
could very well be adopted by oth-
er conscientious trainers. For it is
a long stride toward safer sports.
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