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May 10, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-05-10

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See Page 4

Latest Deadline in the State


Q S . ,




W. Germany
Will Reject
Neutrality Plan,
Disarmament Hit
spokesman for the West Germa
government today turned thumbs
down on any East-West settlemeni
of the cold war based on a reuni-
fied but disarmed and neutralizec
Heinrich Von Brentano, parlia-
mentary floor leader for the rul-
ing Christian Democratic Party at
Bonn, told the European consul-
tative assembly that any accorc
among the major powers obliging
the Germans to renounce a policy
of peaceful cooperation with other
European states would be "com-
pletely unacceptable."
A * * *
HIS STATEMENT referred to
speculation that Soviet Russia may
Y soon offer free elections in Ger-
many, the formation of an all-
German government and the end
of the occupation there in return
for Germany's departure from the
'v Schuman-plan steel and coal com-
munity, the six-nation European
Defense Community (EDC) and
the projected Continental Politi-
cal Union.
Such a step, he said, "would iso-
late the German people and gpfe
rise to a new wave of nationalism
in Germany."
This, he added, would make Ger-
many "another parcel in the So-
viet domain" and open a new
dangerous phase of the world's
struggle for liberty.
Van Brentano asserted "an im-
mense majority" of all Germans
want to collaborate with the free
peoples of Europe.
CITING THE thousands of re-
fugees from the Soviet zone, Von
Brentano said this flood was proof
enough that the 18 million Ger-
mans in the Soviet zone support
v the West German government's
Von Brentano was defending a
section of a proposed six-nation
constitution which would extend
the European community to the
Eastern zone in the event the two
parts of Germany were reunified.
Large Cuts
In Treasury
Budget Told
Treasury Department proposes to
cut its operating budget by 50 mil-
lion dollars-12.2 percent-and its
* payroll by 3,766 persons, a House
Appropriation Subcommittee re-
vealed yesterday.
a The subcommittee released re-
vised budget estimates showing a
decrease of 1,528 men in the Coast
Guard and 908 persons in the Bu-
reau of Internal Revenue. Both
agencies are under the Depart-
Secretary of the Treasury Hum-
phrey said the personnel cuts
would mean 4,326 fewer employes
than planned in the budget re-
commended by former President
i ,Humphrey proposed a $50,883,-
000 slash in the Truman requests

for new appropriations to meet the
Department's flexible require-
ments. Truman asked for $655,-
This would be $40,568,000 under
appropriations voted by Congress
last year, Humphrey said.
The Treasury is requesting a
total revised budget of $16,587,-
4 000,000 for the fiscal year starting
July 1, but most of this goes for
such fixed expenses as paying in-
terest on the national debt.
"To some extent," Humphrey
t said, "these reductions are predi-
cated on our ability to develop
during the next 15 months meth-
ods of accomplishing savings
which are not now clearly in sight.
It may be that further methods of
savirg can be found, and this ob-
jective will of course be vigorous-
ly pursued."
The Appropriations Subcommit-
tee, headed by Rep. Canfield (R-
s NJ), is still considering the Trea-
sury budget.

Calling KB7938

DETROIT - (A) - President
Eisenhower has made it offi-
cial now - he endorses and
thoroughly approves of the
game of golf.
The President put his enthu-
siasm for the links into a mes-
sage from the White House to
sponsors of the annual Profes-
sional Golfers' Association
(PGA) Tournament, to be held
at the suburban Birmingham
Country Club July 1-7.
Addressed to "Golfers and
Fellow Duffers," the message
said, in part:
"While I know that I speak
with the partisanship of an en-.
thusiast, golf obviously pro-
vides one of our best forms of
healthful exercise, accompanied
by good fellowship and com-

Reds Say 'Explanation' Would


Voluntary POW Return


Plant .Depart ment Uses
Two Way Radio Set-up
Calling KB7938. Calling KB7938.
This code call is neither an urgent message to a cabbie to pick
up a stranded fare nor to one of the many police cars cruising the
streets of Ann Arbor.
* * * ,
THE UNIVERSITY'S Plant Department has installed a two way
radio' system to facilitate its business day.
Used for communication between the department's two
dispatch cars and the dispatchers office in the home building
the system comes in handy by getting men and materials to
out of the way jobs quickly.

Labor Gains
350 British
Local Seats
LONDON - (AP) - Laborites,
chalked up big gains in this week's
local elections, but both sides
claimed today their popularity has
Jubilant Laborites took more
than 350 Conservative seats in
voting for nearly 3,000 places on
t o w n and borough councils
throughout Britain.
LABOR SAID the outcome
showed public dislike of the con-
servative government. Prime Min-
ister Churchill's Conservatives
pointed out they polled more votes
than the Laborites, and said the

-Daily-Don Campbell
* * * * * *

* * *

Blues Rout Whites in M Grd Windup

Scoring two touchdowns in the
first four minutes of play, the
Blues smashed to a one-sided 54-
12 victory over the Whites in the
annual intra-squad football game
played yesterday in Michigan Sta-
The contest concluded the 20,

B raun Case
After six months of charges,
counter-charges and negotiations,
the long-smouldering case of Bert
Braun, '54, was finally brought to
a close yesterday as West Quad
Council president Sam Alfieri, '54
A&D, issued a statement of apol-
ogy to Braun and Michigan House.
In a statement to the Inter-
House Council judiciary commit-
tee, Alfieri, speaking for the Quad
Council, expressed "regret" at "the
hasty manner" in which Michigan
House representative Braun was
expelled from the West Quad
Council last November.
Braun was ousted from his
post for "acting to the detriment
of therCouncil." Michigan House
then withdrew its representatives
from the Council,tbut returned
them April 15, on the basis of an
agreement that Braun would re-
sign from the Council and that the
Council would publicly apologize
to Braun and Michigan House.
Recognizing that "the propri-
ety" of the expulsion is "an in-
soluble question, the Quad Coun-
cil also agreed not to oust any
of its representatives" as long
as the present constitution is in
IHC judiciary committee head
Pete Firmin, Grad., said yester-
day his committee considered that
a satisfactory settlement had been
agreed upon and that "the case
is now closed."
The West Quad Council state-
ment was the result of continued
negotiations with Michigan House
Alfieri's statement also offered
"sincere apologies to Michigan
House" and Braun for several "de-
rogatory and defamatory state-
ments" which appeared in the De-
cember 16, 1952 issue of the "Dial,"
West Quad newspaper.
Awards Won
By Reviewers
Taking first place in The Daily
sponsored movie review contest
Don Potter, '55, will receive five
large Toulouse-Lautrec posters for
his prize winning review of the
movie "Moulin Rouge," which ap-
pears ondthe editorial page today.
Second prize, a portfolio of
smaller prints went to William
Himelhoch, '54, while Clarence

Incoming telephone calls which

request Plant Department Service swing really was toward the gov-
pass through the dispatcher's of- ernment.
fice where they are relayed to the T.--

dispatch trucks.i
The truck driver with a radio
installed in his vehicle usually'
makes an average of 35 calls back
to the central office during a
working day.
THE CALLS vary in purpose

Independents, Liberals


Communists all showed net loss-
Neutral observers, without min-
imizing the Labor gains within the
local councils, doubted whether
these elections*were any accurate
guide to how Britain would vote!

cay spring practice session
terminated football activity
next fall.


and may include orders to an..QnoW if .House. of Commons seats

_ _ ._ _ ,

other truck to haul away some
green grass seed to, in rare in-I
stances, calling for an ambulance
if an accident has occurred on
the job.
A dispatch truck may be dis-
tinguished from other Univer-
sity maintenance vehicles by a
special adornment-a huge whip
antennae with a bright colored
ribbon tied to the top of it.
Joe Swanson, originator of the
PlantDepartment's radio system,
says that the ribbons were once
colored maize and blue but forE
inexplicable reasons have been re-
C-ieto To Speak
On Lati nCulture
Prof. Carlos Cueto, Dean of Edu-
cation at San Marcos University,
Lima, Peru, will speak tomorrow
and Tuesday on topics of interest
to students of Latin American cul-
ture and civilization.
"The Legend of Peru" will be
the subject of the first talk to be
given in Spanish at 4:15 p.m.
Tuesday in Auditorium A, Angell
Course suggestion and criti-
cism sheets for the engineering
college will be available tomor-
row and Tuesday at the aero-
nautical and mechanical en-
gineering offices.


were at stake. Many editorial writ-
ers were frankly puzzled.
T h e Liberal News Chronicle'
said: "taken at their face value,
the figures show that the Labor
Party has regained some, though
by' no means all, of the ground it
lost in recent comparable elections.
But only a month ago the Gallup
Poll showed that the Tories were
well ahead in public favor."
Scholarships Won

By the Associated Press
HEBRON, Neb. - A tornado'
struck Hebron in southeastern
Nebraska yesterday, causing many
injuries and extensive property
damage. .
E. H. Wellman, manager of the
telephone company, said the hos-
pital was filled but he could not
estimate how many were hurt. He
had no report of any deaths. he

ED HICKEY, who alternated
with Tony Branoff- at right half,
and Ted Kress both dashed for
two touchdowns to pace the pro-
ductive Blue team attack. Bob
Topp, Dick Balzhiser, Branoff,
George Corey and Duncan McDon-
ald added the remaining scores.
Following the scrimmage, Don
Dugger, hustling junior guard,
already the recipient of. two var-
sity football letters, and sopho-
more Branoff were named the
joint winners of the Meyer W.
Morton trophy. The trophy is
annually presented to the play-
er who shows the greatest im-
provement in spring practice.
Dugger's share of the citation
was due primarily to the outstand-
ing progress he has made this
spring in mastering the rudiments
of offensive play. Strictly a defen-
sive performer last year, the 185
pound lineman's offensive im-
provement has earned him a first
string two-way guard post.
BRANOFF, an outstanding half-
back as a freshmannhas pro-
gressed both defensively and of-
fensively. Last year he was slight-
ly slow picking up speed on run-
ning plays, but seems to have cor-
rected this weakness in spring
Law Revised
By 'U' Center

By 'U' E i nEc4 WASHINGTON - Prospects of
practically no red tape for mil-
lions of income tax payers-and of
The engineering college has an- jail for those who try to cheat-;
naunced the awarding of four jwereoutlined yesterday by the na-
scholarships to chemical and elec- tion's new tax-collectinig chief.
trical engineering students. T. Coleman Andrews, the Eis-
The electrical engineering schol- enhower administration's Commis-
arships recipients are Arthur T. sioner of Internal Revenue, talked
Bublitz, '53E, the $2,000 Westing- about his policies in an interview
house Fellowship; William W. and in testimony, made public to-
Sherman, '54E, the $500 General day before a House Appropriations

He also has taken over the
first string kickoff job and is an
excellent possibility for the reg-
ular punting duties.
Both Dugger and Branoff drew
high praise from Coach Bennie
Oosterbaan and the rest of the
coaching staff for their concen-
tration and hustle this spring.
Kress sent the Blue team, which
consisted of the first and second
stringers, into a 6-0 lead on the
third play of the game. The shifty
tailback skirted right end and
broke into the clear for a 45 yard
touchdown gallop.
After failing to gain in three,
plays following the ensuing kick-
See TROPHY, Page 3
Hit in NLRB
Case Decision
National Labor Relations Board
(NLRB) said yesterday the AFL's
International Typographical Union
(ITU) seems to be still trying to
obtain illegal closed shops condi-
tions "by one device or another."
The NLRB's accusation came in
a decision holding the ITU guilty
of refusing to bargain in good faith
because it insisted during five
months ending in March, 1948, on
trying to negotiate contracts which
could be canceled on 60 days no-
THE NLRB ruling, which was
unanimous, just about rang down
the curtain on the nearly six-year-
old case. It was brought against
the ITU by the American News-
paper Publishers Association
(ANPA) in September, 1947, short-
ly after the Taft-Hartley Labor
Law went into effect.
The law bars the closed shop,
which had been a traditional
"union security" condition in the
printing industry for years. Un-
der the. closed shop a company
may employ only workers who
are union members.
In its ruling yesterday the
NLRB noted it had pointed out in
previous ITU cases that the union
was seeking to use the bargaining
process with commercial and
newspaper printing owners "as a
means of obtaining 'closed shop'
conditions by one device or an-
The NLRB ruled that the de-
mand for contracts which could
be canceled on 60 days notice was
a device to keep closed shop condi-
Vulcan alls
To Followers
Mighty Vulcan, holding court in

Allies Doubt
Ask Clarification
Of All Truce Aims
PANMUNJOM - () - Com-
munist truce negotiators today in-
sisted that all the, 48,500 Red pris-
oners held by the Allies would be
willing to return to their home-
lands after explanations were
made to them by their own peo-
ple following a Korean armistice.
* * *
"more than doubtful."
The Red statement was made
at today's 59-minute truce ses-
sion by the top Red negotiator,
North Korean Gen. Nam II, as
he answered some of the many
questions asked of the Commun-
ists yesterday by the senior UN
command truce delegate, Lt.
Gen. William K. Harrison.
Harrison sought amplification
of the Communists' latest proposal
for settling the balky POW ex-
change issue. The meeting ad-
journed until 9 p.m. today.
* 34 *
NAM INSISTED that all the
48,500 North Korean and Chinese
prisoners, who have said they don't
want to retun to Red territory,
would go home after they had
matters explained to them in a
neutral camp.
Nam insisted, too, that the
disposition of any prisoners still
balking after the explanations
should be decided at a political
conference to be held after a
truce is effected.
Nam said that,,differences in the
five-nation neutral commission
which would be set up under the
Red plan for handling the left-
over POWs, could be settled by
majority vote.
* 1*
THE RED proposal to leave to
the neutral commission the fate
of prisoners who can't be "per-
suaded" over a four-month period
of custody is a key point in the
Red eight-point plan-one that
may draw a flat thumbs down
from the Allies.
Yesterday questions by Harrison
strongly indicated that his com-
mand would not accept such a
proposal. He said then the Red
proposal contained "no final so-
Meanwhile, at the scene of tie
fighting an American Starfire
Night Fighter pilot today reported
the first victory for that new type
jet over a Red Mig-15 in the Ko-
rean War.
A U.S. Fifth Air Force pilot said
two Red jets were engaged by the
F-94 night fighting Starfires over
northwest Korea's Mig Alley last
Except for two sharp, hand-to-
hand patrol clashes in no-man's
land, fighting on the ground was
generally light.
Dedication Set
For Diag 'M'
The large bronze 'M' which has
just been' set in the center of the
diagonal will be presented to Pres-
ident Harlan Hatcher and repre-
sentatives of the, alumni associa-
tions by John E. Flynn, '53 A&D,
at 12:45 Monday.

Flynn, chairman of the Senior
Board, will represent the Class of
1953 in making the dedication.
The gift of the Class of 1953,
the 'M' is replacing the old brick
design which was removed last
The design was planned through
the cooperative effort of several
architecture students. It is of
semi-polished bronze and inlayed
in a four feet blue tinted concrete
block. Forty-six inches high and
53 inches wide, the 'M' costabout

Electric Scholarship and Frederick Subcommittee. Five Law School professors of
Marshall Waltz, '54E, the $500 1 * the University's Legislative Re-
Louis Allis Scholarship. WASHINGTON -- Managing search Center finished work yes-
James McKee Ryan, '54E, has Editor J. R. Wiggins of the Wash- terday on a revision of the Cloon
been awarded the $500 Universal ington Post said today nothing in State Taxation Bill, making the
Oil Products Company Scholar- the history of parliamentary bill conform with the federal In-
ship. bodies inspires "confidence in ternal Revenue Code.
_-____them as safe judges of freedom of The revision, retaining all major
the press." policies of the original bill and
Co-op oHolIn obvious reference to activi- providing for a two per cent tax
Barbecue Tdayties of Senate committees headed on all corporate and personal net
O~cy by Sens. McCarthy (R-Wis) and incomes above $10,000, was drawn
Jenner (R-Ind) and Rep. Velde up after a week of concentrated
The Inter-Co-op Council will (R-Ill), Wiggins said some con- effort by the Research Center and
hold an all-campus barbecue from gressional committees have per- dispatched to Lansing yesterday in
2:30 until 10 p.m. today -at the formed "essentially judicial func- time to beat the May 19 deadline
Island Park. tions." on tax measures.


An international cast will pre-
sent their combined interpreta-
tions of what international rela-
tions can be in "The Rainbow," a
program scheduled for 2:30 p.m.
today in Hill Auditorium.
Planned and directed by the
Student Legislature International
Committee, the program will fea-
ture Rajesh Gupta, Grad., who
will shed his American clothing
in favor of his native Indian cos-

To Present 'The Rainbow'

* 4 * 4

torium as the cast, group by
group, takes over the stage. In-
cluded op the program will be a
Mexican Hat Dance, Philippine
Island dances, a Thailand
(Siam) dance, a Manipuri Dance
of India, a Chinese dance and
song, Hawaiian dances and
songs, songs by the campus Rus-
sian Chorus, a Ukrainian dance,
a Japanese "Coal Miner's
Dance" and India's "Dance of

.~ ~ ~

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